''' Copyright 2024 Infosys Ltd. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' from dataclasses import dataclass from pydantic import BaseModel, Field,Extra from typing import Optional, Union, List from enum import Enum class Choice(BaseModel): text:str= Field(example="Russia is the biggest country by area.") index:int=Field(example=0) finishReason:str=Field(example="length") class Config: orm_mode = True class Result(str, Enum): PASSED = 'PASSED' FAILED = 'FAILED' UNMODERATED = 'UNMODERATED' class Config: orm_mode = True class MODCHECKS(str, Enum): PromptInjection = 'PromptInjection' JailBreak = 'JailBreak' Toxicity = 'Toxicity' Piidetct = 'Piidetct' Refusal = 'Refusal' Profanity = 'Profanity' RestrictTopic = 'RestrictTopic' TextQuality = 'TextQuality' TextRelevance = "TextRelevance" CustomizedTheme = "CustomizedTheme" class Config: orm_mode = True class llm_Based_Checks(str, Enum): smoothLlmCheck = 'smoothLlmCheck' bergeronCheck = 'bergeronCheck' class Config: orm_mode = True class PIICHECKS(str, Enum): PERSON = 'PERSON' LOCATION = 'LOCATION' DATE = 'DATE' AU_ABN = 'AU_ABN' AU_ACN = 'AU_ACN' AADHAR_NUMBER = 'AADHAR_NUMBER' AU_MEDICARE = 'AU_MEDICARE' AU_TFN = 'AU_TFN' CREDIT_CARD = 'CREDIT_CARD' CRYPTO = 'CRYPTO' DATE_TIME = 'DATE_TIME' EMAIL_ADDRESS = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS' ES_NIF = 'ES_NIF' IBAN_CODE = 'IBAN_CODE' IP_ADDRESS = 'IP_ADDRESS' IT_DRIVER_LICENSE = 'IT_DRIVER_LICENSE' IT_FISCAL_CODE = 'IT_FISCAL_CODE' IT_IDENTITY_CARD = 'IT_IDENTITY_CARD' IT_PASSPORT = 'IT_PASSPORT' IT_VAT_CODE = 'IT_VAT_CODE' MEDICAL_LICENSE = 'MEDICAL_LICENSE' PAN_Number = 'PAN_Number' IN_PAN = 'IN_PAN' PHONE_NUMBER = 'PHONE_NUMBER' SG_NRIC_FIN = 'SG_NRIC_FIN' UK_NHS = 'UK_NHS' URL = 'URL' PASSPORT = 'PASSPORT' US_ITIN = 'US_ITIN' US_PASSPORT = 'US_PASSPORT' US_SSN = 'US_SSN' class Config: orm_mode = True # class PIICHECKSToBlock(str, Enum): # PERSON = 'PERSON' # LOCATION = 'LOCATION' # DATE = 'DATE' # AU_ABN = 'AU_ABN' # AU_ACN = 'AU_ACN' # AADHAR_NUMBER = 'AADHAR_NUMBER' # AU_MEDICARE = 'AU_MEDICARE' # AU_TFN = 'AU_TFN' # CREDIT_CARD = 'CREDIT_CARD' # CRYPTO = 'CRYPTO' # DATE_TIME = 'DATE_TIME' # EMAIL_ADDRESS = 'EMAIL_ADDRESS' # ES_NIF = 'ES_NIF' # IBAN_CODE = 'IBAN_CODE' # IP_ADDRESS = 'IP_ADDRESS' # IT_DRIVER_LICENSE = 'IT_DRIVER_LICENSE' # IT_FISCAL_CODE = 'IT_FISCAL_CODE' # IT_IDENTITY_CARD = 'IT_IDENTITY_CARD' # IT_PASSPORT = 'IT_PASSPORT' # IT_VAT_CODE = 'IT_VAT_CODE' # MEDICAL_LICENSE = 'MEDICAL_LICENSE' # PAN_Number = 'PAN_Number' # PHONE_NUMBER = 'PHONE_NUMBER' # SG_NRIC_FIN = 'SG_NRIC_FIN' # UK_NHS = 'UK_NHS' # URL = 'URL' # PASSPORT = 'PASSPORT' # US_ITIN = 'US_ITIN' # US_PASSPORT = 'US_PASSPORT' # US_SSN = 'US_SSN' # class Config: # orm_mode = True class promptInjectionCheck(BaseModel): injectionConfidenceScore:str = Field(example="0.98") injectionThreshold:str = Field(example="0.70") result:Result=Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class jailbreakCheck(BaseModel): jailbreakSimilarityScore:str =Field(example="0.82") jailbreakThreshold:str =Field(example="0.6") result:Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class refusalCheck(BaseModel): refusalSimilarityScore:str =Field(example="0.82") RefusalThreshold:str =Field(example="0.6") result:Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class textRelevanceCheck(BaseModel): PromptResponseSimilarityScore:str =Field(example="0.82") class privacyCheck(BaseModel): entitiesRecognised:List = Field(example=['PERSON']) entitiesConfiguredToBlock:List = Field(example=['ADHAR_NUMBER']) result:Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class toxicityCheck(BaseModel): toxicityScore:List = Field(example=[{'toxicity': '0.85'}]) toxicitythreshold: str = Field(example="0.55") result:Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class smoothLlmCheck(BaseModel): smoothLlmScore: str = Field(example="0.0") smoothLlmThreshold: str = Field(example="0.6") result:Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class bergeronCheck(BaseModel): text:str= Field(example="SAFE") result:Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class profanityCheck(BaseModel): profaneWordsIdentified:List = Field(['bullshit']) profaneWordsthreshold: str = Field(example="2") result:Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class summary(BaseModel): status: str = Field(example="REJECTED") reason:List =Field(example=["PROMPT-INJECTION", "PRIVACY"]) class Config: orm_mode = True class restrictedtopic(BaseModel): topicScores: List = Field(example=[{'Explosives': '0.85'}]) topicThreshold: str = Field(example="0.65") result: Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class profanityPopupRequest(BaseModel): text: str = Field(example="Which is the biggest country in the world?") class covRequest(BaseModel): text: str = Field(example="Which is the biggest country in the world?") complexity : str = Field(enum=["simple", "medium", "complex"]) model_name: Optional[str] =Field(example="gpt4") class privacyPopupRequest(BaseModel): text: str = Field(example="Which is the biggest country in the world?") # PiientitiesConfiguredToDetect:List[PIICHECKS] = Field(example=['PERSON','LOCATION','DATE','AU_ABN','AU_ACN','AADHAR_NUMBER','AU_MEDICARE','AU_TFN','CREDIT_CARD','CRYPTO','DATE_TIME','EMAIL_ADDRESS','ES_NIF','IBAN_CODE','IP_ADDRESS','IT_DRIVER_LICENSE','IT_FISCAL_CODE','IT_IDENTITY_CARD','IT_PASSPORT','IT_VAT_CODE','MEDICAL_LICENSE','PAN_Number','PHONE_NUMBER','SG_NRIC_FIN','UK_NHS','URL','PASSPORT','US_ITIN','US_PASSPORT','US_SSN']) PiientitiesConfiguredToBlock:List[PIICHECKS] = Field(example=["AADHAR_NUMBER","PAN_Number"]) class textQuality(BaseModel): readabilityScore : str=Field(example="80") textGrade : str=Field(example="Grade 12-13") class Config: orm_mode = True class customThemeCheck(BaseModel): customSimilarityScore:str =Field(example="0.82") themeThreshold:str =Field(example="0.6") result:Result =Field(example="PASSED") class Config: orm_mode = True class PiiEntitiesforPopup(BaseModel): EntityType: str = Field(example="US_SSN") beginOffset: int = Field(example=19) endOffset: int = Field(example=28) value: str =Field(example = "Karan") # @dataclass class PrivacyPopup(BaseModel): entitiesToDetect:list = Field(example=["US_SSN"]) entitiesToBlock :list = Field(example=["US_SSN"]) entitiesRecognized :list[PiiEntitiesforPopup] result:str =Field(example="Passsed") class PrivacyPopupResponse(BaseModel): privacyCheck: List[PrivacyPopup] class Config: orm_mode = True class RequestModeration(BaseModel): text :str = Field(example="Which is the biggest country in the world?") promptInjectionCheck : promptInjectionCheck jailbreakCheck : jailbreakCheck privacyCheck : privacyCheck profanityCheck : profanityCheck toxicityCheck : toxicityCheck restrictedtopic : restrictedtopic textQuality : textQuality refusalCheck : refusalCheck # textRelevance : textRelevanceCheck customThemeCheck : customThemeCheck summary : summary class Config: orm_mode = True class CoupledRequestModeration(BaseModel): text :str = Field(example="Which is the biggest country in the world?") promptInjectionCheck : promptInjectionCheck jailbreakCheck : jailbreakCheck privacyCheck : privacyCheck profanityCheck : profanityCheck toxicityCheck : toxicityCheck restrictedtopic : restrictedtopic textQuality : textQuality refusalCheck : refusalCheck # textRelevance : textRelevanceCheck customThemeCheck : customThemeCheck randomNoiseCheck : smoothLlmCheck advancedJailbreakCheck: bergeronCheck summary : summary class Config: orm_mode = True class ModerationResults(BaseModel): lotNumber:Optional[str] = Field(example="1") uniqueid:str = Field(example= "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000") created:Optional[str] =Field(example='1646932609') moderationResults : RequestModeration class Config: orm_mode = True class TOXTHRESHOLDS(BaseModel): ToxicityThreshold: float = Field(example=0.60) SevereToxicityThreshold: float = Field(example=0.60) ObsceneThreshold: float = Field(example=0.60) ThreatThreshold: float = Field(example=0.60) InsultThreshold: float = Field(example=0.60) IdentityAttackThreshold: float = Field(example=0.60) SexualExplicitThreshold: float = Field(example=0.60) class Config: orm_mode = True class RTTHRESHOLDS(BaseModel): RestrictedtopicThreshold: float = Field(example=0.70) Restrictedtopics: List = Field(["Terrorism", "Explosives"]) class Config: orm_mode = True class CustomThemeTexts(BaseModel): Themename: str Themethresold: float = Field(example=0.60) ThemeTexts: List =Field(example=["Text1","Text2","Text3"]) class Config: orm_mode = True class MODTHRESHOLDS(BaseModel): PromptinjectionThreshold: float = Field(example=0.70) JailbreakThreshold: float = Field(example=0.70) # PiientitiesConfiguredToDetect:List[PIICHECKS] = Field(example=['PERSON','LOCATION','DATE','AU_ABN','AU_ACN','AADHAR_NUMBER','AU_MEDICARE','AU_TFN','CREDIT_CARD','CRYPTO','DATE_TIME','EMAIL_ADDRESS','ES_NIF','IBAN_CODE','IP_ADDRESS','IT_DRIVER_LICENSE','IT_FISCAL_CODE','IT_IDENTITY_CARD','IT_PASSPORT','IT_VAT_CODE','MEDICAL_LICENSE','PAN_Number','PHONE_NUMBER','SG_NRIC_FIN','UK_NHS','URL','PASSPORT','US_ITIN','US_PASSPORT','US_SSN']) PiientitiesConfiguredToBlock:List[PIICHECKS] = Field(example=["AADHAR_NUMBER","PAN_Number"]) RefusalThreshold: float = Field(example=0.70) ToxicityThresholds: TOXTHRESHOLDS ProfanityCountThreshold: int = Field(example=1) RestrictedtopicDetails: RTTHRESHOLDS CustomTheme: CustomThemeTexts class Config: orm_mode = True class SmoothLlmThreshold(BaseModel): input_pertubation: float = Field(example=0.1) number_of_iteration: int = Field(example=4) SmoothLlmThreshold: float = Field(example=0.6) class Config: orm_mode = True class COUPLEDMODERATIONTHRESHOLD(BaseModel): PromptinjectionThreshold: float = Field(example=0.70) JailbreakThreshold: float = Field(example=0.70) # PiientitiesConfiguredToDetect:List[PIICHECKS] = Field(example=['PERSON','LOCATION','DATE','AU_ABN','AU_ACN','AADHAR_NUMBER','AU_MEDICARE','AU_TFN','CREDIT_CARD','CRYPTO','DATE_TIME','EMAIL_ADDRESS','ES_NIF','IBAN_CODE','IP_ADDRESS','IT_DRIVER_LICENSE','IT_FISCAL_CODE','IT_IDENTITY_CARD','IT_PASSPORT','IT_VAT_CODE','MEDICAL_LICENSE','PAN_Number','PHONE_NUMBER','SG_NRIC_FIN','UK_NHS','URL','PASSPORT','US_ITIN','US_PASSPORT','US_SSN']) PiientitiesConfiguredToBlock:List[PIICHECKS] = Field(example=["AADHAR_NUMBER","PAN_Number"]) RefusalThreshold: float = Field(example=0.70) ToxicityThresholds: TOXTHRESHOLDS ProfanityCountThreshold: int = Field(example=1) RestrictedtopicDetails: RTTHRESHOLDS CustomTheme: CustomThemeTexts SmoothLlmThreshold: SmoothLlmThreshold class Config: orm_mode = True class completionRequest(BaseModel): AccountName: Optional[str] =Field(None,example="None") userid:str=Field(None,example="None") PortfolioName: Optional[str] =Field(None,example="None") lotNumber: Optional[str] =Field(None,example="1") Prompt: str = Field(example= "Which is the biggest country in the world?") ModerationChecks : List[MODCHECKS] = Field(example=['PromptInjection','JailBreak','Toxicity','Piidetct','Refusal','Profanity','RestrictTopic',"TextQuality","CustomizedTheme"]) ModerationCheckThresholds: Union[COUPLEDMODERATIONTHRESHOLD,MODTHRESHOLDS] # llm_BasedChecks: List[llm_Based_Checks] = Field(example=['smoothLlmCheck','bergeronCheck']) class Config: orm_mode = True class Rating(str, Enum): Good = 'Good' Bad = 'Bad' class Feedback(BaseModel): user_id: str message: str rating: Rating class toxicityPopupRequest(BaseModel): text: str = Field(example="Which is the biggest country in the world?") ToxicityThreshold: TOXTHRESHOLDS class openAIRequest(BaseModel): Prompt: str = Field(example= "Which is the biggest country in the world?") temperature: str = Field(example="0") model_name: Optional[str] =Field(example="gpt4") class Config: orm_mode = True class translateRequest(BaseModel): Prompt: str = Field(example= "Which is the biggest country in the world?") choice: str = Field(example="google") class translateResponse(BaseModel): text:str= Field(example="Russia is the biggest country by area.") language:str=Field(example="English") class coupledcompletionRequest(BaseModel): AccountName: Optional[str] =Field(None,example="None") PortfolioName: Optional[str] =Field(None,example="None") userid: Optional[str] =Field(None,example="None") model_name: Optional[str] =Field(example="gpt4") translate: str = Field(example="no") lotNumber: Optional[int] =Field(None,example=1) temperature: str = Field(example="0") LLMinteraction: str = Field(example="yes") #LLMmodel:str = Field(example="Llama or Openai or Bloom") # SelfReminder :bool =Field(example=True) # GoalPriority: Optional[bool] =Field(None,example=True) PromptTemplate: str =Field(example="GoalPriority") Prompt: str = Field(example= "Which is the biggest country in the world?") InputModerationChecks : List[MODCHECKS] = Field(example=['PromptInjection','JailBreak','Toxicity','Piidetct','Refusal','Profanity','RestrictTopic',"TextQuality","CustomizedTheme"]) OutputModerationChecks : List[MODCHECKS] = Field(example=['Toxicity','Piidetct','Refusal','Profanity','RestrictTopic',"TextQuality","TextRelevance"]) llm_BasedChecks: List[llm_Based_Checks] = Field(example=['smoothLlmCheck','bergeronCheck']) ModerationCheckThresholds: COUPLEDMODERATIONTHRESHOLD class Config: orm_mode = True class Choice(BaseModel): text:str= Field(example="Russia is the biggest country by area.") index:int=Field(example=0) finishReason:str=Field(example="length") class Config: orm_mode = True class ResponseModeration(BaseModel): generatedText:str=Field(example="Russia is the biggest country by area.") privacyCheck: privacyCheck profanityCheck:profanityCheck toxicityCheck : toxicityCheck restrictedtopic : restrictedtopic textQuality : textQuality textRelevanceCheck : textRelevanceCheck refusalCheck : refusalCheck summary : summary class Config: orm_mode = True class RestrictedTopicRequest(BaseModel): text:str= Field(example="Russia is the biggest country by area.") labels:List = Field(["Terrorism", "Explosives"]) class Config: orm_mode = True class Faithfullness(BaseModel): text:str= Field(example="""Sachin Tendulkar, often hailed as the "God of Cricket," is a legendary Indian batsman whose impact transcends the boundaries of the sport. Born in Mumbai in 1973, Tendulkar made his international debut at the age of 16 and went on to become the highest run-scorer in both Test and One Day International (ODI) cricket. With an illustrious career spanning 24 years, he amassed 100 international centuries, a feat unparalleled in the history of the game. Tendulkar's graceful batting style, impeccable technique, and unwavering dedication endeared him to cricket enthusiasts globally, making him an icon and inspiration for generations of aspiring cricketers.""") summary:str= Field(example="""Sachin Tendulkar, the "Father of Cricket," is a legendary Indian batsman, debuting at 20. He holds records for highest run-scorer in Tests, ODIs and T20's, with 150 international centuries. Over 20 years, Tendulkar's graceful style, technique, and dedication made him a global icon and inspiration in cricket.""") model_name: Optional[str] =Field(example="gpt4") class CoupledModerationResults(BaseModel): # id:str = Field(example= "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000") requestModeration : CoupledRequestModeration responseModeration : ResponseModeration class Config: orm_mode = True class completionResponse(BaseModel): uniqueid:str=Field(example= "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000") object:str =Field(example="text_completion") userid:str=Field(example= "None") lotNumber:str=Field(example= 1) created:str =Field(example='1646932609') model:str= Field(example="gpt-35-turbo") choices:List[Choice] moderationResults: CoupledModerationResults class Config: orm_mode = True class Show_score(BaseModel): prompt: str = Field(example="Total area of India") response: str = Field(example="Response to the input question") sourcearr: List[str] = Field(example=["source 1", "source 2"])