import torch # For data transformation from torchvision import transforms # For ML Model from transformers import VivitImageProcessor, VivitConfig, VivitModel # For Data Loaders from import Dataset, DataLoader # For GPU from accelerate import Accelerator, notebook_launcher # General Libraries import os import PIL import gc import pandas as pd import numpy as np from torch.nn import Linear, Softmax import gradio as gr # Mediapipe Library import mediapipe as mp from mediapipe.tasks import python from mediapipe.tasks.python import vision from mediapipe import solutions from mediapipe.framework.formats import landmark_pb2 # Constants CLIP_LENGTH = 32 FRAME_STEPS = 4 CLIP_SIZE = 224 BATCH_SIZE = 1 SEED = 42 # Set the device (GPU or CPU) device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # pretrained Model MODEL_TRANSFORMER = 'google/vivit-b-16x2' # Set Paths model_path = '' # Create Mediapipe Objects mp_drawing = mp_drawing_styles = mp_hands = mp_face = mp_pose = mp_holistic = hand_model_path = 'hand_landmarker.task' pose_model_path = 'pose_landmarker.task' BaseOptions = mp.tasks.BaseOptions HandLandmarker = HandLandmarkerOptions = PoseLandmarker = PoseLandmarkerOptions = VisionRunningMode = # Create a hand landmarker instance with the video mode: options_hand = HandLandmarkerOptions( base_options=BaseOptions(model_asset_path = hand_model_path), running_mode=VisionRunningMode.VIDEO) # Create a pose landmarker instance with the video mode: options_pose = PoseLandmarkerOptions( base_options=BaseOptions(model_asset_path=pose_model_path), running_mode=VisionRunningMode.VIDEO) detector_hand = vision.HandLandmarker.create_from_options(options_hand) detector_pose = vision.PoseLandmarker.create_from_options(options_pose) holistic = mp_holistic.Holistic( static_image_mode=False, model_complexity=1, smooth_landmarks=True, enable_segmentation=False, refine_face_landmarks=True, min_detection_confidence=0.5, min_tracking_confidence=0.5 ) # Creating Dataloader class CustomDatasetProd(Dataset): def __init__(self, pixel_values): self.pixel_values ='cpu') def __len__(self): return len(self.pixel_values) def __getitem__(self, idx): item = { 'pixel_values': self.pixel_values[idx] } return item class CreateDatasetProd(): def __init__(self , clip_len , clip_size , frame_step ): super().__init__() self.clip_len = clip_len self.clip_size = clip_size self.frame_step = frame_step # Define a sample transformation pipeline self.transform_prod = transforms.v2.Compose([ transforms.v2.ToImage(), transforms.v2.Resize((self.clip_size, self.clip_size)), transforms.v2.ToDtype(torch.float32, scale=True) ]) def read_video(self, video_path): # Read the video and convert to frames vr = VideoReader(video_path) total_frames = len(vr) # Determine frame indices based on total frames if total_frames < self.clip_len: key_indices = list(range(total_frames)) for _ in range(self.clip_len - len(key_indices)): key_indices.append(key_indices[-1]) else: key_indices = list(range(0, total_frames, max(1, total_frames // self.clip_len)))[:self.clip_len] #load frames frames = vr.get_batch(key_indices) del vr # Force garbage collection gc.collect() return frames def add_landmarks(self, video): annotated_image = [] for frame in video: #Convert pytorch Tensor to CV2 image image = frame.permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() # Convert to (H, W, C) format for mediapipe to work results = holistic.process(image) mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( image, results.left_hand_landmarks, mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS, landmark_drawing_spec = mp_drawing_styles.get_default_hand_landmarks_style(), connection_drawing_spec = mp_drawing_styles.get_default_hand_connections_style() ) mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( image, results.right_hand_landmarks, mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS, landmark_drawing_spec = mp_drawing_styles.get_default_hand_landmarks_style(), connection_drawing_spec = mp_drawing_styles.get_default_hand_connections_style() ) mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( image, results.pose_landmarks, mp_holistic.POSE_CONNECTIONS, landmark_drawing_spec = mp_drawing_styles.get_default_pose_landmarks_style(), #connection_drawing_spec = None ) annotated_image.append(torch.from_numpy(image)) del image, results # Force garbage collection gc.collect() return torch.stack(annotated_image) def create_dataset(self, video_paths): pixel_values = [] for path in tqdm(video_paths): #print('Video', path) # Read and process Videos video = self.read_video(path) video = transforms.v2.functional.resize(video.permute(0, 3, 1, 2), size=(self.clip_size*2, self.clip_size*3)) # Auto converts to (F, C, H, W) format video = self.add_landmarks(video) # Data Preperation for ML Model without Augmentation video = self.transform_prod(video.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)) pixel_values.append( del video # Force garbage collection gc.collect() pixel_values = torch.stack(pixel_values).to(device) return CustomDatasetProd(pixel_values=pixel_values) # Creating Dataloader object dataset_prod_obj = CreateDatasetProd(CLIP_LENGTH, CLIP_SIZE, FRAME_STEPS) # Creating ML Model class SignClassificationModel(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, model_name, idx_to_label, label_to_idx, classes_len): super(SignClassificationModel, self).__init__() self.config = VivitConfig.from_pretrained(model_name, id2label=idx_to_label, label2id=label_to_idx, hidden_dropout_prob=hyperparameters['dropout_rate'], attention_probs_dropout_prob=hyperparameters['dropout_rate'], return_dict=True) self.backbone = VivitModel.from_pretrained(model_name, config=self.config) # Load ViT model self.ff_head = Linear(self.backbone.config.hidden_size, classes_len) def forward(self, images): x = self.backbone(images).last_hidden_state # Extract embeddings self.backbone.gradient_checkpointing_enable() # Reduce along emb_dimension1 (axis 1) reduced_tensor = x.mean(dim=1) reduced_tensor = self.ff_head(reduced_tensor) return reduced_tensor # Load the model model_pretrained = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'), weights_only=False) # Evaluation Function def prod_function(model_pretrained, prod_dl): # Initialize accelerator accelerator = Accelerator() if accelerator.is_main_process: datasets.utils.logging.set_verbosity_warning() transformers.utils.logging.set_verbosity_info() else: datasets.utils.logging.set_verbosity_error() transformers.utils.logging.set_verbosity_error() # The seed need to be set before we instantiate the model, as it will determine the random head. set_seed(SEED) # There is no specific order to remember, we just need to unpack the objects in the same order we gave them to the prepare method. accelerated_model, acclerated_prod_dl = accelerator.prepare(model_pretrained, prod_dl) # Evaluate at the end of the epoch (distributed evaluation as we have 8 TPU cores) accelerated_model.eval() prod_preds = [] for batch in acclerated_prod_dl: videos = batch['pixel_values'] with torch.no_grad(): outputs = accelerated_model(videos) prod_logits = outputs.squeeze(1) prod_pred = prod_logits.argmax(-1) prod_preds.append(prod_pred) return prod_preds def translate_sign_language(gesture): # Create Dataset prod_ds = dataset_prod_obj.create_dataset(gesture) prod_dl = DataLoader(prod_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE) # Run ML Model predicted_prod_label = prod_function(model_pretrained, prod_dl) # Identify the hand gesture predicted_prod_label = torch.stack(predicted_prod_label) predicted_prod_label = predicted_prod_label.squeeze(1) idx_to_label = model_pretrained.config.id2label for val in np.array(predicted_prod_label): gesture_translation = idx_to_label[val] return gesture_translation with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# Indian Sign Language Translation App") # Add webcam input for sign language video capture video_input = gr.Video(source="webcam") # Add a button or functionality to process the video output = gr.Textbox() # Set up the interface video_input.change(translate_sign_language, inputs=video_input, outputs=output) if __gesture__ == "__main__": demo.launch()