import gradio as gr from matplotlib import gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from PIL import Image import tensorflow as tf from transformers import SegformerFeatureExtractor, TFSegformerForSemanticSegmentation feature_extractor = SegformerFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained( "nvidia/segformer-b5-finetuned-cityscapes-1024-1024" ) model = TFSegformerForSemanticSegmentation.from_pretrained( "nvidia/segformer-b5-finetuned-cityscapes-1024-1024" ) def ade_palette(): """ADE20K palette that maps each class to RGB values.""" return [ [255,0,0], #빨강 [255,228,0], #노랑 [171,242,0], # 연두 [0,216,255], #하늘 [0,0,255], #파랑 [255,0,221], #핑크 [116,116,116], #회색 [95,0,255], #보라 [255,94,0], #주황 [71,200,62], #초록 [153,0,76], #마젠타 [67,116,217], #애매한하늘 + 파랑 [153,112,0], #겨자 [87,129,0], #녹색 [255,169,169], #분홍분홍 [35,30,183], #어두운 파랑 [225,186,133], #살색 [206,251,201], #연한초록 [165,102,255] #애매한 보라 ] labels_list = [] with open(r'labels.txt', 'r') as fp: for line in fp: labels_list.append(line[:-1]) colormap = np.asarray(ade_palette()) def label_to_color_image(label): if label.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Expect 2-D input label") if np.max(label) >= len(colormap): raise ValueError("label value too large.") return colormap[label] def draw_plot(pred_img, seg): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) grid_spec = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[6, 1]) plt.subplot(grid_spec[0]) plt.imshow(pred_img) plt.axis('off') LABEL_NAMES = np.asarray(labels_list) FULL_LABEL_MAP = np.arange(len(LABEL_NAMES)).reshape(len(LABEL_NAMES), 1) FULL_COLOR_MAP = label_to_color_image(FULL_LABEL_MAP) unique_labels = np.unique(seg.numpy().astype("uint8")) ax = plt.subplot(grid_spec[1]) plt.imshow(FULL_COLOR_MAP[unique_labels].astype(np.uint8), interpolation="nearest") ax.yaxis.tick_right() plt.yticks(range(len(unique_labels)), LABEL_NAMES[unique_labels]) plt.xticks([], []) ax.tick_params(width=0.0, labelsize=25) return fig def sepia(input_img): input_img = Image.fromarray(input_img) inputs = feature_extractor(images=input_img, return_tensors="tf") outputs = model(**inputs) logits = outputs.logits logits = tf.transpose(logits, [0, 2, 3, 1]) logits = tf.image.resize( logits, input_img.size[::-1] ) # We reverse the shape of `image` because `image.size` returns width and height. seg = tf.math.argmax(logits, axis=-1)[0] color_seg = np.zeros( (seg.shape[0], seg.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8 ) # height, width, 3 for label, color in enumerate(colormap): color_seg[seg.numpy() == label, :] = color # Show image + mask pred_img = np.array(input_img) * 0.5 + color_seg * 0.5 pred_img = pred_img.astype(np.uint8) fig = draw_plot(pred_img, seg) return fig demo = gr.Interface(fn=sepia, inputs=gr.Image(shape=(400, 600)), outputs=['plot'], examples=["image1", "image2", "image3"], allow_flagging='never') demo.launch()