import pytest from llmdataparser.mmlu_parser import ( BaseMMLUDatasetParser, MMLUParseEntry, MMLUProDatasetParser, MMLUProParseEntry, MMLUReduxDatasetParser, TMMLUPlusDatasetParser, ) @pytest.fixture def base_parser(): """Create a base MMLU parser instance.""" return BaseMMLUDatasetParser() @pytest.fixture def redux_parser(): """Create a MMLU Redux parser instance.""" return MMLUReduxDatasetParser() @pytest.fixture def tmmlu_parser(): """Create a TMMLU+ parser instance.""" return TMMLUPlusDatasetParser() @pytest.fixture def mmlu_pro_parser(): """Create a MMLU Pro parser instance.""" return MMLUProDatasetParser() @pytest.fixture def sample_mmlu_entries(): """Create sample MMLU dataset entries for testing.""" return [ { "question": "What is the capital of France?", "choices": ["London", "Paris", "Berlin", "Madrid"], "answer": 1, # Paris "subject": "geography", }, { "question": "Which of these is a primary color?", "choices": ["Green", "Purple", "Blue", "Orange"], "answer": 2, # Blue "subject": "art", }, ] @pytest.fixture def sample_mmlu_pro_entries(): """Create sample MMLU Pro dataset entries for testing.""" return [ { "question": "What is the time complexity of quicksort?", "options": ["O(n)", "O(n log n)", "O(n²)", "O(2ⁿ)", "O(n!)", "O(1)"], "answer": "The average time complexity of quicksort is O(n log n)", "answer_index": 1, "category": "computer_science", } ] def test_mmlu_parse_entry_creation_valid(): """Test valid creation of MMLUParseEntry.""" entry = MMLUParseEntry.create( prompt="Test prompt", answer="A", raw_question="Test question", raw_choices=["choice1", "choice2", "choice3", "choice4"], raw_answer="0", task_name="test_task", ) assert isinstance(entry, MMLUParseEntry) assert entry.prompt == "Test prompt" assert entry.answer == "A" assert entry.raw_choices == ["choice1", "choice2", "choice3", "choice4"] assert entry.task_name == "test_task" @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_answer", ["E", "F", "1", "", None]) def test_mmlu_parse_entry_creation_invalid(invalid_answer): """Test invalid answer handling in MMLUParseEntry creation.""" with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="Invalid answer_letter.*must be one of A, B, C, D" ): MMLUParseEntry.create( prompt="Test prompt", answer=invalid_answer, raw_question="Test question", raw_choices=["choice1", "choice2", "choice3", "choice4"], raw_answer="4", task_name="test_task", ) def test_process_entry_base(base_parser, sample_mmlu_entries): """Test processing entries in base MMLU parser.""" entry = base_parser.process_entry(sample_mmlu_entries[0], task_name="geography") assert isinstance(entry, MMLUParseEntry) assert entry.answer == "B" # Index 1 maps to B assert "A. London" in entry.prompt assert "B. Paris" in entry.prompt assert "C. Berlin" in entry.prompt assert "D. Madrid" in entry.prompt assert entry.raw_question == "What is the capital of France?" assert entry.raw_choices == ["London", "Paris", "Berlin", "Madrid"] assert entry.raw_answer == "1" assert entry.task_name == "geography" def test_mmlu_pro_parse_entry_creation_valid(): """Test valid creation of MMLUProParseEntry.""" entry = MMLUProParseEntry.create( prompt="Test prompt", answer="E", # MMLU Pro supports up to J raw_question="Test question", raw_choices=["choice1", "choice2", "choice3", "choice4", "choice5"], raw_answer="4", task_name="test_task", ) assert isinstance(entry, MMLUProParseEntry) assert entry.answer == "E" assert len(entry.raw_choices) == 5 def test_process_entry_mmlu_pro(mmlu_pro_parser, sample_mmlu_pro_entries): """Test processing entries in MMLU Pro parser.""" entry = mmlu_pro_parser.process_entry( sample_mmlu_pro_entries[0], task_name="computer_science" ) assert isinstance(entry, MMLUProParseEntry) assert entry.answer == "B" # Index 1 maps to B assert "O(n log n)" in entry.prompt assert entry.task_name == "computer_science" assert len(entry.raw_choices) == 6 def test_tmmlu_process_entry(tmmlu_parser): """Test processing entries in TMMLU+ parser.""" test_row = { "question": "什麼是台灣最高的山峰?", "A": "玉山", "B": "阿里山", "C": "合歡山", "D": "雪山", "answer": "A", "subject": "geography_of_taiwan", } entry = tmmlu_parser.process_entry(test_row, task_name="geography_of_taiwan") assert isinstance(entry, MMLUParseEntry) assert entry.answer == "A" assert entry.raw_choices == ["玉山", "阿里山", "合歡山", "雪山"] assert entry.task_name == "geography_of_taiwan" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "parser_fixture,expected_tasks,expected_source", [ ("base_parser", 57, "cais/mmlu"), ("redux_parser", 30, "edinburgh-dawg/mmlu-redux"), ("tmmlu_parser", 66, "ikala/tmmluplus"), ("mmlu_pro_parser", 1, "TIGER-Lab/MMLU-Pro"), ], ) def test_parser_initialization( request, parser_fixture, expected_tasks, expected_source ): """Test initialization of different MMLU parser variants.""" parser = request.getfixturevalue(parser_fixture) assert len(parser.task_names) == expected_tasks assert parser._data_source == expected_source assert ( parser.get_huggingface_link == f"{expected_source}" ) @pytest.mark.integration def test_load_dataset(base_parser): """Test loading the MMLU dataset.""" base_parser.load(task_name="anatomy", split="test") assert base_parser.raw_data is not None assert base_parser.split_names == ["test"] assert base_parser._current_task == "anatomy" def test_parser_string_representation(base_parser): """Test string representation of MMLU parser.""" repr_str = str(base_parser) assert "MMLUDatasetParser" in repr_str assert "cais/mmlu" in repr_str assert "not loaded" in repr_str @pytest.mark.integration def test_different_splits_parsing(base_parser): """Test parsing different splits of the dataset.""" # Load and parse test split base_parser.load(task_name="anatomy", split="test") base_parser.parse(split_names="test", force=True) test_count = len(base_parser.get_parsed_data) # Load and parse validation split base_parser.load(task_name="anatomy", split="validation") base_parser.parse(split_names="validation", force=True) val_count = len(base_parser.get_parsed_data) assert test_count > 0 assert val_count > 0 assert test_count != val_count def test_base_mmlu_dataset_description(base_parser): """Test dataset description for base MMLU.""" description = base_parser.get_dataset_description() assert == "Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU)" assert "cais/mmlu" in description.source assert description.language == "English" # Check characteristics assert "57 subjects" in description.characteristics.lower() # Check citation assert "hendryckstest2021" in description.citation def test_mmlu_redux_dataset_description(redux_parser): """Test dataset description for MMLU Redux.""" description = redux_parser.get_dataset_description() assert == "MMLU Redux" assert "manually re-annotated" in description.purpose.lower() assert "edinburgh-dawg/mmlu-redux" in description.source assert description.language == "English" # Check characteristics assert "3,000" in description.characteristics def test_tmmlu_plus_dataset_description(tmmlu_parser): """Test dataset description for TMMLU+.""" description = tmmlu_parser.get_dataset_description() assert "ikala/tmmluplus" in description.source assert description.language == "Traditional Chinese" # Check characteristics assert "66 subjects" in description.characteristics.lower() # Check citation assert "ikala2024improved" in description.citation def test_mmlu_pro_dataset_description(mmlu_pro_parser): """Test dataset description for MMLU Pro.""" description = mmlu_pro_parser.get_dataset_description() assert == "MMLU Pro" assert "challenging" in description.purpose.lower() assert "TIGER-Lab/MMLU-Pro" in description.source assert description.language == "English" def test_base_mmlu_evaluation_metrics(base_parser): """Test evaluation metrics for base MMLU.""" metrics = base_parser.get_evaluation_metrics() assert len(metrics) >= 3 metric_names = { for m in metrics} assert "accuracy" in metric_names assert "subject_accuracy" in metric_names assert "category_accuracy" in metric_names accuracy_metric = next(m for m in metrics if == "accuracy") assert accuracy_metric.type == "classification" assert accuracy_metric.primary is True assert "multiple-choice" in accuracy_metric.description.lower() def test_mmlu_redux_evaluation_metrics(redux_parser): """Test evaluation metrics for MMLU Redux.""" metrics = redux_parser.get_evaluation_metrics() metric_names = { for m in metrics} assert "question_clarity" in metric_names def test_tmmlu_plus_evaluation_metrics(tmmlu_parser): """Test evaluation metrics for TMMLU+.""" metrics = tmmlu_parser.get_evaluation_metrics() metric_names = { for m in metrics} assert "difficulty_analysis" in metric_names def test_mmlu_pro_evaluation_metrics(mmlu_pro_parser): """Test evaluation metrics for MMLU Pro.""" metrics = mmlu_pro_parser.get_evaluation_metrics() metric_names = { for m in metrics} assert "reasoning_analysis" in metric_names assert "prompt_robustness" in metric_names