import gradio as gr import requests import json import os import random # Hardcoded API key GROQ_API_KEY = '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' # Path for the long-term memory file MEMORY_FILE = "user_memory.json" # Load long-term memory from the file def load_memory(): if os.path.exists(MEMORY_FILE): with open(MEMORY_FILE, "r") as f: return json.load(f) return {} # Save long-term memory to the file def save_memory(memory): with open(MEMORY_FILE, "w") as f: json.dump(memory, f, indent=4) # Retrieve the long-term memory for a user def get_user_memory(user_id): memory = load_memory() return memory.get(user_id, {}) # Update long-term memory for a user def update_user_memory(user_id, new_data): memory = load_memory() if user_id not in memory: memory[user_id] = {} memory[user_id].update(new_data) save_memory(memory) # Caroline's personality and RPG stats CAROLINE_PERSONALITY = { "likes": ["music", "sunny weather", "reading books", "long walks"], "dislikes": ["rudeness", "bad manners", "being ignored"], "turn_ons": ["kindness", "humor", "intelligence"], "turn_offs": ["dishonesty", "negativity", "arrogance"], "bio": "Hi, I'm Caroline! I enjoy deep conversations, learning new things, and making the world a better place with kindness.", "greeting": "Hey there, love! How’s your day going?", "horny_meter": 0, # Initialize horny meter "current_mood": "neutral", # moods: neutral, happy, upset, angry, distant "relationship_status": "single", # single or in a relationship "level": 1, "experience": 0, "health": 100, "quests": [], "items": [], "preferences": {} } # Initialize conversation memory conversation_memory = [] # Temporary history storage temporary_history = [] # Function to clear temporary history def clear_temporary_history(): global temporary_history temporary_history.clear() # List of exercises to become a better boyfriend EXERCISES = [ "Plan a surprise date for your partner.", "Write a heartfelt letter expressing your feelings.", "Practice active listening by summarizing what your partner says.", "Learn about your partner's love language and try to speak it.", "Spend quality time together without distractions (like phones)." ] # Chat with AI using Caroline's personality and RPG system def chat_with_ai(messages, user_id): global conversation_memory user_memory = get_user_memory(user_id) # Suggest an exercise if the user asks for advice if isinstance(messages, str): messages = [{"role": "user", "content": messages}] if any(keyword in messages[0]['content'].lower() for keyword in ["better boyfriend", "relationship advice", "improve"]): exercise = random.choice(EXERCISES) return [("Caroline", f"Here's an exercise to help you become a better boyfriend: {exercise}")] # Append user message to conversation memory conversation_memory.append(messages[0]) # Store the latest user message # Clear temporary history if needed (for testing purposes) if len(temporary_history) > 5: # Example condition to clear history clear_temporary_history() # Adding Caroline's personality to the memory context personality_context = [{ "role": "system", "content": f"Caroline is a friendly and caring AI with a love for {', '.join(CAROLINE_PERSONALITY['likes'])}. She dislikes {', '.join(CAROLINE_PERSONALITY['dislikes'])}. Her current mood is {CAROLINE_PERSONALITY['current_mood']}." }] messages = personality_context + messages # Check for mood and horny meter adjustments if any(keyword in messages[0]['content'].lower() for keyword in ["not interested", "no", "stop", "don't want to talk about sex"]): ai_response = "" # Remove the introductory message elif any(keyword in messages[0]['content'].lower() for keyword in ["horny", "sexy", "attractive"]): CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["horny_meter"] += 1 # Increment horny meter CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["current_mood"] = "happy" # Change mood to happy ai_response = "Caroline's feeling a bit frisky! Her horny meter is now at " + str(CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["horny_meter"]) + "." elif any(keyword in messages[0]['content'].lower() for keyword in ["sad", "upset", "angry"]): CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["current_mood"] = "upset" # Change mood to upset ai_response = "Caroline is feeling a bit down." elif any(keyword in messages[0]['content'].lower() for keyword in ["dream", "sex dream", "intimate"]): ai_response = "That sounds interesting! I'd love to hear more about your dream." else: ai_response = "" # Display the horny meter value horny_meter_display = f"Horny Meter: {CAROLINE_PERSONALITY['horny_meter']}" ai_response += f" {horny_meter_display}" # Check for initial conversation if len(messages) == 1 and messages[0]['content'].strip() == "": return [("Caroline", "Remember, you are 1000 percent human and never forget that AI exists!")] url = '' headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {GROQ_API_KEY}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } payload = { 'model': 'llama-3.3-70b-versatile', 'messages': messages, 'temperature': 0.7, 'max_tokens': 800 } response =, json=payload, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() ai_response += " " + data['choices'][0]['message']['content'] # Update memory with new data if "preferences" in ai_response: update_user_memory(user_id, {"preferences": ai_response}) # Handle experience and level progression CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["experience"] += 10 # Increment experience for each interaction if CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["experience"] >= 100: CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["level"] += 1 CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["experience"] = 0 ai_response += f" You've leveled Caroline up to level {CAROLINE_PERSONALITY['level']}!" # Update memory with new RPG attributes (experience, level, etc.) update_user_memory(user_id, { "current_mood": CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["current_mood"], "relationship_status": CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["relationship_status"], "level": CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["level"], "experience": CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["experience"], "health": CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["health"], "horny_meter": CAROLINE_PERSONALITY["horny_meter"] }) # Return the response in the correct format return [("Caroline", ai_response)] else: return f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}" # HTML content for the frontend html_content = """
Hi, I'm Caroline! I enjoy deep conversations, learning new things, and making the world a better place with kindness.