import io from typing import Any, List, Union import cv2 import gradio as gr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.figure import Figure from PIL import Image from import DocumentFile from onnxtr.models import from_hub, ocr_predictor from onnxtr.models.predictor import OCRPredictor from onnxtr.utils.visualization import visualize_page DET_ARCHS: List[str] = [ "fast_base", "fast_small", "fast_tiny", "db_resnet50", "db_resnet34", "db_mobilenet_v3_large", "linknet_resnet18", "linknet_resnet34", "linknet_resnet50", ] RECO_ARCHS: List[str] = [ "crnn_vgg16_bn", "crnn_mobilenet_v3_small", "crnn_mobilenet_v3_large", "master", "sar_resnet31", "vitstr_small", "vitstr_base", "parseq", ] CUSTOM_RECO_ARCHS: List[str] = [ "Felix92/onnxtr-parseq-multilingual-v1", ] def load_predictor( det_arch: str, reco_arch: str, assume_straight_pages: bool, straighten_pages: bool, export_as_straight_boxes: bool, detect_language: bool, load_in_8_bit: bool, bin_thresh: float, box_thresh: float, disable_crop_orientation: bool = False, disable_page_orientation: bool = False, ) -> OCRPredictor: """Load a predictor from doctr.models Args: ---- det_arch: detection architecture reco_arch: recognition architecture assume_straight_pages: whether to assume straight pages or not disable_crop_orientation: whether to disable crop orientation or not disable_page_orientation: whether to disable page orientation or not straighten_pages: whether to straighten rotated pages or not export_as_straight_boxes: whether to export straight boxes detect_language: whether to detect the language of the text load_in_8_bit: whether to load the image in 8 bit mode bin_thresh: binarization threshold for the segmentation map box_thresh: minimal objectness score to consider a box Returns: ------- instance of OCRPredictor """ predictor = ocr_predictor( det_arch=det_arch, reco_arch=reco_arch if reco_arch not in CUSTOM_RECO_ARCHS else from_hub(reco_arch), assume_straight_pages=assume_straight_pages, straighten_pages=straighten_pages, detect_language=detect_language, load_in_8_bit=load_in_8_bit, export_as_straight_boxes=export_as_straight_boxes, detect_orientation=not assume_straight_pages, disable_crop_orientation=disable_crop_orientation, disable_page_orientation=disable_page_orientation, ) predictor.det_predictor.model.postprocessor.bin_thresh = bin_thresh predictor.det_predictor.model.postprocessor.box_thresh = box_thresh return predictor def forward_image(predictor: OCRPredictor, image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Forward an image through the predictor Args: ---- predictor: instance of OCRPredictor image: image to process Returns: ------- segmentation map """ processed_batches = predictor.det_predictor.pre_processor([image]) out = predictor.det_predictor.model(processed_batches[0], return_model_output=True) seg_map = out["out_map"] return seg_map def matplotlib_to_pil(fig: Union[Figure, np.ndarray]) -> Image.Image: """Convert a matplotlib figure to a PIL image Args: ---- fig: matplotlib figure or numpy array Returns: ------- PIL image """ buf = io.BytesIO() if isinstance(fig, Figure): fig.savefig(buf) else: plt.imsave(buf, fig) return def analyze_page( uploaded_file: Any, page_idx: int, det_arch: str, reco_arch: str, assume_straight_pages: bool, disable_crop_orientation: bool, disable_page_orientation: bool, straighten_pages: bool, export_as_straight_boxes: bool, detect_language: bool, load_in_8_bit: bool, bin_thresh: float, box_thresh: float, ): """Analyze a page Args: ---- uploaded_file: file to analyze page_idx: index of the page to analyze det_arch: detection architecture reco_arch: recognition architecture assume_straight_pages: whether to assume straight pages or not disable_crop_orientation: whether to disable crop orientation or not disable_page_orientation: whether to disable page orientation or not straighten_pages: whether to straighten rotated pages or not export_as_straight_boxes: whether to export straight boxes detect_language: whether to detect the language of the text load_in_8_bit: whether to load the image in 8 bit mode bin_thresh: binarization threshold for the segmentation map box_thresh: minimal objectness score to consider a box Returns: ------- input image, segmentation heatmap, output image, OCR output, synthesized page """ if uploaded_file is None: return None, "Please upload a document", None, None, None if".pdf"): doc = DocumentFile.from_pdf(uploaded_file) else: doc = DocumentFile.from_images(uploaded_file) try: page = doc[page_idx - 1] except IndexError: page = doc[-1] img = page predictor = load_predictor( det_arch=det_arch, reco_arch=reco_arch, assume_straight_pages=assume_straight_pages, straighten_pages=straighten_pages, export_as_straight_boxes=export_as_straight_boxes, detect_language=detect_language, load_in_8_bit=load_in_8_bit, bin_thresh=bin_thresh, box_thresh=box_thresh, disable_crop_orientation=disable_crop_orientation, disable_page_orientation=disable_page_orientation, ) seg_map = forward_image(predictor, page) seg_map = np.squeeze(seg_map) seg_map = cv2.resize(seg_map, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) seg_heatmap = matplotlib_to_pil(seg_map) out = predictor([page]) page_export = out.pages[0].export() fig = visualize_page(out.pages[0].export(), out.pages[0].page, interactive=False, add_labels=False) out_img = matplotlib_to_pil(fig) if assume_straight_pages or straighten_pages: synthesized_page = out.synthesize()[0] else: synthesized_page = None return img, seg_heatmap, out_img, page_export, synthesized_page with gr.Blocks(fill_height=True) as demo: gr.Markdown( """

# OnnxTR OCR Demo [![GitHub OnnxTR](]( [![PyPI](](
## To use this interactive demo for OnnxTR: ### 1. Upload a document (PDF, JPG, or PNG) ### 2. Select the model architectures for text detection and recognition you want to use ### 3. Press the "Analyze page" button to process the uploaded document """ ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): upload = gr.File(label="Upload File [JPG | PNG | PDF]", file_types=["pdf", "jpg", "png"]) page_selection = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=1, label="Page selection") det_model = gr.Dropdown(choices=DET_ARCHS, value=DET_ARCHS[0], label="Text detection model") reco_model = gr.Dropdown( choices=RECO_ARCHS + CUSTOM_RECO_ARCHS, value=RECO_ARCHS[0], label="Text recognition model" ) assume_straight = gr.Checkbox(value=True, label="Assume straight pages") disable_crop_orientation = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Disable crop orientation") disable_page_orientation = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Disable page orientation") straighten = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Straighten pages") export_as_straight_boxes = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Export as straight boxes") det_language = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Detect language") load_in_8_bit = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Load 8-bit quantized models") binarization_threshold = gr.Slider( minimum=0.1, maximum=0.9, value=0.3, step=0.1, label="Binarization threshold" ) box_threshold = gr.Slider(minimum=0.1, maximum=0.9, value=0.1, step=0.1, label="Box threshold") analyze_button = gr.Button("Analyze page") with gr.Column(scale=3): with gr.Row(): input_image = gr.Image(label="Input page", width=600) segmentation_heatmap = gr.Image(label="Segmentation heatmap", width=600) output_image = gr.Image(label="Output page", width=600) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=3): ocr_output = gr.JSON(label="OCR output", render=True, scale=1) with gr.Column(scale=3): synthesized_page = gr.Image(label="Synthesized page", width=600) analyze_page, inputs=[ upload, page_selection, det_model, reco_model, assume_straight, disable_crop_orientation, disable_page_orientation, straighten, export_as_straight_boxes, det_language, load_in_8_bit, binarization_threshold, box_threshold, ], outputs=[input_image, segmentation_heatmap, output_image, ocr_output, synthesized_page], ) demo.launch(inbrowser=True, allowed_paths=["./data/logo.jpg"])