import os import logging from tempfile import TemporaryFile import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image import tator import inference logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Read environment variables that are provided from TATOR host = os.getenv('HOST') token = os.getenv('TOKEN') project_id = int(os.getenv('PROJECT_ID')) media_ids = [int(id_) for id_ in os.getenv('MEDIA_IDS').split(',')] frames_per_inference = int(os.getenv('FRAMES_PER_INFERENCE', 30)) # Set up the TATOR API. api = tator.get_api(host, token) # Iterate through each video. for media_id in media_ids: # Download video. media = api.get_media(media_id)"Downloading {}...") out_path = f"/tmp/{}" for progress in tator.util.download_media(api, media, out_path):"Download progress: {progress}%") # Do inference on each video."Doing inference on {}...") localizations = [] vid = cv2.VideoCapture(out_path) frame_number = 0 # Read *every* frame from the video, break when at the end. while True: ret, frame = if not ret: break # Create a temporary file, access the image data, save data to file. framefile = TemporaryFile(suffix='.jpg') im = Image.fromarray(frame) # For every N frames, make a prediction; append prediction results # to a list, increase the frame count. if frame_number % frames_per_inference == 0: spec = {} # Predictions contains all information inside pandas dataframe predictions = inference.run_inference(framefile) for i, r in predictions.pandas().xyxy[0].iterrows: spec['media_id'] = media_id spec['type'] = None # Unsure, docs not specific spec['frame'] = frame_number x, y, x2, y2 = r['xmin'], r['ymin'], r['xmax'], r['ymax'] w, h = x2 - x, y2 - y spec['x'] = x spec['y'] = y spec['width'] = w spec['height'] = h spec['class_category'] = r['name'] spec['confidence'] = r['confidence'] localizations.append(spec) frame_number += 1 # End interaction with video properly. vid.release()"Uploading object detections on {}...") # Create the localizations in the video. num_created = 0 for response in tator.util.chunked_create(api.create_localization_list, project_id, localization_spec=localizations): num_created += len( # Output pretty logging information."Successfully created {num_created} localizations on " f"{}!")"-------------------------------------------------")"Completed inference on {len(media_ids)} files.")