import streamlit as st import requests st.title('🇪🇺 🏷️ Eurovoc Tagger') st.write("This page in a demonstration interface of the Eurovoc Tagger API. It allows you to test how tag a text with Eurovoc concepts.") q = st.text_area('Enter a text:', 'The Union condemns the continuing grave human rights violations by the Myanmar armed forces, including torture, sexual and gender-based violence, the persecution of civil society actors, human rights defenders and journalists, and attacks on the civilian population, including ethnic and religious minorities.', height=200, max_chars=5000) k = st.slider('How many tags', 1, 20, 5) t = st.slider("Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.1) lang = st.selectbox("Language", ["en", "fr"]) API_URL_EN = "" API_URL_FR = "" apis = {"en": API_URL_EN, "fr": API_URL_FR} hf_token = st.secrets["HF_TOKEN"] headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {hf_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json" } def query(payload): response =[lang], headers=headers, json=payload) assert response.status_code == 200, response.text return response.json() payload = { "inputs": q, "topk": k, "threshold": t } st.markdown("---") with st.spinner("Request in progress, please wait..."): try: print(payload) r = query(payload) except Exception as e: st.error(e) st.write("The server is probably waking up, so please wait a minute and reload the page.") st.stop() st.subheader("Results") st.dataframe(r['results'], width=1000, height=600)