import os | |
import streamlit as st | |
from dateutil import parser | |
import googleapiclient.discovery | |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta | |
from google.oauth2 import service_account | |
def auth(): | |
with open("/tmp/token.json", "w") as token_f: | |
google_key = os.getenv("GOOGLE_KEY") | |
token_f.write(google_key) | |
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('/tmp/token.json') | |
return credentials | |
def get_status(credentials, instance_name): | |
status = False | |
client ='compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials) | |
response = client.instances().list(project='nus-cisco-corp-lab-wp1', zone='asia-southeast1-c').execute() | |
for item in response['items']: | |
if item["name"] == instance_name: | |
try: | |
ip_address = item['networkInterfaces'][0]['accessConfigs'][0]['natIP'] | |
except Exception as e: | |
ip_address = None | |
status = True if item["status"] == "RUNNING" else False | |
return status, ip_address | |
def get_time_remaining(last_start_timestamp, run_duration_seconds): | |
if run_duration_seconds == -1: | |
return -1 | |
run_duration_seconds = int(run_duration_seconds) | |
last_start_dt = parser.isoparse(last_start_timestamp) | |
end_run_dt = last_start_dt + timedelta(seconds=run_duration_seconds) | |
now_dt = | |
delta = int((end_run_dt - now_dt).total_seconds() / 60) | |
return max(delta, 0) | |
def get_server(credentials, instance_name): | |
service ='compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials) | |
request = service.instances().get(project='nus-cisco-corp-lab-wp1', zone='asia-southeast1-c', instance=instance_name) | |
response = request.execute() | |
return response | |
def schedule_server(credentials, instance_name, running_time): | |
service ='compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials) | |
request = service.instances().setScheduling(project='nus-cisco-corp-lab-wp1', zone='asia-southeast1-c', instance=instance_name, body={"automaticRestart": False,"maxRunDuration": {"seconds": running_time*3600}}) | |
response = request.execute() | |
return response | |
def activate_server(credentials, instance_name): | |
service ='compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials) | |
request = service.instances().start(project='nus-cisco-corp-lab-wp1', zone='asia-southeast1-c', instance=instance_name) | |
response = request.execute() | |
return response | |
def deactivate_server(credentials, instance_name): | |
service ='compute', 'v1', credentials=credentials) | |
request = service.instances().stop(project='nus-cisco-corp-lab-wp1',zone='asia-southeast1-c',instance=instance_name, discardLocalSsd=False) | |
response = request.execute() | |
return response | |
st.title("Lucky Reactor Panel") | |
instance_name = "lucky-reactor" | |
credentials = auth() | |
# Get instance info | |
instance_info = get_server(credentials, instance_name) | |
status = instance_info['status'] | |
ip_address = instance_info['networkInterfaces'][0]['accessConfigs'][0]['natIP'] if status == 'RUNNING' else None | |
max_run_duration = instance_info['scheduling']['maxRunDuration']['seconds'] if 'maxRunDuration' in instance_info['scheduling'] else -1 | |
last_start_timestamp = instance_info['lastStartTimestamp'] | |
max_remaining_time = get_time_remaining(last_start_timestamp, max_run_duration) | |
# UI | |
st.image("cover.jpg", caption="Lucky Reactor is currently " + ("running ๐" if status == 'RUNNING' else "sleeping ๐ด") + ".") | |
if status == 'TERMINATED': | |
with st.form("activate_form"): | |
token = st.text_input("**Token** (The reactor costs USD $10 per hour to operate)") | |
running_time = st.select_slider("**Running Hours** (How many hours do you need the reactor)", options=[1,2,3,4,5,6]) | |
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Ignite ๐") | |
if submitted and token == os.getenv("EASY_TOKEN"): | |
st.write("Lucky Reactor has been ignited. Please wait a few minutes (3~5) to preceed...") | |
schedule_response = schedule_server(credentials, instance_name, running_time) | |
activate_response = activate_server(credentials, instance_name) | |
elif status == 'RUNNING': | |
st.write(f"You can access Lucky Reactor via http://{ip_address}:7860") | |
st.write(f'The reactor can still run **{max_remaining_time}** minutes. You can terminate it in advance.') | |
with st.form("deactivate_form"): | |
token = st.text_input("Token") | |
terminated_btn = st.form_submit_button("Terminate ๐๏ธ") | |
if terminated_btn and token == os.getenv("EASY_TOKEN"): | |
st.write("Lucky Reactor has been terminated.") | |
deactivate_response = deactivate_server(credentials, instance_name) | |
else: | |
st.write(f"Server is [{status}]. Please wait...") |