import streamlit as st from streamlit_chat import message as st_message import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime import pickle import os import csv import json import torch from import tqdm from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceInstructEmbeddings from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate from langchain.llms import Clarifai from import ClarifaiChannel from clarifai_grpc.grpc.api import resources_pb2, service_pb2, service_pb2_grpc from clarifai_grpc.grpc.api.status import status_code_pb2 import utils import toml # secrets = toml.load(".streamlit\secrets.toml")["secrets"] PAT = st.secrets["PAT"] Llama_USER_ID = st.secrets["Llama_USER_ID"] Llama_APP_ID = st.secrets["Llama_APP_ID"] Llama_MODEL_ID = st.secrets["Llama_MODEL_ID"] USER_ID = st.secrets["MC_USER_ID"] APP_ID = st.secrets["MC_APP_ID"] MODEL_ID = st.secrets["MC_MODEL_ID"] MODEL_VERSION_ID = st.secrets["MC_MODEL_VERSION_ID"] prompt_template = """ You are an expert Pharmacist Bot. Your job is to answer user queries and help them understand their medication. While answering the user, use the following context provided to you. If you can't answer the user query using the context, please respond with "I don't know the answer to this, please consult you physician". You must never generate false information. Always make sure to provide short, clear, consise and useful information. If listing down important points, use a bullet point list. Never answer with any unfinished response. Do not refer to yourself in the responses. {context} Question: {question} Always make sure to provide short, clear, consise and useful information. If listing down important points, use a bullet point list. Never answer with any unfinished response. Do not refer to yourself in the responses. """ PROMPT = PromptTemplate( template=prompt_template, input_variables=["context", "question"] ) chain_type_kwargs = {"prompt": PROMPT} st.set_page_config( page_title = 'PharmOgle Bot 🤖', page_icon = '🤖') @st.cache_resource def load_embedding_model(): embedding_model = HuggingFaceInstructEmbeddings(model_name='hkunlp/instructor-base', model_kwargs = {'device': torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')}) return embedding_model @st.cache_data def load_faiss_index(medicine="adol"): vector_database = FAISS.load_local("indexes/"+medicine, embedding_model) return vector_database @st.cache_resource def load_llm_model(): llm = Clarifai( pat=PAT, user_id=Llama_USER_ID, app_id=Llama_APP_ID, model_id=Llama_MODEL_ID, verbose=True ) return llm def load_retriever(llm, db): qa_retriever = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=llm, chain_type="stuff", retriever=db.as_retriever(), chain_type_kwargs= chain_type_kwargs) return qa_retriever def retrieve_document(query_input): related_doc = vector_database.similarity_search(query_input) return related_doc def retrieve_answer(): prompt_answer= st.session_state.my_text_input + " " + "Please provide clear, concise and useful information." answer = log = {"timestamp":, "question":st.session_state.my_text_input, "generated_answer": answer[6:], "rating":0 } st.session_state.history.append(log) st.session_state.chat_history.append({"message": st.session_state.my_text_input, "is_user": True}) if len(answer) > 0: st.session_state.chat_history.append({"message": answer, "is_user": False, "avatar_style": "bottts-neutral", "seed": "Princess"}) else: st.session_state.chat_history.append({"message": "I'm sorry there was a technical glitch and I couldn't fetch an answer for you :('", "is_user": False, "avatar_style": "bottts-neutral", "seed": "Princess"}) st.session_state.my_text_input = "" return answer[6:] def clean_chat_history(): st.session_state.chat_history = [] if "history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.history = [] if "chat_history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.chat_history = [] datetime_format= "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" if "embedding" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.embedding = load_embedding_model() else: embedding_model = st.session_state.embedding if "llm_model" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.llm_model = load_llm_model() else: llm_model = st.session_state.llm_model vector_database = load_faiss_index("adol") st.write("# PharmOgle-Bot 🤖") st.markdown(""" The PharmOgle Bot project is a virtual pharmacist developed by team **enGenAIr** for the ** Llama2+Clarifai hackathon**. The bot provides quick access to information about different pharmacuetical products. The bot is powered by the Llama2 language model and the Clarifai image recognition model. The goal of the PharmOgle Bot is to provide an easy and user-friendly way for everyone to access information about the medication they're taking, possible side-effects or any other questions they might have. """) st.write(" ") st.write("""For the purpose of this demo, the bot has been trained to classify () drugs. You can either choose the drug name from the dropdown menu or upload an image of the drug packaging. The bot will then answer any questions you have about the drug. """) st.write(' ⚠️ Please expect to wait **~ 10 - 20 seconds per question**.') st.write(' ⚠️ **Disclaimer:** This should not be considered as an alternate to professional medical advice.') st.markdown("---") st.write(" ") uploaded_file = None vector_database = None demo_option = "Choose an option", ["Upload my own image","Choose from list"] ) if demo_option == 'Choose from list': image_label = st.selectbox( 'Choose your medication', ('Adol','Aggrex','Amrizole','Atoreza','Augmentin','Betadine','Brufen','C-retard','Ceftriaxone','Celebrex','Cemicresto','Cholerose','Ciprofar','Clarinase','Congestal','Daflon','Dalacin','Diflucan','Flagyl','Floxabact','Foradil','Fucidin','Garamycin','Glucophage','Ivypront','Janumet','Jusprin','Lactulose','Lamifen','Megamox','Midodrine','Mucophylline','Neurovit','Oracure','Pridocaine','Primrose','Sediproct','Zantac','Zyrtec'), key = "mediselect") print(vector_database) vector_database = load_faiss_index(image_label.lower()) qa_retriever = load_retriever(llm= llm_model, db= vector_database) st.write(""" ### Ask a question """) for chat in st.session_state.chat_history: st_message(**chat) query_input = st.text_input(label= 'Please Enter your Question about '+image_label , key = 'my_text_input', on_change= retrieve_answer) clear_button = st.button("Start new convo", on_click=clean_chat_history, key="mediclear") st.write(" ") st.write(" ") else: # get image code uploaded_file = st.file_uploader(label='**Upload Image file**', type=['jpg','jpeg','png'], accept_multiple_files=False) if uploaded_file is not None: bytes_data = uploaded_file.getvalue() image_label = utils.get_image_label(bytes_data, USER_ID, APP_ID, MODEL_ID, PAT, MODEL_VERSION_ID) vector_database = load_faiss_index(image_label) qa_retriever = load_retriever(llm= llm_model, db= vector_database) st.write(""" ### Ask a question """) for chat in st.session_state.chat_history: st_message(**chat) query_input = st.text_input(label= 'Please Enter your Question about '+image_label.capitalize() , key = 'my_text_input', on_change= retrieve_answer ) clear_button = st.button("Start new convo", on_click=clean_chat_history) st.write(" ") st.write(" ") st.markdown("---")