import streamlit as st from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional, Dict, Any import os from ..agent import HealthcareAgent from ..models.state import TaskType, PriorityLevel from ..utils.logger import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) class HealthcareUI: def __init__(self): """Initialize the Healthcare Operations Management UI""" try: # Set up Streamlit page configuration st.set_page_config( page_title="Healthcare Operations Assistant", page_icon="🏥", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", menu_items={ 'About': "Healthcare Operations Management AI Assistant", 'Report a bug': "", 'Get Help': "https://your-docs-url" } ) # Apply custom theme self.setup_theme() # Initialize the agent self.agent = HealthcareAgent(os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")) # Initialize session state variables only if not already set if 'initialized' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.initialized = True st.session_state.messages = [] st.session_state.thread_id ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") st.session_state.current_department = "All Departments" st.session_state.metrics_history = [] st.session_state.system_status = True except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error initializing UI: {str(e)}") st.error("Failed to initialize the application. Please refresh the page.") def setup_theme(self): """Configure the UI theme and styling""" st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) def render_header(self): """Render the application header""" try: header_container = st.container() with header_container: col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 4, 1]) with col1: st.markdown("# 🏥") with col2: st.title("Healthcare Operations Assistant") st.markdown("*Your AI-powered healthcare operations management solution* 🤖") with col3: # System status indicator status = "🟢 Online" if st.session_state.system_status else "🔴 Offline" st.markdown(f"### {status}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error rendering header: {str(e)}") st.error("Error loading header section") def render_metrics(self, metrics: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): """Render the metrics dashboard""" try: if not metrics: metrics = { "patient_flow": {"occupied_beds": 75, "total_beds": 100}, "quality": {"patient_satisfaction": 8.5}, "staffing": {"available_staff": {"doctors": 20, "nurses": 50}}, "resources": {"resource_utilization": 0.75} } st.markdown("### 📊 Key Metrics Dashboard") metrics_container = st.container() with metrics_container: # First row - Key metrics col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) with col1: occupancy = (metrics['patient_flow']['occupied_beds'] / metrics['patient_flow']['total_beds'] * 100) st.metric( "Bed Occupancy 🛏️", f"{occupancy:.1f}%", "Normal 🟢" if occupancy < 85 else "High 🟡" ) with col2: satisfaction = metrics['quality']['patient_satisfaction'] st.metric( "Patient Satisfaction 😊", f"{satisfaction}/10", "↗ +0.5" if satisfaction > 8 else "↘ -0.3" ) with col3: total_staff = sum(metrics['staffing']['available_staff'].values()) st.metric( "Available Staff 👥", total_staff, "Optimal 🟢" if total_staff > 80 else "Low 🔴" ) with col4: utilization = metrics['resources']['resource_utilization'] * 100 st.metric( "Resource Utilization 📦", f"{utilization:.1f}%", "↘ -2%" ) # Add metrics to history st.session_state.metrics_history.append({ 'timestamp':, 'metrics': metrics }) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error rendering metrics: {str(e)}") st.error("Error loading metrics dashboard") def render_chat(self): """Render the chat interface""" try: st.markdown("### 💬 Chat Interface") chat_container = st.container() with chat_container: # Display chat messages for message in st.session_state.messages: role = message["role"] content = message["content"] timestamp = message.get("timestamp", with st.chat_message(role, avatar="🤖" if role == "assistant" else "👤"): st.markdown(content) st.caption(f":clock2: {timestamp.strftime('%H:%M')}") # Chat input if prompt := st.chat_input("How can I assist you with healthcare operations today?"): # Add user message current_time = st.session_state.messages.append({ "role": "user", "content": prompt, "timestamp": current_time }) # Display user message with st.chat_message("user", avatar="👤"): st.markdown(prompt) st.caption(f":clock2: {current_time.strftime('%H:%M')}") # Display assistant response with st.chat_message("assistant", avatar="🤖"): with st.spinner("Processing your request... 🔄"): try: # Generate response based on query type response = self._get_department_response(prompt) # Display structured response st.markdown("### 🔍 Key Insights") st.markdown(response["insights"]) st.markdown("### 📋 Actionable Recommendations") st.markdown(response["recommendations"]) st.markdown("### ⚡ Priority Actions") st.markdown(response["priority_actions"]) st.markdown("### ⏰ Implementation Timeline") st.markdown(response["timeline"]) # Update metrics if available if "metrics" in response: self.render_metrics(response["metrics"]) # Add to chat history st.session_state.messages.append({ "role": "assistant", "content": response["full_response"], "timestamp": }) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing request: {str(e)} ❌") logger.error(f"Error in chat processing: {str(e)}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error rendering chat interface: {str(e)}") st.error("Error loading chat interface") def _get_department_response(self, query: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Generate response based on query type""" query = query.lower() # Waiting times response if "waiting" in query or "wait time" in query: return { "insights": """ 📊 Current Department Wait Times: - ER: 45 minutes (⚠️ Above target) - ICU: 5 minutes (✅ Within target) - General Ward: 25 minutes (✅ Within target) - Surgery: 30 minutes (⚡ Approaching target) - Pediatrics: 20 minutes (✅ Within target) """, "recommendations": """ 1. 👥 Deploy additional triage nurses to ER 2. 🔄 Optimize patient handoff procedures 3. 📱 Implement real-time wait time updates 4. 🏥 Activate overflow protocols where needed """, "priority_actions": """ Immediate Actions Required: - 🚨 Redirect non-emergency cases from ER - 👨‍⚕️ Increase ER staffing for next 2 hours - 📢 Update waiting patients every 15 minutes """, "timeline": """ Implementation Schedule: - 🕐 0-1 hour: Staff reallocation - 🕒 1-2 hours: Process optimization - 🕓 2-4 hours: Situation reassessment - 🕔 4+ hours: Long-term monitoring """, "metrics": { "patient_flow": { "occupied_beds": 85, "total_beds": 100, "waiting_patients": 18, "average_wait_time": 35.0 }, "quality": {"patient_satisfaction": 7.8}, "staffing": {"available_staff": {"doctors": 22, "nurses": 55}}, "resources": {"resource_utilization": 0.82} }, "full_response": "Based on current data, we're seeing elevated wait times in the ER department. Immediate actions have been recommended to address this situation." } # Bed occupancy response elif "bed" in query or "occupancy" in query: return { "insights": """ 🛏️ Current Bed Occupancy Status: - Overall Occupancy: 85% - Critical Care: 90% (⚠️ Near capacity) - General Wards: 82% (✅ Optimal) - Available Emergency Beds: 5 """, "recommendations": """ 1. 🔄 Review discharge plans 2. 🏥 Prepare overflow areas 3. 📋 Optimize bed turnover 4. 👥 Adjust staff allocation """, "priority_actions": """ Critical Actions: - 🚨 Expedite planned discharges - 🏥 Activate surge capacity plan - 📊 Hourly capacity monitoring """, "timeline": """ Action Timeline: - 🕐 Immediate: Discharge reviews - 🕑 2 hours: Capacity reassessment - 🕒 4 hours: Staff reallocation - 🕓 8 hours: Full situation review """, "metrics": { "patient_flow": { "occupied_beds": 90, "total_beds": 100, "waiting_patients": 12, "average_wait_time": 30.0 }, "quality": {"patient_satisfaction": 8.0}, "staffing": {"available_staff": {"doctors": 25, "nurses": 58}}, "resources": {"resource_utilization": 0.88} }, "full_response": "Current bed occupancy is at 85% with critical care areas approaching capacity. Immediate actions are being taken to optimize bed utilization." } # Default response for other queries else: return { "insights": """ Please specify your request: - 🏥 Department specific information - ⏰ Wait time inquiries - 🛏️ Bed capacity status - 👥 Staffing information - 📊 Resource utilization """, "recommendations": "To better assist you, please provide more specific details about what you'd like to know.", "priority_actions": "No immediate actions required. Awaiting specific inquiry.", "timeline": "Timeline will be generated based on specific requests.", "full_response": "I'm here to help! Please specify what information you need about healthcare operations." } def render_sidebar(self): """Render the sidebar with controls and filters""" try: with st.sidebar: # Add custom CSS for consistent button styling st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("### ⚙️ Settings") # Department filter if "department_filter" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.department_filter = "All Departments" st.selectbox( "Select Department", ["All Departments", "ER", "ICU", "General Ward", "Surgery", "Pediatrics"], key="department_filter" ) # Priority filter if "priority_filter" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.priority_filter = "Medium" st.select_slider( "Priority Level", options=["Low", "Medium", "High", "Urgent", "Critical"], key="priority_filter" ) # Time range if "time_range_filter" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.time_range_filter = 8 st.slider( "Time Range (hours)", min_value=1, max_value=24, key="time_range_filter" ) # Quick actions with consistent styling st.markdown("### ⚡ Quick Actions") # Create two columns for buttons col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: if st.button("📊 Report"):"Generating comprehensive report...") with col2: if st.button("🔄 Refresh"): st.success("Data refreshed successfully!") # Emergency Mode st.markdown("### 🚨 Emergency Mode") if "emergency_mode" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.emergency_mode = False st.toggle( "Activate Emergency Protocol", key="emergency_mode", help="Enable emergency mode for critical situations" ) if st.session_state.emergency_mode: st.warning("Emergency Mode Active!") # Help section st.markdown("### ❓ Help") with st.expander("Usage Guide"): st.markdown(""" - 💬 Use the chat to ask questions - 📊 Monitor real-time metrics - ⚙️ Adjust filters as needed - 📋 Generate reports for analysis - 🚨 Toggle emergency mode for critical situations """) # Footer st.markdown("---") st.caption( f"*Last updated: {'%H:%M:%S')}*" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error rendering sidebar: {str(e)}") st.error("Error loading sidebar") def run(self): """Run the Streamlit application""" try: # Main application container main_container = st.container() with main_container: # Render components self.render_header() self.render_sidebar() # Main content area content_container = st.container() with content_container: self.render_metrics() st.markdown("
", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Spacing self.render_chat() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error running application: {str(e)}") st.error(f"Application error: {str(e)} ❌")