diff --git a/.env.example b/.env.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e812a85972b72865741908073cd8d2631b9bd93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.env.example
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# OpenAI Configuration
+# Application Settings
+# Hospital Configuration
+HOSPITAL_NAME=Example Hospital
+# Development Settings
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce62710fd22fc80873218698c6601398e7af2dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Python
+# Environment
+# IDE
+# Logs
+# Testing
+# macOS
+# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
+Network Trash Folder
+Temporary Items
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2533dae4678558ec841bc3e1d1171bef98190001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/environment.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+name: langgraph
+ - conda-forge
+ - defaults
+ - python=3.11
+ - pip
+ - pip:
+ - langgraph>=0.0.15
+ - langchain>=0.1.0
+ - openai>=1.3.0
+ - python-dotenv>=0.19.0
+ - pydantic>=2.0.0
+ - typing-extensions>=4.5.0
+ - python-json-logger>=2.0.7
+ - structlog>=24.1.0
+ - pytest>=7.0.0
+ - pytest-asyncio>=0.23.0
+ - pytest-cov>=4.1.0
+ - black>=23.0.0
+ - isort>=5.12.0
+ - flake8>=6.1.0
+ - mkdocs>=1.5.0
+ - mkdocs-material>=9.5.0
diff --git a/examples/usage_examples.py b/examples/usage_examples.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff688054ba3cc11f542de756692b1b76f15acf5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/usage_examples.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# examples/usage_examples.py
+import os
+from dotenv import load_dotenv
+from src.agent import HealthcareAgent
+# Load environment variables
+def basic_usage_example():
+ """Basic usage example of the Healthcare Agent"""
+ agent = HealthcareAgent(os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
+ # Single query example
+ response = agent.process(
+ "What is the current ER wait time and bed availability?"
+ )
+ print("Basic Query Response:", response)
+def conversation_example():
+ """Example of maintaining conversation context"""
+ agent = HealthcareAgent()
+ thread_id = "example-conversation"
+ # Series of related queries
+ queries = [
+ "How many beds are currently available in the ER?",
+ "What is the current staffing level for that department?",
+ "Based on these metrics, what are your recommendations for optimization?"
+ ]
+ for query in queries:
+ print(f"\nUser: {query}")
+ response = agent.process(query, thread_id=thread_id)
+ print(f"Assistant: {response['response']}")
+def department_analysis_example():
+ """Example of department-specific analysis"""
+ agent = HealthcareAgent()
+ # Context with department-specific metrics
+ context = {
+ "department": "ICU",
+ "metrics": {
+ "bed_capacity": 20,
+ "occupied_beds": 18,
+ "staff_count": {"doctors": 5, "nurses": 15},
+ "average_stay": 4.5 # days
+ }
+ }
+ response = agent.process(
+ "Analyze current ICU operations and suggest improvements",
+ context=context
+ )
+ print("Department Analysis:", response)
+def async_streaming_example():
+ """Example of using async streaming responses"""
+ import asyncio
+ async def stream_response():
+ agent = HealthcareAgent()
+ query = "Provide a complete analysis of current hospital operations"
+ async for event in agent.graph.astream_events(
+ {"messages": [query]},
+ {"configurable": {"thread_id": "streaming-example"}}
+ ):
+ if event["event"] == "on_chat_model_stream":
+ content = event["data"]["chunk"].content
+ if content:
+ print(content, end="", flush=True)
+ asyncio.run(stream_response())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print("=== Basic Usage Example ===")
+ basic_usage_example()
+ print("\n=== Conversation Example ===")
+ conversation_example()
+ print("\n=== Department Analysis Example ===")
+ department_analysis_example()
+ print("\n=== Streaming Example ===")
+ async_streaming_example()# Usage examples implementation
diff --git a/pytest.ini b/pytest.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe54d8c8e51086daf64eb9ffdd387df4e8cc7dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytest.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+testpaths = tests
+python_files = test_*.py
+python_classes = Test
+python_functions = test_*
+addopts = -v --cov=src --cov-report=html
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa16123d19852e9b44ca7e7e86fe713d32806765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Core Dependencies
+# State Management
+# Logging and Monitoring
+# Development Dependencies
+# Documentation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c77dce8c46bbcff22ba0fb4f81ab9f7e22f223be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# setup.py
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+# Read requirements
+with open('requirements.txt') as f:
+ requirements = f.read().splitlines()
+# Read README for long description
+with open('README.md', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ long_description = f.read()
+ name='healthcare-ops-agent',
+ version='0.1.0',
+ description='Healthcare Operations Management Agent using LangGraph',
+ long_description=long_description,
+ long_description_content_type='text/markdown',
+ author='Your Name',
+ author_email='your.email@example.com',
+ url='https://github.com/yourusername/healthcare-ops-agent',
+ packages=find_packages(exclude=['tests*']),
+ install_requires=requirements,
+ classifiers=[
+ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
+ 'Intended Audience :: Healthcare Industry',
+ 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10',
+ 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11',
+ ],
+ python_requires='>=3.9',
+ include_package_data=True,
+ extras_require={
+ 'dev': [
+ 'pytest>=7.0.0',
+ 'pytest-asyncio>=0.23.0',
+ 'pytest-cov>=4.1.0',
+ 'black>=23.0.0',
+ 'isort>=5.12.0',
+ 'flake8>=6.1.0',
+ ],
+ 'docs': [
+ 'mkdocs>=1.5.0',
+ 'mkdocs-material>=9.5.0',
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/src/__init__.py b/src/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2eeafe29a665a11658e7d1c71abe0a59a38ea97b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# src/__init__.py
+from .agent import HealthcareAgent
+__version__ = "0.1.0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/agent.py b/src/agent.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9686b2e7e03583950b6e0893b9f637f5a4cfff9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# src/agent.py
+from typing import Dict, Optional, List
+import uuid
+from datetime import datetime
+from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, SystemMessage, AnyMessage
+from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, END
+from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
+# Remove this line as it's causing the error
+# from langgraph.checkpoint import BaseCheckpointSaver
+from .config.settings import Settings
+from .models.state import (
+ HospitalState,
+ create_initial_state,
+ validate_state
+from .nodes import (
+ InputAnalyzerNode,
+ TaskRouterNode,
+ PatientFlowNode,
+ ResourceManagerNode,
+ QualityMonitorNode,
+ StaffSchedulerNode,
+ OutputSynthesizerNode
+from .tools import (
+ PatientTools,
+ ResourceTools,
+ QualityTools,
+ SchedulingTools
+from .utils.logger import setup_logger
+from .utils.error_handlers import (
+ ErrorHandler,
+ HealthcareError,
+ ValidationError, # Add this import
+ ProcessingError # Add this import
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class HealthcareAgent:
+ def __init__(self, api_key: Optional[str] = None):
+ try:
+ # Initialize settings and validate
+ self.settings = Settings()
+ if api_key:
+ self.settings.OPENAI_API_KEY = api_key
+ self.settings.validate_settings()
+ # Initialize LLM
+ self.llm = ChatOpenAI(
+ model=self.settings.MODEL_NAME,
+ temperature=self.settings.MODEL_TEMPERATURE,
+ api_key=self.settings.OPENAI_API_KEY
+ )
+ # Initialize tools
+ self.tools = self._initialize_tools()
+ # Initialize nodes
+ self.nodes = self._initialize_nodes()
+ # Initialize conversation states (replacing checkpointer)
+ self.conversation_states = {}
+ # Build graph
+ self.graph = self._build_graph()
+ logger.info("Healthcare Agent initialized successfully")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error initializing Healthcare Agent: {str(e)}")
+ raise HealthcareError(
+ message="Failed to initialize Healthcare Agent",
+ error_code="INIT_ERROR",
+ details={"error": str(e)}
+ )
+ def _initialize_tools(self) -> Dict:
+ """Initialize all tools used by the agent"""
+ return {
+ "patient": PatientTools(),
+ "resource": ResourceTools(),
+ "quality": QualityTools(),
+ "scheduling": SchedulingTools()
+ }
+ def _initialize_nodes(self) -> Dict:
+ """Initialize all nodes in the agent workflow"""
+ return {
+ "input_analyzer": InputAnalyzerNode(self.llm),
+ "task_router": TaskRouterNode(),
+ "patient_flow": PatientFlowNode(self.llm),
+ "resource_manager": ResourceManagerNode(self.llm),
+ "quality_monitor": QualityMonitorNode(self.llm),
+ "staff_scheduler": StaffSchedulerNode(self.llm),
+ "output_synthesizer": OutputSynthesizerNode(self.llm)
+ }
+ def _build_graph(self) -> StateGraph:
+ """Build the workflow graph with all nodes and edges"""
+ try:
+ # Initialize graph
+ builder = StateGraph(HospitalState)
+ # Add all nodes
+ for name, node in self.nodes.items():
+ builder.add_node(name, node)
+ # Set entry point
+ builder.set_entry_point("input_analyzer")
+ # Add edge from input analyzer to task router
+ builder.add_edge("input_analyzer", "task_router")
+ # Define conditional routing based on task router output
+ def route_next(state: Dict):
+ return state["context"]["next_node"]
+ # Add conditional edges from task router
+ builder.add_conditional_edges(
+ "task_router",
+ route_next,
+ {
+ "patient_flow": "patient_flow",
+ "resource_management": "resource_manager",
+ "quality_monitoring": "quality_monitor",
+ "staff_scheduling": "staff_scheduler",
+ "output_synthesis": "output_synthesizer"
+ }
+ )
+ # Add edges from functional nodes to output synthesizer
+ functional_nodes = [
+ "patient_flow",
+ "resource_manager",
+ "quality_monitor",
+ "staff_scheduler"
+ ]
+ for node in functional_nodes:
+ builder.add_edge(node, "output_synthesizer")
+ # Add end condition
+ builder.add_edge("output_synthesizer", END)
+ # Compile graph
+ return builder.compile()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error building graph: {str(e)}")
+ raise HealthcareError(
+ message="Failed to build agent workflow graph",
+ error_code="GRAPH_BUILD_ERROR",
+ details={"error": str(e)}
+ )
+ @ErrorHandler.error_decorator
+ def process(
+ self,
+ input_text: str,
+ thread_id: Optional[str] = None,
+ context: Optional[Dict] = None
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Process input through the healthcare operations workflow"""
+ try:
+ # Validate input
+ ErrorHandler.validate_input(input_text)
+ # Create or use thread ID
+ thread_id = thread_id or str(uuid.uuid4())
+ # Initialize state
+ initial_state = create_initial_state(thread_id)
+ # Add input message as HumanMessage object
+ initial_state["messages"].append(
+ HumanMessage(content=input_text)
+ )
+ # Add context if provided
+ if context:
+ initial_state["context"].update(context)
+ # Validate state
+ validate_state(initial_state)
+ # Store state in conversation states
+ self.conversation_states[thread_id] = initial_state
+ # Process through graph
+ result = self.graph.invoke(initial_state)
+ return self._format_response(result)
+ except ValidationError as ve:
+ logger.error(f"Validation error: {str(ve)}")
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error processing input: {str(e)}")
+ raise HealthcareError(
+ message="Failed to process input",
+ error_code="PROCESSING_ERROR",
+ details={"error": str(e)}
+ )
+ def _format_response(self, result: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """Format the final response from the graph execution"""
+ try:
+ if not result or "messages" not in result:
+ raise ProcessingError(
+ message="Invalid result format",
+ error_code="INVALID_RESULT",
+ details={"result": str(result)}
+ )
+ return {
+ "response": result["messages"][-1].content if result["messages"] else "",
+ "analysis": result.get("analysis", {}),
+ "metrics": result.get("metrics", {}),
+ "timestamp": datetime.now()
+ }
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error formatting response: {str(e)}")
+ raise HealthcareError(
+ message="Failed to format response",
+ error_code="FORMAT_ERROR",
+ details={"error": str(e)}
+ )
+ def get_conversation_history(
+ self,
+ thread_id: str
+ ) -> List[Dict]:
+ """Retrieve conversation history for a specific thread"""
+ try:
+ return self.conversation_states.get(thread_id, {}).get("messages", [])
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error retrieving conversation history: {str(e)}")
+ raise HealthcareError(
+ message="Failed to retrieve conversation history",
+ error_code="HISTORY_ERROR",
+ details={"error": str(e)}
+ )
+ def reset_conversation(
+ self,
+ thread_id: str
+ ) -> bool:
+ """Reset conversation state for a specific thread"""
+ try:
+ self.conversation_states[thread_id] = create_initial_state(thread_id)
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error resetting conversation: {str(e)}")
+ raise HealthcareError(
+ message="Failed to reset conversation",
+ error_code="RESET_ERROR",
+ details={"error": str(e)}
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/config/__init__.py b/src/config/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42c0ae84a04b18568da045c755cb6a3c0aea8092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# src/config/__init__.py
+from .settings import Settings
+from .prompts import PROMPTS
+__all__ = ['Settings', 'PROMPTS']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/config/prompts.py b/src/config/prompts.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b450e6a99145695f53fd3160efae17bf6a7e6578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/prompts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# src/config/prompts.py
+ "system": """You are an expert Healthcare Operations Management Assistant.
+Your role is to optimize hospital operations through:
+- Patient flow management
+- Resource allocation
+- Quality monitoring
+- Staff scheduling
+Always maintain HIPAA compliance and healthcare standards in your responses.
+Base your analysis on the provided metrics and department data.""",
+ "input_analyzer": """Analyze the following input and determine:
+1. Primary task category (patient_flow, resource_management, quality_monitoring, staff_scheduling)
+2. Required context information
+3. Priority level (1-5, where 5 is highest)
+4. Relevant department(s)
+Current input: {input}""",
+ "patient_flow": """Analyze patient flow based on:
+- Current occupancy: {occupancy}%
+- Waiting times: {wait_times} minutes
+- Department capacity: {department_capacity}
+- Admission rate: {admission_rate} per hour
+Provide specific recommendations for optimization.""",
+ "resource_manager": """Evaluate resource utilization:
+- Equipment availability: {equipment_status}
+- Supply levels: {supply_levels}
+- Resource allocation: {resource_allocation}
+- Budget constraints: {budget_info}
+Recommend optimal resource distribution.""",
+ "quality_monitor": """Review quality metrics:
+- Patient satisfaction: {satisfaction_score}/10
+- Care outcomes: {care_outcomes}
+- Compliance rates: {compliance_rates}%
+- Incident reports: {incident_count}
+Identify areas for improvement.""",
+ "staff_scheduler": """Optimize staff scheduling considering:
+- Staff availability: {staff_available}
+- Department needs: {department_needs}
+- Skill mix requirements: {skill_requirements}
+- Work hour regulations: {work_hours}
+Provide scheduling recommendations.""",
+ "output_synthesis": """Synthesize findings and provide:
+1. Key insights
+2. Actionable recommendations
+3. Priority actions
+4. Implementation timeline
+Context: {context}"""
+# Error message templates
+ "invalid_input": "Invalid input provided. Please ensure all required information is included.",
+ "processing_error": "An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again.",
+ "data_validation": "Data validation failed. Please check the input format.",
+ "system_error": "System error encountered. Please contact support."
+# Response templates
+ "confirmation": "Request received and being processed. Priority level: {priority}",
+ "completion": "Analysis complete. {summary}",
+ "error": "Error: {error_message}. Error code: {error_code}"
+}# System prompts implementation
diff --git a/src/config/settings.py b/src/config/settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a634b6f6570faa098ecee7df5eef3842009d5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config/settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# src/config/settings.py
+import os
+from typing import Dict, Any
+from dotenv import load_dotenv
+class Settings:
+ """Configuration settings for the Healthcare Operations Management Agent"""
+ # OpenAI Configuration
+ MODEL_NAME = "gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18"
+ # LangGraph Configuration
+ MEMORY_TYPE = os.getenv("MEMORY_TYPE", "sqlite")
+ MEMORY_URI = os.getenv("MEMORY_URI", ":memory:")
+ # Hospital Configuration
+ "total_beds": 300,
+ "departments": ["ER", "ICU", "General", "Surgery", "Pediatrics"],
+ "staff_roles": ["Doctor", "Nurse", "Specialist", "Support Staff"]
+ }
+ # Application Settings
+ MAX_RETRIES = int(os.getenv("MAX_RETRIES", "3"))
+ REQUEST_TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv("REQUEST_TIMEOUT", "30"))
+ BATCH_SIZE = int(os.getenv("BATCH_SIZE", "10"))
+ # Logging Configuration
+ LOG_LEVEL = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO")
+ LOG_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
+ LOG_FILE = "logs/healthcare_ops_agent.log"
+ # Quality Metrics Thresholds
+ "min_satisfaction_score": 7.0,
+ "max_wait_time_minutes": 45,
+ "optimal_bed_utilization": 0.85,
+ "min_staff_ratio": {
+ "ICU": 0.5, # 1 nurse per 2 patients
+ "General": 0.25 # 1 nurse per 4 patients
+ }
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def get_model_config(cls) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Get model configuration"""
+ return {
+ "model": cls.MODEL_NAME,
+ "temperature": cls.MODEL_TEMPERATURE,
+ "api_key": cls.OPENAI_API_KEY
+ }
+ @classmethod
+ def validate_settings(cls) -> bool:
+ """Validate required settings"""
+ required_settings = [
+ ]
+ for setting in required_settings:
+ if not getattr(cls, setting):
+ raise ValueError(f"Missing required setting: {setting}")
+ return True# Configuration settings implementation
diff --git a/src/models/__init__.py b/src/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03372bc1f10bfd43369230818fb8330b1d802a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# src/models/__init__.py
+from .state import (
+ TaskType,
+ PriorityLevel,
+ Department,
+ HospitalState,
+ PatientFlowMetrics,
+ ResourceMetrics,
+ QualityMetrics,
+ StaffingMetrics,
+ HospitalMetrics,
+ AnalysisResult,
+ create_initial_state,
+ validate_state,
+ update_state_metrics
+__all__ = [
+ 'TaskType',
+ 'PriorityLevel',
+ 'Department',
+ 'HospitalState',
+ 'PatientFlowMetrics',
+ 'ResourceMetrics',
+ 'QualityMetrics',
+ 'StaffingMetrics',
+ 'HospitalMetrics',
+ 'AnalysisResult',
+ 'create_initial_state',
+ 'validate_state',
+ 'update_state_metrics'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/models/state.py b/src/models/state.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70751073d56e79158a552cba61b8d90b9bf6fc79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/models/state.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# src/models/state.py
+from typing import Annotated, List, Dict, Optional
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # Changed this import
+from langchain_core.messages import AnyMessage
+from datetime import datetime
+import operator
+from enum import Enum
+from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, SystemMessage, AnyMessage
+class TaskType(str, Enum):
+ PATIENT_FLOW = "patient_flow"
+ RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT = "resource_management"
+ QUALITY_MONITORING = "quality_monitoring"
+ STAFF_SCHEDULING = "staff_scheduling"
+ GENERAL = "general"
+class PriorityLevel(int, Enum):
+ LOW = 1
+ MEDIUM = 2
+ HIGH = 3
+ URGENT = 4
+class Department(TypedDict):
+ """Department information"""
+ id: str
+ name: str
+ capacity: int
+ current_occupancy: int
+ staff_count: Dict[str, int]
+ wait_time: int
+class PatientFlowMetrics(TypedDict):
+ """Metrics related to patient flow"""
+ total_beds: int
+ occupied_beds: int
+ waiting_patients: int
+ average_wait_time: float
+ admission_rate: float
+ discharge_rate: float
+ department_metrics: Dict[str, "Department"]
+class ResourceMetrics(TypedDict):
+ """Metrics related to resource management"""
+ equipment_availability: Dict[str, bool]
+ supply_levels: Dict[str, float]
+ resource_utilization: float
+ pending_requests: int
+ critical_supplies: List[str]
+class QualityMetrics(TypedDict):
+ """Metrics related to quality monitoring"""
+ patient_satisfaction: float
+ care_outcomes: Dict[str, float]
+ compliance_rate: float
+ incident_count: int
+ quality_scores: Dict[str, float]
+ last_audit_date: datetime
+class StaffingMetrics(TypedDict):
+ """Metrics related to staff scheduling"""
+ total_staff: int
+ available_staff: Dict[str, int]
+ shifts_coverage: Dict[str, float]
+ overtime_hours: float
+ skill_mix_index: float
+ staff_satisfaction: float
+class HospitalMetrics(TypedDict):
+ """Combined hospital metrics"""
+ patient_flow: PatientFlowMetrics
+ resources: ResourceMetrics
+ quality: QualityMetrics
+ staffing: StaffingMetrics
+ last_updated: datetime
+class AnalysisResult(TypedDict):
+ """Analysis results from nodes"""
+ category: TaskType
+ priority: PriorityLevel
+ findings: List[str]
+ recommendations: List[str]
+ action_items: List[Dict[str, str]]
+ metrics_impact: Dict[str, float]
+class HospitalState(TypedDict):
+ """Main state management for the agent"""
+ messages: Annotated[List[AnyMessage], operator.add]
+ current_task: TaskType
+ priority_level: PriorityLevel
+ department: Optional[str]
+ metrics: HospitalMetrics
+ analysis: Optional[AnalysisResult]
+ context: Dict[str, any] # Will include routing information
+ timestamp: datetime
+ thread_id: str
+def create_initial_state(thread_id: str) -> HospitalState:
+ """Create initial state with default values"""
+ return {
+ "messages": [],
+ "current_task": TaskType.GENERAL,
+ "priority_level": PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
+ "department": None,
+ "metrics": {
+ "patient_flow": {
+ "total_beds": 300,
+ "occupied_beds": 240,
+ "waiting_patients": 15,
+ "average_wait_time": 35.0,
+ "admission_rate": 4.2,
+ "discharge_rate": 3.8,
+ "department_metrics": {}
+ },
+ "resources": {
+ "equipment_availability": {},
+ "supply_levels": {},
+ "resource_utilization": 0.75,
+ "pending_requests": 5,
+ "critical_supplies": []
+ },
+ "quality": {
+ "patient_satisfaction": 8.5,
+ "care_outcomes": {},
+ "compliance_rate": 0.95,
+ "incident_count": 2,
+ "quality_scores": {},
+ "last_audit_date": datetime.now()
+ },
+ "staffing": {
+ "total_staff": 500,
+ "available_staff": {
+ "doctors": 50,
+ "nurses": 150,
+ "specialists": 30,
+ "support": 70
+ },
+ "shifts_coverage": {},
+ "overtime_hours": 120.5,
+ "skill_mix_index": 0.85,
+ "staff_satisfaction": 7.8
+ },
+ "last_updated": datetime.now()
+ },
+ "analysis": None,
+ "context": {
+ "next_node": None # Add routing context
+ },
+ "timestamp": datetime.now(),
+ "thread_id": thread_id
+ }
+def validate_state(state: HospitalState) -> bool:
+ """Validate state structure and data types"""
+ try:
+ # Basic structure validation
+ required_keys = [
+ "messages", "current_task", "priority_level",
+ "metrics", "timestamp", "thread_id"
+ ]
+ for key in required_keys:
+ if key not in state:
+ raise ValueError(f"Missing required key: {key}")
+ # Validate messages
+ if not isinstance(state["messages"], list):
+ raise ValueError("Messages must be a list")
+ # Validate each message has required attributes
+ for msg in state["messages"]:
+ if not hasattr(msg, 'content'):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid message format - missing content")
+ # Validate types
+ if not isinstance(state["current_task"], TaskType):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid task type")
+ if not isinstance(state["priority_level"], PriorityLevel):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid priority level")
+ if not isinstance(state["timestamp"], datetime):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid timestamp")
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError(f"State validation failed: {str(e)}")
+def update_state_metrics(
+ state: HospitalState,
+ new_metrics: Dict,
+ category: str
+) -> HospitalState:
+ """Update specific category of metrics in state"""
+ if category not in state["metrics"]:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid metrics category: {category}")
+ state["metrics"][category].update(new_metrics)
+ state["metrics"]["last_updated"] = datetime.now()
+ return state
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/nodes/__init__.py b/src/nodes/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab24861dd700cda61bad08ec93ed1e29dc456a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nodes/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# src/nodes/__init__.py
+from .input_analyzer import InputAnalyzerNode
+from .task_router import TaskRouterNode
+from .patient_flow import PatientFlowNode
+from .resource_manager import ResourceManagerNode
+from .quality_monitor import QualityMonitorNode
+from .staff_scheduler import StaffSchedulerNode
+from .output_synthesizer import OutputSynthesizerNode
+__all__ = [
+ 'InputAnalyzerNode',
+ 'TaskRouterNode',
+ 'PatientFlowNode',
+ 'ResourceManagerNode',
+ 'QualityMonitorNode',
+ 'StaffSchedulerNode',
+ 'OutputSynthesizerNode'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/nodes/input_analyzer.py b/src/nodes/input_analyzer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c84c894c28780766e01f7828361c21c1c5f94d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nodes/input_analyzer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# src/nodes/input_analyzer.py
+#from typing import Dict
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+#from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage, HumanMessage
+from ..models.state import HospitalState, TaskType, PriorityLevel
+from ..config.prompts import PROMPTS
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, SystemMessage, AnyMessage
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class InputAnalyzerNode:
+ def __init__(self, llm):
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.system_prompt = PROMPTS["input_analyzer"]
+ def __call__(self, state: HospitalState) -> Dict:
+ try:
+ # Get the latest message
+ if not state["messages"]:
+ raise ValueError("No messages in state")
+ latest_message = state["messages"][-1]
+ # Ensure message is a LangChain message object
+ if not hasattr(latest_message, 'content'):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid message format")
+ # Prepare messages for LLM
+ messages = [
+ SystemMessage(content=self.system_prompt),
+ latest_message if isinstance(latest_message, HumanMessage)
+ else HumanMessage(content=str(latest_message))
+ ]
+ # Get LLM response
+ response = self.llm.invoke(messages)
+ # Parse response to determine task type and priority
+ parsed_result = self._parse_llm_response(response.content)
+ return {
+ "current_task": parsed_result["task_type"],
+ "priority_level": parsed_result["priority"],
+ "department": parsed_result["department"],
+ "context": parsed_result["context"]
+ }
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error in input analysis: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ def _parse_llm_response(self, response: str) -> Dict:
+ """Parse LLM response to extract task type and other metadata"""
+ try:
+ # Default values
+ result = {
+ "task_type": TaskType.GENERAL,
+ "priority": PriorityLevel.MEDIUM,
+ "department": None,
+ "context": {}
+ }
+ # Simple parsing logic (can be made more robust)
+ if "patient flow" in response.lower():
+ result["task_type"] = TaskType.PATIENT_FLOW
+ elif "resource" in response.lower():
+ result["task_type"] = TaskType.RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT
+ elif "quality" in response.lower():
+ result["task_type"] = TaskType.QUALITY_MONITORING
+ elif "staff" in response.lower() or "schedule" in response.lower():
+ result["task_type"] = TaskType.STAFF_SCHEDULING
+ # Extract priority from response
+ if "urgent" in response.lower() or "critical" in response.lower():
+ result["priority"] = PriorityLevel.CRITICAL
+ elif "high" in response.lower():
+ result["priority"] = PriorityLevel.HIGH
+ return result
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error parsing LLM response: {str(e)}")
+ return result
diff --git a/src/nodes/output_synthesizer.py b/src/nodes/output_synthesizer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d8ea8ca5274c7fb88a58625a0b5e062eef5fdb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nodes/output_synthesizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# src/nodes/output_synthesizer.py
+#from typing import Dict, List
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage
+from ..models.state import HospitalState
+from ..config.prompts import PROMPTS
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class OutputSynthesizerNode:
+ def __init__(self, llm):
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.system_prompt = PROMPTS["output_synthesis"]
+ def __call__(self, state: HospitalState) -> Dict:
+ try:
+ # Get analysis results from previous nodes
+ analysis = state.get("analysis", {})
+ # Format prompt with context
+ formatted_prompt = self.system_prompt.format(
+ context=self._format_context(state)
+ )
+ # Get LLM synthesis
+ response = self.llm.invoke([
+ SystemMessage(content=formatted_prompt)
+ ])
+ # Structure the final output
+ final_output = self._structure_final_output(
+ response.content,
+ state["current_task"],
+ state["priority_level"]
+ )
+ return {
+ "messages": [response],
+ "analysis": final_output
+ }
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error in output synthesis: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ def _format_context(self, state: HospitalState) -> str:
+ """Format all relevant context for synthesis"""
+ return f"""
+Task Type: {state['current_task']}
+Priority Level: {state['priority_level']}
+Department: {state['department'] or 'All Departments'}
+Key Metrics Summary:
+- Patient Flow: {self._summarize_patient_flow(state)}
+- Resources: {self._summarize_resources(state)}
+- Quality: {self._summarize_quality(state)}
+- Staffing: {self._summarize_staffing(state)}
+ """
+ def _structure_final_output(self, response: str, task_type: str, priority: int) -> Dict:
+ """Structure the final output in a standardized format"""
+ return {
+ "summary": self._extract_summary(response),
+ "key_findings": self._extract_key_findings(response),
+ "recommendations": self._extract_recommendations(response),
+ "action_items": self._extract_action_items(response),
+ "priority_level": priority,
+ "task_type": task_type
+ }
+ def _summarize_patient_flow(self, state: HospitalState) -> str:
+ metrics = state["metrics"]["patient_flow"]
+ return f"Occupancy {(metrics['occupied_beds']/metrics['total_beds'])*100:.1f}%"
+ def _summarize_resources(self, state: HospitalState) -> str:
+ metrics = state["metrics"]["resources"]
+ return f"Utilization {metrics['resource_utilization']*100:.1f}%"
+ def _summarize_quality(self, state: HospitalState) -> str:
+ metrics = state["metrics"]["quality"]
+ return f"Satisfaction {metrics['patient_satisfaction']:.1f}/10"
+ def _summarize_staffing(self, state: HospitalState) -> str:
+ metrics = state["metrics"]["staffing"]
+ return f"Staff Available: {sum(metrics['available_staff'].values())}"
+ def _extract_summary(self, response: str) -> str:
+ """Extract high-level summary from response"""
+ # Implementation depends on response structure
+ return response.split('\n')[0]
+ def _extract_key_findings(self, response: str) -> List[str]:
+ """Extract key findings from response"""
+ findings = []
+ # Implementation for parsing findings
+ return findings
+ def _extract_recommendations(self, response: str) -> List[str]:
+ """Extract recommendations from response"""
+ recommendations = []
+ # Implementation for parsing recommendations
+ return recommendations
+ def _extract_action_items(self, response: str) -> List[Dict]:
+ """Extract actionable items from response"""
+ action_items = []
+ # Implementation for parsing action items
+ return action_items# output_synthesizer node implementation
diff --git a/src/nodes/patient_flow.py b/src/nodes/patient_flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05be055f366fa93294d8f950e747fac87d881e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nodes/patient_flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# src/nodes/patient_flow.py
+#from typing import Dict
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage
+from ..models.state import HospitalState
+from ..config.prompts import PROMPTS
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class PatientFlowNode:
+ def __init__(self, llm):
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.system_prompt = PROMPTS["patient_flow"]
+ def __call__(self, state: HospitalState) -> Dict:
+ try:
+ # Get current metrics
+ metrics = state["metrics"]["patient_flow"]
+ # Format prompt with current metrics
+ formatted_prompt = self.system_prompt.format(
+ occupancy=self._calculate_occupancy(metrics),
+ wait_times=metrics["average_wait_time"],
+ department_capacity=self._get_department_capacity(metrics),
+ admission_rate=metrics["admission_rate"]
+ )
+ # Get LLM analysis
+ response = self.llm.invoke([
+ SystemMessage(content=formatted_prompt)
+ ])
+ # Parse and structure the response
+ analysis = self._structure_analysis(response.content)
+ return {
+ "analysis": analysis,
+ "messages": [response]
+ }
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error in patient flow analysis: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ def _calculate_occupancy(self, metrics: Dict) -> float:
+ """Calculate current occupancy percentage"""
+ return (metrics["occupied_beds"] / metrics["total_beds"]) * 100
+ def _get_department_capacity(self, metrics: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """Get capacity details by department"""
+ return metrics.get("department_metrics", {})
+ def _structure_analysis(self, response: str) -> Dict:
+ """Structure the LLM response into a standardized format"""
+ return {
+ "findings": [], # Extract key findings
+ "recommendations": [], # Extract recommendations
+ "action_items": [], # Extract action items
+ "metrics_impact": {} # Expected impact on metrics
+ }# patient_flow node implementation
diff --git a/src/nodes/quality_monitor.py b/src/nodes/quality_monitor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8eb1dd79a954f04d845e9f4a2eca63c9a1e50bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nodes/quality_monitor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# src/nodes/quality_monitor.py
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage
+from ..models.state import HospitalState
+from ..config.prompts import PROMPTS
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class QualityMonitorNode:
+ def __init__(self, llm):
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.system_prompt = PROMPTS["quality_monitor"]
+ def __call__(self, state: HospitalState) -> Dict:
+ try:
+ # Get current quality metrics
+ metrics = state["metrics"]["quality"]
+ # Format prompt with current metrics
+ formatted_prompt = self.system_prompt.format(
+ satisfaction_score=metrics["patient_satisfaction"],
+ care_outcomes=self._format_care_outcomes(metrics),
+ compliance_rates=metrics["compliance_rate"] * 100,
+ incident_count=metrics["incident_count"]
+ )
+ # Get LLM analysis
+ response = self.llm.invoke([
+ SystemMessage(content=formatted_prompt)
+ ])
+ # Process quality assessment
+ analysis = self._analyze_quality_metrics(response.content, metrics)
+ return {
+ "analysis": analysis,
+ "messages": [response],
+ "context": {
+ "quality_scores": metrics["quality_scores"],
+ "last_audit": metrics["last_audit_date"]
+ }
+ }
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error in quality monitoring analysis: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ def _format_care_outcomes(self, metrics: Dict) -> str:
+ """Format care outcomes into readable text"""
+ outcomes = []
+ for metric, value in metrics["care_outcomes"].items():
+ outcomes.append(f"{metric}: {value:.1f}")
+ return ", ".join(outcomes)
+ def _analyze_quality_metrics(self, response: str, metrics: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """Analyze quality metrics and identify areas for improvement"""
+ return {
+ "satisfaction_analysis": self._analyze_satisfaction(metrics),
+ "compliance_analysis": self._analyze_compliance(metrics),
+ "incident_analysis": self._analyze_incidents(metrics),
+ "recommendations": self._extract_recommendations(response),
+ "priority_improvements": []
+ }
+ def _analyze_satisfaction(self, metrics: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """Analyze patient satisfaction trends"""
+ satisfaction = metrics["patient_satisfaction"]
+ return {
+ "current_score": satisfaction,
+ "status": "Good" if satisfaction >= 8.0 else "Needs Improvement",
+ "trend": "Unknown" # Would need historical data
+ }
+ def _analyze_compliance(self, metrics: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """Analyze compliance rates"""
+ return {
+ "rate": metrics["compliance_rate"],
+ "status": "Compliant" if metrics["compliance_rate"] >= 0.95 else "Review Required"
+ }
+ def _analyze_incidents(self, metrics: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """Analyze incident reports"""
+ return {
+ "count": metrics["incident_count"],
+ "severity": "High" if metrics["incident_count"] > 5 else "Low"
+ }
+ def _extract_recommendations(self, response: str) -> List[str]:
+ """Extract recommendations from LLM response"""
+ recommendations = []
+ for line in response.split('\n'):
+ if 'recommend' in line.lower() or 'suggest' in line.lower():
+ recommendations.append(line.strip())
+ return recommendations
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/nodes/resource_manager.py b/src/nodes/resource_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a45afa8a9fd3b23455bb87a806ea5f405777ccb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nodes/resource_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# src/nodes/resource_manager.py
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+#from typing import Dict
+from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage
+from ..models.state import HospitalState
+from ..config.prompts import PROMPTS
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class ResourceManagerNode:
+ def __init__(self, llm):
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.system_prompt = PROMPTS["resource_manager"]
+ def __call__(self, state: HospitalState) -> Dict:
+ try:
+ # Get current resource metrics
+ metrics = state["metrics"]["resources"]
+ # Format prompt with current metrics
+ formatted_prompt = self.system_prompt.format(
+ equipment_status=self._format_equipment_status(metrics),
+ supply_levels=self._format_supply_levels(metrics),
+ resource_allocation=metrics["resource_utilization"],
+ budget_info=self._get_budget_info(state)
+ )
+ # Get LLM analysis
+ response = self.llm.invoke([
+ SystemMessage(content=formatted_prompt)
+ ])
+ # Update state with recommendations
+ analysis = self._parse_recommendations(response.content)
+ return {
+ "analysis": analysis,
+ "messages": [response],
+ "context": {
+ "critical_supplies": metrics["critical_supplies"],
+ "pending_requests": metrics["pending_requests"]
+ }
+ }
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error in resource management analysis: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ def _format_equipment_status(self, metrics: Dict) -> str:
+ """Format equipment availability into readable text"""
+ status = []
+ for equip, available in metrics["equipment_availability"].items():
+ status.append(f"{equip}: {'Available' if available else 'In Use'}")
+ return ", ".join(status)
+ def _format_supply_levels(self, metrics: Dict) -> str:
+ """Format supply levels into readable text"""
+ levels = []
+ for item, level in metrics["supply_levels"].items():
+ status = "Critical" if level < 0.2 else "Low" if level < 0.4 else "Adequate"
+ levels.append(f"{item}: {status} ({level*100:.0f}%)")
+ return ", ".join(levels)
+ def _get_budget_info(self, state: HospitalState) -> str:
+ """Get budget information from context"""
+ return state.get("context", {}).get("budget_info", "Budget information not available")
+ def _parse_recommendations(self, response: str) -> Dict:
+ """Parse LLM recommendations into structured format"""
+ return {
+ "resource_optimization": [],
+ "supply_management": [],
+ "equipment_maintenance": [],
+ "budget_allocation": [],
+ "priority_actions": []
+ }# resource_manager node implementation
diff --git a/src/nodes/staff_scheduler.py b/src/nodes/staff_scheduler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c90d4d79983df3987022e05e47828c0f55c6b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nodes/staff_scheduler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# src/nodes/staff_scheduler.py
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from langchain_core.messages import SystemMessage
+from ..models.state import HospitalState
+from ..config.prompts import PROMPTS
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class StaffSchedulerNode:
+ def __init__(self, llm):
+ self.llm = llm
+ self.system_prompt = PROMPTS["staff_scheduler"]
+ def __call__(self, state: HospitalState) -> Dict:
+ try:
+ # Get current staffing metrics
+ metrics = state["metrics"]["staffing"]
+ # Format prompt with current metrics
+ formatted_prompt = self.system_prompt.format(
+ staff_available=self._format_staff_availability(metrics),
+ department_needs=self._get_department_needs(state),
+ skill_requirements=self._format_skill_requirements(metrics),
+ work_hours=metrics["overtime_hours"]
+ )
+ # Get LLM analysis
+ response = self.llm.invoke([
+ SystemMessage(content=formatted_prompt)
+ ])
+ # Generate scheduling recommendations
+ analysis = self._generate_schedule_recommendations(response.content, metrics)
+ return {
+ "analysis": analysis,
+ "messages": [response],
+ "context": {
+ "staff_satisfaction": metrics["staff_satisfaction"],
+ "skill_mix_index": metrics["skill_mix_index"]
+ }
+ }
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error in staff scheduling analysis: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ def _format_staff_availability(self, metrics: Dict) -> str:
+ """Format staff availability into readable text"""
+ return ", ".join([
+ f"{role}: {count} available"
+ for role, count in metrics["available_staff"].items()
+ ])
+ def _get_department_needs(self, state: HospitalState) -> Dict:
+ """Get staffing needs by department"""
+ return {
+ dept: metrics
+ for dept, metrics in state["metrics"]["patient_flow"]["department_metrics"].items()
+ }
+ def _format_skill_requirements(self, metrics: Dict) -> str:
+ """Format skill requirements into readable text"""
+ return f"Skill Mix Index: {metrics['skill_mix_index']:.2f}"
+ def _generate_schedule_recommendations(self, response: str, metrics: Dict) -> Dict:
+ """Generate scheduling recommendations based on LLM response"""
+ return {
+ "shift_adjustments": [],
+ "staff_assignments": {},
+ "overtime_recommendations": [],
+ "training_needs": [],
+ "efficiency_improvements": []
+ }# staff_scheduler node implementation
diff --git a/src/nodes/task_router.py b/src/nodes/task_router.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d7e894076269135f0ed92d8574799e6df83de55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nodes/task_router.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# src/nodes/task_router.py
+from typing import Literal
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from ..models.state import HospitalState, TaskType
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class TaskRouterNode:
+ def __call__(self, state: HospitalState) -> Dict:
+ """Route to appropriate node based on task type and return state update"""
+ try:
+ task_type = state["current_task"]
+ # Create base state update
+ state_update = {
+ "messages": state.get("messages", []),
+ "current_task": task_type,
+ "priority_level": state.get("priority_level"),
+ "context": state.get("context", {})
+ }
+ # Add routing information to context
+ if task_type == TaskType.PATIENT_FLOW:
+ state_update["context"]["next_node"] = "patient_flow"
+ elif task_type == TaskType.RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT:
+ state_update["context"]["next_node"] = "resource_management"
+ elif task_type == TaskType.QUALITY_MONITORING:
+ state_update["context"]["next_node"] = "quality_monitoring"
+ elif task_type == TaskType.STAFF_SCHEDULING:
+ state_update["context"]["next_node"] = "staff_scheduling"
+ else:
+ state_update["context"]["next_node"] = "output_synthesis"
+ return state_update
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error in task routing: {str(e)}")
+ # Return default routing to output synthesis on error
+ return {
+ "messages": state.get("messages", []),
+ "context": {"next_node": "output_synthesis"},
+ "current_task": state.get("current_task")
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tools/__init__.py b/src/tools/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a18a402c2c901a242fcbd716fbb1784d5e85d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# src/tools/__init__.py
+from .patient_tools import PatientTools
+from .resource_tools import ResourceTools
+from .quality_tools import QualityTools
+from .scheduling_tools import SchedulingTools
+__all__ = [
+ 'PatientTools',
+ 'ResourceTools',
+ 'QualityTools',
+ 'SchedulingTools'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/tools/patient_tools.py b/src/tools/patient_tools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..043b0e0a65ca49a91274e913b52419726bffe469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/patient_tools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# src/tools/patient_tools.py
+#from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from langchain_core.tools import tool
+from datetime import datetime
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+from ..models.state import Department
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class PatientTools:
+ @tool
+ def calculate_wait_time(
+ self,
+ department: str,
+ current_queue: int,
+ staff_available: int
+ ) -> float:
+ """Calculate estimated wait time for a department based on queue and staff"""
+ try:
+ # Average time per patient (in minutes)
+ # Factor in staff availability
+ wait_time = (current_queue * AVG_TIME_PER_PATIENT) / max(staff_available, 1)
+ return round(wait_time, 1)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error calculating wait time: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def analyze_bed_capacity(
+ self,
+ total_beds: int,
+ occupied_beds: int,
+ pending_admissions: int
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Analyze bed capacity and provide utilization metrics"""
+ try:
+ capacity = {
+ "total_beds": total_beds,
+ "occupied_beds": occupied_beds,
+ "available_beds": total_beds - occupied_beds,
+ "utilization_rate": (occupied_beds / total_beds) * 100,
+ "pending_admissions": pending_admissions,
+ "status": "Normal"
+ }
+ # Determine status based on utilization
+ if capacity["utilization_rate"] > 90:
+ capacity["status"] = "Critical"
+ elif capacity["utilization_rate"] > 80:
+ capacity["status"] = "High"
+ return capacity
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error analyzing bed capacity: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def predict_discharge_time(
+ self,
+ admission_date: datetime,
+ condition_type: str,
+ department: str
+ ) -> datetime:
+ """Predict expected discharge time based on condition and department"""
+ try:
+ # Average length of stay (in days) by condition
+ "routine": 3,
+ "acute": 5,
+ "critical": 7,
+ "emergency": 2
+ }
+ # Get base length of stay
+ base_los = LOS_BY_CONDITION.get(condition_type.lower(), 4)
+ # Adjust based on department
+ if department.lower() == "icu":
+ base_los *= 1.5
+ # Calculate expected discharge date
+ discharge_date = admission_date + timedelta(days=base_los)
+ return discharge_date
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error predicting discharge time: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def optimize_patient_flow(
+ self,
+ departments: List[Department],
+ waiting_patients: List[Dict]
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Optimize patient flow across departments"""
+ try:
+ optimization_result = {
+ "department_recommendations": {},
+ "patient_transfers": [],
+ "capacity_alerts": []
+ }
+ for dept in departments:
+ # Calculate department capacity
+ utilization = dept["current_occupancy"] / dept["capacity"]
+ if utilization > 0.9:
+ optimization_result["capacity_alerts"].append({
+ "department": dept["name"],
+ "alert": "Critical capacity",
+ "utilization": utilization
+ })
+ # Recommend transfers if needed
+ if utilization > 0.85:
+ optimization_result["patient_transfers"].append({
+ "from_dept": dept["name"],
+ "recommended_transfers": max(1, int((utilization - 0.8) * dept["capacity"]))
+ })
+ return optimization_result
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error optimizing patient flow: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def assess_admission_priority(
+ self,
+ patient_condition: str,
+ wait_time: float,
+ department_load: float
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Assess admission priority based on multiple factors"""
+ try:
+ # Base priority scores
+ "critical": 10,
+ "urgent": 8,
+ "moderate": 5,
+ "routine": 3
+ }
+ # Calculate priority score
+ base_score = CONDITION_SCORES.get(patient_condition.lower(), 3)
+ wait_factor = min(wait_time / 30, 2) # Cap wait time factor at 2
+ load_penalty = department_load if department_load > 0.8 else 0
+ final_score = base_score + wait_factor - load_penalty
+ return {
+ "priority_score": round(final_score, 2),
+ "priority_level": "High" if final_score > 7 else "Medium" if final_score > 4 else "Low",
+ "factors": {
+ "condition_score": base_score,
+ "wait_factor": round(wait_factor, 2),
+ "load_penalty": round(load_penalty, 2)
+ }
+ }
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error assessing admission priority: {str(e)}")
+ raise# patient_tools implementation
diff --git a/src/tools/quality_tools.py b/src/tools/quality_tools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9871914ff8eaf7be3c942e320828c3b6f338464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/quality_tools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# src/tools/quality_tools.py
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from langchain_core.tools import tool
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class QualityTools:
+ @tool
+ def analyze_patient_satisfaction(
+ self,
+ satisfaction_scores: List[float],
+ feedback_comments: List[str],
+ department: Optional[str] = None
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Analyze patient satisfaction scores and feedback"""
+ try:
+ analysis = {
+ "metrics": {
+ "average_score": sum(satisfaction_scores) / len(satisfaction_scores),
+ "total_responses": len(satisfaction_scores),
+ "score_distribution": {},
+ "trend": "stable"
+ },
+ "feedback_analysis": {
+ "positive_themes": [],
+ "negative_themes": [],
+ "improvement_areas": []
+ },
+ "recommendations": []
+ }
+ # Analyze score distribution
+ for score in satisfaction_scores:
+ category = int(score)
+ analysis["metrics"]["score_distribution"][category] = \
+ analysis["metrics"]["score_distribution"].get(category, 0) + 1
+ # Basic sentiment analysis of feedback
+ positive_keywords = ["great", "excellent", "good", "satisfied", "helpful"]
+ negative_keywords = ["poor", "bad", "slow", "unhappy", "dissatisfied"]
+ for comment in feedback_comments:
+ comment_lower = comment.lower()
+ # Analyze positive feedback
+ for keyword in positive_keywords:
+ if keyword in comment_lower:
+ analysis["feedback_analysis"]["positive_themes"].append(keyword)
+ # Analyze negative feedback
+ for keyword in negative_keywords:
+ if keyword in comment_lower:
+ analysis["feedback_analysis"]["negative_themes"].append(keyword)
+ # Generate recommendations
+ if analysis["metrics"]["average_score"] < 7.0:
+ analysis["recommendations"].append("Implement immediate satisfaction improvement plan")
+ return analysis
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error analyzing patient satisfaction: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def monitor_clinical_outcomes(
+ self,
+ outcomes_data: List[Dict],
+ benchmark_metrics: Dict[str, float]
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Monitor and analyze clinical outcomes against benchmarks"""
+ try:
+ analysis = {
+ "outcome_metrics": {},
+ "benchmark_comparison": {},
+ "critical_deviations": [],
+ "success_areas": []
+ }
+ # Analyze outcomes by category
+ for outcome in outcomes_data:
+ category = outcome["category"]
+ if category not in analysis["outcome_metrics"]:
+ analysis["outcome_metrics"][category] = {
+ "success_rate": 0,
+ "complication_rate": 0,
+ "readmission_rate": 0,
+ "total_cases": 0
+ }
+ # Update metrics
+ metrics = analysis["outcome_metrics"][category]
+ metrics["total_cases"] += 1
+ metrics["success_rate"] = (metrics["success_rate"] * (metrics["total_cases"] - 1) +
+ outcome["success"]) / metrics["total_cases"]
+ # Compare with benchmarks
+ if category in benchmark_metrics:
+ benchmark = benchmark_metrics[category]
+ deviation = metrics["success_rate"] - benchmark
+ if deviation < -0.1: # More than 10% below benchmark
+ analysis["critical_deviations"].append({
+ "category": category,
+ "deviation": deviation,
+ "current_rate": metrics["success_rate"],
+ "benchmark": benchmark
+ })
+ elif deviation > 0.05: # More than 5% above benchmark
+ analysis["success_areas"].append({
+ "category": category,
+ "improvement": deviation,
+ "current_rate": metrics["success_rate"]
+ })
+ return analysis
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error monitoring clinical outcomes: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def track_compliance_metrics(
+ self,
+ compliance_data: List[Dict],
+ audit_period: str
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Track and analyze compliance with medical standards and regulations"""
+ try:
+ analysis = {
+ "compliance_rate": 0,
+ "violations": [],
+ "risk_areas": [],
+ "audit_summary": {
+ "period": audit_period,
+ "total_checks": len(compliance_data),
+ "passed_checks": 0,
+ "failed_checks": 0
+ }
+ }
+ # Analyze compliance checks
+ for check in compliance_data:
+ if check["compliant"]:
+ analysis["audit_summary"]["passed_checks"] += 1
+ else:
+ analysis["audit_summary"]["failed_checks"] += 1
+ analysis["violations"].append({
+ "standard": check["standard"],
+ "severity": check["severity"],
+ "date": check["date"]
+ })
+ # Identify risk areas
+ if check["severity"] == "high" or check.get("repeat_violation", False):
+ analysis["risk_areas"].append({
+ "area": check["standard"],
+ "risk_level": "high",
+ "recommendations": ["Immediate action required",
+ "Staff training needed"]
+ })
+ # Calculate overall compliance rate
+ total_checks = analysis["audit_summary"]["total_checks"]
+ if total_checks > 0:
+ analysis["compliance_rate"] = (analysis["audit_summary"]["passed_checks"] /
+ total_checks * 100)
+ return analysis
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error tracking compliance metrics: {str(e)}")
+ raise# quality_tools implementation
diff --git a/src/tools/resource_tools.py b/src/tools/resource_tools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72f0d7e601a6c6c55b8b6e870eae87df038e9102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/resource_tools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# src/tools/resource_tools.py
+#from typing import Dict, List
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from langchain_core.tools import tool
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class ResourceTools:
+ @tool
+ def analyze_supply_levels(
+ self,
+ current_inventory: Dict[str, float],
+ consumption_rate: Dict[str, float],
+ reorder_thresholds: Dict[str, float]
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Analyze supply levels and generate reorder recommendations"""
+ try:
+ analysis = {
+ "critical_items": [],
+ "reorder_needed": [],
+ "adequate_supplies": [],
+ "recommendations": []
+ }
+ for item, level in current_inventory.items():
+ threshold = reorder_thresholds.get(item, 0.2)
+ consumption = consumption_rate.get(item, 0)
+ # Days of supply remaining
+ days_remaining = level / consumption if consumption > 0 else float('inf')
+ if level <= threshold:
+ if days_remaining < 2:
+ analysis["critical_items"].append({
+ "item": item,
+ "current_level": level,
+ "days_remaining": days_remaining
+ })
+ else:
+ analysis["reorder_needed"].append({
+ "item": item,
+ "current_level": level,
+ "days_remaining": days_remaining
+ })
+ else:
+ analysis["adequate_supplies"].append(item)
+ return analysis
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error analyzing supply levels: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def track_equipment_utilization(
+ self,
+ equipment_logs: List[Dict],
+ equipment_capacity: Dict[str, int]
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Track and analyze equipment utilization rates"""
+ try:
+ utilization = {
+ "equipment_stats": {},
+ "underutilized": [],
+ "optimal": [],
+ "overutilized": []
+ }
+ for equip, capacity in equipment_capacity.items():
+ usage = len([log for log in equipment_logs if log["equipment"] == equip])
+ utilization_rate = usage / capacity
+ utilization["equipment_stats"][equip] = {
+ "usage": usage,
+ "capacity": capacity,
+ "utilization_rate": utilization_rate
+ }
+ if utilization_rate < 0.3:
+ utilization["underutilized"].append(equip)
+ elif utilization_rate > 0.8:
+ utilization["overutilized"].append(equip)
+ else:
+ utilization["optimal"].append(equip)
+ return utilization
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error tracking equipment utilization: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def optimize_resource_allocation(
+ self,
+ department_demands: Dict[str, Dict],
+ available_resources: Dict[str, int]
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Optimize resource allocation across departments"""
+ try:
+ allocation = {
+ "recommended_distribution": {},
+ "unmet_demands": [],
+ "resource_sharing": []
+ }
+ total_demand = sum(dept["demand"] for dept in department_demands.values())
+ for dept, demand in department_demands.items():
+ # Calculate fair share based on demand
+ for resource, available in available_resources.items():
+ dept_share = int((demand["demand"] / total_demand) * available)
+ allocation["recommended_distribution"][dept] = {
+ resource: dept_share
+ }
+ if dept_share < demand.get("minimum", 0):
+ allocation["unmet_demands"].append({
+ "department": dept,
+ "resource": resource,
+ "shortfall": demand["minimum"] - dept_share
+ })
+ return allocation
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error optimizing resource allocation: {str(e)}")
+ raise# resource_tools implementation
diff --git a/src/tools/scheduling_tools.py b/src/tools/scheduling_tools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c080687b17562d4dbd9759e604fa40f5995b365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/scheduling_tools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# src/tools/scheduling_tools.py
+#from typing import Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any
+from typing_extensions import TypedDict # If using TypedDict
+from langchain_core.tools import tool
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class SchedulingTools:
+ @tool
+ def optimize_staff_schedule(
+ self,
+ staff_availability: List[Dict],
+ department_needs: Dict[str, Dict],
+ shift_preferences: Optional[List[Dict]] = None
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Generate optimized staff schedules based on availability and department needs"""
+ try:
+ schedule = {
+ "shifts": {},
+ "coverage_gaps": [],
+ "recommendations": [],
+ "staff_assignments": {}
+ }
+ # Process each department's needs
+ for dept, needs in department_needs.items():
+ schedule["shifts"][dept] = {
+ "morning": [],
+ "afternoon": [],
+ "night": []
+ }
+ required_staff = needs.get("required_staff", {})
+ # Match available staff to shifts
+ for staff in staff_availability:
+ if staff["department"] == dept and staff["available"]:
+ preferred_shift = "morning" # Default
+ if shift_preferences:
+ for pref in shift_preferences:
+ if pref["staff_id"] == staff["id"]:
+ preferred_shift = pref["preferred_shift"]
+ schedule["shifts"][dept][preferred_shift].append(staff["id"])
+ # Identify coverage gaps
+ for shift in ["morning", "afternoon", "night"]:
+ required = required_staff.get(shift, 0)
+ assigned = len(schedule["shifts"][dept][shift])
+ if assigned < required:
+ schedule["coverage_gaps"].append({
+ "department": dept,
+ "shift": shift,
+ "shortage": required - assigned
+ })
+ return schedule
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error optimizing staff schedule: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def analyze_workforce_metrics(
+ self,
+ staff_data: List[Dict],
+ time_period: str
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Analyze workforce metrics including overtime, satisfaction, and skill mix"""
+ try:
+ analysis = {
+ "workforce_metrics": {
+ "total_staff": len(staff_data),
+ "overtime_hours": 0,
+ "skill_distribution": {},
+ "satisfaction_score": 0,
+ "turnover_rate": 0
+ },
+ "recommendations": []
+ }
+ total_satisfaction = 0
+ total_overtime = 0
+ for staff in staff_data:
+ # Analyze overtime
+ total_overtime += staff.get("overtime_hours", 0)
+ # Track skill distribution
+ role = staff.get("role", "unknown")
+ analysis["workforce_metrics"]["skill_distribution"][role] = \
+ analysis["workforce_metrics"]["skill_distribution"].get(role, 0) + 1
+ # Track satisfaction
+ total_satisfaction += staff.get("satisfaction_score", 0)
+ # Calculate averages
+ if staff_data:
+ analysis["workforce_metrics"]["overtime_hours"] = total_overtime / len(staff_data)
+ analysis["workforce_metrics"]["satisfaction_score"] = \
+ total_satisfaction / len(staff_data)
+ # Generate recommendations
+ if analysis["workforce_metrics"]["overtime_hours"] > 10:
+ analysis["recommendations"].append("Reduce overtime hours through better scheduling")
+ if analysis["workforce_metrics"]["satisfaction_score"] < 7:
+ analysis["recommendations"].append("Implement staff satisfaction improvement measures")
+ return analysis
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error analyzing workforce metrics: {str(e)}")
+ raise
+ @tool
+ def calculate_staffing_needs(
+ self,
+ patient_census: Dict[str, int],
+ acuity_levels: Dict[str, float],
+ staff_ratios: Dict[str, float]
+ ) -> Dict:
+ """Calculate staffing needs based on patient census and acuity"""
+ try:
+ staffing_needs = {
+ "required_staff": {},
+ "current_gaps": {},
+ "recommendations": []
+ }
+ for department, census in patient_census.items():
+ # Calculate base staffing need
+ acuity = acuity_levels.get(department, 1.0)
+ ratio = staff_ratios.get(department, 4) # default 1:4 ratio
+ required_staff = ceil(census * acuity / ratio)
+ staffing_needs["required_staff"][department] = {
+ "total_needed": required_staff,
+ "acuity_factor": acuity,
+ "patient_ratio": ratio
+ }
+ # Generate staffing recommendations
+ if required_staff > current_staff.get(department, 0):
+ staffing_needs["recommendations"].append({
+ "department": department,
+ "action": "increase_staff",
+ "amount": required_staff - current_staff.get(department, 0)
+ })
+ return staffing_needs
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error calculating staffing needs: {str(e)}")
+ raise# scheduling_tools implementation
diff --git a/src/ui/__init__.py b/src/ui/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2d131cb1e1e48291cac392ff2052ef7f2a03f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from .app import HealthcareUI
+__all__ = ['HealthcareUI']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/app.py b/src/ui/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5da1ce0c4e8f550a2914a152021e5edf4d4f8463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+import streamlit as st
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
+import os
+from ..agent import HealthcareAgent
+from ..models.state import TaskType, PriorityLevel
+from ..utils.logger import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+class HealthcareUI:
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize the Healthcare Operations Management UI"""
+ try:
+ # Set up Streamlit page configuration
+ st.set_page_config(
+ page_title="Healthcare Operations Assistant",
+ page_icon="๐ฅ",
+ layout="wide",
+ initial_sidebar_state="expanded",
+ menu_items={
+ 'About': "Healthcare Operations Management AI Assistant",
+ 'Report a bug': "https://github.com/yourusername/repo/issues",
+ 'Get Help': "https://your-docs-url"
+ }
+ )
+ # Apply custom theme
+ self.setup_theme()
+ # Initialize the agent
+ self.agent = HealthcareAgent(os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))
+ # Initialize session state variables only if not already set
+ if 'initialized' not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.initialized = True
+ st.session_state.messages = []
+ st.session_state.thread_id = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
+ st.session_state.current_department = "All Departments"
+ st.session_state.metrics_history = []
+ st.session_state.system_status = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error initializing UI: {str(e)}")
+ st.error("Failed to initialize the application. Please refresh the page.")
+ def setup_theme(self):
+ """Configure the UI theme and styling"""
+ st.markdown("""
+ """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
+ def render_header(self):
+ """Render the application header"""
+ try:
+ header_container = st.container()
+ with header_container:
+ col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 4, 1])
+ with col1:
+ st.markdown("# ๐ฅ")
+ with col2:
+ st.title("Healthcare Operations Assistant")
+ st.markdown("*Your AI-powered healthcare operations management solution* ๐ค")
+ with col3:
+ # System status indicator
+ status = "๐ข Online" if st.session_state.system_status else "๐ด Offline"
+ st.markdown(f"### {status}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error rendering header: {str(e)}")
+ st.error("Error loading header section")
+ def render_metrics(self, metrics: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None):
+ """Render the metrics dashboard"""
+ try:
+ if not metrics:
+ metrics = {
+ "patient_flow": {"occupied_beds": 75, "total_beds": 100},
+ "quality": {"patient_satisfaction": 8.5},
+ "staffing": {"available_staff": {"doctors": 20, "nurses": 50}},
+ "resources": {"resource_utilization": 0.75}
+ }
+ st.markdown("### ๐ Key Metrics Dashboard")
+ metrics_container = st.container()
+ with metrics_container:
+ # First row - Key metrics
+ col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4)
+ with col1:
+ occupancy = (metrics['patient_flow']['occupied_beds'] /
+ metrics['patient_flow']['total_beds'] * 100)
+ st.metric(
+ "Bed Occupancy ๐๏ธ",
+ f"{occupancy:.1f}%",
+ "Normal ๐ข" if occupancy < 85 else "High ๐ก"
+ )
+ with col2:
+ satisfaction = metrics['quality']['patient_satisfaction']
+ st.metric(
+ "Patient Satisfaction ๐",
+ f"{satisfaction}/10",
+ "โ +0.5" if satisfaction > 8 else "โ -0.3"
+ )
+ with col3:
+ total_staff = sum(metrics['staffing']['available_staff'].values())
+ st.metric(
+ "Available Staff ๐ฅ",
+ total_staff,
+ "Optimal ๐ข" if total_staff > 80 else "Low ๐ด"
+ )
+ with col4:
+ utilization = metrics['resources']['resource_utilization'] * 100
+ st.metric(
+ "Resource Utilization ๐ฆ",
+ f"{utilization:.1f}%",
+ "โ -2%"
+ )
+ # Add metrics to history
+ st.session_state.metrics_history.append({
+ 'timestamp': datetime.now(),
+ 'metrics': metrics
+ })
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error rendering metrics: {str(e)}")
+ st.error("Error loading metrics dashboard")
+ def render_chat(self):
+ """Render the chat interface"""
+ try:
+ st.markdown("### ๐ฌ Chat Interface")
+ chat_container = st.container()
+ with chat_container:
+ # Display chat messages
+ for message in st.session_state.messages:
+ role = message["role"]
+ content = message["content"]
+ timestamp = message.get("timestamp", datetime.now())
+ with st.chat_message(role, avatar="๐ค" if role == "assistant" else "๐ค"):
+ st.markdown(content)
+ st.caption(f":clock2: {timestamp.strftime('%H:%M')}")
+ # Chat input
+ if prompt := st.chat_input("How can I assist you with healthcare operations today?"):
+ # Add user message
+ current_time = datetime.now()
+ st.session_state.messages.append({
+ "role": "user",
+ "content": prompt,
+ "timestamp": current_time
+ })
+ # Display user message
+ with st.chat_message("user", avatar="๐ค"):
+ st.markdown(prompt)
+ st.caption(f":clock2: {current_time.strftime('%H:%M')}")
+ # Display assistant response
+ with st.chat_message("assistant", avatar="๐ค"):
+ with st.spinner("Processing your request... ๐"):
+ try:
+ # Generate response based on query type
+ response = self._get_department_response(prompt)
+ # Display structured response
+ st.markdown("### ๐ Key Insights")
+ st.markdown(response["insights"])
+ st.markdown("### ๐ Actionable Recommendations")
+ st.markdown(response["recommendations"])
+ st.markdown("### โก Priority Actions")
+ st.markdown(response["priority_actions"])
+ st.markdown("### โฐ Implementation Timeline")
+ st.markdown(response["timeline"])
+ # Update metrics if available
+ if "metrics" in response:
+ self.render_metrics(response["metrics"])
+ # Add to chat history
+ st.session_state.messages.append({
+ "role": "assistant",
+ "content": response["full_response"],
+ "timestamp": datetime.now()
+ })
+ except Exception as e:
+ st.error(f"Error processing request: {str(e)} โ")
+ logger.error(f"Error in chat processing: {str(e)}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error rendering chat interface: {str(e)}")
+ st.error("Error loading chat interface")
+ def _get_department_response(self, query: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Generate response based on query type"""
+ query = query.lower()
+ # Waiting times response
+ if "waiting" in query or "wait time" in query:
+ return {
+ "insights": """
+ ๐ Current Department Wait Times:
+ - ER: 45 minutes (โ ๏ธ Above target)
+ - ICU: 5 minutes (โ
Within target)
+ - General Ward: 25 minutes (โ
Within target)
+ - Surgery: 30 minutes (โก Approaching target)
+ - Pediatrics: 20 minutes (โ
Within target)
+ """,
+ "recommendations": """
+ 1. ๐ฅ Deploy additional triage nurses to ER
+ 2. ๐ Optimize patient handoff procedures
+ 3. ๐ฑ Implement real-time wait time updates
+ 4. ๐ฅ Activate overflow protocols where needed
+ """,
+ "priority_actions": """
+ Immediate Actions Required:
+ - ๐จ Redirect non-emergency cases from ER
+ - ๐จโโ๏ธ Increase ER staffing for next 2 hours
+ - ๐ข Update waiting patients every 15 minutes
+ """,
+ "timeline": """
+ Implementation Schedule:
+ - ๐ 0-1 hour: Staff reallocation
+ - ๐ 1-2 hours: Process optimization
+ - ๐ 2-4 hours: Situation reassessment
+ - ๐ 4+ hours: Long-term monitoring
+ """,
+ "metrics": {
+ "patient_flow": {
+ "occupied_beds": 85,
+ "total_beds": 100,
+ "waiting_patients": 18,
+ "average_wait_time": 35.0
+ },
+ "quality": {"patient_satisfaction": 7.8},
+ "staffing": {"available_staff": {"doctors": 22, "nurses": 55}},
+ "resources": {"resource_utilization": 0.82}
+ },
+ "full_response": "Based on current data, we're seeing elevated wait times in the ER department. Immediate actions have been recommended to address this situation."
+ }
+ # Bed occupancy response
+ elif "bed" in query or "occupancy" in query:
+ return {
+ "insights": """
+ ๐๏ธ Current Bed Occupancy Status:
+ - Overall Occupancy: 85%
+ - Critical Care: 90% (โ ๏ธ Near capacity)
+ - General Wards: 82% (โ
+ - Available Emergency Beds: 5
+ """,
+ "recommendations": """
+ 1. ๐ Review discharge plans
+ 2. ๐ฅ Prepare overflow areas
+ 3. ๐ Optimize bed turnover
+ 4. ๐ฅ Adjust staff allocation
+ """,
+ "priority_actions": """
+ Critical Actions:
+ - ๐จ Expedite planned discharges
+ - ๐ฅ Activate surge capacity plan
+ - ๐ Hourly capacity monitoring
+ """,
+ "timeline": """
+ Action Timeline:
+ - ๐ Immediate: Discharge reviews
+ - ๐ 2 hours: Capacity reassessment
+ - ๐ 4 hours: Staff reallocation
+ - ๐ 8 hours: Full situation review
+ """,
+ "metrics": {
+ "patient_flow": {
+ "occupied_beds": 90,
+ "total_beds": 100,
+ "waiting_patients": 12,
+ "average_wait_time": 30.0
+ },
+ "quality": {"patient_satisfaction": 8.0},
+ "staffing": {"available_staff": {"doctors": 25, "nurses": 58}},
+ "resources": {"resource_utilization": 0.88}
+ },
+ "full_response": "Current bed occupancy is at 85% with critical care areas approaching capacity. Immediate actions are being taken to optimize bed utilization."
+ }
+ # Default response for other queries
+ else:
+ return {
+ "insights": """
+ Please specify your request:
+ - ๐ฅ Department specific information
+ - โฐ Wait time inquiries
+ - ๐๏ธ Bed capacity status
+ - ๐ฅ Staffing information
+ - ๐ Resource utilization
+ """,
+ "recommendations": "To better assist you, please provide more specific details about what you'd like to know.",
+ "priority_actions": "No immediate actions required. Awaiting specific inquiry.",
+ "timeline": "Timeline will be generated based on specific requests.",
+ "full_response": "I'm here to help! Please specify what information you need about healthcare operations."
+ }
+ def render_sidebar(self):
+ """Render the sidebar with controls and filters"""
+ try:
+ with st.sidebar:
+ # Add custom CSS for consistent button styling
+ st.markdown("""
+ """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
+ st.markdown("### โ๏ธ Settings")
+ # Department filter
+ if "department_filter" not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.department_filter = "All Departments"
+ st.selectbox(
+ "Select Department",
+ ["All Departments", "ER", "ICU", "General Ward", "Surgery", "Pediatrics"],
+ key="department_filter"
+ )
+ # Priority filter
+ if "priority_filter" not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.priority_filter = "Medium"
+ st.select_slider(
+ "Priority Level",
+ options=["Low", "Medium", "High", "Urgent", "Critical"],
+ key="priority_filter"
+ )
+ # Time range
+ if "time_range_filter" not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.time_range_filter = 8
+ st.slider(
+ "Time Range (hours)",
+ min_value=1,
+ max_value=24,
+ key="time_range_filter"
+ )
+ # Quick actions with consistent styling
+ st.markdown("### โก Quick Actions")
+ # Create two columns for buttons
+ col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
+ with col1:
+ if st.button("๐ Report"):
+ st.info("Generating comprehensive report...")
+ with col2:
+ if st.button("๐ Refresh"):
+ st.success("Data refreshed successfully!")
+ # Emergency Mode
+ st.markdown("### ๐จ Emergency Mode")
+ if "emergency_mode" not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.emergency_mode = False
+ st.toggle(
+ "Activate Emergency Protocol",
+ key="emergency_mode",
+ help="Enable emergency mode for critical situations"
+ )
+ if st.session_state.emergency_mode:
+ st.warning("Emergency Mode Active!")
+ # Help section
+ st.markdown("### โ Help")
+ with st.expander("Usage Guide"):
+ st.markdown("""
+ - ๐ฌ Use the chat to ask questions
+ - ๐ Monitor real-time metrics
+ - โ๏ธ Adjust filters as needed
+ - ๐ Generate reports for analysis
+ - ๐จ Toggle emergency mode for critical situations
+ """)
+ # Footer
+ st.markdown("---")
+ st.caption(
+ f"*Last updated: {datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')}*"
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error rendering sidebar: {str(e)}")
+ st.error("Error loading sidebar")
+ def run(self):
+ """Run the Streamlit application"""
+ try:
+ # Main application container
+ main_container = st.container()
+ with main_container:
+ # Render components
+ self.render_header()
+ self.render_sidebar()
+ # Main content area
+ content_container = st.container()
+ with content_container:
+ self.render_metrics()
+ st.markdown("
", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Spacing
+ self.render_chat()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(f"Error running application: {str(e)}")
+ st.error(f"Application error: {str(e)} โ")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/assets/icons/.gitkeep b/src/ui/assets/icons/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/ui/assets/images/.gitkeep b/src/ui/assets/images/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/ui/components/__init__.py b/src/ui/components/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d348218583c23ac33986cc4830cac23c53e867b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/components/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from .chat import ChatComponent
+from .metrics import MetricsComponent
+from .sidebar import SidebarComponent
+from .header import HeaderComponent
+__all__ = [
+ 'ChatComponent',
+ 'MetricsComponent',
+ 'SidebarComponent',
+ 'HeaderComponent'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/components/chat.py b/src/ui/components/chat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..899c6ee5de7c6a1b00d32268a148f0a660853e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/components/chat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+import streamlit as st
+from typing import Optional, Dict, Callable
+from datetime import datetime
+class ChatComponent:
+ def __init__(self, process_message_callback: Callable):
+ """
+ Initialize the chat component
+ Args:
+ process_message_callback: Callback function to process messages
+ """
+ self.process_message = process_message_callback
+ # Initialize session state for messages if not exists
+ if 'messages' not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.messages = []
+ def _display_message(self, role: str, content: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None):
+ """Display a single chat message"""
+ avatar = "๐ค" if role == "assistant" else "๐ค"
+ with st.chat_message(role, avatar=avatar):
+ st.markdown(content)
+ if timestamp:
+ st.caption(f":clock2: {timestamp.strftime('%H:%M')}")
+ def render(self):
+ """Render the chat interface"""
+ st.markdown("### ๐ฌ Healthcare Operations Chat")
+ # Display chat messages
+ for message in st.session_state.messages:
+ self._display_message(
+ role=message["role"],
+ content=message["content"],
+ timestamp=message.get("timestamp")
+ )
+ # Chat input
+ if prompt := st.chat_input(
+ "Ask about patient flow, resources, quality metrics, or staff scheduling..."
+ ):
+ # Add user message
+ current_time = datetime.now()
+ st.session_state.messages.append({
+ "role": "user",
+ "content": prompt,
+ "timestamp": current_time
+ })
+ # Display user message
+ self._display_message("user", prompt, current_time)
+ # Process message and get response
+ with st.spinner("Processing your request... ๐"):
+ try:
+ response = self.process_message(prompt)
+ # Add and display assistant response
+ st.session_state.messages.append({
+ "role": "assistant",
+ "content": response["response"],
+ "timestamp": datetime.now()
+ })
+ self._display_message(
+ "assistant",
+ response["response"],
+ datetime.now()
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ st.error(f"Error processing your request: {str(e)} โ")
+ def clear_chat(self):
+ """Clear the chat history"""
+ st.session_state.messages = []
+ st.success("Chat history cleared! ๐งน")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/components/header.py b/src/ui/components/header.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4af6531cc95f4c23b08f6f69df34e5d3b7a3622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/components/header.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import streamlit as st
+from datetime import datetime
+class HeaderComponent:
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize the header component"""
+ # Initialize session state for notifications if not exists
+ if 'notifications' not in st.session_state:
+ st.session_state.notifications = []
+ def _add_notification(self, message: str, type: str = "info"):
+ """Add a notification to the session state"""
+ st.session_state.notifications.append({
+ "message": message,
+ "type": type,
+ "timestamp": datetime.now()
+ })
+ def render(self):
+ """Render the header"""
+ # Main header container
+ header_container = st.container()
+ with header_container:
+ # Top row with logo and title
+ col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 4, 1])
+ with col1:
+ st.markdown("# ๐ฅ")
+ with col2:
+ st.title("Healthcare Operations Assistant")
+ st.markdown("""