import json import numpy as np from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageFont, ImageDraw import numpy as np import pdb from datetime import date today = FONTS = {'amiko': "fonts/Amiko-Regular.ttf", 'nature': "fonts/LoveNature.otf", 'painter':"fonts/PainterDecorator.otf", 'animals': "fonts/UncialAnimals.ttf", 'zen': "fonts/ZEN.TTF"} ######################################### # Draw keypoints on image def draw_keypoints_on_image(image, keypoints, map_label_id_to_str, flag_show_str_labels, use_normalized_coordinates=True, font_style='amiko', font_size=8, keypt_color="#ff0000", marker_size=2, ): """Draws keypoints on an image. Modified from: Args: image: a PIL.Image object. keypoints: a numpy array with shape [num_keypoints, 2]. map_label_id_to_str: dict with keys=label number and values= label string flag_show_str_labels: boolean to select whether or not to show string labels color: color to draw the keypoints with. Default is red. radius: keypoint radius. Default value is 2. use_normalized_coordinates: if True (default), treat keypoint values as relative to the image. Otherwise treat them as absolute. """ # get a drawing context draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image,"RGBA") im_width, im_height = image.size keypoints_x = [k[0] for k in keypoints] keypoints_y = [k[1] for k in keypoints] alpha = [k[2] for k in keypoints] norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=255) # debugging keypoints print (keypoints) names_for_color = [i for i in map_label_id_to_str.keys()] colores = np.linspace(0, 255, num=len(names_for_color),dtype= int) # adjust keypoints coords if required if use_normalized_coordinates: keypoints_x = tuple([im_width * x for x in keypoints_x]) keypoints_y = tuple([im_height * y for y in keypoints_y]) #cmap ='hsv') cmap2 ='Greys') # draw ellipses around keypoints for i, (keypoint_x, keypoint_y) in enumerate(zip(keypoints_x, keypoints_y)): round_fill = list(cm.viridis(norm(colores[i]),bytes=True))#[round(num*255) for num in list(cmap(i))[:3]] #check! # handling potential nans in the keypoints if np.isnan(keypoint_x).any(): continue if np.isnan(alpha[i]) == False : round_fill[3] = round(alpha[i] *255) #print(round_fill) #round_outline = [round(num*255) for num in list(cmap2(alpha[i]))[:3]] draw.ellipse([(keypoint_x - marker_size, keypoint_y - marker_size), (keypoint_x + marker_size, keypoint_y + marker_size)], fill=tuple(round_fill), outline= 'black', width=1) #fill and outline: [0,255] # add string labels around keypoints if flag_show_str_labels: font = ImageFont.truetype(FONTS[font_style], font_size) draw.text((keypoint_x + marker_size, keypoint_y + marker_size),#(0.5*im_width, 0.5*im_height), #------- map_label_id_to_str[i], ImageColor.getcolor(keypt_color, "RGB"), # rgb # font=font) ######################################### # Draw bboxes on image def draw_bbox_w_text(img, results, font_style='amiko', font_size=8): #TODO: select color too? #pdb.set_trace() bbxyxy = results w, h = bbxyxy[2], bbxyxy[3] shape = [(bbxyxy[0], bbxyxy[1]), (w , h)] imgR = ImageDraw.Draw(img) imgR.rectangle(shape, outline ="red",width=5) ##bb for animal confidence = bbxyxy[4] string_bb = 'animal ' + str(round(confidence, 2)) font = ImageFont.truetype(FONTS[font_style], font_size) text_size = font.getbbox(string_bb) # (h,w) position = (bbxyxy[0],bbxyxy[1] - text_size[1] -2 ) left, top, right, bottom = imgR.textbbox(position, string_bb, font=font) imgR.rectangle((left, top-5, right+5, bottom+5), fill="red") imgR.text((bbxyxy[0] + 3 ,bbxyxy[1] - text_size[1] -2 ), string_bb, font=font, fill="black") return imgR ########################################### def save_results_as_json(md_results, dlc_outputs, map_dlc_label_id_to_str, thr,model,mega_model_input, path_to_output_file = 'download_predictions.json'): """ Output detections as json file """ # initialise dict to save to json info = {} info['date'] = str(today) info['MD_model'] = str(mega_model_input) # info from megaDetector info['file']= md_results.files[0] number_bb = len(md_results.xyxy[0].tolist()) info['number_of_bb'] = number_bb # info from DLC number_bb_thr = len(dlc_outputs) labels = [n for n in map_dlc_label_id_to_str.values()] # create list of bboxes above th new_index = [] for i in range(number_bb): corner_x1,corner_y1,corner_x2,corner_y2,confidence, _ = md_results.xyxy[0].tolist()[i] if confidence > thr: new_index.append(i) # define aux dict for every bounding box above threshold for i in range(number_bb_thr): aux={} # MD output corner_x1,corner_y1,corner_x2,corner_y2,confidence, _ = md_results.xyxy[0].tolist()[new_index[i]] aux['corner_1'] = (corner_x1,corner_y1) aux['corner_2'] = (corner_x2,corner_y2) aux['predict MD'] = md_results.names[0] aux['confidence MD'] = confidence # DLC output info['dlc_model'] = model kypts = [] for s in dlc_outputs[i]: aux1 = [] for j in s: aux1.append(float(j)) kypts.append(aux1) aux['dlc_pred'] = dict(zip(labels,kypts)) info['bb_' + str(new_index[i]) ]=aux # save dict as json with open(path_to_output_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(info, f, indent=1) print('Output file saved at {}'.format(path_to_output_file)) return path_to_output_file def save_results_only_dlc(dlc_outputs,map_label_id_to_str,model,output_file = 'dowload_predictions_dlc.json'): """ write json dlc output """ info = {} info['date'] = str(today) labels = [n for n in map_label_id_to_str.values()] info['dlc_model'] = model kypts = [] for s in dlc_outputs: aux1 = [] for j in s: aux1.append(float(j)) kypts.append(aux1) info['dlc_pred'] = dict(zip(labels,kypts)) with open(output_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(info, f, indent=1) print('Output file saved at {}'.format(output_file)) return output_file ###########################################