import os import streamlit as st from datetime import datetime import json import requests import uuid from datetime import date, datetime import requests from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from typing import Optional from retriver import retriever import pandas as pd import os df_chunks = pd.read_pickle('Chunks_Complete.pkl') placeHolderPersona1 = """ ##Mission Please create a highly targeted query for a semantic search engine. The query must represent the conversation to date. ** You will be given the converstaion to date in the user prompt. ** If no converstaion provided then this is the first converstaion ##Rules Ensure the query is concise Do not respond with anything other than the query for the Semantic Search Engine. Respond with just a plain string """ class ChatRequestClient(BaseModel): user_id: str user_input: str numberOfQuestions: int welcomeMessage: str llm1: str tokens1: int temperature1: float persona1SystemMessage: str persona2SystemMessage: str userMessage2: str llm2: str tokens2: int temperature2: float def genuuid (): return uuid.uuid4() def format_elapsed_time(time): # Format the elapsed time to two decimal places return "{:.2f}".format(time) def search_knowledgebase(query): results = retriever(query) return results def process_search_results(search_results): """ Processes search results to extract and organize metadata and other details. :param search_results: List of search result matches from Pinecone. :return: A list of dictionaries containing relevant metadata and scores. """ processed_results = [] for result in search_results: processed_results.append({ "id": result['id'], "score": result['score'], "Title": result['metadata'].get('Title', ''), "ChunkText": result['metadata'].get('ChunkText', ''), "PageNumber": result['metadata'].get('PageNumber', ''), "Chunk": result['metadata'].get('Chunk', '') }) return processed_results def reconstruct_text_from_chunks(df_chunks): """ Reconstructs a single string of text from the chunks in the DataFrame. :param df_chunks: DataFrame with columns ['Title', 'Chunk', 'ChunkText', 'TokenCount', 'PageNumber', 'ChunkID'] :return: A string combining all chunk texts in order. """ return " ".join(df_chunks.sort_values(by=['Chunk'])['ChunkText'].tolist()) def lookup_related_chunks(df_chunks, chunk_id): """ Returns all chunks matching the title and page number of the specified chunk ID, including chunks from the previous and next pages, handling edge cases where there is no preceding or succeeding page. :param df_chunks: DataFrame with columns ['Title', 'Chunk', 'ChunkText', 'TokenCount', 'PageNumber', 'ChunkID'] :param chunk_id: The unique ID of the chunk to look up. :return: DataFrame with all chunks matching the title and page range of the specified chunk ID. """ target_chunk = df_chunks[df_chunks['ChunkID'] == chunk_id] if target_chunk.empty: raise ValueError("Chunk ID not found") title = target_chunk.iloc[0]['Title'] page_number = target_chunk.iloc[0]['PageNumber'] # Determine the valid page range min_page = df_chunks[df_chunks['Title'] == title]['PageNumber'].min() max_page = df_chunks[df_chunks['Title'] == title]['PageNumber'].max() page_range = [page for page in [page_number - 1, page_number, page_number + 1] if min_page <= page <= max_page] return df_chunks[(df_chunks['Title'] == title) & (df_chunks['PageNumber'].isin(page_range))] def search_and_reconstruct(query, df_chunks): """ Combines search, lookup of related chunks, and text reconstruction. :param query: The query string to search for. :param df_chunks: DataFrame with chunk data. :param namespace: Pinecone namespace to search within. :param top_k: Number of top search results to retrieve. :return: A list of dictionaries with document title, page number, and reconstructed text. """ search_results = search_knowledgebase(query) processed_results = process_search_results(search_results) reconstructed_results = [] for result in processed_results: chunk_id = result['id'] related_chunks = lookup_related_chunks(df_chunks, chunk_id) reconstructed_text = reconstruct_text_from_chunks(related_chunks) reconstructed_results.append({ "Title": result['Title'], "PageNumber": result['PageNumber'], "ReconstructedText": reconstructed_text }) return reconstructed_results def call_chat_api(data: ChatRequestClient): url = "" # Validate and convert the data to a dictionary validated_data = data.dict() # Make the POST request to the FastAPI server response =, json=validated_data) if response.status_code == 200: body = response.json() query = body.get("content") final_results = search_and_reconstruct(query, df_chunks) return body, final_results # Return the JSON response if successful else: return "An error occured" # Return the raw response text if not successful # Title of the application # st.image('agentBuilderLogo.png') st.title('RAG Design and Evaluator') # Sidebar for inputting personas st.sidebar.image('cognizant_logo.jpg') st.sidebar.header("Query Designer") # st.sidebar.subheader("Welcome Message") # welcomeMessage = st.sidebar.text_area("Define Intake Persona", value=welcomeMessage, height=300) st.sidebar.subheader("Query Designer Config") # numberOfQuestions = st.sidebar.slider("Number of Questions", min_value=0, max_value=10, step=1, value=5, key='persona1_questions') persona1SystemMessage = st.sidebar.text_area("Query Designer System Message", value=placeHolderPersona1, height=300) llm1 = st.sidebar.selectbox("Model Selection", ['GPT-4', 'GPT3.5'], key='persona1_size') temp1 = st.sidebar.slider("Temperature", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, step=0.1, value=0.6, key='persona1_temp') tokens1 = st.sidebar.slider("Tokens", min_value=0, max_value=4000, step=100, value=500, key='persona1_tokens') st.sidebar.caption(f"Session ID: {genuuid()}") # Main chat interface st.markdown("""#### Query Translation in RAG Architecture Query translation in a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture is the process where an LLM acts as a translator between the user's natural language input and the retrieval system. ##### Key Functions of Query Translation: 1. **Adds Context** The LLM enriches the user's input with relevant context (e.g., expanding vague questions or specifying details) to make it more precise. 2. **Converts to Concise Query** The LLM reformulates the input into a succinct and effective query optimized for the retrieval system's semantic search capabilities. 3. **Uses Concise Query to serach Vector DB** The query is used to search the vector DB for suitable grounding information. ##### Purpose This ensures that the retrieval system receives a clear and focused query, increasing the relevance of the information it retrieves. The query translator acts as a bridge between human conversational language and the technical requirements of a semantic retrieval system.""") # User ID Input user_id = st.text_input("Experiment ID:", key="user_id") # Ensure user_id is defined or fallback to a default value if not user_id: st.warning("Please provide an experiment ID to start the chat.") else: # Initialize chat history in session state if "messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.messages = [] retrival = [] response = {} if user_input := st.chat_input("Start chat:"): st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_input}) data = ChatRequestClient( user_id=user_id, user_input=user_input, numberOfQuestions=1000, welcomeMessage="", llm1=llm1, tokens1=tokens1, temperature1=temp1, persona1SystemMessage=persona1SystemMessage, persona2SystemMessage="", userMessage2="", llm2="GPT3.5", tokens2=1000, temperature2=0.2 ) response, retrival = call_chat_api(data) agent_message = response.get("content", "No response received from the agent.") elapsed_time = response.get("elapsed_time", 0) st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": agent_message}) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: for message in st.session_state.messages: with st.chat_message(message["role"]): st.markdown(message["content"]) if response: st.chat_message("assistant").markdown(response.get("content", "No response")) st.caption(f"##### Time taken: {format_elapsed_time(response.get('elapsed_time', 0))} seconds") with col2: for entry in retrival: with st.container(): st.write(f"**Title:** {entry['Title']}") st.write(f"**Page Number:** {entry['PageNumber']}") st.text_area("Grounding Text", entry['ReconstructedText'], height=150)