import pandas as pd | |
import pandas as pd | |
import panel as pn | |
import hvplot.pandas | |
from itertools import cycle | |
from bokeh.palettes import Reds9 | |
import folium | |
raw_df = pd.read_csv('zomato_data.csv') | |
zomato_df = raw_df.copy() | |
rating_type_df = zomato_df['RATING_TYPE'].value_counts().reset_index() | |
rating_type_df.rename(columns={'index':'RATING TYPE', 'RATING_TYPE':'COUNT OF RESTAURANTS'}, inplace=True) | |
foodtruck_df = zomato_df[zomato_df['CUSINE TYPE'] == 'Food Truck'] | |
foodtruck_df.sort_values(by='RATING',ascending=False) | |
# Read the CSV file into a DataFrame | |
zomato_df = pd.read_csv('zomato_data.csv') | |
# Count the occurrences of each cuisine type | |
cuisine_counts = zomato_df['CUSINE TYPE'].value_counts() | |
# Create the bar plot using hvplot | |
bar_plot_cuisine = | |
color='#E10F14', | |
title='No. of Restaurants by Cuisine Type', | |
xlabel='Cuisine Type', | |
ylabel='Count', | |
width=900, | |
height=500 | |
).opts(xrotation=90) | |
# Wrap the bar plot in a Panel object | |
panel_cuisine = pn.panel(bar_plot_cuisine) | |
# Create a DataFrame with the given data | |
rating_type_df = pd.DataFrame({ | |
'RATING TYPE': ['Average', 'Good', 'Very Good', 'Excellent', 'Poor', 'Very Poor'], | |
'COUNT OF RESTAURANTS': [4983, 4263, 1145, 96, 56, 4] | |
}) | |
# Define the hvplot chart | |
bar_plot_rating = | |
x='RATING TYPE', | |
color='#E10F14', | |
title='Count of Restaurants by Rating Type', | |
xlabel='Rating Type', | |
ylabel='Count', | |
width=900, | |
height=500 | |
) | |
# Wrap the bar plot in a Panel object | |
panel_rating = pn.panel(bar_plot_rating) | |
# Filter food trucks in Mumbai | |
foodtruck_df = zomato_df[zomato_df['CUSINE TYPE'] == 'Food Truck'] | |
# Sort by rating in descending order and select the top result | |
best_food_truck = foodtruck_df.sort_values(by='RATING', ascending=False).head() | |
# Create the bar plot using hvplot | |
bar_plot_best_food_truck = | |
x='NAME', | |
y='PRICE', | |
color='#E10F14', | |
title='Best Food Truck in Mumbai: Price vs. Name', | |
xlabel='Food Truck Name', | |
ylabel='Price', | |
hover_cols=['RATING', 'REGION', 'CUSINE_CATEGORY'], | |
rot=90, | |
width=900, | |
height=500 | |
) | |
# Wrap the bar plot in a Panel object | |
panel_best_food_truck = pn.panel(bar_plot_best_food_truck) | |
# Filter seafood restaurants in Mumbai | |
seafood_df = zomato_df[zomato_df['CUSINE_CATEGORY'].notna() & zomato_df['CUSINE_CATEGORY'].str.contains('Seafood')] | |
# Get top 10 seafood restaurants in Mumbai, sorted by rating | |
top_seafood_df = seafood_df.sort_values(by='RATING', ascending=False).head(10) | |
# Create the bar plot using hvplot | |
bar_plot_top_seafood = | |
x='NAME', | |
y='PRICE', | |
color='#E10F14', | |
title='Top 10 Seafood Restaurants in Mumbai: Price vs. Name', | |
xlabel='Restaurant Name', | |
ylabel='Price', | |
hover_cols=['RATING', 'REGION', 'CUSINE_CATEGORY'], | |
rot=90, | |
width=900, | |
height=500 | |
) | |
# Wrap the bar plot in a Panel object | |
panel_top_seafood = pn.panel(bar_plot_top_seafood) | |
# Define Panel widgets | |
yaxis_radio = pn.widgets.RadioButtonGroup( | |
name='Y axis', | |
options=['Cuisine Type', 'Rating Type', 'Best Food Truck', 'Top 10 Seafood', 'Highest Rated', 'Top Avg Price', 'Chinese Resto', 'Price vs Rating', 'Region vs Price', 'Map'], | |
button_type='danger', | |
inline=True, | |
value='Cuisine Type' | |
) | |
# Define the Panel layout | |
panel_layout = pn.Column( | |
pn.Row(yaxis_radio) | |
) | |
# Create the map centered at Mumbai with dark mode | |
mumbai_map = folium.Map(location=[19.0760, 72.8777], zoom_start=12, tiles="StamenTonerBackground") | |
# Add a marker for Mumbai | |
folium.Marker( | |
location=[19.0760, 72.8777], | |
popup='<b>Mumbai</b>', | |
icon=folium.Icon(color='red', icon_color='white', icon='heart', prefix='fa') | |
).add_to(mumbai_map) | |
# Add markers for the specified locations | |
locations = [ | |
{'name': 'Hitchki', 'region': 'Bandra', 'rating': '4.8', 'latitude': 19.0590, 'longitude': 72.8292, 'cuisine': 'Indian'}, | |
{'name': 'Downtown China', 'region': 'Andheri', 'rating': '4.9', 'latitude': 19.1136, 'longitude': 72.8697, 'cuisine': 'Chinese'}, | |
{'name': 'The Northern Vibe', 'region': 'Powai', 'rating': '4.7', 'latitude': 19.1187, 'longitude': 72.9073, 'cuisine': 'Continental'}, | |
{'name': 'Rajdhani', 'region': 'Ghatkopar', 'rating': '4.8', 'latitude': 19.0866, 'longitude': 72.9081, 'cuisine': 'Indian'}, | |
{'name': 'Trumpet Sky Lounge', 'region': 'Andheri', 'rating': '4.9', 'latitude': 19.1189, 'longitude': 72.8537, 'cuisine': 'International'}, | |
{'name': 'Dessertino', 'region': 'Kandivali', 'rating': '4.7', 'latitude': 19.2128, 'longitude': 72.8376, 'cuisine': 'Desserts'} | |
] | |
for location in locations: | |
popup_content = f"<b>Name:</b> {location['name']}<br><b>Region:</b> {location['region']}<br><b>Rating:</b> {location['rating']}<br><b>Cuisine:</b> {location['cuisine']}" | |
if location['name'] == 'Dessertino': | |
icon = folium.Icon(color='red', icon_color='white', icon='coffee', prefix='fa') | |
else: | |
icon = folium.Icon(color='red', icon_color='white', icon='cutlery', prefix='fa') | |
folium.Marker( | |
location=[location['latitude'], location['longitude']], | |
popup=popup_content, | |
icon=icon | |
).add_to(mumbai_map) | |
title_html = """ | |
<div style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold; text-align: left;">The best Restaurant to order food with best price and Quality</div> | |
""" | |
# Wrap the map in a Panel object | |
panel_map = pn.pane.HTML(title_html + mumbai_map._repr_html_(), width=800, height=600) | |
# Define the callback function for the radio button | |
def update_chart(event): | |
if == 'Cuisine Type': | |
panel_layout[1:] = [panel_cuisine] | |
elif == 'Rating Type': | |
panel_layout[1:]= [panel_rating] | |
elif == 'Best Food Truck': | |
panel_layout[1:] = [panel_best_food_truck] | |
elif == 'Top 10 Seafood': | |
panel_layout[1:] = [panel_top_seafood] | |
elif == 'Highest Rated': | |
# Filter the DataFrame for highest rated restaurants | |
highest_rated = zomato_df[zomato_df['RATING'] >= 4.7] | |
# Create the bar plot using hvplot | |
bar_plot_highest_rated = | |
x='NAME', | |
y='PRICE', | |
color='#E10F14', | |
title='Highest Rated Restaurants in Mumbai: Price vs. Name', | |
xlabel='Restaurant Name', | |
ylabel='Price', | |
hover_cols=['RATING', 'REGION', 'CUSINE_CATEGORY'], | |
rot=90, | |
width=900, | |
height=500 | |
) | |
# Wrap the bar plot in a Panel object | |
panel_highest_rated = pn.panel(bar_plot_highest_rated) | |
panel_layout[1:] = [panel_highest_rated] | |
elif == 'Top Avg Price': | |
# Filter the DataFrame for ratings greater than or equal to 4.5 | |
filtered_df = zomato_df[zomato_df['RATING'] >= 4.5] | |
# Calculate the mean price for each combination of 'REGION' and 'CUSINE TYPE' | |
highest_rated_price_df = filtered_df.groupby(['REGION', 'CUSINE TYPE'])['PRICE'].mean().reset_index() | |
# Sort the DataFrame by 'REGION' in alphabetical order | |
highest_rated_price_df = highest_rated_price_df.sort_values('REGION') | |
# Create a scatter plot with rotated labels and star marker | |
scatter_plot_top_avg_price = highest_rated_price_df.hvplot.scatter( | |
x='REGION', | |
y='PRICE', | |
c='CUSINE TYPE', | |
cmap='Category10', | |
title='Avg Price Distribution of High-rated restaurants for each Cuisine Type', | |
size=100, # Increase the marker size | |
rot=90, | |
width=900, | |
height=500, | |
marker='*', | |
) | |
# Create a Panel object with the scatter plot | |
panel_top_avg_price = pn.panel(scatter_plot_top_avg_price) | |
panel_layout[1:] = [panel_top_avg_price] | |
elif == 'Chinese Resto': | |
zomato_df_cleaned = zomato_df.dropna(subset=['CUSINE_CATEGORY']) | |
chinese_df = zomato_df_cleaned[zomato_df_cleaned['CUSINE_CATEGORY'].str.contains('Chinese')] | |
chinese_rest_df = chinese_df.groupby(by='REGION').agg({'NAME': 'count', 'PRICE': 'mean'}).rename(columns={'NAME': 'COUNT OF RESTAURANTS'}).reset_index() | |
chinese_rest_df = chinese_rest_df.sort_values('COUNT OF RESTAURANTS', ascending=False).head(25) | |
bar_plot = | |
x='REGION', | |
color='#E10F14', # Set the color to red | |
title='No. of Chinese Restaurants by Places', | |
xlabel='Region', | |
ylabel='Count of Restaurants', | |
rot=90, | |
height=500, | |
width=900 | |
) | |
layout = pn.Column(bar_plot) | |
panel_layout[1:] = [bar_plot] | |
elif == 'Price vs Rating': | |
# Calculate the mean price and rating for each cuisine type | |
price_rating_df = zomato_df.groupby(['CUSINE TYPE', 'RATING'])['PRICE'].mean().reset_index() | |
hvplot_price_rating = price_rating_df.hvplot.line( | |
x='RATING', | |
y='PRICE', | |
by='CUSINE TYPE', | |
title='Price vs Rating by Cuisine Type', | |
xlabel='Rating', | |
ylabel='Price', | |
width=900, | |
height=500, | |
legend='bottom' # Set the position of the legend to 'bottom' | |
) | |
# Set the number of legend columns | |
hvplot_price_rating.opts(legend_cols=6) # Adjust the value to your desired maximum number of legend items per row | |
# Wrap the Hvplot plot in a Panel object | |
panel_price_vs_rating = pn.panel(hvplot_price_rating) | |
panel_layout[1:] = [panel_price_vs_rating] | |
elif == 'Region vs Price': | |
region_price_df = zomato_df.groupby(['REGION'])['PRICE'].mean().reset_index() | |
scatter_plot = region_price_df.hvplot.scatter( | |
x='REGION', | |
y='PRICE', | |
cmap='Category10', | |
title='Relation between Region and Price', | |
size=100, # Increase the marker size | |
rot=90, | |
width=900, | |
height=600, | |
marker='*', | |
color='red' | |
) | |
panel_region_vs_price = pn.Column(scatter_plot) | |
panel_layout[1:] = [panel_region_vs_price] | |
elif == 'Map': | |
panel_layout[1:] = [panel_map] | |, 'value') | |
# Display the initial chart | |
panel_layout.append(panel_cuisine) | |
# Display the Panel layout | |
panel_layout | |
dashboard = panel_layout | |
import panel as pn | |
pn.extension() # Add this line to load the Panel extension | |
# Layout using Template | |
template = pn.template.FastListTemplate( | |
title='Zomato Mumbai Dashboard', | |
sidebar=[ | |
pn.pane.PNG('zomato.png', sizing_mode='scale_both'), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("# Performing Exploratory Data Analysis"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("1. How many restaurants are in Mumbai for each type of cuisine?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("2. What are the percentage of restaurants by Rating Type in Mumbai?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("3. Which are the Top 10 highest rated Seafood Restaurant in Mumbai?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("4. Which is the best Food Truck in Mumbai?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("5. Which places have the highest rated restaurant for each Cuisine Type in Mumbai?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("6. What is the Avg Price Distibution of highest rated restaurant for each Cuisine Type in Mumbai?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("7. Which areas have a large number of Chinese Restaurant Market?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("8. Is there a relation between Price and Rating by each Cuisine Type?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("9. Is there a relation between Region and Price?"), | |
pn.pane.Markdown("10. Can we map the best restraunt with high quality food?"), | |
], | |
main = [pn.Row(pn.Column(dashboard)), | |
pn.Row(pn.pane.Markdown("Designed and Developed with ❤️ by Chitranshu Nagdawane © 2023")) | |
], | |
accent_base_color="#E10F14", | |
header_background="#E10F14" | |
) | |
template.servable() | |