import streamlit as st import random import pandas as pd # Cascadia Game Components habitat_tiles = ['🌲', '🏞️', '🌊', '🌵', '🌄'] # Representing different habitats wildlife_tokens = ['🐻', '🦅', '🐟', '🦌', '🐿️'] # Different wildlife nature_tokens = '🍃' # Nature tokens # Initialize game state if 'habitat_stack' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['habitat_stack'] = random.sample(habitat_tiles * 10, 50) if 'wildlife_stack' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['wildlife_stack'] = random.sample(wildlife_tokens * 10, 50) if 'player_area' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['player_area'] = {'habitat': [], 'wildlife': []} if 'nature_tokens' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['nature_tokens'] = 0 # Function to draw habitat and wildlife def draw_habitat_and_wildlife(): if st.session_state.habitat_stack and st.session_state.wildlife_stack: habitat = st.session_state.habitat_stack.pop() wildlife = st.session_state.wildlife_stack.pop() return habitat, wildlife else: return None, None # Display game board st.title("🌲 Cascadia Lite 🌲") st.write("## Your Play Area") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.write("Habitat Tiles") st.write(' '.join(st.session_state.player_area['habitat'])) with col2: st.write("Wildlife Tokens") st.write(' '.join(st.session_state.player_area['wildlife'])) # Drafting phase st.write("## Drafting Phase") if st.button("Draw Habitat and Wildlife"): habitat, wildlife = draw_habitat_and_wildlife() if habitat and wildlife: st.session_state.player_area['habitat'].append(habitat) st.session_state.player_area['wildlife'].append(wildlife) st.write(f"Drawn Habitat: {habitat}, Wildlife: {wildlife}") else: st.write("No more tiles or tokens to draw!") # Scoring (Placeholder for actual scoring logic) st.write("## Scoring") st.write("Your score will be calculated here.") # End of Game (Placeholder) st.write("## End of Game") st.write("Final score and winner announcement will be displayed here.") # Run the Streamlit app st.write("## Game Controls") st.write("Use the buttons and controls to play the game!")