""" FFMPEG_Writer - write set of frames to video file original from https://github.com/Zulko/moviepy/blob/master/moviepy/video/io/ffmpeg_writer.py removed unnecessary dependencies The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Zulko Copyright (c) 2023 Janvarev Vladislav """ import os import subprocess as sp PIPE = -1 STDOUT = -2 DEVNULL = -3 FFMPEG_BINARY = "ffmpeg" class FFMPEG_VideoWriter: """ A class for FFMPEG-based video writing. A class to write videos using ffmpeg. ffmpeg will write in a large choice of formats. Parameters ----------- filename Any filename like 'video.mp4' etc. but if you want to avoid complications it is recommended to use the generic extension '.avi' for all your videos. size Size (width,height) of the output video in pixels. fps Frames per second in the output video file. codec FFMPEG codec. It seems that in terms of quality the hierarchy is 'rawvideo' = 'png' > 'mpeg4' > 'libx264' 'png' manages the same lossless quality as 'rawvideo' but yields smaller files. Type ``ffmpeg -codecs`` in a terminal to get a list of accepted codecs. Note for default 'libx264': by default the pixel format yuv420p is used. If the video dimensions are not both even (e.g. 720x405) another pixel format is used, and this can cause problem in some video readers. audiofile Optional: The name of an audio file that will be incorporated to the video. preset Sets the time that FFMPEG will take to compress the video. The slower, the better the compression rate. Possibilities are: ultrafast,superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium (default), slow, slower, veryslow, placebo. bitrate Only relevant for codecs which accept a bitrate. "5000k" offers nice results in general. """ def __init__(self, filename, size, fps, codec="libx265", crf=14, audiofile=None, preset="medium", bitrate=None, logfile=None, threads=None, ffmpeg_params=None): if logfile is None: logfile = sp.PIPE self.filename = filename self.codec = codec self.ext = self.filename.split(".")[-1] w = size[0] - 1 if size[0] % 2 != 0 else size[0] h = size[1] - 1 if size[1] % 2 != 0 else size[1] # order is important cmd = [ FFMPEG_BINARY, '-hide_banner', '-hwaccel', 'auto', '-y', '-loglevel', 'error' if logfile == sp.PIPE else 'info', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-s', '%dx%d' % (size[0], size[1]), #'-pix_fmt', 'rgba' if withmask else 'rgb24', '-pix_fmt', 'bgr24', '-r', str(fps), '-an', '-i', '-' ] if audiofile is not None: cmd.extend([ '-i', audiofile, '-acodec', 'copy' ]) cmd.extend([ '-vcodec', codec, '-crf', str(crf) #'-preset', preset, ]) if ffmpeg_params is not None: cmd.extend(ffmpeg_params) if bitrate is not None: cmd.extend([ '-b', bitrate ]) # scale to a resolution divisible by 2 if not even cmd.extend(['-vf', f'scale={w}:{h}' if w != size[0] or h != size[1] else 'colorspace=bt709:iall=bt601-6-625:fast=1']) if threads is not None: cmd.extend(["-threads", str(threads)]) cmd.extend([ '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', ]) cmd.extend([ filename ]) test = str(cmd) print(test) popen_params = {"stdout": DEVNULL, "stderr": logfile, "stdin": sp.PIPE} # This was added so that no extra unwanted window opens on windows # when the child process is created if os.name == "nt": popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000 # CREATE_NO_WINDOW self.proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params) def write_frame(self, img_array): """ Writes one frame in the file.""" try: #if PY3: self.proc.stdin.write(img_array.tobytes()) # else: # self.proc.stdin.write(img_array.tostring()) except IOError as err: _, ffmpeg_error = self.proc.communicate() error = (str(err) + ("\n\nroop unleashed error: FFMPEG encountered " "the following error while writing file %s:" "\n\n %s" % (self.filename, str(ffmpeg_error)))) if b"Unknown encoder" in ffmpeg_error: error = error+("\n\nThe video export " "failed because FFMPEG didn't find the specified " "codec for video encoding (%s). Please install " "this codec or change the codec when calling " "write_videofile. For instance:\n" " >>> clip.write_videofile('myvid.webm', codec='libvpx')")%(self.codec) elif b"incorrect codec parameters ?" in ffmpeg_error: error = error+("\n\nThe video export " "failed, possibly because the codec specified for " "the video (%s) is not compatible with the given " "extension (%s). Please specify a valid 'codec' " "argument in write_videofile. This would be 'libx264' " "or 'mpeg4' for mp4, 'libtheora' for ogv, 'libvpx for webm. " "Another possible reason is that the audio codec was not " "compatible with the video codec. For instance the video " "extensions 'ogv' and 'webm' only allow 'libvorbis' (default) as a" "video codec." )%(self.codec, self.ext) elif b"encoder setup failed" in ffmpeg_error: error = error+("\n\nThe video export " "failed, possibly because the bitrate you specified " "was too high or too low for the video codec.") elif b"Invalid encoder type" in ffmpeg_error: error = error + ("\n\nThe video export failed because the codec " "or file extension you provided is not a video") raise IOError(error) def close(self): if self.proc: self.proc.stdin.close() if self.proc.stderr is not None: self.proc.stderr.close() self.proc.wait() self.proc = None # Support the Context Manager protocol, to ensure that resources are cleaned up. def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close()