from keras.models import load_model from PIL import Image import numpy as np import requests from io import BytesIO import timeit import gdown import json import os # Define the class labels for the model's output # output_class = ["Plastic bottle/Can to deposit in Supermarkets", "Big Cardboard bin", "Unrecyclable garbage", "Glass - Purple bin", "Organic waste - Composter", "Grocery Packages - Orange bin", "Paper - Blue bin"] with open('Bins.json', 'r') as f: bins_dict = json.load(f) output_class = bins_dict["output_class"] url = "" output = 'vgg16_model_after_one_epoch.h5' # check if path to file exist if not os.path.exists(output):, output, quiet=False) # Load the pre-trained model model = load_model(output) def predict(img_input, is_url=False): """ Function to predict the class labels and probabilities of an input image. Args: file (str): Path to the input image file or URL. is_url (bool): Indicates whether the file argument is a URL or local file path. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the predicted class labels as keys and their corresponding probabilities as values. """ if isinstance(img_input, str): if is_url is True: # Download the image from the URL response = requests.get(img_input) img = else: # Open the image file from the local file path img = else: img = img_input # Resize the image to match the input size expected by the model (224x224) resized_image = img.resize((224, 224)) # Normalize the pixel values to be between 0 and 1 normalized_image = np.array(resized_image) / 255.0 # Expand dimensions to match the input shape expected by the model pred_image = np.expand_dims(normalized_image, axis=0) # Make predictions using the model predicted_array = model.predict(pred_image) # Create a dictionary of predicted class labels and probabilities pred_labels_and_probs = { output_class[i]: float(predicted_array[0][i]) for i in range(len(output_class)) } return pred_labels_and_probs def image_identity(image): """ Take an image as input and return prediction information and an image of the predicted waste bin. Parameters: image (np.array): An image in numpy array format. Returns: bin_image1 (np.array): An image of the predicted waste bin. predicted_class1 (str): The class of the predicted bin. predicted_prob1 (float): The probability of the predicted class. predicted_class2 (str): The second most likely class. predicted_prob2 (float): The probability of the second most likely class. prediction_time (str): The time taken to make the prediction. """ image = Image.fromarray((image * 255).astype(np.uint8)) # Load the classification and image data from the JSON file with open('Bins.json', 'r') as f: bins_dict = json.load(f) # Retrieve the class labels and bin images from the dictionary output_class = bins_dict["output_class"] bin_images = bins_dict["bin_images"] # Record the start time before making predictions start_time = timeit.default_timer() # Make predictions on the provided image predicted_class1, predicted_prob1, predicted_class2, predicted_prob2 = check_item(image) # Record the end time after making predictions and calculate the total time taken end_time = timeit.default_timer() pred_time = round(end_time - start_time, 2) prediction_time = f"{pred_time} seconds" # Retrieve the image URL of the predicted bin bin_1 = output_class.index(predicted_class1) bin_image_url1 = bin_images[bin_1] response1 = requests.get(bin_image_url1) # Open the image and convert to a numpy array for returning bin_image1 = bin_image1 = np.array(bin_image1) return bin_image1, predicted_class1, predicted_prob1, predicted_class2, predicted_prob2, prediction_time def check_item(file_path, is_url=False): """ Function to make predictions on an input image and compare the results with the expected classes. Args: file_path (str): Path to the input image file or URL. is_url (bool): Indicates whether the file argument is a URL or local file path. """ # Obtain the predicted class labels and probabilities prediction_dict = predict(file_path, is_url) # Get the index of the highest prediction ind = np.argmax(list(prediction_dict.values())) predicted_class = list(prediction_dict.keys())[ind] predicted_prob = list(prediction_dict.values())[ind] predicted_prob = f"{predicted_prob:.2f}" print(f"1st Prediction probabilities: {predicted_class} {predicted_prob}") # Get the index of the second highest prediction sorted_probs = np.sort(list(prediction_dict.values())) ind2 = np.argsort(list(prediction_dict.values()))[-2] predicted_class2 = list(prediction_dict.keys())[ind2] predicted_prob2 = sorted_probs[-2] predicted_prob2 = f"{predicted_prob2:.2f}" print(f"2nd Prediction probabilities: {predicted_class2} {predicted_prob2}") return predicted_class, predicted_prob, predicted_class2, predicted_prob2 if __name__ == "__main__": # Prompt the user to enter the file path to the input image file_path = input("Enter the file path or URL to the input image: ") # Prompt the user to indicate if the input is a URL or a local file path is_url = input("Is the input a URL? (y/n): ").lower() == "y" # Measure the time taken to make predictions start_time = timeit.default_timer() # Make predictions and compare with expected results check_item(file_path, is_url) # Calculate and print the prediction time end_time = timeit.default_timer() pred_time = round(end_time - start_time, 2) print("Prediction time:", pred_time, "seconds")