File size: 4,043 Bytes
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import streamlit as st
from langchain.document_loaders import ArxivLoader
from transformers import pipeline
def strip(content):
content = str(content)
content = content.split("\n")
content = " ".join(content)
return content
def clip(content):
loc_intro = content.find("Introduction")
loc_refer = content.rfind("Reference")
if loc_intro !=-1:
if loc_refer !=-1:
content = content[loc_intro:loc_refer]
content = content[loc_intro:]
print("Warning: Paper Doesn't have a References Title, may lead to overlap of references in summary")
print("Warning: Paper Doesn't Have an Introduction Title, these may lead to overlap of summarization")
return content
def chunk(content):
print("-----Clipping content between Intro and References--------")
content = clip(content)
sent = []
c= 0
k = ""
content = content.split(". ")
for i in range(len(content)):
k = k + content[i] + ". "
c = c+1
if c == 10:
c = 0
k = ""
elif i==len(content)-1:
return sent
def summarize(sent):
model_str = "Falconsai/text_summarization"
tokenizer_str = "Falconsai/text_summarization"
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model=model_str, tokenizer = tokenizer_str)
summarized = ""
for i in sent:
s = summarizer(i, max_length=256, min_length=64, do_sample=False)
summarized = summarized + s[0]['summary_text'] +"\n"
return summarized
def doc_load(search_query="default", n_docs=1):
if search_query == "default":
return [" ", " "], [" ", " "], [" ", " "]
try :
print("-------searching Paper----------")
docs = ArxivLoader(query=search_query, load_max_docs=n_docs).load()
titles = []
n_pairs = {}
for i in range(n_docs):
title = docs[i].metadata['Title']
n_pairs[title] = i
return titles, docs, n_pairs
except Exception as e:
print("--------ERROR while Trying to Search Paper-------------")
def run(choice, docs, n_pairs):
ch = n_pairs[choice]
st.text("Fetching Metadata")
print("-----fetching metadata-------------")
metadata = docs[ch].metadata
content = docs[ch].page_content
print("----stripping new lines----------")
content = strip(content)
print("-----------chunking content--------------")
sent = chunk(content)
st.text("Chunking Text....")
st.text("🤔 Shortening text...")
print("----summarizing content---------")
summarized = summarize(sent)
out = "Date: "+ str(metadata['Published']) + "\n" + "\n Title: "+ metadata['Title'] + "\n" + "\n Authors: " + metadata['Authors'] + "\n" + "\n Summary: \n" + summarized
return out
st.title("ArXiV Summarizer")
titles = []
with st.form(key="search_form"):
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
search_query = st.text_input("Search Using Paper ID or Name*")
with col2:
n_docs = st.selectbox(label="Number of Documents to Load", options=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ,10))
submit = st.form_submit_button(label="Search")
if submit:
c = "Fetching Papers 🤔 "
titles, docs, n_pairs = doc_load(search_query=search_query, n_docs=n_docs)
except Exception as e:
if titles:
c = "Papers Fetched 🤩 "
c = "Error while Fetching Papers 😥 Please Check ID or Name"
label = "Papers for " + search_query
with st.form(key="paper_form"):
paper_name = st.selectbox(label=label, options=titles)
submit_paper = st.form_submit_button(label="Fetch Paper & Summarize")
if submit_paper:
st.text("Reading Document.... 📄 ")
output = run(paper_name, docs, n_pairs)
st.text_area(label = "Summary", value=output, height = 650)
st.text('''* - Please Use Paper ID (Example : 2301.10172) as it will give accurate results.
Free text search can give errors sometimes''')
st.text("While using Paper ID no need to change Number of Documents to load") |