import os import numpy as np import wave from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip def split_npz(npz_path, output_prefix): try: # Load the npz file data = np.load(npz_path) # Get the arrays and split them along the time dimension (T) poses = data["poses"] betas = data["betas"] expressions = data["expressions"] trans = data["trans"] # Determine the halfway point (T/2) half = poses.shape[0] // 2 # Save the first half (0-5 seconds) np.savez( output_prefix + "_0_5.npz", betas=betas[:half], poses=poses[:half], expressions=expressions[:half], trans=trans[:half], model=data["model"], gender=data["gender"], mocap_frame_rate=data["mocap_frame_rate"], ) # Save the second half (5-10 seconds) np.savez( output_prefix + "_5_10.npz", betas=betas[half:], poses=poses[half:], expressions=expressions[half:], trans=trans[half:], model=data["model"], gender=data["gender"], mocap_frame_rate=data["mocap_frame_rate"], ) print(f"NPZ split saved for {output_prefix}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing NPZ file {npz_path}: {e}") def split_wav(wav_path, output_prefix): try: with, "rb") as wav_file: params = wav_file.getparams() frames = wav_file.readframes(wav_file.getnframes()) half_frame = len(frames) // 2 # Create two half files for i, start_frame in enumerate([0, half_frame]): with"{output_prefix}_{i*5}_{(i+1)*5}.wav", "wb") as out_wav: out_wav.setparams(params) if i == 0: out_wav.writeframes(frames[:half_frame]) else: out_wav.writeframes(frames[half_frame:]) print(f"WAV split saved for {output_prefix}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing WAV file {wav_path}: {e}") def split_mp4(mp4_path, output_prefix): try: clip = VideoFileClip(mp4_path) for i in range(2): subclip = clip.subclip(i * 5, (i + 1) * 5) subclip.write_videofile(f"{output_prefix}_{i*5}_{(i+1)*5}.mp4", codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac") print(f"MP4 split saved for {output_prefix}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing MP4 file {mp4_path}: {e}") def process_files(root_dir, output_dir): import json clips = [] dirs = os.listdir(root_dir) for dir in dirs: video_id = dir root = os.path.join(root_dir, dir) clip = { "video_id": video_id, "video_path": root, "audio_path": root, "motion_path": root, "mode": "test", "start_idx": 0, "end_idx": 150, } clips.append(clip) output_json = output_dir + "/test.json" with open(output_json, "w") as f: json.dump(clips, f, indent=4) # Set the root directory path of your dataset and output directory root_dir = "/content/oliver/oliver/Abortion_Laws_-_Last_Week_Tonight_with_John_Oliver_HBO-DRauXXz6t0Y.webm/test/" output_dir = "/content/test" # Make sure the output directory exists os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Process all the files process_files(root_dir, output_dir)