from ultralytics import YOLO import numpy as np import cv2 import gradio as gr import pickle # function which is returning the number of object detected def number_object_detected(image): custom_model = YOLO('') # custome yolo model path results = custom_model(image,verbose= False) dic = results[0].names classes = results[0].boxes.cls.cpu().numpy() probability = results[0].boxes.conf class_count = {} unique_elements, counts = np.unique(classes, return_counts=True) for e , count in zip(unique_elements,counts): a = dic[e] class_count[a] = count #print(class_count) return (class_count,results ) def car_detection_and_Cropping(image_path): simple_yolo = YOLO('') r = simple_yolo(image_path,verbose = False) names = r[0].names boxes = r[0].boxes.xyxy.cpu().numpy().astype(int) classes = set(r[0].boxes.cls.cpu().numpy()) classes2 = [names[i] for i in classes] # checking if the detected object is the car or not # if it is car then crop if not then pass the image as it is if boxes.size != 0 and 'car' in classes2: area = [] for x1, y1, x2, y2 in boxes: area.append((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)) max_index, max_a = max(enumerate(area), key=lambda x: x[1]) # Load the image using OpenCV image = cv2.imread(image_path) # Crop the image crop_image = image[boxes[max_index][1]:boxes[max_index][3], boxes[max_index][0]:boxes[max_index][2]] # passing the crop image to the detection model class_c ,result = number_object_detected(crop_image) else: class_c ,result= number_object_detected(image_path) return class_c ,result severity_points = { 'scratch': 1, 'dent': 2, 'rust': 2, 'paint-damage': 2, 'crack':2 } def calculate_condition_score(detections): total_score = 0 for detection, count in detections.items(): if detection in severity_points: total_score += severity_points[detection] * count return total_score def normalize_score(score, max_score): return (score / max_score) * 10 def estimate_condition(detections): print("Detedtion list",detections) max_possible_score = sum(severity_points.values()) # Assuming all types of damage detected score = calculate_condition_score(detections) normalized_score = normalize_score(score, max_possible_score) print("normalized Score",normalized_score) # Assign condition rating if normalized_score <= 4: # If score is low, condition is Excellent return "Excellent" elif (normalized_score >4 and normalized_score <=7): # If score is moderately low, condition is Good return "Good" elif (normalized_score >7 and normalized_score <15): # If score is moderate, condition is Fair return "Fair" elif (normalized_score >15 and normalized_score<=20): # If score is moderately high, condition is Poor return "Poor" else: # If score is high, condition is Very Poor return "Very Poor" with open('Price_prediction_decision_tree.pkl', 'rb') as file: loaded_pipe_lr = pickle.load(file) ## loading the model def process_data(files,car_brand, car_name, model_year, mileage, city_registered, color, engine_c, trans, fuel_type, Cate): file_names = [f[0] for f in files] image_r = [] damage_dic = {} for f in file_names: damage, result = car_detection_and_Cropping(f) for r in result: im_array = r.plot(pil = True) # plot a BGR numpy array of predictions array = im_array[..., ::-1] # Convert BGR to RGB PIL image image_r.append(array) for key in damage.keys(): if key in damage_dic: damage_dic[key] += damage[key] else: damage_dic[key] = damage[key] condition = estimate_condition(damage_dic) price = loaded_pipe_lr.predict([[model_year,mileage,city_registered,color,engine_c,car_brand,car_name,trans,fuel_type,condition,Cate]]) print(price) if price[0] >= 100: price[0] = price[0]/100 return ( str(price[0])+'lacs' , image_r) years_list = list(range(2024, 1899, -1)) gr.Interface(fn = process_data, inputs=[gr.Gallery(label="Upload Files", type="filepath"), gr.Dropdown(['suzuki','toyota','honda','kia','changan'], label='Brand'), gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="Car Name"), gr.Dropdown(choices=years_list, label='Model Year'), gr.Number(label="Mileage Km"), gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="City Register"), gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="Color"), gr.Number(label="Engine Capacity (CC)"), gr.Radio(["automatic", "manual"], label="Transmission Type"), # gr.Radio(["imported", "local"], label="Assembly Type"), gr.Radio(["hybrid", "petrol",'diesel'], label="Fuel Type"), gr.Radio(["hatchback", "sedan",'suv','croosover','van'], label="Category")], outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Predicted Price"),gr.Gallery(label='output',type='pil')]).launch()