import base64 import glob import hashlib import json import math import os import random from collections import OrderedDict from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Dict, Union import cv2 import numpy as np import torch from safetensors.torch import load_file, save_file from tqdm import tqdm from transformers import CLIPImageProcessor, CLIPVisionModelWithProjection, SiglipImageProcessor from toolkit.basic import flush, value_map from toolkit.buckets import get_bucket_for_image_size, get_resolution from toolkit.metadata import get_meta_for_safetensors from toolkit.models.pixtral_vision import PixtralVisionImagePreprocessorCompatible from toolkit.prompt_utils import inject_trigger_into_prompt from torchvision import transforms from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps from PIL.ImageOps import exif_transpose import albumentations as A from toolkit.train_tools import get_torch_dtype if TYPE_CHECKING: from toolkit.data_loader import AiToolkitDataset from toolkit.data_transfer_object.data_loader import FileItemDTO from toolkit.stable_diffusion_model import StableDiffusion # def get_associated_caption_from_img_path(img_path): # class Augments: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.method_name = kwargs.get('method', None) self.params = kwargs.get('params', {}) # convert kwargs enums for cv2 for key, value in self.params.items(): if isinstance(value, str): # split the string split_string = value.split('.') if len(split_string) == 2 and split_string[0] == 'cv2': if hasattr(cv2, split_string[1]): self.params[key] = getattr(cv2, split_string[1].upper()) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid cv2 enum: {split_string[1]}") transforms_dict = { 'ColorJitter': transforms.ColorJitter(brightness=0.2, contrast=0.2, saturation=0.2, hue=0.03), 'RandomEqualize': transforms.RandomEqualize(p=0.2), } caption_ext_list = ['txt', 'json', 'caption'] def standardize_images(images): """ Standardize the given batch of images using the specified mean and std. Expects values of 0 - 1 Args: images (torch.Tensor): A batch of images in the shape of (N, C, H, W), where N is the number of images, C is the number of channels, H is the height, and W is the width. Returns: torch.Tensor: Standardized images. """ mean = [0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073] std = [0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711] # Define the normalization transform normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) # Apply normalization to each image in the batch standardized_images = torch.stack([normalize(img) for img in images]) return standardized_images def clean_caption(caption): # remove any newlines caption = caption.replace('\n', ', ') # remove new lines for all operating systems caption = caption.replace('\r', ', ') caption_split = caption.split(',') # remove empty strings caption_split = [p.strip() for p in caption_split if p.strip()] # join back together caption = ', '.join(caption_split) return caption class CaptionMixin: def get_caption_item(self: 'AiToolkitDataset', index): if not hasattr(self, 'caption_type'): raise Exception('caption_type not found on class instance') if not hasattr(self, 'file_list'): raise Exception('file_list not found on class instance') img_path_or_tuple = self.file_list[index] if isinstance(img_path_or_tuple, tuple): img_path = img_path_or_tuple[0] if isinstance(img_path_or_tuple[0], str) else img_path_or_tuple[0].path # check if either has a prompt file path_no_ext = os.path.splitext(img_path)[0] prompt_path = None for ext in caption_ext_list: prompt_path = path_no_ext + '.' + ext if os.path.exists(prompt_path): break else: img_path = img_path_or_tuple if isinstance(img_path_or_tuple, str) else img_path_or_tuple.path # see if prompt file exists path_no_ext = os.path.splitext(img_path)[0] prompt_path = None for ext in caption_ext_list: prompt_path = path_no_ext + '.' + ext if os.path.exists(prompt_path): break # allow folders to have a default prompt default_prompt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(img_path), 'default.txt') if os.path.exists(prompt_path): with open(prompt_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: prompt = # check if is json if prompt_path.endswith('.json'): prompt = json.loads(prompt) if 'caption' in prompt: prompt = prompt['caption'] prompt = clean_caption(prompt) elif os.path.exists(default_prompt_path): with open(default_prompt_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: prompt = prompt = clean_caption(prompt) else: prompt = '' # get default_prompt if it exists on the class instance if hasattr(self, 'default_prompt'): prompt = self.default_prompt if hasattr(self, 'default_caption'): prompt = self.default_caption # handle replacements replacement_list = self.dataset_config.replacements if isinstance(self.dataset_config.replacements, list) else [] for replacement in replacement_list: from_string, to_string = replacement.split('|') prompt = prompt.replace(from_string, to_string) return prompt if TYPE_CHECKING: from toolkit.config_modules import DatasetConfig from toolkit.data_transfer_object.data_loader import FileItemDTO class Bucket: def __init__(self, width: int, height: int): self.width = width self.height = height self.file_list_idx: List[int] = [] class BucketsMixin: def __init__(self): self.buckets: Dict[str, Bucket] = {} self.batch_indices: List[List[int]] = [] def build_batch_indices(self: 'AiToolkitDataset'): self.batch_indices = [] for key, bucket in self.buckets.items(): for start_idx in range(0, len(bucket.file_list_idx), self.batch_size): end_idx = min(start_idx + self.batch_size, len(bucket.file_list_idx)) batch = bucket.file_list_idx[start_idx:end_idx] self.batch_indices.append(batch) def shuffle_buckets(self: 'AiToolkitDataset'): for key, bucket in self.buckets.items(): random.shuffle(bucket.file_list_idx) def setup_buckets(self: 'AiToolkitDataset', quiet=False): if not hasattr(self, 'file_list'): raise Exception(f'file_list not found on class instance {self.__class__.__name__}') if not hasattr(self, 'dataset_config'): raise Exception(f'dataset_config not found on class instance {self.__class__.__name__}') if self.epoch_num > 0 and self.dataset_config.poi is None: # no need to rebuild buckets for now # todo handle random cropping for buckets return self.buckets = {} # clear it config: 'DatasetConfig' = self.dataset_config resolution = config.resolution bucket_tolerance = config.bucket_tolerance file_list: List['FileItemDTO'] = self.file_list # for file_item in enumerate(file_list): for idx, file_item in enumerate(file_list): file_item: 'FileItemDTO' = file_item width = int(file_item.width * file_item.dataset_config.scale) height = int(file_item.height * file_item.dataset_config.scale) did_process_poi = False if file_item.has_point_of_interest: # Attempt to process the poi if we can. It wont process if the image is smaller than the resolution did_process_poi = file_item.setup_poi_bucket() if self.dataset_config.square_crop: # we scale first so smallest size matches resolution scale_factor_x = resolution / width scale_factor_y = resolution / height scale_factor = max(scale_factor_x, scale_factor_y) file_item.scale_to_width = math.ceil(width * scale_factor) file_item.scale_to_height = math.ceil(height * scale_factor) file_item.crop_width = resolution file_item.crop_height = resolution if width > height: file_item.crop_x = int(file_item.scale_to_width / 2 - resolution / 2) file_item.crop_y = 0 else: file_item.crop_x = 0 file_item.crop_y = int(file_item.scale_to_height / 2 - resolution / 2) elif not did_process_poi: bucket_resolution = get_bucket_for_image_size( width, height, resolution=resolution, divisibility=bucket_tolerance ) # Calculate scale factors for width and height width_scale_factor = bucket_resolution["width"] / width height_scale_factor = bucket_resolution["height"] / height # Use the maximum of the scale factors to ensure both dimensions are scaled above the bucket resolution max_scale_factor = max(width_scale_factor, height_scale_factor) # round up file_item.scale_to_width = int(math.ceil(width * max_scale_factor)) file_item.scale_to_height = int(math.ceil(height * max_scale_factor)) file_item.crop_height = bucket_resolution["height"] file_item.crop_width = bucket_resolution["width"] new_width = bucket_resolution["width"] new_height = bucket_resolution["height"] if self.dataset_config.random_crop: # random crop crop_x = random.randint(0, file_item.scale_to_width - new_width) crop_y = random.randint(0, file_item.scale_to_height - new_height) file_item.crop_x = crop_x file_item.crop_y = crop_y else: # do central crop file_item.crop_x = int((file_item.scale_to_width - new_width) / 2) file_item.crop_y = int((file_item.scale_to_height - new_height) / 2) if file_item.crop_y < 0 or file_item.crop_x < 0: print('debug') # check if bucket exists, if not, create it bucket_key = f'{file_item.crop_width}x{file_item.crop_height}' if bucket_key not in self.buckets: self.buckets[bucket_key] = Bucket(file_item.crop_width, file_item.crop_height) self.buckets[bucket_key].file_list_idx.append(idx) # print the buckets self.shuffle_buckets() self.build_batch_indices() if not quiet: print(f'Bucket sizes for {self.dataset_path}:') for key, bucket in self.buckets.items(): print(f'{key}: {len(bucket.file_list_idx)} files') print(f'{len(self.buckets)} buckets made') class CaptionProcessingDTOMixin: def __init__(self: 'FileItemDTO', *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.raw_caption: str = None self.raw_caption_short: str = None self.caption: str = None self.caption_short: str = None dataset_config: DatasetConfig = kwargs.get('dataset_config', None) self.extra_values: List[float] = dataset_config.extra_values # todo allow for loading from sd-scripts style dict def load_caption(self: 'FileItemDTO', caption_dict: Union[dict, None]): if self.raw_caption is not None: # we already loaded it pass elif caption_dict is not None and self.path in caption_dict and "caption" in caption_dict[self.path]: self.raw_caption = caption_dict[self.path]["caption"] if 'caption_short' in caption_dict[self.path]: self.raw_caption_short = caption_dict[self.path]["caption_short"] else: # see if prompt file exists path_no_ext = os.path.splitext(self.path)[0] prompt_ext = self.dataset_config.caption_ext prompt_path = f"{path_no_ext}.{prompt_ext}" short_caption = None if os.path.exists(prompt_path): with open(prompt_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: prompt = short_caption = None if prompt_path.endswith('.json'): # replace any line endings with commas for \n \r \r\n prompt = prompt.replace('\r\n', ' ') prompt = prompt.replace('\n', ' ') prompt = prompt.replace('\r', ' ') prompt_json = json.loads(prompt) if 'caption' in prompt_json: prompt = prompt_json['caption'] if 'caption_short' in prompt_json: short_caption = prompt_json['caption_short'] if 'extra_values' in prompt_json: self.extra_values = prompt_json['extra_values'] prompt = clean_caption(prompt) if short_caption is not None: short_caption = clean_caption(short_caption) else: prompt = '' if self.dataset_config.default_caption is not None: prompt = self.dataset_config.default_caption if short_caption is None: short_caption = self.dataset_config.default_caption self.raw_caption = prompt self.raw_caption_short = short_caption self.caption = self.get_caption() if self.raw_caption_short is not None: self.caption_short = self.get_caption(short_caption=True) def get_caption( self: 'FileItemDTO', trigger=None, to_replace_list=None, add_if_not_present=False, short_caption=False ): if short_caption: raw_caption = self.raw_caption_short else: raw_caption = self.raw_caption if raw_caption is None: raw_caption = '' # handle dropout if self.dataset_config.caption_dropout_rate > 0 and not short_caption: # get a random float form 0 to 1 rand = random.random() if rand < self.dataset_config.caption_dropout_rate: # drop the caption return '' # get tokens token_list = raw_caption.split(',') # trim whitespace token_list = [x.strip() for x in token_list] # remove empty strings token_list = [x for x in token_list if x] # handle token dropout if self.dataset_config.token_dropout_rate > 0 and not short_caption: new_token_list = [] keep_tokens: int = self.dataset_config.keep_tokens for idx, token in enumerate(token_list): if idx < keep_tokens: new_token_list.append(token) elif self.dataset_config.token_dropout_rate >= 1.0: # drop the token pass else: # get a random float form 0 to 1 rand = random.random() if rand > self.dataset_config.token_dropout_rate: # keep the token new_token_list.append(token) token_list = new_token_list if self.dataset_config.shuffle_tokens: random.shuffle(token_list) # join back together caption = ', '.join(token_list) # caption = inject_trigger_into_prompt(caption, trigger, to_replace_list, add_if_not_present) if self.dataset_config.random_triggers: num_triggers = self.dataset_config.random_triggers_max if num_triggers > 1: num_triggers = random.randint(0, num_triggers) if num_triggers > 0: triggers = random.sample(self.dataset_config.random_triggers, num_triggers) caption = caption + ', ' + ', '.join(triggers) # add random triggers # for i in range(num_triggers): # # fastest method # trigger = self.dataset_config.random_triggers[int(random.random() * (len(self.dataset_config.random_triggers)))] # caption = caption + ', ' + trigger if self.dataset_config.shuffle_tokens: # shuffle again token_list = caption.split(',') # trim whitespace token_list = [x.strip() for x in token_list] # remove empty strings token_list = [x for x in token_list if x] random.shuffle(token_list) caption = ', '.join(token_list) return caption class ImageProcessingDTOMixin: def load_and_process_image( self: 'FileItemDTO', transform: Union[None, transforms.Compose], only_load_latents=False ): # if we are caching latents, just do that if self.is_latent_cached: self.get_latent() if self.has_control_image: self.load_control_image() if self.has_clip_image: self.load_clip_image() if self.has_mask_image: self.load_mask_image() if self.has_unconditional: self.load_unconditional_image() return try: img = img = exif_transpose(img) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") print(f"Error loading image: {self.path}") if self.use_alpha_as_mask: # we do this to make sure it does not replace the alpha with another color # we want the image just without the alpha channel np_img = np.array(img) # strip off alpha np_img = np_img[:, :, :3] img = Image.fromarray(np_img) img = img.convert('RGB') w, h = img.size if w > h and self.scale_to_width < self.scale_to_height: # throw error, they should match print( f"unexpected values: w={w}, h={h}, file_item.scale_to_width={self.scale_to_width}, file_item.scale_to_height={self.scale_to_height}, file_item.path={self.path}") elif h > w and self.scale_to_height < self.scale_to_width: # throw error, they should match print( f"unexpected values: w={w}, h={h}, file_item.scale_to_width={self.scale_to_width}, file_item.scale_to_height={self.scale_to_height}, file_item.path={self.path}") if self.flip_x: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if self.flip_y: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if self.dataset_config.buckets: # scale and crop based on file item img = img.resize((self.scale_to_width, self.scale_to_height), Image.BICUBIC) # crop to x_crop, y_crop, x_crop + crop_width, y_crop + crop_height if img.width < self.crop_x + self.crop_width or img.height < self.crop_y + self.crop_height: # todo look into this. This still happens sometimes print('size mismatch') img = img.crop(( self.crop_x, self.crop_y, self.crop_x + self.crop_width, self.crop_y + self.crop_height )) # img = transforms.CenterCrop((self.crop_height, self.crop_width))(img) else: # Downscale the source image first # TODO this is nto right img = img.resize( (int(img.size[0] * self.dataset_config.scale), int(img.size[1] * self.dataset_config.scale)), Image.BICUBIC) min_img_size = min(img.size) if self.dataset_config.random_crop: if self.dataset_config.random_scale and min_img_size > self.dataset_config.resolution: if min_img_size < self.dataset_config.resolution: print( f"Unexpected values: min_img_size={min_img_size}, self.resolution={self.dataset_config.resolution}, image file={self.path}") scale_size = self.dataset_config.resolution else: scale_size = random.randint(self.dataset_config.resolution, int(min_img_size)) scaler = scale_size / min_img_size scale_width = int((img.width + 5) * scaler) scale_height = int((img.height + 5) * scaler) img = img.resize((scale_width, scale_height), Image.BICUBIC) img = transforms.RandomCrop(self.dataset_config.resolution)(img) else: img = transforms.CenterCrop(min_img_size)(img) img = img.resize((self.dataset_config.resolution, self.dataset_config.resolution), Image.BICUBIC) if self.augments is not None and len(self.augments) > 0: # do augmentations for augment in self.augments: if augment in transforms_dict: img = transforms_dict[augment](img) if self.has_augmentations: # augmentations handles transforms img = self.augment_image(img, transform=transform) elif transform: img = transform(img) self.tensor = img if not only_load_latents: if self.has_control_image: self.load_control_image() if self.has_clip_image: self.load_clip_image() if self.has_mask_image: self.load_mask_image() if self.has_unconditional: self.load_unconditional_image() class ControlFileItemDTOMixin: def __init__(self: 'FileItemDTO', *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.has_control_image = False self.control_path: Union[str, None] = None self.control_tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None dataset_config: 'DatasetConfig' = kwargs.get('dataset_config', None) self.full_size_control_images = False if dataset_config.control_path is not None: # find the control image path control_path = dataset_config.control_path self.full_size_control_images = dataset_config.full_size_control_images # we are using control images img_path = kwargs.get('path', None) img_ext_list = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.webp'] file_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))[0] for ext in img_ext_list: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(control_path, file_name_no_ext + ext)): self.control_path = os.path.join(control_path, file_name_no_ext + ext) self.has_control_image = True break def load_control_image(self: 'FileItemDTO'): try: img ='RGB') img = exif_transpose(img) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") print(f"Error loading image: {self.control_path}") if self.full_size_control_images: # we just scale them to 512x512: w, h = img.size img = img.resize((512, 512), Image.BICUBIC) else: w, h = img.size if w > h and self.scale_to_width < self.scale_to_height: # throw error, they should match raise ValueError( f"unexpected values: w={w}, h={h}, file_item.scale_to_width={self.scale_to_width}, file_item.scale_to_height={self.scale_to_height}, file_item.path={self.path}") elif h > w and self.scale_to_height < self.scale_to_width: # throw error, they should match raise ValueError( f"unexpected values: w={w}, h={h}, file_item.scale_to_width={self.scale_to_width}, file_item.scale_to_height={self.scale_to_height}, file_item.path={self.path}") if self.flip_x: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if self.flip_y: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if self.dataset_config.buckets: # scale and crop based on file item img = img.resize((self.scale_to_width, self.scale_to_height), Image.BICUBIC) # img = transforms.CenterCrop((self.crop_height, self.crop_width))(img) # crop img = img.crop(( self.crop_x, self.crop_y, self.crop_x + self.crop_width, self.crop_y + self.crop_height )) else: raise Exception("Control images not supported for non-bucket datasets") transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]) if self.aug_replay_spatial_transforms: self.control_tensor = self.augment_spatial_control(img, transform=transform) else: self.control_tensor = transform(img) def cleanup_control(self: 'FileItemDTO'): self.control_tensor = None class ClipImageFileItemDTOMixin: def __init__(self: 'FileItemDTO', *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.has_clip_image = False self.clip_image_path: Union[str, None] = None self.clip_image_tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None self.clip_image_embeds: Union[dict, None] = None self.clip_image_embeds_unconditional: Union[dict, None] = None self.has_clip_augmentations = False self.clip_image_aug_transform: Union[None, A.Compose] = None self.clip_image_processor: Union[None, CLIPImageProcessor] = None self.clip_image_encoder_path: Union[str, None] = None self.is_caching_clip_vision_to_disk = False self.is_vision_clip_cached = False self.clip_vision_is_quad = False self.clip_vision_load_device = 'cpu' self.clip_vision_unconditional_paths: Union[List[str], None] = None self._clip_vision_embeddings_path: Union[str, None] = None dataset_config: 'DatasetConfig' = kwargs.get('dataset_config', None) if dataset_config.clip_image_path is not None or dataset_config.clip_image_from_same_folder: # copy the clip image processor so the dataloader can do it sd = kwargs.get('sd', None) if hasattr(sd.adapter, 'clip_image_processor'): self.clip_image_processor = sd.adapter.clip_image_processor if dataset_config.clip_image_path is not None: # find the control image path clip_image_path = dataset_config.clip_image_path # we are using control images img_path = kwargs.get('path', None) img_ext_list = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.webp'] file_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))[0] for ext in img_ext_list: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(clip_image_path, file_name_no_ext + ext)): self.clip_image_path = os.path.join(clip_image_path, file_name_no_ext + ext) self.has_clip_image = True break self.build_clip_imag_augmentation_transform() if dataset_config.clip_image_from_same_folder: # assume we have one. We will pull it on load. self.has_clip_image = True self.build_clip_imag_augmentation_transform() def build_clip_imag_augmentation_transform(self: 'FileItemDTO'): if self.dataset_config.clip_image_augmentations is not None and len(self.dataset_config.clip_image_augmentations) > 0: self.has_clip_augmentations = True augmentations = [Augments(**aug) for aug in self.dataset_config.clip_image_augmentations] if self.dataset_config.clip_image_shuffle_augmentations: random.shuffle(augmentations) augmentation_list = [] for aug in augmentations: # make sure method name is valid assert hasattr(A, aug.method_name), f"invalid augmentation method: {aug.method_name}" # get the method method = getattr(A, aug.method_name) # add the method to the list augmentation_list.append(method(**aug.params)) self.clip_image_aug_transform = A.Compose(augmentation_list) def augment_clip_image(self: 'FileItemDTO', img: Image, transform: Union[None, transforms.Compose], ): if self.dataset_config.clip_image_shuffle_augmentations: self.build_clip_imag_augmentation_transform() open_cv_image = np.array(img) # Convert RGB to BGR open_cv_image = open_cv_image[:, :, ::-1].copy() if self.clip_vision_is_quad: # image is in a 2x2 gris. split, run augs, and recombine # split img1, img2 = np.hsplit(open_cv_image, 2) img1_1, img1_2 = np.vsplit(img1, 2) img2_1, img2_2 = np.vsplit(img2, 2) # apply augmentations img1_1 = self.clip_image_aug_transform(image=img1_1)["image"] img1_2 = self.clip_image_aug_transform(image=img1_2)["image"] img2_1 = self.clip_image_aug_transform(image=img2_1)["image"] img2_2 = self.clip_image_aug_transform(image=img2_2)["image"] # recombine augmented = np.vstack((np.hstack((img1_1, img1_2)), np.hstack((img2_1, img2_2)))) else: # apply augmentations augmented = self.clip_image_aug_transform(image=open_cv_image)["image"] # convert back to RGB tensor augmented = cv2.cvtColor(augmented, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # convert to PIL image augmented = Image.fromarray(augmented) augmented_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()(augmented) if transform is None else transform(augmented) return augmented_tensor def get_clip_vision_info_dict(self: 'FileItemDTO'): item = OrderedDict([ ("image_encoder_path", self.clip_image_encoder_path), ("filename", os.path.basename(self.clip_image_path)), ("is_quad", self.clip_vision_is_quad) ]) # when adding items, do it after so we dont change old latents if self.flip_x: item["flip_x"] = True if self.flip_y: item["flip_y"] = True return item def get_clip_vision_embeddings_path(self: 'FileItemDTO', recalculate=False): if self._clip_vision_embeddings_path is not None and not recalculate: return self._clip_vision_embeddings_path else: # we store latents in a folder in same path as image called _latent_cache img_dir = os.path.dirname(self.clip_image_path) latent_dir = os.path.join(img_dir, '_clip_vision_cache') hash_dict = self.get_clip_vision_info_dict() filename_no_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.clip_image_path))[0] # get base64 hash of md5 checksum of hash_dict hash_input = json.dumps(hash_dict, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8') hash_str = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(hash_input).digest()).decode('ascii') hash_str = hash_str.replace('=', '') self._clip_vision_embeddings_path = os.path.join(latent_dir, f'{filename_no_ext}_{hash_str}.safetensors') return self._clip_vision_embeddings_path def get_new_clip_image_path(self: 'FileItemDTO'): if self.dataset_config.clip_image_from_same_folder: # randomly grab an image path from the same folder pool_folder = os.path.dirname(self.path) # find all images in the folder img_ext_list = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.webp'] img_files = [] for ext in img_ext_list: img_files += glob.glob(os.path.join(pool_folder, f'*{ext}')) # remove the current image if len is greater than 1 if len(img_files) > 1: img_files.remove(self.path) # randomly grab one return random.choice(img_files) else: return self.clip_image_path def load_clip_image(self: 'FileItemDTO'): is_dynamic_size_and_aspect = isinstance(self.clip_image_processor, PixtralVisionImagePreprocessorCompatible) or \ isinstance(self.clip_image_processor, SiglipImageProcessor) if self.is_vision_clip_cached: self.clip_image_embeds = load_file(self.get_clip_vision_embeddings_path()) # get a random unconditional image if self.clip_vision_unconditional_paths is not None: unconditional_path = random.choice(self.clip_vision_unconditional_paths) self.clip_image_embeds_unconditional = load_file(unconditional_path) return clip_image_path = self.get_new_clip_image_path() try: img ='RGB') img = exif_transpose(img) except Exception as e: # make a random noise image img ='RGB', (self.dataset_config.resolution, self.dataset_config.resolution)) print(f"Error: {e}") print(f"Error loading image: {clip_image_path}") img = img.convert('RGB') if self.flip_x: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if self.flip_y: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if is_dynamic_size_and_aspect: pass # let the image processor handle it elif img.width != img.height: min_size = min(img.width, img.height) if self.dataset_config.square_crop: # center crop to a square img = transforms.CenterCrop(min_size)(img) else: # image must be square. If it is not, we will resize/squish it so it is, that way we don't crop out data # resize to the smallest dimension img = img.resize((min_size, min_size), Image.BICUBIC) if self.has_clip_augmentations: self.clip_image_tensor = self.augment_clip_image(img, transform=None) else: self.clip_image_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()(img) # random crop # if self.dataset_config.clip_image_random_crop: # # crop up to 20% on all sides. Keep is square # crop_percent = random.randint(0, 20) / 100 # crop_width = int(self.clip_image_tensor.shape[2] * crop_percent) # crop_height = int(self.clip_image_tensor.shape[1] * crop_percent) # crop_left = random.randint(0, crop_width) # crop_top = random.randint(0, crop_height) # crop_right = self.clip_image_tensor.shape[2] - crop_width - crop_left # crop_bottom = self.clip_image_tensor.shape[1] - crop_height - crop_top # if len(self.clip_image_tensor.shape) == 3: # self.clip_image_tensor = self.clip_image_tensor[:, crop_top:-crop_bottom, crop_left:-crop_right] # elif len(self.clip_image_tensor.shape) == 4: # self.clip_image_tensor = self.clip_image_tensor[:, :, crop_top:-crop_bottom, crop_left:-crop_right] if self.clip_image_processor is not None: # run it tensors_0_1 = clip_out = self.clip_image_processor( images=tensors_0_1, return_tensors="pt", do_resize=True, do_rescale=False, ).pixel_values self.clip_image_tensor = clip_out.squeeze(0).clone().detach() def cleanup_clip_image(self: 'FileItemDTO'): self.clip_image_tensor = None self.clip_image_embeds = None class AugmentationFileItemDTOMixin: def __init__(self: 'FileItemDTO', *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.has_augmentations = False self.unaugmented_tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None # self.augmentations: Union[None, List[Augments]] = None self.dataset_config: 'DatasetConfig' = kwargs.get('dataset_config', None) self.aug_transform: Union[None, A.Compose] = None self.aug_replay_spatial_transforms = None self.build_augmentation_transform() def build_augmentation_transform(self: 'FileItemDTO'): if self.dataset_config.augmentations is not None and len(self.dataset_config.augmentations) > 0: self.has_augmentations = True augmentations = [Augments(**aug) for aug in self.dataset_config.augmentations] if self.dataset_config.shuffle_augmentations: random.shuffle(augmentations) augmentation_list = [] for aug in augmentations: # make sure method name is valid assert hasattr(A, aug.method_name), f"invalid augmentation method: {aug.method_name}" # get the method method = getattr(A, aug.method_name) # add the method to the list augmentation_list.append(method(**aug.params)) # add additional targets so we can augment the control image self.aug_transform = A.ReplayCompose(augmentation_list, additional_targets={'image2': 'image'}) def augment_image(self: 'FileItemDTO', img: Image, transform: Union[None, transforms.Compose], ): # rebuild each time if shuffle if self.dataset_config.shuffle_augmentations: self.build_augmentation_transform() # save the original tensor self.unaugmented_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()(img) if transform is None else transform(img) open_cv_image = np.array(img) # Convert RGB to BGR open_cv_image = open_cv_image[:, :, ::-1].copy() # apply augmentations transformed = self.aug_transform(image=open_cv_image) augmented = transformed["image"] # save just the spatial transforms for controls and masks augmented_params = transformed["replay"] spatial_transforms = ['Rotate', 'Flip', 'HorizontalFlip', 'VerticalFlip', 'Resize', 'Crop', 'RandomCrop', 'ElasticTransform', 'GridDistortion', 'OpticalDistortion'] # only store the spatial transforms augmented_params['transforms'] = [t for t in augmented_params['transforms'] if t['__class_fullname__'].split('.')[-1] in spatial_transforms] if self.dataset_config.replay_transforms: self.aug_replay_spatial_transforms = augmented_params # convert back to RGB tensor augmented = cv2.cvtColor(augmented, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # convert to PIL image augmented = Image.fromarray(augmented) augmented_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()(augmented) if transform is None else transform(augmented) return augmented_tensor # augment control images spatially consistent with transforms done to the main image def augment_spatial_control(self: 'FileItemDTO', img: Image, transform: Union[None, transforms.Compose] ): if self.aug_replay_spatial_transforms is None: # no transforms return transform(img) # save colorspace to convert back to colorspace = img.mode # convert to rgb img = img.convert('RGB') open_cv_image = np.array(img) # Convert RGB to BGR open_cv_image = open_cv_image[:, :, ::-1].copy() # Replay transforms transformed = A.ReplayCompose.replay(self.aug_replay_spatial_transforms, image=open_cv_image) augmented = transformed["image"] # convert back to RGB tensor augmented = cv2.cvtColor(augmented, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # convert to PIL image augmented = Image.fromarray(augmented) # convert back to original colorspace augmented = augmented.convert(colorspace) augmented_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()(augmented) if transform is None else transform(augmented) return augmented_tensor def cleanup_control(self: 'FileItemDTO'): self.unaugmented_tensor = None class MaskFileItemDTOMixin: def __init__(self: 'FileItemDTO', *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.has_mask_image = False self.mask_path: Union[str, None] = None self.mask_tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None self.use_alpha_as_mask: bool = False dataset_config: 'DatasetConfig' = kwargs.get('dataset_config', None) self.mask_min_value = dataset_config.mask_min_value if dataset_config.alpha_mask: self.use_alpha_as_mask = True self.mask_path = kwargs.get('path', None) self.has_mask_image = True elif dataset_config.mask_path is not None: # find the control image path mask_path = dataset_config.mask_path if dataset_config.mask_path is not None else dataset_config.alpha_mask # we are using control images img_path = kwargs.get('path', None) img_ext_list = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.webp'] file_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))[0] for ext in img_ext_list: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mask_path, file_name_no_ext + ext)): self.mask_path = os.path.join(mask_path, file_name_no_ext + ext) self.has_mask_image = True break def load_mask_image(self: 'FileItemDTO'): try: img = img = exif_transpose(img) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") print(f"Error loading image: {self.mask_path}") if self.use_alpha_as_mask: # pipeline expectws an rgb image so we need to put alpha in all channels np_img = np.array(img) np_img[:, :, :3] = np_img[:, :, 3:] np_img = np_img[:, :, :3] img = Image.fromarray(np_img) img = img.convert('RGB') if self.dataset_config.invert_mask: img = ImageOps.invert(img) w, h = img.size fix_size = False if w > h and self.scale_to_width < self.scale_to_height: # throw error, they should match print(f"unexpected values: w={w}, h={h}, file_item.scale_to_width={self.scale_to_width}, file_item.scale_to_height={self.scale_to_height}, file_item.path={self.path}") fix_size = True elif h > w and self.scale_to_height < self.scale_to_width: # throw error, they should match print(f"unexpected values: w={w}, h={h}, file_item.scale_to_width={self.scale_to_width}, file_item.scale_to_height={self.scale_to_height}, file_item.path={self.path}") fix_size = True if fix_size: # swap all the sizes self.scale_to_width, self.scale_to_height = self.scale_to_height, self.scale_to_width self.crop_width, self.crop_height = self.crop_height, self.crop_width self.crop_x, self.crop_y = self.crop_y, self.crop_x if self.flip_x: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if self.flip_y: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) # randomly apply a blur up to 0.5% of the size of the min (width, height) min_size = min(img.width, img.height) blur_radius = int(min_size * random.random() * 0.005) img = img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=blur_radius)) # make grayscale img = img.convert('L') if self.dataset_config.buckets: # scale and crop based on file item img = img.resize((self.scale_to_width, self.scale_to_height), Image.BICUBIC) # img = transforms.CenterCrop((self.crop_height, self.crop_width))(img) # crop img = img.crop(( self.crop_x, self.crop_y, self.crop_x + self.crop_width, self.crop_y + self.crop_height )) else: raise Exception("Mask images not supported for non-bucket datasets") transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), ]) if self.aug_replay_spatial_transforms: self.mask_tensor = self.augment_spatial_control(img, transform=transform) else: self.mask_tensor = transform(img) self.mask_tensor = value_map(self.mask_tensor, 0, 1.0, self.mask_min_value, 1.0) # convert to grayscale def cleanup_mask(self: 'FileItemDTO'): self.mask_tensor = None class UnconditionalFileItemDTOMixin: def __init__(self: 'FileItemDTO', *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.has_unconditional = False self.unconditional_path: Union[str, None] = None self.unconditional_tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None self.unconditional_latent: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None self.unconditional_transforms = self.dataloader_transforms dataset_config: 'DatasetConfig' = kwargs.get('dataset_config', None) if dataset_config.unconditional_path is not None: # we are using control images img_path = kwargs.get('path', None) img_ext_list = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.webp'] file_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))[0] for ext in img_ext_list: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dataset_config.unconditional_path, file_name_no_ext + ext)): self.unconditional_path = os.path.join(dataset_config.unconditional_path, file_name_no_ext + ext) self.has_unconditional = True break def load_unconditional_image(self: 'FileItemDTO'): try: img = img = exif_transpose(img) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") print(f"Error loading image: {self.mask_path}") img = img.convert('RGB') w, h = img.size if w > h and self.scale_to_width < self.scale_to_height: # throw error, they should match raise ValueError( f"unexpected values: w={w}, h={h}, file_item.scale_to_width={self.scale_to_width}, file_item.scale_to_height={self.scale_to_height}, file_item.path={self.path}") elif h > w and self.scale_to_height < self.scale_to_width: # throw error, they should match raise ValueError( f"unexpected values: w={w}, h={h}, file_item.scale_to_width={self.scale_to_width}, file_item.scale_to_height={self.scale_to_height}, file_item.path={self.path}") if self.flip_x: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if self.flip_y: # do a flip img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if self.dataset_config.buckets: # scale and crop based on file item img = img.resize((self.scale_to_width, self.scale_to_height), Image.BICUBIC) # img = transforms.CenterCrop((self.crop_height, self.crop_width))(img) # crop img = img.crop(( self.crop_x, self.crop_y, self.crop_x + self.crop_width, self.crop_y + self.crop_height )) else: raise Exception("Unconditional images are not supported for non-bucket datasets") if self.aug_replay_spatial_transforms: self.unconditional_tensor = self.augment_spatial_control(img, transform=self.unconditional_transforms) else: self.unconditional_tensor = self.unconditional_transforms(img) def cleanup_unconditional(self: 'FileItemDTO'): self.unconditional_tensor = None self.unconditional_latent = None class PoiFileItemDTOMixin: # Point of interest bounding box. Allows for dynamic cropping without cropping out the main subject # items in the poi will always be inside the image when random cropping def __init__(self: 'FileItemDTO', *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # poi is a name of the box point of interest in the caption json file dataset_config = kwargs.get('dataset_config', None) path = kwargs.get('path', None) self.poi: Union[str, None] = dataset_config.poi self.has_point_of_interest = self.poi is not None self.poi_x: Union[int, None] = None self.poi_y: Union[int, None] = None self.poi_width: Union[int, None] = None self.poi_height: Union[int, None] = None if self.poi is not None: # make sure latent caching is off if dataset_config.cache_latents or dataset_config.cache_latents_to_disk: raise Exception( f"Error: poi is not supported when caching latents. Please set cache_latents and cache_latents_to_disk to False in the dataset config" ) # make sure we are loading through json if dataset_config.caption_ext != 'json': raise Exception( f"Error: poi is only supported when using json captions. Please set caption_ext to json in the dataset config" ) self.poi = self.poi.strip() # get the caption path file_path_no_ext = os.path.splitext(path)[0] caption_path = file_path_no_ext + '.json' if not os.path.exists(caption_path): raise Exception(f"Error: caption file not found for poi: {caption_path}") with open(caption_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: json_data = json.load(f) if 'poi' not in json_data: print(f"Warning: poi not found in caption file: {caption_path}") if self.poi not in json_data['poi']: print(f"Warning: poi not found in caption file: {caption_path}") # poi has, x, y, width, height # do full image if no poi self.poi_x = 0 self.poi_y = 0 self.poi_width = self.width self.poi_height = self.height try: if self.poi in json_data['poi']: poi = json_data['poi'][self.poi] self.poi_x = int(poi['x']) self.poi_y = int(poi['y']) self.poi_width = int(poi['width']) self.poi_height = int(poi['height']) except Exception as e: pass # handle flipping if kwargs.get('flip_x', False): # flip the poi self.poi_x = self.width - self.poi_x - self.poi_width if kwargs.get('flip_y', False): # flip the poi self.poi_y = self.height - self.poi_y - self.poi_height def setup_poi_bucket(self: 'FileItemDTO'): initial_width = int(self.width * self.dataset_config.scale) initial_height = int(self.height * self.dataset_config.scale) # we are using poi, so we need to calculate the bucket based on the poi # if img resolution is less than dataset resolution, just return and let the normal bucketing happen img_resolution = get_resolution(initial_width, initial_height) if img_resolution <= self.dataset_config.resolution: return False # will trigger normal bucketing bucket_tolerance = self.dataset_config.bucket_tolerance poi_x = int(self.poi_x * self.dataset_config.scale) poi_y = int(self.poi_y * self.dataset_config.scale) poi_width = int(self.poi_width * self.dataset_config.scale) poi_height = int(self.poi_height * self.dataset_config.scale) # loop to keep expanding until we are at the proper resolution. This is not ideal, we can probably handle it better num_loops = 0 while True: # crop left if poi_x > 0: poi_x = random.randint(0, poi_x) else: poi_x = 0 # crop right cr_min = poi_x + poi_width if cr_min < initial_width: crop_right = random.randint(poi_x + poi_width, initial_width) else: crop_right = initial_width poi_width = crop_right - poi_x if poi_y > 0: poi_y = random.randint(0, poi_y) else: poi_y = 0 if poi_y + poi_height < initial_height: crop_bottom = random.randint(poi_y + poi_height, initial_height) else: crop_bottom = initial_height poi_height = crop_bottom - poi_y try: # now we have our random crop, but it may be smaller than resolution. Check and expand if needed current_resolution = get_resolution(poi_width, poi_height) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") print(f"Error getting resolution: {self.path}") raise e return False if current_resolution >= self.dataset_config.resolution: # We can break now break else: num_loops += 1 if num_loops > 100: print( f"Warning: poi bucketing looped too many times. This should not happen. Please report this issue.") return False new_width = poi_width new_height = poi_height bucket_resolution = get_bucket_for_image_size( new_width, new_height, resolution=self.dataset_config.resolution, divisibility=bucket_tolerance ) width_scale_factor = bucket_resolution["width"] / new_width height_scale_factor = bucket_resolution["height"] / new_height # Use the maximum of the scale factors to ensure both dimensions are scaled above the bucket resolution max_scale_factor = max(width_scale_factor, height_scale_factor) self.scale_to_width = math.ceil(initial_width * max_scale_factor) self.scale_to_height = math.ceil(initial_height * max_scale_factor) self.crop_width = bucket_resolution['width'] self.crop_height = bucket_resolution['height'] self.crop_x = int(poi_x * max_scale_factor) self.crop_y = int(poi_y * max_scale_factor) if self.scale_to_width < self.crop_x + self.crop_width or self.scale_to_height < self.crop_y + self.crop_height: # todo look into this. This still happens sometimes print('size mismatch') return True class ArgBreakMixin: # just stops super calls form hitting object def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class LatentCachingFileItemDTOMixin: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # if we have super, call it if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._encoded_latent: Union[torch.Tensor, None] = None self._latent_path: Union[str, None] = None self.is_latent_cached = False self.is_caching_to_disk = False self.is_caching_to_memory = False self.latent_load_device = 'cpu' # sd1 or sdxl or others self.latent_space_version = 'sd1' # todo, increment this if we change the latent format to invalidate cache self.latent_version = 1 def get_latent_info_dict(self: 'FileItemDTO'): item = OrderedDict([ ("filename", os.path.basename(self.path)), ("scale_to_width", self.scale_to_width), ("scale_to_height", self.scale_to_height), ("crop_x", self.crop_x), ("crop_y", self.crop_y), ("crop_width", self.crop_width), ("crop_height", self.crop_height), ("latent_space_version", self.latent_space_version), ("latent_version", self.latent_version), ]) # when adding items, do it after so we dont change old latents if self.flip_x: item["flip_x"] = True if self.flip_y: item["flip_y"] = True return item def get_latent_path(self: 'FileItemDTO', recalculate=False): if self._latent_path is not None and not recalculate: return self._latent_path else: # we store latents in a folder in same path as image called _latent_cache img_dir = os.path.dirname(self.path) latent_dir = os.path.join(img_dir, '_latent_cache') hash_dict = self.get_latent_info_dict() filename_no_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.path))[0] # get base64 hash of md5 checksum of hash_dict hash_input = json.dumps(hash_dict, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8') hash_str = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(hash_input).digest()).decode('ascii') hash_str = hash_str.replace('=', '') self._latent_path = os.path.join(latent_dir, f'{filename_no_ext}_{hash_str}.safetensors') return self._latent_path def cleanup_latent(self): if self._encoded_latent is not None: if not self.is_caching_to_memory: # we are caching on disk, don't save in memory self._encoded_latent = None else: # move it back to cpu self._encoded_latent ='cpu') def get_latent(self, device=None): if not self.is_latent_cached: return None if self._encoded_latent is None: # load it from disk state_dict = load_file( self.get_latent_path(), # device=device if device is not None else self.latent_load_device device='cpu' ) self._encoded_latent = state_dict['latent'] return self._encoded_latent class LatentCachingMixin: def __init__(self: 'AiToolkitDataset', **kwargs): # if we have super, call it if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.latent_cache = {} def cache_latents_all_latents(self: 'AiToolkitDataset'): print(f"Caching latents for {self.dataset_path}") # cache all latents to disk to_disk = self.is_caching_latents_to_disk to_memory = self.is_caching_latents_to_memory if to_disk: print(" - Saving latents to disk") if to_memory: print(" - Keeping latents in memory") # move sd items to cpu except for vae'cache_latents') # use tqdm to show progress i = 0 for file_item in tqdm(self.file_list, desc=f'Caching latents{" to disk" if to_disk else ""}'): # set latent space version if is not None: file_item.latent_space_version = elif file_item.latent_space_version = 'sdxl' elif file_item.latent_space_version = 'sd3' elif file_item.latent_space_version = 'sdxl' elif file_item.latent_space_version = 'flux1' elif file_item.latent_space_version = 'sdxl' else: file_item.latent_space_version = 'sd1' file_item.is_caching_to_disk = to_disk file_item.is_caching_to_memory = to_memory file_item.latent_load_device = latent_path = file_item.get_latent_path(recalculate=True) # check if it is saved to disk already if os.path.exists(latent_path): if to_memory: # load it into memory state_dict = load_file(latent_path, device='cpu') file_item._encoded_latent = state_dict['latent'].to('cpu', else: # not saved to disk, calculate # load the image first file_item.load_and_process_image(self.transform, only_load_latents=True) dtype = device = # add batch dimension try: imgs = file_item.tensor.unsqueeze(0).to(device, dtype=dtype) latent = except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing image: {file_item.path}") print(f"Error: {str(e)}") raise e # save_latent if to_disk: state_dict = OrderedDict([ ('latent', latent.clone().detach().cpu()), ]) # metadata meta = get_meta_for_safetensors(file_item.get_latent_info_dict()) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(latent_path), exist_ok=True) save_file(state_dict, latent_path, metadata=meta) if to_memory: # keep it in memory file_item._encoded_latent ='cpu', del imgs del latent del file_item.tensor # flush(garbage_collect=False) file_item.is_latent_cached = True i += 1 # flush every 100 # if i % 100 == 0: # flush() # restore device state class CLIPCachingMixin: def __init__(self: 'AiToolkitDataset', **kwargs): # if we have super, call it if hasattr(super(), '__init__'): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.clip_vision_num_unconditional_cache = 20 self.clip_vision_unconditional_cache = [] def cache_clip_vision_to_disk(self: 'AiToolkitDataset'): if not self.is_caching_clip_vision_to_disk: return with torch.no_grad(): print(f"Caching clip vision for {self.dataset_path}") print(" - Saving clip to disk") # move sd items to cpu except for vae'cache_clip') # make sure the adapter has attributes if is None: raise Exception("Error: must have an adapter to cache clip vision to disk") clip_image_processor: CLIPImageProcessor = None if hasattr(, 'clip_image_processor'): clip_image_processor = if clip_image_processor is None: raise Exception("Error: must have a clip image processor to cache clip vision to disk") vision_encoder: CLIPVisionModelWithProjection = None if hasattr(, 'image_encoder'): vision_encoder = if hasattr(, 'vision_encoder'): vision_encoder = if vision_encoder is None: raise Exception("Error: must have a vision encoder to cache clip vision to disk") # move vision encoder to device is_quad = image_encoder_path = dtype = device = if hasattr(, 'clip_noise_zero') and # just to do this, we did :) # need more samples as it is random noise self.clip_vision_num_unconditional_cache = self.clip_vision_num_unconditional_cache else: # only need one since it doesnt change self.clip_vision_num_unconditional_cache = 1 # cache unconditionals print(f" - Caching {self.clip_vision_num_unconditional_cache} unconditional clip vision to disk") clip_vision_cache_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_config.clip_image_path, '_clip_vision_cache') unconditional_paths = [] is_noise_zero = hasattr(, 'clip_noise_zero') and for i in range(self.clip_vision_num_unconditional_cache): hash_dict = OrderedDict([ ("image_encoder_path", image_encoder_path), ("is_quad", is_quad), ("is_noise_zero", is_noise_zero), ]) # get base64 hash of md5 checksum of hash_dict hash_input = json.dumps(hash_dict, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8') hash_str = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.md5(hash_input).digest()).decode('ascii') hash_str = hash_str.replace('=', '') uncond_path = os.path.join(clip_vision_cache_path, f'uncond_{hash_str}_{i}.safetensors') if os.path.exists(uncond_path): # skip it unconditional_paths.append(uncond_path) continue # generate a random image img_shape = (1, 3,, if is_noise_zero: tensors_0_1 = torch.rand(img_shape).to(device, dtype=torch.float32) else: tensors_0_1 = torch.zeros(img_shape).to(device, dtype=torch.float32) clip_image = clip_image_processor( images=tensors_0_1, return_tensors="pt", do_resize=True, do_rescale=False, ).pixel_values if is_quad: # split the 4x4 grid and stack on batch ci1, ci2 = clip_image.chunk(2, dim=2) ci1, ci3 = ci1.chunk(2, dim=3) ci2, ci4 = ci2.chunk(2, dim=3) clip_image =[ci1, ci2, ci3, ci4], dim=0).detach() clip_output = vision_encoder(, dtype=dtype), output_hidden_states=True ) # make state_dict ['last_hidden_state', 'image_embeds', 'penultimate_hidden_states'] state_dict = OrderedDict([ ('image_embeds', clip_output.image_embeds.clone().detach().cpu()), ('last_hidden_state', clip_output.hidden_states[-1].clone().detach().cpu()), ('penultimate_hidden_states', clip_output.hidden_states[-2].clone().detach().cpu()), ]) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(uncond_path), exist_ok=True) save_file(state_dict, uncond_path) unconditional_paths.append(uncond_path) self.clip_vision_unconditional_cache = unconditional_paths # use tqdm to show progress i = 0 for file_item in tqdm(self.file_list, desc=f'Caching clip vision to disk'): file_item.is_caching_clip_vision_to_disk = True file_item.clip_vision_load_device = file_item.clip_vision_is_quad = is_quad file_item.clip_image_encoder_path = image_encoder_path file_item.clip_vision_unconditional_paths = unconditional_paths if file_item.has_clip_augmentations: raise Exception("Error: clip vision caching is not supported with clip augmentations") embedding_path = file_item.get_clip_vision_embeddings_path(recalculate=True) # check if it is saved to disk already if not os.path.exists(embedding_path): # load the image first file_item.load_clip_image() # add batch dimension clip_image = file_item.clip_image_tensor.unsqueeze(0).to(device, dtype=dtype) if is_quad: # split the 4x4 grid and stack on batch ci1, ci2 = clip_image.chunk(2, dim=2) ci1, ci3 = ci1.chunk(2, dim=3) ci2, ci4 = ci2.chunk(2, dim=3) clip_image =[ci1, ci2, ci3, ci4], dim=0).detach() clip_output = vision_encoder(, dtype=dtype), output_hidden_states=True ) # make state_dict ['last_hidden_state', 'image_embeds', 'penultimate_hidden_states'] state_dict = OrderedDict([ ('image_embeds', clip_output.image_embeds.clone().detach().cpu()), ('last_hidden_state', clip_output.hidden_states[-1].clone().detach().cpu()), ('penultimate_hidden_states', clip_output.hidden_states[-2].clone().detach().cpu()), ]) # metadata meta = get_meta_for_safetensors(file_item.get_clip_vision_info_dict()) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(embedding_path), exist_ok=True) save_file(state_dict, embedding_path, metadata=meta) del clip_image del clip_output del file_item.clip_image_tensor # flush(garbage_collect=False) file_item.is_vision_clip_cached = True i += 1 # flush every 100 # if i % 100 == 0: # flush() # restore device state