Build error
Build error
import os | |
import sys | |
import numpy as np | |
import argparse | |
import h5py | |
import time | |
import pickle | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import csv | |
from sklearn import metrics | |
from utilities import (create_folder, get_filename, d_prime) | |
import config | |
def load_statistics(statistics_path): | |
statistics_dict = pickle.load(open(statistics_path, 'rb')) | |
bal_map = np.array([statistics['average_precision'] for statistics in statistics_dict['bal']]) # (N, classes_num) | |
bal_map = np.mean(bal_map, axis=-1) | |
test_map = np.array([statistics['average_precision'] for statistics in statistics_dict['test']]) # (N, classes_num) | |
test_map = np.mean(test_map, axis=-1) | |
return bal_map, test_map | |
def crop_label(label): | |
max_len = 16 | |
if len(label) <= max_len: | |
return label | |
else: | |
words = label.split(' ') | |
cropped_label = '' | |
for w in words: | |
if len(cropped_label + ' ' + w) > max_len: | |
break | |
else: | |
cropped_label += ' {}'.format(w) | |
return cropped_label | |
def add_comma(integer): | |
"""E.g., 1234567 -> 1,234,567 | |
""" | |
integer = int(integer) | |
if integer >= 1000: | |
return str(integer // 1000) + ',' + str(integer % 1000) | |
else: | |
return str(integer) | |
def plot_classwise_iteration_map(args): | |
# Paths | |
save_out_path = 'results/classwise_iteration_map.pdf' | |
create_folder(os.path.dirname(save_out_path)) | |
# Load statistics | |
statistics_dict = pickle.load(open('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_WavegramLogmelCnn_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl', 'rb')) | |
mAP_mat = np.array([e['average_precision'] for e in statistics_dict['test']]) | |
mAP_mat = mAP_mat[0 : 300, :] # 300 * 2000 = 600k iterations | |
sorted_indexes = np.argsort(config.full_samples_per_class)[::-1] | |
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20, 5)) | |
ranges = [np.arange(0, 10), np.arange(250, 260), np.arange(517, 527)] | |
axs[0].set_ylabel('AP') | |
for col in range(0, 3): | |
axs[col].set_ylim(0, 1.) | |
axs[col].set_xlim(0, 301) | |
axs[col].set_xlabel('Iterations') | |
axs[col].set_ylabel('AP') | |
axs[col].xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 301, 100)) | |
axs[col].xaxis.set_ticklabels(['0', '200k', '400k', '600k']) | |
lines = [] | |
for _ix in ranges[col]: | |
_label = crop_label(config.labels[sorted_indexes[_ix]]) + \ | |
' ({})'.format(add_comma(config.full_samples_per_class[sorted_indexes[_ix]])) | |
line, = axs[col].plot(mAP_mat[:, sorted_indexes[_ix]], label=_label) | |
lines.append(line) | |
box = axs[col].get_position() | |
axs[col].set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 1., box.height]) | |
axs[col].legend(handles=lines, bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.)) | |
axs[col].yaxis.grid(color='k', linestyle='solid', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.3) | |
plt.tight_layout(pad=4, w_pad=1, h_pad=1) | |
plt.savefig(save_out_path) | |
print(save_out_path) | |
def plot_six_figures(args): | |
# Arguments & parameters | |
classes_num = config.classes_num | |
labels = config.labels | |
max_plot_iteration = 540000 | |
iterations = np.arange(0, max_plot_iteration, 2000) | |
# Paths | |
class_labels_indices_path = os.path.join('metadata', 'class_labels_indices.csv') | |
save_out_path = 'results/six_figures.pdf' | |
create_folder(os.path.dirname(save_out_path)) | |
# Plot | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(14, 7)) | |
bal_alpha = 0.3 | |
test_alpha = 1.0 | |
linewidth = 1. | |
# (a) Comparison of architectures | |
if True: | |
lines = [] | |
# Wavegram-Logmel-CNN | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_WavegramLogmelCnn_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 0].plot(bal_map, color='g', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 0].plot(test_map, label='Wavegram-Logmel-CNN', color='g', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Cnn14 | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 0].plot(bal_map, color='r', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 0].plot(test_map, label='CNN14', color='r', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# MobileNetV1 | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_MobileNetV1_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 0].plot(bal_map, color='b', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 0].plot(test_map, label='MobileNetV1', color='b', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
ax[0, 0].legend(handles=lines, loc=2) | |
ax[0, 0].set_title('(a) Comparison of architectures') | |
# (b) Comparison of training data and augmentation' | |
if True: | |
lines = [] | |
# Full data + balanced sampler + mixup | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(bal_map, color='r', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,bal,mixup (1.9m)', color='r', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Full data + balanced sampler + mixup in time domain | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_timedomain_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(bal_map, color='y', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,bal,mixup-wav (1.9m)', color='y', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Full data + balanced sampler + no mixup | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_nomixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(bal_map, color='g', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,bal,no-mixup (1.9m)', color='g', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Full data + uniform sampler + no mixup | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_nobalanced_nomixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(bal_map, color='b', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,no-bal,no-mixup (1.9m)', color='b', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Balanced data + balanced sampler + mixup | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_balanced_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(bal_map, color='m', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,bal,mixup (20k)', color='m', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Balanced data + balanced sampler + no mixup | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_balanced_train_Cnn14_balanced_nomixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(bal_map, color='k', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,bal,no-mixup (20k)', color='k', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
ax[0, 1].legend(handles=lines, loc=2, fontsize=8) | |
ax[0, 1].set_title('(b) Comparison of training data and augmentation') | |
# (c) Comparison of embedding size | |
if True: | |
lines = [] | |
# Embedding size 2048 | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 2].plot(bal_map, color='r', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 2].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,emb=2048', color='r', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Embedding size 128 | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_emb128_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 2].plot(bal_map, color='g', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 2].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,emb=128', color='g', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Embedding size 32 | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_emb32_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[0, 2].plot(bal_map, color='b', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[0, 2].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,emb=32', color='b', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
ax[0, 2].legend(handles=lines, loc=2) | |
ax[0, 2].set_title('(c) Comparison of embedding size') | |
# (d) Comparison of amount of training data | |
if True: | |
lines = [] | |
# 100% of full training data | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 0].plot(bal_map, color='r', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[1, 0].plot(test_map, label='CNN14 (100% full)', color='r', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# 80% of full training data | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_0.8full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 0].plot(bal_map, color='b', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[1, 0].plot(test_map, label='CNN14 (80% full)', color='b', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# 50% of full training data | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_0.5full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 0].plot(bal_map, color='g', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[1, 0].plot(test_map, label='cnn14 (50% full)', color='g', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
ax[1, 0].legend(handles=lines, loc=2) | |
ax[1, 0].set_title('(d) Comparison of amount of training data') | |
# (e) Comparison of sampling rate | |
if True: | |
lines = [] | |
# Cnn14 + 32 kHz | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 1].plot(bal_map, color='r', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[1, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,32kHz', color='r', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Cnn14 + 16 kHz | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_16k_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 1].plot(bal_map, color='b', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[1, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,16kHz', color='b', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Cnn14 + 8 kHz | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_8k_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 1].plot(bal_map, color='g', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[1, 1].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,8kHz', color='g', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
ax[1, 1].legend(handles=lines, loc=2) | |
ax[1, 1].set_title('(e) Comparison of sampling rate') | |
# (f) Comparison of mel bins number | |
if True: | |
lines = [] | |
# Cnn14 + 128 mel bins | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel128_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 2].plot(bal_map, color='g', alpha=bal_alpha) | |
line, = ax[1, 2].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,128-melbins', color='g', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Cnn14 + 64 mel bins | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel64_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 2].plot(bal_map, color='r', alpha=bal_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
line, = ax[1, 2].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,64-melbins', color='r', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
# Cnn14 + 32 mel bins | |
(bal_map, test_map) = load_statistics('paper_statistics/statistics_sr32000_window1024_hop320_mel32_fmin50_fmax14000_full_train_Cnn14_balanced_mixup_bs32.pkl') | |
line, = ax[1, 2].plot(bal_map, color='b', alpha=bal_alpha) | |
line, = ax[1, 2].plot(test_map, label='CNN14,32-melbins', color='b', alpha=test_alpha, linewidth=linewidth) | |
lines.append(line) | |
ax[1, 2].legend(handles=lines, loc=2) | |
ax[1, 2].set_title('(f) Comparison of mel bins number') | |
for i in range(2): | |
for j in range(3): | |
ax[i, j].set_ylim(0, 0.8) | |
ax[i, j].set_xlim(0, len(iterations)) | |
ax[i, j].set_xlabel('Iterations') | |
ax[i, j].set_ylabel('mAP') | |
ax[i, j].xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, len(iterations), 50)) | |
ax[i, j].xaxis.set_ticklabels(['0', '100k', '200k', '300k', '400k', '500k']) | |
ax[i, j].yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 0.81, 0.05)) | |
ax[i, j].yaxis.set_ticklabels(['0', '', '0.1', '', '0.2', '', '0.3', | |
'', '0.4', '', '0.5', '', '0.6', '', '0.7', '', '0.8']) | |
ax[i, j].yaxis.grid(color='k', linestyle='solid', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.3) | |
ax[i, j].xaxis.grid(color='k', linestyle='solid', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.3) | |
plt.tight_layout(0, 1, 0) | |
plt.savefig(save_out_path) | |
print('Save figure to {}'.format(save_out_path)) | |
def plot_complexity_map(args): | |
# Paths | |
save_out_path = 'results/complexity_mAP.pdf' | |
create_folder(os.path.dirname(save_out_path)) | |
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) | |
model_types = np.array(['Cnn6', 'Cnn10', 'Cnn14', 'ResNet22', 'ResNet38', 'ResNet54', | |
'MobileNetV1', 'MobileNetV2', 'DaiNet', 'LeeNet', 'LeeNet18', | |
'Res1dNet30', 'Res1dNet44', 'Wavegram-CNN', 'Wavegram-\nLogmel-CNN']) | |
flops = np.array([21.986, 28.166, 42.220, 30.081, 48.962, 54.563, 3.614, 2.810, | |
30.395, 4.741, 26.369, 32.688, 61.833, 44.234, 53.510]) | |
mAPs = np.array([0.343, 0.380, 0.431, 0.430, 0.434, 0.429, 0.389, 0.383, 0.295, | |
0.266, 0.336, 0.365, 0.355, 0.389, 0.439]) | |
sorted_indexes = np.sort(flops) | |
ax.scatter(flops, mAPs) | |
shift = [[-5.5, -0.004], [1, -0.004], [-1, -0.014], [-2, 0.006], [-7, 0.006], | |
[1, -0.01], [0.5, 0.004], [-1, -0.014], [1, -0.007], [0.8, -0.008], | |
[1, -0.007], [1, 0.002], [-6, -0.015], [1, -0.008], [0.8, 0]] | |
for i, model_type in enumerate(model_types): | |
ax.annotate(model_type, (flops[i] + shift[i][0], mAPs[i] + shift[i][1])) | |
ax.plot(flops[[0, 1, 2]], mAPs[[0, 1, 2]]) | |
ax.plot(flops[[3, 4, 5]], mAPs[[3, 4, 5]]) | |
ax.plot(flops[[6, 7]], mAPs[[6, 7]]) | |
ax.plot(flops[[9, 10]], mAPs[[9, 10]]) | |
ax.plot(flops[[11, 12]], mAPs[[11, 12]]) | |
ax.plot(flops[[13, 14]], mAPs[[13, 14]]) | |
ax.set_xlim(0, 70) | |
ax.set_ylim(0.2, 0.5) | |
ax.set_xlabel('Multi-load_statisticss (million)', fontsize=15) | |
ax.set_ylabel('mAP', fontsize=15) | |
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=12) | |
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=12) | |
plt.tight_layout(0, 0, 0) | |
plt.savefig(save_out_path) | |
print('Write out figure to {}'.format(save_out_path)) | |
def plot_long_fig(args): | |
# Paths | |
stats = pickle.load(open('paper_statistics/stats_for_long_fig.pkl', 'rb')) | |
save_out_path = 'results/long_fig.pdf' | |
create_folder(os.path.dirname(save_out_path)) | |
# Load meta | |
N = len(config.labels) | |
sorted_indexes = stats['sorted_indexes_for_plot'] | |
sorted_labels = np.array(config.labels)[sorted_indexes] | |
audio_clips_per_class = stats['official_balanced_training_samples'] + stats['official_unbalanced_training_samples'] | |
audio_clips_per_class = audio_clips_per_class[sorted_indexes] | |
# Prepare axes for plot | |
(ax1a, ax2a, ax3a, ax4a, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b) = prepare_plot_long_4_rows(sorted_labels) | |
# plot the number of training samples | |, audio_clips_per_class, alpha=0.3) | |, audio_clips_per_class, alpha=0.3) | |, audio_clips_per_class, alpha=0.3) | |, audio_clips_per_class, alpha=0.3) | |
# Load mAP of different systems | |
"""Average instance system of [1] with an mAP of 0.317. | |
[1] Kong, Qiuqiang, Changsong Yu, Yong Xu, Turab Iqbal, Wenwu Wang, and | |
Mark D. Plumbley. "Weakly labelled audioset tagging with attention neural | |
networks." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing | |
27, no. 11 (2019): 1791-1802.""" | |
maps_avg_instances = stats['averaging_instance_system_avg_9_probs_from_10000_to_50000_iterations']['eval']['average_precision'] | |
maps_avg_instances = maps_avg_instances[sorted_indexes] | |
# PANNs Cnn14 | |
maps_panns_cnn14 = stats['panns_cnn14']['eval']['average_precision'] | |
maps_panns_cnn14 = maps_panns_cnn14[sorted_indexes] | |
# PANNs MobileNetV1 | |
maps_panns_mobilenetv1 = stats['panns_mobilenetv1']['eval']['average_precision'] | |
maps_panns_mobilenetv1 = maps_panns_mobilenetv1[sorted_indexes] | |
# PANNs Wavegram-Logmel-Cnn14 | |
maps_panns_wavegram_logmel_cnn14 = stats['panns_wavegram_logmel_cnn14']['eval']['average_precision'] | |
maps_panns_wavegram_logmel_cnn14 = maps_panns_wavegram_logmel_cnn14[sorted_indexes] | |
# Plot mAPs | |
_scatter_4_rows(maps_panns_wavegram_logmel_cnn14, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b, s=5, c='g') | |
_scatter_4_rows(maps_panns_cnn14, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b, s=5, c='r') | |
_scatter_4_rows(maps_panns_mobilenetv1, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b, s=5, c='b') | |
_scatter_4_rows(maps_avg_instances, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b, s=5, c='k') | |
linewidth = 0.7 | |
line0te = _plot_4_rows(maps_panns_wavegram_logmel_cnn14, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b, | |
c='g', linewidth=linewidth, label='AP with Wavegram-Logmel-CNN') | |
line1te = _plot_4_rows(maps_panns_cnn14, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b, c='r', | |
linewidth=linewidth, label='AP with CNN14') | |
line2te = _plot_4_rows(maps_panns_mobilenetv1, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b, c='b', | |
linewidth=linewidth, label='AP with MobileNetV1') | |
line3te = _plot_4_rows(maps_avg_instances, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b, c='k', | |
linewidth=linewidth, label='AP with averaging instances (baseline)') | |
# Plot label quality | |
label_quality = stats['label_quality'] | |
sorted_label_quality = np.array(label_quality)[sorted_indexes] | |
for k in range(len(sorted_label_quality)): | |
if sorted_label_quality[k] and sorted_label_quality[k] == 1: | |
sorted_label_quality[k] = 0.99 | |
ax1b.scatter(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality != None], | |
sorted_label_quality[sorted_label_quality != None], s=12, c='r', linewidth=0.8, marker='+') | |
ax2b.scatter(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality != None], | |
sorted_label_quality[sorted_label_quality != None], s=12, c='r', linewidth=0.8, marker='+') | |
ax3b.scatter(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality != None], | |
sorted_label_quality[sorted_label_quality != None], s=12, c='r', linewidth=0.8, marker='+') | |
line_label_quality = ax4b.scatter(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality != None], | |
sorted_label_quality[sorted_label_quality != None], s=12, c='r', linewidth=0.8, marker='+', label='Label quality') | |
ax1b.scatter(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality == None], | |
0.5 * np.ones(len(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality == None])), s=12, c='r', linewidth=0.8, marker='_') | |
ax2b.scatter(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality == None], | |
0.5 * np.ones(len(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality == None])), s=12, c='r', linewidth=0.8, marker='_') | |
ax3b.scatter(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality == None], | |
0.5 * np.ones(len(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality == None])), s=12, c='r', linewidth=0.8, marker='_') | |
ax4b.scatter(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality == None], | |
0.5 * np.ones(len(np.arange(N)[sorted_label_quality == None])), s=12, c='r', linewidth=0.8, marker='_') | |
plt.legend(handles=[line0te, line1te, line2te, line3te, line_label_quality], fontsize=6, loc=1) | |
plt.tight_layout(0, 0, 0) | |
plt.savefig(save_out_path) | |
print('Save fig to {}'.format(save_out_path)) | |
def prepare_plot_long_4_rows(sorted_lbs): | |
N = len(sorted_lbs) | |
f,(ax1a, ax2a, ax3a, ax4a) = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharey=False, facecolor='w', figsize=(10, 10.5)) | |
fontsize = 5 | |
K = 132 | |
ax1a.set_xlim(0, K) | |
ax2a.set_xlim(K, 2 * K) | |
ax3a.set_xlim(2 * K, 3 * K) | |
ax4a.set_xlim(3 * K, N) | |
truncated_sorted_lbs = [] | |
for lb in sorted_lbs: | |
lb = lb[0 : 25] | |
words = lb.split(' ') | |
if len(words[-1]) < 3: | |
lb = ' '.join(words[0:-1]) | |
truncated_sorted_lbs.append(lb) | |
ax1a.grid(which='major', axis='x', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) | |
ax2a.grid(which='major', axis='x', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) | |
ax3a.grid(which='major', axis='x', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) | |
ax4a.grid(which='major', axis='x', linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) | |
ax1a.set_yscale('log') | |
ax2a.set_yscale('log') | |
ax3a.set_yscale('log') | |
ax4a.set_yscale('log') | |
ax1b = ax1a.twinx() | |
ax2b = ax2a.twinx() | |
ax3b = ax3a.twinx() | |
ax4b = ax4a.twinx() | |
ax1b.set_ylim(0., 1.) | |
ax2b.set_ylim(0., 1.) | |
ax3b.set_ylim(0., 1.) | |
ax4b.set_ylim(0., 1.) | |
ax1b.set_ylabel('Average precision') | |
ax2b.set_ylabel('Average precision') | |
ax3b.set_ylabel('Average precision') | |
ax4b.set_ylabel('Average precision') | |
ax1b.yaxis.grid(color='grey', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) | |
ax2b.yaxis.grid(color='grey', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) | |
ax3b.yaxis.grid(color='grey', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) | |
ax4b.yaxis.grid(color='grey', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) | |
ax1a.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(K)) | |
ax1a.xaxis.set_ticklabels(truncated_sorted_lbs[0:K], rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) | |
ax1a.xaxis.tick_bottom() | |
ax1a.set_ylabel("Number of audio clips") | |
ax2a.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(K, 2*K)) | |
ax2a.xaxis.set_ticklabels(truncated_sorted_lbs[K:2*K], rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) | |
ax2a.xaxis.tick_bottom() | |
ax2a.set_ylabel("Number of audio clips") | |
ax3a.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(2*K, 3*K)) | |
ax3a.xaxis.set_ticklabels(truncated_sorted_lbs[2*K:3*K], rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) | |
ax3a.xaxis.tick_bottom() | |
ax3a.set_ylabel("Number of audio clips") | |
ax4a.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(3*K, N)) | |
ax4a.xaxis.set_ticklabels(truncated_sorted_lbs[3*K:], rotation=90, fontsize=fontsize) | |
ax4a.xaxis.tick_bottom() | |
ax4a.set_ylabel("Number of audio clips") | |
ax1a.spines['right'].set_visible(False) | |
ax1b.spines['right'].set_visible(False) | |
ax2a.spines['left'].set_visible(False) | |
ax2b.spines['left'].set_visible(False) | |
ax2a.spines['right'].set_visible(False) | |
ax2b.spines['right'].set_visible(False) | |
ax3a.spines['left'].set_visible(False) | |
ax3b.spines['left'].set_visible(False) | |
ax3a.spines['right'].set_visible(False) | |
ax3b.spines['right'].set_visible(False) | |
ax4a.spines['left'].set_visible(False) | |
ax4b.spines['left'].set_visible(False) | |
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.8) | |
return ax1a, ax2a, ax3a, ax4a, ax1b, ax2b, ax3b, ax4b | |
def _scatter_4_rows(x, ax, ax2, ax3, ax4, s, c, marker='.', alpha=1.): | |
N = len(x) | |
ax.scatter(np.arange(N), x, s=s, c=c, marker=marker, alpha=alpha) | |
ax2.scatter(np.arange(N), x, s=s, c=c, marker=marker, alpha=alpha) | |
ax3.scatter(np.arange(N), x, s=s, c=c, marker=marker, alpha=alpha) | |
ax4.scatter(np.arange(N), x, s=s, c=c, marker=marker, alpha=alpha) | |
def _plot_4_rows(x, ax, ax2, ax3, ax4, c, linewidth=1.0, alpha=1.0, label=""): | |
N = len(x) | |
ax.plot(x, c=c, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha) | |
ax2.plot(x, c=c, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha) | |
ax3.plot(x, c=c, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha) | |
line, = ax4.plot(x, c=c, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha, label=label) | |
return line | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') | |
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode') | |
parser_classwise_iteration_map = subparsers.add_parser('plot_classwise_iteration_map') | |
parser_six_figures = subparsers.add_parser('plot_six_figures') | |
parser_complexity_map = subparsers.add_parser('plot_complexity_map') | |
parser_long_fig = subparsers.add_parser('plot_long_fig') | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
if args.mode == 'plot_classwise_iteration_map': | |
plot_classwise_iteration_map(args) | |
elif args.mode == 'plot_six_figures': | |
plot_six_figures(args) | |
elif args.mode == 'plot_complexity_map': | |
plot_complexity_map(args) | |
elif args.mode == 'plot_long_fig': | |
plot_long_fig(args) | |
else: | |
raise Exception('Incorrect argument!') |