#!/bin/bash # TODO: Why is this here? Can we delete it? export SPACE="AIEnergyScore/launch-computation-example" # Can use this for errors too: trap 'echo "An error occurred."' ERR config_dir="/optimum-benchmark/examples/energy_star/" echo "Attempting to run." # For each line in the requests dataset.... python /parse_requests.py | head -n 10 | while read -r line; do # Read the name of the model and the experiment (task). IFS="," read model task <<< "${line}" echo "Benchmarking Model: ${model}, Task: ${task}" # Initialize the directory for output. now=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S) run_dir="/runs/${task}/${model}/${now}" mkdir -p "$run_dir" # Save the task/model run directory to text file, for tracking purposes. echo "${run_dir}" >> /attempts.txt { # try # Let the benchmarking begin! optimum-benchmark --config-name "${task}" --config-dir="${config_dir}" backend.model="${model}" backend.processor="${model}" hydra.run.dir="${run_dir}" 2> "${run_dir}/error.log" } || { # catch echo "${run_dir}" >> /failed_attempts.txt } done echo "Finished; updating requests dataset and results dataset." python /process_runs.py # Pausing space echo "Pausing space." python /pause_space.py echo "Done."