import os import folium import confuse import numpy as np from math import isnan import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import Point from PIL import Image from tqdm import tqdm # Initialzie custom basemaps for folium basemaps = { 'Google Maps': folium.TileLayer( tiles = '{x}&y={y}&z={z}', attr = 'Google', name = 'Google Maps', overlay = True, control = True ), 'Google Satellite': folium.TileLayer( tiles = '{x}&y={y}&z={z}', attr = 'Google', name = 'Google Satellite', overlay = True, control = True ), 'Google Terrain': folium.TileLayer( tiles = '{x}&y={y}&z={z}', attr = 'Google', name = 'Google Terrain', overlay = True, control = True ), 'Google Satellite Hybrid': folium.TileLayer( tiles = '{x}&y={y}&z={z}', attr = 'Google', name = 'Google Satellite', overlay = True, control = True ), 'Esri Satellite': folium.TileLayer( tiles = '{z}/{y}/{x}', attr = 'Esri', name = 'Esri Satellite', overlay = True, control = True ), 'openstreetmap': folium.TileLayer('openstreetmap'), 'cartodbdark_matter': folium.TileLayer('cartodbdark_matter') } # Dictionary of JavaScript files (More Readable) scripts_dir = './scripts/' scripts_files = [f for f in os.listdir(scripts_dir) if f.endswith('.js')] Scripts = {} for f in scripts_files: key = f.split('.')[0].upper() with open(scripts_dir + f) as f: Scripts[key] = def calculate_bbox(df, field): ''' Calculate the bounding box of a specfic field ID in a given data frame ''' bbox = df.loc[df['name'] == field].bounds r = bbox.iloc[0] return [r.minx, r.miny, r.maxx, r.maxy] def tiff_to_geodataframe(im, metric, date, crs): ''' Convert a tiff image to a geodataframe ''' x_cords = im.coords['x'].values y_cords = im.coords['y'].values vals = im.values dims = vals.shape points = [] v_s = [] for lat in range(dims[1]): y = y_cords[lat] for lon in range(dims[2]): x = x_cords[lon] v = vals[:,lat,lon] if isnan(v[0]): continue points.append(Point(x,y)) v_s.append(v.item()) d = {f'{metric}_{date}': v_s, 'geometry': points} df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(d, crs = crs) return df def get_bearer_token_headers(bearer_token): ''' Get the bearer token headers to be used in the request to the SentinelHub API ''' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+ bearer_token, } return headers def get_downloaded_location_img_path(clientName, metric, date, field, extension='tiff'): ''' Get the path of the downloaded image in TIFF based on the: ''' date_dir = f'./{clientName}/raw/{metric}/{date}/field_{field}/' print(f'True Color Date Dir: {date_dir}') os.makedirs(date_dir, exist_ok=True) intermediate_dirs = os.listdir(date_dir) print(f'Intermediate Dirs: {intermediate_dirs}') if len(intermediate_dirs) == 0: return None imagePath = f'{date_dir}{os.listdir(date_dir)[0]}/response.{extension}' print(f'Image Path: {imagePath}') if not os.path.exists(imagePath): return None print(f'Image Path: {imagePath}') return imagePath def get_masked_location_img_path(clientName, metric, date, field): ''' Get the path of the downloaded image after applying the mask in TIFF based on the: ''' date_dir = f'./{clientName}/processed/{metric}/{date}/field_{field}/' imagePath = date_dir + 'masked.tiff' return imagePath def get_curated_location_img_path(clientName, metric, date, field): ''' Get the path of the downloaded image after applying the mask and converting it to geojson formay based on the: ''' date_dir = f'./{clientName}/curated/{metric}/{date}/field_{field}/' imagePath = date_dir + 'masked.geojson' if os.path.exists(imagePath): return imagePath else: return None def parse_app_config(path=r'config-fgm-dev.yaml'): config = confuse.Configuration('CropHealth', __name__) config.set_file(path) return config def fix_image(img): def normalize(band): band_min, band_max = (band.min(), band.max()) return ((band-band_min)/((band_max - band_min))) def brighten(band): alpha=3 beta=0 return np.clip(alpha*band+beta, 0,255) def gammacorr(band): gamma=0.9 return np.power(band, 1/gamma) red = img[:, :, 0] green = img[:, :, 1] blue = img[:, :, 2] red_b=brighten(red) blue_b=brighten(blue) green_b=brighten(green) red_bg=gammacorr(red_b) blue_bg=gammacorr(blue_b) green_bg=gammacorr(green_b) red_bgn = normalize(red_bg) green_bgn = normalize(green_bg) blue_bgn = normalize(blue_bg) rgb_composite_bgn= np.dstack((red_b, green_b, blue_b)) return rgb_composite_bgn def creat_gif(dataset, gif_name, duration=50): ''' Create a gif from a list of images ''' imgs = [Image.fromarray((255*img).astype(np.uint8)) for img in dataset] # duration is the number of milliseconds between frames; this is 40 frames per second imgs[0].save(gif_name, save_all=True, append_images=imgs[1:], duration=duration, loop=1) def add_lat_lon_to_gdf_from_geometry(gdf): gdf['Lat'] = gdf['geometry'].apply(lambda p: p.x) gdf['Lon'] = gdf['geometry'].apply(lambda p: p.y) return gdf def gdf_column_to_one_band_array(gdf, column_name): gdf = gdf.sort_values(by=['Lat', 'Lon']) gdf = gdf.reset_index(drop=True) unique_lats_count = gdf['Lat'].nunique() unique_lons_count = gdf['Lon'].nunique() rows_arr = [[] for i in range(unique_lats_count)] column_values = gdf[column_name].values for i in tqdm(range(len(column_values))): row_index = i // unique_lons_count rows_arr[row_index].append(column_values[i]) max_row_length = max([len(row) for row in rows_arr]) for row in rows_arr: while len(row) < max_row_length: row.append(0) rows_arr = np.array(rows_arr) return rows_arr