from typing import Any, Optional, List, Tuple import threading import cv2 import numpy import onnxruntime import DeepFakeAI.globals from import conditional_download from DeepFakeAI.face_store import get_static_faces, set_static_faces from DeepFakeAI.face_helper import warp_face, create_static_anchors, distance_to_kps, distance_to_bbox, apply_nms from DeepFakeAI.filesystem import resolve_relative_path from DeepFakeAI.typing import Frame, Face, FaceSet, FaceAnalyserOrder, FaceAnalyserAge, FaceAnalyserGender, ModelSet, Bbox, Kps, Score, Embedding from import resize_frame_dimension FACE_ANALYSER = None THREAD_SEMAPHORE : threading.Semaphore = threading.Semaphore() THREAD_LOCK : threading.Lock = threading.Lock() MODELS : ModelSet =\ { 'face_detector_retinaface': { 'url': '', 'path': resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models/retinaface_10g.onnx') }, 'face_detector_yunet': { 'url': '', 'path': resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models/yunet_2023mar.onnx') }, 'face_recognizer_arcface_blendswap': { 'url': '', 'path': resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models/arcface_w600k_r50.onnx') }, 'face_recognizer_arcface_inswapper': { 'url': '', 'path': resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models/arcface_w600k_r50.onnx') }, 'face_recognizer_arcface_simswap': { 'url': '', 'path': resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models/arcface_simswap.onnx') }, 'gender_age': { 'url': '', 'path': resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models/gender_age.onnx') } } def get_face_analyser() -> Any: global FACE_ANALYSER with THREAD_LOCK: if FACE_ANALYSER is None: if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_detector_model == 'retinaface': face_detector = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(MODELS.get('face_detector_retinaface').get('path'), providers = DeepFakeAI.globals.execution_providers) if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_detector_model == 'yunet': face_detector = cv2.FaceDetectorYN.create(MODELS.get('face_detector_yunet').get('path'), '', (0, 0)) if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_recognizer_model == 'arcface_blendswap': face_recognizer = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(MODELS.get('face_recognizer_arcface_blendswap').get('path'), providers = DeepFakeAI.globals.execution_providers) if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_recognizer_model == 'arcface_inswapper': face_recognizer = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(MODELS.get('face_recognizer_arcface_inswapper').get('path'), providers = DeepFakeAI.globals.execution_providers) if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_recognizer_model == 'arcface_simswap': face_recognizer = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(MODELS.get('face_recognizer_arcface_simswap').get('path'), providers = DeepFakeAI.globals.execution_providers) gender_age = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(MODELS.get('gender_age').get('path'), providers = DeepFakeAI.globals.execution_providers) FACE_ANALYSER =\ { 'face_detector': face_detector, 'face_recognizer': face_recognizer, 'gender_age': gender_age } return FACE_ANALYSER def clear_face_analyser() -> Any: global FACE_ANALYSER FACE_ANALYSER = None def pre_check() -> bool: if not DeepFakeAI.globals.skip_download: download_directory_path = resolve_relative_path('../.assets/models') model_urls =\ [ MODELS.get('face_detector_retinaface').get('url'), MODELS.get('face_detector_yunet').get('url'), MODELS.get('face_recognizer_arcface_inswapper').get('url'), MODELS.get('face_recognizer_arcface_simswap').get('url'), MODELS.get('gender_age').get('url') ] conditional_download(download_directory_path, model_urls) return True def extract_faces(frame: Frame) -> List[Face]: face_detector_width, face_detector_height = map(int, DeepFakeAI.globals.face_detector_size.split('x')) frame_height, frame_width, _ = frame.shape temp_frame = resize_frame_dimension(frame, face_detector_width, face_detector_height) temp_frame_height, temp_frame_width, _ = temp_frame.shape ratio_height = frame_height / temp_frame_height ratio_width = frame_width / temp_frame_width if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_detector_model == 'retinaface': bbox_list, kps_list, score_list = detect_with_retinaface(temp_frame, temp_frame_height, temp_frame_width, face_detector_height, face_detector_width, ratio_height, ratio_width) return create_faces(frame, bbox_list, kps_list, score_list) elif DeepFakeAI.globals.face_detector_model == 'yunet': bbox_list, kps_list, score_list = detect_with_yunet(temp_frame, temp_frame_height, temp_frame_width, ratio_height, ratio_width) return create_faces(frame, bbox_list, kps_list, score_list) return [] def detect_with_retinaface(temp_frame : Frame, temp_frame_height : int, temp_frame_width : int, face_detector_height : int, face_detector_width : int, ratio_height : float, ratio_width : float) -> Tuple[List[Bbox], List[Kps], List[Score]]: face_detector = get_face_analyser().get('face_detector') bbox_list = [] kps_list = [] score_list = [] feature_strides = [ 8, 16, 32 ] feature_map_channel = 3 anchor_total = 2 prepare_frame = numpy.zeros((face_detector_height, face_detector_width, 3)) prepare_frame[:temp_frame_height, :temp_frame_width, :] = temp_frame temp_frame = (prepare_frame - 127.5) / 128.0 temp_frame = numpy.expand_dims(temp_frame.transpose(2, 0, 1), axis = 0).astype(numpy.float32) with THREAD_SEMAPHORE: detections =, { face_detector.get_inputs()[0].name: temp_frame }) for index, feature_stride in enumerate(feature_strides): keep_indices = numpy.where(detections[index] >= DeepFakeAI.globals.face_detector_score)[0] if keep_indices.any(): stride_height = face_detector_height // feature_stride stride_width = face_detector_width // feature_stride anchors = create_static_anchors(feature_stride, anchor_total, stride_height, stride_width) bbox_raw = (detections[index + feature_map_channel] * feature_stride) kps_raw = detections[index + feature_map_channel * 2] * feature_stride for bbox in distance_to_bbox(anchors, bbox_raw)[keep_indices]: bbox_list.append(numpy.array( [ bbox[0] * ratio_width, bbox[1] * ratio_height, bbox[2] * ratio_width, bbox[3] * ratio_height ])) for kps in distance_to_kps(anchors, kps_raw)[keep_indices]: kps_list.append(kps * [ ratio_width, ratio_height ]) for score in detections[index][keep_indices]: score_list.append(score[0]) return bbox_list, kps_list, score_list def detect_with_yunet(temp_frame : Frame, temp_frame_height : int, temp_frame_width : int, ratio_height : float, ratio_width : float) -> Tuple[List[Bbox], List[Kps], List[Score]]: face_detector = get_face_analyser().get('face_detector') face_detector.setInputSize((temp_frame_width, temp_frame_height)) face_detector.setScoreThreshold(DeepFakeAI.globals.face_detector_score) bbox_list = [] kps_list = [] score_list = [] with THREAD_SEMAPHORE: _, detections = face_detector.detect(temp_frame) if detections.any(): for detection in detections: bbox_list.append(numpy.array( [ detection[0] * ratio_width, detection[1] * ratio_height, (detection[0] + detection[2]) * ratio_width, (detection[1] + detection[3]) * ratio_height ])) kps_list.append(detection[4:14].reshape((5, 2)) * [ ratio_width, ratio_height]) score_list.append(detection[14]) return bbox_list, kps_list, score_list def create_faces(frame : Frame, bbox_list : List[Bbox], kps_list : List[Kps], score_list : List[Score]) -> List[Face]: faces = [] if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_detector_score > 0: sort_indices = numpy.argsort(-numpy.array(score_list)) bbox_list = [ bbox_list[index] for index in sort_indices ] kps_list = [ kps_list[index] for index in sort_indices ] score_list = [ score_list[index] for index in sort_indices ] keep_indices = apply_nms(bbox_list, 0.4) for index in keep_indices: bbox = bbox_list[index] kps = kps_list[index] score = score_list[index] embedding, normed_embedding = calc_embedding(frame, kps) gender, age = detect_gender_age(frame, kps) faces.append(Face( bbox = bbox, kps = kps, score = score, embedding = embedding, normed_embedding = normed_embedding, gender = gender, age = age )) return faces def calc_embedding(temp_frame : Frame, kps : Kps) -> Tuple[Embedding, Embedding]: face_recognizer = get_face_analyser().get('face_recognizer') crop_frame, matrix = warp_face(temp_frame, kps, 'arcface_112_v2', (112, 112)) crop_frame = crop_frame.astype(numpy.float32) / 127.5 - 1 crop_frame = crop_frame[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1) crop_frame = numpy.expand_dims(crop_frame, axis = 0) embedding =, { face_recognizer.get_inputs()[0].name: crop_frame })[0] embedding = embedding.ravel() normed_embedding = embedding / numpy.linalg.norm(embedding) return embedding, normed_embedding def detect_gender_age(frame : Frame, kps : Kps) -> Tuple[int, int]: gender_age = get_face_analyser().get('gender_age') crop_frame, affine_matrix = warp_face(frame, kps, 'arcface_112_v2', (96, 96)) crop_frame = numpy.expand_dims(crop_frame, axis = 0).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2).astype(numpy.float32) prediction =, { gender_age.get_inputs()[0].name: crop_frame })[0][0] gender = int(numpy.argmax(prediction[:2])) age = int(numpy.round(prediction[2] * 100)) return gender, age def get_one_face(frame : Frame, position : int = 0) -> Optional[Face]: many_faces = get_many_faces(frame) if many_faces: try: return many_faces[position] except IndexError: return many_faces[-1] return None def get_average_face(frames : List[Frame], position : int = 0) -> Optional[Face]: average_face = None faces = [] embedding_list = [] normed_embedding_list = [] for frame in frames: face = get_one_face(frame, position) if face: faces.append(face) embedding_list.append(face.embedding) normed_embedding_list.append(face.normed_embedding) if faces: average_face = Face( bbox = faces[0].bbox, kps = faces[0].kps, score = faces[0].score, embedding = numpy.mean(embedding_list, axis = 0), normed_embedding = numpy.mean(normed_embedding_list, axis = 0), gender = faces[0].gender, age = faces[0].age ) return average_face def get_many_faces(frame : Frame) -> List[Face]: try: faces_cache = get_static_faces(frame) if faces_cache: faces = faces_cache else: faces = extract_faces(frame) set_static_faces(frame, faces) if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_analyser_order: faces = sort_by_order(faces, DeepFakeAI.globals.face_analyser_order) if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_analyser_age: faces = filter_by_age(faces, DeepFakeAI.globals.face_analyser_age) if DeepFakeAI.globals.face_analyser_gender: faces = filter_by_gender(faces, DeepFakeAI.globals.face_analyser_gender) return faces except (AttributeError, ValueError): return [] def find_similar_faces(frame : Frame, reference_faces : FaceSet, face_distance : float) -> List[Face]: similar_faces : List[Face] = [] many_faces = get_many_faces(frame) if reference_faces: for reference_set in reference_faces: if not similar_faces: for reference_face in reference_faces[reference_set]: for face in many_faces: if compare_faces(face, reference_face, face_distance): similar_faces.append(face) return similar_faces def compare_faces(face : Face, reference_face : Face, face_distance : float) -> bool: if hasattr(face, 'normed_embedding') and hasattr(reference_face, 'normed_embedding'): current_face_distance = 1 -, reference_face.normed_embedding) return current_face_distance < face_distance return False def sort_by_order(faces : List[Face], order : FaceAnalyserOrder) -> List[Face]: if order == 'left-right': return sorted(faces, key = lambda face: face.bbox[0]) if order == 'right-left': return sorted(faces, key = lambda face: face.bbox[0], reverse = True) if order == 'top-bottom': return sorted(faces, key = lambda face: face.bbox[1]) if order == 'bottom-top': return sorted(faces, key = lambda face: face.bbox[1], reverse = True) if order == 'small-large': return sorted(faces, key = lambda face: (face.bbox[2] - face.bbox[0]) * (face.bbox[3] - face.bbox[1])) if order == 'large-small': return sorted(faces, key = lambda face: (face.bbox[2] - face.bbox[0]) * (face.bbox[3] - face.bbox[1]), reverse = True) if order == 'best-worst': return sorted(faces, key = lambda face: face.score, reverse = True) if order == 'worst-best': return sorted(faces, key = lambda face: face.score) return faces def filter_by_age(faces : List[Face], age : FaceAnalyserAge) -> List[Face]: filter_faces = [] for face in faces: if face.age < 13 and age == 'child': filter_faces.append(face) elif face.age < 19 and age == 'teen': filter_faces.append(face) elif face.age < 60 and age == 'adult': filter_faces.append(face) elif face.age > 59 and age == 'senior': filter_faces.append(face) return filter_faces def filter_by_gender(faces : List[Face], gender : FaceAnalyserGender) -> List[Face]: filter_faces = [] for face in faces: if face.gender == 0 and gender == 'female': filter_faces.append(face) if face.gender == 1 and gender == 'male': filter_faces.append(face) return filter_faces