''' TTS Preprocessing Developed by Arun Kumar A(CS20S013) - November 2022 Code Changes by Utkarsh - 2023 ''' import os import re import json import pandas as pd import string from collections import defaultdict import time import subprocess import shutil from multiprocessing import Process import traceback #imports of dependencies from environment.yml from num_to_words import num_to_word from g2p_en import G2p def add_to_dictionary(dict_to_add, dict_file): append_string = "" for key, value in dict_to_add.items(): append_string += (str(key) + " " + str(value) + "\n") if os.path.isfile(dict_file): # make a copy of the dictionary source_dir = os.path.dirname(dict_file) dict_file_name = os.path.basename(dict_file) temp_file_name = "." + dict_file_name + ".temp" temp_dict_file = os.path.join(source_dir, temp_file_name) shutil.copy(dict_file, temp_dict_file) # append the new words in the dictionary to the temp file with open(temp_dict_file, "a") as f: f.write(append_string) # check if the write is successful and then replace the temp file as the dict file try: df_orig = pd.read_csv(dict_file, delimiter=" ", header=None, dtype=str) df_temp = pd.read_csv(temp_dict_file, delimiter=" ", header=None, dtype=str) if len(df_temp) > len(df_orig): os.rename(temp_dict_file, dict_file) print(f"{len(dict_to_add)} new words appended to Dictionary: {dict_file}") except: print(traceback.format_exc()) else: # create a new dictionary with open(dict_file, "a") as f: f.write(append_string) print(f"New Dictionary: {dict_file} created with {len(dict_to_add)} words") class TextCleaner: def __init__(self): # this is a static set of cleaning rules to be applied self.cleaning_rules = { " +" : " ", "^ +" : "", " +$" : "", "#" : "", "[.,;।!](\r\n)*" : "# ", "[.,;।!](\n)*" : "# ", "(\r\n)+" : "# ", "(\n)+" : "# ", "(\r)+" : "# ", """[?;:)(!|&’‘,।\."]""": "", "[/']" : "", "[-–]" : " ", } def clean(self, text): for key, replacement in self.cleaning_rules.items(): text = re.sub(key, replacement, text) return text def clean_list(self, text): # input is supposed to be a list of strings output_text = [] for line in text: line = line.strip() for key, replacement in self.cleaning_rules.items(): line = re.sub(key, replacement, line) output_text.append(line) return output_text class Phonifier: def __init__(self, dict_location=None): if dict_location is None: dict_location = "phone_dict" self.dict_location = dict_location # self.phone_dictionary = {} # # load dictionary for all the available languages # for dict_file in os.listdir(dict_location): # try: # if dict_file.startswith("."): # # ignore hidden files # continue # language = dict_file # dict_file_path = os.path.join(dict_location, dict_file) # df = pd.read_csv(dict_file_path, delimiter=" ", header=None, dtype=str) # self.phone_dictionary[language] = df.set_index(0).to_dict('dict')[1] # except Exception as e: # print(traceback.format_exc()) # print("Phone dictionary loaded for the following languages:", list(self.phone_dictionary.keys())) self.g2p = G2p() print('Loading G2P model... Done!') # Mapping between the cmu phones and the iitm cls self.cmu_2_cls_map = { "AA" : "aa", "AA0" : "aa", "AA1" : "aa", "AA2" : "aa", "AE" : "axx", "AE0" : "axx", "AE1" : "axx", "AE2" : "axx", "AH" : "a", "AH0" : "a", "AH1" : "a", "AH2" : "a", "AO" : "ax", "AO0" : "ax", "AO1" : "ax", "AO2" : "ax", "AW" : "ou", "AW0" : "ou", "AW1" : "ou", "AW2" : "ou", "AX" : "a", "AY" : "ei", "AY0" : "ei", "AY1" : "ei", "AY2" : "ei", "B" : "b", "CH" : "c", "D" : "dx", "DH" : "d", "EH" : "ee", "EH0" : "ee", "EH1" : "ee", "EH2" : "ee", "ER" : "a r", "ER0" : "a r", "ER1" : "a r", "ER2" : "a r", "EY" : "ee", "EY0" : "ee", "EY1" : "ee", "EY2" : "ee", "F" : "f", "G" : "g", "HH" : "h", "IH" : "i", "IH0" : "i", "IH1" : "i", "IH2" : "i", "IY" : "ii", "IY0" : "ii", "IY1" : "ii", "IY2" : "ii", "JH" : "j", "K" : "k", "L" : "l", "M" : "m", "N" : "n", "NG" : "ng", "OW" : "o", "OW0" : "o", "OW1" : "o", "OW2" : "o", "OY" : "ei", "OY0" : "ei", "OY1" : "ei", "OY2" : "ei", "P" : "p", "R" : "r", "S" : "s", "SH" : "sh", "T" : "tx", "TH" : "t", "UH" : "u", "UH0" : "u", "UH1" : "u", "UH2" : "u", "UW" : "uu", "UW0" : "uu", "UW1" : "uu", "UW2" : "uu", "V" : "w", "W" : "w", "Y" : "y", "Z" : "z", "ZH" : "sh", } # Mapping between the iitm cls and iitm char self.cls_2_chr_map = { "aa" : "A", "ii" : "I", "uu" : "U", "ee" : "E", "oo" : "O", "nn" : "N", "ae" : "ऍ", "ag" : "ऽ", "au" : "औ", "axx" : "अ", "ax" : "ऑ", "bh" : "B", "ch" : "C", "dh" : "ध", "dx" : "ड", "dxh" : "ढ", "dxhq" : "T", "dxq" : "D", "ei" : "ऐ", "ai" : "ऐ", "eu" : "உ", "gh" : "घ", "gq" : "G", "hq" : "H", "jh" : "J", "kh" : "ख", "khq" : "K", "kq" : "क", "ln" : "ൾ", "lw" : "ൽ", "lx" : "ള", "mq" : "M", "nd" : "न", "ng" : "ङ", "nj" : "ञ", "nk" : "Y", "nw" : "ൺ", "nx" : "ण", "ou" : "औ", "ph" : "P", "rq" : "R", "rqw" : "ॠ", "rw" : "ർ", "rx" : "र", "sh" : "श", "sx" : "ष", "th" : "थ", "tx" : "ट", "txh" : "ठ", "wv" : "W", "zh" : "Z", } # Multilingual support for OOV characters oov_map_json_file = 'multilingualcharmap.json' with open(oov_map_json_file, 'r') as oov_file: self.oov_map = json.load(oov_file) def load_lang_dict(self, language, phone_dictionary): # load dictionary for requested language try: dict_file = language print("language", language) dict_file_path = os.path.join(self.dict_location, dict_file) print("dict_file_path", dict_file_path) df = pd.read_csv(dict_file_path, delimiter=" ", header=None, dtype=str) phone_dictionary[language] = df.set_index(0).to_dict('dict')[1] dict_file = 'english' dict_file_path = os.path.join(self.dict_location, dict_file) df = pd.read_csv(dict_file_path, delimiter=" ", header=None, dtype=str) phone_dictionary['english'] = df.set_index(0).to_dict('dict')[1] except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc()) return phone_dictionary def __is_float(self, word): parts = word.split('.') if len(parts) != 2: return False return parts[0].isdecimal() and parts[1].isdecimal() def en_g2p(self, word): phn_out = self.g2p(word) # print(f"phn_out: {phn_out}") # iterate over the string list and replace each word with the corresponding value from the dictionary for i, phn in enumerate(phn_out): if phn in self.cmu_2_cls_map.keys(): phn_out[i] = self.cmu_2_cls_map[phn] # cls_out = self.cmu_2_cls_map[phn] if phn_out[i] in self.cls_2_chr_map.keys(): phn_out[i] = self.cls_2_chr_map[phn_out[i]] else: pass else: pass # ignore words that are not in the dictionary # print(f"i: {i}, phn: {phn}, cls_out: {cls_out}, phn_out: {phn_out[i]}") return ("".join(phn_out)).strip().replace(" ", "") def __post_phonify(self, text, language, gender): language_gender_id = language+'_'+gender if language_gender_id in self.oov_map.keys(): output_string = '' for char in text: if char in self.oov_map[language_gender_id].keys(): output_string += self.oov_map[language_gender_id][char] else: output_string += char # output_string += self.oov_map['language_gender_id']['char'] return output_string else: return text def __is_english_word(self, word): maxchar = max(word) if u'\u0000' <= maxchar <= u'\u007f': return True return False def __phonify(self, text, language, gender, phone_dictionary): # text is expected to be a list of strings words = set((" ".join(text)).split(" ")) #print(f"words test: {words}") non_dict_words = [] if language in phone_dictionary: for word in words: # print(f"word: {word}") if word not in phone_dictionary[language] and (language == "english" or (not self.__is_english_word(word))): non_dict_words.append(word) #print('INSIDE IF CONDITION OF ADDING WORDS') else: non_dict_words = words print(f"word not in dict: {non_dict_words}") if len(non_dict_words) > 0: # unified parser has to be run for the non dictionary words os.makedirs("tmp", exist_ok=True) timestamp = str(time.time()) non_dict_words_file = os.path.abspath("tmp/non_dict_words_" + timestamp) out_dict_file = os.path.abspath("tmp/out_dict_" + timestamp) with open(non_dict_words_file, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(non_dict_words)) if(language == 'tamil'): current_directory = os.getcwd() #tamil_parser_cmd = "tamil_parser.sh" tamil_parser_cmd = f"{current_directory}/ssn_parser_new/tamil_parser.py" #subprocess.run(["bash", tamil_parser_cmd, non_dict_words_file, out_dict_file, timestamp, "ssn_parser"]) subprocess.run(["python", tamil_parser_cmd, non_dict_words_file, out_dict_file, timestamp, f"{current_directory}/ssn_parser_new"]) elif(language == 'english'): phn_out_dict = {} for i in range(0,len(non_dict_words)): phn_out_dict[non_dict_words[i]] = self.en_g2p(non_dict_words[i]) # Create a string representation of the dictionary data_str = "\n".join([f"{key}\t{value}" for key, value in phn_out_dict.items()]) print(f"data_str: {data_str}") with open(out_dict_file, "w") as f: f.write(data_str) else: out_dict_file = os.path.abspath("tmp/out_dict_" + timestamp) from get_phone_mapped_python import TextReplacer from indic_unified_parser.uparser import wordparse text_replacer=TextReplacer() # def write_output_to_file(output_text, file_path): # with open(file_path, 'w') as f: # f.write(output_text) parsed_output_list = [] for word in non_dict_words: parsed_word = wordparse(word, 0, 0, 1) parsed_output_list.append(parsed_word) replaced_output_list = [text_replacer.apply_replacements(parsed_word) for parsed_word in parsed_output_list] with open(out_dict_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for original_word, formatted_word in zip(non_dict_words, replaced_output_list): line = f"{original_word}\t{formatted_word}\n" file.write(line) print(line, end='') try: df = pd.read_csv(out_dict_file, delimiter="\t", header=None, dtype=str) #print('DATAFRAME OUTPUT FILE', df.head()) new_dict = df.dropna().set_index(0).to_dict('dict')[1] #print("new dict",new_dict) if language not in phone_dictionary: phone_dictionary[language] = new_dict else: phone_dictionary[language].update(new_dict) # run a non-blocking child process to update the dictionary file #print("phone_dict", self.phone_dictionary) p = Process(target=add_to_dictionary, args=(new_dict, os.path.join(self.dict_location, language))) p.start() except Exception as err: print(f"Error: While loading {out_dict_file}") traceback.print_exc() # phonify text with dictionary text_phonified = [] for phrase in text: phrase_phonified = [] for word in phrase.split(" "): if self.__is_english_word(word): if word in phone_dictionary["english"]: phrase_phonified.append(str(phone_dictionary["english"][word])) else: phrase_phonified.append(str(self.en_g2p(word))) elif word in phone_dictionary[language]: # if a word could not be parsed, skip it phrase_phonified.append(str(phone_dictionary[language][word])) # text_phonified.append(self.__post_phonify(" ".join(phrase_phonified),language, gender)) text_phonified.append(" ".join(phrase_phonified)) return text_phonified def __merge_lists(self, lists): merged_string = "" for list in lists: for word in list: merged_string += word + " " return merged_string.strip() def __phonify_list(self, text, language, gender, phone_dictionary): # text is expected to be a list of list of strings words = set(self.__merge_lists(text).split(" ")) non_dict_words = [] if language in phone_dictionary: for word in words: if word not in phone_dictionary[language] and (language == "english" or (not self.__is_english_word(word))): non_dict_words.append(word) else: non_dict_words = words if len(non_dict_words) > 0: print(len(non_dict_words)) print(non_dict_words) # unified parser has to be run for the non dictionary words os.makedirs("tmp", exist_ok=True) timestamp = str(time.time()) non_dict_words_file = os.path.abspath("tmp/non_dict_words_" + timestamp) out_dict_file = os.path.abspath("tmp/out_dict_" + timestamp) with open(non_dict_words_file, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(non_dict_words)) if(language == 'tamil'): current_directory = os.getcwd() #tamil_parser_cmd = "tamil_parser.sh" tamil_parser_cmd = f"{current_directory}/ssn_parser_new/tamil_parser.py" #subprocess.run(["bash", tamil_parser_cmd, non_dict_words_file, out_dict_file, timestamp, "ssn_parser"]) subprocess.run(["python", tamil_parser_cmd, non_dict_words_file, out_dict_file, timestamp, f"{current_directory}/ssn_parser_new"]) elif(language == 'english'): phn_out_dict = {} for i in range(0,len(non_dict_words)): phn_out_dict[non_dict_words[i]] = self.en_g2p(non_dict_words[i]) # Create a string representation of the dictionary data_str = "\n".join([f"{key}\t{value}" for key, value in phn_out_dict.items()]) print(f"data_str: {data_str}") with open(out_dict_file, "w") as f: f.write(data_str) else: out_dict_file = os.path.abspath("tmp/out_dict_" + timestamp) from get_phone_mapped_python import TextReplacer from indic_unified_parser.uparser import wordparse text_replacer=TextReplacer() parsed_output_list = [] for word in non_dict_words: parsed_word = wordparse(word, 0, 0, 1) parsed_output_list.append(parsed_word) replaced_output_list = [text_replacer.apply_replacements(parsed_word) for parsed_word in parsed_output_list] with open(out_dict_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: for original_word, formatted_word in zip(non_dict_words, replaced_output_list): line = f"{original_word}\t{formatted_word}\n" file.write(line) print(line, end='') try: df = pd.read_csv(out_dict_file, delimiter="\t", header=None, dtype=str) new_dict = df.dropna().set_index(0).to_dict('dict')[1] print(new_dict) if language not in phone_dictionary: phone_dictionary[language] = new_dict else: phone_dictionary[language].update(new_dict) # run a non-blocking child process to update the dictionary file p = Process(target=add_to_dictionary, args=(new_dict, os.path.join(self.dict_location, language))) p.start() except Exception as err: traceback.print_exc() # phonify text with dictionary text_phonified = [] for line in text: line_phonified = [] for phrase in line: phrase_phonified = [] for word in phrase.split(" "): if self.__is_english_word(word): if word in phone_dictionary["english"]: phrase_phonified.append(str(phone_dictionary["english"][word])) else: phrase_phonified.append(str(self.en_g2p(word))) elif word in phone_dictionary[language]: # if a word could not be parsed, skip it phrase_phonified.append(str(phone_dictionary[language][word])) # line_phonified.append(self.__post_phonify(" ".join(phrase_phonified), language, gender)) line_phonified.append(" ".join(phrase_phonified)) text_phonified.append(line_phonified) return text_phonified def phonify(self, text, language, gender, phone_dictionary): if not isinstance(text, list): out = self.__phonify([text], language, gender) return out[0] return self.__phonify(text, language, gender, phone_dictionary) def phonify_list(self, text, language, gender, phone_dictionary): if isinstance(text, list): return self.__phonify_list(text, language, gender, phone_dictionary) else: print("Error!! Expected to have a list as input.") class TextNormalizer: def __init__(self, char_map_location=None, phonifier = Phonifier()): self.phonifier = phonifier if char_map_location is None: char_map_location = "charmap" # this is a static set of cleaning rules to be applied self.cleaning_rules = { " +" : " ", "^ +" : "", " +$" : "", "#$" : "", "# +$" : "", } # this is the list of languages supported by num_to_words self.keydict = {"english" : "en", "hindi" : "hi", "gujarati" : "gu", "marathi" : "mr", "bengali" : "bn", "telugu" : "te", "tamil" : "ta", "kannada" : "kn", "odia" : "or", "punjabi" : "pa" } self.g2p = G2p() print('Loading G2P model... Done!') def __post_cleaning(self, text): for key, replacement in self.cleaning_rules.items(): text = re.sub(key, replacement, text) return text def __post_cleaning_list(self, text): # input is supposed to be a list of strings output_text = [] for line in text: for key, replacement in self.cleaning_rules.items(): line = re.sub(key, replacement, line) output_text.append(line) return output_text def __check_char_type(self, str_c): # Determine the type of the character if str_c.isnumeric(): char_type = "number" elif str_c in string.punctuation: char_type = "punctuation" elif str_c in string.whitespace: char_type = "whitespace" elif str_c.isalpha() and str_c.isascii(): char_type = "ascii" else: char_type = "non-ascii" return char_type def insert_space(self, text): ''' Check if the text contains numbers and English words and if they are without space inserts space between them. ''' # Initialize variables to track the previous character type and whether a space should be inserted prev_char_type = None next_char_type = None insert_space = False # Output string output_string = "" # Iterate through each character in the text for i, c in enumerate(text): # Determine the type of the character char_type = self.__check_char_type(c) if i == (len(text) - 1): next_char_type = None else: next_char_type = self.__check_char_type(text[i+1]) # print(f"{i}: {c} is a {char_type} character and next character is a {next_char_type}") # If the character type has changed from the previous character, check if a space should be inserted if (char_type != prev_char_type and prev_char_type != None and char_type != "punctuation" and char_type != "whitespace"): if next_char_type != "punctuation" or next_char_type != "whitespace": insert_space = True # Insert a space if needed if insert_space: output_string += " "+c insert_space = False else: output_string += c # Update the previous character type prev_char_type = char_type # Print the modified text output_string = re.sub(r' +', ' ', output_string) return output_string def insert_space_list(self, text): ''' Expect the input to be in form of list of string. Check if the text contains numbers and English words and if they are without space inserts space between them. ''' # Output string list output_list = [] for line in text: # Initialize variables to track the previous character type and whether a space should be inserted prev_char_type = None next_char_type = None insert_space = False # Output string output_string = "" # Iterate through each character in the line for i, c in enumerate(line): # Determine the type of the character char_type = self.__check_char_type(c) if i == (len(line) - 1): next_char_type = None else: next_char_type = self.__check_char_type(line[i+1]) # print(f"{i}: {c} is a {char_type} character and next character is a {next_char_type}") # If the character type has changed from the previous character, check if a space should be inserted if (char_type != prev_char_type and prev_char_type != None and char_type != "punctuation" and char_type != "whitespace"): if next_char_type != "punctuation" or next_char_type != "whitespace": insert_space = True # Insert a space if needed if insert_space: output_string += " "+c insert_space = False else: output_string += c # Update the previous character type prev_char_type = char_type # Print the modified line output_string = re.sub(r' +', ' ', output_string) output_list.append(output_string) return output_list def num2text(self, text, language): if language in self.keydict.keys(): digits = sorted(list(map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', text))),reverse=True) if digits: for digit in digits: text = re.sub(str(digit), ' '+num_to_word(digit, self.keydict[language])+' ', text) return self.__post_cleaning(text) else: print(f"No num-to-char for the given language {language}.") return self.__post_cleaning(text) def num2text_list(self, text, language): # input is supposed to be a list of strings if language in self.keydict.keys(): output_text = [] for line in text: digits = sorted(list(map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', line))),reverse=True) if digits: for digit in digits: line = re.sub(str(digit), ' '+num_to_word(digit, self.keydict[language])+' ', line) output_text.append(line) return self.__post_cleaning_list(output_text) else: print(f"No num-to-char for the given language {language}.") return self.__post_cleaning_list(text) def numberToTextConverter(self, text, language): if language in self.keydict.keys(): matches = re.findall(r'\d+\.\d+|\d+', text) digits = sorted([int(match) if match.isdigit() else match if re.match(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?$', match) else str(match) for match in matches], key=lambda x: float(x) if isinstance(x, str) and '.' in x else x, reverse=True) if digits: for digit in digits: if isinstance(digit, int): text = re.sub(str(digit), ' '+num_to_word(digit, self.keydict[language]).replace(",", "")+' ', text) else: parts = str(digit).split('.') integer_part = int(parts[0]) data1 = num_to_word(integer_part, self.keydict[language]).replace(",", "") decimal_part = str(parts[1]) data2 = '' for i in decimal_part: data2 = data2+' '+num_to_word(i, self.keydict[language]) if language == 'hindi': final_data = f'{data1} दशमलव {data2}' elif language == 'tamil': final_data = f'{data1} புள்ளி {data2}' else: final_data = f'{data1} point {data2}' text = re.sub(str(digit), ' '+final_data+' ', text) return self.__post_cleaning(text) else: words = { '0': 'zero', '1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine' } # Use regular expression to find and replace decimal points in numbers text = re.sub(r'(?<=\d)\.(?=\d)', ' point ', text) # Find all occurrences of numbers with decimal points and convert them to words matches = re.findall(r'point (\d+)', text) for match in matches: replacement = ' '.join(words[digit] for digit in match) text = text.replace(f'point {match}', f'point {replacement}', 1) return self.__post_cleaning(text) def normalize(self, text, language): return self.__post_cleaning(text) def normalize_list(self, text, language): # input is supposed to be a list of strings return self.__post_cleaning_list(text) class TextPhrasifier: @classmethod def phrasify(cls, text): phrase_list = [] for phrase in text.split("#"): phrase = phrase.strip() if phrase != "": phrase_list.append(phrase) return phrase_list class TextPhrasifier_List: @classmethod def phrasify(cls, text): # input is supposed to be a list of strings # output is list of list of strings output_list = [] for line in text: phrase_list = [] for phrase in line.split("#"): phrase = phrase.strip() if phrase != "": phrase_list.append(phrase) output_list.append(phrase_list) return output_list class DurAlignTextProcessor: def __init__(self): # this is a static set of cleaning rules to be applied self.cleaning_rules = { " +" : "", "^" : "$", "$" : ".", } self.cleaning_rules_English = { " +" : "", "$" : ".", } def textProcesor(self, text): for key, replacement in self.cleaning_rules.items(): for idx in range(0,len(text)): text[idx] = re.sub(key, replacement, text[idx]) return text def textProcesorForEnglish(self, text): for key, replacement in self.cleaning_rules_English.items(): for idx in range(0,len(text)): text[idx] = re.sub(key, replacement, text[idx]) return text def textProcesor_list(self, text): # input expected in 'list of list of string' format output_text = [] for line in text: for key, replacement in self.cleaning_rules.items(): for idx in range(0,len(line)): line[idx] = re.sub(key, replacement, line[idx]) output_text.append(line) return output_text class TTSDurAlignPreprocessor: def __init__(self, text_cleaner = TextCleaner(), text_normalizer=TextNormalizer(), phonifier = Phonifier(), post_processor = DurAlignTextProcessor()): self.text_cleaner = text_cleaner self.text_normalizer = text_normalizer self.phonifier = phonifier self.post_processor = post_processor def preprocess(self, text, language, gender, phone_dictionary): # text = text.strip() print(text) text = self.text_normalizer.numberToTextConverter(text, language) text = self.text_cleaner.clean(text) print("cleaned text", text) # text = self.text_normalizer.insert_space(text) #text = self.text_normalizer.num2text(text, language) # print(text) text = self.text_normalizer.normalize(text, language) # print(text) phrasified_text = TextPhrasifier.phrasify(text) #print("phrased",phrasified_text) if language not in list(phone_dictionary.keys()): phone_dictionary = self.phonifier.load_lang_dict(language, phone_dictionary) print(phone_dictionary.keys()) phonified_text = self.phonifier.phonify(phrasified_text, language, gender, phone_dictionary) print("phonetext",phonified_text) phonified_text = self.post_processor.textProcesor(phonified_text) print(phonified_text) return phonified_text, phrasified_text class TTSDurAlignPreprocessor_VTT: def __init__(self, text_cleaner = TextCleaner(), text_normalizer=TextNormalizer(), phonifier = Phonifier(), post_processor = DurAlignTextProcessor()): self.text_cleaner = text_cleaner self.text_normalizer = text_normalizer self.phonifier = phonifier self.post_processor = post_processor def preprocess(self, text, language, gender): # text = text.strip() text = self.text_cleaner.clean_list(text) # text = self.text_normalizer.insert_space_list(text) text = self.text_normalizer.num2text_list(text, language) text = self.text_normalizer.normalize_list(text, language) phrasified_text = TextPhrasifier_List.phrasify(text) phonified_text = self.phonifier.phonify_list(phrasified_text, language, gender) phonified_text = self.post_processor.textProcesor_list(phonified_text) return phonified_text, phrasified_text class CharTextPreprocessor: def __init__(self, text_cleaner = TextCleaner(), text_normalizer=TextNormalizer()): self.text_cleaner = text_cleaner self.text_normalizer = text_normalizer def preprocess(self, text, language, gender=None, phone_dictionary=None): text = text.strip() text = self.text_normalizer.numberToTextConverter(text, language) text = self.text_cleaner.clean(text) # text = self.text_normalizer.insert_space(text) #text = self.text_normalizer.num2text(text, language) text = self.text_normalizer.normalize(text, language) phrasified_text = TextPhrasifier.phrasify(text) phonified_text = phrasified_text # No phonification for character TTS models return phonified_text, phrasified_text class CharTextPreprocessor_VTT: def __init__(self, text_cleaner = TextCleaner(), text_normalizer=TextNormalizer() ): self.text_cleaner = text_cleaner self.text_normalizer = text_normalizer def preprocess(self, text, language, gender=None): # text = text.strip() text = self.text_cleaner.clean_list(text) # text = self.text_normalizer.insert_space_list(text) text = self.text_normalizer.num2text_list(text, language) text = self.text_normalizer.normalize_list(text, language) phrasified_text = TextPhrasifier_List.phrasify(text) phonified_text = phrasified_text # No phonification for character TTS models return phonified_text, phrasified_text class TTSPreprocessor: def __init__(self, text_cleaner = TextCleaner(), text_normalizer=TextNormalizer(), phonifier = Phonifier(), text_phrasefier = TextPhrasifier(), post_processor = DurAlignTextProcessor()): self.text_cleaner = text_cleaner self.text_normalizer = text_normalizer self.phonifier = phonifier self.text_phrasefier = text_phrasefier self.post_processor = post_processor def preprocess(self, text, language, gender, phone_dictionary): text = text.strip() text = self.text_normalizer.numberToTextConverter(text, language) text = self.text_cleaner.clean(text) # text = self.text_normalizer.insert_space(text) #text = self.text_normalizer.num2text(text, language) text = self.text_normalizer.normalize(text, language) phrasified_text = TextPhrasifier.phrasify(text) if language not in list(phone_dictionary.keys()): phone_dictionary = self.phonifier.load_lang_dict(language, phone_dictionary) phonified_text = self.phonifier.phonify(phrasified_text, language, gender, phone_dictionary) print(phonified_text) phonified_text = self.post_processor.textProcesorForEnglish(phonified_text) print(phonified_text) return phonified_text, phrasified_text class TTSPreprocessor_VTT: def __init__(self, text_cleaner = TextCleaner(), text_normalizer=TextNormalizer(), phonifier = Phonifier(), text_phrasefier = TextPhrasifier_List()): self.text_cleaner = text_cleaner self.text_normalizer = text_normalizer self.phonifier = phonifier self.text_phrasefier = text_phrasefier def preprocess(self, text, language, gender): # print(f"Original text: {text}") text = self.text_cleaner.clean_list(text) # print(f"After text cleaner: {text}") # text = self.text_normalizer.insert_space_list(text) # print(f"After insert space: {text}") text = self.text_normalizer.num2text_list(text, language) # print(f"After num2text: {text}") text = self.text_normalizer.normalize_list(text, language) # print(f"After text normalizer: {text}") phrasified_text = TextPhrasifier_List.phrasify(text) # print(f"phrasified_text: {phrasified_text}") phonified_text = self.phonifier.phonify_list(phrasified_text, language, gender) # print(f"phonified_text: {phonified_text}") return phonified_text, phrasified_text