import sys import os import subprocess def process_word(word, phone_file_name): with open('tempword', 'w') as tempword_file: tempword_file.write(word) os.system('python scripts/ tempword 2> temp_output_string') output = '' out_str = '' with open('lists/out_word') as out_word_file: output = with open('temp_output_string') as temp_output_string_file: out_str = if out_str != '': with open(f'{phone_file_name}.err', 'a') as err_file: err_file.write(word + '\n') else: with open(f'{phone_file_name}.words', 'a') as words_file: words_file.write(word + '\n') with open(f'{phone_file_name}.cls', 'a') as cls_file: cls_file.write(output + '\n') os.system('rm -rf phn tempword lists/tmp lists/nasal lists/trans_word lists/out_word') def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 5: print("Usage: python unique_words output_file_name parser_path rand_num") sys.exit(1) unique_words = sys.argv[1] output_file_name = sys.argv[2] parser_path = sys.argv[3] rand_num = sys.argv[4] phone_file_name = 'phone_out_file' os.system(f'cp {unique_words} {parser_path}/') curr_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(parser_path) os.system(f'rm {phone_file_name}.words {phone_file_name}.cls {phone_file_name}.err {phone_file_name}') os.system('rm -rf temp_output_string phn tempword lists/tmp lists/nasal lists/trans_word lists/out_word') with open(unique_words) as unique_words_file: for word in unique_words_file: process_word(word.strip(), phone_file_name) os.system(f'rm -rf temp_output_string phn tempword lists/tmp lists/nasal lists/trans_word lists/out_word') os.system(f'cp {phone_file_name}.cls {phone_file_name}') os.system(f'sed -i \'s/ /""/g\' {phone_file_name}') os.system(f'sed -i \'s/^/""/g\' {phone_file_name}') os.system(f'sed -i \'s/$/""/g\' {phone_file_name}')['python', '', phone_file_name]) os.system(f'sed -i \'s/"//g\' {phone_file_name}') os.system(f'sed -i \'s/ //g\' {phone_file_name}') words_str = '' with open(f'{phone_file_name}.words') as words_file: words_str = if words_str != '': os.system(f'paste -d\'\\t\' {phone_file_name}.words {phone_file_name} > {output_file_name}') else: os.system(f'touch {output_file_name}') err_str = '' # with open(f'{phone_file_name}.err') as err_file: # err_str = try: with open(f'{phone_file_name}.err') as err_file: err_str = except FileNotFoundError: # File not found, create the file with open(f'{phone_file_name}.err', 'w') as err_file: # Optionally, you can write some initial content to the file err_file.write(f'Error {FileNotFoundError}') # if err_str != '': # os.system(f'bash {parser_path}/{phone_file_name}.err {output_file_name}.err.out {rand_num} {curr_path}/ssn_parser/') # os.system(f'cat {output_file_name}.err.out >> {output_file_name}') os.chdir(curr_path) if __name__ == "__main__": main()