import unittest import torch from model_components import EfficientNetV2FeatureExtractor, GATGNN, TransformerEncoder, MLPBlock from import Data class TestModelComponents(unittest.TestCase): def test_efficientnetv2_extractor_output_shape(self): model = EfficientNetV2FeatureExtractor() model.eval() x = torch.randn(2, 3, 224, 224) with torch.no_grad(): features = model(x) # Check output shape - depends on inception intermediate layer # Example: shape could be (2, 768, 8, 8) depending on the chosen layer self.assertEqual(features.size(0), 2) self.assertTrue(features.size(1) > 0) self.assertTrue(features.size(2) > 0) self.assertTrue(features.size(3) > 0) def test_gatgnn_forward(self): # Graph with 4 nodes, each node feature dim=256 x = torch.randn(4, 256) edge_index = torch.tensor([[0,1,1,2],[1,0,2,3]], dtype=torch.long) batch = torch.tensor([0,0,0,0]) data = Data(x=x, edge_index=edge_index, batch=batch) gnn = GATGNN(in_channels=256, hidden_channels=64, out_channels=32) output = gnn(data) # After pooling: should be (batch_size, out_channels) = (1,32) self.assertEqual(output.shape, (1, 32)) def test_transformer_encoder(self): # (B, N, D) = (2, 10, 64) x = torch.randn(2, 10, 64) encoder = TransformerEncoder(d_model=64, nhead=4, num_layers=2, dim_feedforward=64) out = encoder(x) # same shape as input self.assertEqual(out.shape, (2, 10, 64)) def test_mlp_block(self): mlp = MLPBlock(in_features=64, hidden_features=128, out_features=10) x = torch.randn(2, 64) out = mlp(x) self.assertEqual(out.shape, (2,10)) def test_efficientnetv2_freeze(self): # Ensure params are frozen model = EfficientNetV2FeatureExtractor() for param in model.parameters(): self.assertFalse(param.requires_grad) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()