import torch from torch import nn from huggingface_hub import PyTorchModelHubMixin from import Batch from model_components import EfficientNetV2FeatureExtractor, GATGNN, TransformerEncoder, MLPBlock from graph_construction import build_graph_from_patches, build_graph_data_from_patches ############################################################################### # SAG-ViT Model: # This class combines: # 1) CNN backbone to produce high-fidelity feature maps (Section 3.1), # 2) Graph construction and GAT to refine local patch embeddings (Section 3.2 and 3.3), # 3) A Transformer encoder to capture global relationships (Section 3.3), # 4) A final MLP classifier. ############################################################################### class SAGViTClassifier(nn.Module, PyTorchModelHubMixin): """ SAG-ViT: Scale-Aware Graph Attention Vision Transformer This model integrates the following steps: - Extract multi-scale features from images using a CNN backbone (EfficientNetv2 here). - Partition the feature map into patches and build a graph where each node is a patch. - Use a Graph Attention Network (GAT) to refine patch embeddings based on local spatial relationships. - Utilize a Transformer encoder to model long-range dependencies and integrate multi-scale information. - Finally, classify the resulting representation into desired classes. Inputs: - x (Tensor): Input images (B, 3, H, W) Outputs: - out (Tensor): Classification logits (B, num_classes) """ def __init__( self, patch_size=(4,4), num_classes=10, d_model=64, nhead=4, num_layers=2, dim_feedforward=64, hidden_mlp_features=64, in_channels=2560, # Derived from patch dimensions and CNN output channels gcn_hidden=128, gcn_out=64 ): super(SAGViTClassifier, self).__init__() # CNN feature extractor (frozen pre-trained EfficientNetv2) self.cnn = EfficientNetV2FeatureExtractor() # Graph Attention Network to process patch embeddings self.gcn = GATGNN(in_channels=in_channels, hidden_channels=gcn_hidden, out_channels=gcn_out) # Learnable positional embedding for Transformer input self.positional_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, d_model)) # Extra embedding token (similar to class token) to summarize global info self.extra_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, d_model)) # Transformer encoder to capture long-range global dependencies self.transformer_encoder = TransformerEncoder(d_model, nhead, num_layers, dim_feedforward) # MLP classification head self.mlp = MLPBlock(d_model, hidden_mlp_features, num_classes) self.patch_size = patch_size def forward(self, x): # Step 1: High-fidelity feature extraction from CNN feature_map = self.cnn(x) # Step 2: Build graphs from patches G_global_batch, patches = build_graph_from_patches(feature_map, self.patch_size) # Step 3: Convert to PyG Data format and batch data_list = build_graph_data_from_patches(G_global_batch, patches) device = x.device batch = Batch.from_data_list(data_list).to(device) # Step 4: GAT stage x_gcn = self.gcn(batch) # Step 5: Reshape GCN output back to (B, N, D) # The number of patches per image is determined by patch size and feature map dimensions. B = x.size(0) D = x_gcn.size(-1) # N is automatically inferred # Thus x_gcn is (B, D) now. We need a sequence dimension for the Transformer. # Let's treat each image-level embedding as one "patch token" plus an extra token: patch_embeddings = x_gcn.unsqueeze(1) # (B, 1, D) # Add positional embedding patch_embeddings = patch_embeddings + self.positional_embedding # (B, 1, D) # Add an extra learnable embedding (like a CLS token) patch_embeddings =[patch_embeddings, self.extra_embedding.unsqueeze(0).expand(B, -1, -1)], dim=1) # (B, 2, D) # Step 6: Transformer encoder x_trans = self.transformer_encoder(patch_embeddings) # Step 7: Global pooling (here we just take the mean) x_pooled = x_trans.mean(dim=1) # (B, D) # Classification out = self.mlp(x_pooled) return out