import { createSelectorCreator, lruMemoize } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import type { FetchBaseQueryArgs } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/dist/query/fetchBaseQuery'; import type { BaseQueryFn, FetchArgs, FetchBaseQueryError, TagDescription } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'; import { buildCreateApi, coreModule, fetchBaseQuery, reactHooksModule } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'; import { $authToken } from 'app/store/nanostores/authToken'; import { $baseUrl } from 'app/store/nanostores/baseUrl'; import { $projectId } from 'app/store/nanostores/projectId'; const tagTypes = [ 'AppVersion', 'AppConfig', 'Board', 'BoardImagesTotal', 'BoardAssetsTotal', 'HFTokenStatus', 'Image', 'ImageNameList', 'ImageList', 'ImageMetadata', 'ImageWorkflow', 'ImageMetadataFromFile', 'IntermediatesCount', 'SessionQueueItem', 'SessionQueueStatus', 'SessionProcessorStatus', 'CurrentSessionQueueItem', 'NextSessionQueueItem', 'BatchStatus', 'InvocationCacheStatus', 'ModelConfig', 'ModelInstalls', 'ModelScanFolderResults', 'T2IAdapterModel', 'MainModel', 'VaeModel', 'IPAdapterModel', 'TextualInversionModel', 'ControlNetModel', 'LoRAModel', 'SDXLRefinerModel', 'Workflow', 'WorkflowsRecent', 'StylePreset', 'Schema', 'QueueCountsByDestination', // This is invalidated on reconnect. It should be used for queries that have changing data, // especially related to the queue and generation. 'FetchOnReconnect', ] as const; export type ApiTagDescription = TagDescription<(typeof tagTypes)[number]>; export const LIST_TAG = 'LIST'; const dynamicBaseQuery: BaseQueryFn = (args, api, extraOptions) => { const baseUrl = $baseUrl.get(); const authToken = $authToken.get(); const projectId = $projectId.get(); const isOpenAPIRequest = (args instanceof Object && args.url.includes('openapi.json')) || (typeof args === 'string' && args.includes('openapi.json')); const fetchBaseQueryArgs: FetchBaseQueryArgs = { baseUrl: baseUrl || window.location.href.replace(/\/$/, ''), }; // When fetching the openapi.json, we need to remove circular references from the JSON. if (isOpenAPIRequest) { fetchBaseQueryArgs.jsonReplacer = getCircularReplacer(); } // openapi.json isn't protected by authorization, but all other requests need to include the auth token and project id. if (!isOpenAPIRequest) { fetchBaseQueryArgs.prepareHeaders = (headers) => { if (authToken) { headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${authToken}`); } if (projectId) { headers.set('project-id', projectId); } return headers; }; } const rawBaseQuery = fetchBaseQuery(fetchBaseQueryArgs); return rawBaseQuery(args, api, extraOptions); }; const createLruSelector = createSelectorCreator(lruMemoize); const customCreateApi = buildCreateApi( coreModule({ createSelector: createLruSelector }), reactHooksModule({ createSelector: createLruSelector }) ); export const api = customCreateApi({ baseQuery: dynamicBaseQuery, reducerPath: 'api', tagTypes, endpoints: () => ({}), }); function getCircularReplacer() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const ancestors: Record[] = []; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return function (key: string, value: any) { if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) { return value; } // `this` is the object that value is contained in, i.e., its direct parent. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore don't think it's possible to not have TS complain about this... while (ancestors.length > 0 && !== this) { ancestors.pop(); } if (ancestors.includes(value)) { return '[Circular]'; } ancestors.push(value); return value; }; } export const buildV1Url = (path: string): string => `api/v1/${path}`; export const buildV2Url = (path: string): string => `api/v2/${path}`;