import { useAppStore } from 'app/store/storeHooks'; import { useAssertSingleton } from 'common/hooks/useAssertSingleton'; import { withResultAsync } from 'common/util/result'; import { canvasReset } from 'features/controlLayers/store/actions'; import { settingsSendToCanvasChanged } from 'features/controlLayers/store/canvasSettingsSlice'; import { rasterLayerAdded } from 'features/controlLayers/store/canvasSlice'; import type { CanvasRasterLayerState } from 'features/controlLayers/store/types'; import { imageDTOToImageObject } from 'features/controlLayers/store/util'; import { $imageViewer } from 'features/gallery/components/ImageViewer/useImageViewer'; import { sentImageToCanvas } from 'features/gallery/store/actions'; import { parseAndRecallAllMetadata } from 'features/metadata/util/handlers'; import { $isWorkflowListMenuIsOpen } from 'features/nodes/store/workflowListMenu'; import { $isStylePresetsMenuOpen, activeStylePresetIdChanged } from 'features/stylePresets/store/stylePresetSlice'; import { toast } from 'features/toast/toast'; import { activeTabCanvasRightPanelChanged, setActiveTab } from 'features/ui/store/uiSlice'; import { useGetAndLoadLibraryWorkflow } from 'features/workflowLibrary/hooks/useGetAndLoadLibraryWorkflow'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { getImageDTO, getImageMetadata } from 'services/api/endpoints/images'; import { getStylePreset } from 'services/api/endpoints/stylePresets'; type _StudioInitAction = { type: T; data: U }; type LoadWorkflowAction = _StudioInitAction<'loadWorkflow', { workflowId: string }>; type SelectStylePresetAction = _StudioInitAction<'selectStylePreset', { stylePresetId: string }>; type SendToCanvasAction = _StudioInitAction<'sendToCanvas', { imageName: string }>; type UseAllParametersAction = _StudioInitAction<'useAllParameters', { imageName: string }>; type StudioDestinationAction = _StudioInitAction< 'goToDestination', { destination: 'generation' | 'canvas' | 'workflows' | 'upscaling' | 'viewAllWorkflows' | 'viewAllStylePresets' } >; export type StudioInitAction = | LoadWorkflowAction | SelectStylePresetAction | SendToCanvasAction | UseAllParametersAction | StudioDestinationAction; /** * A hook that performs an action when the studio is initialized. This is useful for deep linking into the studio. * * The action is performed only once, when the hook is first run. * * In this hook, we prefer to use imperative APIs over hooks to avoid re-rendering the parent component. For example: * - Use `getImageDTO` helper instead of `useGetImageDTO` * - Usee the `$imageViewer` atom instead of `useImageViewer` */ export const useStudioInitAction = (action?: StudioInitAction) => { useAssertSingleton('useStudioInitAction'); const { t } = useTranslation(); // Use a ref to ensure that we only perform the action once const didInit = useRef(false); const store = useAppStore(); const { getAndLoadWorkflow } = useGetAndLoadLibraryWorkflow(); const handleSendToCanvas = useCallback( async (imageName: string) => { // Try to the image DTO - use an imperative helper, rather than `useGetImageDTO`, so that we aren't re-rendering // the parent of this hook whenever the image name changes const getImageDTOResult = await withResultAsync(() => getImageDTO(imageName)); if (getImageDTOResult.isErr()) { toast({ title: t('toast.unableToLoadImage'), status: 'error', }); return; } const imageDTO = getImageDTOResult.value; const imageObject = imageDTOToImageObject(imageDTO); const overrides: Partial = { objects: [imageObject], }; store.dispatch(canvasReset()); store.dispatch(rasterLayerAdded({ overrides, isSelected: true })); store.dispatch(settingsSendToCanvasChanged(true)); store.dispatch(setActiveTab('canvas')); store.dispatch(sentImageToCanvas()); $imageViewer.set(false); toast({ title: t('toast.sentToCanvas'), status: 'info', }); }, [store, t] ); const handleUseAllMetadata = useCallback( async (imageName: string) => { // Try to the image metadata - use an imperative helper, rather than `useGetImageMetadata`, so that we aren't // re-rendering the parent of this hook whenever the image name changes const getImageMetadataResult = await withResultAsync(() => getImageMetadata(imageName)); if (getImageMetadataResult.isErr()) { toast({ title: t('toast.unableToLoadImageMetadata'), status: 'error', }); return; } const metadata = getImageMetadataResult.value; // This shows a toast parseAndRecallAllMetadata(metadata, true); store.dispatch(setActiveTab('canvas')); }, [store, t] ); const handleLoadWorkflow = useCallback( (workflowId: string) => { // This shows a toast getAndLoadWorkflow(workflowId); store.dispatch(setActiveTab('workflows')); }, [getAndLoadWorkflow, store] ); const handleSelectStylePreset = useCallback( async (stylePresetId: string) => { const getStylePresetResult = await withResultAsync(() => getStylePreset(stylePresetId)); if (getStylePresetResult.isErr()) { toast({ title: t('toast.unableToLoadStylePreset'), status: 'error', }); return; } store.dispatch(activeStylePresetIdChanged(stylePresetId)); store.dispatch(setActiveTab('canvas')); toast({ title: t('toast.stylePresetLoaded'), status: 'info', }); }, [store, t] ); const handleGoToDestination = useCallback( (destination: StudioDestinationAction['data']['destination']) => { switch (destination) { case 'generation': // Go to the canvas tab, open the image viewer, and enable send-to-gallery mode store.dispatch(setActiveTab('canvas')); store.dispatch(activeTabCanvasRightPanelChanged('gallery')); store.dispatch(settingsSendToCanvasChanged(false)); $imageViewer.set(true); break; case 'canvas': // Go to the canvas tab, close the image viewer, and disable send-to-gallery mode store.dispatch(setActiveTab('canvas')); store.dispatch(settingsSendToCanvasChanged(true)); $imageViewer.set(false); break; case 'workflows': // Go to the workflows tab store.dispatch(setActiveTab('workflows')); break; case 'upscaling': // Go to the upscaling tab store.dispatch(setActiveTab('upscaling')); break; case 'viewAllWorkflows': // Go to the workflows tab and open the workflow library modal store.dispatch(setActiveTab('workflows')); $isWorkflowListMenuIsOpen.set(true); break; case 'viewAllStylePresets': // Go to the canvas tab and open the style presets menu store.dispatch(setActiveTab('canvas')); $isStylePresetsMenuOpen.set(true); break; } }, [store] ); useEffect(() => { if (didInit.current || !action) { return; } didInit.current = true; switch (action.type) { case 'loadWorkflow': handleLoadWorkflow(; break; case 'selectStylePreset': handleSelectStylePreset(; break; case 'sendToCanvas': handleSendToCanvas(; break; case 'useAllParameters': handleUseAllMetadata(; break; case 'goToDestination': handleGoToDestination(; break; } }, [ handleSendToCanvas, handleUseAllMetadata, action, handleLoadWorkflow, handleSelectStylePreset, handleGoToDestination, ]); };