import { combine } from '@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop/combine'; import { autoScrollForElements } from '@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-auto-scroll/element'; import { autoScrollForExternal } from '@atlaskit/pragmatic-drag-and-drop-auto-scroll/external'; import type { ChakraProps } from '@invoke-ai/ui-library'; import { Box, Flex } from '@invoke-ai/ui-library'; import { getOverlayScrollbarsParams } from 'common/components/OverlayScrollbars/constants'; import type { OverlayScrollbarsComponentRef } from 'overlayscrollbars-react'; import { OverlayScrollbarsComponent } from 'overlayscrollbars-react'; import type { CSSProperties, PropsWithChildren } from 'react'; import { memo, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; type Props = PropsWithChildren & { maxHeight?: ChakraProps['maxHeight']; overflowX?: 'hidden' | 'scroll'; overflowY?: 'hidden' | 'scroll'; }; const styles: CSSProperties = { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; const ScrollableContent = ({ children, maxHeight, overflowX = 'hidden', overflowY = 'scroll' }: Props) => { const overlayscrollbarsOptions = useMemo( () => getOverlayScrollbarsParams(overflowX, overflowY).options, [overflowX, overflowY] ); const [os, osRef] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { const osInstance = os?.osInstance(); if (!osInstance) { return; } const element = osInstance.elements().viewport; // `pragmatic-drag-and-drop-auto-scroll` requires the element to have `overflow-y: scroll` or `overflow-y: auto` // else it logs an ugly warning. In our case, using a custom scrollbar library, it will be 'hidden' by default. // To prevent the erroneous warning, we temporarily set the overflow-y to 'scroll' and then revert it back. const overflowY =; // starts 'hidden''overflow-y', 'scroll', 'important'); const cleanup = combine(autoScrollForElements({ element }), autoScrollForExternal({ element }));'overflow-y', overflowY); return cleanup; }, [os]); return ( {children} ); }; export default memo(ScrollableContent);