license: apache-2.0

# DataSmith

## Introduction
DataSmith is a large model designed to generate JSON-format data from textual content. The DataSmith-6B version, equipped with 6 billion parameters, is fine-tuned using a comprehensive selection of data sources, including news, encyclopedias, legal documents, medical records, advertising, academic papers, books, novels, and various public announcements. This model serves as the foundation for a series of task-specific adaptations.

## Models Available
- DataSmith-6B
  - Hugging Face Model Hub: [DataSmith-6B](https://huggingface.co/rabbitcat/DataSmith-6b)
  - github:[DataSmith](https://github.com/element-factory/DataSmith)

## Usage
You can use the model directly or load it with device and dtype settings. The following is an example of generating questions and answers based on text content. You also can use `quick_start_demo.py` to generate question and answer pairs based on text content.
# Load model directly
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("rabbitcat/DataSmith-6b")

# Load model with device and dtype settings
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(

# Generate prompt and text
prompt = "读取以下文本材料,并根据材料生成问题,以及问题的答案。问题不应该是开放式的,应该能够通过材料回答。问题的答案应该在材料中表述或暗示。问题应该与材料相关,不应该太具体或太普遍。输出应为json格式。\n"
text = "文本材料:\n北京市地处中国北部、华北平原北部,东与天津市毗连,其余均与河北省相邻,中心位于东经116°20′、北纬39°56′,北京市地势西北高、东南低。西部、北部和东北部三面环山,东南部是一片缓缓向渤海倾斜的平原。境内流经的主要河流有:永定河、潮白河、北运河、拒马河等,北京市的气候为暖温带半湿润半干旱季风气候,夏季高温多雨,冬季寒冷干燥,春、秋短促。"

# Generate messages for the model
messages = [
        "role": "user",
        "content": prompt + text

# Tokenize and generate response
input_ids = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(
output_ids = model.generate(
response = tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0][input_ids.shape[1]:], skip_special_tokens=True)

# Model response:
# [
#     {"question":"北京市位于中国的哪个方位?", "answer":"北京市地处中国北部、华北平原北部。"},
#     {"question":"北京市东临哪个城市?", "answer":"北京市东与天津市毗连。"},
#     {"question":"北京市周边与哪个省份相邻?", "answer":"北京市其余均与河北省相邻。"},
#     {"question":"北京市的中心位置是怎样的?", "answer":"北京市中心位于东经116°20′、北纬39°56′。"},
#     {"question":"北京市地势的总体特征是什么?", "answer":"北京市地势西北高、东南低。"},
#     {"question":"北京市西部、北部和东北部三面被什么环绕?", "answer":"北京市西部、北部和东北部三面环山。"},
#     {"question":"北京市东南部是什么地形?", "answer":"北京市东南部是一片缓缓向渤海倾斜的平原。"},
#     {"question":"北京市境内主要流经哪些河流?", "answer":"北京市境内流经的主要河流有永定河、潮白河、北运河、拒马河等。"},
#     {"question":"北京市的气候类型是什么?", "answer":"北京市的气候为暖温带半湿润半干旱季风气候。"},
#     {"question":"北京市哪个季节的气温最高?", "answer":"北京市夏季的气温最高。"},
#     {"question":"北京市哪个季节降雨量最多?", "answer":"北京市夏季降雨量最多。"},
#     {"question":"北京市哪个季节气候最寒冷?", "answer":"北京市冬季气候最寒冷。"},
#     {"question":"北京市哪个季节秋高气爽?", "answer":"北京市秋季气候秋高气爽。"},
#     {"question":"北京市哪个季节春暖花开?", "answer":"北京市春季气候春暖花开。"},
#     {"question":"北京市春季和秋季分别持续多长时间?", "answer":"北京市春、秋短促。"}
# ]


## Datasets
We use gpt-4 to generate training corpus by constructing prompt. If you need it, please contact us by email.

## Contributing
Our team has two contributors, and we are looking for more contributors to join us.
You can contribute in several ways:
1. Open an issue
2. Contact us by email

## Contact Us
- Email: 
   - yu01nYu@gmail.com
   - 0.1cheng.h@gmail.com