index prediction 0 What did you get?\nI got a chair. 1 A: What did you sell?\nB: Sarah. 2 David: What did you sell?\nSarah: I sold a chair. 3 A: What did you get?\nB: I got a doctor. 4 David: What did you get?\nSarah: I got a doctor. 5 A: What did you break?\nB: I broke a bowl. 6 What did you make?\nA teacher. 7 What did you make?\nSarah. 8 David: What did you make?\nSarah: A computer. 9 David: What did you cook?\nSarah: Potatoes. 10 David: What did you eat?\nSarah: Chicken. 11 A: What did you cook?\nB: I cooked chicken. 12 What did you cook?\nPotatoes. 13 What did you close?\nI closed the gate. 14 What did you open?\nI opened david. 15 What did you lock?\nI locked the window. 16 A: What did you close?\nB: The window. 17 A: What did you lock?\nB: The gate. 18 David: What did you close?\nSarah: I closed the window. 19 David: What did you close?\nSarah: David. 20 A: Who did you see?\nB: A teacher. 21 David: Who did you see?\nSarah: I saw a sofa. 22 A: Who helped you?\nB: Sarah. 23 David: Who did you see?\nSarah: David. 24 A: Who did you see?\nB: I saw a doctor. 25 Who is here?\nA car. 26 Who did you see?\nI saw a car. 27 Who did you meet?\nA doctor. 28 David: Who did you meet?\nSarah: Eggs. 29 David: Who kissed you?\nSarah: A doctor kissed you. 30 Who is talking to you?\nSarah. 31 Who kissed you?\nA statue. 32 David: Who shook your hand?\nSarah: A teacher. 33 Who shook your hand?\nA doctor. 34 A: Who kissed you?\nB: Sarah. 35 David: Who kissed you?\nSarah: David. 36 David: Who is sleeping?\nSarah: Milk is sleeping. 37 Who is sleeping?\nDavid. 38 David: Who is sleeping?\nSarah: Sarah. 39 A: Who is sleeping?\nB: A teacher. 40 A: Who is playing the guitar?\nB: A doctor is playing the guitar. 41 A: Who painted that picture?\nB: David. 42 David: Who is playing the guitar?\nSarah: Sarah. 43 Who is drawing?\nEggs. 44 David: Who is drawing?\nSarah: A teacher is drawing. 45 A: Where did you send the package?\nB: I sent the package a computer. 46 Where did you send the package?\nI sent the package to europe. 47 A: Where did you go?\nB: I went across the country. 48 David: Where did you go?\nSarah: Milk. 49 A: Where did you travel to?\nB: A car. 50 David: Where did you send the package?\nSarah: I sent the package across the country. 51 Where did you send the package?\nMilk. 52 A: Where are you headed?\nB: Eggs. 53 A: Where did you drive to?\nB: A chair. 54 Where are you headed?\nAcross the country. 55 A: Where did you travel to?\nB: I traveled to europe. 56 Where did you find it?\nI found it a car. 57 A: Where did you put it?\nB: I put it on the table. 58 David: Where did you put it?\nSarah: Behind the sofa. 59 A: Where did you leave it?\nB: A book. 60 David: Where did you leave it?\nSarah: I left it behind the sofa. 61 Where did you put it?\nI put it next to the bush. 62 A: Where did you leave it?\nB: Behind the sofa. 63 Where did you find it?\nI found it on the table.