{ "id": "bundle--b4549fe8-9c10-4504-b5b4-df4883b93d32", "objects": [ { "created": "2015-11-09T00:00:00.000Z", "created_by_ref": "identity--e50ab59c-5c4f-4d40-bf6a-d58418d89bcd", "description": "In this attack scenario, the attacker actively transmits signals to overpower and disrupt the communication between a cellular user device and a cell tower. Several existing techniques are known in the open literature for this attack for 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE cellular technology. For example, some attacks target cell towers by overwhelming them with false status messages, while others introduce high levels of noise on signaling channels.", "external_references": [ { "external_id": "CAPEC-605", "source_name": "capec", "url": "https://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/605.html" } ], "id": "attack-pattern--17593c9a-d8a0-4ef3-8da1-9d948426bbb8", "modified": "2018-07-31T00:00:00.000Z", "name": "Cellular Jamming", "object_marking_refs": [ "marking-definition--17d82bb2-eeeb-4898-bda5-3ddbcd2b799d" ], "type": "attack-pattern", "x_capec_abstraction": "Detailed", "x_capec_child_of_refs": [ "attack-pattern--7534fc4c-f683-4918-8f62-005e0402d18a" ], "x_capec_consequences": { "Availability": [ "Resource Consumption (The attacker's goal is to prevent users from accessing the cellular network. Denying connectivity to the cellular network prevents the user from being able to transmit or receive any data, which also prevents VOIP calls, however this attack poses no threat to data confidentiality.)" ] }, "x_capec_domains": [ "Communications" ], "x_capec_prerequisites": [ "Lack of anti-jam features in cellular technology (2G, 3G, 4G, LTE)" ], "x_capec_skills_required": { "Low": "This attack can be performed by low capability attackers with commercially available tools." }, "x_capec_status": "Draft", "x_capec_typical_severity": "Low", "x_capec_version": "3.9" } ], "spec_version": "2.0", "type": "bundle" }