{ "id": "bundle--adb95240-6b88-4395-8777-7e2a6197220d", "objects": [ { "created": "2014-06-23T00:00:00.000Z", "created_by_ref": "identity--e50ab59c-5c4f-4d40-bf6a-d58418d89bcd", "description": "An adversary engages in UDP scanning to gather information about UDP port status on the target system. UDP scanning methods involve sending a UDP datagram to the target port and looking for evidence that the port is closed. Open UDP ports usually do not respond to UDP datagrams as there is no stateful mechanism within the protocol that requires building or establishing a session. Responses to UDP datagrams are therefore application specific and cannot be relied upon as a method of detecting an open port. UDP scanning relies heavily upon ICMP diagnostic messages in order to determine the status of a remote port.", "external_references": [ { "external_id": "CAPEC-308", "source_name": "capec", "url": "https://capec.mitre.org/data/definitions/308.html" }, { "external_id": "CWE-200", "source_name": "cwe", "url": "http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/200.html" }, { "description": "Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz, Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions (6th Edition), 2009, McGraw Hill", "external_id": "REF-33", "source_name": "reference_from_CAPEC" }, { "description": "J. Postel, RFC768 - User Datagram Protocol, 1980--08---28", "external_id": "REF-158", "source_name": "reference_from_CAPEC", "url": "http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc768.html" }, { "description": "Gordon \"Fyodor\" Lyon, Nmap Network Scanning: The Official Nmap Project Guide to Network Discovery and Security Scanning (3rd \"Zero Day\" Edition,), 2008, Insecure.com LLC, ISBN: 978-0-9799587-1-7", "external_id": "REF-34", "source_name": "reference_from_CAPEC" }, { "description": "Gordon \"Fyodor\" Lyon, The Art of Port Scanning (Volume: 7, Issue. 51), Phrack Magazine, 1997", "external_id": "REF-130", "source_name": "reference_from_CAPEC", "url": "http://phrack.org/issues/51/11.html" } ], "id": "attack-pattern--074a7522-162a-4656-8c50-36ce5ee5adc6", "modified": "2022-02-22T00:00:00.000Z", "name": "UDP Scan", "object_marking_refs": [ "marking-definition--17d82bb2-eeeb-4898-bda5-3ddbcd2b799d" ], "type": "attack-pattern", "x_capec_abstraction": "Detailed", "x_capec_child_of_refs": [ "attack-pattern--9ca34308-a8e4-40b6-becd-3ff95bac628a" ], "x_capec_consequences": { "Access_Control": [ "Bypass Protection Mechanism", "Hide Activities" ], "Authorization": [ "Bypass Protection Mechanism", "Hide Activities" ], "Confidentiality": [ "Other", "Bypass Protection Mechanism", "Hide Activities" ] }, "x_capec_domains": [ "Communications", "Software" ], "x_capec_execution_flow": "
An adversary sends UDP packets to target ports.
An adversary uses the response from the target to determine the port's state. Whether a port responds to a UDP packet is dependant on what application is listening on that port. No response does not indicate the port is not open.