#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h> |
#include <c10/cuda/CUDAGuard.h> |
#include <torch/all.h> |
#include <cutlass/fast_math.h> |
#include "flash_mla.h" |
#include "static_switch.h" |
#define CHECK_DEVICE(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.is_cuda(), #x " must be on CUDA") |
#define CHECK_SHAPE(x, ...) TORCH_CHECK(x.sizes() == torch::IntArrayRef({__VA_ARGS__}), #x " must have shape (" #__VA_ARGS__ ")") |
#define CHECK_CONTIGUOUS(x) TORCH_CHECK(x.is_contiguous(), #x " must be contiguous") |
std::vector<at::Tensor> |
get_mla_metadata( |
at::Tensor &seqlens_k, |
const int64_t num_heads_per_head_k, |
const int64_t num_heads_k |
) { |
static constexpr int block_size_m = 64; |
static constexpr int block_size_n = 64; |
static constexpr int fixed_overhead_num_blocks = 5; |
CHECK_DEVICE(seqlens_k); |
TORCH_CHECK(seqlens_k.is_contiguous()); |
TORCH_CHECK(seqlens_k.dtype() == torch::kInt32); |
int batch_size = seqlens_k.size(0); |
int *seqlens_k_ptr = seqlens_k.data_ptr<int>(); |
auto options = seqlens_k.options(); |
auto dprops = at::cuda::getCurrentDeviceProperties(); |
int sm_count = dprops->multiProcessorCount; |
int num_sm_parts = sm_count / num_heads_k / cutlass::ceil_div(num_heads_per_head_k, block_size_m); |
auto tile_scheduler_metadata = torch::empty({num_sm_parts, TileSchedulerMetaDataSize}, options); |
auto num_splits = torch::empty({batch_size + 1}, options); |
int *tile_scheduler_metadata_ptr = tile_scheduler_metadata.data_ptr<int>(); |
int *num_splits_ptr = num_splits.data_ptr<int>(); |
at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard{(char)seqlens_k.get_device()}; |
auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream().stream(); |
Mla_metadata_params params = {}; |
params.seqlens_k_ptr = seqlens_k_ptr; |
params.tile_scheduler_metadata_ptr = tile_scheduler_metadata_ptr; |
params.num_splits_ptr = num_splits_ptr; |
params.batch_size = batch_size; |
params.block_size_n = block_size_n; |
params.fixed_overhead_num_blocks = fixed_overhead_num_blocks; |
params.num_sm_parts = num_sm_parts; |
get_mla_metadata_func(params, stream); |
return {tile_scheduler_metadata, num_splits}; |
} |
std::vector<at::Tensor> |
mha_fwd_kvcache_mla( |
at::Tensor &q, |
const at::Tensor &kcache, |
const c10::optional<torch::Tensor> &vcache_, |
const int64_t head_size_v, |
const at::Tensor &seqlens_k, |
const at::Tensor &block_table, |
const double softmax_scale, |
bool is_causal, |
const at::Tensor &tile_scheduler_metadata, |
const at::Tensor &num_splits |
) { |
auto dprops = at::cuda::getCurrentDeviceProperties(); |
bool is_sm90 = dprops->major == 9 && dprops->minor == 0; |
TORCH_CHECK(is_sm90); |
at::Tensor vcache = vcache_.has_value() ? vcache_.value() : kcache; |
auto q_dtype = q.dtype(); |
TORCH_CHECK(kcache.dtype() == q_dtype, "query and key must have the same dtype"); |
TORCH_CHECK(q.stride(-1) == 1, "Input tensor must have contiguous last dimension"); |
TORCH_CHECK(kcache.stride(-1) == 1, "Input tensor must have contiguous last dimension"); |
TORCH_CHECK(vcache.stride(-1) == 1, "Input tensor must have contiguous last dimension"); |
CHECK_DEVICE(block_table); |
TORCH_CHECK(block_table.dtype() == torch::kInt32, "block_table must have dtype torch.int32"); |
TORCH_CHECK(block_table.stride(-1) == 1, "block_table must have contiguous last dimension"); |
const auto sizes = q.sizes(); |
const int batch_size = sizes[0]; |
const int seqlen_q_ori = sizes[1]; |
const int num_heads_ori = sizes[2]; |
const int head_size = sizes[3]; |
TORCH_CHECK(head_size % 8 == 0, "head_size should be a multiple of 8"); |
TORCH_CHECK(head_size_v % 32 == 0, "head_size_v should be a multiple of 32"); |
const int max_num_blocks_per_seq = block_table.size(1); |
const int num_blocks = kcache.size(0); |
const int page_block_size = kcache.size(1); |
const int num_heads_k = kcache.size(2); |
TORCH_CHECK(batch_size > 0, "batch size must be postive"); |
TORCH_CHECK(num_heads_ori % num_heads_k == 0, "Number of heads in key/value must divide number of heads in query"); |
if (seqlen_q_ori == 1) { is_causal = false; } |
const int ngroups = num_heads_ori / num_heads_k; |
const int seqlen_q = seqlen_q_ori * ngroups; |
const int num_heads = num_heads_k; |
q = q.view({batch_size, seqlen_q_ori, num_heads_k, ngroups, head_size}).transpose(2, 3) |
.reshape({batch_size, seqlen_q, num_heads, head_size}); |
int head_size_k = head_size; |
CHECK_SHAPE(q, batch_size, seqlen_q, num_heads, head_size); |
CHECK_SHAPE(kcache, num_blocks, page_block_size, num_heads_k, head_size_k); |
CHECK_SHAPE(vcache, num_blocks, page_block_size, num_heads_k, head_size_v); |
CHECK_SHAPE(block_table, batch_size, max_num_blocks_per_seq); |
TORCH_CHECK(seqlens_k.dtype() == torch::kInt32, "seqlens_k must have dtype int32"); |
CHECK_DEVICE(seqlens_k); |
CHECK_CONTIGUOUS(seqlens_k); |
CHECK_SHAPE(seqlens_k, batch_size); |
at::cuda::CUDAGuard device_guard{(char)q.get_device()}; |
auto opts = q.options(); |
at::Tensor out = torch::empty({batch_size, seqlen_q, num_heads, head_size_v}, opts); |
at::Tensor softmax_lse = torch::empty({batch_size, num_heads, seqlen_q}, opts.dtype(at::kFloat)); |
Flash_fwd_mla_params params = {}; |
params.b = batch_size; |
params.seqlen_q = seqlen_q; |
params.cu_seqlens_k = seqlens_k.data_ptr<int>(); |
params.h = num_heads; |
params.h_h_k_ratio = num_heads / num_heads_k; |
params.ngroups = ngroups; |
params.is_causal = is_causal; |
params.d = head_size; |
params.d_v = head_size_v; |
params.scale_softmax = softmax_scale; |
params.scale_softmax_log2 = float(softmax_scale * M_LOG2E); |
params.q_ptr = q.data_ptr(); |
params.k_ptr = kcache.data_ptr(); |
params.v_ptr = vcache.data_ptr(); |
params.o_ptr = out.data_ptr(); |
params.softmax_lse_ptr = softmax_lse.data_ptr(); |
params.q_batch_stride = q.stride(0); |
params.k_batch_stride = kcache.stride(0); |
params.v_batch_stride = vcache.stride(0); |
params.o_batch_stride = out.stride(0); |
params.q_row_stride = q.stride(-3); |
params.k_row_stride = kcache.stride(-3); |
params.v_row_stride = vcache.stride(-3); |
params.o_row_stride = out.stride(-3); |
params.q_head_stride = q.stride(-2); |
params.k_head_stride = kcache.stride(-2); |
params.v_head_stride = vcache.stride(-2); |
params.o_head_stride = out.stride(-2); |
params.block_table = block_table.data_ptr<int>(); |
params.block_table_batch_stride = block_table.stride(0); |
params.page_block_size = page_block_size; |
TORCH_CHECK(tile_scheduler_metadata.dtype() == torch::kInt32, "tile_scheduler_metadata must have dtype int32"); |
TORCH_CHECK(tile_scheduler_metadata.size(1) == TileSchedulerMetaDataSize); |
CHECK_DEVICE(tile_scheduler_metadata); |
CHECK_CONTIGUOUS(tile_scheduler_metadata); |
params.tile_scheduler_metadata_ptr = tile_scheduler_metadata.data_ptr<int>(); |
params.num_sm_parts = tile_scheduler_metadata.size(0); |
TORCH_CHECK(num_splits.dtype() == torch::kInt32, "num_splits must have dtype int32"); |
CHECK_DEVICE(num_splits); |
CHECK_CONTIGUOUS(num_splits); |
params.num_splits_ptr = num_splits.data_ptr<int>(); |
at::Tensor softmax_lse_accum = torch::empty({batch_size + params.num_sm_parts, num_heads, seqlen_q}, opts.dtype(at::kFloat)); |
at::Tensor out_accum = torch::empty({batch_size + params.num_sm_parts, num_heads, seqlen_q, head_size_v}, opts.dtype(at::kFloat)); |
params.softmax_lseaccum_ptr = softmax_lse_accum.data_ptr(); |
params.oaccum_ptr = out_accum.data_ptr(); |
auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream().stream(); |
TORCH_CHECK(head_size == 576); |
if (q_dtype == torch::kBFloat16) { |
run_mha_fwd_splitkv_mla<cutlass::bfloat16_t, 576>(params, stream); |
} |
else if (q_dtype == torch::kHalf) { |
run_mha_fwd_splitkv_mla<cutlass::half_t, 576>(params, stream); |
} |
#endif |
else { |
TORCH_CHECK(false, "Unsupported tensor dtype for query"); |
} |
out = out.view({batch_size, seqlen_q_ori, ngroups, num_heads_k, head_size_v}).transpose(2, 3) |
.reshape({batch_size, seqlen_q_ori, num_heads_ori, head_size_v}); |
softmax_lse = softmax_lse.view({batch_size, num_heads_k, seqlen_q_ori, ngroups}).transpose(2, 3) |
.reshape({batch_size, num_heads_ori, seqlen_q_ori}); |
return {out, softmax_lse}; |
} |