import os from importlib import import_module import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F def sequence_loss(sr, hr, loss_func, gamma=0.8, max_val=None): """ Loss function defined over sequence of flow predictions """ n_recurrence = len(sr) total_loss = 0.0 buffer=[0.0]*n_recurrence # exlude invalid pixels and extremely large diplacements for i in range(n_recurrence): i_weight = gamma**(n_recurrence - i - 1) i_loss = loss_func(sr[i],hr) buffer[i]=i_loss.item() # total_loss += i_weight * (valid[:, None] * i_loss).mean() total_loss += i_weight * (i_loss) return total_loss,buffer class Loss(nn.modules.loss._Loss): def __init__(self, args, ckp): super(Loss, self).__init__() print('Preparing loss function:') self.buffer=[0.0]*args.recurrence self.n_GPUs = args.n_GPUs self.loss = [] self.loss_module = nn.ModuleList() for loss in args.loss.split('+'): weight, loss_type = loss.split('*') if loss_type == 'MSE': loss_function = nn.MSELoss() elif loss_type == 'L1': loss_function = nn.L1Loss() elif loss_type.find('VGG') >= 0: module = import_module('loss.vgg') loss_function = getattr(module, 'VGG')( loss_type[3:], rgb_range=args.rgb_range ) elif loss_type.find('GAN') >= 0: module = import_module('loss.adversarial') loss_function = getattr(module, 'Adversarial')( args, loss_type ) self.loss.append({ 'type': loss_type, 'weight': float(weight), 'function': loss_function} ) if loss_type.find('GAN') >= 0: self.loss.append({'type': 'DIS', 'weight': 1, 'function': None}) if len(self.loss) > 1: self.loss.append({'type': 'Total', 'weight': 0, 'function': None}) for l in self.loss: if l['function'] is not None: print('{:.3f} * {}'.format(l['weight'], l['type'])) # self.loss_module.append(l['function']) self.log = torch.Tensor() device = torch.device('cpu' if args.cpu else 'cuda') if args.precision == 'half': self.loss_module.half() if not args.cpu and args.n_GPUs > 1: self.loss_module = nn.DataParallel( self.loss_module, range(args.n_GPUs) ) if args.load != '': self.load(ckp.dir, cpu=args.cpu) def forward(self, sr, hr): losses = [] for i, l in enumerate(self.loss): if l['function'] is not None: if isinstance(sr,list): # weights=[0.32,0.08,0.02,0.01,0.005] # weights=weights[::-1] # weights=[0.01,0.02,0.08,0.32] # self.buffer=[] effective_loss,buffer_lst=sequence_loss(sr,hr,l['function']) # for k in range(len(sr)): # loss=l['function'](sr[k], hr) # self.buffer.append(loss.item()) # effective_loss=loss*weights[k]*l['weight'] losses.append(effective_loss) self.buffer=buffer_lst self.log[-1, i] += effective_loss.item() else: loss = l['function'](sr, hr) effective_loss = l['weight'] * loss losses.append(effective_loss) self.buffer[0]=effective_loss.item() self.log[-1, i] += effective_loss.item() elif l['type'] == 'DIS': self.log[-1, i] += self.loss[i - 1]['function'].loss loss_sum = sum(losses) if len(self.loss) > 1: self.log[-1, -1] += loss_sum.item() return loss_sum def step(self): for l in self.get_loss_module(): if hasattr(l, 'scheduler'): l.scheduler.step() def start_log(self): self.log =, torch.zeros(1, len(self.loss)))) def end_log(self, n_batches): self.log[-1].div_(n_batches) def display_loss(self, batch): n_samples = batch + 1 log = [] for l, c in zip(self.loss, self.log[-1]): log.append('[{}: {:.4f}]'.format(l['type'], c / n_samples)) return ''.join(log) def plot_loss(self, apath, epoch): axis = np.linspace(1, epoch, epoch) for i, l in enumerate(self.loss): label = '{} Loss'.format(l['type']) fig = plt.figure() plt.title(label) plt.plot(axis, self.log[:, i].numpy(), label=label) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(os.path.join(apath, 'loss_{}.pdf'.format(l['type']))) plt.close(fig) def get_loss_module(self): if self.n_GPUs == 1: return self.loss_module else: return self.loss_module.module def save(self, apath):, os.path.join(apath, '')), os.path.join(apath, '')) def load(self, apath, cpu=False): if cpu: kwargs = {'map_location': lambda storage, loc: storage} else: kwargs = {} self.load_state_dict(torch.load( os.path.join(apath, ''), **kwargs )) self.log = torch.load(os.path.join(apath, '')) for l in self.get_loss_module(): if hasattr(l, 'scheduler'): for _ in range(len(self.log)): l.scheduler.step()