from typing import Tuple, List import torch from torch import _dynamo _dynamo.config.suppress_errors = True from torch import Tensor, nn import loralib as lora import math import esm from ..module.utils import ( NeighborEmbedding, Distance, DistanceV2, rbf_class_mapping, act_class_mapping ) from ..module.attention import ( EquivariantMultiHeadAttention, EquivariantMultiHeadAttentionSoftMax, EquivariantPAEMultiHeadAttention, EquivariantPAEMultiHeadAttentionSoftMax, EquivariantWeightedPAEMultiHeadAttention, EquivariantWeightedPAEMultiHeadAttentionSoftMax, EquivariantPAEMultiHeadAttentionSoftMaxFullGraph, MultiHeadAttentionSoftMaxFullGraph, MSAEncoderFullGraph, EquivariantTriAngularMultiHeadAttention, EquivariantTriAngularStarMultiHeadAttention, EquivariantTriAngularStarDropMultiHeadAttention, EquivariantTriAngularDropMultiHeadAttention, PairFeatureNet, TriangularSelfAttentionBlock, SeqPairAttentionOutput, MSAEncoder, ESMMultiheadAttention ) # A fake model, do nothing and just past the input, serve as a baseline class PassForward(nn.Module): def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(PassForward, self).__init__() self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = x_channels def reset_parameters(self): pass def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, # unused edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, # unused edge_vec: Tensor = None, edge_vec_star: Tensor = None, # unused node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: # pass input to output directly, serve as a baseline vec = node_vec_attr attn_weight_layers = [] return x, vec, pos, edge_attr, batch, attn_weight_layers # Transformer Layer copied from ESM2, added LoRA, used for tuning ESM2 class ESMTransformerLayer(nn.Module): """Transformer layer block.""" def __init__( self, embed_dim, ffn_embed_dim, attention_heads, add_bias_kv=True, use_esm1b_layer_norm=False, use_rotary_embeddings: bool = False, ): super().__init__() self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.ffn_embed_dim = ffn_embed_dim self.attention_heads = attention_heads self.use_rotary_embeddings = use_rotary_embeddings self._init_submodules(add_bias_kv, use_esm1b_layer_norm) def _init_submodules(self, add_bias_kv, use_esm1b_layer_norm): BertLayerNorm = nn.LayerNorm self.self_attn = ESMMultiheadAttention( self.embed_dim, self.attention_heads, add_bias_kv=add_bias_kv, add_zero_attn=False, use_rotary_embeddings=self.use_rotary_embeddings, ) self.self_attn_layer_norm = BertLayerNorm(self.embed_dim) self.fc1 = lora.Linear(self.embed_dim, self.ffn_embed_dim, r=16) self.fc2 = lora.Linear(self.ffn_embed_dim, self.embed_dim, r=16) self.final_layer_norm = BertLayerNorm(self.embed_dim) def gelu(self, x): """Implementation of the gelu activation function. For information: OpenAI GPT's gelu is slightly different (and gives slightly different results): 0.5 * x * (1 + torch.tanh(math.sqrt(2 / math.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * torch.pow(x, 3)))) """ return x * 0.5 * (1.0 + torch.erf(x / math.sqrt(2.0))) def forward( self, x, self_attn_mask=None, self_attn_padding_mask=None, need_head_weights=False ): residual = x x = self.self_attn_layer_norm(x) x, attn = self.self_attn( query=x, key=x, value=x, key_padding_mask=self_attn_padding_mask, need_weights=True, need_head_weights=need_head_weights, attn_mask=self_attn_mask, ) x = residual + x residual = x x = self.final_layer_norm(x) x = self.gelu(self.fc1(x)) x = self.fc2(x) x = residual + x return x, attn # Use LoRA to tune ESM2 class LoRAESM2(nn.Module): def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, # not used x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, num_layers=6, # not used num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(LoRAESM2, self).__init__() self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = 1280 self.num_layers = 33 self.embed_dim = 1280 self.attention_heads = 20 self.embed_scale = 1 _, alphabet = esm.pretrained.esm2_t33_650M_UR50D() self.alphabet = alphabet self.alphabet_size = len(alphabet) self.padding_idx = alphabet.padding_idx self.mask_idx = alphabet.mask_idx self.cls_idx = alphabet.cls_idx self.eos_idx = alphabet.eos_idx self.prepend_bos = alphabet.prepend_bos self.append_eos = alphabet.append_eos self.token_dropout = True # set ESM2 model with LoRA self.embed_tokens = lora.Embedding( self.alphabet_size, self.embed_dim, padding_idx=self.padding_idx, r=16, ) self.layers = nn.ModuleList( [ ESMTransformerLayer( self.embed_dim, 4 * self.embed_dim, self.attention_heads, add_bias_kv=False, use_esm1b_layer_norm=True, use_rotary_embeddings=True, ) for _ in range(self.num_layers) ] ) self.emb_layer_norm_after = nn.LayerNorm(self.embed_dim) def reset_parameters(self): # assign esm2 model weights to LoRA model esm_weights, _ = esm.pretrained.esm2_t33_650M_UR50D() self.load_state_dict(esm_weights.state_dict(), strict=False) def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, # unused edge_index_star: Tensor = None, # unused edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, # unused edge_vec: Tensor = None, edge_vec_star: Tensor = None, # unused node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: # pass input to output directly, serve as a baseline vec = node_vec_attr attn_weight_layers = [] tokens = x # tokens should be B x L, where each element is an integer in [0, ESM_ALPHABET_SIZE] assert tokens.ndim == 2 padding_mask = tokens.eq(self.padding_idx) # B, T x = self.embed_scale * self.embed_tokens(tokens) if self.token_dropout: x.masked_fill_((tokens == self.mask_idx).unsqueeze(-1), 0.0) # x: B x T x C mask_ratio_train = 0.15 * 0.8 src_lengths = (~padding_mask).sum(-1) mask_ratio_observed = (tokens == self.mask_idx).sum(-1).to(x.dtype) / src_lengths x = x * (1 - mask_ratio_train) / (1 - mask_ratio_observed)[:, None, None] if padding_mask is not None: x = x * (1 - padding_mask.unsqueeze(-1).type_as(x)) # (B, T, E) => (T, B, E) x = x.transpose(0, 1) if not padding_mask.any(): padding_mask = None for _, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x, attn = layer( x, self_attn_padding_mask=padding_mask, need_head_weights=False, ) attn_weight_layers.append(attn) x = self.emb_layer_norm_after(x) x = x.transpose(0, 1) # (T, B, E) => (B, T, E) return x, vec, pos, edge_attr, batch, attn_weight_layers # original torchmd-net, 2-layers of full graph class eqTransformer(nn.Module): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, share_kv=False, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqTransformer, self).__init__() assert distance_influence in ["keys", "values", "both", "none"] assert rbf_type in rbf_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown RBF type "{rbf_type}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(rbf_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown activation function "{activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert attn_activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown attention activation function "{attn_activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = x_channels self.vec_in_channels = vec_in_channels self.vec_channels = vec_channels self.x_hidden_channels = x_hidden_channels self.vec_hidden_channels = vec_hidden_channels self.share_kv = share_kv self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_rbf = num_rbf self.num_edge_attr = num_edge_attr self.rbf_type = rbf_type self.trainable_rbf = trainable_rbf self.activation = activation self.attn_activation = attn_activation self.neighbor_embedding = neighbor_embedding self.num_heads = num_heads self.distance_influence = distance_influence self.cutoff_lower = cutoff_lower self.cutoff_upper = cutoff_upper self.use_lora = use_lora self.use_msa = x_use_msa self.distance = Distance( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, return_vecs=True, loop=True, ) self.distance_expansion = rbf_class_mapping[rbf_type]( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, num_rbf, trainable_rbf ) self.neighbor_embedding = ( NeighborEmbedding( x_channels, num_rbf + num_edge_attr, cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, ) if neighbor_embedding else None ) self.msa_encoder = MSAEncoder( num_species=199, weighting_schema='spe', pairwise_type='cov', ) if x_use_msa else None self.node_x_proj = None if x_in_channels is not None: if x_in_embedding_type == "Linear": self.node_x_proj = nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels) elif x_in_embedding_type == "Linear_gelu": self.node_x_proj = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels), nn.GELU(), ) else: self.node_x_proj = nn.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels) self.node_vec_proj = nn.Linear( vec_in_channels, vec_channels, bias=False) self.attention_layers = nn.ModuleList() self._set_attn_layers() self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop_out_rate) self.out_norm = nn.LayerNorm(x_channels) self.reset_parameters() def _set_attn_layers(self): for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) def reset_parameters(self): self.distance_expansion.reset_parameters() if self.neighbor_embedding is not None: self.neighbor_embedding.reset_parameters() for attn in self.attention_layers: attn.reset_parameters() self.out_norm.reset_parameters() def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, # unused edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, # unused edge_vec: Tensor = None, edge_vec_star: Tensor = None, # unused node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: if edge_vec is None: edge_index, edge_weight, edge_vec = self.distance(pos, edge_index) assert ( edge_vec is not None ), "Distance module did not return directional information" # get distance expansion edge attributes edge_attr_distance = self.distance_expansion( edge_weight) # [E, num_rbf] # concatenate edge attributes # [E, num_rbf + 145 = 64 + 145 = 209] edge_attr =[edge_attr, edge_attr_distance], dim=-1) # add MSA to edge attributes if (self.x_in_channels is not None and x.shape[1] > self.x_in_channels) or x.shape[1] > self.x_channels: if self.node_x_proj is not None: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_in_channels], x[:, self.x_in_channels:] else: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_channels], x[:, self.x_channels:] else: x_msa = None # MSA channels by defaule are 200 # embed msa into edge features if self.msa_encoder is not None and x_msa is not None: _, msa_edge_attr_star = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index_star) edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, msa_edge_attr_star], dim=-1) _, msa_edge_attr = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index) edge_attr =[edge_attr, msa_edge_attr], dim=-1) mask = edge_index[0] != edge_index[1] edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / \ torch.norm(edge_vec[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) # apply embedding of x if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x if self.neighbor_embedding is not None: x = self.neighbor_embedding(x, edge_index, edge_weight, edge_attr) # apply embedding of vec if necessary vec = self.node_vec_proj(node_vec_attr) if node_vec_attr is not None \ else torch.zeros(x.size(0), 3, self.vec_channels, device=x.device) attn_weight_layers = [] for attn in self.attention_layers: dx, dvec, attn_weight = attn( x, vec, edge_index, edge_weight, edge_attr, edge_vec) x = x + self.drop(dx) vec = vec + self.drop(dvec) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) x = self.out_norm(x) return x, vec, pos, edge_attr, batch, attn_weight_layers def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"x_channels={self.x_channels}, " f"x_hidden_channels={self.x_hidden_channels}, " f"vec_in_channels={self.vec_in_channels}, " f"vec_channels={self.vec_channels}, " f"vec_hidden_channels={self.vec_hidden_channels}, " f"num_layers={self.num_layers}, " f"num_rbf={self.num_rbf}, " f"rbf_type={self.rbf_type}, " f"trainable_rbf={self.trainable_rbf}, " f"activation={self.activation}, " f"attn_activation={self.attn_activation}, " f"neighbor_embedding={self.neighbor_embedding}, " f"num_heads={self.num_heads}, " f"distance_influence={self.distance_influence}, " f"cutoff_lower={self.cutoff_lower}, " f"cutoff_upper={self.cutoff_upper})" ) # original torchmd-net, 1 layer of star graph, 1 layer of full graph class eqStarTransformer(eqTransformer): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. First Layer is Star Graph, next layer is full graph Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, share_kv=False, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqStarTransformer, self).__init__(x_in_channels=x_in_channels, x_channels=x_channels, x_hidden_channels=x_hidden_channels, vec_in_channels=vec_in_channels, vec_channels=vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=share_kv, num_layers=num_layers, num_edge_attr=num_edge_attr, num_rbf=num_rbf, rbf_type=rbf_type, trainable_rbf=trainable_rbf, activation=activation, attn_activation=attn_activation, neighbor_embedding=neighbor_embedding, num_heads=num_heads, distance_influence=distance_influence, cutoff_lower=cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=cutoff_upper, x_in_embedding_type=x_in_embedding_type, x_use_msa=x_use_msa, drop_out_rate=drop_out_rate, use_lora=use_lora) def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: edge_index, edge_weight, edge_vec = self.distance(pos, edge_index) edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_vec_star = self.distance( pos, edge_index_star) assert ( edge_vec is not None and edge_vec_star is not None ), "Distance module did not return directional information" # get distance expansion edge attributes edge_attr_distance = self.distance_expansion( edge_weight) # [E, num_rbf] edge_attr_distance_star = self.distance_expansion( edge_weight_star) # [E, num_rbf] # concatenate edge attributes if edge_attr is not None: # [E, num_rbf + 145 = 64 + 145 = 209] edge_attr =[edge_attr, edge_attr_distance], dim=-1) else: edge_attr = edge_attr_distance if edge_attr_star is not None: edge_attr_star = [edge_attr_star, edge_attr_distance_star], dim=-1) else: edge_attr_star = edge_attr_distance_star # add MSA to edge attributes if self.node_x_proj is not None: if x.shape[1] > self.x_in_channels: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_in_channels], x[:, self.x_in_channels:] else: x_msa = None elif x.shape[1] > self.x_channels: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_channels], x[:, self.x_channels:] else: x_msa = None # MSA channels by defaule are 200 # embed msa into edge features if self.msa_encoder is not None and x_msa is not None: _, msa_edge_attr_star = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index_star) edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, msa_edge_attr_star], dim=-1) # msa can only be added to edge_attr_star # _, msa_edge_attr = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index) # edge_attr =[edge_attr, msa_edge_attr], dim=-1) # cancel edge mask mask = edge_index[0] != edge_index[1] edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / \ torch.norm(edge_vec[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) mask = edge_index_star[0] != edge_index_star[1] edge_vec_star[mask] = edge_vec_star[mask] / \ torch.norm(edge_vec_star[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) # apply x embedding if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x if self.neighbor_embedding is not None: # neighbor embedding is star graph x = self.neighbor_embedding( x, edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_attr_star) # apply vec embedding if necessary vec = self.node_vec_proj(node_vec_attr) if node_vec_attr is not None \ else torch.zeros(x.size(0), 3, self.vec_channels, device=x.device) attn_weight_layers = [] for i, attn in enumerate(self.attention_layers): # first layer is star graph, next layers are normal graph if i == 0: dx, dvec, attn_weight = attn(x, vec, edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_attr_star, edge_vec_star, return_attn=return_attn) else: dx, dvec, attn_weight = attn(x, vec, edge_index, edge_weight, edge_attr, edge_vec, return_attn=return_attn) x = x + self.drop(dx) vec = vec + self.drop(dvec) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) x = self.out_norm(x) # if self.use_msa: # # if use msa, means edge_attr is updated, then we return the edge_attr_star # return x, vec, pos, edge_attr_star, batch, attn_weight_layers # else: # return x, vec, pos, edge_attr, batch, attn_weight_layers return x, vec, pos, edge_attr_star, batch, attn_weight_layers # Softmax version of torchmd-net, 2-layer of full graph class eqTransformerSoftMax(eqTransformer): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqTransformerSoftMax, self).__init__(x_in_channels=x_in_channels, x_channels=x_channels, x_hidden_channels=x_hidden_channels, vec_in_channels=vec_in_channels, vec_channels=vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=vec_hidden_channels, num_layers=num_layers, num_edge_attr=num_edge_attr, num_rbf=num_rbf, rbf_type=rbf_type, trainable_rbf=trainable_rbf, activation=activation, attn_activation=attn_activation, neighbor_embedding=neighbor_embedding, num_heads=num_heads, distance_influence=distance_influence, cutoff_lower=cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=cutoff_upper, x_in_embedding_type=x_in_embedding_type, x_use_msa=x_use_msa, drop_out_rate=drop_out_rate, use_lora=use_lora) def _set_attn_layers(self): for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantMultiHeadAttentionSoftMax( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) # Softmax version of torchmd-net, 1 layer of star graph, 1 layer of full graph class eqStarTransformerSoftMax(eqStarTransformer): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. First Layer is Star Graph, next layer is full graph Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, share_kv=False, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqStarTransformerSoftMax, self).__init__(x_in_channels=x_in_channels, x_channels=x_channels, x_hidden_channels=x_hidden_channels, vec_in_channels=vec_in_channels, vec_channels=vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=share_kv, num_layers=num_layers, num_edge_attr=num_edge_attr, num_rbf=num_rbf, rbf_type=rbf_type, trainable_rbf=trainable_rbf, activation=activation, attn_activation=attn_activation, neighbor_embedding=neighbor_embedding, num_heads=num_heads, distance_influence=distance_influence, cutoff_lower=cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=cutoff_upper, x_in_embedding_type=x_in_embedding_type, x_use_msa=x_use_msa, drop_out_rate=drop_out_rate, use_lora=use_lora) def _set_attn_layers(self): for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantMultiHeadAttentionSoftMax( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) class eqStar2TransformerSoftMax(eqStarTransformer): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. First Layer is Star Graph, next layer is full graph Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, share_kv=False, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqStar2TransformerSoftMax, self).__init__(x_in_channels=x_in_channels, x_channels=x_channels, x_hidden_channels=x_hidden_channels, vec_in_channels=vec_in_channels, vec_channels=vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=share_kv, num_layers=num_layers, num_edge_attr=num_edge_attr, num_rbf=num_rbf, rbf_type=rbf_type, trainable_rbf=trainable_rbf, activation=activation, attn_activation=attn_activation, neighbor_embedding=neighbor_embedding, num_heads=num_heads, distance_influence=distance_influence, cutoff_lower=cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=cutoff_upper, x_in_embedding_type=x_in_embedding_type, x_use_msa=x_use_msa, drop_out_rate=drop_out_rate, use_lora=use_lora) def _set_attn_layers(self): assert self.num_layers > 0, "num_layers must be greater than 0" # first star graph layer does not have softmax, can have msa self.attention_layers.append( EquivariantMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, use_lora=self.use_lora, ) ) # following layers are full graph layers, have softmax, no msa for _ in range(self.num_layers - 1): layer = EquivariantMultiHeadAttentionSoftMax( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr - 442 if self.use_msa else self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, use_lora=self.use_lora, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) class eqStar2PAETransformerSoftMax(eqStar2TransformerSoftMax): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. First Layer is Star Graph, next layer is full graph Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, share_kv=False, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqStar2PAETransformerSoftMax, self).__init__(x_in_channels=x_in_channels, x_channels=x_channels, x_hidden_channels=x_hidden_channels, vec_in_channels=vec_in_channels, vec_channels=vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=share_kv, num_layers=num_layers, num_edge_attr=num_edge_attr, num_rbf=num_rbf, rbf_type=rbf_type, trainable_rbf=trainable_rbf, activation=activation, attn_activation=attn_activation, neighbor_embedding=neighbor_embedding, num_heads=num_heads, distance_influence=distance_influence, cutoff_lower=cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=cutoff_upper, x_in_embedding_type=x_in_embedding_type, x_use_msa=x_use_msa, drop_out_rate=drop_out_rate, use_lora=use_lora) # reformat neighbor embedding self.neighbor_embedding = ( NeighborEmbedding( x_channels, num_edge_attr, cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, ) if neighbor_embedding else None ) self.neighbor_embedding.reset_parameters() def _set_attn_layers(self): assert self.num_layers > 0, "num_layers must be greater than 0" # first star graph layer does not have softmax, can have msa self.attention_layers.append( EquivariantPAEMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_dist_channels=self.num_rbf, edge_attr_channels=self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, use_lora=self.use_lora, ) ) # following layers are full graph layers, have softmax, no msa for _ in range(self.num_layers - 1): layer = EquivariantPAEMultiHeadAttentionSoftMax( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_dist_channels=self.num_rbf, edge_attr_channels=self.num_edge_attr - 442 if self.use_msa else self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, use_lora=self.use_lora, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, plddt: Tensor = None, # required for PAE edge_confidence: Tensor = None, # required for PAE edge_confidence_star: Tensor = None, # required for PAE return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: edge_index, edge_weight, edge_vec = self.distance(pos, edge_index) edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_vec_star = self.distance(pos, edge_index_star) assert ( edge_vec is not None and edge_vec_star is not None ), "Distance module did not return directional information" # get distance expansion edge attributes edge_attr_distance = self.distance_expansion( edge_weight) # [E, num_rbf] edge_attr_distance_star = self.distance_expansion( edge_weight_star) # [E, num_rbf] # concatenate edge attributes, keep the original edge attributes # if edge_attr is not None: # # [E, num_rbf + 145 = 64 + 145 = 209] # edge_attr =[edge_attr, edge_attr_distance], dim=-1) # else: # edge_attr = edge_attr_distance # if edge_attr_star is not None: # edge_attr_star = # [edge_attr_star, edge_attr_distance_star], dim=-1) # else: # edge_attr_star = edge_attr_distance_star # add MSA to edge attributes if self.node_x_proj is not None: if x.shape[1] > self.x_in_channels: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_in_channels], x[:, self.x_in_channels:] else: x_msa = None elif x.shape[1] > self.x_channels: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_channels], x[:, self.x_channels:] else: x_msa = None # MSA channels by defaule are 200 # embed msa into edge features if self.msa_encoder is not None and x_msa is not None: _, msa_edge_attr_star = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index_star) if edge_attr_star is not None: edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, msa_edge_attr_star], dim=-1) else: edge_attr_star = msa_edge_attr_star # _, msa_edge_attr = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index) # if edge_attr is not None: # edge_attr =[edge_attr, msa_edge_attr], dim=-1) # else: # edge_attr = msa_edge_attr # cancel edge mask mask = edge_index[0] != edge_index[1] edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / \ torch.norm(edge_vec[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) mask = edge_index_star[0] != edge_index_star[1] edge_vec_star[mask] = edge_vec_star[mask] / \ torch.norm(edge_vec_star[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) # apply x embedding if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x if self.neighbor_embedding is not None: # neighbor embedding is star graph x = self.neighbor_embedding( x, edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_attr_star) # apply vec embedding if necessary vec = self.node_vec_proj(node_vec_attr) if node_vec_attr is not None \ else torch.zeros(x.size(0), 3, self.vec_channels, device=x.device) attn_weight_layers = [] for i, attn in enumerate(self.attention_layers): # first layer is star graph, next layers are normal graph if i == 0: dx, dvec, attn_weight = attn(x, vec, edge_index_star, edge_confidence_star, edge_attr_distance_star, edge_attr_star, edge_vec_star, plddt, return_attn=return_attn) else: dx, dvec, attn_weight = attn(x, vec, edge_index, edge_confidence, edge_attr_distance, edge_attr, edge_vec, plddt, return_attn=return_attn) x = x + self.drop(dx) vec = vec + self.drop(dvec) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) x = self.out_norm(x) return x, vec, pos, edge_attr_star, batch, attn_weight_layers class eqStar2FullGraphPAETransformerSoftMax(nn.Module): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. First Layer is Star Graph, next layer is full graph Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, share_kv=False, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqStar2FullGraphPAETransformerSoftMax, self).__init__() assert distance_influence in ["keys", "values", "both", "none"] assert rbf_type in rbf_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown RBF type "{rbf_type}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(rbf_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown activation function "{activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert attn_activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown attention activation function "{attn_activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = x_channels self.vec_in_channels = vec_in_channels self.vec_channels = vec_channels self.x_hidden_channels = x_hidden_channels self.vec_hidden_channels = vec_hidden_channels self.share_kv = share_kv self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_rbf = num_rbf self.num_edge_attr = num_edge_attr self.rbf_type = rbf_type self.trainable_rbf = trainable_rbf self.activation = activation self.attn_activation = attn_activation self.neighbor_embedding = neighbor_embedding self.num_heads = num_heads self.distance_influence = distance_influence self.cutoff_lower = cutoff_lower self.cutoff_upper = cutoff_upper self.use_lora = use_lora self.use_msa = x_use_msa self.distance = Distance( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, return_vecs=True, loop=True, ) self.distance_expansion = rbf_class_mapping[rbf_type]( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, num_rbf, trainable_rbf ) self.neighbor_embedding = None self.msa_encoder = MSAEncoderFullGraph( num_species=199, weighting_schema='spe', pairwise_type='cov', ) if x_use_msa else None self.node_x_proj = None if x_in_channels is not None: if x_in_embedding_type == "Linear": self.node_x_proj = nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels) elif x_in_embedding_type == "Linear_gelu": self.node_x_proj = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels), nn.GELU(), ) else: self.node_x_proj = nn.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels) self.node_vec_proj = nn.Linear( vec_in_channels, vec_channels, bias=False) self.attention_layers = nn.ModuleList() self._set_attn_layers() self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop_out_rate) self.out_norm = nn.LayerNorm(x_channels) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): self.distance_expansion.reset_parameters() if self.neighbor_embedding is not None: self.neighbor_embedding.reset_parameters() for attn in self.attention_layers: attn.reset_parameters() self.out_norm.reset_parameters() def _set_attn_layers(self): assert self.num_layers > 0, "num_layers must be greater than 0" # first star graph layer does not have softmax, can have msa # following layers are full graph layers, have softmax, no msa input_dic = { "x_channels": self.x_channels, "x_hidden_channels": self.x_hidden_channels, "vec_channels": self.vec_channels, "vec_hidden_channels": self.vec_hidden_channels, "share_kv": self.share_kv, "edge_attr_dist_channels": self.num_rbf, "edge_attr_channels": self.num_edge_attr, "distance_influence": self.distance_influence, "num_heads": self.num_heads, "activation": act_class_mapping[self.activation], "attn_activation": self.attn_activation, "cutoff_lower": self.cutoff_lower, "cutoff_upper": self.cutoff_upper, "use_lora": self.use_lora } for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantPAEMultiHeadAttentionSoftMaxFullGraph(**input_dic) self.attention_layers.append(layer) def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor = None, x_padding_mask: Tensor = None, edge_index: Tensor = None, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, plddt: Tensor = None, # required for PAE edge_confidence: Tensor = None, # required for PAE edge_confidence_star: Tensor = None, # required for PAE return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: edge_vec = pos[:, :, None, :] - pos[:, None, :, :] edge_weight = torch.norm(edge_vec, dim=-1) # get distance expansion edge attributes edge_attr_distance = self.distance_expansion(edge_weight) # [E, num_rbf] # if self.node_x_proj is not None: # if x.shape[-1] > self.x_in_channels: x, x_msa = x[..., :self.x_in_channels], x[..., self.x_in_channels:] # else: # x_msa = None # elif x.shape[-1] > self.x_channels: # x, x_msa = x[..., :self.x_channels], x[..., self.x_channels:] # else: # x_msa = None # MSA channels by defaule are 200 # embed msa into edge features # if self.msa_encoder is not None and x_msa is not None: # _, msa_edge_attr_star = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index_star) # if edge_attr_star is not None: # edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, msa_edge_attr_star], dim=-1) # else: # edge_attr_star = msa_edge_attr_star _, msa_edge_attr = self.msa_encoder(x_msa) # if edge_attr is not None: edge_attr =[edge_attr, msa_edge_attr], dim=-1) # else: # edge_attr = msa_edge_attr # cancel edge mask mask = torch.ones((edge_vec.shape[0], edge_vec.shape[1], edge_vec.shape[2]), device=edge_vec.device, dtype=torch.bool)^torch.eye(edge_vec.shape[1], device=edge_vec.device, dtype=torch.bool).unsqueeze(0) edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec[mask] + 1e-12, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) # apply x embedding if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x # apply vec embedding if necessary vec = self.node_vec_proj(node_vec_attr) if node_vec_attr is not None \ else torch.zeros(x.size(0), 3, self.vec_channels, device=x.device) attn_weight_layers = [] for i, attn in enumerate(self.attention_layers): # first layer is star graph, next layers are normal graph dx, dvec, attn_weight = attn(x, vec, edge_index, edge_confidence, edge_attr_distance, edge_attr, edge_vec, plddt, x_padding_mask, return_attn=return_attn) x = x + self.drop(dx) vec = vec + self.drop(dvec) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) x = self.out_norm(x) return x, vec, pos, [edge_confidence, edge_attr_distance, edge_attr, plddt], batch, attn_weight_layers class FullGraphPAETransformerSoftMax(eqStar2FullGraphPAETransformerSoftMax): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. First Layer is Star Graph, next layer is full graph Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, share_kv=False, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(FullGraphPAETransformerSoftMax, self).__init__(x_in_channels=x_in_channels, x_channels=x_channels, x_hidden_channels=x_hidden_channels, vec_in_channels=vec_in_channels, vec_channels=vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=share_kv, num_layers=num_layers, num_edge_attr=num_edge_attr, num_rbf=num_rbf, rbf_type=rbf_type, trainable_rbf=trainable_rbf, activation=activation, attn_activation=attn_activation, neighbor_embedding=neighbor_embedding, num_heads=num_heads, distance_influence=distance_influence, cutoff_lower=cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=cutoff_upper, x_in_embedding_type=x_in_embedding_type, x_use_msa=x_use_msa, drop_out_rate=drop_out_rate, use_lora=use_lora) def _set_attn_layers(self): assert self.num_layers > 0, "num_layers must be greater than 0" # first star graph layer does not have softmax, can have msa # following layers are full graph layers, have softmax, no msa input_dic = { "x_channels": self.x_channels, "x_hidden_channels": self.x_hidden_channels, "vec_channels": self.vec_channels, "vec_hidden_channels": self.vec_hidden_channels, "share_kv": self.share_kv, "edge_attr_dist_channels": self.num_rbf, "edge_attr_channels": self.num_edge_attr, "distance_influence": self.distance_influence, "num_heads": self.num_heads, "activation": act_class_mapping[self.activation], "attn_activation": self.attn_activation, "cutoff_lower": self.cutoff_lower, "cutoff_upper": self.cutoff_upper, "use_lora": self.use_lora } for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = MultiHeadAttentionSoftMaxFullGraph(**input_dic) self.attention_layers.append(layer) class eqStar2WeightedPAETransformerSoftMax(eqStar2PAETransformerSoftMax): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. First Layer is Star Graph, next layer is full graph Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, vec_channels=128, vec_hidden_channels=5120, share_kv=False, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnorm", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=True, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqStar2WeightedPAETransformerSoftMax, self).__init__(x_in_channels=x_in_channels, x_channels=x_channels, x_hidden_channels=x_hidden_channels, vec_in_channels=vec_in_channels, vec_channels=vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=share_kv, num_layers=num_layers, num_edge_attr=num_edge_attr, num_rbf=num_rbf, rbf_type=rbf_type, trainable_rbf=trainable_rbf, activation=activation, attn_activation=attn_activation, neighbor_embedding=neighbor_embedding, num_heads=num_heads, distance_influence=distance_influence, cutoff_lower=cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=cutoff_upper, x_in_embedding_type=x_in_embedding_type, x_use_msa=x_use_msa, drop_out_rate=drop_out_rate, use_lora=use_lora) def _set_attn_layers(self): assert self.num_layers > 0, "num_layers must be greater than 0" # first star graph layer does not have softmax, can have msa self.attention_layers.append( EquivariantWeightedPAEMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_dist_channels=self.num_rbf, edge_attr_channels=self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, use_lora=self.use_lora, ) ) # following layers are full graph layers, have softmax, no msa for _ in range(self.num_layers - 1): layer = EquivariantWeightedPAEMultiHeadAttentionSoftMax( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_hidden_channels, share_kv=self.share_kv, edge_attr_dist_channels=self.num_rbf, edge_attr_channels=self.num_edge_attr - 442 if self.use_msa else self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, use_lora=self.use_lora, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) class eqTriStarTransformer(nn.Module): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, # Now changed to the edge_vec_channels vec_channels=128, # Now changed to the edge_vec_hidden_channels vec_hidden_channels=5120, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnormunlim", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=False, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=False, drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqTriStarTransformer, self).__init__() assert distance_influence in ["keys", "values", "both", "none"] assert rbf_type in rbf_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown RBF type "{rbf_type}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(rbf_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown activation function "{activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert attn_activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown attention activation function "{attn_activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = x_channels self.vec_in_channels = vec_in_channels self.vec_channels = vec_channels self.x_hidden_channels = x_hidden_channels self.vec_hidden_channels = vec_hidden_channels self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_rbf = num_rbf self.num_edge_attr = num_edge_attr self.rbf_type = rbf_type self.trainable_rbf = trainable_rbf self.activation = activation self.attn_activation = attn_activation self.neighbor_embedding = neighbor_embedding self.num_heads = num_heads self.distance_influence = distance_influence self.cutoff_lower = cutoff_lower self.cutoff_upper = cutoff_upper self.distance = DistanceV2( return_vecs=True, loop=True, ) self.distance_expansion = rbf_class_mapping[rbf_type]( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, num_rbf, trainable_rbf ) self.node_x_proj = None if x_in_channels is not None: self.node_x_proj = nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels) if x_in_embedding_type == "Linear" \ else nn.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels) self.attention_layers = nn.ModuleList() self._set_attn_layers() self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop_out_rate) self.out_norm = nn.LayerNorm(x_channels) self.reset_parameters() def _set_attn_layers(self): for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantTriAngularMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_in_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_channels, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) def reset_parameters(self): self.distance_expansion.reset_parameters() for attn in self.attention_layers: attn.reset_parameters() self.out_norm.reset_parameters() def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: coords = node_vec_attr + pos.unsqueeze(2) edge_index, edge_weight, edge_vec = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index) edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_vec_star = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index_star) assert ( edge_vec is not None ), "Distance module did not return directional information" # get distance expansion edge attributes # edge_attr_distance = # [E, num_rbf] # edge_attr_distance_star = # [E, num_rbf] # concatenate edge attributes # TODO: ADD MSA HERE # [E, num_rbf + 145 = 64 + 145 = 209] edge_attr =[edge_attr, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight)], dim=-1) edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight_star)], dim=-1) mask = edge_index[0] != edge_index[1] edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) mask = edge_index_star[0] != edge_index_star[1] edge_vec_star[mask] = edge_vec_star[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec_star[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) del mask, edge_weight, edge_weight_star # apply embedding of x if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x attn_weight_layers = [] for i, attn in enumerate(self.attention_layers): if i == 0: dx, edge_attr_star, attn_weight = attn( x, edge_index_star, edge_attr_star, edge_vec_star) else: dx, edge_attr, attn_weight = attn( x, edge_index, edge_attr, edge_vec) x = x + self.drop(dx) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) x = self.out_norm(x) return x, None, pos, edge_attr, batch, attn_weight_layers def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"x_channels={self.x_channels}, " f"x_hidden_channels={self.x_hidden_channels}, " f"vec_in_channels={self.vec_in_channels}, " f"vec_channels={self.vec_channels}, " f"vec_hidden_channels={self.vec_hidden_channels}, " f"num_layers={self.num_layers}, " f"num_rbf={self.num_rbf}, " f"rbf_type={self.rbf_type}, " f"trainable_rbf={self.trainable_rbf}, " f"activation={self.activation}, " f"attn_activation={self.attn_activation}, " f"neighbor_embedding={self.neighbor_embedding}, " f"num_heads={self.num_heads}, " f"distance_influence={self.distance_influence}, " f"cutoff_lower={self.cutoff_lower}, " f"cutoff_upper={self.cutoff_upper})" ) class eqMSATriStarTransformer(nn.Module): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. Edge attributes are MSA weights. Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, # Now changed to the edge_vec_channels vec_channels=128, # Now changed to the edge_vec_hidden_channels vec_hidden_channels=5120, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnormunlim", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=False, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=True, triangular_update=True, ee_channels=None, # new feature drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqMSATriStarTransformer, self).__init__() assert distance_influence in ["keys", "values", "both", "none"] assert rbf_type in rbf_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown RBF type "{rbf_type}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(rbf_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown activation function "{activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert attn_activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown attention activation function "{attn_activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = x_channels self.vec_in_channels = vec_in_channels self.vec_channels = vec_channels self.x_hidden_channels = x_hidden_channels self.vec_hidden_channels = vec_hidden_channels self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_rbf = num_rbf self.num_edge_attr = num_edge_attr self.rbf_type = rbf_type self.trainable_rbf = trainable_rbf self.activation = activation self.attn_activation = attn_activation self.neighbor_embedding = neighbor_embedding self.num_heads = num_heads self.distance_influence = distance_influence self.cutoff_lower = cutoff_lower self.cutoff_upper = cutoff_upper self.triangular_update = triangular_update self.distance = DistanceV2( return_vecs=True, loop=True, ) self.distance_expansion = rbf_class_mapping[rbf_type]( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, num_rbf, trainable_rbf ) self.msa_encoder = MSAEncoder( num_species=199, weighting_schema='spe', pairwise_type='cov', ) if x_use_msa else None self.node_x_proj = None if x_in_channels is not None: if x_in_embedding_type == "Linear": self.node_x_proj = nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels) elif x_in_embedding_type == "Linear_gelu": self.node_x_proj = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels), nn.GELU(), ) else: nn.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels) self.ee_channels = ee_channels self.attention_layers = nn.ModuleList() self._set_attn_layers() self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop_out_rate) self.out_norm = nn.LayerNorm(x_channels) self.reset_parameters() def _set_attn_layers(self): for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantTriAngularMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_in_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_channels, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, ee_channels=self.ee_channels, triangular_update=self.triangular_update, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) def reset_parameters(self): self.distance_expansion.reset_parameters() for attn in self.attention_layers: attn.reset_parameters() self.out_norm.reset_parameters() def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: coords = node_vec_attr + pos.unsqueeze(2) # edge_index, edge_weight, edge_vec = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index) edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_vec_star = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index_star) # split MSA features in x if (self.x_in_channels is not None and x.shape[1] > self.x_in_channels) or x.shape[1] > self.x_channels: if self.node_x_proj is not None: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_in_channels], x[:, self.x_in_channels:] else: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_channels], x[:, self.x_channels:] else: x_msa = None # MSA channels by defaule are 200 # assert ( # edge_vec is not None # ), "Distance module did not return directional information" # embed msa into edge features if self.msa_encoder is not None and x_msa is not None: _, msa_edge_attr_star = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index_star) edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, msa_edge_attr_star], dim=-1) # No edge attr to save RAM # msa_edge_attr = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index) # edge_attr =[edge_attr, msa_edge_attr], dim=-1) # get distance expansion edge attributes # edge_attr =[edge_attr, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight)], dim=-1) del edge_attr edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight_star)], dim=-1) # mask = edge_index[0] != edge_index[1] # edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) mask = edge_index_star[0] != edge_index_star[1] edge_vec_star[mask] = edge_vec_star[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec_star[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) del mask, edge_weight_star # apply embedding of x if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x attn_weight_layers = [] for i, attn in enumerate(self.attention_layers): if i == 0: dx, edge_attr_star, attn_weight = attn( x, coords, edge_index_star, edge_attr_star, edge_vec_star) else: dx = 0 x = x + self.drop(dx) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) x = self.out_norm(x) return x, None, pos, edge_attr_star, batch, attn_weight_layers def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"x_channels={self.x_channels}, " f"x_hidden_channels={self.x_hidden_channels}, " f"vec_in_channels={self.vec_in_channels}, " f"vec_channels={self.vec_channels}, " f"vec_hidden_channels={self.vec_hidden_channels}, " f"num_layers={self.num_layers}, " f"num_rbf={self.num_rbf}, " f"rbf_type={self.rbf_type}, " f"trainable_rbf={self.trainable_rbf}, " f"activation={self.activation}, " f"attn_activation={self.attn_activation}, " f"neighbor_embedding={self.neighbor_embedding}, " f"num_heads={self.num_heads}, " f"distance_influence={self.distance_influence}, " f"cutoff_lower={self.cutoff_lower}, " f"cutoff_upper={self.cutoff_upper})" ) class eqMSATriStarGRUTransformer(nn.Module): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. Edge attributes are MSA weights. Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, # Now changed to the edge_vec_channels vec_channels=128, # Now changed to the edge_vec_hidden_channels vec_hidden_channels=5120, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnormunlim", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=False, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=True, triangular_update=True, ee_channels=None, # new feature drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqMSATriStarGRUTransformer, self).__init__() assert distance_influence in ["keys", "values", "both", "none"] assert rbf_type in rbf_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown RBF type "{rbf_type}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(rbf_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown activation function "{activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert attn_activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown attention activation function "{attn_activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = x_channels self.vec_in_channels = vec_in_channels self.vec_channels = vec_channels self.x_hidden_channels = x_hidden_channels self.vec_hidden_channels = vec_hidden_channels self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_rbf = num_rbf self.num_edge_attr = num_edge_attr self.rbf_type = rbf_type self.trainable_rbf = trainable_rbf self.activation = activation self.attn_activation = attn_activation self.neighbor_embedding = neighbor_embedding self.num_heads = num_heads self.distance_influence = distance_influence self.cutoff_lower = cutoff_lower self.cutoff_upper = cutoff_upper self.triangular_update = triangular_update self.distance = DistanceV2( return_vecs=True, loop=True, ) self.distance_expansion = rbf_class_mapping[rbf_type]( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, num_rbf, trainable_rbf ) self.msa_encoder = MSAEncoder( num_species=199, weighting_schema='spe', pairwise_type='cov', ) if x_use_msa else None self.node_x_proj = None if x_in_channels is not None: if x_in_embedding_type == "Linear": self.node_x_proj = nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels) elif x_in_embedding_type == "Linear_gelu": self.node_x_proj = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels), nn.GELU(), ) else: nn.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels) self.ee_channels = ee_channels self.attention_layers = nn.ModuleList() self._set_attn_layers() self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop_out_rate) # self.out_norm = nn.LayerNorm(x_channels) self.reset_parameters() def _set_attn_layers(self): for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantTriAngularStarMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_in_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_channels, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, cutoff_lower=self.cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper=self.cutoff_upper, ee_channels=self.ee_channels, triangular_update=self.triangular_update, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) def reset_parameters(self): self.distance_expansion.reset_parameters() for attn in self.attention_layers: attn.reset_parameters() # self.out_norm.reset_parameters() def forward( self, x: Tensor, x_center: Tensor, x_mask: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: coords = node_vec_attr + pos.unsqueeze(2) # edge_index, edge_weight, edge_vec = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index) edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_vec_star = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index_star) # split MSA features in x if (self.x_in_channels is not None and x.shape[1] > self.x_in_channels) or x.shape[1] > self.x_channels: if self.node_x_proj is not None: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_in_channels], x[:, self.x_in_channels:] else: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_channels], x[:, self.x_channels:] else: x_msa = None # MSA channels by defaule are 200 # assert ( # edge_vec is not None # ), "Distance module did not return directional information" # embed msa into edge features if self.msa_encoder is not None and x_msa is not None: _, msa_edge_attr_star = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index_star) edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, msa_edge_attr_star], dim=-1) # No edge attr to save RAM # msa_edge_attr = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index) # edge_attr =[edge_attr, msa_edge_attr], dim=-1) # get distance expansion edge attributes # edge_attr =[edge_attr, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight)], dim=-1) del edge_attr edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight_star)], dim=-1) # mask = edge_index[0] != edge_index[1] # edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) mask = edge_index_star[0] != edge_index_star[1] edge_vec_star[mask] = edge_vec_star[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec_star[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) del mask, edge_weight_star # apply embedding of x if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x x = x * x_mask.unsqueeze(1) + x_center * (~x_mask).unsqueeze(1) attn_weight_layers = [] for _, attn in enumerate(self.attention_layers): x, edge_attr_star, attn_weight = attn( x, coords, edge_index_star, edge_attr_star, edge_vec_star) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) x = self.drop(x) # x = self.out_norm(x) batch = batch[~x_mask] return x, None, pos, edge_attr_star, batch, attn_weight_layers def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"x_channels={self.x_channels}, " f"x_hidden_channels={self.x_hidden_channels}, " f"vec_in_channels={self.vec_in_channels}, " f"vec_channels={self.vec_channels}, " f"vec_hidden_channels={self.vec_hidden_channels}, " f"num_layers={self.num_layers}, " f"num_rbf={self.num_rbf}, " f"rbf_type={self.rbf_type}, " f"trainable_rbf={self.trainable_rbf}, " f"activation={self.activation}, " f"attn_activation={self.attn_activation}, " f"neighbor_embedding={self.neighbor_embedding}, " f"num_heads={self.num_heads}, " f"distance_influence={self.distance_influence}, " f"cutoff_lower={self.cutoff_lower}, " f"cutoff_upper={self.cutoff_upper})" ) class eqMSATriStarDropTransformer(nn.Module): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. Edge attributes are MSA weights, distances and drop out is applied. Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, # Now changed to the edge_vec_channels vec_channels=128, # Now changed to the edge_vec_hidden_channels vec_hidden_channels=5120, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnormunlim", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=False, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=True, triangular_update=True, ee_channels=None, # new feature drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, layer_norm=True, ): super(eqMSATriStarDropTransformer, self).__init__() assert distance_influence in ["keys", "values", "both", "none"] assert rbf_type in rbf_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown RBF type "{rbf_type}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(rbf_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown activation function "{activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert attn_activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown attention activation function "{attn_activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = x_channels self.vec_in_channels = vec_in_channels self.vec_channels = vec_channels self.x_hidden_channels = x_hidden_channels self.vec_hidden_channels = vec_hidden_channels self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_rbf = num_rbf self.num_edge_attr = num_edge_attr self.rbf_type = rbf_type self.trainable_rbf = trainable_rbf self.activation = activation self.attn_activation = attn_activation self.neighbor_embedding = neighbor_embedding self.num_heads = num_heads self.distance_influence = distance_influence self.cutoff_lower = cutoff_lower self.cutoff_upper = cutoff_upper self.triangular_update = triangular_update self.use_lora = use_lora self.layer_norm = layer_norm self.distance = DistanceV2( return_vecs=True, loop=True, ) self.distance_expansion = rbf_class_mapping[rbf_type]( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, num_rbf, trainable_rbf ) self.msa_encoder = MSAEncoder( num_species=199, weighting_schema='spe', pairwise_type='cov', ) if x_use_msa else None self.node_x_proj = None if x_in_channels is not None: if x_in_embedding_type == "Linear": if use_lora is not None: self.node_x_proj = lora.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels, r=use_lora) else: self.node_x_proj = nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels) elif x_in_embedding_type == "Linear_gelu": self.node_x_proj = nn.Sequential( lora.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels, r=use_lora) if use_lora is not None else nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels), nn.GELU(), ) else: nn.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels) if use_lora is None else lora.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels, r=use_lora) self.ee_channels = ee_channels self.attention_layers = nn.ModuleList() # self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop_out_rate) self.drop_out_rate = drop_out_rate self._set_attn_layers() # self.out_norm = nn.LayerNorm(x_channels) self.reset_parameters() def _set_attn_layers(self): for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantTriAngularDropMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_in_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_channels, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, ee_channels=self.ee_channels, rbf_channels=self.num_rbf, triangular_update=self.triangular_update, drop_out_rate=self.drop_out_rate, use_lora=self.use_lora, layer_norm=self.layer_norm, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) def reset_parameters(self): self.distance_expansion.reset_parameters() for attn in self.attention_layers: attn.reset_parameters() # self.out_norm.reset_parameters() def forward( self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: coords = node_vec_attr + pos.unsqueeze(2) # edge_index, edge_weight, edge_vec = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index) edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_vec_star = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index_star) # split MSA features in x if (self.x_in_channels is not None and x.shape[1] > self.x_in_channels) or x.shape[1] > self.x_channels: if self.node_x_proj is not None: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_in_channels], x[:, self.x_in_channels:] else: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_channels], x[:, self.x_channels:] else: x_msa = None # MSA channels by defaule are 200 # assert ( # edge_vec is not None # ), "Distance module did not return directional information" # embed msa into edge features if self.msa_encoder is not None and x_msa is not None: _, msa_edge_attr_star = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index_star) edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, msa_edge_attr_star], dim=-1) # No edge attr to save RAM # msa_edge_attr = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index) # edge_attr =[edge_attr, msa_edge_attr], dim=-1) # get distance expansion edge attributes # edge_attr =[edge_attr, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight)], dim=-1) del edge_attr edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight_star)], dim=-1) # mask = edge_index[0] != edge_index[1] # edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) mask = edge_index_star[0] != edge_index_star[1] edge_vec_star[mask] = edge_vec_star[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec_star[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) del mask, edge_weight_star # apply embedding of x if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x # x = x * x_mask.unsqueeze(1) + x_center * (~x_mask).unsqueeze(1) attn_weight_layers = [] for _, attn in enumerate(self.attention_layers): x, edge_attr_star, attn_weight = attn( x, coords, edge_index_star, edge_attr_star, edge_vec_star) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) # x = self.drop(x) # x = self.out_norm(x) # batch = batch[~x_mask] return x, None, pos, edge_attr_star, batch, attn_weight_layers def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"x_channels={self.x_channels}, " f"x_hidden_channels={self.x_hidden_channels}, " f"vec_in_channels={self.vec_in_channels}, " f"vec_channels={self.vec_channels}, " f"vec_hidden_channels={self.vec_hidden_channels}, " f"num_layers={self.num_layers}, " f"num_rbf={self.num_rbf}, " f"rbf_type={self.rbf_type}, " f"trainable_rbf={self.trainable_rbf}, " f"activation={self.activation}, " f"attn_activation={self.attn_activation}, " f"neighbor_embedding={self.neighbor_embedding}, " f"num_heads={self.num_heads}, " f"distance_influence={self.distance_influence}, " f"cutoff_lower={self.cutoff_lower}, " f"cutoff_upper={self.cutoff_upper})" ) class eqMSATriStarDropGRUTransformer(nn.Module): """The equivariant Transformer architecture. Edge attributes are MSA weights, distances and drop out is applied. Args: x_channels (int, optional): Hidden embedding size. (default: :obj:`128`) num_layers (int, optional): The number of attention layers. (default: :obj:`6`) num_rbf (int, optional): The number of radial basis functions :math:`\mu`. (default: :obj:`50`) rbf_type (string, optional): The type of radial basis function to use. (default: :obj:`"expnorm"`) trainable_rbf (bool, optional): Whether to train RBF parameters with backpropagation. (default: :obj:`True`) activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) attn_activation (string, optional): The type of activation function to use inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"silu"`) neighbor_embedding (bool, optional): Whether to perform an initial neighbor embedding step. (default: :obj:`True`) num_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads. (default: :obj:`8`) distance_influence (string, optional): Where distance information is used inside the attention mechanism. (default: :obj:`"both"`) cutoff_lower (float, optional): Lower cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`0.0`) cutoff_upper (float, optional): Upper cutoff distance for interatomic interactions. (default: :obj:`5.0`) """ def __init__( self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=5120, x_hidden_channels=1280, vec_in_channels=4, # Now changed to the edge_vec_channels vec_channels=128, # Now changed to the edge_vec_hidden_channels vec_hidden_channels=5120, num_layers=6, num_edge_attr=145, num_rbf=50, rbf_type="expnormunlim", trainable_rbf=True, activation="silu", attn_activation="silu", neighbor_embedding=False, num_heads=8, distance_influence="both", cutoff_lower=0.0, cutoff_upper=5.0, x_in_embedding_type="Linear", x_use_msa=True, triangular_update=True, ee_channels=None, # new feature drop_out_rate=0, # new feature use_lora=None, ): super(eqMSATriStarDropGRUTransformer, self).__init__() assert distance_influence in ["keys", "values", "both", "none"] assert rbf_type in rbf_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown RBF type "{rbf_type}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(rbf_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown activation function "{activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) assert attn_activation in act_class_mapping, ( f'Unknown attention activation function "{attn_activation}". ' f'Choose from {", ".join(act_class_mapping.keys())}.' ) self.x_in_channels = x_in_channels self.x_channels = x_channels self.vec_in_channels = vec_in_channels self.vec_channels = vec_channels self.x_hidden_channels = x_hidden_channels self.vec_hidden_channels = vec_hidden_channels self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_rbf = num_rbf self.num_edge_attr = num_edge_attr self.rbf_type = rbf_type self.trainable_rbf = trainable_rbf self.activation = activation self.attn_activation = attn_activation self.neighbor_embedding = neighbor_embedding self.num_heads = num_heads self.distance_influence = distance_influence self.cutoff_lower = cutoff_lower self.cutoff_upper = cutoff_upper self.triangular_update = triangular_update self.use_lora = use_lora self.distance = DistanceV2( return_vecs=True, loop=True, ) self.distance_expansion = rbf_class_mapping[rbf_type]( cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper, num_rbf, trainable_rbf ) self.msa_encoder = MSAEncoder( num_species=199, weighting_schema='spe', pairwise_type='cov', ) if x_use_msa else None self.node_x_proj = None if x_in_channels is not None: if x_in_embedding_type == "Linear": if use_lora is not None: self.node_x_proj = lora.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels, r=use_lora) else: self.node_x_proj = nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels) elif x_in_embedding_type == "Linear_gelu": self.node_x_proj = nn.Sequential( lora.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels, r=use_lora) if use_lora is not None else nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels), nn.GELU(), ) else: nn.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels) if use_lora is None else lora.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels, r=use_lora) self.ee_channels = ee_channels self.attention_layers = nn.ModuleList() # self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop_out_rate) self.drop_out_rate = drop_out_rate self._set_attn_layers() # self.out_norm = nn.LayerNorm(x_channels) self.reset_parameters() def _set_attn_layers(self): for _ in range(self.num_layers): layer = EquivariantTriAngularStarDropMultiHeadAttention( x_channels=self.x_channels, x_hidden_channels=self.x_hidden_channels, vec_channels=self.vec_in_channels, vec_hidden_channels=self.vec_channels, edge_attr_channels=self.num_rbf + self.num_edge_attr, distance_influence=self.distance_influence, num_heads=self.num_heads, activation=act_class_mapping[self.activation], attn_activation=self.attn_activation, ee_channels=self.ee_channels, rbf_channels=self.num_rbf, triangular_update=self.triangular_update, drop_out_rate=self.drop_out_rate, use_lora=self.use_lora, ) self.attention_layers.append(layer) def reset_parameters(self): self.distance_expansion.reset_parameters() for attn in self.attention_layers: attn.reset_parameters() # self.out_norm.reset_parameters() def forward( self, x: Tensor, x_center: Tensor, x_mask: Tensor, pos: Tensor, batch: Tensor, edge_index: Tensor, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, List]: coords = node_vec_attr + pos.unsqueeze(2) # edge_index, edge_weight, edge_vec = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index) edge_index_star, edge_weight_star, edge_vec_star = self.distance(pos, coords, edge_index_star) # split MSA features in x if (self.x_in_channels is not None and x.shape[1] > self.x_in_channels) or x.shape[1] > self.x_channels: if self.node_x_proj is not None: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_in_channels], x[:, self.x_in_channels:] else: x, x_msa = x[:, :self.x_channels], x[:, self.x_channels:] else: x_msa = None # MSA channels by defaule are 200 # assert ( # edge_vec is not None # ), "Distance module did not return directional information" # embed msa into edge features if self.msa_encoder is not None and x_msa is not None: _, msa_edge_attr_star = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index_star) edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, msa_edge_attr_star], dim=-1) # No edge attr to save RAM # msa_edge_attr = self.msa_encoder(x_msa, edge_index) # edge_attr =[edge_attr, msa_edge_attr], dim=-1) # get distance expansion edge attributes # edge_attr =[edge_attr, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight)], dim=-1) del edge_attr edge_attr_star =[edge_attr_star, self.distance_expansion(edge_weight_star)], dim=-1) # mask = edge_index[0] != edge_index[1] # edge_vec[mask] = edge_vec[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) mask = edge_index_star[0] != edge_index_star[1] edge_vec_star[mask] = edge_vec_star[mask] / torch.norm(edge_vec_star[mask], dim=1).unsqueeze(1) del mask, edge_weight_star # apply embedding of x if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x x = x * x_mask.unsqueeze(1) + x_center * (~x_mask).unsqueeze(1) attn_weight_layers = [] for _, attn in enumerate(self.attention_layers): x, edge_attr_star, attn_weight = attn( x, coords, edge_index_star, edge_attr_star, edge_vec_star) if return_attn: attn_weight_layers.append(attn_weight) # x = self.drop(x) # x = self.out_norm(x) batch = batch[~x_mask] return x, None, pos, edge_attr_star, batch, attn_weight_layers def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" f"x_channels={self.x_channels}, " f"x_hidden_channels={self.x_hidden_channels}, " f"vec_in_channels={self.vec_in_channels}, " f"vec_channels={self.vec_channels}, " f"vec_hidden_channels={self.vec_hidden_channels}, " f"num_layers={self.num_layers}, " f"num_rbf={self.num_rbf}, " f"rbf_type={self.rbf_type}, " f"trainable_rbf={self.trainable_rbf}, " f"activation={self.activation}, " f"attn_activation={self.attn_activation}, " f"neighbor_embedding={self.neighbor_embedding}, " f"num_heads={self.num_heads}, " f"distance_influence={self.distance_influence}, " f"cutoff_lower={self.cutoff_lower}, " f"cutoff_upper={self.cutoff_upper})" ) # A new representation using AlphaFold's Triangular Attention mechanism class eqTriAttnTransformer(nn.Module): """ Input a sequence representation and structure, output a new sequence representation and structure """ def __init__(self, x_in_channels=None, x_channels=1280, pairwise_state_dim=128, num_layers=4, num_heads=8, x_in_embedding_type="Embedding", drop_out_rate=0.1, x_hidden_channels=None, # unused vec_channels=None, # unused vec_in_channels=None, # unused vec_hidden_channels=None, # unused num_edge_attr=None, # unused num_rbf=None, # unused rbf_type=None, # unused trainable_rbf=None, # unused activation=None, # unused neighbor_embedding=None, # unused cutoff_lower=None, # unused cutoff_upper=None, # unused x_use_msa=False, use_lora=None, ): super(eqTriAttnTransformer, self).__init__() if x_in_channels is not None: self.node_x_proj = nn.Linear(x_in_channels, x_channels) if x_in_embedding_type == "Linear" \ else nn.Embedding(x_in_channels, x_channels) else: self.node_x_proj = None assert x_channels % num_heads == 0 \ and pairwise_state_dim % num_heads == 0, ( f"The number of hidden channels x_channels ({x_channels}) " f"and pair-wise channels ({pairwise_state_dim}) " f"must be evenly divisible by the number of " f"attention heads ({num_heads})" ) sequence_head_width = x_channels // num_heads pairwise_head_width = pairwise_state_dim // num_heads self.tri_attn_block = nn.ModuleList( [ TriangularSelfAttentionBlock( sequence_state_dim=x_channels, pairwise_state_dim=pairwise_state_dim, sequence_head_width=sequence_head_width, pairwise_head_width=pairwise_head_width, dropout=drop_out_rate, ) for _ in range(num_layers) ] ) self.seq_struct_to_pair = PairFeatureNet( x_channels, pairwise_state_dim) # self.max_recycles = max_recycles # TODO: implement sequence & pair representation to output net self.seq_pair_to_output = SeqPairAttentionOutput(seq_state_dim=x_channels, pairwise_state_dim=pairwise_state_dim, num_heads=num_heads, output_dim=x_channels, dropout=drop_out_rate) def reset_parameters(self): pass def forward(self, x: Tensor, pos: Tensor, residx: Tensor = None, mask: Tensor = None, batch: Tensor = None, edge_index: Tensor = None, edge_index_star: Tensor = None, edge_attr: Tensor = None, edge_attr_star: Tensor = None, node_vec_attr: Tensor = None, return_attn: bool = False, ): """ Inputs: x: B x L x C tensor of sequence features pos: B x L x 4 x 3 tensor of [CA, CB, N, O] coordinates residx: B x L long tensor giving the position in the sequence mask: B x L boolean tensor indicating valid residues Output: predicted_structure: B x L x (num_atoms_per_residue * 3) tensor wrapped in a Coordinates object """ if residx is None: residx = torch.arange( x.shape[1], device=x.device).repeat(x.shape[0], 1) if mask is None: mask = torch.ones((x.shape[0], x.shape[1]), dtype=torch.bool, device=x.device) # apply x embedding if necessary x = self.node_x_proj(x) if self.node_x_proj is not None else x # pair-wise features, include seq-wise feature, Distance(struct_features), torsion angle, reative position pair_feats = self.seq_struct_to_pair(x, pos, residx, mask) s_s = x s_z = pair_feats for block in self.tri_attn_block: s_s, s_z = block(sequence_state=s_s, pairwise_state=s_z, s_s = self.seq_pair_to_output( sequence_state=s_s, pairwise_state=s_z, # s_out = self.seq_pair_to_output(s_s, s_z, residx, mask) # to output and make it look like previous transformers # x, vec, pos, edge_attr, batch, attn_weight_layers return s_s, s_z, pos, None, None, None