from contextlib import contextmanager
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

def init_empty_weights(include_buffers: bool=False):
    """Meta initialization context manager.

    A context manager under which models are initialized with all parameters
    on the meta device, therefore creating an empty model. Useful when just
    initializing the model would blow the available RAM.

        include_buffers (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or
            not to also put all buffers on the meta device while initializing.

    import torch.nn as nn

    # Initialize a model with 100 billions parameters in no time and without using any RAM.
    with init_empty_weights():
        tst = nn.Sequential(*[nn.Linear(10000, 10000) for _ in range(1000)])

    <Tip warning={true}>

    Any model created under this context manager has no weights. As such you can't do something like
    `` with it. To load weights inside your empty model, see [`load_checkpoint_and_dispatch`].

    with init_on_device(torch.device('meta'), include_buffers=include_buffers) as f:
        yield f

def init_on_device(device: torch.device, include_buffers: bool=False):
    """Device initialization context manager.

    A context manager under which models are initialized with all parameters
    on the specified device.

        device (`torch.device`): Device to initialize all parameters on.
        include_buffers (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Whether or
            not to also put all buffers on the meta device while initializing.

    import torch.nn as nn

    with init_on_device(device=torch.device("cuda")):
        tst = nn.Liner(100, 100)  # on `cuda` device
    old_register_parameter = nn.Module.register_parameter
    if include_buffers:
        old_register_buffer = nn.Module.register_buffer

    def register_empty_parameter(module, name, param):
        old_register_parameter(module, name, param)
        if param is not None:
            param_cls = type(module._parameters[name])
            kwargs = module._parameters[name].__dict__
            module._parameters[name] = param_cls(module._parameters[name].to(device), **kwargs)

    def register_empty_buffer(module, name, buffer):
        old_register_buffer(module, name, buffer)
        if buffer is not None:
            module._buffers[name] = module._buffers[name].to(device)
    if include_buffers:
        tensor_constructors_to_patch = {torch_function_name: getattr(torch, torch_function_name) for torch_function_name in ['empty', 'zeros', 'ones', 'full']}
        tensor_constructors_to_patch = {}

    def patch_tensor_constructor(fn):

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            kwargs['device'] = device
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
        nn.Module.register_parameter = register_empty_parameter
        if include_buffers:
            nn.Module.register_buffer = register_empty_buffer
        for torch_function_name in tensor_constructors_to_patch.keys():
            setattr(torch, torch_function_name, patch_tensor_constructor(getattr(torch, torch_function_name)))
        nn.Module.register_parameter = old_register_parameter
        if include_buffers:
            nn.Module.register_buffer = old_register_buffer
        for (torch_function_name, old_torch_function) in tensor_constructors_to_patch.items():
            setattr(torch, torch_function_name, old_torch_function)