{"text":"Name: Abiral Pandey","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Email: ","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Phone: 940-242-3303","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Current Location: Woonsocket, Rhode Island","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Visa Status: US Citizen","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"SUMMARY:","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Dynamic individual with 6 years of software development experience in design, development, deployment, maintenance, production and support of web - based and Client-Server business applications using OOP and Java/J2EE technologies.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Exposure to all phases of Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) using Agile, RUP, Waterfall.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Designed and developed web UI screen using Angular-JS.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Developed AngularJS Controllers, Services, filters and directives for various modules in the application.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Knowledge on ETL tools like Kettle Pentaho and Microsoft SSIS tools.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Created custom directives, decorators and services using AngularJS to interface with both RESTful and legacy network services also DOM applications.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience with MVC frameworks like Struts, SPRING and ORM tools like Hibernate.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experienced in working with batch jobs using Spring-Batch, Autosys and Quartz.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Worked extensively with XML related technologies like XML/XSLT to process, validate, parse and extract data from XML using DOM and SAX parsers for DTD and SCHEMAand also worked with JAX-B.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Strong experience in J2EE technologies like Java Beans, Servlets, JSP (including custom tags), JSTL, JDBC, Struts, Spring, JMS, JNDI and Multithreading.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in web development technologies like HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, JSF, AJAX, Bootstrap JS, Node JS and Angular JS.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experienced in RESTful web services using JAX-RS, Jersey framework and SOAP using JAX-WS, Axis-2 framework.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expert knowledge over J2EE Design Patterns like MVC, Adapter, Front End Controller, Value object, Singleton, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Factory DAO in designing the architecture of large applications.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in using Maven and Ant build scripts for the project build automation.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in using version control and configuration management tools like SVN, Clear Case and CVS.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in working with various Application Servers such as IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Glassfish, Oracle WebLogic and Apache Tomcat server.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Good knowledge in using IDE’s such as Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder, RAD and STS.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in working with Relational databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, MySQL and NoSQL database MongoDB.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in database design using PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, views and good at writing complex queries for Oracle 10g/11g.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Good experience in developing test cases with JUnit for Unit testing, Load testing and logging using Log4J.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experienced in using Operating Systems like Windows 98 / 2000 / NT / XP, AIX, Sun Solaris.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Proficient in software documentation and technical report writing.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Involved in Performance analysis and improvements of the application using tools like Jmeter and using commands on Unix box to resolve deadlocks and improve performance.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"TECHNICAL SKILLS:","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Programming Languages: Java/J2EE, PL/SQL, Unix Shell Scripts","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Java/J2EE Technologies: JavaBeans, collections, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, EJB","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2.x, Spring 2.5/3.0, Web Framework, JSF, Hibernate, iBatis, JPA, Axis-2, Jersey","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Methodologies/Design Patterns: OOAD, OOP, UML, MVC, Singleton, DTO Pattern, DAO Pattern, Service Fa ade, Factory Pattern","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Build Automation: Jenkins, Maven, Ant","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Application/Web Servers: IBM Web Sphere 6.x/5.x, BEA Web Logic 8.1/9.1, Apache Tomcat 5.x/6.x, JBOSS 4.x/3.x","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"XML processing: DTD, Schema, JAX-P (DOM, SAX), JAX-B","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Web Services: RESTful, SOAP","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Web Development: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, AJAX, LADP, JSF, Bootstrap JS, Node JS, Angular JS","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Version Control Tools: CVS, Harvest, IBM Clear case, SVN and GIT","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Databases: Oracle 9i/10g/11g, IBM DB2, SQL Server 2005/2008, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MangoDB","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Messaging Techologies: JMS, IBM MQ","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"IDE s: Eclipse, NetBeans, RAD, WSAD","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Testing and Logging Frameworks: Junit, Log4j, Mockito, Finesse Tests","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports 11, Jasper Reports","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio, XML Spy, TOAD","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/NT/XP, AIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"CVS, Woonsocket, Rhode Island Full Stack Java Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"April 2016 – Present","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in various stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) deliverables of the project using the Agile methodology.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used AWS Cloud platform and its features which include EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Cloud Front, S3, and Route53.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Expertise in building rich, interactive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.Js and Angular.Js.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Gathered and clarified requirements with business analyst to feed into high-level customization design, development and installation phases.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Framework for dependency injection for Action classes using Application Context XML file.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in implementation of MVC pattern using JSP and Spring Controller.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed business objects using Spring IOC, Spring MVC and Spring AOP. Implemented MVC architecture using JSP Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL, UDDI and XML.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Collections for Model classes in the DAO layer (Data Access Object) Involved in modifying some changes in DAO layer using Hibernate.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created mappings among the relations and written SQL queries using Hibernate.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections whenever necessary.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Entity Beans to persist the data into IBM DB2 database like database access components, Creating Schemas and Tables.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used SQL to perform data mapping and backend testing, also documented all the SQL queries for future testing purpose.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created process flow for deploying application in Web Sphere application server.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Managed build, reporting and documentation from the project information using Jenkins, Maven Tool and SVN for version control.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JUnit for testing and used JIRA for tracking bugs.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsible for the dealing with the problem, bug fixing and troubleshooting.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Spring, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Hibernate, REST, SOAP, XML, Eclipse, PL/SQL, JUnit, Maven Build Tool, DB2, JIRA, Jenkins, SVN and IBM Web Sphere, AngularJS, EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Auto scaling","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Toll Brothers, Horsham Township, Pennsylvania Software Engineer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"December 2015 - March 2016","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed JSP and extensively used tag libraries.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed the system with OOAD methodology using various design patterns like factory method, Singleton, Adaptor, Template etc.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implementing and planning the server-side architecture using Spring and Hibernate","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Configured the spring framework for entire business logic layer with XML bean configuration files.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Preparation of Low Level Designing and High Level Designing and relevant documentation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensively used Spring IOC for Dependency Injection and worked on Custom MVC Frameworks loosely based on Struts","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"experienced in build tools like Micro services, Ant, Maven and Gradle tools.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote Controller classes in Spring MVC framework in the web layer.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Produced the shopping cart on the client Front-end using jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensively used Eclipse based STS IDE for building, developing and integrating the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Table per hierarchy inheritance of hibernates and mapped polymorphic associations.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed one-much, many-one, one-one annotation based mappings in Hibernate.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote queries Using Cassandra CQL to create, alter, insert and delete elements.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed DAO service methods to populate the domain model objects using hibernate.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used java collections API extensively such as Lists, Sets and Maps.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote DAO classes using spring and Hibernate to interact with database for persistence.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed components of web services (JAX-WS, JAX-RPC) end to end, using different JAX-WS standards with clear understanding on WSDL, SOAP using various message patterns","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Performed on e-Commerce by using JSF framework and JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 pages","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote and tested Java Beans to retrieve trading data and subscriber's information from MySQL database server,","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensive experience in Angular.JS for application implementation, proficient in creating modules, controllers, route-Providers, factory services, ng-repeat, customizable filter, http get/post methods and directives to realize functionalities like REST service with Ajax call , input validations, searchable and sortable contents.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented Unit and Integration test cases with JUnit Framework based on Functional Flow.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used tools like My Eclipse IDE, configured and deployed the applications onto Web Logic application server","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Configured Log4j for logging and debugging","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Eclipse, Java J2EE, HTML, JSP, JAX RPC, JAXB, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery, Spring MVC, Hibernate, RESTful web services, Apache Tomcat7.0, Cucumber, Cassandra, Junit, Jenkins, Maven, GitHub, XML, Log4j, EJB, MySQL, Ajax.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Dairy Farmers of America, Kansas City, Missouri Java Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"November 2014 – December 2015","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsible for developing use cases, class and sequence diagram for the modules using UML and Rational Rose.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Identifying and design of common interfaces across multiple systems or modules of social insurance.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the application using Spring Framework that leverages classical Model View Layer (MVC) architecture. UML diagrams like use cases, class diagrams, interaction diagrams (sequence and collaboration) and activity diagrams were used.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed J2EE modules using XMI and CORE JAVA.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Interaction with Business users for user and system acceptance testing.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Validated the data against the business rules.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Data access layer is implemented using Hibernate.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apache POI to generate Excel documents","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented Struts action classes.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Security for Authentication and authorization extensively.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Utilized Eclipse to create JSPs/Servlets/Hibernate that pulled information from a Oracle database and sent to a front end GUI for end users.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JDBC for Oracle database connection and written number of stored procedures for retrieving the data.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed modules for validating the data according to business rules and used Castor to convert data into array of XML strings and XSLT for transformation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Hibernate for data persistence.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed SOAP based HTTP requests for communicating with Web Services.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Was involved in the design of multi-tier architecture using EJB, Servlets and JSP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Dependency Injection properties to provide loose-coupling between layers.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Collaborated with Web designers to create the JSP pages, applying HTML, JavaScript, JQuery and Struts Tags.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensively worked on debugging using Logging Frameworks such as Apache Log4j.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created test plans for unit testing to validate component functionality.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Bank of Utah, Ogden, Utah J2EE Developer May 2013 – October 2014","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed and developed Servlets and JSP, which presents the end user with form to submit the details of the problem.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created SQL statements and triggers for the effective retrieval and storage of data from the database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Performed JUnit testing, proposed and implemented performance enhancements, worked with Oracle databases, running SQL scripts and stored procedures.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Restful based Web Services.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Was involved in the design of multi-tier architecture using EJB, Servlets and JSP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Servlets used to store user information in the database, which makes a JDBC-ODBC connection to the database and inserts the details into to the database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed and developed a Servlet, which presents the engineer a form to submit solution to particular problem.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Setting up test environments and configuring various components of the application using JDBC API to establish a connection with oracle database and configuring.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed and developed a Servlet, which allows the end user to query on the problem, makes a JDBC-ODBC connection to the database and retrieve the details regarding the call number and the status of the submitted problem.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Epsilon, Irving, Texas Junior Java Developer January 2012 – April 2013","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed the user interfaces using JSP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Custom tags, JSTL to support custom User Interfaces.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the application using Struts (MVC) Framework.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented Business processes such as user authentication, Account Transfer using Session EJBs.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Eclipse to writing the code for JSP, Servlets, Struts and EJBs.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Deployed the applications on Web Logic Application Server.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) and Backend messaging for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the Ant scripts for preparing WAR files used to deploy J2EE components.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JDBC for database connectivity to Oracle.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with Oracle Database to create tables, procedures, functions and select statements.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JUnit Testing, debugging and bug fixing.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions and developed WAR framework to alert the client and production support in case of application failures.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked in Rational Unified Process (RUP) Methodology.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Education:","label":3,"label_text":"Edu"} {"text":"Bachelor of Computer Science – University of North Texas, Denton, Texas","label":3,"label_text":"Edu"} {"text":"Name: Achyuth","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Phone: 540-999-8048","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Email: achyuth.java88@gmail.com","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"OBJECTIVE:","label":3,"label_text":"Obj"} {"text":"Around 8 years of strong software experience in design, development, analysis and deployment of web-based and Client-Server business applications using Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD, OOPS) and Java/JEE/J2EE technologies in Financial, Insurance, and Health Sector Domain with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).","label":3,"label_text":"Obj"} {"text":"PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY:","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Actively involved in each phase of Software Development Life cycle (SDLC).","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in client scripting language and server scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, NodeJS, JSON, Bootstrap.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Utilized Java 1.8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Hands on experience with Amazon web services (AWS) and Amazon cloud technologies such as Amazon EC2 (virtual servers) and Amazon Cloud Watch (monitoring).","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Managed Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3 bucket, ELB, Auto-Scaling, SNS, SQS, AMI, IAM, Dynamo DB, Elastic search, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) through AWS Console and API Integration.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Extensive experience working in Spring framework, Struts framework, ORM Mapping Hibernate framework and web services.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring DAO, Spring Data, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP, Spring Transactions and Spring Security.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in developing applications using Micro Services architecture.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in developing reliable and scalable enterprise applications using Servlets, JSPs, Struts, JSTL, JDBC, AJAX, EJB and Web Services.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Strong work experience in application integration and communicating using SOA, Web Services such as Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP), Representational State Transfer (REST/ Restful), JAX-RPC, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, UDDI, Apache CXF, JAXB, XSD, Axis2.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Excellent knowledge and experience in writing SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers and views using various databases such as MS SQL Server, MySQL, IBM DB2, Oracle databases and NoSQL database systems like Mongo DB.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in XML technologies such as XSL, XSLT, XML schemas, XPath, XSL-FO and parsers like SAX, DOM.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experienced in JMS over messaging to exchange the information in more reliable and asynchronous way in enterprise Applications. Used Apache Active MQ and Apache Camel as JMS provider.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in Creating and configuring the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying Micro services and lambda functions using Jenkins CI server.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in developing logging and standard mechanism based on Log4j and SLF4j.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Worked on implementing full life cycle of software development process (SDLC) in using version control tools like Git, Rational Clear Case, Tortoise SVN, CVS (Concurrent Version System).","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Hands-on experience working with Continuous Integration (CI) build-automation tools such as Jenkins along with Build Plugins like Maven, Gradle and Apache Ant.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experienced in the formation and mentoring of project teams working on Agile methodologies to deliver business critical software applications using tools like Jira.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in web development tools like Eclipse, RAD, Spring Tool Suite, and IntelliJ.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Hands on experience with Windows, UNIX and Linux Environments.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in designing, developing, and deploying J2EE applications on IBM Web sphere, Web logic, Apache Tomcat, Glassfish and JBOSS Servers.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"TECHNICAL SKILLS","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Client: Capital One Mar 17 – Till date","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Location: Mclean, VA","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: Full Stack Java Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: Capital One is the one of largest banking sector, it has over 480,000 members and is among the top 20 credit unions in the U.S.A. Capital One Home Loans servicing is a diversified bank that offers a variety of checking, savings, mortgage and lending accounts and services to individuals, small businesses and commercial clients.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in the complete SDLC (software development life cycle) of the application from requirement analysis to testing.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Followed Agile Methodology in analyze, define, and document the application, which will support functional and business requirements. Coordinate these efforts with Functional Architects.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensively worked on Responsive Web Design (RWD) page development using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS, and JSON.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Utilized Java 1.8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Java 1.8 features in developing the code like Lambda expressions, creating resource classes, fetching documents from database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Deployed and Monitored Micro Services Using Pivotal Cloud Foundry, also Managed Domains and Routes with the Cloud Foundry.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed, Configured and deployed Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the Amazon cloud formation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Experienced in setting up Amazon EC2 instances, virtual private cloud (VPCs), and security groups. Setting up databases in AWS using RDS, storage using S3 bucket and configuring instance backups to S3 bucket.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented the application using Spring IOC, Spring MVC Framework, Spring Batch, Spring Boot and handled the security using Spring Security.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed RESTful API for assessment indicators module and token based authentication for RESTful services using Spring Security.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in building database Model, APIs and Views utilizing Python, to build an interactive web based solution.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Jersey to implement Restful Web Service and used XML form to transfer the data.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the application using J2EE Design Patterns like Business Delegate, Factory, Singleton, Session Facade, Service Locator and DAO.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked and involved in deployment of core platform technologies, techniques, and web app frameworks such as spring, JBOSS, Tomcat, JSON, XML, HTML5, and Web Services.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring MVC module to develop MVC Architecture.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked on Apache Camel, RabbitMQ for sending messages over queue.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Deployed the Application into Docker container and made easily accessible at runtime using Cloud Foundry and other cloud services like AWS, Netflix Eureka.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Security and OAuth2.0 for Authentication and Authorization of the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented Spring AOP for declarative transaction management.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed a AWS Lambda function to send a request for internal service end points through API Gateway using apache HTTP Client.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Managed code versioning with GitHub and deployment to staging and production servers","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Rest Controllers to replace the existing operations layer, which acts as bridge between business layer and the UI.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Jenkins as build management tool for continuous integration process.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Configured pom.xml to deploy the project using Maven.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Provided Technical support for production environments resolving the issues, analyzing the defects, providing and implementing the solution defects.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Agile Methodology, Java1.8, Lambda, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JSON, JSP, AWS, Micro Services, Oracle, RabbitMQ, Spring AOP, Hibernate, Spring Cloud, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, JDBC, Web-Services, SOA (Service-oriented) Architecture, Redis, REST, JAX-RS, Jersey, JUnit, JAX-B, WebSphere, JIRA, Maven, GIT, RAD, Jenkins, MongoDB, Cassandra.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: State Farm Jan 16 – Feb 17","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Location: Dallas, TX","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: JAVA Full Stack Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: Auto Quote Purchase (AQP) application is one of the many applications that are part of SF Auto Systems. Property and Causality being the main forte of State Farm's business the maintenance of all the applications coming under the Auto Systems umbrella is crucial. Auto Quote Purchase (AQP) is one of the many applications that are part of SF Auto Systems. P&C Application support involves production support, defect fixes and minor enhancements based on the SF's requirement. AQP is a web application which is used to gather customer information, generate quote and provides options to purchase the Auto policies.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing of application developed using AGILE methodology.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created user-friendly GUI interface using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented persistence framework using Hibernate& Handled Transaction Management using the provided data source.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsible for designing Hibernate mapping files based on business logic and Object relationships.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed restful web service APIs using Spring Framework such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring AOP and Java Persistence API with a backend PostgreSQL and Cassandra database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in developing Web Services to send XML request and reading the response SOAP UI from Java platform.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces to exchange the data in the form of XML and by using SOAP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created Restful Web services using Jersey API (JAX-RS) while data exchange was carried out between application and services using JSON.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Spring MVC, Ajax and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"To maintain loose coupling between layers published the business layer as services and injected the necessary dependent components using Spring IOC and published cross cutting concerns like Logging, User Interface exceptions, Transactions using Spring AOP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Integrated spring and hibernate together and worked on developing backend components and services using Hibernate and spring.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensively used HQL and SQL for querying databases.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Message Driven Bean for asynchronous sending Messages using JMS.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apache Camel Framework to transform, extract and load the data.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection and used Apache Camel to integrate spring framework.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented request and response objects using SOAP web services and created routes using Apache Camel.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Rest methodology for the service layer interface and used JSON for the data transformation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed various AJAX and JSON calls for the communication between the server and the UI.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed web services for produce and consumed the services by making Web Service Calls to remote services in different applications.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring JMS module for lookup for the queues and MDBs for the listeners","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Established Database Connectivity using Hibernate O/R mapping with Spring ORM for MySQL Server.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the Mapping Resource Files for the database entities.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Packaged and deployed the application in IBM Web sphere.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used IntelliJ as IDE to develop the application and followed the standard features for debugging and running.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used log4J for application logging and notification tracing mechanisms.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Analysis and Bug fixing of the production problems and defects along with enhancements","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Rational Clear Case for the version control","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Maven as the build tool.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used J-Unit Testing and Ant Scripts.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JIRA for tracking the Project Stories in AGILE Methodology.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Agile, Java, JDK, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, Mongo DB, XML, Spring, Apache Camel, MVC design patterns, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Ant, Maven, Netflix, Rational Clear Case, Web sphere Server, IBM Web Sphere, Apache Camel, SOAP UI, JNDI, Log4J, PostgreSQL, MySQL Server, Google cloud platform, JIRA, RMI, IntelliJ, IDE, LINUX.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: Cigna Healthcare Nov 13– Dec 15 Location: Windsor, CT","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: Java Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: One view is a web based application helping Customer Services people to view Benefit Plan information for Customers, health care providers. The application helps to resolve; track customer queries online by reducing overall time. The current project is reengineering the old application by replacing outdated Cordiant service layer with Restful Services and Spring Integration frame work improving performance and scalability.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed and developed the REST based Micro Services using the Spring Boot.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Writing end-to-end flow i.e. controllers classes, service classes, DAOs classes as per the Spring MVC design and writing business logics using core java API and data structures","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Design, develop & deliver the REST APIs that are necessary to support new feature development and enhancements in an agile environment.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring JMS related MDB to receive the messages from other team with IBMMQ for queuing","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed presentation layer code, using JSP, HTML, AJAX and JQuery","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the Business layer using spring (IOC, AOP), DTO, and JTA","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the Persistence layer DAO using HIBERNATE","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with Open symphony workflows and delivered work flow module to the client.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the project using industry standard design patterns like Singleton, Business Delegate Factory Pattern for better maintenance of code and re-usability","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developing application module coded on Spring Batch and Apache Camel.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Written Jenkins pipeline template script in Groovy programming language for the automation of build and deployment process.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created groovy scripts to extract transaction volume information and email to management on daily basis.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed unit test cases using Junit framework for testing accuracy of code and logging with SLF4j + Log4j","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with defect tracking system Clear Quest","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with IDE as Spring STS and deployed into spring tomcat server, WebSphere 6 & used Maven as build tool","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsible for code sanity in integration stream used Clear Case as version control tool.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, MongoDB, Apache Camel, symphony, JavaScript, JSP, Spring, Spring Batch, Spring web services, XML, UML, JUNIT, IBM WebSphere, Maven, Clear Case, SoapUI, Oracle 11g, Spring JMS, IBM MQ.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: Liberty Mutual Jan 12 - July 13","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Location: Seattle, WA","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: Java Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: Liberty Mutual Insurance is an American diversified global insurer, and the second-largest property and casualty insurer in the United States. Ecommerce application provides services such as Auto Insurance and home insurance. The application is used for accessibility into the appropriate Agent Center applications and generating quotes and policies, payments and reports.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC).","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed project related documents which includes Use case, Class and Sequence diagrams.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in design, development, testing and implementation of the process systems, working on iterative life cycles business requirements, and creating Detail Design Document.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Using Agile methodologies to plan work for every iteration and used continuous integration tool to make the build passes before deploying the code to other environments.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensive experience in developing PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages, Cursors, Collections (Nested tables and arrays), Records, Object types and Database Triggers.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created HTML Wireframes based in the Detailed System Specification Document Developed the presentation layer of the application using MVC architecture of spring framework.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created DAO classes to interact with DB2 database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring ORM module to integrate with Hibernate.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JMS API for sending and receiving the messages on the queue.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used the spring validation and Tiles Framework in the presentation layer.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed user interface using JSP, Spring Tag Libraries to simplify the complexities of the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed user interface with Java Server Pages, Ajax support to speed up the application form filling.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apache Axis as the Web Service framework for creating and consuming Web Service clients using SOAP and WSDL.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Rally for tracking purpose.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed various tables required for the project using DB2 database. Used JBOSS server for deploying the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Ant for build, create JAR, WAR, EAR files and deploy the EAR files automatically.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Junit to test the application classes.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Log4J to capture the logging information.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java, J2EE, JavaScript, JSP, AJAX, XML, Agile, Spring, Eclipse IDE, DB2, Rational Rose, Log4j, Junit, Ant, JBOSS, Rally, Apache Axis, Web Service, SOAP, WSDL.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: Soft Pro Systems Ltd. Sep 10 - Dec 11","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Location: Hyderabad, India","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: Java Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: This project is mainly an Intranet application meant for employees in the organization. They are Intranet mailing System, Chatting, File Transfer and Remote Login. This project is based on the client server methodology.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in the design and development of an entire Module – Guided Set Up. Developed user interface through JSP and Servlets.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Action classes and Action Forms using the struts framework.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Customs tags to display dynamic contents and to avoid large amounts of java code in JSP pages","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Connected to database through JDBC.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensive experience working with XML (DOM and SAX).","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used SQL-server to store the items in the database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Session beans for navigation of steps.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Entity beans for storing the database in to database. Developed Session Beans as the clients of Entity Beans to maintain the Client state.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Ant Scripts to build and deploy EAR files on to Tomcat Server. Analyzed the EJB performance in terms of scalability by various Loads, Stress tests using Bean- test tool.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensively used Eclipse while writing code as IDE. Written complex SQL queries, stored procedures, functions and triggers in PL/SQL.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed test cases and used Junit for Unit Testing.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used CVS for version controlling.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java, J2EE, Servlets, XML (DOM and SAX), JSP, EJB, JavaScript, CSS, JDBC, Struts, Ant, Web Logic Application Server, WSAD, Eclipse IDE, SQL-Server, Apache Tomcat, Oracle, PL/SQL, CVS, PVCS, Junit, Windows.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: Login IT Technologies May 09 - Aug 10 Location: Hyderabad, India","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: Java Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: PRS or Price reporting system is responsible to publish the rates to the customers and as to maintain the users across the FedEx locations and its subsidiaries. It interacts with the customer fusion and existing legacy systems to access the customer information and legacy data.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Developed web application using Struts 2.X, JSP, Servlets, Java beans that uses MVC design pattern","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, CSS and JSP","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote JavaScript for client-side validation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Eclipse as IDE tool for creating Servlets, JSP, and XML.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote SQL for JDBC prepared statements to retrieve the data from database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Monitored the logs using Log4J and fixed the problem","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"The application was deployed on the Tomcat.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in build and deploying the application using ANT","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used CVS as version control system","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked on bug fixing and Production Support","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java, JDBC, Struts, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, Oracle, Eclipse IDE, CVS, ANT, Log4J.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Mail: Mail:","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Phone: 703-743-0795","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Senior Business Analyst","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"Summary: Around 10 years of experience in Business process analysis, Business modeling and Business requirements gathering.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Extensive experience with Banking and Mortgage clients.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expert in creating diagrams (Use case diagrams, flow charts, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams), use case document, test plans and test case documents.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Worked closely with project Stakeholders, SMEs, staff to understand requirements and specifications for new applications along with re-engineering the existing application.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in interacting across the hierarchy from architects, to data modelers, underwriters and risk analyst.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in iterative agile project management methodology with Scrum to manage the software development life cycle (SDLC).","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Used MS Project to manage schedules, meet deadlines and plan resources in line with triple constraint. Followed up with weekly Project Status and organized Task Review meetings. Conducted status meetings, managed deadlines, and facilitated prioritization discussions.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Writing skills in preparing business requirements documents (BRD), system requirements specifications (SRS) and technical design document (TDD) and defining project plans then translating business requirements/user expectations into detailed specifications employing UML.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Performing GAP analysis to check the compatibility of the existing system infrastructure with the new business requirements,","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Conducting User Acceptance Testing (UAT) verifying performance, reliability and fault tolerance issues. Also familiar with testing tools (QC) to design as well as develop test plans and test scripts.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Authored business and system requirements analyses and functional specifications with supporting business process flows (data modeling), Traceability matrices, risk analysis and concept of operations for systems utilizing company standards, processes, and procedures.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise at using MS Visio, MS Project, MS Excel, PowerPoint, and SharePoint.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Good understanding of software development methodologies such as RUP, JAD, and RAD and hands on experience in formulating JAD sessions.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Skill Set:","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"Education:Bachelors in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Michigan State University, GPA– 3.56","label":3,"label_text":"Edu"} {"text":"Professional Experience:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, OH Mar 2015 to Present","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Senior Business Analyst/QA Lead","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Fifth Third Bank is one of the nation’s largest diversified financial services organizations providing retail and banking; residential mortgage banking.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked on implementing the IDS Rapport Solution to provide a front-end workflow processsing system integrating with the existing IDS Infolease solution. This solution was used to create contract documents and eliminated the need for several Access database and Excel spreadsheet solutions that existed. This solution aslo integrated with iLien solution for UCC filing. The product increased the efficiency of transactional submittals and documentation and booking functions.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Implemented Traceability Matrix and User Requirement Specification Document (URS) to verify the functionality coverage.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensive use of MS Project, MS SharePoint (used as the library for Project documentation and the communication of Project information).","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created Mortgage Service Platform (MSP) diagram in MS Visio to understand the big picture of the project.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Facilitated and managed meeting sessions with committee of SME from various business areas including Mortgage Servicing, Loan Monitoring and Asset Management.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsible for working with product management to translate business objectives into functional requirements, and great user experiences for our customers.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created detailed Test plans to check the functionality of Application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Participated in QA team and Bug tracking or Defect Review meetings.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed and Developed front end and Back end Test scenarios and Test cases","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Performed manual testing on different Modules of the Application by executing the Test Cases.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Coordinate with all project team members to ensure project needs are clearly understood and supportable.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Identify and remove or mitigate obstacles and risks to projects.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Conducted peer review meetings periodically to keep track of the project’s milestones.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Assisted the Project Manager with creating detailed project plans and also in developing, scheduling and tracking project timelines.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Conducted GAP Analysis of current state (As-Is) and proposed state (To-Be) situations and represented in MS Visio.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Facilitated JAD sessions with the business team and technology team.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsible for leading all aspects of projects from start to finish, including project team definition, resource allocation decisions.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed high level design of new processes and graphically presented along with text based requirements.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Experience in creating wireframes.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created Activity Diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams using UML in MS Visio.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Conducted Previews and User Acceptance Test (UAT) sessions.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: MS Visio, DOORS","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Mississippi State Division of Medicaid, Jackson, MS May 2013- Feb 2015","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Sr. Business Analyst","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s Management Information System (MMIS) had to comply with the CMS mandated Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements. Project was to analyse system impact and perform GAP between current HIPAA 4010 and compliance HIPAA 5010 for state Medicaid Management Information System.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Actively worked on Business requirement gathering, analysis and Data analysis","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Facilitated JAD sessions to collect User Requirements, Business Requirements and Functional Requirements.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created Business/User/Functional document using MS Project, MS Word and MS Visio that provided appropriate scope of work for technical team to develop prototype of the overall system.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Gathered requirements from the administrative staff and business rules for determining member eligibility and successfully converted them into functional requirements for the developments team.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created Use Cases, various UML Diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams to determine the data flow via various systems","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed and maintained the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) for the project deliverables.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Proposed the change and reengineering of the ‘AS IS’ Business processes into the ‘TO BE’ process flow","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in the day-to-day implementation of the agile methodology of application development with its various work flows, Artefacts and activities.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created Business Rule Comparison (BRC) documents using 4010 / 5010 implementation guides for X12 transactions","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensively involved in HIPAA 5010 User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Defined and maintained Test Cases for EDI transactions.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Thoroughly studied the inherent systems to have a clear understanding of the business processes and associated system workflow.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used HP Quality Centre for error reporting and communicating between developers, product support and test team members","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Recommended corrective actions, if necessary, along with the progress against Development/Action Plan routinely to the Project Manager.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used MS Share point for sharing documents, calendars and other data between users in different locations.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote test cases and test plans for the related and assigned scripts according to the test strategies defined in the project and testing team guidelines in Quality centre.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Assisted in regression testing and did UAT to improve overall quality of the Application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: UML, Windows, Agile, Mainframe, SQL, ETL, Data warehouse, Microsoft Office, Test Director, MMIS, MS Access, HTML, XML, Java Script, Java, ASP, DB2.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Dept of Health, Austin TX May 2012 - April 2013","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Sr. Business Analyst","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"I worked as a business analyst in the project intended to make the existing application comply with HIPAA 5010 standards. I was involved in the analysis of EDI transactions 834 and 837I, 837Pbased on HIPAA 4010 and mapping them in order to make the application comply with HIPAA 5010 standards. The module that I worked on allowed the agents to track and manage the status of health benefit claims. My daily responsibilities included performing typical BA duties and additionally included doing QA work such as coordinating the testing process during the testing and UAT phase of the application. I was also responsible in maintaining the application during the “warranty period” and making sure all the issues were solved.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Coordinated with the developers, testers and users on verifying, documenting and addressing any issues with the newly implemented HIPAA 4010 to 5010 conversion at the time.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created and maintained data mapping document(s) in reference to the HIPAA mandated transactions834 and 837I, 837P.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Independently studied the changes being made and helped them implement in the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Conducted and participated in meetings for requirement elicitation and documentation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with end users, SMEs, and stakeholders to fully understand issues with the older application and the requirements of the new application being built.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Interviewed business users to gather requirements and analyzed the feasibility of their needs by coordinating with the project manager and the technical lead.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Conducted and participated in JAD sessions with the system architect, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) & the project sponsor for fast & effective system requirement development.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in order to meet customer expectation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Identified and gathered the data requirements and wrote SQL queries using tools such as My SQL Workbench and Aqua Data Studio.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote very detailed BRDs and FRDs based on the requirements gathered.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used MS Visio to create flow charts, use case diagrams, activity diagrams to illustrate business rules and process flows required for the BRDs and FRDs.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote test cases for testing the migration of EDI 4010 to 5010 and the processing of EDI transactions 820, 834,837I and 837P.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Helped coordinate the testing process by helping the QA team prepare for the testing requirements such as environment, writing instructions, organizing walkthroughs, selecting the test groups, etc.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Waterfall methodology throughout the development process and was extensively involved with developers on every stage of the application development.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Waterfall, SQL, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, MS Visio, BRDs, FRDs, Quality Assurance, UAT","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Prime Therapeutics, Eagan, MN Jan 2011 - Apr 2012","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Business System Analyst","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Prime therapeutics is leading Pharmacy benefit Management Company. I worked with member marketing/customer experience team where I was required to work on all the correspondence materials sent out to the existing members for various reasons. I as primarily focus on Prime mail, Guided health and Specialty.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Worked as a liaison between technology and the business clients to improve business processes and support critical business strategies.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Utilized industry knowledge to provide executive management with the development and implementation of interactive business tools and strategic analysis.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Setup and manage inter-departmental status meetings, often including off-shore development and QA teams.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Scheduled review presentation meetings with developers, System Analysts (SA) and business owners for project completion and approval using Adobe Connect.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Understood the Business Logic, User Requirements & developed Design & User Interface Specifications","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with the stakeholders to understand the features they wanted to be implemented in the new version such as new notification options, account features, better sorting of the transaction list, preferred UI changes, etc.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with SMEs, business users and technical leads in understanding and documenting issues with the older version of the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote SQL queries for database inquiries whenever needed. Worked with System Admin for any database related task such as creating production scrubs, database access for team members, any issues, etc.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Agile methodology throughout the project and extensively involved in all stages of development.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Helped update Product Backlog whenever needed and also created Sprint logs by working with the team lead.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Conducted multiple meetings in the middle of the sprint to solve any issues encountered during the sprint.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Logged issues and presented them during the sprint reviews for discussion.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed and finalized mockups using Axure. This helped the team in better understanding proposed changes.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Helped in coordinating UAT phase for every sprint.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in logging post-deployment issues and making sure they were addressed as per their urgency and priority.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Successfully completed the project within time and budget despite having a very tight schedule.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Agile, SCRUM, MS Visio, MS Project, Axure, SQL, My SQL Workbench. HEDIS, Lotus notes","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"PNC Bank, Norristown, PA Oct 2008 to Dec 2010","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Business Analyst","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"The project was aimed at successfully implementing a system that provides an integrated, shared view of the customer across the enterprise that enforces and encourages consistent customer data. The goal was to increase efficiency and customer service through the development of a user-friendly, web-based banking information system, which will allow for maintenance of a centralized database for the managers of Bank.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Conducted GAP Analysis to identify key areas of concern and addressed them with the Business team. Documented the AS-IS and TO-BE processes.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Actively engaged client and third party integration partners in requirements gathering and validation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed business Use Cases using UML for new product functionality after conducting requirements elaboration sessions with client teams.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Rational Unified Process for the Software Development Life Cycle of this project.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Documented business and functional requirements","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Provided assistance in reviewing, analyzing and evaluating business requirements, user needs and functions with the objective of improving business processes and procedures.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Generated process flow diagrams","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Maintained an issue log and driven issues to closure","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked closely with the development team to make sure all the requirements were covered.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Maintained versioning in requirements","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: MS Visio, Rational Requisite Pro, Quality Center","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Name: AMULYA KOMATINENI","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"(515)309-1612","label":0,"label_text":"PI"} {"text":"8+ years of experience in IT industry worked in all phases of software development life cycle from requirements gathering to the production and successfully implemented several projects.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: Expert working knowledge in using methodologies Agile Methodology & Software Development Life Cycle.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Having work experience in different domains like Healthcare, Banking, Finance, Telecom, and Retail.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Developed applications using Java8 features like lambda expressions and functional interfaces.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Proficient in developing front-end systems with JavaScript, ReactJs, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Tag Libraries, Custom Tags and JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, NodeJS.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experienced in Client-side validations using Ajax in NodeJS, AngularJS, dash boards reports using BackboneJS.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expert in Java/J2EE technologies such as Struts, Spring Framework, JSP, EJB, Hibernate and Webservice.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Developed applications with Spring using technologies Spring Core, MVC, DAO, ORM, Boot, Heroku, Security, Integration, Spring Zuul, Spring Eureka, Spring Hystrix, Spring Ribbon.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Used Spring Boot Acurator to monitor and manage your application and to interact with different HTTP endpoints such as health, bean details, version details, configurations.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Build, Test and developed application from Docker containers and deployed into PCF environment.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping , MyBatis SQL Maps, Slick, and Java Ultra-Lite Persistence.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in back-end/server side Java technologies such as webservice, JPA, JMS, JDBC.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expert in using SOA and Webservice Technologies and Tools like Webservice, SOAP, REST, UDDI, SOAP UI.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in XML related technologies like XML, DTD, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, JAXB, JAXP, SAX and DOM Parsers.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Adapt in server side development skills using Apache and good knowledge of database connectivity (Data Source) for SQL databases like Oracle, MySQL and NoSQL like MongoDB, Cassandra.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"MongoDB is used to develop dynamic queries on documents using a document based query language.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in using Cassandra for achieving denormalization through features like collections.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Hands on experience on Amazon Webservice provisioning and good knowledge of AWS services like EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, ELB (Load Balancers), RDS, VPC, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, IAM, SNS.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Used Microservice with Spring Boot through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in Microservice using Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud to develop loosely coupled processes.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in deploy J2EE applications on IBM WebSphere/Web Logic Application Servers, Tomcat and JBOSS.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Used Scala for anonymous functions to increase productivity, applications scalability, and reliability.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Familiar with Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory Design, MVC, Data Access Objects, , Adapter, Service Locator, Session Facade, Observer, DAO, service proxy and circuit breaker.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Used Apigee for enterprise business use APIs to securely share data and services across various devices.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in Docker containers, leveraging Linux Containers and AMI's to create DockerImages/containers.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Used Swagger for designing and describing APIs and for keeping the API design and documentation in sync.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Expertise in working on building tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle, Groovy, Log4j .","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Worked with Version Control Systems like GIT, WinCVS, CVS, SVN, VSS and Rational Clear Case.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in Webservice Technologies like SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and Restful.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Experience in various Agile methodologies like Test Driven Development, SCRUM, and Pair Programming.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Developing Unit & Integration testing with JUnit, Karma, Jenkins, Camel, Selenium, Jasmine and Mockito.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Used Selenium as an automated testing for web applications across different browser and platforms.","label":1,"label_text":"Sum"} {"text":"Technical Skills:","label":4,"label_text":"Skill"} {"text":"PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: Liberty Mutual, Dover, NH September 2017 – Till Date","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: JAVA Full Stack Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: Liberty Mutual is an insurance company which offers auto & vehicle insurance, property insurance, life insurance and other insurances where user can manage their policies and file claims online. Company have few external partners where they upload and download necessary data. Our project is to process the transfer of file. Customer and Admin portals are used to trace and configure the transfer. Web Based File Transfer(WBFT) is developed to interact with liberty mutual teams by external trading partners using user interface.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Upgraded existing UI with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax, and Bootstrap with ReactJS interaction.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used various JQuery and Bootstrap plug-in like date picker, Bootstrap selectors, and Gulp as a task runner.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Node Package Manager(NPM) online repository to install and update the dependencies.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Built REST by building NodeJS in the back-end to handle requests sent from the jQuery Ajax calls.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Java 8 Lambda expressions to facilitate functional programming and for simplifying the development.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed classes using core java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Memory Management.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Multithreading to develop various helper classes in programming to improve overall performance.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Boot Actuator to externalize application's configuration properties for various environments.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Configured Swagger-UI registered Microservice with Eureka to monitor services from Spring Boot console.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used NGINX as a reverse proxy with the Spring Netflix components like Eureka, Ribbon, and Spring Cloud.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed microservices with Spring Eureka to retrieve API routes and Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor Spring microservice.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Defined Hibernate Named Queries for Batch operations while defined Criteria Queries for Microservice.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Microservice have been built using Spring Boot, Spring security and deployed to AWS cloud.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Cloud AWS Core, Spring Cloud AWS Context, and Spring Cloud AWS Messaging.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Utilized AWS Lambda platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and to trigger Lambda Functions Including EC2.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Spring Bach for AWS S3 rules like User Creation, Folder Permission, and deletion of file","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used PL/SQL and Oracle databases to store the information about the file transaction, sender, and receiver.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed several REST webservice which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both web and mobile applications. RESTful webservice using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Exposed and consumed SOAP based Webservice to communicate between systems.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed several SOAPS based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability and JMeter to test performance of SOAP protocol.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apache Kafka for building real time data pipelines and for storing data in a distributed cluster.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Experience in working with messaging systems like Kafka, Event Sourcing, and Active MQ.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used SOAP UI for Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing and to test REST & SOAP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Datahub dashboard to search and filter the transactions and used elastic search as a search engine.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created and configured new JIRA projects and worked with departments to maintain existing JIRA projects.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Unit test cases using Junit, Mockito and Bamboo for continuous integration.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Docker to collaborate code, run and deliver more securely for both Linux, Windows Server.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used log4j for logging and GIT, SVN for project management and version management.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Functional testing of the front-end applications is done using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver).","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created Clusters and instances in WebSphere 7.0 Network Deployment to support high availability, fail over and implemented horizontal clustering.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: J2EE, ReactJs, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Ajax, NodeJS, Gulp, Core Java, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Security, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Microservice, Eureka Server, NGINX, Swagger-UI, Apache Kafka, AWS Cloud, AWS Lambda, S3, EC2, Scala, Datahub, REST Webservice, JAX-WS, SOAP UI, JDBC, PL/SQL, ActiveMQ, JIRA, Bamboo, SVN, GIT, log4j, Junit, Selenium, JMS Queues, WebSphere.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: Express Scripts, St. Louis, MO April 2016 – August 2017","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: JAVA Full Stack Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: Express Scripts provides integrated pharmacy benefit management services including network-pharmacy, claims processing, home delivery pharmacy services, specialty pharmacy benefit management through its subsidiary Accredit, benefit-design consultation, drug-utilization review, formulary management , medical and drug data analysis services to manage drug plans for health plans, self-insured employers and government agencies (both as administrator of employee benefits and public assistance programs).","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Designed Prototype and project layout skeletons using AngularJS, JQuery, CSS3 and HTML5.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in designing and developed presentation layer using Ajax, jQuery, and third-party libraries.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used various JQuery and Bootstrap plug-in like date picker, Bootstrap selectors.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apache Cordova to build native mobile applications using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"XQuery provides the means to extract and manipulate data from XML documents or any data source that can be viewed as XML.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Adobe Experience manager(AEM) to manage and deliver digital experiences across websites.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Groovy for various markup languages such as XML, HTML, and support for regular expressions.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Java 8 Lambda expressions to facilitate functional programming and for simplifying the development.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Java8 Stream API for Parallel execution in the Collections framework module of core java.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed classes using core java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Memory Management.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Multithreading to develop various helper classes in programming to improve overall performance.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring DI, annotations, and MVC to implement business layer and navigation part of application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Boot Actuator to externalize application's configuration properties for various environments.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Configured Swagger-UI registered Microservice with Eureka to monitor services from Spring Boot console.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Defined Hibernate Named Queries for Batch operations while defined Criteria Queries for Microservice.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Microservice have been built using Spring Boot, Spring security and deployed to AWS cloud.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Cloud AWS Core, Spring Cloud AWS Context, and Spring Cloud AWS Messaging.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Utilized AWS Lambda platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and to trigger other Lambda Functions Including EC2, MongoDB focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Database required for creation of new tables, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, views, indexes, constraints, triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Cassandra to handle huge amount of data across many servers with out single point of failure.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented service layer on the top of Cassandra using Core Java, Data Sax API and Restful API.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used PostgreSQL for multi version concurrency control and transaction.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed several REST webservice which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both web and mobile applications. RESTful webservice using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Exposed and consumed SOAP based Webservice to communicate between systems.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed several SOAPS based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability and JMeter to test performance of SOAP protocol.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Redis as in memory database, for storing and fetching data in memory to increase the performance.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apache Kafka for building real time data pipelines and for storing data in a distributed cluster.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked on Drools Rule Engines with corresponding to validate the business User Roles.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used SOAP UI for Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing and to test REST & SOAP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apigee for web-scale, enterprise flexibility on premise and hybrid deployment on single code base.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created and configured new JIRA projects and worked with departments to maintain existing JIRA projects.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Unit test cases using Junit, Mockito and Jenkins for continuous integration.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apache Camel for integrating different applications with the enterprise design pattern.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Kubernetes for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Docker to collaborate code, run and deliver more securely for both Linux, Windows Server.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Maven scripts and builds using Maven and continuous integration servers like Jenkins.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used log4j for logging and GIT, SVN for project management and version management.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Functional testing of the front-end applications is done using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver).","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed, Tested and Debugged the Java, JSP using Eclipse RCP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created Clusters and instances in WebSphere 7.0 Network Deployment to support high availability, fail over and implemented horizontal clustering.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: J2EE, AngularJS, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Ajax, Core Java, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Microservice, Eureka Server, Swagger-UI, Apache Kafka, AWS Cloud, AWS Lambda, S3, EC2, Scala, MongoDB, REST Webservice, JAX-WS, SOAP UI, JDBC, PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, JIRA, GIT, SVN, log4j, Maven, Apache Camel, Junit, Mockito, Jenkins, JMS Queues.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: Commerce Bank, Kansas City, MO Jan 2015 – Mar 2016","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: Sr. JAVA/J2EE Developer & Full Stack Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: The project was to enhance the existing online application with A/C Information, Funds Transfer, Payment Service, Credit Card Services, Investment Services, Rates Online Application Forms, and Customer Service. Development was based on Spring MVC architecture.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities: Followed Agile software development paired programming, Test Driven Development, and Scrum meetings.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed using new features of Java 1.8 annotations, Generics, enhanced for loop and Enums.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Upgraded existing UI with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Bootstrap with AngularJS interaction.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using AngularJS framework including MVC architectures, different modules, specific controllers, templates, custom directives, and custom filters.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with java Swing GUI controls for developing a module in the front-end part.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Java-J2EE patterns like Model View Controller, Singleton, Data Access Objects, factory patterns.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Core Java concept like Multithreading, Concurrency for performance and memory tuning.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Framework AOP Module to implement logging in the application for application status.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Spring MVC Framework IOC design pattern is used to have relationships between application components.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed microservices with Spring Eureka to retrieve API routes and Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor Spring microservice.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Spring Quartz jobs to run the backend jobs and generated reports.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Hibernate for back end development and Spring dependency injection for middle layer development.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed SOAP based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Microservice and worked on Spring Boot, deployed applications on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used DAO pattern to fetch data from database using Hibernate to carry out various database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used PL/SQL to extract data from the database, delete data and reload data on Oracle DB.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Applications using Rule Engines- JBoss Drools 4.x to validate the business User Roles.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked with Apache Camel as a standalone application by deploying in JBOSS application server.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Docker to deploy applications using containers to allow package up application with all configuations.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring Boot to interact through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked on development and operations to facilitate deployment of components over AWS using Jenkins.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used SVN, GIT for the version management and for version controlling software and JIRA for issue tracking.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java 1.8, HTML5, CSS3, iQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJs, Swing, Threading, AWS cloud, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Quartz, Hibernate Framework, Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, JAX-WS, Microservices, PL/SQL, Oracle DB, Cassandra, JBoss Drools 4.x, Docker, JMS, Maven, Jenkins, Apache Camel, SVN, JIRA.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: E-Trade Financial Corporation, Exchange Place July 2012 – Dec 2014","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: Sr. JAVA/J2EE Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: E-Trade Financial Corporation is a U.S based financial services company headquartered in New York. It is a holding company, the major business of which is an online discount stock brokerage service for self-directed investors.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Prepared Analysis document and followed AGILE software development with Scrum methodology.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the application on NodeJS platform using JavaScript programming.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JavaScript and JQuery for validating the input given to the user interface.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Applied data transformation rules to transform code from one format to another format using NodeJS.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Created the Nodejs express server to build MVC framework from front-end side AngularJS to back-end.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed front-end code with Ajax call in AngularJS and jQuery to retrieve data as JSON Object.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, SPRING, iBatis and Hibernate.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked on the SPRING framework like SPRING IOC, SPRING DAO, SPRING ORM and Spring Integration.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in the development of backend Logics or data access logic using Oracle DB & JDBC.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed API using Hibernate to interact with the Oracle database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Expertise in Multithreading, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), EJB, Serialization, and Java Beans.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Worked extensively on SPRING MVC framework to develop new internal web application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Spring AOP components for the Logging, Exception handling and Transactional Models.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Enforce compliance with dynamic processing and security policies by using Mule ESB.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed Spring boot application with microservice and deployed it into AWS using EC2 instances.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Uses the DAO pattern for data access layer and JMS API for the messaging requirement.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Design PL/SQL batches using Core JAVA with connectivity to Oracle for data maintenance and handling.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Test API responses for WCS changes deployed on continuous basis, validate Green Box and MongoDB data.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed test cases and performed unit test using JUnit Framework and used JIRA for tracking bugs.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed and executed SQL queries for testing database integrity and for data analysis using Selenium.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed automated regression test cases in Selenium WebDriver using Java programming language.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Maven to build and generate code analysis reports and JENKINS for continuous integration.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used WebLogic for design, development, and deployment of applications.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java, J2EE, SPRING, Hibernate, Struts, WebLogic, Restful, JQuery, AJAX, Ext JS, JavaScript, AngularJs, JSP, JSTL, Servlet, Microservice, Oracle, CRUD, PL/SQL, JIRA, Angular, GWT, JDBC, AWS, MongoDB, NodeJS, Adobe (CQ5), Bootstrap, Core Java, jBPM, NoSQL, UML, Eclipse, Junit, Maven, Agile, SOA, JIRA, JENKINS, Selenium.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: US Cellular - Chicago, IL April 2011 – June 2012","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: Java Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: US Cellular is the fifth-largest full-service wireless carrier in the United States, providing national network coverage and industry-leading innovations designed to elevate the customer experience. The Chicago-based carrier has a strong line-up of cutting-edge devices that are all backed by a high-quality network in big and small cities and rural communities, and currently.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Sprint planning sessions and participated in the daily Agile SCRUM meetings.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed and implemented web module using SPRING MVC.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Designed & Developed persistence service using Hibernate framework.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Develop high-level class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and implement the same in Java , SPRING, and SOAP.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed web screens in JSP, JSTL, CSS3 and client side validation using JavaScript and JQuery.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Struts validation and tiles framework in the presentation layer and tags to simplify complexities.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed JSP custom tags in the web tier to dynamically generate web pages. Worked with Struts (MVC Paradigm) components such as Action Mapping, Action class, Dispatch action class, Action Form bean.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used SPRING ORM module for integration with Hibernate for persistence layer.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used SPRING AOP in exception handling, which reduces the development time to handle the exceptions.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed SOAP based Webservice using JAX-WS and tested the webservice with SOAPUI.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JIRA for defect tracking and project management.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used STS (SPRING Tool Suite) as software development platform for developing the whole application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used SVN for the version management and for version controlling software.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Configured Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven and created selenium automation scripts using Test NG.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Performed functional testing to identify critical points and automated it by using Selenium web driver.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Unit and integration test cases are designed using Junit and Log4j for log error, info and debug messages.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Tested Service and data access tier using JUnit in TDD methodology.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Followed Agile SCRUM methodology and used Test Driven Development (TDD).","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Project builds with Maven and Eclipse as IDE for application development and integration of frameworks.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Apache Tomcat as application server to deploy the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, Spring, Servlet, JDBC, Hibernate, Soap, SPRING, Struts, XML/XSL, DB2, JUnit, JSTL, Jira, Eclipse, SOAP Webservice, Selenium, TDD, SOAP UI, AJAX-WS RAD, Log4j, SQL, Maven, Tomcat, Log4j, WebLogic.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: Footlocker - New York, NY Oct 2009 – Mar 2011","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: JAVA/J2EE Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: This is an internet based online shopping website in which products will be sold electronically involving buyers and sellers. The application also has googled map to represent the address. The products that this application sell, or buy are related to electronic products, consumer products and household products.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in the complete Software Development Life Cycle including Requirement Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed JSP, HTML5, XHTML5, CSS3 pages for modified views worked on responsive web design.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Wrote Code to interact with back-end JAVA, AJAX, JSON.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used AJAX with JQuery to parse JSON object to dynamically overlay contents on web pages.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JSF components and custom styles to convert model output to a tabular schedule view for trainees.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsible for system analysis, design and development, which is built on top of J2EE and SPRING MVC.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle using Agile Methodology.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed code for obtaining bean references in SPRING framework using Dependency Injection.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed DAO layer using Hibernate and SPRING and implemented the web tier using SPRING MVC.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Java/J2EE Design Patterns such as DAO pattern, MVC pattern, singleton in the project extensively, which facilitates clean distribution of roles and responsibilities across various layers of processing.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in consuming and developing RESTful Webservice using SPRING MVC and Hibernate.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented Maven Script to create JAR, WAR, EAR and deploy the entire project onto the WebSphere.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Oracle SQL developer for the writing queries or procedures in SQL.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Monitored the error logs using Log4J and fixed the problems and GIT, SVN for version control.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used WebSphere as the Application Server to deploy the application.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JUnit for the unit testing of various modules.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Java/J2EE, Eclipse, JSP, SOAP, RESTful, JMS,AJAX, JSON, SPRING, Hibernate, XML, XSLT, HTML5, XHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSF, WebSphere, Oracle SQL Developer, Maven, Agile scrum, Integration tool, Log4J, GIT, JUnit.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Client: YANA Software Pvt., LTD - Hyderabad, INDIA. Sep 2008- Sep 2009","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Role: JAVA/J2EE Developer","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Description: The product was online banking system which provides personal savings details to the clients. It offers a wide range of financial clients and as per users account status offers him to take up the new schemes. Upon the user request it generates the corresponding requests and sends to the user.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Responsibilities:","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed presentation screens by using JSP, HTML and JavaScript.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Implemented Model View Controller (MVC-2) architecture and developed Form classes, Action Classes for the entire application using Struts Framework and used for server side validation..","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Performed client side validations using JavaScript.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used Hibernate Annotations to reduce time at the configuration level and accessed Annotated bean from Hibernate DAO layer.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used HQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Transformed, Navigated and Formatted XML documents using XSL, XSLT.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JMS for asynchronous exchange of message by applications on different platforms.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Developed the view components using JSP, HTML, Struts Logic tags and Struts tag libraries.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in developing SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Creation of database objects like tables, views using oracle tools like Toad, and SQL* plus.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Involved in writing Stored Procedure in using PL/SQL.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Used JUnit Testing Framework for performing Unit testing.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Deployed application in Tomcat and developed using Rational Application Developer RAD.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"} {"text":"Environment: Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, Servlets 2.5, JSP, JMS, CVS, JavaScript, XSL, XSLT, PL/SQL, Junit, Tomcat, Oracle 10g.","label":2,"label_text":"Exp"}