[ { "qid": "872", "term": "Swastika", "description": "a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia and 20th-century symbol of Nazism", "question": "Did the Hopi Indians use a symbol that was similar to the swastika?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "874", "term": "Year", "description": "Orbital period of the Earth around the Sun", "question": "is there a david bowie song with the word year or years in the title?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "875", "term": "Shropshire", "description": "County of England", "question": "Were Charles Darwin and A.E. Housman born in Shropshire?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "876", "term": "Shropshire", "description": "County of England", "question": "Are there several towns located in Shropshire?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "877", "term": "Shropshire", "description": "County of England", "question": "Is Lord Hill's column in Shropshire the tallest of its kind?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "878", "term": "Krishna", "description": "Major deity in Hinduism", "question": "Do Hindus believe Krishna exists?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "879", "term": "Compact disc", "description": "Optical disc for storage and playback of digital audio", "question": "Could George Washington have recorded a compact disc?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "883", "term": "Dungeons & Dragons", "description": "Fantasy role-playing game", "question": "Are DnD Ranger characters suited for play in wilderness areas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "884", "term": "Dungeons & Dragons", "description": "Fantasy role-playing game", "question": "Are Rogue DnD characters suited for playing in cities?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "885", "term": "Norfolk", "description": "County of England", "question": "Is Norfolk on the eastern coast of England?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "886", "term": "Norfolk", "description": "County of England", "question": "Is Norfolk predominantly rural?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "887", "term": "Norfolk", "description": "County of England", "question": "Is Dragon Hall located in Norfolk?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "904", "term": "David Cameron", "description": "Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom", "question": "Is David Cameron a Tory?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "901", "term": "The Lord of the Rings", "description": "1954–1955 fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien", "question": "Was The Hobbit written before The Lord of the Rings?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "907", "term": "John the Baptist", "description": "1st-century Jewish preacher and later Christian saint", "question": "Is John the Baptist still worshiped to this day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "908", "term": "John the Baptist", "description": "1st-century Jewish preacher and later Christian saint", "question": "Is John the Baptist still important to people today?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1075", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Do the Great Lakes have any endangered species?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1077", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Do the Great Lakes have more endangered species than other parts of the US?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1078", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Do the Great Lakes freeze in the winter?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1079", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Do people ice fish on the Great Lakes in the winter?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1080", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Do the Great Lakes have bacteria in the water?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1081", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Has anyone ever drowned in the Great Lakes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1082", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Has anyone drowned in the Great Lakes in 2019?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1083", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Are there any fresh water sand dunes in the Great Lakes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1084", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Do the Great Lakes have at least 15% of the worlds freshwater fish supply?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1085", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Are any of the Great Lakes entirely in the US?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1086", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Is there a state that touches several of the Great Lakes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1094", "term": "Nickel", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 28", "question": "Would nickel boil if placed in the core of Neptune?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1140", "term": "Thoroughbred", "description": "Horse breed developed for racing", "question": "Does Gavin Rossdale have a large enough net worth to purchase the most expensive Thoroughbred horse?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1141", "term": "Attack on Pearl Harbor", "description": "Surprise attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy on the U.S. Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii", "question": "Was the current U.S. speaker of the house alive during the attack on Pearl Harbor?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1322", "term": "University of Pittsburgh", "description": "American state-related research university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania", "question": "Was Abraham Lincoln responsible for founding the University of Pittsburgh?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1323", "term": "University of Pittsburgh", "description": "American state-related research university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania", "question": "Did Abraham Lincoln help to establish the University of Pittsburgh?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1335", "term": "Led Zeppelin", "description": "English rock band", "question": "Did the lead singer of Led Zepplin ever play as a child in Leasowes Park?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1336", "term": "Led Zeppelin", "description": "English rock band", "question": "Did the lead singer of Led Zepplin ever play in a park designed by a poet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1342", "term": "Prussia", "description": "state in Central Europe between 1525–1947", "question": "Could someone from Prussia communicate easily with someone from Austria?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1343", "term": "Prussia", "description": "state in Central Europe between 1525–1947", "question": "Could someone from Prussia communicate easily with Wilhelm Miklas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1344", "term": "Prussia", "description": "state in Central Europe between 1525–1947", "question": "Could someone from Prussia communicate easily with Wilhelm Miklas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1354", "term": "Jay-Z", "description": "American rapper, entrepreneur, record executive, songwriter, producer and investor from New York", "question": "Did Jay-Z know Kanye West in 2011? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1355", "term": "Jay-Z", "description": "American rapper, entrepreneur, record executive, songwriter, producer and investor from New York", "question": "Did Jay-Z know Kanye West in 2012? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1356", "term": "Jay-Z", "description": "American rapper, entrepreneur, record executive, songwriter, producer and investor from New York", "question": "Will Jay-Z reach the age of 60 before Kendrick Lamar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1359", "term": "Martin Luther", "description": "Saxon priest, monk and theologian, seminal figure in Protestant Reformation", "question": "Did Martin Luther know Latin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1425", "term": "Manny Pacquiao", "description": "Filipino professional boxer and politician", "question": "Was Manny Pacquiao a boxing champion when Obama was first elected US president?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1445", "term": "Economist", "description": "professional in the social science discipline of economics", "question": "Is an economist qualified to study the effects of inflationary pressure?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1446", "term": "Economist", "description": "professional in the social science discipline of economics", "question": "Is an economist able to study the effects of inflationary pressure?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1447", "term": "Economist", "description": "professional in the social science discipline of economics", "question": "Is an economist able to determine why the price of a burrito changes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1448", "term": "Six-Day War", "description": "1967 war between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, and Syria", "question": "Was the country featured in All My Life one of the participants in the Six-Day War?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1370", "term": "Encyclopædia Britannica", "description": "General knowledge English-language encyclopaedia", "question": "Did the founders of Encyclopædia Britannica enjoy views of the Firth of Forth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1409", "term": "Christian music", "description": "music with Christian theme", "question": "Is Christian music played in Churches?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1410", "term": "Christian music", "description": "music with Christian theme", "question": "Did Fanny Crosby write Christian music?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1411", "term": "Christian music", "description": "music with Christian theme", "question": "Is Battle Hymn of the Republic considered christian music?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1414", "term": "C-SPAN", "description": "American pay television network", "question": "Did Brian Lamb ever host a television program on C-SPAN?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1415", "term": "C-SPAN", "description": "American pay television network", "question": "Did Christopher Hitchens ever appear on C-Span?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1416", "term": "C-SPAN", "description": "American pay television network", "question": "Was C-Span on the air in 1987?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1417", "term": "C-SPAN", "description": "American pay television network", "question": "Could someone watch C-Span on cable in 1980?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1418", "term": "C-SPAN", "description": "American pay television network", "question": "Does the name C-SPAN refer to a form of telecommunications?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1420", "term": "Metallica", "description": "American heavy metal band", "question": "Did Metallica ever release a rap song?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1424", "term": "Cannabis (drug)", "description": "psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant", "question": "Can a human safely consume Cannabis?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1430", "term": "Hamlet", "description": "tragedy by William Shakespeare", "question": "Could Saint Augustine have read Hamlet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1431", "term": "Hamlet", "description": "tragedy by William Shakespeare", "question": "Could the author of The Bell Jar have read Hamlet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1432", "term": "Hamlet", "description": "tragedy by William Shakespeare", "question": "Could the winner of a Nobel Peace Prize have read Hamlet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1433", "term": "Hamlet", "description": "tragedy by William Shakespeare", "question": "Could a participant in the American Civil War read Hamlet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1436", "term": "Cornwall", "description": "County of England", "question": "Does the author of Rebecca use Cornwall in another novel?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1482", "term": "Saturday Night Live", "description": "American late-night live television sketch comedy show", "question": "Did the creator of Saturday Night Live ever work with Johnny Carson?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1483", "term": "Saturday Night Live", "description": "American late-night live television sketch comedy show", "question": "Did the creator of Saturday Night Live ever work with Jack Paar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1488", "term": "Sugar Ray Robinson", "description": "American boxer", "question": "Did Sugar Ray Robinson ever experience pain?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1516", "term": "Game engine", "description": "Software-development environment designed for building video games", "question": "Do Adobe Suite and Life Is Strange video game share similar coding?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1532", "term": "Lieutenant", "description": "junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces", "question": "Did Elizabeth Margaret Hunter's husband work with a lieutenant?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1533", "term": "Lieutenant", "description": "junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces", "question": "Did Elizabeth Hunter's husband work with a lieutenant?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1530", "term": "Lieutenant", "description": "junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces", "question": "Did the husband of Alexander Hamilton's granddaughter work with a lieutenant?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1531", "term": "Lieutenant", "description": "junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces", "question": "Did the husband of Elizabeth Hamilton work with a lieutenant?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1554", "term": "Transport", "description": "Human-directed movement of things or people between locations", "question": "Can you transport nine pounds of weed in a bag?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1560", "term": "Japanese people", "description": "Ethnic group native to Japan", "question": "Did Japanese people win the War of the Bucket?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1577", "term": "Swastika", "description": "a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia and 20th-century symbol of Nazism", "question": "Is the Swastika a religious symbol?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1582", "term": "New Brunswick", "description": "province in Canada", "question": "Can lizards survive temperatures in far north New Brunswick?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1583", "term": "New Brunswick", "description": "province in Canada", "question": "Do lizards breed in far north New Brunswick?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1584", "term": "New Brunswick", "description": "province in Canada", "question": "Can a person from Burundi order food in their native language in New Brunswick?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1585", "term": "New Brunswick", "description": "province in Canada", "question": "Can a person from Madagascar order food in their native language in New Brunswick?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1586", "term": "New Brunswick", "description": "province in Canada", "question": "Can a person from New Brunswick understand the speech of someone from Burundi?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1587", "term": "New Brunswick", "description": "province in Canada", "question": "Can a person from New Brunswick understand the language of someone from Burundi?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1680", "term": "Blues", "description": "Musical form and music genre", "question": "Did people listen to The Blues during World War I?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1625", "term": "Empire of Japan", "description": "Empire in the Asia-Pacific region between 1868–1947", "question": "Were there typewriters in the Empire of Japan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1653", "term": "Rabbi", "description": "teacher of Torah in Judaism", "question": "Can a Rabbi administer any of the Christian Sacraments?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1654", "term": "Rabbi", "description": "teacher of Torah in Judaism", "question": "Can a Rabbi perform a Christian baptism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1655", "term": "Rabbi", "description": "teacher of Torah in Judaism", "question": "Can baptism be done by a rabbi?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1656", "term": "Rabbi", "description": "teacher of Torah in Judaism", "question": "Can a rabbi perform any Christian rituals?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1677", "term": "Highway", "description": "A public road or other public way on land", "question": "Did members of the Silent Generation use highways?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1678", "term": "Highway", "description": "A public road or other public way on land", "question": "Did cars travel on highways during the Silent Generation?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1679", "term": "Highway", "description": "A public road or other public way on land", "question": "Were there highways during the Silent Generation?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1681", "term": "Justin Bieber", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Can Justin Bieber win the 2020 US Presidential election?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1682", "term": "Justin Bieber", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Will Justin Bieber win the 2020 US Presidential election?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1683", "term": "Justin Bieber", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Will Justin Bieber become US President in 2020?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1684", "term": "Justin Bieber", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Can Justin Bieber represent New York in Congress in 2020?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1685", "term": "Justin Bieber", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Will Justin Bieber be Trump's running mate in 2020?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1686", "term": "Justin Bieber", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Will Justin Bieber replace Mike Pence in 2020?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1688", "term": "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom", "description": "Head of UK Government", "question": "Can every Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom since 1970 fill all the US Supreme Court positions?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1689", "term": "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom", "description": "Head of UK Government", "question": "Can every Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since 1970 fill all the US Supreme Court chairs?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1699", "term": "Myocardial infarction", "description": "Interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart", "question": "Can a worm suffer a myocardial infarction?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1700", "term": "Supreme Court of the United States", "description": "Highest court in the United States", "question": "Are infants excluded from joining the Supreme Court of the United States?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1701", "term": "Supreme Court of the United States", "description": "Highest court in the United States", "question": "Has a Neanderthal ever served on the Supreme Court of the United States?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1727", "term": "Kane (wrestler)", "description": "American professional wrestler, actor, businessman, and politician", "question": "Have any WWE champions outlasted Kane's Royal Rumble record?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1729", "term": "Larry King", "description": "American television and radio host", "question": "Did Larry King fight in World War I?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1742", "term": "Diethyl ether", "description": "chemical compound", "question": "Can you pour diethyl ether?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1819", "term": "Emerald", "description": "green gemstone, a beryl variety", "question": "Is one of the ingredients of photosynthesis found in emeralds?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1867", "term": "Toyota Hilux", "description": "Series of light commercial vehicles produced by the Japanese car-manufacturer Toyota.", "question": "Can a Toyota Hilux get to Havana from NYC in sixteen hours?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1868", "term": "Toyota Hilux", "description": "Series of light commercial vehicles produced by the Japanese car-manufacturer Toyota.", "question": "Can a Toyota Hilux get to Havana from NYC before sixteen hours?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1869", "term": "Toyota Hilux", "description": "Series of light commercial vehicles produced by the Japanese car-manufacturer Toyota.", "question": "Can a Toyota Hilux transport a human heart from NYC to Raleigh NC?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1897", "term": "Rand Paul", "description": "American politician, ophthalmologist, and United States Senator from Kentucky", "question": "Is Rand Paul prohibited from conducting eye exams?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1898", "term": "Rand Paul", "description": "American politician, ophthalmologist, and United States Senator from Kentucky", "question": "Does Rand have valid eye exam certification in every state ?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1899", "term": "Rand Paul", "description": "American politician, ophthalmologist, and United States Senator from Kentucky", "question": "Does Rand have valid eye exam certification in every state?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1921", "term": "Drew Carey", "description": "American actor, comedian, game show host, libertarian and photographer", "question": "Is Drew Carey in a sports Hall of Fame?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1923", "term": "Harry Houdini", "description": "American magician, escapologist, and stunt performer", "question": "Did Harry Houdini disprove the claims of psychics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1924", "term": "Harry Houdini", "description": "American magician, escapologist, and stunt performer", "question": "Was Harry Houdini bad for the business of psychics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1925", "term": "Harry Houdini", "description": "American magician, escapologist, and stunt performer", "question": "Was Harry Houdini's wife bad for the business of psychics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1955", "term": "Fair trade", "description": "form of trade", "question": "Are most of the products labelled Fair Trade exported from the United States?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "1959", "term": "Stone Cold Steve Austin", "description": "American professional wrestler", "question": "Can Stone Cold Steve Austin body slam a male mule deer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1960", "term": "Stone Cold Steve Austin", "description": "American professional wrestler", "question": "Can a male mule deer be body slammed by Stone Cold Steve Austin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1961", "term": "Nordic countries", "description": "Geographical and cultural region in Northern Europe and the North Atlantic", "question": "Can someone from Denmark go to Sweden without their passport?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1962", "term": "Stone Cold Steve Austin", "description": "American professional wrestler", "question": "Can Stone Cold Steve Austin body slam two White-tailed deer simultaneously?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1964", "term": "Kaffir lime", "description": "A citrus fruit native to tropical Southeast Asia and southern China", "question": "Is kaffir lime the man ingredient in key krueng?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1965", "term": "Stone Cold Steve Austin", "description": "American professional wrestler", "question": "Can Stone Cold Steve Austin apply his finisher to the largest mule deer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1982", "term": "Byzantine calendar", "description": "The calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Church from c. 691 to 1728", "question": "In the year 1000, did the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Byzantine Empire use the same calendar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1994", "term": "Charlemagne", "description": "King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor", "question": "Would Constantinople withstand a hypothetical invasion by Charlemagne?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1995", "term": "Charlemagne", "description": "King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor", "question": "Would Constantinople survive a hypothetical invasion by Charlemagne?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1996", "term": "Charlemagne", "description": "King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor", "question": "Would Constantinople repel a hypothetical invasion by Charlemagne?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1997", "term": "Charlemagne", "description": "King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor", "question": "Would King Henry V hypothetically defeat Charlemagne at Agincourt?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1998", "term": "Charlemagne", "description": "King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor", "question": "Would King Henry V hypothetically prevail against Charlemagne at Agincourt?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "1999", "term": "Charlemagne", "description": "King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor", "question": "Would King Henry V hypothetically demolish Charlemagne at Agincourt?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2015", "term": "Illuminati", "description": "A name given to several groups, both real and fictitious", "question": "Does the Illuminati leave messages in modern society?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2061", "term": "John Searle", "description": "American philosopher", "question": "Was John Searle born in a state that is bordered by Wyoming?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2079", "term": "John Lennon", "description": "English singer and songwriter, founding member of the Beatles", "question": "Did John Lennon collaborate with the filmmaker behind Walden?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2072", "term": "Swallow", "description": "family of birds", "question": "Did the swallow play a role in a famous film starring John Cleese?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2073", "term": "Swallow", "description": "family of birds", "question": "Did the swallow play a role in a famous film starring Michael Palin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2075", "term": "Electronic dance music", "description": "broad category of electronic music", "question": "Did Beethoven ever compose an EDM song?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2078", "term": "John Lennon", "description": "English singer and songwriter, founding member of the Beatles", "question": "Did John Lennon collaborate with the man who made the film Walden?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2080", "term": "John Lennon", "description": "English singer and songwriter, founding member of the Beatles", "question": "Did John Lennon collaborate with the filmmaker behind The Brig?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2094", "term": "Drag queen", "description": "a person who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes", "question": "Is the artist of the album Slay Belles a drag queen?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2097", "term": "Jason", "description": "Greek mythological hero", "question": "Could the children of Greek hero Jason hypothetically field a polo team?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2099", "term": "Anchor", "description": "Device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting", "question": "Does a Toyota Prius require an anchor in order to park?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2100", "term": "Anchor", "description": "Device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting", "question": "Does a Prius require an anchor in order to park?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2101", "term": "Anchor", "description": "Device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting", "question": "Does a Jetta require an anchor in order to park?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2106", "term": "OpenOffice.org", "description": "free software office suite", "question": "Can people see the code behind OpenOffice.org?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2115", "term": "Visual cortex", "description": "region of the brain", "question": "Does the visual cortex play a role in regulating lung function?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2116", "term": "Visual cortex", "description": "region of the brain", "question": "Does the visual cortex play a role in regulating metabolic function?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2117", "term": "Spinal cord", "description": "long, thin, tubular structure made up of nervous tissue", "question": "Does the spinal cord play a role in skateboarding?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2123", "term": "Fraktur", "description": "Typeface", "question": "Was Fraktur likely to have been used in publications of Anders Arrebo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2124", "term": "Fraktur", "description": "Typeface", "question": "Was Fraktur likely to have been used in the publications of Anders Arrebo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2154", "term": "Apollo 13", "description": "A failed crewed mission to land on the Moon", "question": "Could the crew members of Apollo 13 field a full basketball team?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2155", "term": "Apollo 13", "description": "A failed crewed mission to land on the Moon", "question": "Could the crew members of Apollo 13 field a full ice hockey team?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2156", "term": "Apollo 13", "description": "A failed crewed mission to land on the Moon", "question": "Could the crew members of Apollo 13 field an NHL team?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2166", "term": "Balkans", "description": "Geopolitical and cultural region of southeastern Europe", "question": "Was an event in the Balkans considered a contributing factor to World War I?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2183", "term": "Genghis Khan", "description": "founder and first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire", "question": "Are Genghis Khan's descendants more prolific than those of Julius Caesar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2190", "term": "Gallon", "description": "general topic for different units of volume called gallon", "question": "Would ten gallons of seawater hold a six year old in the air on a seesaw?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2193", "term": "Salvador Dalí", "description": "Spanish artist", "question": "Would Boticelli's mythological subjects fill a gallery before Salvador Dali's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2252", "term": "Logging", "description": "the cutting, skidding, on-site processing, and loading of trees or logs onto transport vehicles", "question": "Is paper a product of logging?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2363", "term": "Horseradish", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Does horseradish have hooves?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2440", "term": "Little penguin", "description": "smallest penguin species", "question": "Does the little penguin share space with Kiwis?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2521", "term": "Pythagoras", "description": "ancient Greek philosopher and mystic", "question": "Do 10-12 year olds typically learn about something that Pythagoras developed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2538", "term": "Selena Gomez", "description": "American singer, actress, and executive producer", "question": "Will Victoria's Secret hire Gal Gadot before Selena Gomez?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8249", "term": "Camel", "description": "Genus of mammals", "question": "Do camels live in Ontario?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2445", "term": "Julian calendar", "description": "solar calendar in use from imperial Rome until after the Reformation", "question": "Did Ptolemy use the Julian calendar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2485", "term": "Spanish–American War", "description": "Conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States", "question": "Could Spanish-American War combat casualties hypothetically fit on Titanic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2488", "term": "Spanish–American War", "description": "Conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States", "question": "Could Titanic hypothetically hold Spanish-American War combat casualties?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2498", "term": "McDonald's", "description": "American fast food restaurant chain", "question": "Can Madison Square Garden hold every McDonald's employee?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2499", "term": "McDonald's", "description": "American fast food restaurant chain", "question": "Can Royal Albert Hall hold every McDonald's employee?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2508", "term": "Linus Torvalds", "description": "Creator and lead developer of Linux kernel", "question": "Can a Maruti Suzuki Baleno transport Linus Torvald's family?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2510", "term": "Linus Torvalds", "description": "Creator and lead developer of Linux kernel", "question": "Can Linus Torvald's family ride in a Maruti Suzuki Baleno?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2514", "term": "Librarian", "description": "person who works professionally in a library, and is usually trained in librarianship", "question": "Would a librarian use a computer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2515", "term": "Bengal fox", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Does the bengal fox have hair covering it's body?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2519", "term": "Pythagoras", "description": "ancient Greek philosopher and mystic", "question": "Do middle school students typically learn about something that Pythagoras developed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2537", "term": "Selena Gomez", "description": "American singer, actress, and executive producer", "question": "Would Gal Gadot be hired as Victoria Secret model before Selena Gomez?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2547", "term": "Library of Alexandria", "description": "one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, located in Alexandria, Egypt", "question": "Could someone have visited the Library of Alexandria and the pyramids on the same vacation?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2557", "term": "Elizabeth I of England", "description": "Queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until 24 March 1603", "question": "Could Elizabeth I of England have seen the plays of Shakespeare?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2559", "term": "Elizabeth I of England", "description": "Queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until 24 March 1603", "question": "Could Elizabeth I of England have seen Romeo and Juliet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2598", "term": "John Muir", "description": "Scottish-born American naturalist and author", "question": "Would John Muir hate being inside all day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2600", "term": "John Muir", "description": "Scottish-born American naturalist and author", "question": "Would John Muir dislike being inside all day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2927", "term": "Alan Alda", "description": "American actor, director, and writer", "question": "Would Alan Alda fit in with the cast of Grey's Anatomy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2929", "term": "Alan Alda", "description": "American actor, director, and writer", "question": "Would Alan Alda fit in on the set of Grey's Anatomy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2930", "term": "Alan Alda", "description": "American actor, director, and writer", "question": "Would Alan Alda fit in on the set of Chicago Hope?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2931", "term": "Alan Alda", "description": "American actor, director, and writer", "question": "Would Alan Alda be comfortable on the set of Chicago Hope?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2603", "term": "John Muir", "description": "Scottish-born American naturalist and author", "question": "Would John Muir be unlikely to have a vitamin D deficiency?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2607", "term": "National Diet", "description": "legislature of Japan", "question": "Can National Diet building accommodate Viper Room crowd?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2608", "term": "National Diet", "description": "legislature of Japan", "question": "Can Viper Room crowd squeeze into National Diet building?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2625", "term": "Reiki", "description": "Pseudoscientific healing technique", "question": "Would a physician be unlikely to prescribe Reiki?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2662", "term": "Justin Timberlake", "description": "American singer, record producer, and actor", "question": "Did Justin Timberlake have many young female fans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2663", "term": "Justin Timberlake", "description": "American singer, record producer, and actor", "question": "Were many young females attracted to Justin Timberlake?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2679", "term": "University of Pennsylvania", "description": "Private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania", "question": "Did Brooke Shields have the credentials to get into University of Pennsylvania?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2680", "term": "University of Pennsylvania", "description": "Private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania", "question": "Did actress Brooke Shields have the credentials to get into University of Pennsylvania?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2681", "term": "University of Pennsylvania", "description": "Private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania", "question": "Would University of Pennsylvania admit actress Brooke Shields?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2682", "term": "University of Pennsylvania", "description": "Private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania", "question": "Could Brooke Shields handle University of Pennsylvania curriculum?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2687", "term": "Horse-fly", "description": "family of insects", "question": "Does a horse fly neigh?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2689", "term": "Noah's Ark", "description": "the vessel in the Genesis flood narrative", "question": "Is Noah's Ark more imposing than Batillus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2820", "term": "Dayton Agreement", "description": "late-1995 treaty ending the Bosnian War", "question": "Was Al Gore Vice President of the US when the Dayton Agreement was signed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2783", "term": "Diabetes", "description": "a disease characterized by long-term high blood sugar", "question": "Is the paleo diet beneficial for people with diabetes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2821", "term": "Dayton Agreement", "description": "late-1995 treaty ending the Bosnian War", "question": "Was Franjo Tudjman President of Croatia when the Dayton Agreement was signed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2840", "term": "Moon Jae-in", "description": "President of South Korea", "question": "Does Moon Jae-in own both cats and dogs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2928", "term": "Alan Alda", "description": "American actor, director, and writer", "question": "Would Alan Alda fit in on Grey's Anatomy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3113", "term": "Disco", "description": "music genre", "question": "Is music genre that dominated late 1970's still evolving?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3116", "term": "Disco", "description": "music genre", "question": "Is ABBA's 1970's music genre still relevant today?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3732", "term": "Bohemia", "description": "Historical region in the Czech Republic", "question": "Has Leninism influenced Bohemia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2722", "term": "Drummer", "description": "percussionist who creates and accompanies music using drums", "question": "Can a one armed drummer be elite?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3778", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Are Northern Europeans portrayed in Macbeth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3779", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Are Northern Europeans depicted in Macbeth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3863", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Does soy milk increase heart attack?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2784", "term": "Diabetes", "description": "a disease characterized by long-term high blood sugar", "question": "Is the paleo diet healthy for people with diabetes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2841", "term": "Moon Jae-in", "description": "President of South Korea", "question": "Were there any pandemics during Moon Jae-in's presidency?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2730", "term": "French toast", "description": "bread soaked in beaten eggs and then fried", "question": "Can French Toast cause Salmonella poisoning?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2737", "term": "Amazon (company)", "description": "American electronic commerce and cloud computing company", "question": "Could one Amazon stock ever buy twenty four year Netflix subscription?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2818", "term": "History of the United States", "description": "Occurrences and people in the USA throughout history", "question": "Did Malcolm X play a role in the history of the United States?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2787", "term": "Coen brothers", "description": "American filmmakers", "question": "Do people watching Coen brothers films in Guinea Bissau require subtitles?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2792", "term": "Artisan", "description": "skilled craft worker who makes or creates things by hand", "question": "Can an artisan sell items to someone in another country?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2796", "term": "Evander Holyfield", "description": "American boxer", "question": "Can Evander Holyfield consume pork products?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2806", "term": "History of the United States", "description": "Occurrences and people in the USA throughout history", "question": "Did slaves play a role in the history of the United States?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2809", "term": "James Brown", "description": "American singer, songwriter, producer and bandleader from South Carolina", "question": "Could James Brown's ex-wives have held a doubles game of tennis?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2810", "term": "James Brown", "description": "American singer, songwriter, producer and bandleader from South Carolina", "question": "Could James Brown's ex-wives have played a doubles game of tennis?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2811", "term": "James Brown", "description": "American singer, songwriter, producer and bandleader from South Carolina", "question": "Could James Brown's ex-wives play a doubles game of tennis?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2815", "term": "Poker", "description": "family of card games", "question": "Is it possible to make a living only playing Poker?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2816", "term": "Poker", "description": "family of card games", "question": "Can computers play Poker better than humans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2819", "term": "Dayton Agreement", "description": "late-1995 treaty ending the Bosnian War", "question": "Was Bill Clinton President of the US when the Dayton Agreement was signed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2823", "term": "Celery", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Did one person cause the price of celery to spike at any time in the past?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2824", "term": "Celery", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Has celery been used for purposes other than food?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2825", "term": "Celery", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Does celery contain any essential nutrients?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2826", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Did a manta ray murder Steve Irwin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2832", "term": "Bengal fox", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Do Bengal foxes take care of their children?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2833", "term": "Bengal fox", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Do humans pose a threat to Bengal foxes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2836", "term": "Moon Jae-in", "description": "President of South Korea", "question": "Does Moon Jae-in own any pets?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2837", "term": "Moon Jae-in", "description": "President of South Korea", "question": "Does Moon Jae-in support animal rights?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2839", "term": "Moon Jae-in", "description": "President of South Korea", "question": "Does Moon Jae-in own multiple species of pets?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2870", "term": "San Antonio", "description": "City in Texas, United States", "question": "Can people in San Antonio cheer on the Memphis Grizzlies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2881", "term": "Solubility", "description": "Capacity of a designated solvent to hold a designated solute in homogeneous solution under specified conditions", "question": "Does Gordon Ramsey care about solubility?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2882", "term": "Solubility", "description": "Capacity of a designated solvent to hold a designated solute in homogeneous solution under specified conditions", "question": "Does Gordon Ramsey know about solubility?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2884", "term": "Solubility", "description": "Capacity of a designated solvent to hold a designated solute in homogeneous solution under specified conditions", "question": "Does Jamie Oliver care about solubility?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2893", "term": "Casablanca", "description": "City / State in Casablanca-Settat, Morocco", "question": "Do travelers to Casablanca have a hard time finding a BLT?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2900", "term": "Tower of London", "description": "A historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London", "question": "Can Tony Blair be imprisoned in the Tower of London?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2902", "term": "Greek alphabet", "description": "script that has been used to write the Greek language", "question": "Is the Greek alphabet prohibited for use in Korean pop music?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2903", "term": "Greek alphabet", "description": "script that has been used to write the Greek language", "question": "Is the Greek alphabet prohibited for use in Kpop?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2904", "term": "Greek alphabet", "description": "script that has been used to write the Greek language", "question": "Is the Greek alphabet barred for use in Kpop?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2908", "term": "Common Era", "description": "alternative (and religiously neutral) naming of the traditional calendar era, Anno Domini", "question": "Will a living thing survive the entirety of Common Era?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2923", "term": "Formula One", "description": "Auto racing championship held worldwide", "question": "Does Secretariat hold a record for Formula One championships?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2924", "term": "Formula One", "description": "Auto racing championship held worldwide", "question": "Does Secretariat have a record for Formula One championships?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2926", "term": "Alan Alda", "description": "American actor, director, and writer", "question": "Would Alan Alda fit in on the cast of Grey's Anatomy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2938", "term": "Marco Rubio", "description": "United States Senator from Florida", "question": "Does Marco Rubio have a close relationship with Brahma?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2939", "term": "Marco Rubio", "description": "United States Senator from Florida", "question": "Does Marco Rubio have a close relationship with Vishnu?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2947", "term": "Jerry Seinfeld", "description": "American comedian and actor", "question": "Did Jerry Seinfeld earn a lot of money using his mouth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2948", "term": "Jerry Seinfeld", "description": "American comedian and actor", "question": "Did Jerry Seinfeld's mouth help him earn a substantial amount of money?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2949", "term": "Jerry Seinfeld", "description": "American comedian and actor", "question": "Did Jerry Seinfeld's mouth help him earn a lot of cash?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2959", "term": "Amazon (company)", "description": "American electronic commerce and cloud computing company", "question": "Could Amazon defeat Iceland in a bidding war?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2969", "term": "John Kerry", "description": "68th United States Secretary of State", "question": "Would a tenth of McCain's electoral votes make John Kerry President in 2004?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2973", "term": "Final Fantasy VI", "description": "1994 video game", "question": "Can all Suikoden characters find dates among Final Fantasy VI characters?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "2979", "term": "Albanian Declaration of Independence", "description": "declaration of independence", "question": "Can a student from Beder read the Albanian Declaration of Independence?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2980", "term": "Albanian Declaration of Independence", "description": "declaration of independence", "question": "Can a student from Beder understand the Albanian Declaration of Independence?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "2989", "term": "Hypothermia", "description": "A human body core temperature below 35.0°C", "question": "Would someone in a sauna be unlikely to experience hypothermia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3023", "term": "Tamarind", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Are more tamarinds grown in Honduras than Canada?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3050", "term": "Drew Carey", "description": "American actor, comedian, game show host, libertarian and photographer", "question": "Does Drew Carey's Price is Right tenure surpass Dennis James's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3007", "term": "Ethiopian cuisine", "description": "Culinary traditions of Ethiopia", "question": "Is shrimp essential to Ethiopian cuisine?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3019", "term": "Tamarind", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Would a tamarind tree grow poorly in Alaska?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3020", "term": "Tamarind", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Would a tamarind tree grow poorly in Anchorage?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3021", "term": "Tamarind", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Would a tamarind tree have difficulty growing in Anchorage?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3022", "term": "Tamarind", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Are more tamarinds grown in Honduras than Alaska?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3051", "term": "Drew Carey", "description": "American actor, comedian, game show host, libertarian and photographer", "question": "Has Drew Carey's surpassed Dennis James at the same job?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3114", "term": "Disco", "description": "music genre", "question": "Is music genre that dominated late 1970's still evolving today?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3733", "term": "Bohemia", "description": "Historical region in the Czech Republic", "question": "Has Leninism influenced politics in Bohemia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3738", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Does it snow in the arctic circle during September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3047", "term": "Drew Carey", "description": "American actor, comedian, game show host, libertarian and photographer", "question": "Is Drew Carey second longest Price is Right Host?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3048", "term": "Drew Carey", "description": "American actor, comedian, game show host, libertarian and photographer", "question": "Is Drew Carey one of the longest Price is Right hosts?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3111", "term": "Disco", "description": "music genre", "question": "Is music genre that dominated late 70's still alive?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3052", "term": "Drew Carey", "description": "American actor, comedian, game show host, libertarian and photographer", "question": "Has Drew Carey surpassed Dennis James at the same job?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3053", "term": "Drew Carey", "description": "American actor, comedian, game show host, libertarian and photographer", "question": "Has Drew Carey surpassed Doug Davidson at the same job?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3059", "term": "New Year's Eve", "description": "holiday celebrated on 31 December", "question": "Would New Year's Eve hypothetically be one of Bacchus's favorite holidays?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3061", "term": "Colitis", "description": "inflammation of the colon or the large intestine", "question": "Is it best to avoid chocolate with colitis?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3066", "term": "Black pepper", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Is black pepper often combined with a substance that contains chloride?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3074", "term": "Bitcoin", "description": "decentralized cryptocurrency", "question": "Could a single bitcoin ever buy a Volkswagen Jetta?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3076", "term": "Myth", "description": "Type of traditional narrative", "question": "Did ancient myths inspire the Bible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3077", "term": "Myth", "description": "Type of traditional narrative", "question": "Did the Bible borrow from ancient myth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3085", "term": "Dominica", "description": "Country in the Caribbean", "question": "Is Bill Gates more productive than Dominica?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3086", "term": "Dominica", "description": "Country in the Caribbean", "question": "Is Bill Gates more productive than the country of Dominica?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3091", "term": "Purple", "description": "Range of colors with the hues between blue and red", "question": "Are mollusks important to the history of the color purple?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3095", "term": "Eric Clapton", "description": "English musician, singer, songwriter, and guitarist", "question": "Did one of the Beatles have similar taste in women to Eric Clapton?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3112", "term": "Disco", "description": "music genre", "question": "Is music genre that dominated late 1970's still relevant?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3115", "term": "Disco", "description": "music genre", "question": "Is genre that dominated late 1970's music still evolving today?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3202", "term": "Stone Cold Steve Austin", "description": "American professional wrestler", "question": "Has Stone Cold Steve Austin had more Intercontinental success than Four Horsemen?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3104", "term": "Leopard cat", "description": "Small wild cat", "question": "Is Black Rhino prioritized by World Wildlife Fund over Leopard cat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3105", "term": "Leopard cat", "description": "Small wild cat", "question": "Is Bornian Orangutan prioritized by World Wildlife Fund over Leopard cat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3106", "term": "Leopard cat", "description": "Small wild cat", "question": "Does World Wildlife Fund prioritize Bornean Orangutan over Leopard cat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3107", "term": "Leopard cat", "description": "Small wild cat", "question": "Is Bornean Orangutan higher on World Wildlife Fund priority list than Leopard cat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3110", "term": "Disco", "description": "music genre", "question": "Is disco still influencing music in the 2000s?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3127", "term": "Immanuel Kant", "description": "Prussian philosopher", "question": "Would Shaun King and Immanuel Kant disagree about philosophy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3128", "term": "Immanuel Kant", "description": "Prussian philosopher", "question": "Would Shaun King and Immanuel Kant not see eye to eye about philosophy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3129", "term": "Immanuel Kant", "description": "Prussian philosopher", "question": "Would Shaun King and Immanuel Kant disagree about race?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3130", "term": "Immanuel Kant", "description": "Prussian philosopher", "question": "Would Shaun King disagree with Immanuel Kant's views?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3135", "term": "Walt Disney", "description": "American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer", "question": "Was Walt Disney most celebrated amusement park creator by Academy Awards?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3136", "term": "Walt Disney", "description": "American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer", "question": "Academy Awards most celebrated amusement park guy was Walt Disney?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3137", "term": "Walt Disney", "description": "American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer", "question": "Academy Awards most prolific amusement park guy was Walt Disney?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3146", "term": "The Invisible Man", "description": "1897 science fiction novella by H. G. Wells", "question": "Is The Invisible Man H.G. Wells most adapted film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3147", "term": "The Invisible Man", "description": "1897 science fiction novella by H. G. Wells", "question": "Is H.G. Wells' most prolific book to film The Invisible Man?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3148", "term": "Justin Timberlake", "description": "American singer, record producer, and actor", "question": "Can Justin Timberlake ride the Teacups at Six Flags?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3149", "term": "The Invisible Man", "description": "1897 science fiction novella by H. G. Wells", "question": "Is H.G. Wells' most widespread book to film The Invisible Man?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3150", "term": "Justin Timberlake", "description": "American singer, record producer, and actor", "question": "Can Justin Timberlake ride on the Teacups at Six Flags?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3151", "term": "The Invisible Man", "description": "1897 science fiction novella by H. G. Wells", "question": "Is Wells' most widespread book to film The Invisible Man?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3152", "term": "Justin Timberlake", "description": "American singer, record producer, and actor", "question": "Can Justin Timberlake ride on the Pirate's Flight at Six Flags?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3154", "term": "The Invisible Man", "description": "1897 science fiction novella by H. G. Wells", "question": " Is The Invisible Man its author's most adapted book to film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3158", "term": "Julia Roberts", "description": "American actress and producer", "question": "Can Julia Roberts enjoy Space Mountain?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3159", "term": "Julia Roberts", "description": "American actress and producer", "question": "Can Julia Roberts ride Space Mountain?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3160", "term": "Julia Roberts", "description": "American actress and producer", "question": "Can Julia Roberts hang out with BTS?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3166", "term": "Spice Girls", "description": "British girl group", "question": "Would Tata Hexy be more roomy for Spice Girls than Acura NSX?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3167", "term": "Spice Girls", "description": "British girl group", "question": "Would Tata Hexa be more convenient for Spice Girls than Acura NSX?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3168", "term": "Spice Girls", "description": "British girl group", "question": "Would Fortuner be more convenient for Spice Girls than Acura NSX?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3169", "term": "Spice Girls", "description": "British girl group", "question": "Could Tata Hexa get the Spice Girls to a nearby venue?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3173", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "Is Hilo Hawaii an ideal location for snowboarding?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3178", "term": "Judge", "description": "official who presides over court proceedings", "question": "Would an Orthodox Presbyterian object to 18th century judge's attire?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3184", "term": "Goat", "description": "domesticated mammal raised primarily for its milk", "question": "Does the goat zodiac hypothetically make good entertainers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3189", "term": "Jealousy", "description": "emotion referring to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value", "question": "Is human jealousy exhibited in larger mammals?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3190", "term": "Jealousy", "description": "emotion referring to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value", "question": "Do large mammals exhibit human jealousy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3191", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Does AC/DC's success trump Lil Wayne?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3203", "term": "Stone Cold Steve Austin", "description": "American professional wrestler", "question": "Was Stone Cold Steve Austin better tag teamer than Four Horsemen?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3204", "term": "Stone Cold Steve Austin", "description": "American professional wrestler", "question": "Did Stone Cold Steve Austin outshine Four Horsemen's tag team accomplishments?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3214", "term": "United States Air Force", "description": "Air and space warfare branch of the United States Armed Forces", "question": "Is Return of the Jedi's Han Solo bad hypothetical United States Air Force candidate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3245", "term": "French Riviera", "description": "Riviera", "question": "Did Pink Floyd play a song about the French Riviera?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3734", "term": "Bohemia", "description": "Historical region in the Czech Republic", "question": "Has Leninism affected politics in Bohemia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3739", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Can you catch Salmon during September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3216", "term": "Spinach", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Did Popeye eat an unhealthy amount of spinach?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3223", "term": "Golden Gate Bridge", "description": "suspension bridge on the San Francisco Bay", "question": "Is a fall from Golden Gate bridge likely fatal?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3224", "term": "Golden Gate Bridge", "description": "suspension bridge on the San Francisco Bay", "question": "Can someone survive a fall from Golden Gate Bridge?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3227", "term": "Golden Gate Bridge", "description": "suspension bridge on the San Francisco Bay", "question": "Are there bridges people would rather fall from than Golden Gate Bridge?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3233", "term": "Lacrosse", "description": "Team sport", "question": "Is a lacrosse ball blocked by carapace?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3242", "term": "Bing (search engine)", "description": "Web search engine from Microsoft", "question": "Is Bing useless for anonymous browsing?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3243", "term": "French Riviera", "description": "Riviera", "question": "Did Roger Waters sing about the French Riviera?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3244", "term": "French Riviera", "description": "Riviera", "question": "Did Pink Floyd sing about the French Riviera?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3254", "term": "Numismatics", "description": "Study of currencies, coins and paper money", "question": "Do people interested in numismatics care about Edward III?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3255", "term": "Numismatics", "description": "Study of currencies, coins and paper money", "question": "Do people interested in numismatics care about British kings?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3256", "term": "Numismatics", "description": "Study of currencies, coins and paper money", "question": "Do people interested in numismatics care about British royalty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3257", "term": "Numismatics", "description": "Study of currencies, coins and paper money", "question": "Do people interested in numismatics care about British royals?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3320", "term": "Gloucestershire", "description": "County of England", "question": "Have the Dukes of Beaufort ever been to Gloucestershire?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3740", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Can you fish Salmon during September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3266", "term": "Mickey Mouse", "description": "Disney cartoon character", "question": "Would Mickey Mouse be camouflaged by the American flag?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3269", "term": "Great Pyramid of Giza", "description": "Largest pyramid in the Giza Necropolis, Egypt", "question": "Would an Aztec warrior recognize the Great Pyramid of Giza?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3270", "term": "Great Pyramid of Giza", "description": "Largest pyramid in the Giza Necropolis, Egypt", "question": "Would an Aztec recognize the Great Pyramid of Giza?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3271", "term": "Great Pyramid of Giza", "description": "Largest pyramid in the Giza Necropolis, Egypt", "question": "Would an Incan recognize the Great Pyramid of Giza?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3272", "term": "Great Pyramid of Giza", "description": "Largest pyramid in the Giza Necropolis, Egypt", "question": "Would an Olmec recognize the Great Pyramid of Giza?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3273", "term": "Crustacean", "description": "subphylum of arthropods", "question": "Would a plate of crustaceans be appropriate for Diwali?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3278", "term": "Brazilian Navy", "description": "Naval warfare branch of Brazil's military forces", "question": "Could 2020 Brazilian Navy hypothetically win Battle of Actium?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3279", "term": "Brazilian Navy", "description": "Naval warfare branch of Brazil's military forces", "question": "Could 2020 Brazilian Navy have hypothetically turned the tide in Battle of Actium?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3281", "term": "Jamie Lee Curtis", "description": "American actress, author", "question": "Could Jamie Lee Curtis purchase alcohol in California?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3282", "term": "Jamie Lee Curtis", "description": "American actress, author", "question": "Could Jamie Lee Curtis buy a bottle of chardonnay in California?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3283", "term": "Jamie Lee Curtis", "description": "American actress, author", "question": "Could Jamie Lee Curtis buy a package of Marlboro in California?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3294", "term": "John the Baptist", "description": "1st-century Jewish preacher and later Christian saint", "question": "Would John the Baptist be alone at a hypothetical cephalophore reunion in heaven?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3308", "term": "Arctic Ocean", "description": "The smallest and shallowest of the world's five major oceans, located in the north polar regions", "question": "Is Canada south of the Arctic Ocean?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3309", "term": "Arctic Ocean", "description": "The smallest and shallowest of the world's five major oceans, located in the north polar regions", "question": "Is it easier to float in the Dead Sea than the Arctic Ocean?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3310", "term": "Arctic Ocean", "description": "The smallest and shallowest of the world's five major oceans, located in the north polar regions", "question": "Is it easier to float in the Atlantic Ocean than the Arctic Ocean?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3311", "term": "Arctic Ocean", "description": "The smallest and shallowest of the world's five major oceans, located in the north polar regions", "question": "Is it easier for a human to float in the Atlantic Ocean than the Arctic Ocean?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3315", "term": "Golan Heights", "description": "Territory captured from Syria by Israel", "question": "Are polar bears indigenous to the Golan Heights?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3317", "term": "Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017", "description": "Total solar eclipse", "question": "Did it get dark in Tennessee during the Solar eclipse of August 21, 2017?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3319", "term": "Groundhog Day", "description": "Traditional method of weather prediction", "question": "Is Antarctica ideal for Groundhog Day?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3322", "term": "Gloucestershire", "description": "County of England", "question": "Was Edward of Westminster ever in Gloucestershire?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3323", "term": "Gloucestershire", "description": "County of England", "question": "Did Edward of Westminster ever spend time in Gloucestershire?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3342", "term": "Lexus", "description": "luxury vehicle division of Toyota", "question": "Did George Washington cross the Potomac in a Lexus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3346", "term": "Capsaicin", "description": "chemical compound", "question": "Did Wilbur Scoville care about capsaicin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3347", "term": "Capsaicin", "description": "chemical compound", "question": "Did Wilbur Scoville know about capsaicin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3358", "term": "Tick", "description": "order of arachnids", "question": "Could a nymph tick pass through a ISO 838 hole punch?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3389", "term": "Elephant seal", "description": "genus of mammals", "question": "Could an elephant seal dive to the bottom of Lake Michigan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3390", "term": "Elephant seal", "description": "genus of mammals", "question": "Could an elephant seal dive to the bottom of Lake Superior?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3391", "term": "Elephant seal", "description": "genus of mammals", "question": "Could an elephant seal reach the bottom of Lake Superior?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3397", "term": "Reddit", "description": "Online news aggregator", "question": "Can you buy Reddit at Barnes & Noble?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3418", "term": "Dopamine", "description": "chemical compound", "question": "Is dopamine snorted through the nose?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3419", "term": "Dopamine", "description": "chemical compound", "question": "Is dopamine snorted up the nose?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3421", "term": "Great Depression", "description": "20th-century worldwide economic depression", "question": "Did the Great Depression break up families?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3423", "term": "Nerd", "description": "Descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired", "question": "Is a nerd a common character in movies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3426", "term": "Swastika", "description": "a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia and 20th-century symbol of Nazism", "question": "Can a swastika cause pain?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3427", "term": "Swastika", "description": "a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia and 20th-century symbol of Nazism", "question": "Can a swastika cause emotional pain?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3429", "term": "Swastika", "description": "a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia and 20th-century symbol of Nazism", "question": "Do people still fear the swastika?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3431", "term": "Martin Luther", "description": "Saxon priest, monk and theologian, seminal figure in Protestant Reformation", "question": "Was Martin Luther susceptible to death by infection?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3432", "term": "Martin Luther", "description": "Saxon priest, monk and theologian, seminal figure in Protestant Reformation", "question": "Was Martin Luther susceptible to infection?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3433", "term": "Martin Luther", "description": "Saxon priest, monk and theologian, seminal figure in Protestant Reformation", "question": "Was Martin Luther capable of logical thinking?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3434", "term": "Martin Luther", "description": "Saxon priest, monk and theologian, seminal figure in Protestant Reformation", "question": "Is Martin Luther celebrated by many people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3435", "term": "Martin Luther", "description": "Saxon priest, monk and theologian, seminal figure in Protestant Reformation", "question": "Did Martin Luther believe in God?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3441", "term": "Pulitzer Prize", "description": "U.S. award for achievements in newspaper and online journalism, literature, and musical composition", "question": "Can Cheb Mami possibly win a Pulitzer Prize in History?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3445", "term": "The Atlantic", "description": "Magazine and multi-platform publisher based in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Does the Atlantic reach 500 battalions worth of people?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3456", "term": "Chinese calendar", "description": "Lunisolar calendar from China", "question": "Are felidae represented on Chinese calendar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3458", "term": "Maya Angelou", "description": "American poet, author, and civil rights activist", "question": "Did Maya Angelou win a Triple Crown?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3462", "term": "Apollo 15", "description": "Fourth crewed mission to land on the Moon", "question": "Did two Mondays pass during the Apollo 15 mission?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3463", "term": "Apollo 15", "description": "Fourth crewed mission to land on the Moon", "question": "Did two Tuesdays pass during the Apollo 15 mission?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3464", "term": "Apollo 15", "description": "Fourth crewed mission to land on the Moon", "question": "Did two Wednesdays pass during the Apollo 15 mission?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3466", "term": "Apollo 15", "description": "Fourth crewed mission to land on the Moon", "question": "Did multiple weekdays pass during the Apollo 15 mission?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3472", "term": "Kelly Clarkson", "description": "American singer-songwriter, actress, and television personality", "question": "Can Kelly Clarkson's singing break glass?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3474", "term": "United States Army Rangers", "description": "Elite military formation of the United States Army", "question": "Can United States Army Rangers perform a successful Mozambique Drill?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3475", "term": "United States Army Rangers", "description": "Elite military formation of the United States Army", "question": "Can United States Army Rangers complete a Mozambique Drill?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3492", "term": "QWERTY", "description": "keyboard layout where the first line is \"QWERTYUIOP\"", "question": "Can second row of QWERTY keyboard spell name of Abdastartus's kingdom?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3506", "term": "Florence", "description": "Capital and most populous city of the Italian region of Tuscany", "question": "Was Flornce ever a theocracy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3507", "term": "Florence", "description": "Capital and most populous city of the Italian region of Tuscany", "question": "Was Florence ever a theocracy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3511", "term": "The Hobbit", "description": "Fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien", "question": "Is it possible to finish reading The Hobbit in half an hour?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3512", "term": "The Hobbit", "description": "Fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien", "question": "Is it possible to finish reading The Hobbit in three minutes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3517", "term": "Bell's palsy", "description": "Facial paralysis resulting from dysfunction in the cranial nerve VII (facial nerve)", "question": "Can Bell's palsy sufferers still have productive show business careers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3518", "term": "Bell's palsy", "description": "Facial paralysis resulting from dysfunction in the cranial nerve VII (facial nerve)", "question": "Will sports announcing be possible with Bell's palsy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3524", "term": "1980 United States presidential election", "description": "49th quadrennial presidential election in the United States", "question": "Were there worse defeats than Carter's 1980 United States presidential election?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3525", "term": "1980 United States presidential election", "description": "49th quadrennial presidential election in the United States", "question": "Were there worse vote differences than 1980 United States presidential election?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3556", "term": "Holy Land", "description": "Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine", "question": "Did anyone have claim to Holy Land before the three religions that revere it?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3531", "term": "Armageddon", "description": "according to the Book of Revelation, the site of a battle during the end times", "question": "Is Armageddon exclusive to the Bible?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3550", "term": "Ancient Greece", "description": "Civilization belonging to an early period of Greek history", "question": "Would US states in 1900 be enough to divide up ancient Greece?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3555", "term": "Holy Land", "description": "Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine", "question": "Did anyone have claim to Holy Land other than three religions that revere it?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3558", "term": "Holy Land", "description": "Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine", "question": "Did another group have claim to Holy Land before the three religions that revere it?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3559", "term": "Holy Land", "description": "Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine", "question": "Did Assyrians have claim to Holy Land before the three religions that revere it?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3560", "term": "Holy Land", "description": "Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine", "question": "Did Adamu's people have claim to Holy Land before the three religions that revere it?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3561", "term": "Holy Land", "description": "Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine", "question": "Did Adamu's people have claim to Holy Land?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3562", "term": "Holy Land", "description": "Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine", "question": "Can Holy Land be claimed by Adamu's people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3563", "term": "Holy Land", "description": "Term used by Jews, Christians, and Muslims to describe the Land of Israel and Palestine", "question": "Did Holy Land belong to Adamu's people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3581", "term": "LG Electronics", "description": "South Korean multinational electronics company", "question": "Is LG Electronics located in a city with an official bird that has a blue tail?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3591", "term": "Upload", "description": "sending of data from a local system to a remote system", "question": "Can Centurylink max internet plan upload 1000GB in a quarter day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3592", "term": "Upload", "description": "sending of data from a local system to a remote system", "question": "Can Centurylink max internet plan upload 1000GB in half a day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3594", "term": "Eddie Murphy", "description": "American stand-up comedian and actor", "question": "Could Eddie Murphy's children hypothetically play a game of basketball against each other?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3595", "term": "Eddie Murphy", "description": "American stand-up comedian and actor", "question": "Could Eddie Murphy's children hypothetically play a full game of basketball against each other?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3600", "term": "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film)", "description": "1991 American animated musical fantasy romance film", "question": "Is Beauty and the Beast (1991 film) another Disney pilfered plot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3605", "term": "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", "description": "American late-night talk show", "question": "Could someone in Boston see the opening of The Tonight Show before midnight?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3606", "term": "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", "description": "American late-night talk show", "question": "Could someone in Houston see the opening of The Tonight Show before midnight?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3607", "term": "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", "description": "American late-night talk show", "question": "Could someone in Houston see the opening of The Tonight Show before the day change?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3608", "term": "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", "description": "American late-night talk show", "question": "Could someone in Boston watch the same episode of The Tonight Show in two days?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3616", "term": "Joke", "description": "something spoken, written, or done with humorous intention", "question": "Are all jokes harmless to health?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3620", "term": "Soup", "description": "primarily liquid food", "question": "Can a person survive after eating shoe soup?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3621", "term": "Soup", "description": "primarily liquid food", "question": "Can a person survive eating shoe soup?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3622", "term": "Soup", "description": "primarily liquid food", "question": "Is shoe soup relatively harmless?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3623", "term": "Soup", "description": "primarily liquid food", "question": "Can someone have a long life after eating shoe soup?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3634", "term": "Tokyo Tower", "description": "observation tower", "question": "Is Tokyo Tower in same country as famed city in Demon City anime?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3635", "term": "Tokyo Tower", "description": "observation tower", "question": "Is Tokyo Tower close to city in Demon City anime?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3651", "term": "Reddit", "description": "Online news aggregator", "question": "Are most Reddit users familiar with the Pledge of Allegiance?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3730", "term": "Bohemia", "description": "Historical region in the Czech Republic", "question": "Have politics been influenced by Marxist ideology in Bohemia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3735", "term": "Maritime pilot", "description": "mariner who manoeuvres ships through dangerous or congested waters", "question": "Can viruses infect maritime pilots?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3653", "term": "Reiki", "description": "Pseudoscientific healing technique", "question": "Does Reiki require a prescription?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3654", "term": "Reiki", "description": "Pseudoscientific healing technique", "question": "Does Reiki require frequent refills?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3655", "term": "Reiki", "description": "Pseudoscientific healing technique", "question": "Does Reiki require refills?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3656", "term": "Reiki", "description": "Pseudoscientific healing technique", "question": "Is Reiki stored in a pill bottle?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3661", "term": "Euphoria", "description": "mental and emotional condition in which a person experiences intense feelings of well-being, elation, happiness and excitement", "question": "Were Whirling Dervishes in a state of euphoria?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3663", "term": "United States Secretary of State", "description": "U.S. cabinet member and head of the U.S. State Department", "question": "Can United States Secretary of State slap United Kingdom representative without repercussions?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3731", "term": "Bohemia", "description": "Historical region in the Czech Republic", "question": "Has Leninist ideology influenced Bohemia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3736", "term": "Maritime pilot", "description": "mariner who manoeuvres ships through dangerous or congested waters", "question": "Can SARS-COV-2 infect maritime pilots?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3668", "term": "Tsar", "description": "title given to a male monarch in Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia", "question": "Would a Tsar hypothetically outrank a US Vice President?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3669", "term": "Tsar", "description": "title given to a male monarch in Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia", "question": "Would a Tsar hypothetically outrank a Protector of the Realm?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3670", "term": "Tsar", "description": "title given to a male monarch in Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia", "question": "Would a Tsar hypothetically outrank a Lord Protector?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3671", "term": "Tsar", "description": "title given to a male monarch in Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia", "question": "Could a Tsar hypothetically tell a Lord Protector what to do?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3672", "term": "Tsar", "description": "title given to a male monarch in Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia", "question": "Could a Tsar hypothetically boss a Lord Protector around?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3673", "term": "Tsar", "description": "title given to a male monarch in Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia", "question": "Would a Lord Protector hypothetically be subservient to a Tsar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3685", "term": "Molière", "description": "17th-century French playwright and actor", "question": "Did Queen Margot keep Moliere's severed head?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3687", "term": "Hamlet", "description": "tragedy by William Shakespeare", "question": "Is Hamlet one of Shakespeare's most movie adapted plays?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3688", "term": "Hamlet", "description": "tragedy by William Shakespeare", "question": "Is Hamlet's number of movie adaptations similar to Romeo and Juliet's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3689", "term": "Hamlet", "description": "tragedy by William Shakespeare", "question": "Does number of Hamlet adaptations exceed Comedy of Errors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3692", "term": "Spinal cord", "description": "long, thin, tubular structure made up of nervous tissue", "question": "Do all the animals hedgehogs eat have spinal cords?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3703", "term": "Cousin", "description": "any descendant of an ancestor's sibling", "question": "Is Jenny McCarthy in same industry as her cousin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3705", "term": "Judo", "description": "modern martial art, combat and Olympic sport", "question": "Can a judo expert defeat someone that only does kata?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3706", "term": "Judo", "description": "modern martial art, combat and Olympic sport", "question": "Can a judo expert defeat a kata expert?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3710", "term": "Painting", "description": "Practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface", "question": "Can small children's painting style be profitable?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3711", "term": "Painting", "description": "Practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface", "question": "Has small children's painting style been profitable?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3713", "term": "Drain fly", "description": "family of insects", "question": "Do traditional calico cat patterns cover every drain fly color variety?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3721", "term": "Ancient Greek", "description": "Version of the Greek language used from roughly the 9th century BCE to the 6th century CE", "question": "Can one Ancient Greek letter represent every season of Survivor?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3726", "term": "Homeostasis", "description": "The state of steady internal conditions maintained by living things", "question": "is homeostasis associated with thermoregulation?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3729", "term": "Bohemia", "description": "Historical region in the Czech Republic", "question": "Do people speak Germanic languages in Bohemia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3741", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Can you fish Salmon in September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3742", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Can you catch Salmon in California in September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3743", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Can I catch Salmon in California in September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3744", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Can I hunt Salmon in California in September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3745", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Can I hunt Salmon in September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3746", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Can I eat Salmon in September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3747", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Is September followed by colder months in the Northern Hemisphere?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3748", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Do days get shorter in Seattle during September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3749", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Do days get shorter in Seattle?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3755", "term": "Communist Party of China", "description": "Political party of the People's Republic of China", "question": "Are mongolians members of the communist party of China?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3756", "term": "Communist Party of China", "description": "Political party of the People's Republic of China", "question": "Can Uighurs become members of the communist party of China ?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3759", "term": "Communist Party of China", "description": "Political party of the People's Republic of China", "question": "Do members of the communist party of China come from Asia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3760", "term": "Communist Party of China", "description": "Political party of the People's Republic of China", "question": "Are the members of the communist party of China influenced by Marx?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3761", "term": "Communist Party of China", "description": "Political party of the People's Republic of China", "question": "Are the members of the communist party of China influenced by Karl Marx?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3763", "term": "Arithmetic", "description": "Elementary branch of mathematics", "question": "Do we need arithmetic to launch rockets into space?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3765", "term": "Napoleonic Wars", "description": "Series of early 19th century European wars", "question": "Did Napoleonic Wars last longer than the Great Depression?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3766", "term": "Napoleonic Wars", "description": "Series of early 19th century European wars", "question": "Was Napoleonic Wars longer than the Great Depression?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3769", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Were any of the characters in Macbeth played by an Oscar-winning actor?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3770", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Did an Oscar-winning actor play any of the characters in Macbeth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3771", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Did an actor play any of the characters in Macbeth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3772", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Did an oscar-winning actor play in Macbeth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3773", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Did a German-Irish actor play in Macbeth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3774", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Did Macbeth feature Northern European characters?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3775", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Did Macbeth depict Northern European characters?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3776", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Are Northern European characters depicted in Macbeth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3777", "term": "Macbeth", "description": "play by William Shakespeare", "question": "Are Northern European characters portrayed in Macbeth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3799", "term": "Reality", "description": "Sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent", "question": "Wold a Jain believe in the Buddhist idea of karma?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3800", "term": "Reality", "description": "Sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent", "question": "Wold a Jain argue against the existence of hell?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3801", "term": "Reality", "description": "Sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent", "question": "Wold a Jain argue against the existence of hell?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3864", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Does soy milk cause heart attack?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3809", "term": "English Channel", "description": "Arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates southern England from northern France", "question": "Can you hide Iowa in the English Channel?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3810", "term": "English Channel", "description": "Arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates southern England from northern France", "question": "Can you hide the state of Iowa in the English Channel?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3819", "term": "Aretha Franklin", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and pianist", "question": "Could Aretha Franklin vote in an election when her first child was born?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3820", "term": "Aretha Franklin", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and pianist", "question": "Could Aretha Franklin vote for a president when her first child was born?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3827", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Could Stephen Hawking play computer games? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3828", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Could Stephen Hawking play chess? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3829", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Could Mohammed Ali attend Paralympics Games? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3831", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Could Josh Blue compete in Paralympics Games? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3832", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Could Josh Blue attend Paralympics Games? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3833", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Could Josh Blue participate in Paralympics Games? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3834", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Can Josh Blue play Paralympics Games? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3835", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Can Josh Blue play Paralympics Games? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3836", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Can Josh Blue attend Paralympics Games? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3843", "term": "Bing (search engine)", "description": "Web search engine from Microsoft", "question": "Can you redeem more Bing search reward points than Google's equivalent?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3851", "term": "Model (person)", "description": "person employed to display, advertise and promote products, or to serve as a visual aid", "question": "Would a model be a good choice to star in a LA Femme Nikita remake?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3852", "term": "Cook (profession)", "description": "occupation involving cooking food", "question": "Can Drew Barrymore work as a cook in America? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3853", "term": "Cook (profession)", "description": "occupation involving cooking food", "question": "Can Drew Barrymore work as a cook in restaurant in America? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3862", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Does soy milk increase chances of heart attack?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3871", "term": "Eiffel Tower", "description": "Tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France", "question": "Did Eiffel Tower contribute to the Allied victory?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3878", "term": "Skype", "description": "telecommunications software service", "question": "Did founder of Skype win a race?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3969", "term": "Metallica", "description": "American heavy metal band", "question": "Did the original lead guitarist of Metallica fail after being fired from the band?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4007", "term": "Asteroid", "description": "Minor planet that is not a comet", "question": "Is there a wide range between smallest and largest asteroid size?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3889", "term": "Morris County, New Jersey", "description": "County in New Jersey", "question": "Was the Morris County named after a chief justice of New York?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3891", "term": "Morris County, New Jersey", "description": "County in New Jersey", "question": "Was the Morris County named after a chief justice of New York?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3892", "term": "Morris County, New Jersey", "description": "County in New Jersey", "question": "Was Morris County named after a chief justice of New York?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3899", "term": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", "description": "public research university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States", "question": "Did University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offer scholarship to Michael Jordan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3900", "term": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", "description": "public research university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States", "question": "Did University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill give scholarship to Michael Jordan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3901", "term": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", "description": "public research university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States", "question": "Did a 6-time NBA champion graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3906", "term": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", "description": "public research university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States", "question": "Did a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill biochemist from Turkey win Nobel prize?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3907", "term": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", "description": "public research university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States", "question": "Did a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor from Turkey win Nobel prize?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3908", "term": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", "description": "public research university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States", "question": "Did a Turkish University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor win Nobel prize?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3911", "term": "Land of Israel", "description": "Traditional Jewish name for an area of indefinite geographical extension in the Southern Levant.", "question": "Was the Land of Israel under the control of a muslim empire in 16th century?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3915", "term": "Nissan", "description": "Japanese automobile manufacturer", "question": "Did Nissan build any products that win a race against Ferrari? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3916", "term": "Nissan", "description": "Japanese automobile manufacturer", "question": "Does Nissan have any products that can win a race against Ferrari? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3917", "term": "Nissan", "description": "Japanese automobile manufacturer", "question": "Does Nissan have any products that can win a race against a Ferrari? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3918", "term": "Nissan", "description": "Japanese automobile manufacturer", "question": "Can a Nissan win a race against a Ferrari? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3919", "term": "Nissan", "description": "Japanese automobile manufacturer", "question": "Can a Nissan product beat a Ferrari in a race? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3922", "term": "Benjamin Butler", "description": "Union Army general, lawyer, politician", "question": "Did Benjamin Butler attend a college that has the first name of a UFC welterweight fighter in it?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3924", "term": "Justin Timberlake", "description": "American singer, record producer, and actor", "question": "Has one EGOT category eluded Justin Timberlake for nominations?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3927", "term": "Sonnet", "description": "form of poetry with fourteen lines; by the thirteenth century it signified a poem of fourteen lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure", "question": "Does Jabberwocky have the length to be a sonnet?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3929", "term": "Mount Emei", "description": "mountain", "question": "Would it be impossible for Kami Rita to climb Mount Emei?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "3933", "term": "ABBA", "description": "Swedish pop group", "question": "Could the members of ABBA play a mixed doubles table tennis game?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3934", "term": "ABBA", "description": "Swedish pop group", "question": "Could the members of ABBA play a mixed doubles table tennis game against each other?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3935", "term": "ABBA", "description": "Swedish pop group", "question": "Could the members of ABBA play a mixed doubles tennis game against each other?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3942", "term": "Banana", "description": "edible fruit", "question": "Did the The King of Rock'n Roll love one of the fruits in apple banana bread?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3943", "term": "Banana", "description": "edible fruit", "question": "Was one of the fruits in apple banana bread in The King of Rock'n Roll's favorite snacks?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3944", "term": "Banana", "description": "edible fruit", "question": "Did The King of Rock'n Roll love a snack with bananas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3945", "term": "Banana", "description": "edible fruit", "question": "Did The King of Rock'n Roll's snack with bananas come from plants?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3948", "term": "Pan (god)", "description": "Ancient Greek god of the wilds, shepherds, and flocks", "question": "Is Pan Satan-like in appearance?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4072", "term": "Northern Mariana Islands", "description": "American-dependent insular area in the western Pacific", "question": "Can Mark Cuban lease property in Northern Mariana Islands?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3964", "term": "Zucchini", "description": "Edible summer squash, typically green in color", "question": "Would 7 zucchini's satisfy potassium USDA recommended dailyrecommendation?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3967", "term": "Table tennis", "description": "Racket sport", "question": "Does table tennis make use of prime numbers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3980", "term": "John Kerry", "description": "68th United States Secretary of State", "question": "Is John Kerry familiar with cross checking?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3981", "term": "Alex Rodriguez", "description": "American baseball player", "question": "Does Michael Jordan have more championship memories than Alex Rodriguez?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3982", "term": "Alex Rodriguez", "description": "American baseball player", "question": "Does Alex Rodriguez have fewer championship memories than Michael Jordan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3986", "term": "Tibia", "description": "larger of the two bones of the leg below the knee for vertebrates", "question": "Can a minotaur hypothetically break a tibia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "3990", "term": "Land of Israel", "description": "Traditional Jewish name for an area of indefinite geographical extension in the Southern Levant.", "question": "Did Alexander the Great conquer part of Land of Israel?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4005", "term": "Eye surgery", "description": "medical specialty", "question": "Can an accordion player benefit from eye surgery?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4011", "term": "Learning disability", "description": "Range of neurodevelopmental conditions", "question": "Do placozoa have learning disabilities?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4024", "term": "Ivan the Terrible", "description": "Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia", "question": "Did Ivan the Terrible have the worst nickname of Grand Prince of Moscow since his grandfather ruled?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4025", "term": "Ivan the Terrible", "description": "Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia", "question": "Did Ivan the Terrible have harshest nickname of Grand Prince of Moscow since his grandfather ruled?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4029", "term": "Athena", "description": "ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war", "question": "Are there many similarities between Athena and Freya?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4030", "term": "Athena", "description": "ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war", "question": "Is Freya a composite of Athena and Aphrodite?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4466", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "In New York, is snowboarding a popular July activity?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4625", "term": "Crustacean", "description": "subphylum of arthropods", "question": "Are crustaceans consumed raw by people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4036", "term": "Western honey bee", "description": "Species of insect", "question": "Is Western Honey bee important to US brand Nice?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4042", "term": "Giant squid", "description": "Deep-ocean dwelling squid in the family Architeuthidae", "question": "Does human with no gear die capturing giant squid in natural habitat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4071", "term": "Northern Mariana Islands", "description": "American-dependent insular area in the western Pacific", "question": "Can Mark Cuban lease land in Northern Mariana Islands?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4073", "term": "Northern Mariana Islands", "description": "American-dependent insular area in the western Pacific", "question": "Can Michael Jordan lease property in Northern Mariana Islands?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4048", "term": "Oscar Wilde", "description": "19th-century Irish poet, playwright and aesthete", "question": "Has character from Oscar Wilde's most famous book endured through other media?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4049", "term": "Oscar Wilde", "description": "19th-century Irish poet, playwright and aesthete", "question": "Has character from Oscar Wilde's most famous book ever been in same project with Eva Green?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4057", "term": "Capitalism", "description": "Economic system based on private ownership", "question": "Is homelessness still a problem in countries that practice capitalism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4058", "term": "Capitalism", "description": "Economic system based on private ownership", "question": "Do any countries that practice capitalism still have homelessness problem?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4062", "term": "Xenophobia", "description": "dislike of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange", "question": "Is President Trump xenophobic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4070", "term": "Vishnu", "description": "Hindu god, basis of Vaishnavism", "question": "Can I talk to Vishnu?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4074", "term": "Northern Mariana Islands", "description": "American-dependent insular area in the western Pacific", "question": "Is Mark Cuban visit Northern Mariana Islands without a passport?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4077", "term": "Rick and Morty", "description": "Animated sitcom", "question": "Can you watch Rick and Morty at the bottom of Mariana Trench?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4080", "term": "Citrus", "description": "genus of fruit-bearing plants (source of fruit such as lemons and oranges)", "question": "Does citrus grow in the Arctic circle?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4082", "term": "Cognition", "description": "Thinking about thinking", "question": "Is Cognition impairment influenced by hereditary factors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4083", "term": "Cognition", "description": "Thinking about thinking", "question": "Is Cognition impairment affected by hereditary factors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4084", "term": "Cognition", "description": "Thinking about thinking", "question": "Is impaired Cognition affected by hereditary factors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4085", "term": "Cognition", "description": "Thinking about thinking", "question": "Is impaired Cognition a result of hereditary factors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4086", "term": "Cognition", "description": "Thinking about thinking", "question": "Is impaired Cognition a result of hereditary factors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4087", "term": "Cognition", "description": "Thinking about thinking", "question": "Cab Cognition be impaired by hereditary factors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4088", "term": "Cognition", "description": "Thinking about thinking", "question": "Can Cognition be impaired by hereditary factors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4092", "term": "Wednesday", "description": "Day of the week", "question": "Is Wednesday traditionally a pagan day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4093", "term": "Wednesday", "description": "Day of the week", "question": "Will Wednesday origin religion followers be denied Communion?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4105", "term": "The Hague", "description": "City and municipality in South Holland, Netherlands", "question": "Does the Hague care about geography?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4106", "term": "The Hague", "description": "City and municipality in South Holland, Netherlands", "question": "Is the Hague interested in geography?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4108", "term": "Oval Office", "description": "office of the U.S. President", "question": "Does Peyton Manning work in the Oval Office?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4109", "term": "Oval Office", "description": "office of the U.S. President", "question": "Does Eli Manning work in the Oval Office?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4111", "term": "Snow White", "description": "fairy tale", "question": "Are there enough Snow White dwarves to play all dwarves in The Hobbit?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4112", "term": "Snow White", "description": "fairy tale", "question": "Do Snow White dwarves fill out entire The Hobbit dwarves roster?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4119", "term": "Norman, Oklahoma", "description": "City in Oklahoma, United States", "question": "Was surveyor of Norman, Oklahoma a viking?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4126", "term": "World of Warcraft", "description": "video game by Blizzard Entertainment", "question": "Is Balthor the Defiled's race found in World of Warcraft?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4127", "term": "World of Warcraft", "description": "video game by Blizzard Entertainment", "question": "Is Balthor the Defiled's race represented in World of Warcraft?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4128", "term": "World of Warcraft", "description": "video game by Blizzard Entertainment", "question": "Is Balthor the Defiled's race present in World of Warcraft?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4130", "term": "World of Warcraft", "description": "video game by Blizzard Entertainment", "question": "Is Sram's race present in World of Warcraft?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4131", "term": "World of Warcraft", "description": "video game by Blizzard Entertainment", "question": "Are Sram's kin found in World of Warcraft?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4140", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Has September shifted to later month from the oldest calendar it appeared on?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4205", "term": "Morris County, New Jersey", "description": "County in New Jersey", "question": "It it illegal to pump your own gas in Morris County New Jersey?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4149", "term": "Christianity in China", "description": "Religious community", "question": "Do any adherents to Christianity in China have different saints than Catholic Church?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4154", "term": "Art", "description": "Creative work to evoke emotional response", "question": "Can a comatose person produce art?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4155", "term": "Silicon", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 14", "question": "Is silicon better for making wedding rings than bromine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4158", "term": "Final Fantasy VI", "description": "1994 video game", "question": "Are there more games after FInal Fantasy VI than before in its franchise?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4162", "term": "Desperate Housewives", "description": "American comedy-drama TV series", "question": "Did Desperate Housewives provide Teri Hatcher her longest acting paycheck?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4163", "term": "Desperate Housewives", "description": "American comedy-drama TV series", "question": "Was Desperate Housewives Teri Hatcher's longest tenure as actress?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4164", "term": "Desperate Housewives", "description": "American comedy-drama TV series", "question": "Was Desperate Housewives Teri Hatcher's greatest marathon?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4165", "term": "Desperate Housewives", "description": "American comedy-drama TV series", "question": "Would Teri Hatcher have most pay stubs from Desperate Housewives in her career?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4168", "term": "Chlorine", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 17", "question": "Is week old chlorine water safe?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4170", "term": "Clark Gable", "description": "American actor", "question": "Was Clark Gable handy with a wrench as a child?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4171", "term": "Clark Gable", "description": "American actor", "question": "Was Clark Gable familiar with a wrench as a child?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4172", "term": "Clark Gable", "description": "American actor", "question": "Was Clark Gable handy with a wrench when he was young?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4173", "term": "Ludacris", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Did Ludacris' rap career begin before he attended prom?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4174", "term": "Ludacris", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Did Ludacris' rap career begin before he attended a prom?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4175", "term": "Ludacris", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Did Ludacris' rap career start before he attended a prom?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4176", "term": "Ludacris", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Did Ludacris' rap career start before he attended prom?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4177", "term": "Wheat", "description": "Cereal grain", "question": "Is wheat essential for bread making?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4178", "term": "Wheat", "description": "Cereal grain", "question": "Is wheat important to make unleavened bread?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4186", "term": "Goofy", "description": "Disney cartoon character", "question": "Would Goofy hypothetically enjoy Milk Bone?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4212", "term": "Internet forum", "description": "online discussion site", "question": "Does Bill Clinton have the ability to post in internet forums?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4196", "term": "John Lewis (civil rights leader)", "description": "American politician and civil rights leader", "question": "Did John Lewis march with Martin Luther King?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4197", "term": "John Lewis (civil rights leader)", "description": "American politician and civil rights leader", "question": "Did John Lewis work alongside Martin Luther King?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4198", "term": "Atlantic cod", "description": "benthopelagic fish of the family Gadidae", "question": "Are Atlantic Cod a source of income for fishermen in California?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4199", "term": "Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution", "description": "says powers not Constitutionally granted to the Federal Government belong to States or the People", "question": "Was the tenth Amendment written on a typewriter?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4200", "term": "Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution", "description": "says powers not Constitutionally granted to the Federal Government belong to States or the People", "question": "Was the tenth Amendment written on a mobile phone?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4213", "term": "Internet forum", "description": "online discussion site", "question": "Are wind turbines instrumental in making internet forums available to everyone?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4214", "term": "Internet forum", "description": "online discussion site", "question": "Do internet forums require natural gas to operate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4222", "term": "Organ transplantation", "description": "moving of an organ from one body or body region to another", "question": "Can a brain be transplanted?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4224", "term": "Organ transplantation", "description": "moving of an organ from one body or body region to another", "question": "Did Christopher Columbus receive an organ transplant?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4261", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Is Target Audience (Narcissus Narcosis) an inappropriate lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4262", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Is Target Audience (Narcissus Narcosis) an ineffective lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4263", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Is Target Audience an ineffective lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4264", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Is Narcissus Narcosis an ineffective lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4265", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Is Narcissus Narcosis an inappropriate lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4266", "term": "Richard Dawkins", "description": "English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author", "question": "Will Richard Dawkins join the Earth History Research Center?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4267", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Is Manson's Love Song an inappropriate lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4268", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Is Holy Wood's Love Song an inappropriate lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4269", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Would Holy Wood's Love Song be an inappropriate lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4270", "term": "Richard Dawkins", "description": "English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author", "question": "Is Richard Dawkins joining the Earth History Research Center?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4271", "term": "Richard Dawkins", "description": "English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author", "question": "Would Richard Dawkins join the Earth History Research Center?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4272", "term": "Richard Dawkins", "description": "English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author", "question": "Would Richard Dawkins donate to the Earth History Research Center?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4273", "term": "Lullaby", "description": "soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep", "question": "Is Love Song from November 11, 2000 an inappropriate lullaby?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4274", "term": "Richard Dawkins", "description": "English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author", "question": "Does Richard Dawkins donate to Science Partners?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4277", "term": "B", "description": "letter in the Latin alphabet", "question": "Does the letter B's place in alphabet exceed number of sons Bruce Willis has?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4278", "term": "B", "description": "letter in the Latin alphabet", "question": "Does the letter B's place in alphabet exceed number of sons Adam Sandler has?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4279", "term": "B", "description": "letter in the Latin alphabet", "question": "Does the letter B's place in alphabet exceed number of sons of Bruce Dern?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4280", "term": "B", "description": "letter in the Latin alphabet", "question": "Does the letter B's place in alphabet exceed number of sons Sofia Vergara has?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4281", "term": "B", "description": "letter in the Latin alphabet", "question": "Does the letter B's place in alphabet exceed number of Henry VIII male king heirs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4305", "term": "QWERTY", "description": "keyboard layout where the first line is \"QWERTYUIOP\"", "question": "Can letters in first line of QWERTY keyboard spell a palindrome?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4626", "term": "Crustacean", "description": "subphylum of arthropods", "question": "Can Halle Berry eat crustaceans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4329", "term": "Alexander Graham Bell", "description": "scientist and inventor known for his work on the telephone", "question": "Would Alexander Graham Bell have supported Nazi eugenics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4336", "term": "Underworld", "description": "The mythic Relm of the Dead, located far underground (aka, Hades; Underworld)", "question": "Is it possible for a mortal to escape the Underworld?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4346", "term": "The Matrix", "description": "1999 science fiction action film directed by the Wachowskis", "question": "Are there more Matrix sequels than Gremlins?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4347", "term": "The Matrix", "description": "1999 science fiction action film directed by the Wachowskis", "question": "Are Gremlins sequels less prevalent than Matrix sequels?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4348", "term": "The Matrix", "description": "1999 science fiction action film directed by the Wachowskis", "question": "Is Gremlins set to tie number of Matrix sequels?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4349", "term": "The Matrix", "description": "1999 science fiction action film directed by the Wachowskis", "question": "Will Gremlins tie number of Matrix sequels?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4351", "term": "Taco Bell", "description": "American fast-food chain", "question": "Do more people go in and out of Taco Bell than a Roy Rogers each year?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4353", "term": "Easter", "description": "Major Christian festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus", "question": "Did members of singer Prince's Christian sect celebrate Easter?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4359", "term": "Stephen King", "description": "American author", "question": "Have any of Stephen King's offspring followed in his footsteps?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4360", "term": "Stephen King", "description": "American author", "question": "Have any of Stephen King's offspring embraced their father's genre?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4361", "term": "Stephen King", "description": "American author", "question": "Are any of Stephen King's children familiar with vanity plates?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4362", "term": "Stephen King", "description": "American author", "question": "Are vanity plates important to any of Stephen King's children?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4365", "term": "Ginger", "description": "Species of plant", "question": "Did Pre-Colonial America have Ginger?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4376", "term": "Charles Manson", "description": "American criminal, cult leader", "question": "Does the band Marilyn Manson get their entire name from Charles Manson?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4379", "term": "1800", "description": "Year", "question": "Is number of US President's in 1800s a lucky number in Hong Kong?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4384", "term": "Paul the Apostle", "description": "Early Christian apostle and missionary", "question": "Was Paul the Apostle's death more painful than Florence Nightingale's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4385", "term": "Paul the Apostle", "description": "Early Christian apostle and missionary", "question": "Was Paul the Apostle's death more eventful than Florence Nightingale's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4386", "term": "Paul the Apostle", "description": "Early Christian apostle and missionary", "question": "Was Paul the Apostle's death crueler than Florence Nightingale's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4387", "term": "Paul the Apostle", "description": "Early Christian apostle and missionary", "question": "Was Paul the Apostle's death more violent than Florence Nightingale's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4388", "term": "Paul the Apostle", "description": "Early Christian apostle and missionary", "question": "Would people prefer Florence Nightingale's cause of death to Paul the Apostle's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4389", "term": "Paul the Apostle", "description": "Early Christian apostle and missionary", "question": "Was Florence Nightingale's death a better example of Ahimsa than Paul the Apostle's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4390", "term": "Paul the Apostle", "description": "Early Christian apostle and missionary", "question": "Would adherents to Ahimsa be appalled at Paul the Apostle's cause of death?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4392", "term": "Newt Gingrich", "description": "50th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives", "question": "Is Newt Gingrich's nickname a type of reptile?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4395", "term": "The Powerpuff Girls", "description": "American animated television series", "question": "Do any of Powerpuff Girls share name with character in Princess Bride?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4396", "term": "J. K. Rowling", "description": "English novelist", "question": "Has J.K. Rowling written mysteries?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4400", "term": "Charlemagne", "description": "King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor", "question": "Did Charlemagne's father win the Battle of Tours?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4401", "term": "Charlemagne", "description": "King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor", "question": "Did Charlemagne's father fight in the Battle of Tours?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4403", "term": "Sarah", "description": "Biblical character", "question": "Did Methuselah outlive Sarah?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4404", "term": "Sarah", "description": "Biblical character", "question": "Did Methuselah outlive Sarah's lifetime over 5 times?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4405", "term": "Sarah", "description": "Biblical character", "question": "Did Methuselah outlive Sarah's and Abraham combined?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4411", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "As of 2020 does John Key have more PM's succeed than precede him?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4428", "term": "Egyptian hieroglyphs", "description": "Formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians", "question": "Would the Temple of Kom Ombo feature Egyptian hieroglyphs? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4416", "term": "Jury", "description": "sworn body of people convened to render a verdict officially submitted to them by a court, or to set a penalty or judgment", "question": "Are bench trials performed before a jury?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4417", "term": "Venus", "description": "Second planet from the Sun in the Solar System", "question": "Does Greek goddess Venus was named after have a Roman equivalent?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4418", "term": "Zebra", "description": "Black and white striped animals in the horse family", "question": "Are Zebra common sights in Illinois?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4420", "term": "Pancake", "description": "Thin, round cake made of eggs, milk and flour", "question": "Can you order pancakes at Dennys?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4422", "term": "Winter", "description": "one of the Earth's four temperate seasons, occurring between autumn and spring", "question": "Would a home garden be growing cucumbers during the winter?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4423", "term": "Health effects of tobacco", "description": "circumstances, mechanisms, and factors of tobacco consumption on human health", "question": "Do most gynecologists have to see the firsthand health effects of tobacco?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4424", "term": "Colorectal cancer", "description": "cancer of the colon or rectum", "question": "Would a mastectomy be a treatment for colorectal cancer?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4430", "term": "Charles Manson", "description": "American criminal, cult leader", "question": "Were the family of Donald Shea angry with Charles Manson?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4432", "term": "Fear", "description": "Basic emotion induced by a perceived threat", "question": "Would a person with arachnophobia fear spiders? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4433", "term": "Ada Lovelace", "description": "English mathematician, computer programming pioneer", "question": "Did Ada Lovelace know the python coding language?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4434", "term": "Turtle", "description": "Order of reptiles", "question": "Could you see turtles at the Boston Aquarium?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4435", "term": "Turtle", "description": "Order of reptiles", "question": "Are turtles vulnerable to Raccoons? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4436", "term": "Construction worker", "description": "tradesman, labourer, or professional employed in the physical construction of the built environment", "question": "Is building design the responsibility of a construction worker?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4437", "term": "U.S. Route 66", "description": "Former US Highway between Chicago and Los Angeles", "question": "Do you pass through Wyoming following Route 66?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4440", "term": "Cucumber", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Can cucumbers be preserved for longer storage?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4441", "term": "Cucumber", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Can lacto fermentation preserve cucumbers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4443", "term": "Bengal cat", "description": "Breed of cat", "question": "Do most nuclear families in America have Bengal Cats?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4446", "term": "Organ transplantation", "description": "moving of an organ from one body or body region to another", "question": "Has an appendix been successfully transplanted?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4465", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "In New York, is snowboarding a popular summer activity?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4451", "term": "Wool", "description": "Textile fibre from the hair of sheep or other mammals", "question": "Can a Sphynx cat make wool?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4453", "term": "Surgery", "description": "Medical specialty", "question": "In WW2, were there people who did surgery on the battlefield?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4457", "term": "Surgery", "description": "Medical specialty", "question": "Is Chris Hemsworth qualified to perform surgery?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4460", "term": "Ariana Grande", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and actress", "question": "While on Broadway, did Ariana Grande audition for The Spongebob Musical?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4461", "term": "Ariana Grande", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and actress", "question": "Did Ariana Grande get popular on a Disney Channel Original Series?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4462", "term": "Ariana Grande", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and actress", "question": "Did Ariana Grande get popular on show created by Disney?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4463", "term": "Ariana Grande", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and actress", "question": "Was Ariana Grande's hair in Victorious natural?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4464", "term": "Ariana Grande", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and actress", "question": "Did Ariana Grande do a duet of Give it Up with Victoria Justice?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4467", "term": "In God We Trust", "description": "official motto of the United States", "question": "Is In God We Trust part of the pledge of allegiance?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4468", "term": "Microsoft Excel", "description": "Spreadsheet editor, part of Microsoft Office", "question": "Does Microsoft Excel make slideshow presentations?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4469", "term": "Cinnamon", "description": "spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum", "question": "Should cinnamon be eaten straight from the container?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4470", "term": "Chiropractic", "description": "form of alternative medicine", "question": "Would someone with a back fracture go to a chiropractic center for treatment?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4471", "term": "Maroon 5", "description": "American pop punk band", "question": "While on the voice, did Adam Levine quit Maroon 5?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4475", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Did Claude Monet have a similar art style to the Pre-Raphaelites?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4476", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Would Claude Monet value art style of the Pre-Raphaelites?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4477", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Was Claude Monet a Pre-Raphaelite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4478", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Was Claude Monet influenced by Pre-Raphaelites?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4479", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Did Pre-Raphaelites have a profound influence on Claude Monet?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4480", "term": "Middle Ages", "description": "Period of European history from the 5th to the 15th century", "question": "Were there at least fifty different English kings during the Middle Ages?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4481", "term": "Middle Ages", "description": "Period of European history from the 5th to the 15th century", "question": "Were there fifty English kings during the Middle Ages?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4499", "term": "King Kong (2005 film)", "description": "2005 film directed by Peter Jackson", "question": "Is there a ride at Universal Studios Orlando about King Kong?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4500", "term": "King Kong (2005 film)", "description": "2005 film directed by Peter Jackson", "question": "Are there any theme park attractions featuring King Kong?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4484", "term": "Nintendo", "description": "Japanese multinational consumer electronics company", "question": "Can you play a Nintendo game in your car CD player?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4488", "term": "Dodo", "description": "Extinct large flightless pigeon from Mauritius", "question": "Would a Dodo tower over Chandra Bahadur Dangi?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4489", "term": "Dodo", "description": "Extinct large flightless pigeon from Mauritius", "question": "Would a Dodo be above Chandra Bahadur Dangi's eye level?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4490", "term": "Dodo", "description": "Extinct large flightless pigeon from Mauritius", "question": "Would a Dodo be above Pauline Musters's eye level?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4491", "term": "Dodo", "description": "Extinct large flightless pigeon from Mauritius", "question": "Would a Dodo tower over Pauline Musters?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4495", "term": "KFC", "description": "American fast food restaurant chain", "question": "Is KFC more global than Roy Rogers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4504", "term": "Saga", "description": "stories mostly ancient Nordic mythology and history of Germanic tribes. Written in the Old Norse language, mainly in Iceland", "question": "Can the Song of Roland be considered a saga?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4505", "term": "Saga", "description": "stories mostly ancient Nordic mythology and history of Germanic tribes. Written in the Old Norse language, mainly in Iceland", "question": "Is the Song of Roland a saga?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4507", "term": "Smooth jazz", "description": "category of music", "question": "Does Camp Rock feature a lot of smooth jazz?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4509", "term": "Albany, Georgia", "description": "City in Georgia, United States", "question": "Are two names in Albany, Georgia common as country and city names?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4510", "term": "Bicycle", "description": "Pedal-driven two-wheel vehicle", "question": "Are all bicycles able to go off road?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4511", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would a Jehovah's Witness be upset by name origin of Sunday?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4512", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would a Jehovah's Witness reject name origin of Sunday?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4513", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would a Jehovah's Witness denounce name origin of Sunday?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4514", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would Sunday name origin disturb a Jehovah Witness?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4515", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would Sunday name origin disturb Prince's religious sect?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4516", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would Sunday name origin disturb Serena Williams's religious sect?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4517", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would Sunday name origin people be refused Communion?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4518", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Will Sunday name origin people be refused Communion?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4519", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Sunday name origin people be refused Communion?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4520", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Sunday name origin people enemy of Christians?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4521", "term": "Richard III of England", "description": "15th-century King of England", "question": "Did Richard III miss out on Parcheesi?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4525", "term": "Winemaking", "description": "the production of wine, starting with the selection of the fruit, its fermentation into alcohol, and the bottling of the finished liquid", "question": "Are prisoners who practice winemaking allowed to do so by their guards?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4526", "term": "Winemaking", "description": "the production of wine, starting with the selection of the fruit, its fermentation into alcohol, and the bottling of the finished liquid", "question": "Are prisoners who practice winemaking allowed to do so?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4528", "term": "Dodo", "description": "Extinct large flightless pigeon from Mauritius", "question": "Does the Bronx Zoo have an exhibit of the Dodo bird?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4530", "term": "Salvador Dalí", "description": "Spanish artist", "question": "Can you see Salvador Dali's work in both New York and Georgia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4531", "term": "Salvador Dalí", "description": "Spanish artist", "question": "Can you see Salvador Dali's work in multiple cities of the USA?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4533", "term": "Salvador Dalí", "description": "Spanish artist", "question": "Are there paintings of Salvador Dali's on both coasts of the USA?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4534", "term": "James Bond", "description": "Media franchise about a British spy", "question": "Did Billie Eilish perform a song for a James Bond movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4535", "term": "Cerebrospinal fluid", "description": "clear colorless bodily fluid found in the brain and spine", "question": "Are there no shared ingredients between Cerebrospinal fluid and Gatorade?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4536", "term": "Cerebrospinal fluid", "description": "clear colorless bodily fluid found in the brain and spine", "question": "Is Cerebrospinal fluid contents similar to Gatorade?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4537", "term": "Cerebrospinal fluid", "description": "clear colorless bodily fluid found in the brain and spine", "question": "Is Cerebrospinal fluid contents totally different than Gatorade?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4538", "term": "Superman", "description": "Fictional superhero", "question": "Did same villain kill Batman and Superman?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4546", "term": "Zika virus", "description": "Species of virus", "question": "Is Alexander Klevan's birthplace safe from Zika virus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4549", "term": "Chipmunk", "description": "Tribe of mammals (rodent (marmot))", "question": "Are house cats a potential source of danger for chipmunks?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4558", "term": "Gorillaz", "description": "British virtual band", "question": "Is calling creator of Gorillaz a one hit wonder ludicrous?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4560", "term": "Citrus", "description": "genus of fruit-bearing plants (source of fruit such as lemons and oranges)", "question": "Is citrus useful in promoting health?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4561", "term": "Citrus", "description": "genus of fruit-bearing plants (source of fruit such as lemons and oranges)", "question": "Is citrus good for the body?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4562", "term": "Citrus", "description": "genus of fruit-bearing plants (source of fruit such as lemons and oranges)", "question": "Would most people discard the outside of citrus fruit?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4563", "term": "Citrus", "description": "genus of fruit-bearing plants (source of fruit such as lemons and oranges)", "question": "Is the white part of the citrus fruit less sweet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4564", "term": "Squid", "description": "order of molluscs", "question": "Are there raw preparations of squid for eating?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4565", "term": "Squid", "description": "order of molluscs", "question": "Are squid found in salt water?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4566", "term": "Squid", "description": "order of molluscs", "question": "Are squid considered invertebrates? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4567", "term": "NATO", "description": "Intergovernmental military alliance of Western states", "question": "Is Saugat Malla's home country delegate barred from NATO members only meeting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4568", "term": "NATO", "description": "Intergovernmental military alliance of Western states", "question": "Is Saugat Malla's home country delegate excluded from NATO members only meeting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4569", "term": "NATO", "description": "Intergovernmental military alliance of Western states", "question": "Is Saugat Malla's home delegate excluded from NATO members only meeting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4570", "term": "NATO", "description": "Intergovernmental military alliance of Western states", "question": "Is double-pennon flag country absent from NATO members only meeting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4571", "term": "NATO", "description": "Intergovernmental military alliance of Western states", "question": "Is double triangle flag country absent from NATO members only meeting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4572", "term": "NATO", "description": "Intergovernmental military alliance of Western states", "question": "Would NATO exclude double triangle flag country to a party?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4573", "term": "NATO", "description": "Intergovernmental military alliance of Western states", "question": "NATO excludes double triangle flag countries?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4576", "term": "Mongoose", "description": "family of mammals", "question": "Did mongoose come from later geologic period than rhinos?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4581", "term": "High Court of Australia", "description": "Highest court in Australia", "question": "Did Kangaroo Court originate in High Court of Australia?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4583", "term": "Quran", "description": "The central religious text of Islam", "question": "Do practicing Catholics read the Quran for guidance?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4584", "term": "Quran", "description": "The central religious text of Islam", "question": "Do practicing Presbyterians read the Quran for guidance?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4585", "term": "Quran", "description": "The central religious text of Islam", "question": "Is the Quran regarded as a holy text by Jewish people?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4590", "term": "Coen brothers", "description": "American filmmakers", "question": "Is John Cazale's 1970s partner yet to debut in a Coen brothers movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4592", "term": "Stroke", "description": "Medical condition where poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death", "question": "Did Christoper Reeves have a stroke?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4593", "term": "Stroke", "description": "Medical condition where poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death", "question": "Did Michael Jackson suffer from a stroke?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4594", "term": "Stroke", "description": "Medical condition where poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death", "question": "Did Robin Williams have a stroke?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4596", "term": "Coen brothers", "description": "American filmmakers", "question": "Are there more Coen brothers alive in 2020 than Scott directing brothers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4597", "term": "Coen brothers", "description": "American filmmakers", "question": "Do Coen brothers take up more car space than Scott directing brothers in 2020?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4598", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Has Iggy Pop worked with a Giallo director?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4599", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Has Iggy Pop been in a giallo film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4601", "term": "Oceanography", "description": "The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean", "question": "Would Jane Austen be considered an expert in oceanography? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4602", "term": "Oceanography", "description": "The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean", "question": "Would Jane Goodall be considered an expert in oceanography? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4603", "term": "Oceanography", "description": "The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean", "question": "Are deep sea fishermen considered experts in oceanography?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4604", "term": "French Revolution", "description": "Revolution in France, 1789 to 1798", "question": "Was the movie Les Miserables filmed during the French Revolution?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4605", "term": "French Revolution", "description": "Revolution in France, 1789 to 1798", "question": "Was Hugh Jackman alive during the French Revolution?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4607", "term": "French Revolution", "description": "Revolution in France, 1789 to 1798", "question": "Was Germany already established during the French Revolution?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4610", "term": "Human leg", "description": "lower extremity or limb of the human body (foot, lower leg, thigh and hip)", "question": "Would a prosthetic limb work as a replacement for a human leg?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4611", "term": "Bipolar disorder", "description": "mental disorder that causes periods of depression and abnormally elevated mood", "question": "Is Britney Spears receiving treatment for her bipolar disorder?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4621", "term": "Gear", "description": "rotating machine", "question": "Do Razor brand kick scooters have gears?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4623", "term": "Knight", "description": "An award of an honorary title for past or future service with its roots in chivalry in the Middle Ages", "question": "Is Harry Styles currently knighted in England?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4624", "term": "Public art", "description": "art in the physical public domain", "question": "Is some public art illegal?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4627", "term": "Crustacean", "description": "subphylum of arthropods", "question": "Is Halle Berry prohibited from eating crustaceans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4628", "term": "Crustacean", "description": "subphylum of arthropods", "question": "Does Halle Berry eat crustaceans often?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4629", "term": "Golden Rule", "description": "Treating others as oneself would wish to be treated", "question": "Would it be normal for a teacher to tell kindergartners about the golden rule?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4630", "term": "War", "description": "Intense violent conflict between states", "question": "Have there been suicides to protest war?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4631", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Are there varieties of cactus that are unsafe to touch?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4632", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Do cactus plants require less water than dafodills? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4633", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Do cactus plants thrive more in dry environments than wet ones?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4634", "term": "Sainsbury's", "description": "chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom", "question": "Would Sainsbury's be too far away for someone in Arkansas to go to?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4635", "term": "Sainsbury's", "description": "chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom", "question": "Would Sainsbury's be too far away for someone in Russia to go to?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4636", "term": "Disgust", "description": "Basic emotion", "question": "Is it normal for prisoners to encounter situations that inspire disgust in prison?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4637", "term": "James Bond", "description": "Media franchise about a British spy", "question": "Has there been a song by Billie Eilish that has been used in a James Bond movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4638", "term": "James Bond", "description": "Media franchise about a British spy", "question": "Did anyone from the movie Mamma Mia act in a James Bond film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4639", "term": "James Bond", "description": "Media franchise about a British spy", "question": "Did anyone from the film Mamma Mia act in a James Bond film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4640", "term": "James Bond", "description": "Media franchise about a British spy", "question": "Did any actors from Mamma Mia act in a James Bond film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4641", "term": "James Bond", "description": "Media franchise about a British spy", "question": "Did any actors from a musical play in a James Bond film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4655", "term": "Rapping", "description": "Vocal technique used with spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics", "question": "Are there country artists who also integrate rapping into their work?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4656", "term": "Northern fur seal", "description": "The largest fur seal in the northern hemisphere", "question": "Would it be unusual to see a Northern Fur Seal in the south pole?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4657", "term": "Northern fur seal", "description": "The largest fur seal in the northern hemisphere", "question": "Do Northern Fur Seals encounter penguins naturally?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4658", "term": "The Dark Knight (film)", "description": "2008 film directed by Christopher Nolan", "question": "Is The Dark Knight associated with any violence in the real world?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4659", "term": "The Dark Knight (film)", "description": "2008 film directed by Christopher Nolan", "question": "Would a Heath Ledger fan be interested in seeing The Dark Knight?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4662", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Was Aretha Franklin's funeral attended by celebrity guests?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4663", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Were there celebrities performing at the funeral of Aretha Franklin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4664", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Are there live performances at celebrity funerals?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4665", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Is it inappropriate to open a closed casket at a funeral?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4666", "term": "Preventive healthcare", "description": "Prevent and minimize the occurrence of diseases", "question": "Would a mammogram at a new doctor's office be considered preventive healthcare?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4667", "term": "Migraine", "description": "brain disease characterized by recurrent headaches on one side", "question": "Are there any famous singers with migraines?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4668", "term": "Migraine", "description": "brain disease characterized by recurrent headaches on one side", "question": "Does anyone from the cast of Wicked get migraines?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4669", "term": "Migraine", "description": "brain disease characterized by recurrent headaches on one side", "question": "Do any of the actors in Wicked get migraines?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4670", "term": "Migraine", "description": "brain disease characterized by recurrent headaches on one side", "question": "Did any of the founding fathers get frequent migraines?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4673", "term": "Shrimp", "description": "Decapod crustaceans", "question": "Would Steve Martin turn down a dish of shrimp risotto? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4675", "term": "Mental disorder", "description": "Distressing thought or behavior pattern", "question": "Is Dr. Drew Pinsky qualified to treat mental disorders?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4676", "term": "Mental disorder", "description": "Distressing thought or behavior pattern", "question": "Is Drew Pinsky qualified to help people with mental disorders?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4677", "term": "Mental disorder", "description": "Distressing thought or behavior pattern", "question": "Would Drew Pinsky be someone to talk to about mental disorders?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4678", "term": "Student", "description": "learner, or someone who attends an educational institution", "question": "Did Mark-Paul Gosselaar ever play the role of a student?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4680", "term": "Aloe", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Would Aloe grow better in a drier area than a marshy area?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4681", "term": "Aloe", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Would Aloe thrive more in a dry climate than a swampy climate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4682", "term": "Aloe", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Can Aloe plants be mailed within the United States?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4684", "term": "Sandwich", "description": "Food made of two pieces of sliced bread with fillings such as meat or vegetables in between", "question": "If someone was hungry for a sandwich, would they be likely to go to taco bell?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4687", "term": "Osama bin Laden", "description": "Co-founder of al-Qaeda", "question": "Did Barack Obama and Osama Bin Laden go to school together?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4693", "term": "Hornet", "description": "Genus of eusocial wasp", "question": "In animal world is George Trendle's hornet a misnomer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4694", "term": "Hornet", "description": "Genus of eusocial wasp", "question": "Is George Trendle's hornet a misnomer in real life taxonomy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4695", "term": "Hornet", "description": "Genus of eusocial wasp", "question": "Is George Trendle's hornet a misnomer in real life zoology?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4696", "term": "Hornet", "description": "Genus of eusocial wasp", "question": "Is George Trendle's hornet a misnomer in nature?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4697", "term": "Hornet", "description": "Genus of eusocial wasp", "question": "George Trendle's hornet a misnomer in nature?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4698", "term": "Tower of London", "description": "A historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London", "question": "Would Tower of London be relevant to Robert Stack's longest running show?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4699", "term": "Tower of London", "description": "A historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London", "question": "Would Tower of London be relevant to Robert Stack's most famous show?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4700", "term": "Tower of London", "description": "A historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London", "question": "Is Tower of London relevant to Robert Stack's most famous show?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4701", "term": "Tower of London", "description": "A historic castle on the north bank of the River Thames in central London", "question": "Did a mystery ever happen at Tower of London?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4705", "term": "Bodhisattva", "description": "Any person who is on the path towards Buddhahood but has not yet attained it", "question": "Is it impossible for Siddhartha Gautama to become a Bodhisattva?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4707", "term": "Library of Alexandria", "description": "one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, located in Alexandria, Egypt", "question": "Was Library of Alexandria commissioned by a Greek?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4708", "term": "Library of Alexandria", "description": "one of the largest libraries in the ancient world, located in Alexandria, Egypt", "question": "Would Library of Alexandria hypothetically need less shelf pace than Library of Congress?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4713", "term": "Amazons", "description": "warrior women from Greek mythology", "question": "Did any of the amazons on Xena: Warrior Princess star in a Fox TV series?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4715", "term": "The Doctor (Doctor Who)", "description": "fictional character from Doctor Who", "question": "Have any of the Doctor (Doctor Who) actors had famous offspring?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4718", "term": "Sudoku", "description": "Logic-based number-placement puzzle", "question": "Can a person with triskaidekophobia succeed at Sudoku?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4721", "term": "Saturday Night Live", "description": "American late-night live television sketch comedy show", "question": "Have any performers been caught lip syncing on Saturday Night Live?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4722", "term": "Saturday Night Live", "description": "American late-night live television sketch comedy show", "question": "Was Ashlee Simpson lip syncing on Saturday Night Live?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4723", "term": "Saturday Night Live", "description": "American late-night live television sketch comedy show", "question": "Has Saturday Night Live been on air longer than American Idol?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4724", "term": "Lifeboat (rescue)", "description": "boat rescue craft which is used to attend a vessel in distress", "question": "In the movie The Titanic, were there too few many lifeboats for the passengers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4744", "term": "Water skiing", "description": "surface water sport", "question": "Can you go water skiing in the Adirondacks? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4725", "term": "Lifeboat (rescue)", "description": "boat rescue craft which is used to attend a vessel in distress", "question": "Before it sunk, did the Titanic have too few lifeboats for all of the passengers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4727", "term": "Daytona 500", "description": "Auto race held in Daytona, Florida, United States", "question": "If someone is a fan of Dale Earnheardt, would they know what the Daytona 500 was?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4729", "term": "Bicycle", "description": "Pedal-driven two-wheel vehicle", "question": "Is Lance Armstrong known for riding a bicycle?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4732", "term": "Private investigator", "description": "person hired to undertake investigatory law services", "question": "Did James Roday play a private investigator on a TV show?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4733", "term": "Private investigator", "description": "person hired to undertake investigatory law services", "question": "Did James Roday play a private investigator on the USA network?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4734", "term": "Plastic", "description": "material of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids", "question": "Are there types of plastic that you can't put in the recycling?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4735", "term": "Maize", "description": "Cereal grain", "question": "Did Native American tribes teach Colonizers how to cultivate maize?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4738", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Is it recommended for goldfish and beta fish to share a tank?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4739", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Is it recommended to put goldfish in the same tank as beta fish?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4740", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Are goldfish found on the menu of Cookout?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4741", "term": "Bitcoin", "description": "decentralized cryptocurrency", "question": "Did Michael Jackson invest in Bitcoin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4742", "term": "Bitcoin", "description": "decentralized cryptocurrency", "question": "Did Michael Jackson own a lot of bitcoin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4745", "term": "Noah", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Has Russell Crowe ever acted in a film about Noah?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4746", "term": "Noah", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Does Russell Crowe know about the story of Noah?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4747", "term": "Noah", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Have any of the actors from Harry Potter participated in a film about Noah?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4748", "term": "Noah", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Are any of the actors from the Harry Potter film series in any films about Noah?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4749", "term": "Noah", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Has anyone from a film about Noah been in a movie about magic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4750", "term": "Noah", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Have there been any actors from musicals who have played Noah in a film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4751", "term": "Frost", "description": "coating or deposit of ice that may form in humid air in cold conditions, usually overnight", "question": "Would it be unusual to see frost in September in Florida?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4753", "term": "Scientific journal", "description": "Periodical journal publishing scientific research", "question": "Would a student in AP Chemistry have a need for scientific journals?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4754", "term": "CAPTCHA", "description": "computer test to discriminate human users from spambots", "question": "Are there accessibility options for blind users who encounter CAPTCHAs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4757", "term": "Hunting", "description": "Searching, pursuing, catching and killing wild animals", "question": "During the neolithic period, was hunting a valued skill?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4758", "term": "Hunting", "description": "Searching, pursuing, catching and killing wild animals", "question": "During the neolithic period, did people know how to hunt?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4761", "term": "Sahara", "description": "desert in Africa", "question": "Would the plant Spartina Patens thrive in the Sahara?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4763", "term": "Diarrhea", "description": "Loose or liquid bowel movements", "question": "Can coffee help with diarrhea?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4765", "term": "Drum", "description": "type of musical instrument of the percussion family", "question": "Are there people who carry drums at the Macy's Day Parade?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4766", "term": "Katy Perry", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and television judge", "question": "Did Katy Perry sell more records than Avril Lavigne?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4767", "term": "Katy Perry", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and television judge", "question": "Did Katy Perry create more records than Avril Lavigne?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4768", "term": "Katy Perry", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and television judge", "question": "Did Katy Perry and Taylor Swift appear together in a music video?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4769", "term": "Nicole Kidman", "description": "Australian-American actress and film producer", "question": "Are there Scientologists who know a lot about Nicole Kidman?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4811", "term": "Haiku", "description": "very short form of Japanese poetry", "question": "Is a haiku longer than the shortest poem written?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4812", "term": "Haiku", "description": "very short form of Japanese poetry", "question": "Does the shortest poem written fail the criteria to be a haiku?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4813", "term": "Haiku", "description": "very short form of Japanese poetry", "question": "Does the shortest poem lack the structure to be a haiku?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4815", "term": "Haiku", "description": "very short form of Japanese poetry", "question": "Does the shortest poem lack necessary component of a haiku?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4817", "term": "Haiku", "description": "very short form of Japanese poetry", "question": "Does the shortest poem lack components of haiku?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4818", "term": "Haiku", "description": "very short form of Japanese poetry", "question": "Does Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes lack components of haiku?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4846", "term": "Star Wars", "description": "Epic science fantasy space opera franchise", "question": "Have any Star Wars Ewok actors worked with Jim Henson?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4847", "term": "Star Wars", "description": "Epic science fantasy space opera franchise", "question": "Have any Star Wars Ewok actors worked with Jennifer Connelly?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4848", "term": "Star Wars", "description": "Epic science fantasy space opera franchise", "question": "Have any Star Wars Ewok actors worked with Bowie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4849", "term": "Star Wars", "description": "Epic science fantasy space opera franchise", "question": "Have any Star Wars Ewok actors worked with Val Kilmer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4850", "term": "Star Wars", "description": "Epic science fantasy space opera franchise", "question": "Have any Star Wars Ewok actors been featured in a Val Kilmer project?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4862", "term": "Vice President of the United States", "description": "Second highest executive office in United States", "question": "Was the first Vice President of the United States a Segregationist?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4873", "term": "Hippie", "description": "diminutive pejorative of hipster: 1960s counterculture participant", "question": "Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a hippie?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4874", "term": "James A. Garfield", "description": "20th president of the United States", "question": "Was Giovanni Battista Cybo in office longer than James A. Garfield?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4875", "term": "James A. Garfield", "description": "20th president of the United States", "question": "Did Giovanni Battista Cybo serve his position longer than James A. Garfield?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4878", "term": "Japanese people", "description": "Ethnic group native to Japan", "question": "Did Yayoi era Japanese people not have to worry about kami?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4879", "term": "Japanese people", "description": "Ethnic group native to Japan", "question": "Did Yayoi era Japanese people not have to worry about kami?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4880", "term": "Japanese people", "description": "Ethnic group native to Japan", "question": "Yayoi era Japanese people didn't worry about kami?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4889", "term": "The Hobbit", "description": "Fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien", "question": "Does a Drow reach top of a shelf before The Hobbit's hero can?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5580", "term": "Breakdancing", "description": "Style of street dance", "question": "Are tap shoes required for breakdancing?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5667", "term": "Jumping spider", "description": "family of arachnids", "question": "Do jumping spiders hunt to survive?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4947", "term": "Clown", "description": "A comic performer often for children's entertainment", "question": "Would clown be a bad occupational fit for Ebenezer Scrooge?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4950", "term": "Portuguese Colonial War", "description": "1961–1974 armed conflicts in Africa between Portugal and independence movements", "question": "Did any belligerent in Portuguese Colonial War share Switzerlands role in WWII?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4955", "term": "Governor of New Jersey", "description": "head of state and of government of the U.S. state of New Jersey", "question": "Was 2014 governor of New Jersey heftiest politician ever?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4956", "term": "Governor of New Jersey", "description": "head of state and of government of the U.S. state of New Jersey", "question": "Was 2014 governor of New Jersey fattest politician ever?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4961", "term": "Nancy Pelosi", "description": "52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives", "question": "Has any of Nancy Pelosi's offspring followed in her footsteps career wise?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4962", "term": "Nancy Pelosi", "description": "52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives", "question": "Has any of Nancy Pelosi's offspring followed in her footsteps?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4963", "term": "Nancy Pelosi", "description": "52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives", "question": "Has any of Nancy Pelosi's kids followed in her footsteps?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4964", "term": "Nancy Pelosi", "description": "52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives", "question": "Has any of Nancy Pelosi's brats followed in her footsteps?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4965", "term": "Nancy Pelosi", "description": "52nd speaker of the United States House of Representatives", "question": "Has any of Nancy Pelosi's children followed similar profession?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4968", "term": "Red Army", "description": "Soviet army and air force from 1917–1946", "question": "Did Simo Hayha kill any members of the Red Army?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4969", "term": "Red Army", "description": "Soviet army and air force from 1917–1946", "question": "Has Simo Hayha killed any members of the Red Army?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4971", "term": "Alan Rickman", "description": "British actor", "question": "Was Alan Rickman's first movie a box office success?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4972", "term": "Alan Rickman", "description": "British actor", "question": "Did an Alan Rickman film surpass the gross of his first film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4973", "term": "Alan Rickman", "description": "British actor", "question": "Did Alan Rickman ever surpass the gross of his first film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4974", "term": "Alan Rickman", "description": "British actor", "question": "Did Alan Rickman outearn his debut movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4975", "term": "Alan Rickman", "description": "British actor", "question": "Was Alan Rickman's final film a box office success?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4976", "term": "Alan Rickman", "description": "British actor", "question": "Did Alan Rickman's final film outearn his first?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4980", "term": "Starch", "description": "glucose polymer used as energy store in plants", "question": "Should hyperglycemics avoid starch?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4982", "term": "Starch", "description": "glucose polymer used as energy store in plants", "question": "Hyperglycemics should avoid starch?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4983", "term": "Starch", "description": "glucose polymer used as energy store in plants", "question": "Can starch be deadly to hyperglycemics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4985", "term": "Starch", "description": "glucose polymer used as energy store in plants", "question": "Can a wheelbarrow full of starch harm hyperglycemics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "4989", "term": "Solo (music)", "description": "musical piece or part of musical piece performed by a single musician", "question": "Can Destiny's Child perform a solo?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4990", "term": "Solo (music)", "description": "musical piece or part of musical piece performed by a single musician", "question": "Can MGMT perform a solo?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "4991", "term": "Solo (music)", "description": "musical piece or part of musical piece performed by a single musician", "question": "Can Boards of Canada perform a solo?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5024", "term": "Ahura Mazda", "description": "highest deity of Zoroastrianism", "question": "Does Ahura Mazda live above Abaddon?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5025", "term": "Fake news", "description": "Hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation", "question": "Is the deep web somewhere that you could encounter unchecked fake news?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5026", "term": "Fake news", "description": "Hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation", "question": "Would someone feel safer from fake news on facebook than on the deep web?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5027", "term": "Fake news", "description": "Hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation", "question": "Is Fake News currently uncensored on major social media sites?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5030", "term": "Confederate States Army", "description": "Southern army in American Civil War", "question": "Did Confederate States Army have similar fashion sense to West Point cadets?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5031", "term": "Fake news", "description": "Hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation", "question": "Does Facebook take steps to limit fake news?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5033", "term": "Human leg", "description": "lower extremity or limb of the human body (foot, lower leg, thigh and hip)", "question": "Is electrolysis possible on the human leg?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5040", "term": "Communist Party of the Soviet Union", "description": "Ruling political party of the Soviet Union", "question": "Would a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union be likely to have read Karl Marx?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5042", "term": "Islamophobia", "description": "Fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally,", "question": "Is Islamophobia against Cyprus majority religion be misdirected?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5046", "term": "Tibetan people", "description": "ethnic group", "question": "Do majority of Tibetan people in their ancestral homeland believe in bodhisattvas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5059", "term": "Marlboro (cigarette)", "description": "cigarette brand", "question": "Are all colors on Marlboro package found on French flag?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5061", "term": "Bugs Bunny", "description": "Warner Bros. cartoon character", "question": "Did Popeye eat all of Bugs Bunny's food source?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5066", "term": "Cancer", "description": "group of diseases", "question": "Is cancer treatment a preventative for COVID-19?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5068", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Has League of Legends esports players surpassed DOTA?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5075", "term": "Common Era", "description": "alternative (and religiously neutral) naming of the traditional calendar era, Anno Domini", "question": "Have there been any crucifixions in the Common Era?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5078", "term": "Common Era", "description": "alternative (and religiously neutral) naming of the traditional calendar era, Anno Domini", "question": "Have there been any blood eagle killings in the Common Era?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5090", "term": "Mongols", "description": "ethnic group of central Asia", "question": "Is Olivia Newton John's 1980 film named after summer home of Mongols?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5091", "term": "Ginger", "description": "Species of plant", "question": "Is Ginger something that a naturopath would recommend for a pregnant woman? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5101", "term": "Grizzly bear", "description": "Subspecies of mammal", "question": "Is Summer Triangle band named after grizzly bear?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5108", "term": "Atlantic salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Do Atlantic salmon ever swim near Buuntsagaan Lake?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5110", "term": "Atlantic salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Can you spot Atlantic salmon in Buuntsagaan Lake?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5111", "term": "Atlantic salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Are Atlantic salmon in Buuntsagaan Lake?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5112", "term": "Atlantic salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Do Atlantic salmon hang out in Buuntsagaan Lake?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5113", "term": "Atlantic salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Do Atlantic salmon vacation in Buuntsagaan Lake?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5114", "term": "Atlantic salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Will Atlantic salmon vacation in Buuntsagaan Lake?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5123", "term": "Kurt Cobain", "description": "American singer, composer, and musician", "question": "Have any of Kurt Cobain's bandmates had more success than him?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5126", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Was penance out of reach for Jeffrey Dahmer in December 1994?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5127", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Was penance impossible for Jeffrey Dahmer in last month of 1994?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5128", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Was penance impossible for Jeffrey Dahmer in year Layne Staley died?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5131", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Was penance impossible for Jeffrey Dahmer when Elizabeth Glaser died?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5132", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Penance impossible for Jeffrey Dahmer when Elizabeth Glaser died?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5133", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "When Elizabeth Glaser died was penance impossible for Jeffrey Dahmer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5134", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Would Jeffrey Dahmer be denied penance posthumously?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5135", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Would Jack the Ripper be denied penance posthumously?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5136", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Would Jack the Ripper be denied penance in 21st century?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5137", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Would William Howard Taft be denied penance in 21st century?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5138", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Would William Howard Taft be denied penance today?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5139", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Would William Howard Taft be denied penance today for his sin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5140", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Would William Howard Taft be denied penance today for his deadly sin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5141", "term": "Penance", "description": "repentance of sins", "question": "Can you be be denied penance for a deadly sin posthumously?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5144", "term": "Good", "description": "Term in religion, ethics, and philosophy", "question": "Was Hulk Hogan a good guy in one organization and bad in another?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5145", "term": "Eve", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Would it be inaccurate to call Eve an orphan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5147", "term": "RoboCop", "description": "1987 science fiction film directed by Paul Verhoeven", "question": "Is RoboCop director a Razzie award legend?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5154", "term": "John Lennon", "description": "English singer and songwriter, founding member of the Beatles", "question": "Did John Lennon celebrate a golden anniversary with Yoko Ono?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5155", "term": "John Lennon", "description": "English singer and songwriter, founding member of the Beatles", "question": "Did John Lennon celebrate a diamond anniversary with Yoko Ono?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5156", "term": "John Lennon", "description": "English singer and songwriter, founding member of the Beatles", "question": "Did John Lennon celebrate a silver anniversary with Yoko Ono?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5157", "term": "John Lennon", "description": "English singer and songwriter, founding member of the Beatles", "question": "Did John Lennon celebrate a silver anniversary with Cynthia Powell?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5161", "term": "God Save the Queen", "description": "National anthem of the United Kingdom and royal anthem of many Commonwealth realms", "question": "Has name God Save the Queen been used in things other than royalty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5162", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender make a cocktail for Noah Schnapp?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5163", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender make a Mojito for Noah Schnapp?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5164", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender make a White Russian for Noah Schnapp?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5165", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender provide service to Noah Schnapp?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5166", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender provide service to Jacob Tremblay?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5167", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender accept an order from Jacob Tremblay?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5168", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender accept an order from a 4th grader?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5169", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender accept an order from a 3rd grader?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5170", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender accept an order from a 2nd grader?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5187", "term": "Flour", "description": "powder which is made by grinding cereal grains", "question": "Would someone with celiac disease eat cookies baked with all purpose flour?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5284", "term": "Ham", "description": "Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking", "question": "Does country ham taste different than spiral ham?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5171", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender accept an order from a 7th grader?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5172", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender make a cocktail for a 7th grader?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5173", "term": "Morphine", "description": "Pain medication of the opiate family", "question": "Did people used to believe bagel seeds were from same drug family as morphine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5176", "term": "Bartender", "description": "person who serves usually alcoholic beverages behind the bar in a licensed establishment", "question": "Would a bartender make a drink for Millie Bobby Brown?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5178", "term": "UNICEF", "description": "development policy organization of the UN", "question": "Is the executive director of UNICEF familiar with a bra?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5179", "term": "UNICEF", "description": "development policy organization of the UN", "question": "Has the executive director of UNICEF spent time in Massachusetts?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5180", "term": "UNICEF", "description": "development policy organization of the UN", "question": "Has the executive director of UNICEF spent time in New England?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5181", "term": "UNICEF", "description": "development policy organization of the UN", "question": "Can you reach the UNICEF headquarters by Hoboken on foot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5182", "term": "UNICEF", "description": "development policy organization of the UN", "question": "Can you reach the UNICEF headquarters from Hoboken on foot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5183", "term": "Harvey Milk", "description": "American politician who became a martyr in the gay community", "question": "Is actor that played Harvey Milk in 2008 attracted to the same sex Harvey Milk was?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5184", "term": "Harvey Milk", "description": "American politician who became a martyr in the gay community", "question": "Is actor that played Harvey Milk in 2008 attracted to the same gender Harvey Milk was?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5185", "term": "Melania Trump", "description": "First Lady of the United States", "question": "Is saying Melania Trump is from a third world country inaccurate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5190", "term": "Burning Man", "description": "annual experimental festival based in Nevada, United States", "question": "Does Burning Man effigy share similarities with The Wicker Man movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5191", "term": "Christopher Columbus", "description": "Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer", "question": "Was Christopher Columbus a poor example of religious tolerance?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5197", "term": "Super Bowl 50", "description": "2016 Edition of the Super Bowl", "question": "Was Super Bowl 50 devoid of NFL founding teams?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5198", "term": "1980 United States presidential election", "description": "49th quadrennial presidential election in the United States", "question": "Were any of the blue states in the 1980's election on the West Coast?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5199", "term": "1980 United States presidential election", "description": "49th quadrennial presidential election in the United States", "question": "Were any of the blue states in the 1980's election on the East Coast?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5200", "term": "1980 United States presidential election", "description": "49th quadrennial presidential election in the United States", "question": "Did any states bordering California vote for Jimmy Carter in the 1980 United States presidential election?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5201", "term": "1980 United States presidential election", "description": "49th quadrennial presidential election in the United States", "question": "Were Republican voters pleased with the outcome of the 1980 United States presidential election?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5202", "term": "Quartz", "description": "mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms in a continuous framework of SiO₄ silicon–oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO₂", "question": "Do vendors ever claim that Quartz has healing properties?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5204", "term": "National Transportation Safety Board", "description": "United States government investigative agency for civil transportation accidents", "question": "National Transportation Safety Board has more abbreviation letters than Mulder's X-Files agency?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5206", "term": "The Sun (United Kingdom)", "description": "Tabloid newspaper from the United Kingdom and Ireland", "question": "Is the Sun (United Kingdom) published in every United Kingdom country?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5208", "term": "Veto", "description": "legal power to unilaterally stop an official action, especially the enactment of legislation", "question": "Have protesters ever rallied for a governor to veto a bill?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5209", "term": "Chocolate brownie", "description": "A square, baked, chocolate dessert", "question": "Can a chocolate brownie be fatal to a dog?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5210", "term": "Chocolate brownie", "description": "A square, baked, chocolate dessert", "question": "Can a chocolate brownie be fatal to a member of Canidae?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5211", "term": "Chocolate brownie", "description": "A square, baked, chocolate dessert", "question": "Are chocolate brownies hypothetically fatal to Harry Potter's Fang?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5212", "term": "Last Supper", "description": "Final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion", "question": "Is anyone that was at the Last Supper important to Islam?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5214", "term": "Reza Shah", "description": "Shah of Iran, Founder of the Imperial state of iran", "question": "Did Reza Shah's grandfather conquer Constantinople?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5215", "term": "Reza Shah", "description": "Shah of Iran, Founder of the Imperial state of iran", "question": "Did Reza Shah's great great grandfather conquer Constantinople?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5216", "term": "Reza Shah", "description": "Shah of Iran, Founder of the Imperial state of iran", "question": "Did Reza Shah's great great grandfather help conquer Constantinople?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5217", "term": "Reza Shah", "description": "Shah of Iran, Founder of the Imperial state of iran", "question": "Did Reza Shah's great great great grandfather help conquer Constantinople?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5218", "term": "Reza Shah", "description": "Shah of Iran, Founder of the Imperial state of iran", "question": "Did Reza Shah's grandfather's grandfather help conquer Constantinople?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5234", "term": "Yale University", "description": "Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States", "question": "Is Yale University beyond a walk from University of New Haven?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5221", "term": "Crucifixion", "description": "Method of capital punishment in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang until eventual death", "question": "Is Home Depot a good place to shop for crucifixion supplies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5226", "term": "Foot (unit)", "description": "customary unit of length", "question": "Does the average male foot fail to reach a foot (unit) on a ruler?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5228", "term": "Quran", "description": "The central religious text of Islam", "question": "Are there any spirits in the Quran?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5231", "term": "Shaggy (musician)", "description": "Reggae singer and former U.S. Marine", "question": "Did Shaggy ever collaborate with a Blood?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5232", "term": "The Police", "description": "English rock band", "question": "Did lead singer of The Police ever collaborate with an Algerian?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5233", "term": "The Police", "description": "English rock band", "question": "Did lead singer of The Police ever collaborate with an Arab?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5235", "term": "Yale University", "description": "Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States", "question": "Is Yale University beyond a quick walk from University of New Haven?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5236", "term": "Yale University", "description": "Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States", "question": "Is Yale University beyond a mile from University of New Haven?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5237", "term": "Yale University", "description": "Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States", "question": "Is Yale University beyond 20 miles from University of New Haven?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5238", "term": "Yale University", "description": "Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States", "question": "Is Yale University beyond 30 miles from University of New Haven?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5239", "term": "Yale University", "description": "Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States", "question": "Is Yale University beyond 100 miles from University of New Haven?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5240", "term": "Yale University", "description": "Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States", "question": "Is Yale University beyond 400 miles from University of New Haven?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5241", "term": "Yale University", "description": "Private research university in New Haven, Connecticut, United States", "question": "Is Yale University beyond 5000 miles from University of New Haven?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5244", "term": "Tragedy", "description": "form of drama based on human suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in audiences", "question": "Did Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio star in a tragedy together?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5245", "term": "Tragedy", "description": "form of drama based on human suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in audiences", "question": "Would a Professor of a Shakespeare class have to teach about tragedy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5246", "term": "Tragedy", "description": "form of drama based on human suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in audiences", "question": "Would a Professor of a Shakespeare class have to teach the students about tragedy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5247", "term": "Tragedy", "description": "form of drama based on human suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in audiences", "question": "Do students studying Shakespeare learn about tragedy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5248", "term": "Presidency of Bill Clinton", "description": "1993–2001 U.S. presidential administration", "question": "Were Furbys popular during the Presidency of Bill Clinton?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5249", "term": "Pancreatic cancer", "description": "endocrine gland cancer located in the pancreas", "question": "Was the death of the CEO of Apple caused by pancreatic cancer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5250", "term": "Brewing", "description": "production of beer", "question": "Should Peter Griffin be familiar with the craft of brewing?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5282", "term": "Will Ferrell", "description": "American actor, comedian, producer, writer and businessman", "question": "Was Michael Scott still on The Office when Will Ferrell's character came onto the show?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5252", "term": "Voyages of Christopher Columbus", "description": "1492-1502 voyages to the Americas; beginning of the Columbian exchange", "question": "Was Jamestown the landing place for members of the Voyages of Christopher Columubus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5253", "term": "Voyages of Christopher Columbus", "description": "1492-1502 voyages to the Americas; beginning of the Columbian exchange", "question": "Was George Washington aboard one of the ships during the voyages of Christopher Columbus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5254", "term": "Voyages of Christopher Columbus", "description": "1492-1502 voyages to the Americas; beginning of the Columbian exchange", "question": "Did the Voyages of Christopher Columbus involve coming ashore on the West coast of America?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5263", "term": "French Revolution", "description": "Revolution in France, 1789 to 1798", "question": "Did Victor Hugo's novel about the French Revolution ever become a Broadway show?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5265", "term": "Advertising", "description": "Form of communication for marketing, typically paid for", "question": "In 2020, is door-to-door advertising frowned upon?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5266", "term": "Advertising", "description": "Form of communication for marketing, typically paid for", "question": "In 2020, is door-to-door advertising socially unacceptable?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5267", "term": "Advertising", "description": "Form of communication for marketing, typically paid for", "question": "In 2020, is door-to-door advertising considered unsafe?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5270", "term": "Ariana Grande", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and actress", "question": "At a presentation about PTSD, would Ariana Grande be a topic of relevance?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5272", "term": "Jackson Pollock", "description": "American painter", "question": "Would a comparison of a crime scene to a piece by Jackson Pollock make sense?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5273", "term": "Jackson Pollock", "description": "American painter", "question": "Would a comparison of a murder scene to a piece by Jackson Pollock make sense?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5276", "term": "Transport", "description": "Human-directed movement of things or people between locations", "question": "Can anyone with a driver's license work in bulk transport of airline fuel?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5277", "term": "Transport", "description": "Human-directed movement of things or people between locations", "question": "Can anyone with a driver's license work in transport of airline fuel?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5280", "term": "Will Ferrell", "description": "American actor, comedian, producer, writer and businessman", "question": "Has Will Ferrell been in multiple movies that feature elves?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5281", "term": "Will Ferrell", "description": "American actor, comedian, producer, writer and businessman", "question": "Does Will Ferrell feature in multiple films featuring elves?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5285", "term": "Ham", "description": "Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking", "question": "Does country ham taste different than city ham?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5286", "term": "Ham", "description": "Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking", "question": "Should people watching their sodium avoid country ham?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5287", "term": "Ham", "description": "Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking", "question": "Should someone watching their sodium avoid country ham?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5288", "term": "Ham", "description": "Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking", "question": "Would country ham be a bad choice for someone with high blood pressure?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5289", "term": "Ham", "description": "Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking", "question": "Is country ham bad choice for someone with high blood pressure?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5290", "term": "Pope", "description": "Leader of the Catholic Church", "question": "Does the Pope live in an area close to Italy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5291", "term": "Fauna", "description": "set of animal species in any particular region and time", "question": "Would fauna in a tropical climate be very different from those in a temperate climate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5294", "term": "Go (game)", "description": "Abstract strategy board game for two players", "question": "Would Go be considerably more difficult if you were blind?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5295", "term": "Go (game)", "description": "Abstract strategy board game for two players", "question": "Would Go be considerably more difficult for someone who was blind?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5297", "term": "Tailor", "description": "person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, typically men's clothing", "question": "Do tailors predate the sewing machine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5298", "term": "Guitar Hero", "description": "video game series", "question": "Would someone who was good at guitar hero be good at rock band?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5299", "term": "Turtle", "description": "Order of reptiles", "question": "Are there turtles that are dangerous to humans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5305", "term": "Southern United States", "description": "Cultural region of the United States", "question": "Is tobacco a major crop in the Southern United States?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5306", "term": "Sit-in", "description": "form of direct action that involves one or more people occupying an area for a protest", "question": "Have violent crowd control tactics been used against anyone in a sit-in?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5309", "term": "Depression (mood)", "description": "state of low mood and fatigue", "question": "Would a teen with depression be at higher risk for adverse effects on a medication like Zoloft?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5310", "term": "Depression (mood)", "description": "state of low mood and fatigue", "question": "In teenagers with depression, are SSRI medications as safe as they are for adults?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5312", "term": "J. K. Rowling", "description": "English novelist", "question": "Does the transgender community view J.K. Rowling as an ally?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5313", "term": "J. K. Rowling", "description": "English novelist", "question": "Does the LGBT community view J.K. Rowling as an ally?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5314", "term": "J. K. Rowling", "description": "English novelist", "question": "Is J.K. Rowling considered an ally to the transgender community?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5317", "term": "John Kerry", "description": "68th United States Secretary of State", "question": "Was John Kerry less active in the military than John McCain?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5320", "term": "Designer", "description": "person who designs", "question": "Does a wedding designer typically make the floral arrangements?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5325", "term": "Waiting staff", "description": "staff serving in restaurant or private homes", "question": "Do restaurant waiting staff in South Korea expect a gratuity?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5326", "term": "Waiting staff", "description": "staff serving in restaurant or private homes", "question": "Do restaurant waiting staff in South Korea expect a tip?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5327", "term": "Henry Ford", "description": "American businessperson", "question": "Were modern assembly lines inspired by the work of Henry Ford?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5328", "term": "Grotesque", "description": "extravagant style in the arts", "question": "Would Tim Burton fans be likely to embrace grotesque art?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5329", "term": "Grotesque", "description": "extravagant style in the arts", "question": "Would Tim Burton fans be likely to embrace grotesque artwork?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5330", "term": "Grotesque", "description": "extravagant style in the arts", "question": "Would Nightmare Before Christmas fans be likely to embrace grotesque artwork?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5331", "term": "Grotesque", "description": "extravagant style in the arts", "question": "If someone is wearing a Jack Skellington jacket, is it likely that they enjoy grotesque art?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5333", "term": "Horror fiction", "description": "genre of fiction", "question": "Did the author of \"The Haunting of Hill House\" see both of the film adaptations?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5334", "term": "Horror fiction", "description": "genre of fiction", "question": "Did the author of \"The Haunting of Hill House\" see the second film adaptation?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5337", "term": "Play (theatre)", "description": "form of literature intended for theatrical performance", "question": "Have any plays based on graphic novels won awards?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5338", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Is Pluto a mythology yet to be featured in God of War series?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5339", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Pluto a mythology yet to be featured in God of War series?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5340", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Is Pluto origin mythology still to be explored in God of War series?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5341", "term": "5", "description": "Natural number", "question": "Is 5 important to Morean and Livonian war duration?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5342", "term": "5", "description": "Natural number", "question": "5 important to Morean and Livonian war duration?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5343", "term": "5", "description": "Natural number", "question": "Does pi exceed square root of pi?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5345", "term": "Prophet", "description": "person claiming to speak for divine beings", "question": "Do Islam and Christianity have at least five prophets in common?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5346", "term": "Prophet", "description": "person claiming to speak for divine beings", "question": "Were any bible prophet stories adapted to Disney plots?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5347", "term": "Prophet", "description": "person claiming to speak for divine beings", "question": "Any bible prophet stories adapted to Disney plots?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5350", "term": "Kayak", "description": "small boat propelled with a double-bladed paddle", "question": "Did the Inuit hunt coyotes from their kayaks?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5351", "term": "Kayak", "description": "small boat propelled with a double-bladed paddle", "question": "Did the Inuit fish trout from their kayaks?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5353", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Do you need to add a consonant to September in order to get the Spanish spelling?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5354", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Does Spanish spelling of September require adding a consonant to English spelling?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5355", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Spanish spelling of September require adding a consonant to English spelling?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5356", "term": "Kayak", "description": "small boat propelled with a double-bladed paddle", "question": "Did the Maori people reach New Zealand by kayak?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5357", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Spain native spelling of September require adding a consonant to English spelling?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5358", "term": "Kayak", "description": "small boat propelled with a double-bladed paddle", "question": "Did the Maori people build kayaks in the 1300's?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5359", "term": "Barley", "description": "Species of plant", "question": "Would someone opening a brewery need to get barley?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5366", "term": "Numerology", "description": "any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events", "question": "Is the Numerologist featured on the podcast Oh No Ross and Carrie well known?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5371", "term": "Bumblebee", "description": "genus of insects", "question": "Can a bumblebee get a blood clot?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5372", "term": "Bumblebee", "description": "genus of insects", "question": "Can a bumblebee get spider veins?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5373", "term": "Bumblebee", "description": "genus of insects", "question": "Can a bumblebee suffer from spider veins?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5375", "term": "Charles Manson", "description": "American criminal, cult leader", "question": "Was Charles Manson's body count surpassed by any Marilyn Manson band member name origin killer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5380", "term": "A Doll's House", "description": "play by Henrik Ibsen", "question": "Did the author of \"A Doll's House\" have a mentally disabled son?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5381", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Do Lil Wayne's Grammy awards lag behind rapper with same real last name as him?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5382", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Do Lil Wayne's Grammy awards trail rapper with same real last name as him?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5384", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Does Lil Wayne need more Grammy awards to match rapper with same real last name as him?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5385", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Lil Wayne double Grammy awards trails rapper with same real last name as him?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5386", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Lil Wayne needs over 4 times Grammy awards to equal with same real last name as him?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5387", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Lil Wayne needs over 4 times Grammy awards to equal rapper with same real last name as him?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5388", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Lil Wayne similar name rapper has over 4 times Wayne's Grammy awards?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5389", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Lil Wayne similar real name rapper has over 4 times Wayne's Grammy awards?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5392", "term": "Torah", "description": "First five books of the Hebrew Bible", "question": "Does the Torah have more books than the Katniss Everdeen series?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5393", "term": "Torah", "description": "First five books of the Hebrew Bible", "question": "Does the Torah have more books than the Hunger Games?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5394", "term": "Friday the 13th", "description": "Day in which the 13th of a month is on a Friday", "question": "In Mexico, is Tuesday the 13th is considered more unlucky than Friday the 13th? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5396", "term": "Torah", "description": "First five books of the Hebrew Bible", "question": "Does the Torah have more books than Emily Bronte wrote?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5400", "term": "John Kerry", "description": "68th United States Secretary of State", "question": "Did any Oscar winners attend John Kerry's college?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5402", "term": "John Kerry", "description": "68th United States Secretary of State", "question": "Did any Oscar winners attend John Kerry's alma mater?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5408", "term": "Pharmacy", "description": "academic discipline studying preparation and dispensation of medicinal", "question": "Do pharmacy employees need to ask for customer ID every time?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5412", "term": "Duke University", "description": "Private university in Durham, North Carolina, United States", "question": "Has any Duke University graduate married a Grammy winner?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5413", "term": "Bipolar disorder", "description": "mental disorder that causes periods of depression and abnormally elevated mood", "question": "Would Zoloft be a recommended first line of treatment for bipolar disorder?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5414", "term": "Bipolar disorder", "description": "mental disorder that causes periods of depression and abnormally elevated mood", "question": "Would an SSRI be a recommended first line of treatment for bipolar disorder?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5415", "term": "Doctor Who", "description": "British science fiction TV series", "question": "Has any Doctor Who actor won a Golden Globe award?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5416", "term": "Bipolar disorder", "description": "mental disorder that causes periods of depression and abnormally elevated mood", "question": "Would a psychiatrist be likely to recommend Prozac to someone with bipolar disorder?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5417", "term": "Doctor Who", "description": "British science fiction TV series", "question": "Has any Doctor Who actor won a razzie award?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5418", "term": "Halloween", "description": "Holiday celebrated October 31", "question": "Did the early settlers of the U.S celebrate the first halloween?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5421", "term": "Eminem", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Does Eminem's biological daughter spell her name differently than star of original Parent Trap?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5422", "term": "Eminem", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Does Eminem's daughter spell her name differently than star of original Parent Trap?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5423", "term": "Eminem", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Does Eminem's daughter spell her name differently than star of 1961 Parent Trap?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5424", "term": "Eminem", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Eminem's daughter spells her name differently than star of 1961 Parent Trap?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5425", "term": "Eminem", "description": "American rapper and actor", "question": "Eminem's daughter spells her name differently than star of 1961 Disney film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5426", "term": "Gladiator", "description": "combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire", "question": "Did Gladiator's weapon of choice require less hands than a Zweihander?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5428", "term": "Model (person)", "description": "person employed to display, advertise and promote products, or to serve as a visual aid", "question": "Is Kim Kardashian a supermodel?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5485", "term": "Spinach", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Would Kale be better to eat than Spinach for someone with scurvy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5490", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Did students in 1999 have a different understanding of Pluto than those in 2020?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5491", "term": "Doctor Who", "description": "British science fiction TV series", "question": "Do Doctor Who fans enjoy taking photos in pay phone booths?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5504", "term": "Chiropractic", "description": "form of alternative medicine", "question": "Would a chiropractic care center be more appropriate for a herniated disc than a physical therapist?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5505", "term": "Chiropractic", "description": "form of alternative medicine", "question": "Would a chiropractic care center be more helpful for a herniated disc than a physical therapist?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5506", "term": "Molecular biology", "description": "Branch of biology dealing with biological activity's molecular basis", "question": "Was Rosalind Franklin studying in Molecular Biology?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5507", "term": "Fairy", "description": "mythical being or legendary creature", "question": "Would a fairy be likely to reject the gift of iron earrings?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5508", "term": "Fairy", "description": "mythical being or legendary creature", "question": "Would a fairy be likely to reject the gift of a car?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5510", "term": "Citrus", "description": "genus of fruit-bearing plants (source of fruit such as lemons and oranges)", "question": "Can you eat some kinds of citrus on birth control?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5513", "term": "Pregnancy", "description": "time when children develop inside the mother's body before birth", "question": "Can pregnancy ruin a friendship?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5514", "term": "Pregnancy", "description": "time when children develop inside the mother's body before birth", "question": "Can pregnancy put strain on friendships?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5515", "term": "Pregnancy", "description": "time when children develop inside the mother's body before birth", "question": "Will someone have more doctor's appointments during their pregnancy than normal?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5516", "term": "Pregnancy", "description": "time when children develop inside the mother's body before birth", "question": "Will you see the doctor a lot more during pregnancy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5518", "term": "KGB", "description": "Main security agency for the Soviet Union", "question": "Are any current world leaders former KGB members?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5519", "term": "Anorexia nervosa", "description": "Eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image", "question": "Did Shane Dawson work with any creators who have Anorexia Nervosa?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5520", "term": "Firefighter", "description": "rescuer trained to extinguish hazardous fires", "question": "Would firefighters respond to a stabbing?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5521", "term": "Firefighter", "description": "rescuer trained to extinguish hazardous fires", "question": "Would firefighters respond to a heart attack?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5524", "term": "Bronze Age", "description": "Prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch", "question": "Were cannons used during the Bronze Age?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5525", "term": "Bronze Age", "description": "Prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch", "question": "Were cannons wielded during the Bronze Age?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5526", "term": "Bronze Age", "description": "Prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch", "question": "Were cannons built during the Bronze Age?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5534", "term": "Isaac Newton", "description": "Influential British physicist and mathematician", "question": "Were there any famous musicians with more letter a's in their name than Isaac Newton?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5538", "term": "Gallic Wars", "description": "Wars in which the Roman Republic conquered Gaul", "question": "Were any of Spartacus's companions from the area where the Gallic Wars took place?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5539", "term": "Gallic Wars", "description": "Wars in which the Roman Republic conquered Gaul", "question": "Were any of Spartacus's companions born in area where the Gallic Wars took place?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5540", "term": "Gallic Wars", "description": "Wars in which the Roman Republic conquered Gaul", "question": "Were several of Spartacus's companions from area where the Gallic Wars took place?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5543", "term": "Atmosphere of Mars", "description": "atmosphere", "question": "Are elements plants need for photosynthesis present in atmosphere of Mars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5545", "term": "Aretha Franklin", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and pianist", "question": "Has Aretha Franklin ever collaborated with someone that later committed suicide?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5550", "term": "Heracles", "description": "divine hero in Greek mythology, son of Zeus and Alcmene", "question": "Did Heracles have any full siblings that were immortal?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5553", "term": "Menstruation", "description": "Regular discharge of blood and tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina", "question": "Are there people for whom the correct pronouns are 'he/him' who experience menstruation? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5555", "term": "Alexander Graham Bell", "description": "scientist and inventor known for his work on the telephone", "question": "Was Alexander Graham Bell's telephone made by motorola?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5558", "term": "Bonanza", "description": "1959-1973 American western/cowboy television series", "question": "Did Bonanza have greater staying power than Law & Order: Criminal Intent?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5559", "term": "Bonanza", "description": "1959-1973 American western/cowboy television series", "question": "Did Bonanza have greater longevity than Law & Order: Criminal Intent?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5560", "term": "Flag of the United States", "description": "National flag", "question": "Are any colors on flag of the United States shared by flags of genocide perpetrators?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5565", "term": "Arithmetic", "description": "Elementary branch of mathematics", "question": "By their A-levels, do most people know basic arithmetic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5566", "term": "Arithmetic", "description": "Elementary branch of mathematics", "question": "By their A-level exams, do most people know basic arithmetic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5567", "term": "Arithmetic", "description": "Elementary branch of mathematics", "question": "By junior high school, do most people know basic arithmetic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5569", "term": "Mood disorder", "description": "(psychology) Any of various disorders characterised by disturbance in an individual's mood", "question": "Is lithium considered a good treatment for the mood disorder major depressive disorder?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5571", "term": "Call of Duty", "description": "First-person shooter video game franchise", "question": "Is Call of Duty more popular than Doom?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5573", "term": "Latino", "description": "A group of people in the United States with ties to Latin America", "question": "At a latino restaurant, would you find the dish coq au vin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5576", "term": "Prostate cancer", "description": "male reproductive cancer", "question": "Can a woman get prostate cancer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5577", "term": "Prostate cancer", "description": "male reproductive cancer", "question": "Are there women who get prostate cancer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5584", "term": "Power (social and political)", "description": "ability to influence the behavior of people with or without resistance", "question": "When you convince a child that they have no power, does it diminish their confidence? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5585", "term": "Leukemia", "description": "group of cancers that usually begin in the bone marrow", "question": "Does St. Jude's hospital help patients with Leukemia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5586", "term": "Slot machine", "description": "Casino gambling machine", "question": "Are there places with slot machines that you can get free drinks?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5587", "term": "Slot machine", "description": "Casino gambling machine", "question": "Do any games about the end of civilization have slot machines?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5589", "term": "Firefighter", "description": "rescuer trained to extinguish hazardous fires", "question": "Would Firefighters be included in a 9/11 memorial?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5591", "term": "Frankenstein", "description": "1818 novel by Mary Shelley", "question": "Do people often think that Frankenstein was a monster?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5597", "term": "Auburn, New York", "description": "City in New York, United States", "question": "Would you be able to watch the leaves change in the fall in Auburn, NY?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5598", "term": "Auburn, New York", "description": "City in New York, United States", "question": "Would the leaves in Auburn, New York be changing colors in October?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5599", "term": "Auburn, New York", "description": "City in New York, United States", "question": "Would the leaves in Auburn, New York be changing colors in in September?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5603", "term": "Benito Mussolini", "description": "Fascist leader of Italy", "question": "Would Benito Mussolini have success in the NBA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5605", "term": "Northwest Airlines", "description": "1926–2010 major airline, merged into Delta Air Lines", "question": "Could someone take Northwest Airlines to the Rio Olympics?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5606", "term": "Northwest Airlines", "description": "1926–2010 major airline, merged into Delta Air Lines", "question": "Could someone take Northwest Airlines to the Beijing Olympics?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5607", "term": "Jane Austen", "description": "English novelist", "question": "Did Jane Austen ever make the New York Times Bestseller list in her lifetime?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5608", "term": "Starbucks", "description": "American multinational coffee company", "question": "If somebody wants a coolata is Starbucks a good place to go?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5611", "term": "Amy Winehouse", "description": "English singer and songwriter", "question": "Would it have been wise to keep alcohol away from Amy Winehouse?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5613", "term": "Chocolate brownie", "description": "A square, baked, chocolate dessert", "question": "Would a chocolate brownie from a dispensary in Colorado be inappropriate for a child?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5614", "term": "Chocolate brownie", "description": "A square, baked, chocolate dessert", "question": "Would a chocolate brownie from a marijuana dispensary be inappropriate for a child?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5618", "term": "French Defence", "description": "Chess opening", "question": "Would Bobby Fischer be likely to know of the French Defense?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5620", "term": "The Three Stooges", "description": "American comedy team", "question": "Were The Three Stooges inspired by Saturday Night Live skits?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5621", "term": "The Three Stooges", "description": "American comedy team", "question": "Did The Three Stooges get popular on Saturday Night Live?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5622", "term": "Existence of God", "description": "The existence of God", "question": "Is David A.R. White known for arguing for the existence of God?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5623", "term": "Existence of God", "description": "The existence of God", "question": "Is David A.R. White an advocate for acknowledging the existence of God?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5624", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Is there argument regarding the status of Sunday as a holy day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5625", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Is there disagreement among Christians regarding the status of Sunday as a holy day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5626", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Do Christians disagree about whether Sunday is the day of rest?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5627", "term": "Sunday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Do Mormons and 7th Day Adventists disagree about if Sunday is a holy day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5628", "term": "Tourism", "description": "travel for recreational or leisure purposes", "question": "In areas of seasonal tourism, do businesses close in the winter?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5629", "term": "Tourism", "description": "travel for recreational or leisure purposes", "question": "In areas of seasonal tourism, do businesses close in the off season?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5630", "term": "Tourism", "description": "travel for recreational or leisure purposes", "question": "Does tourism harm the environment?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5631", "term": "Cheeseburger", "description": "hamburger topped with cheese", "question": "Would you be disappointed if you went to bojangles for a cheeseburger?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5632", "term": "Aldi", "description": "Germany-based supermarket chain", "question": "If Whole Foods is too expensive for you, would Aldi be a good option?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5635", "term": "Guitarist", "description": "person who plays the guitar", "question": "Do guitarist's fingers typically hurt less to prick with a needle?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5636", "term": "Guitarist", "description": "person who plays the guitar", "question": "Do guitarist's finger tips typically hurt less to prick with a needle?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5637", "term": "Guitarist", "description": "person who plays the guitar", "question": "Do finger blood tests typically hurt guitarist's less?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5638", "term": "Guitarist", "description": "person who plays the guitar", "question": "Do guitarist's have finger tips that can handle pain better than average?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5642", "term": "Tibetan people", "description": "ethnic group", "question": "Would a Catholic missionary meet resistance with Tibetan people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5644", "term": "Calligraphy", "description": "visual art related to writing", "question": "Would it be harder for Kaitlyn Dobrow to do calligraphy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5645", "term": "Mozilla", "description": "Free and open-source software community, developer of Firefox and Thunderbird", "question": "Can you learn web development for free with Mozilla?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5646", "term": "Mozilla", "description": "Free and open-source software community, developer of Firefox and Thunderbird", "question": "Does Mozilla offer free educational programs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5648", "term": "The Onion", "description": "American news satire organization", "question": "Would fans of Weird Al be likely to enjoy The Onion?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5650", "term": "Member of parliament", "description": "Representative of the voters to a parliament", "question": "Would it be bad for a Member of Parliament to be photographed with Jeffrey Epstein?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5655", "term": "Stroke", "description": "Medical condition where poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death", "question": "Did Dale Earnheardt Sr. crash due to a stroke?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5658", "term": "Cholera", "description": "Bacterial infection of the small intestine", "question": "Can Cholera be treated successfully?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5661", "term": "Dodo", "description": "Extinct large flightless pigeon from Mauritius", "question": "Is the Dodo reproducing today?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5662", "term": "Dodo", "description": "Extinct large flightless pigeon from Mauritius", "question": "Can someone eat a Dodo today?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5663", "term": "Woodrow Wilson", "description": "28th president of the United States", "question": "Did Woodrow Wilson have access to a telephone as a child?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5665", "term": "Forbidden City", "description": "Art museum, Imperial Palace, Historic site in Beijing, China", "question": "Is the Forbidden City the seat of China's government?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5671", "term": "Year", "description": "Orbital period of the Earth around the Sun", "question": "Has a Christmas character ever tried to save the New Year?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5675", "term": "Ammonia", "description": "Chemical compound of nitrogen and hydrogen", "question": "Can a person survive by eating Ammonia?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5676", "term": "Christians", "description": "people who adhere to Christianity", "question": "Do Christians worship multiple Gods?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5680", "term": "Eid al-Fitr", "description": "Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan", "question": "Do Mormons celebrate Eid al-Fitr?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5681", "term": "Eid al-Fitr", "description": "Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan", "question": "Do Mormons have a big Eid al-Fitr celebration?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5682", "term": "Eid al-Fitr", "description": "Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan", "question": "Do Scientologists celebrate Eid al-Fitr?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5683", "term": "Al Capone", "description": "American gangster and businessman", "question": "Did Al Capone own an iPhone?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5702", "term": "Metropolitan Museum of Art", "description": "Art museum in New York City, New York", "question": "Can you go to the Mall of America and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the same day?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5688", "term": "1960", "description": "Year", "question": "In 1960, did people know what the surface of the moon was like?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5690", "term": "Horse-fly", "description": "family of insects", "question": "Do humans find the bite of a horse fly to be upsetting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5691", "term": "Islamophobia", "description": "Fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally,", "question": "Would someone in a MAGA hat ignore claims about Trump of Islamophobia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5692", "term": "Islamophobia", "description": "Fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally,", "question": "Would someone in a MAGA hat consider accusations of Trump's islamophobia to be invalid?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5694", "term": "Blueberry", "description": "section of plants", "question": "Did Germans have blueberries during the treaty of versailles?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5695", "term": "Blueberry", "description": "section of plants", "question": "Did Europeans have blueberries during the treaty of versailles?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5697", "term": "Plastic surgery", "description": "medical specialty concerned with the altering or restoration of form and function", "question": "For breast cancer patients, is plastic surgery considered reconstructive?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5698", "term": "History of psychology", "description": "aspect of history", "question": "Is Dr. Joseph Mengele a part of the history of psychology that is celebrated?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5699", "term": "AirTrain JFK", "description": "People mover system at JFK Airport in New York City", "question": "Do you need a Metropass to ride the AirTraine at JFK?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5700", "term": "AirTrain JFK", "description": "People mover system at JFK Airport in New York City", "question": "Do you need a Metropass to ride the AirTraine JFK?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5701", "term": "AirTrain JFK", "description": "People mover system at JFK Airport in New York City", "question": "Can you get on the AirTrain JFK with a metropass?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5705", "term": "Abortion", "description": "Intentionally ending pregnancy", "question": "Does Channon Rose use her platform to speak against abortion?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5707", "term": "Skype", "description": "telecommunications software service", "question": "During COVID-19, have more people been using Skype?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5712", "term": "Sweet potato", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Is sweet potato with marshmallow a holiday traditional dish?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5716", "term": "Osama bin Laden", "description": "Co-founder of al-Qaeda", "question": "Has Osama Bin Laden been influencing the Trump Administration?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5717", "term": "Space Race", "description": "Competition between the USSR and the USA to explore space", "question": "Did Putin help Russia win the space race?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5718", "term": "Jackie Chan", "description": "Hong Kong actor and martial artist", "question": "Did Ralph Macchio make a karate movie with Jackie Chan?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5719", "term": "Jackie Chan", "description": "Hong Kong actor and martial artist", "question": "Did Ralph Macchio make a fighting movie with Jackie Chan?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5721", "term": "White blood cell", "description": "type of cells of the immunological system", "question": "Would someone with COVID-19 have a higher level of blood cells?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5727", "term": "Chinese Americans", "description": "Ethnic group", "question": "After COVID-19 came to the US, did Chinese Americans face discrimination?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5730", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "Is it impossible to snowboard on Venus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5731", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "Is it impossible to go snowboarding on Venus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5732", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "Would it be impossible to snowboard on Venus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5754", "term": "The World's Billionaires", "description": "annual ranking by net worth of the world's wealthiest billionaires", "question": "Do The World's Billionaires deny pizzagate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5746", "term": "Cucumber", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Are cucumbers a low maintenance plant?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5755", "term": "Quartz", "description": "mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms in a continuous framework of SiO₄ silicon–oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO₂", "question": "At the office of a reiki master, would you be likely to see quartz?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5756", "term": "Quartz", "description": "mineral composed of silicon and oxygen atoms in a continuous framework of SiO₄ silicon–oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO₂", "question": "At the office of a reiki master, would you be likely to see quartz crystals?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5787", "term": "Kidney", "description": "internal organ in most animals, including vertebrates and some invertebrates", "question": "Can mammals survive with only one kidney?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5843", "term": "1999", "description": "Year", "question": "Were computers a hot topic in 1999?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5844", "term": "1999", "description": "Year", "question": "Were people concerned about the new year in 1999?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5822", "term": "Spinach", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Can salt protect a garden that has spinach?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5824", "term": "Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry", "description": "diagnostic test for bone mineral density testing", "question": "Would myofascitis be diagnosed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5826", "term": "United States Department of Education", "description": "United States government department", "question": "Does the United States Department of Education oversee undocumented students?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5828", "term": "Rhinoceros", "description": "family of mammals", "question": "Could a rhinoceros be a playable animal in Dungeons and Dragons?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5829", "term": "Rhinoceros", "description": "family of mammals", "question": "Could a rhinoceros accidentally be included in a list of mythical creatures?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5831", "term": "Surgery", "description": "Medical specialty", "question": "Is it common to be hungry after surgery?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5832", "term": "Surgery", "description": "Medical specialty", "question": "Should you expect to be hungry before surgery?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5836", "term": "Fascism", "description": "Form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism", "question": "Are there countries where people opposed to fascism are considered terrorists?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5837", "term": "Music", "description": "form of art using sound and silence", "question": "On Venice beach, would you be likely to hear music?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5840", "term": "Urban planner", "description": "professional who works on city planning", "question": "Do people opposed to gentrification butt heads with urban planners often?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5841", "term": "1999", "description": "Year", "question": "Were people hoarding food and supplies out of fear in 1999?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5845", "term": "1999", "description": "Year", "question": "Did the upcoming new year worry people in 1999?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5847", "term": "Doctorate", "description": "academic or professional degree", "question": "Is it fair to be skeptical of a 21 year old claiming to have a doctorate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5849", "term": "Panoramic photography", "description": "wide-angle photographic view of a scene", "question": "Is panoramic photography possible with a polaroid? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5850", "term": "Smoking (cooking)", "description": "exposing food to the smoke to flavour or preserve it", "question": "Are all hot dogs created with smoking as a step?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5861", "term": "Curling", "description": "Team sport played on ice", "question": "Is Florida a well known curling state?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5866", "term": "Gallic Wars", "description": "Wars in which the Roman Republic conquered Gaul", "question": "Were guns used in the Gallic Wars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5867", "term": "Gallic Wars", "description": "Wars in which the Roman Republic conquered Gaul", "question": "Were tanks used in the Gallic Wars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5868", "term": "Gallic Wars", "description": "Wars in which the Roman Republic conquered Gaul", "question": "Did the Gallic Wars have an effect on France?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5870", "term": "Parachuting", "description": "action sport of exiting an aircraft and returning to Earth using a parachute", "question": "Can parachuting cause loss of life?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5871", "term": "The Lego Movie", "description": "2014 animated film by Phil Lord and Chris Miller", "question": "Was the antagonist of the Lego Movie portrayed by a Saturday Night Live alumnus? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5873", "term": "Robert De Niro", "description": "American actor, director and producer", "question": "Can Robert De Niro run for President of France?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5874", "term": "Robert De Niro", "description": "American actor, director and producer", "question": "Can Robert De Niro become President of South Africa?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5876", "term": "Homer Simpson", "description": "fictional character from The Simpsons franchise", "question": "Can Homer Simpson serve as President of the US?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5877", "term": "Modern Family", "description": "American comedy TV series", "question": "Did Homer watch Modern Family?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5878", "term": "Modern Family", "description": "American comedy TV series", "question": "Did Donald Trump watch Modern Family in his childhood years?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5879", "term": "Modern Family", "description": "American comedy TV series", "question": "Did Albert Einstein watch Modern Family in his childhood years?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5880", "term": "Lust", "description": "Human emotion", "question": "Would Amish parents warn against feelings of lust?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5881", "term": "Snowy owl", "description": "species of bird", "question": "Would someone have a hard time seeing a snowy owl against the sydney opera house?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5882", "term": "Eddie Murphy", "description": "American stand-up comedian and actor", "question": "Did Eddie Murphy own an iPhone as a child?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5883", "term": "Eddie Murphy", "description": "American stand-up comedian and actor", "question": "Did Eddie Murphy own smartphone as a child?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5901", "term": "Hanoi", "description": "Capital of Vietnam", "question": "Is Hanoi considered large in Vietnam?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5905", "term": "Honey bee", "description": "Eusocial flying insect of genus Apis, producing surplus honey", "question": "Would a honey bee's honey be unappealing to a vegan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5906", "term": "Honey bee", "description": "Eusocial flying insect of genus Apis, producing surplus honey", "question": "Would it be unusual for a vegan to keep honey bees?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5907", "term": "Honey bee", "description": "Eusocial flying insect of genus Apis, producing surplus honey", "question": "Would it be unusual for a strict vegan to keep Honey Bees for harvest?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5909", "term": "Honey bee", "description": "Eusocial flying insect of genus Apis, producing surplus honey", "question": "Do Vegans refuse products made with honey bee products?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5911", "term": "Agnosticism", "description": "view that the existence of any deity is unknown or unknowable", "question": "Are Unitarian Universalists welcoming to people who align with agnosticism? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5923", "term": "Cable ferry", "description": "ship type", "question": "Can a cable ferry be made from cedar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5924", "term": "Cable ferry", "description": "ship type", "question": "Can a cable ferry be made from plastic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5925", "term": "Cable ferry", "description": "ship type", "question": "Can a cable ferry use horsehair for stabilization?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5927", "term": "Hyena", "description": "family of mammal", "question": "Can hyena's on steak alone?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5928", "term": "File system", "description": "concrete format or program for storing files and directories on a data storage device", "question": "Do most PCMH have a file system?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5930", "term": "Lacrosse", "description": "Team sport", "question": "Would an broken arm make lacrosse difficult?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5931", "term": "Lacrosse", "description": "Team sport", "question": "Would an broken hand make lacrosse difficult?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5932", "term": "Extremism", "description": "ideology considered extreme in a pejorative sense", "question": "Would someone practicing right wing extremism donate to an abortion clinic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5933", "term": "Extremism", "description": "ideology considered extreme in a pejorative sense", "question": "Are advocates of right wing extremism against gender neutral restrooms? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5934", "term": "Extremism", "description": "ideology considered extreme in a pejorative sense", "question": "Are advocates of right wing extremism likely to support Proud Boys?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5935", "term": "Handedness", "description": "Better performance or individual preference for use of a hand", "question": "Does handedness determine how you use ASL?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5940", "term": "Shallot", "description": "Variety of small onion", "question": "Could a shallot be confused for a cocktail onion?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5941", "term": "Shallot", "description": "Variety of small onion", "question": "Could a shallot be confused for a garlic clove?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5942", "term": "Shallot", "description": "Variety of small onion", "question": "Could a garlic clove be confused for a shallot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5943", "term": "Shallot", "description": "Variety of small onion", "question": "Would you notice a difference between a shallot and an onion in french onion soup?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5944", "term": "Diarrhea", "description": "Loose or liquid bowel movements", "question": "Does it make sense to drink water if you have diarrhea?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5945", "term": "Diarrhea", "description": "Loose or liquid bowel movements", "question": "Does it make sense to drink more water if you have diarrhea?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5946", "term": "Diarrhea", "description": "Loose or liquid bowel movements", "question": "Is it a good idea to drink more water if you have diarrhea?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5948", "term": "Lobster", "description": "family of crustaceans", "question": "Can a lobster procreate in the desert?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5950", "term": "Scrabble", "description": "board game with words", "question": "Can Pandas play Scrabble?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5951", "term": "Scrabble", "description": "board game with words", "question": "Did Christopher Columbus play Scrabble?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5955", "term": "Armenians", "description": "ethnic group native to the Armenian Highland", "question": "So System of a Down acknowledge the Armenian Genocide?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5956", "term": "Armenians", "description": "ethnic group native to the Armenian Highland", "question": "Do System of a Down acknowledge the Armenian Genocide?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5957", "term": "Armenians", "description": "ethnic group native to the Armenian Highland", "question": "Do Armenians still have to fight for recognition?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5958", "term": "Armenians", "description": "ethnic group native to the Armenian Highland", "question": "Do System of a Down push for the recognition of the genocide against Armenians?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5959", "term": "Attack on Pearl Harbor", "description": "Surprise attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy on the U.S. Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii", "question": "Did the Attack on Pearl Harbor lead to the world's first nuclear attack?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5961", "term": "The Lord of the Rings", "description": "1954–1955 fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien", "question": "Would a fan of The Lord of the Rings books be likely to read The Hobbit? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5962", "term": "The Lord of the Rings", "description": "1954–1955 fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien", "question": "Would a fan of The Lord of the Rings books be likely to have read The Hobbit? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5963", "term": "Mercenary", "description": "Soldier who fights for hire", "question": "Would Goku from Dragon Ball Z work with a mercenary?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5965", "term": "Tour guide", "description": "person who provides information and heritage interpretation to tourists", "question": "Would you be likely to see a tour guide in the Adirondack National Park?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5981", "term": "Ubuntu", "description": "Linux distribution based on Debian", "question": "Did you get ripped off if you paid for Ubuntu?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5982", "term": "Ubuntu", "description": "Linux distribution based on Debian", "question": "Did you get a bad deal if you paid for Ubuntu?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5985", "term": "Dustin Hoffman", "description": "American actor and director", "question": "Have many fans of Spongebob seen Dustin Hoffman?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5987", "term": "Handedness", "description": "Better performance or individual preference for use of a hand", "question": "Is handedness unimportant in guitar playing?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5988", "term": "Crustacean", "description": "subphylum of arthropods", "question": "Are all crustaceans on restaurant menus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "5994", "term": "Inflammation", "description": "signs of activation of the immune system", "question": "Does inflammation of the brain require medical attention?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5998", "term": "Copy editing", "description": "Work that an editor does to improve the formatting, style, and accuracy of text", "question": "Would someone with a BA in English be well suited for copy editing?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "5999", "term": "Psychotherapy", "description": "clinically applied psychology for desired behavior modification", "question": "Could someone who isn't mentally ill have a reason to seek psychotherapy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6002", "term": "Frost", "description": "coating or deposit of ice that may form in humid air in cold conditions, usually overnight", "question": "Would a farmer worry if they saw frost on their endive plants?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6003", "term": "Frost", "description": "coating or deposit of ice that may form in humid air in cold conditions, usually overnight", "question": "Would an endive farmer worry if their crop was covered in frost?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6023", "term": "Brooklyn", "description": "Borough in New York City and county in New York state, United States", "question": "Would travel from Brooklyn to Canada in a day be possible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6006", "term": "Easter", "description": "Major Christian festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus", "question": "Do Jehova's Witnesses skip celebrating Easter?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6012", "term": "Marxism", "description": "Economic and sociopolitical worldview based on the works of Karl Marx", "question": "Are right wing extremists opposed to marxism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6014", "term": "Kangaroo", "description": "сommon name of family of marsupials", "question": "Are Kangaroos the only animals with a pouch on the front of their body?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6015", "term": "Kangaroo", "description": "сommon name of family of marsupials", "question": "Are Kangaroos the smallest animal with a pouch?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6016", "term": "Gobi Desert", "description": "desert in Mongolia and China", "question": "Would cattails thrive in the Gobi Desert?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6017", "term": "Gobi Desert", "description": "desert in Mongolia and China", "question": "Would cattails grow well in the Gobi Desert?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6018", "term": "Gobi Desert", "description": "desert in Mongolia and China", "question": "Would lily pads grow well in the Gobi Desert?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6020", "term": "Aircraft pilot", "description": "person controlling an aircraft in flight", "question": "Would narcolepsy make being an aircraft pilot nearly impossible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6021", "term": "Aircraft pilot", "description": "person controlling an aircraft in flight", "question": "Would narcolepsy make being an aircraft pilot impossible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6022", "term": "Aircraft pilot", "description": "person controlling an aircraft in flight", "question": "Would it be unsafe for an aircraft pilot to have untreated narcolepsy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6024", "term": "Brooklyn", "description": "Borough in New York City and county in New York state, United States", "question": "Would car travel from Brooklyn to Canada in a day be possible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6025", "term": "Brooklyn", "description": "Borough in New York City and county in New York state, United States", "question": "Would car travel from Brooklyn to Canada in a day be feasible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6027", "term": "Alcatraz Island", "description": "United States historic place", "question": "Is Alcatraz Island significant to Native American history?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6030", "term": "Hello", "description": "salutation or greeting", "question": "Are all translations of hello audible?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6031", "term": "Hello", "description": "salutation or greeting", "question": "Are all translations of hello in spoken language?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6033", "term": "Squid", "description": "order of molluscs", "question": "Would you see squis in lake Ontario?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6034", "term": "Squid", "description": "order of molluscs", "question": "Would you see squid in lake Ontario?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6035", "term": "Old English", "description": "Early form of English; Anglo-Saxon", "question": "Should students study Old English for the SAT?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6043", "term": "Do it yourself", "description": "building, modifying, or repairing something without the aid of experts or professionals", "question": "Are do it yourself tattoos more likely to become infected than shop tattoos?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6044", "term": "Psychotherapy", "description": "clinically applied psychology for desired behavior modification", "question": "Would a neglected child benefit from psychotherapy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6046", "term": "Capitalism", "description": "Economic system based on private ownership", "question": "Would modern Marxists disapprove of capitalism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6047", "term": "Asparagus", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Would your restroom be more odorous if you ate asparagus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6051", "term": "Preventive healthcare", "description": "Prevent and minimize the occurrence of diseases", "question": "Are there disparities in access to preventive healthcare in the US?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6053", "term": "Thanksgiving (United States)", "description": "holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November", "question": "Would people be disappointed in chicken on a Thanksgiving table?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6054", "term": "Cook (profession)", "description": "occupation involving cooking food", "question": "Would a cook appreciate a sous vide machine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6055", "term": "Cook (profession)", "description": "occupation involving cooking food", "question": "Would a cook appreciate the gift of a sous vide machine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6059", "term": "2000", "description": "Year", "question": "Were some employees from the WTC in 2000 the victims of a terror attack?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6066", "term": "Firefighter", "description": "rescuer trained to extinguish hazardous fires", "question": "Would firefighters respond to a nearby gunshot victim?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6067", "term": "Tony Bennett", "description": "American singer", "question": "Did Tony Bennett's children outnumber his wives?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6069", "term": "Unconscious mind", "description": "automatic faculties of the mind", "question": "Would Freud have particular interest in the unconscious mind?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6070", "term": "Unconscious mind", "description": "automatic faculties of the mind", "question": "Would Sigmund Freud have particular interest in the unconscious mind?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6072", "term": "Angle", "description": "an angle is something that is formed when two rays meet at a single or same point", "question": "Are there animals capable of climbing more extreme angles than people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6073", "term": "Angle", "description": "an angle is something that is formed when two rays meet at a single or same point", "question": "Are people less skilled at climbing steel angles than animals?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6074", "term": "Simon Cowell", "description": "English reality television judge, television producer and music executive", "question": "Would a novice singer be nervous to perform for Simon Cowell?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6075", "term": "Romantic poetry", "description": "literary genre", "question": "Are the students on Dead Poets Society fans of Romantic Poetry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6076", "term": "Romantic poetry", "description": "literary genre", "question": "In Dead Poet's Society, do the boys in the English class enjoy poetry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6077", "term": "Bullfighting", "description": "Spectacle of bulls fought by humans", "question": "Are PETA members likely to protest bullfighting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6078", "term": "Bullfighting", "description": "Spectacle of bulls fought by humans", "question": "Are animal rights advocates likely to protest bullfighting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6080", "term": "United States Air Force", "description": "Air and space warfare branch of the United States Armed Forces", "question": "Would someone on a daily regimen of Valium be able to join the United States Air Force?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6081", "term": "United States Air Force", "description": "Air and space warfare branch of the United States Armed Forces", "question": "Would someone on a daily regimen of psych meds be able to join the United States Air Force?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6082", "term": "United States Air Force", "description": "Air and space warfare branch of the United States Armed Forces", "question": "Would someone on a daily regimen of an SSRI be able to join the United States Air Force?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6083", "term": "United States Air Force", "description": "Air and space warfare branch of the United States Armed Forces", "question": "Would someone on a daily regimen of an SSRI be able to enter the United States Air Force?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6084", "term": "United States Air Force", "description": "Air and space warfare branch of the United States Armed Forces", "question": "Is joining the United States Air Force an option for someone who takes Seroquel daily?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6086", "term": "Celebrity", "description": "Prominent person or group who commands some degree of public fascination and appears in the media", "question": "Does being a celebrity put one in danger?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6087", "term": "Celebrity", "description": "Prominent person or group who commands some degree of public fascination and appears in the media", "question": "Does being a celebrity make one's life less safe?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6088", "term": "Celebrity", "description": "Prominent person or group who commands some degree of public fascination and appears in the media", "question": "Do celebrities feel less safe than most people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6089", "term": "Celebrity", "description": "Prominent person or group who commands some degree of public fascination and appears in the media", "question": "Is the average person at less risk than a celebrity?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6090", "term": "Jay-Z", "description": "American rapper, entrepreneur, record executive, songwriter, producer and investor from New York", "question": "Would Jay-Z get free tickets to a Beyonce concert?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6093", "term": "Porch", "description": "a room or gallery at the front entrance of a building forming a low front", "question": "Can some porches be inaccessible for disabled people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6094", "term": "Reproduction", "description": "Biological process by which new organisms are generated from one or more parent organisms", "question": "Is it environmentally responsible to prevent domestic cat reproduction?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6095", "term": "Reproduction", "description": "Biological process by which new organisms are generated from one or more parent organisms", "question": "Would an environmentalist advocate for preventing house cat reproduction?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6096", "term": "Reproduction", "description": "Biological process by which new organisms are generated from one or more parent organisms", "question": "Would an environmentalist advocate for preventing domestic feline reproduction?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6099", "term": "Star Wars", "description": "Epic science fantasy space opera franchise", "question": "Did the Disney company always have power over the Star Wars movies?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6100", "term": "Supreme Court of the United States", "description": "Highest court in the United States", "question": "Do members of the Supreme Court of the United States have long terms?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6102", "term": "Guitarist", "description": "person who plays the guitar", "question": "Would a guitarist feel less pain during a finger prick?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6103", "term": "Glenn Beck", "description": "American talk radio and television host", "question": "Would Barack Obama be an unlikely friend to Glenn Beck?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6104", "term": "Glenn Beck", "description": "American talk radio and television host", "question": "Would Barack Obama be unlikely to be a friend to Glenn Beck?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6105", "term": "Kurt Cobain", "description": "American singer, composer, and musician", "question": "Would a statement from Kurt Cobain about 9/11 be fraudulent?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6106", "term": "Kurt Cobain", "description": "American singer, composer, and musician", "question": "Would a statement from Kurt Cobain about 9/11 be fraudulently made?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6107", "term": "Xenophobia", "description": "dislike of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange", "question": "Is xenophobia counter productive to world peace?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6108", "term": "Groundhog Day", "description": "Traditional method of weather prediction", "question": "Is it usually cold in Canada on groundhog day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6109", "term": "Groundhog Day", "description": "Traditional method of weather prediction", "question": "Is it usually cold in Vermont on groundhog day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6110", "term": "Groundhog Day", "description": "Traditional method of weather prediction", "question": "Is the weather usually chilly on groundhog day in the Northeastern US?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6111", "term": "Groundhog Day", "description": "Traditional method of weather prediction", "question": "Is it wise to wear a jacket on groundhog day in Vermont?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6112", "term": "Groundhog Day", "description": "Traditional method of weather prediction", "question": "Will most attendees of groundhog day in Vermont be wearing jackets?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6129", "term": "White blood cell", "description": "type of cells of the immunological system", "question": "Are white blood cells a useful diagnostic tool for doctors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6117", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Is it impossible to play \"Happy Birthday\" using the twelve-tone technique?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6119", "term": "School counselor", "description": "person that works in primary schools and/or secondary schools to provide academic, career, college access/affordability/admission, and social-emotional competencies to all students through a school counseling program", "question": "Would an abused child benefit from talking to a school counselor?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6121", "term": "Astronomer", "description": "Scientist who studies celestial bodies", "question": "Could an astronomer warn of an imminent electrical blackout?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6123", "term": "Astronomer", "description": "Scientist who studies celestial bodies", "question": "Could an astronomer detect noise from the beginning of the universe?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6125", "term": "Aloe", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Is material from an aloe plant found in bathroom cupboards?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6126", "term": "White blood cell", "description": "type of cells of the immunological system", "question": "Would fans of Osmosis Jones know what white blood cells are?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6128", "term": "White blood cell", "description": "type of cells of the immunological system", "question": "Are white blood cells a useful diagnostic tool?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6130", "term": "Rick and Morty", "description": "Animated sitcom", "question": "Are fans of Community likely to enjoy Rick and Morty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6131", "term": "Rick and Morty", "description": "Animated sitcom", "question": "Would Rick and Morty be shocking to someone from the 1970's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6133", "term": "Conservatism", "description": "Political philosophy focused on retaining traditional social institutions", "question": "Are most feminists proponents of conservatism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6134", "term": "Frost", "description": "coating or deposit of ice that may form in humid air in cold conditions, usually overnight", "question": "Is there likely to be frost on the morning of a Canberra Christmas?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6136", "term": "Frost", "description": "coating or deposit of ice that may form in humid air in cold conditions, usually overnight", "question": "Is there likely to be frost on the morning of Boxing Day in Johannesburg? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6137", "term": "Nerd", "description": "Descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired", "question": "Is Santa Claus a nerd?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6139", "term": "War in Vietnam (1945–46)", "description": "Prelude to the Indochina Wars", "question": "Were veterans of the War in Vietnam (1945–46) depicted in the movie Forest Gump?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6141", "term": "War in Vietnam (1945–46)", "description": "Prelude to the Indochina Wars", "question": "Were veterans of the War in Vietnam (1945–46) depicted in the movie Across the Universe?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6142", "term": "War in Vietnam (1945–46)", "description": "Prelude to the Indochina Wars", "question": "Were veterans of the War in Vietnam (1945–46) depicted in the movie Casablanca?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6145", "term": "Bern", "description": "Place in Switzerland", "question": "Can you travel by boat from Bern to Albuquerque?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6148", "term": "Wasabi", "description": "Species of edible plant", "question": "Is Wasabi paste permitted for religious feasts in Judaism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6149", "term": "Ocelot", "description": "Small wild cat", "question": "Do an ocelot's eyes glow under a flashlight?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6152", "term": "Autumn", "description": "one of the Earth's four temperate seasons, occurring between summer and winter", "question": "Can you still see flowers in autumn?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6153", "term": "Autumn", "description": "one of the Earth's four temperate seasons, occurring between summer and winter", "question": "Do some trees keep their foliage during the fall?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6154", "term": "Autumn", "description": "one of the Earth's four temperate seasons, occurring between summer and winter", "question": "Do some trees keep their leaves during the fall?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6155", "term": "J. K. Rowling", "description": "English novelist", "question": "Are transgender teens less likely to read J.K. Rowling's writing than cisgender teens?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6156", "term": "Cell (biology)", "description": "The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; the smallest unit of life.", "question": "Are there materials that are small enough to pass through cell walls?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6157", "term": "Chick-fil-A", "description": "American fast food chain", "question": "Would a leftist be likely to refuse lunch from Chick-fil-A?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6275", "term": "Myth", "description": "Type of traditional narrative", "question": "Does Marvel sell myths?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6312", "term": "Wembley Arena", "description": "An indoor arena in Wembley, London", "question": "Can you see the stars in Wembley Arena?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6672", "term": "Richard Wagner", "description": "German composer", "question": "Was Mozart inspired by Richard Wagner's music?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6741", "term": "Tom Cruise", "description": "American actor and producer", "question": "Would Tom Cruise know what an e-meter is?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7169", "term": "Greeks", "description": "people of southeastern Europe", "question": "Have there been any Greeks in space?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6165", "term": "Disco", "description": "music genre", "question": "Is it likely that you'd hear disco music at Mazi Nightclub?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6171", "term": "Indigenous peoples in Canada", "description": "North American indigenous peoples within the boundaries of present-day Canada", "question": "Do indigenous peoples in Canada hunt wild boar?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6172", "term": "Indigenous peoples in Canada", "description": "North American indigenous peoples within the boundaries of present-day Canada", "question": "Are wild boar hunted by indigenous peoples in Canada?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6173", "term": "Barn", "description": "Agricultural building used for storage and as a covered workplace", "question": "Would it be acceptable to have cats that live in your barn?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6174", "term": "Mother", "description": "female parent", "question": "Would a mother require more time off than a childless woman?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6175", "term": "Mother", "description": "female parent", "question": "Would a new mother need more time off from work than a childless person?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6176", "term": "Spinal cord", "description": "long, thin, tubular structure made up of nervous tissue", "question": "Is it normal to be nervous before spinal chord procedures?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6178", "term": "Andes", "description": "Mountain range in South America", "question": "Would you need a boat to get from Peru to the Andes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6179", "term": "Peppermint", "description": "Species of plant (peppermint)", "question": "Can peppermint oil cure pink eye?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6180", "term": "HIV", "description": "Human retrovirus, cause of AIDS", "question": "Could someone from 1920 have gotten HIV from a transfusion?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6182", "term": "Glucose", "description": "A simple form of sugar", "question": "Are most milkshakes high in glucose?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6183", "term": "Detective fiction", "description": "subgenre of crime fiction and mystery fiction in which an investigator or a detective investigates a crime", "question": "Do anime fans enjoy detective fiction?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6184", "term": "Gunpowder", "description": "explosive most commonly used as propellant in firearms", "question": "Would someone who doesn't own a gun have a need for gunpowder?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6186", "term": "Learning disability", "description": "Range of neurodevelopmental conditions", "question": "Are children with learning disabilities big consumers of stim toys?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6187", "term": "Learning disability", "description": "Range of neurodevelopmental conditions", "question": "Are stim toys marketed at children with learning disabilities?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6188", "term": "Soup", "description": "primarily liquid food", "question": "Would a blender be useful for making some soups?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6189", "term": "Soup", "description": "primarily liquid food", "question": "Can you make soup without heat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6190", "term": "Soup", "description": "primarily liquid food", "question": "Can you make soup without a pot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6191", "term": "Sloth", "description": "tree dwelling animal noted for slowness", "question": "Is it ever necessary to bathe a sloth?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6192", "term": "Antarctic Peninsula", "description": "peninsula", "question": "Would a Galapagos penguin be out of place on the Antarctic Peninsula?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6196", "term": "Shaggy (musician)", "description": "Reggae singer and former U.S. Marine", "question": "Would fans of Christian Rock enjoy Shaggy?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6197", "term": "North Korea–United States relations", "description": "Diplomatic relations between North Korea and the United States of America", "question": "Would nuclear escalation improve North Korea-United States relations?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6198", "term": "North Korea–United States relations", "description": "Diplomatic relations between North Korea and the United States of America", "question": "Would nuclear attacks improve North Korea-United States relations?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6200", "term": "Clown", "description": "A comic performer often for children's entertainment", "question": "With the right makeup, can clowns be frightening?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6215", "term": "Peach", "description": "species of fruit tree (for the fruit use Q13411121)", "question": "Will a peach pit always grow into a peach tree?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6217", "term": "Peach", "description": "species of fruit tree (for the fruit use Q13411121)", "question": "Are the blossoms of a peach tree equal in length to cherry tree blossoms?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6219", "term": "Deciduous", "description": "Trees or shrubs that lose their leaves seasonally", "question": "Would children be disappointed with a deciduous Christmas tree?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6222", "term": "Koi", "description": "Varieties of ornamental pondfish", "question": "Should Koi and beta fish be kept together?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6226", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Did Claude Monet's widow receive aid from the French government after his death?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6293", "term": "Drag queen", "description": "a person who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes", "question": "Are drag queens harassed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6278", "term": "Europa (moon)", "description": "The smallest of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter", "question": "Was Europa important to Stanley Kubrick?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6280", "term": "Space Race", "description": "Competition between the USSR and the USA to explore space", "question": "Did Mario Andretti win the Space Race?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6283", "term": "Sweet corn", "description": "Group of plants", "question": "Can sweet corn make diabetes worse?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6285", "term": "Douglas Adams", "description": "British author and humorist", "question": "Did Douglas Adams use the internet as a child?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6287", "term": "Julia Roberts", "description": "American actress and producer", "question": "Does Julia Roberts pay taxes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6288", "term": "Guitarist", "description": "person who plays the guitar", "question": "Does a guitarist have callused fingers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6289", "term": "Guitarist", "description": "person who plays the guitar", "question": "Do guitarists have trouble with their fingers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6290", "term": "White blood cell", "description": "type of cells of the immunological system", "question": "Do white blood cells keep people alive?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6294", "term": "Drag queen", "description": "a person who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes", "question": "Do drag queens sometimes have a hard time finding jobs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6296", "term": "Aretha Franklin", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and pianist", "question": "Can you meet Aretha Franklin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6297", "term": "Aretha Franklin", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and pianist", "question": "Can you say hello to Aretha Franklin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6301", "term": "Pancreas", "description": "A glandular organ that plays a role in the digestive and endocrine systems of vertebrates.", "question": "Can someone survive without a pancreas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6303", "term": "Bruce Lee", "description": "Hong Kong-American actor, martial artist", "question": "Can you shake Bruce Lee's hand?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6304", "term": "Bruce Lee", "description": "Hong Kong-American actor, martial artist", "question": "Is Bruce Lee making a new movie?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6305", "term": "Johnny Carson", "description": "American talk show host and comedian", "question": "Did Johnny Carson make phone calls while driving?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6306", "term": "Argon", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 18", "question": "Can you pick up argon?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6307", "term": "Argon", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 18", "question": "Can you view argon?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6308", "term": "Argon", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 18", "question": "Can you smell argon?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6310", "term": "Balkans", "description": "Geopolitical and cultural region of southeastern Europe", "question": "Do the Balkans experience monsoons?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6311", "term": "Balkans", "description": "Geopolitical and cultural region of southeastern Europe", "question": "Do desert hares live in the Balkans?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6327", "term": "King Kong (2005 film)", "description": "2005 film directed by Peter Jackson", "question": "Can you see a themed King Kong ride in Florida?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6328", "term": "King Kong (2005 film)", "description": "2005 film directed by Peter Jackson", "question": "Can you see a themed King Kong ride in Universal Studios?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6329", "term": "Eiffel Tower", "description": "Tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France", "question": "Could you see the Eiffel Tower from the top of the Vatican?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6331", "term": "Ectopic pregnancy", "description": "female reproductive system disease characterized by the implantation of the embryo outside the uterine cavity", "question": "Are most people the result of ectopic pregnancies?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6334", "term": "Judge", "description": "official who presides over court proceedings", "question": "Can judges be sent to jail?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6335", "term": "Statistic", "description": "Single measure of some attribute of a sample", "question": "Would a student with dyscalcula struggle with statistics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6336", "term": "Statistic", "description": "Single measure of some attribute of a sample", "question": "Would a student with dyscalculia struggle with statistics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6337", "term": "Statistic", "description": "Single measure of some attribute of a sample", "question": "Would someone with dyscalculia struggle with statistics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6338", "term": "Statistic", "description": "Single measure of some attribute of a sample", "question": "Could someone with dyscalculia struggle with documenting statistics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6339", "term": "Statistic", "description": "Single measure of some attribute of a sample", "question": "Would a job about statistics be more difficult for someone with dyscalculia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6340", "term": "Statistic", "description": "Single measure of some attribute of a sample", "question": "Would a job documenting statistics be more difficult for someone with dyscalculia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6341", "term": "Statistic", "description": "Single measure of some attribute of a sample", "question": "Would a task of documenting statistics be more difficult for someone with dyscalculia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6342", "term": "Statistic", "description": "Single measure of some attribute of a sample", "question": "Do students with dyscalculia need more help with statistics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6343", "term": "Human leg", "description": "lower extremity or limb of the human body (foot, lower leg, thigh and hip)", "question": "Are there substitutes available for human legs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6345", "term": "Pharmacy", "description": "academic discipline studying preparation and dispensation of medicinal", "question": "Can you get xanax from a pharmacy without a prescription?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6347", "term": "Torso", "description": "the central part of the living body", "question": "Can a kidney infection cause pain in the torso?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6349", "term": "Torso", "description": "the central part of the living body", "question": "Is pain in the torso a potential sign of appendicitis?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6351", "term": "Subway (restaurant)", "description": "American fast food chain", "question": "Has Subway had ties with any child predators?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6353", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Would you be likely to see Manta Ray in the Great Lakes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6354", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Could you swim with Manta Ray in the Great Lakes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6355", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Could you swim with Manta Ray in lake Ontario?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6356", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Could you swim with Manta Ray in lakes in the Adirondack Park?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6360", "term": "Lactobacillus", "description": "genus of bacteria", "question": "Are all pickles made with lactobacillus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6364", "term": "Indigenous peoples in Canada", "description": "North American indigenous peoples within the boundaries of present-day Canada", "question": "Are Indigenous peoples in Canada still fighting for equal rights?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6365", "term": "Hurricane Harvey", "description": "Category 4 Atlantic hurricane in 2017", "question": "Were people in Utah worried about damage from Hurricane Harvey?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6367", "term": "New Year's Day", "description": "Holiday", "question": "Do different parts of the globe celebrate New Year's Day on different calendar dates?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6369", "term": "Jane Austen", "description": "English novelist", "question": "Have there been horror adaptations of the work of Jane Austen?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6370", "term": "Jane Austen", "description": "English novelist", "question": "Have there been zombie adaptations of the work of Jane Austen?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6371", "term": "London Zoo", "description": "World's oldest scientific zoo in London", "question": "Do people find reason to protest the London Zoo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6372", "term": "Last Supper", "description": "Final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion", "question": "Has Dan Brown ever seen a depiction of the Last Supper?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6373", "term": "Last Supper", "description": "Final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion", "question": "Has the author Dan Brown ever seen a depiction of the Last Supper?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6374", "term": "Last Supper", "description": "Final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion", "question": "Did the author of the Da Vinci Code ever view depictions of the Last Supper?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6377", "term": "Scientific journal", "description": "Periodical journal publishing scientific research", "question": "Are some scientific journals less credible than others?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6379", "term": "PayPal", "description": "Online financial services company based in San Jose, California", "question": "Would Paypal be a good way to pay for pornography?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6380", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Is homelessness generally voluntary?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6381", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Does Antarctica have a homelessness problem?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6382", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Does the Antarctic coast have a homelessness problem?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6384", "term": "Surgery", "description": "Medical specialty", "question": "Do some people feel nauseous after surgery?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6385", "term": "Michael Crichton", "description": "American author, screenwriter, film director", "question": "Could Michael Crichton have inspired some paleontologists?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6386", "term": "Michael Crichton", "description": "American author, screenwriter, film director", "question": "Is it likely some paleontologists were inspired by Michael Crichton?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6389", "term": "P. G. Wodehouse", "description": "English author", "question": "Did P. G. Wodehouse watch Rick and Morty as a child?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6390", "term": "P. G. Wodehouse", "description": "English author", "question": "Did P. G. Wodehouse like cartoon shows as a child?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6394", "term": "Newbie", "description": "slang term for a novice or newcomer", "question": "In Tetris99 do Newbies play with Pro players?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6396", "term": "Billy Joel", "description": "American singer-songwriter and pianist", "question": "Is Billy Joel considered high risk for COVID-19?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6414", "term": "Elon Musk", "description": "American industrialist and investor", "question": "Does Elon Musk act as an ally to the transgender community?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6399", "term": "Hamburger", "description": "Sandwich consisting of buns, a patty, and some other fillings", "question": "Can you store hamburgers in the car?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6400", "term": "Anorexia nervosa", "description": "Eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image", "question": "In treatment, would someone with anoxrexia nervosa be watched?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6401", "term": "Anorexia nervosa", "description": "Eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image", "question": "Do nurses supervise anorexia nervosa patients while eating?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6402", "term": "Anorexia nervosa", "description": "Eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image", "question": "Do nurses supervise anorexia nervosa patients while the patients are eating?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6403", "term": "Anorexia nervosa", "description": "Eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image", "question": "Do nurses watch anorexia nervosa patients while the patients are eating?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6404", "term": "New York Public Library", "description": "Public library system in New York City", "question": "Could you go to New York Public Library and the Adirondacks in the same day?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6406", "term": "Vice Media", "description": "North American digital media and broadcasting company", "question": "Is Vice Media a peer reviewed journal?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6407", "term": "New England", "description": "Region in the northeastern United States", "question": "Can you walk from New England to England?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6408", "term": "New England", "description": "Region in the northeastern United States", "question": "Can you kayak from New England to England?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6411", "term": "Street art", "description": "art that is public and temporary in public spaces", "question": "Can street art be used as a form of protest?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6412", "term": "Edward Snowden", "description": "American whistleblower and former National Security Agency contractor", "question": "Is it difficult to interview Edward Snowden?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6415", "term": "SQL", "description": "Language for management and use of relational databases", "question": "Would a linguistics major take SQL courses?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6417", "term": "Patronage", "description": "support that one organization or individual bestows to another", "question": "Do some artists support themselves through patronage alone?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6419", "term": "Feminism", "description": "Movements and ideologies aimed at establishing gender equality", "question": "Is there infighting within feminism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6420", "term": "Feminism", "description": "Movements and ideologies aimed at establishing gender equality", "question": "Are there groups within the movement of feminism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6421", "term": "San Francisco Bay", "description": "bay on the California coast of the United States", "question": "Can you see sea lions in the San Francisco Bay?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6422", "term": "Advertising", "description": "Form of communication for marketing, typically paid for", "question": "Is some adverting hidden in films?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6423", "term": "Robert Downey Jr.", "description": "American actor", "question": "Are some children very excited to meet Robert Downey Jr.?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6425", "term": "Wheelchair", "description": "chair with wheels, used by people for whom walking is difficult or impossible due to illness, injury, or disability", "question": "Should a doctor's office have a ramp for wheelchairs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6426", "term": "Turtle", "description": "Order of reptiles", "question": "Is handling a snapping turtle dangerous?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6427", "term": "Turtle", "description": "Order of reptiles", "question": "Is handling some turtles dangerous?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6430", "term": "August", "description": "eighth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Do many American stores have lots of notebook on sale in August?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6431", "term": "Drag queen", "description": "a person who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes", "question": "Were Drag Queens involved in the creation of Pride events?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6432", "term": "Drag queen", "description": "a person who dresses and acts with exaggerated femininity for performance purposes", "question": "Are LGBT Pride events due, in part, to the work of Drag Queens?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6433", "term": "Torah", "description": "First five books of the Hebrew Bible", "question": "Would bringing a Torah to a Mosque be unusual?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6434", "term": "Viscosity", "description": "Resistance of a fluid to shear deformation", "question": "Would something with a high viscosity be hard to fit through a plastic straw?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6439", "term": "Health effects of tobacco", "description": "circumstances, mechanisms, and factors of tobacco consumption on human health", "question": "Does the media sugar coat the health effects of tobacco?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6441", "term": "Venus", "description": "Second planet from the Sun in the Solar System", "question": "Would oak burn on Venus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6442", "term": "Smooth jazz", "description": "category of music", "question": "Did Elvis invent smooth jazz?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6443", "term": "Smooth jazz", "description": "category of music", "question": "Did Elvis popularize smooth jazz?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6446", "term": "Edward Snowden", "description": "American whistleblower and former National Security Agency contractor", "question": "Is Edward Snowden in hiding?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6448", "term": "Very Large Telescope", "description": "telescope in the Atacama Desert, Chile", "question": "Is it dangerous to walk to the Very Large Telescope?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6452", "term": "Whole genome sequencing", "description": "A process that determines the complete DNA sequence of an organism's genome at a single time", "question": "Is the COVID-19 virus a good candidate for whole genome sequencing?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6453", "term": "Whole genome sequencing", "description": "A process that determines the complete DNA sequence of an organism's genome at a single time", "question": "Has the COVID-19 virus been used for whole genome sequencing?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6455", "term": "Oyster", "description": "salt-water bivalve mollusc", "question": "Are oysters harvested to make jewelry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6459", "term": "1936 Summer Olympics", "description": "games of the XI Olympiad, celebrated in Berlin in 1936", "question": "Did Thierry Rey win a gold medal in Judo at the 1936 Summer Olympics?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6460", "term": "1936 Summer Olympics", "description": "games of the XI Olympiad, celebrated in Berlin in 1936", "question": "Could Jesse Owens have won a medal in Judo at the 1936 Summer Olympics?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6463", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Did Richard Nixon use a Playstation 4?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6464", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Did Richard Nixon play Call Of Duty on a Playstation 4?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6465", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Did Richard Nixon play Call Of Duty on a Playstation 4?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6466", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Did bill Clinton install a Playstation 4 in the Oval Office?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6467", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Did Bill Clinton install a Playstation 4 in the Oval Office?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6468", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Did Bill Clinton use a Playstation 4 in the Oval Office?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6551", "term": "Christian Dior", "description": "Popular French fashion designer", "question": "Would someone on foodstamps be less likely to own a christian dior piece?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6552", "term": "Christian Dior", "description": "Popular French fashion designer", "question": "Would someone on foodstamps be less likely to own a christian dior bag?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6553", "term": "Acne", "description": "Skin disease characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin, and possibly scarring", "question": "Could acne scars be mistaken for chicken pox scars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6554", "term": "Acne", "description": "Skin disease characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin, and possibly scarring", "question": "Is it possible to confuse acne and chicken pox scars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6559", "term": "Drag king", "description": "female performance artists who dress and behave in masculine way for performance", "question": "Do all drag kings take testosterone injections?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6562", "term": "Katy Perry", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and television judge", "question": "Is it likely that Katy Perry's baby will look like Russell Brand?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6573", "term": "Jeanne Moreau", "description": "French actress", "question": "Did Jeanne Moreau watch AEW Dynamite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6574", "term": "Jeanne Moreau", "description": "French actress", "question": "Did Jeanne Moreau see AEW Dynamite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6575", "term": "Jeanne Moreau", "description": "French actress", "question": "Could Jeanne Moreau watch AEW Dynamite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6588", "term": "Berlin University of the Arts", "description": "public art school in Berlin, Germany", "question": "Do students at Berlin University of the Arts recite the Pledge of Allegiance?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6688", "term": "Canidae", "description": "family of mammals", "question": "Are all canidae good house pets?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6638", "term": "Snowshoe", "description": "Footwear for walking easily across snow", "question": "Would the Neanderthal people have found snowshoes useful?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6639", "term": "Snowshoe", "description": "Footwear for walking easily across snow", "question": "Have oil companies contributed to a decrease in need for snowshoes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6656", "term": "Pecan", "description": "species of nut-bearing tree", "question": "Are pecans and peanuts grown in the same part of the United States?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6657", "term": "Vice President of the United States", "description": "Second highest executive office in United States", "question": "Has anyone from Texas ever served as Vice President of the United States?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6661", "term": "Liver disease", "description": "Human disease", "question": "Could lots of Long Island Iced Teas cause Liver Disease?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6666", "term": "Grilling", "description": "form of cooking that involves dry heat applied to the surface of food", "question": "Does Hank Hill sell items useful for grilling?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6668", "term": "Big Ben", "description": "Bell within the clock tower at the Palace of Westminster in London, England", "question": "Are there romantic Doctor Who moments near Big Ben?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6671", "term": "Richard Wagner", "description": "German composer", "question": "Was Mozart inspired by Richard Wagner?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6675", "term": "Intel", "description": "American semiconductor chip manufacturer", "question": "Would a silicon shortage be harmful to Intel?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6680", "term": "Johnny Carson", "description": "American talk show host and comedian", "question": "Could Johnny Carson's children form a water polo team?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6684", "term": "Glucose", "description": "A simple form of sugar", "question": "Could a mole of glucose fit inside the Empire State Building?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6693", "term": "Sleep", "description": "state of reduced awareness and metabolic activity", "question": "Would it be difficult to sleep in the world's most quiet room?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6694", "term": "Euphoria", "description": "mental and emotional condition in which a person experiences intense feelings of well-being, elation, happiness and excitement", "question": "Are there times that fear causes euphoria?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6698", "term": "Pickled cucumber", "description": "Cucumber pickled in brine, vinegar, or other solution", "question": "Are there red varieties of picked cucumber?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6699", "term": "Johnny Cash", "description": "American singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Would fans of Nine Inch Nails be likely to know of Johnny Cash?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6700", "term": "Aldi", "description": "Germany-based supermarket chain", "question": "Are there Chinese imports in all of the Aldi stores?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6701", "term": "Asparagus", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Does light matter in pigmentation of Asparagus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6702", "term": "Asparagus", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Is sunlight important in pigmentation of asparagus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6706", "term": "Romantic poetry", "description": "literary genre", "question": "Has Robin Williams ever been involved in a film about romantic poetry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6707", "term": "Romantic poetry", "description": "literary genre", "question": "Has Robin Williams ever been involved in a film about teaching romantic poetry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6708", "term": "Agriculture", "description": "Cultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products", "question": "Is agriculture without irrigation difficult?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6709", "term": "Yellow pages", "description": "Telephone directory of businesses by category", "question": "Would it be uncommon fora teenager to use the yellow pages?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6713", "term": "Jewish cuisine", "description": "culinary traditions of Jewish communities around the world", "question": "Does New York City have a lot of famous Jewish Cuisine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6714", "term": "Jewish cuisine", "description": "culinary traditions of Jewish communities around the world", "question": "Is a lot of famous New York food from Jewish cuisine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6715", "term": "Louvre", "description": "Art museum and Historic site in Paris, France", "question": "Did South Park make fun of anyone who sings about the Louvre?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6716", "term": "Louvre", "description": "Art museum and Historic site in Paris, France", "question": "Did South Park make a parody of anyone who sings about the Louvre?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6717", "term": "Louvre", "description": "Art museum and Historic site in Paris, France", "question": "Was there ever a South Park episode about someone who has a song about the Louvre?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6722", "term": "San Francisco Bay", "description": "bay on the California coast of the United States", "question": "Does the San Francisco Bay have more of a homeless issue than Albany New York?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6724", "term": "Homer Simpson", "description": "fictional character from The Simpsons franchise", "question": "Would Homer Simpson be likely to like beignets? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6725", "term": "Homer Simpson", "description": "fictional character from The Simpsons franchise", "question": "Would Homer Simpson be likely to like french beignets? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6728", "term": "Peach", "description": "species of fruit tree (for the fruit use Q13411121)", "question": "Would a poisoner have use for peaches?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6730", "term": "Charles Darwin", "description": "\"British naturalist, author of \"\"On the Origin of Species, by Means of Natural Selection\"\"\"", "question": "Was Lamarckian evolution compatible with the theories of Charles Darwin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6731", "term": "Charles Darwin", "description": "\"British naturalist, author of \"\"On the Origin of Species, by Means of Natural Selection\"\"\"", "question": "Was Lamarck's evolution theory compatible with the theories of Charles Darwin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6735", "term": "Hot dog", "description": "cooked sausage served in a sliced bun", "question": "Do poop and hot dog filling have anything in common?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6737", "term": "Watercolor painting", "description": "Type of painting method using water-based solutions", "question": "Can you complete watercolor paintings without a cup of water?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6738", "term": "Tom Cruise", "description": "American actor and producer", "question": "Is Tom Cruise opposed to psychiatry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6739", "term": "Tom Cruise", "description": "American actor and producer", "question": "Is Tom Cruise opposed to psychiatric medication??", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6740", "term": "Tom Cruise", "description": "American actor and producer", "question": "Would Tom Cruise be unlikely to support psychiatry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6742", "term": "Tom Cruise", "description": "American actor and producer", "question": "Would Tom Cruise consider his ex-wife a suppressive person?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6743", "term": "Tom Cruise", "description": "American actor and producer", "question": "Would Tom Cruise consider his Katie Holms a suppressive person?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6745", "term": "Russian Revolution", "description": "20th-century revolution leading to the downfall of the Russian monarchy", "question": "Did Gorbachev influence the Russian Revolution?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6747", "term": "Family planning", "description": "planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans", "question": "Are there family planning options without hormones?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6748", "term": "Doctor Who", "description": "British science fiction TV series", "question": "Can people meet each other out of order in Doctor Who?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6749", "term": "Doctor Who", "description": "British science fiction TV series", "question": "In Doctor Who, can statues be threatening?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6750", "term": "Doctor Who", "description": "British science fiction TV series", "question": "In Doctor Who, can statues be dangerous?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6751", "term": "Doctor Who", "description": "British science fiction TV series", "question": "Does Doctor Who represent interracial couples?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6752", "term": "Sandal", "description": "Type of footwear with an open upper", "question": "Would sandals be unsafe at a construction site?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6753", "term": "Lord Voldemort", "description": "Fictional character of Harry Potter series", "question": "Would Lord Voldemort have been permitted into Hogwarts under his own rules?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6755", "term": "Alcatraz Island", "description": "United States historic place", "question": "Can you see Alcatraz Island from the Jersey Shore boardwalk?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6756", "term": "Alcatraz Island", "description": "United States historic place", "question": "Can you see Alcatraz Island from the Atlantic City boardwalk?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6757", "term": "Alcatraz Island", "description": "United States historic place", "question": "Are there still prisoners being kept in Alcatraz island?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6761", "term": "Stephen King", "description": "American author", "question": "Does Stephen King disagree with J.K Rowling on trans issues?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6762", "term": "7", "description": "Natural number", "question": "Would a casino goer's '7' charm bracelet be likely for luck?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6764", "term": "French Defence", "description": "Chess opening", "question": "Is a musket required for the French Defence?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6765", "term": "Curling", "description": "Team sport played on ice", "question": "Is a curling iron useful in curling?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6766", "term": "Curling", "description": "Team sport played on ice", "question": "Is a curling iron helpful in curling?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6768", "term": "Spirit (rover)", "description": "NASA Mars rover", "question": "Does the rover Spirit have a spirit?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6772", "term": "Menstruation", "description": "Regular discharge of blood and tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina", "question": "Does Bill Gates frequently have problems with menstruation?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6773", "term": "Menstruation", "description": "Regular discharge of blood and tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina", "question": "Does Bill Gates have problems with menstruation?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6774", "term": "Menstruation", "description": "Regular discharge of blood and tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina", "question": "Does Bill Gates have trouble dealing with menstruation?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6775", "term": "Menstruation", "description": "Regular discharge of blood and tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina", "question": "Does Bill Gates experience menstruation?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6779", "term": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "description": "Country in the Caribbean", "question": "Was Saint Vincent and the Grenadines a colony?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6780", "term": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "description": "Country in the Caribbean", "question": "Was Saint Vincent and the Grenadines a colony when Elton John was born?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6790", "term": "Railroad engineer", "description": "person who operates a train on a railroad or railway", "question": "Could Aristotle have gone to school to be a railroad engineer?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6792", "term": "Christopher Nolan", "description": "British–American film director, screenwriter, and producer", "question": "Did Christopher Nolan ever meet John F Kennedy?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6793", "term": "Christopher Nolan", "description": "British–American film director, screenwriter, and producer", "question": "Did Christopher Nolan ever meet JFK?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6794", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Are goldfish bowls bad for goldfish?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6795", "term": "Christopher Nolan", "description": "British–American film director, screenwriter, and producer", "question": "Did Christopher Nolan ever meet President Kennedy?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6796", "term": "Christopher Nolan", "description": "British–American film director, screenwriter, and producer", "question": "Did Christopher Nolan ever meet Judy Garland?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6797", "term": "Christopher Nolan", "description": "British–American film director, screenwriter, and producer", "question": "Did Christopher Nolan ever meet Dwight Eisenhower?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6799", "term": "Christopher Nolan", "description": "British–American film director, screenwriter, and producer", "question": "Did Christopher Nolan ever meet President Dwight Eisenhower?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6800", "term": "Christopher Nolan", "description": "British–American film director, screenwriter, and producer", "question": "Did Christopher Nolan ever meet former President Dwight Eisenhower?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6801", "term": "Christopher Nolan", "description": "British–American film director, screenwriter, and producer", "question": "Did Christopher Nolan meet President Dwight Eisenhower?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6802", "term": "Dustin Hoffman", "description": "American actor and director", "question": "Is Dustin Hoffman unlikely to support Mike Pence?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6804", "term": "Papaya", "description": "species of plant, use Q12330939 for the papaya (the fruit)", "question": "Is some of the weight of a papaya inedible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6806", "term": "Honey", "description": "Sweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers", "question": "Would honey have been accessible to Julius Caesar? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6807", "term": "Honey", "description": "Sweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers", "question": "Would honey have been accessible to ancient romans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7192", "term": "Chlorine", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 17", "question": "Can you buy chlorine at a supermarket?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7298", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Are goldfish friendly to eachother?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6812", "term": "Parody", "description": "Imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialise an original work", "question": "Is the Bible considered to be a parody?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6816", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Has Leage of Legends been around more years than Fortnite?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6817", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Could a high school senior in 2020 have played League of Legends when it was new?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6818", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Would the League of Legends download fit on a Blu-Ray disk?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6819", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Would the League of Legends download fit on a single Blu-Ray disk?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6820", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Would the League of Legends download file fit on a single Blu-Ray disk?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6821", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Can League of Legends be played on a DSL connection?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6825", "term": "Alaska Purchase", "description": "1867 sale of Alaska to the USA by Russia", "question": "Was Alaska part of the Union during the Civil War?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6828", "term": "Street art", "description": "art that is public and temporary in public spaces", "question": "Is street art allowed under the First Amendment?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6831", "term": "Guru", "description": "A \"teacher, guide, expert, or master\" in Sanskrit", "question": "Is President Trump a guru?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6832", "term": "Guru", "description": "A \"teacher, guide, expert, or master\" in Sanskrit", "question": "Is Kim Kardashian the first guru?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6835", "term": "Boulevard", "description": "Type of road", "question": "Can a truck drive on a boulevard?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6836", "term": "Boulevard", "description": "Type of road", "question": "Could a drag race be held on a boulevard?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6843", "term": "Olympia, Washington", "description": "State capital and city in Washington, United States", "question": "Was Olympia, Washington around during the Civil War?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6844", "term": "Olympia, Washington", "description": "State capital and city in Washington, United States", "question": "Did Olympia, Washington become a city after the Civil War?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6848", "term": "Louvre", "description": "Art museum and Historic site in Paris, France", "question": "Was the American Constitution signed before the Louvre was built?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6849", "term": "Louvre", "description": "Art museum and Historic site in Paris, France", "question": "Does acid rain damage the Louvre?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6852", "term": "Wembley Arena", "description": "An indoor arena in Wembley, London", "question": "Hypothetically, could the entire 2018 class at Princeton watch a match at Wembley Arena?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6853", "term": "Tonsure", "description": "hairstyle related to religious devotion", "question": "Would it be very unlikely for Christopher Hitchens to engage in tonsure?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6855", "term": "J. D. Salinger", "description": "American writer", "question": "Did J. D. Salinger ever have a quinceañera?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6856", "term": "J. D. Salinger", "description": "American writer", "question": "Did J. D. Salinger have a quinceañera?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6857", "term": "J. D. Salinger", "description": "American writer", "question": "Did J. D. Salinger ever celebrate a quinceañera?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6858", "term": "J. D. Salinger", "description": "American writer", "question": "Did J. D. Salinger ever ask his parents for a quinceañera?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6861", "term": "Mercury (planet)", "description": "Smallest and closest planet to the Sun in the Solar System", "question": "Would only warm weather attire be acceptable on Mercury?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6864", "term": "Paratrooper", "description": "Military parachutists functioning as part of an airborne force", "question": "Did the United States use paratroopers in World War One?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6865", "term": "Paratrooper", "description": "Military parachutists functioning as part of an airborne force", "question": "Can paratroopers be used on the moon?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6870", "term": "Ku Klux Klan", "description": "American white supremacy group", "question": "Would Alicia Garza be accepted by the Ku Klux Klan?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6871", "term": "Ku Klux Klan", "description": "American white supremacy group", "question": "Would Alicia Garza be accepted into the Ku Klux Klan?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6872", "term": "Ku Klux Klan", "description": "American white supremacy group", "question": "Would Alicia Garza be appreciated by the Ku Klux Klan?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6873", "term": "Ku Klux Klan", "description": "American white supremacy group", "question": "Would the Ku Klux Klan accept Alicia Garza?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6874", "term": "Ku Klux Klan", "description": "American white supremacy group", "question": "Would the Ku Klux Klan welcome Alicia Garza into their group?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6876", "term": "Jujutsu", "description": "Japanese martial art", "question": "Could Jackie Chan learn Jujutsu?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6879", "term": "Big Bang", "description": "The prevailing cosmological model for the observable universe", "question": "Can the time of the Big Bang be determined by telescope?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6880", "term": "Big Bang", "description": "The prevailing cosmological model for the observable universe", "question": "Did the Big Bang create both matter and antimatter?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6885", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Does Rick and Morty discuss the status of Pluto as a planet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6886", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Would Rick be unlikely to consider Pluto a planet on Rick and Morty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6887", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Would Summer be unlikely to consider Pluto a planet on Rick and Morty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6888", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Would Summer Smith be unlikely to consider Pluto a planet on Rick and Morty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6889", "term": "Pluto", "description": "A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt of the Solar System", "question": "Would Bird Person be unlikely to consider Pluto a planet on Rick and Morty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6892", "term": "New Year's Day", "description": "Holiday", "question": "Does the musical Rent feature New Years day twice?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6893", "term": "Communist Party USA", "description": "American political party", "question": "Would members of the Communist Party USA find a billionaire class reprehensible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6894", "term": "Lolcat", "description": "image combining a photograph of a cat with text intended to contribute humour", "question": "Is it unnecessary to purchase food for a Lolcat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6897", "term": "Steve Ballmer", "description": "American businessman who was the chief executive officer of Microsoft", "question": "Is Steve Ballmer unable to use a keyboard?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6898", "term": "Drinking water", "description": "water safe for consumption", "question": "Would the ideal drinking water contain anthrax?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6899", "term": "Drinking water", "description": "water safe for consumption", "question": "Would the ideal drinking water contain strychnine?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6901", "term": "Drinking water", "description": "water safe for consumption", "question": "Would the ideal drinking water contain butane diepoxide?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6902", "term": "Drinking water", "description": "water safe for consumption", "question": "Would butane diepoxide be present in the ideal drinking water?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6903", "term": "Drinking water", "description": "water safe for consumption", "question": "Would butane diepoxide be present in ideal drinking water?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6904", "term": "Drinking water", "description": "water safe for consumption", "question": "Would diepoxybutane be present in ideal drinking water?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6905", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key become the president of the United States?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6906", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key become the POTUS?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6907", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key become the president of the USA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6908", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve as the president of the USA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6909", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve as the POTUS?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6910", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve as the president of the United States?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6911", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve a four-year term as the president of the United States?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6912", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve a four-year term as the president of the USA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6913", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve a four-year term as the president of the US?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6914", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve a four-year term as the president of America?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6915", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve a four-year term as America's president?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6916", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve a four-year term as America's Commander in Chief?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6917", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key serve a four-year term as the Commander in Chief of the USA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6918", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key be inaugurated as president of the US?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6919", "term": "John Key", "description": "38th Prime Minister of New Zealand", "question": "Could John Key be inaugurated as president of the USA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6921", "term": "German Shepherd", "description": "Dog breed", "question": "Can German Shepherds acquire the Abitur?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6922", "term": "German Shepherd", "description": "Dog breed", "question": "Can German Shepherds obtain the Abitur?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6923", "term": "German Shepherd", "description": "Dog breed", "question": "Can German shepherds obtain the Abitur?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6924", "term": "German Shepherd", "description": "Dog breed", "question": "Can the Abitur be granted to German Shepherds?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6931", "term": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "description": "Country in the Caribbean", "question": "Can I visit Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on a boat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6932", "term": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "description": "Country in the Caribbean", "question": "Can I visit Saint Vincent and the Grenadines by airplane?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6949", "term": "Jack Black", "description": "American actor, comedian, musician, music producer and youtuber.", "question": "Is Jack Black unlikely to compete with John Williams for an award?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6950", "term": "Jack Black", "description": "American actor, comedian, musician, music producer and youtuber.", "question": "Is Jack Black unlikely to compete with Bear McCreary for an Emmy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6927", "term": "Achilles", "description": "Greek mythological hero", "question": "Would a student in ancient Thessaly have learned about Achilles?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6935", "term": "Pan (god)", "description": "Ancient Greek god of the wilds, shepherds, and flocks", "question": "Is Pan a child of Zeus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6937", "term": "Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution", "description": "Grants residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote in U.S. presidential elections", "question": "Is the amendent granting DC residents the right to vote part of the Bill of Rights?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6938", "term": "Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution", "description": "Grants residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote in U.S. presidential elections", "question": "Could Washington D.C. residents vote for John F Kennedy?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6939", "term": "Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution", "description": "Grants residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote in U.S. presidential elections", "question": "Did the 23rd Amendment help JFK get elected?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6940", "term": "Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution", "description": "Grants residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote in U.S. presidential elections", "question": "Did the 23rd Amendment help Teddy Roosevelt get elected?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6941", "term": "Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution", "description": "Grants residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote in U.S. presidential elections", "question": "Did the 23rd Amendment help Washington become president?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6942", "term": "Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution", "description": "Grants residents of Washington, D.C. the right to vote in U.S. presidential elections", "question": "Was Martin Luther King Jr able to vote because of the 23rd amendment?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6944", "term": "Cats (musical)", "description": "1981 musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber", "question": "Did Aristotle ever see Cats the musical?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "6955", "term": "Cargo ship", "description": "ship or vessel that carries cargo, goods, and materials onboard from one port to another", "question": "Do farmers and cargo ships sometimes use the same area for work?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6956", "term": "Cargo ship", "description": "ship or vessel that carries cargo, goods, and materials onboard from one port to another", "question": "Do farmers and cargo ships sometimes work the same waterways?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "6963", "term": "American Indian Wars", "description": "multiple conflicts between American and Canadian settlers or the American and Canadian governments and the native peoples of North America", "question": "Could a smallpox vaccine have changed the outcome of the American Indian Wars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7003", "term": "United States Secretary of Defense", "description": "Leader of the United States armed forces following the president", "question": "Was the United States Secretary of Defense enlisted for fewer years than the man who replaced Barry Goldwater?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7027", "term": "Parody", "description": "Imitative work created to mock, comment on or trivialise an original work", "question": "Is it likely that Dan Harmon would enjoy parody?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7028", "term": "Nintendo", "description": "Japanese multinational consumer electronics company", "question": "Would a fan of the Pokemon games be likely to like Nintendo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7029", "term": "Lip", "description": "Visible body part at the mouth", "question": "Would someone with multiple lip piercings pay more in dental bills?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7032", "term": "Cookie Monster", "description": "character from the television series Sesame Street", "question": "Has Cookie Monster ever been in a series that has nudity?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7033", "term": "Cookie Monster", "description": "character from the television series Sesame Street", "question": "Has Cookie Monster ever been in a series that shows female breasts?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7048", "term": "Sloth", "description": "tree dwelling animal noted for slowness", "question": "Would sloths be at great risk in a forest fire?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7049", "term": "Hunger", "description": "Sustained inability to eat sufficient food", "question": "Is hunger more unsafe for diabetics than health people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7055", "term": "Forbidden City", "description": "Art museum, Imperial Palace, Historic site in Beijing, China", "question": "Was the Forbidden City constructed using a bulldozer?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7056", "term": "Forbidden City", "description": "Art museum, Imperial Palace, Historic site in Beijing, China", "question": "Was the Forbidden City constructed using a backhoe?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7061", "term": "Toyota Supra", "description": "A sports car and grand tourer manufactured by Toyota Motor Corporation", "question": "Has the Toyota Supra won the Kentucky Derby?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7062", "term": "Toyota Supra", "description": "A sports car and grand tourer manufactured by Toyota Motor Corporation", "question": "Has the Toyota Supra lost the Kentucky Derby?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7069", "term": "Börek", "description": "Stuffed phyllo pastry", "question": "Can someone with lactose intolerance enjoy börek?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7070", "term": "Börek", "description": "Stuffed phyllo pastry", "question": "Can someone with lactose intolerance easily enjoy börek?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7170", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Would it be unusual to play Happy hardcore during a funeral?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7073", "term": "Börek", "description": "Stuffed phyllo pastry", "question": "Does börek share an origin with the Dolmabahçe Palace?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7089", "term": "1965", "description": "Year", "question": "Could people sing songs from the Sound of Music before 1965?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7094", "term": "Gulf of Mexico", "description": "An Atlantic Ocean basin extending into southern North America", "question": "Are fossil fuels costing fishermen jobs in the Gulf of Mexico?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7096", "term": "Spirit (rover)", "description": "NASA Mars rover", "question": "Did Spirit cover more ground than a marathoner at the Monaco 5000?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7097", "term": "Spirit (rover)", "description": "NASA Mars rover", "question": "Did Spirit go further than a marathoner at the Monaco 5000?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7098", "term": "Spirit (rover)", "description": "NASA Mars rover", "question": "Did Spirit go further than the winner of the Birell Prague Grand Prix?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7102", "term": "Oprah Winfrey", "description": "American businesswoman, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist", "question": "Is Oprah Winfrey part of the largest generation of the 20th century?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7103", "term": "Oprah Winfrey", "description": "American businesswoman, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist", "question": "Could Oprah Winfrey buy multiple private islands?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7105", "term": "Society", "description": "Social group involved in persistent social interaction", "question": "Did Auguste Comte define the study of society?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7107", "term": "Chinook salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Would Chinook salmon benefit persons with heart disease?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7108", "term": "Chinook salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Could Chinook salmon benefit someone with a major mood disorder?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7110", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Could a World War I veteran enjoy the twelve-tone technique?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7111", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Could a World War I veteran enjoy music from the twelve-tone technique?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7112", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Could A. D. Condo enjoy music from the twelve-tone technique?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7113", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it have been impossible for Beethoven to use the twelve-tone technique?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7114", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it have been impossible for Shakespeare to use the twelve-tone technique?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7115", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it have been impossible for Neanderthals to use the twelve-tone technique?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7116", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it have been impossible for Jane Austen to use the twelve-tone technique?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7117", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it have been impossible to use the twelve-tone technique in New Amsterdam?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7118", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it be impossible to use the twelve-tone technique on Mars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7119", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it be impossible to use the twelve-tone technique in the Kuiper Belt?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7120", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it be impossible to use the twelve-tone technique in the Han Dynasty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7121", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it be impossible to use the twelve-tone technique in the pentatonic scale?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7136", "term": "Reproduction", "description": "Biological process by which new organisms are generated from one or more parent organisms", "question": "Could over reproduction of some species be unsafe?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7171", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Would it be unusual to play happycore during a funeral?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7172", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Would it be unusual to play happycore at a funeral?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7173", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Would it be unusual to play happycore music at a funeral?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7122", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it be impossible to use the twelve-tone technique in Saba scale?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7123", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it be impossible to use the twelve-tone technique in Indian classical music?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7124", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it be pointless to use the twelve-tone technique in Indian classical music?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7125", "term": "Twelve-tone technique", "description": "method of musical composition devised by Arnold Schönberg to ensure that all 12 notes of the chromatic scale are equally often, so that the music avoids being in a key", "question": "Would it be impossible to use the twelve-tone technique in Russian minor?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7127", "term": "Gunpowder", "description": "explosive most commonly used as propellant in firearms", "question": "Would an explosion at a gunpowder storage facility result in a sonic boom?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7135", "term": "Pear", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Would the 10th Doctor on Doctor Who refuse a pear salad?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7141", "term": "Alan Rickman", "description": "British actor", "question": "Has Alan Rickman spend many hours in a black robe?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7142", "term": "Duck", "description": "common name for many species in the bird family Anatidae", "question": "Do people often give ducks food that is bad for them?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7145", "term": "Dystonia", "description": "Neurological movement disorder", "question": "Would a chiropractor be able to treat dystonia?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7150", "term": "Anchovy", "description": "Family of fishes", "question": "Can Anchovy walk on land?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7152", "term": "Joker (character)", "description": "Fictional character in the DC Universe", "question": "Is murder something the Joker would consider?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7153", "term": "Anchovy", "description": "Family of fishes", "question": "Can you go ice fishing for anchovy?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7157", "term": "Alan Turing", "description": "British mathematician and computer scientist", "question": "Would Alan Turing be looked down upon at Pride parades?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7162", "term": "Arctic fox", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Would an Arctic fox stand out against a pile of coal?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7163", "term": "Arctic fox", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Would an Arctic fox stand out against a pile of roasted coffee beans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7165", "term": "Orange County, California", "description": "County in California, United States", "question": "Does Orange County, California require airplanes to be quiet when flying overhead?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7174", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Would it be strange to play happycore music at a funeral?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7175", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Would it be strange to play Happy hardcore music at a funeral?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7176", "term": "Funeral", "description": "ceremony for a person who has died", "question": "Is it strange to play Happy hardcore music at a funeral?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7177", "term": "1901", "description": "Year", "question": "Was the the Pony Express was used to deliver mail in 1901?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7180", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Did Claude Monet take painting classes from Leonardo da Vinci?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7181", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Did Claude Monet teach Salvador Dali how to paint?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7182", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Was Claude Monet famous for playing basketball?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7183", "term": "Claude Monet", "description": "French painter", "question": "Did Claude Monet fight in World War II?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7184", "term": "Medical imaging", "description": "technique and process of creating visual representations of the interior of a body", "question": "Would a spiral fracture require medical imaging?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7186", "term": "Green", "description": "Additive primary color visible between blue and yellow", "question": "Can green makeup help reduce rosacea?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7188", "term": "Short-eared dog", "description": "species of canid", "question": "Can Short-Eared Dogs still get ear mites?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7190", "term": "Chlorine", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 17", "question": "Would a medical sanitation company have use for chlorine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7191", "term": "Chlorine", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 17", "question": "Would a crime scene cleanup crew have use for chlorine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7195", "term": "Snow leopard", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Do Snow Leopards have attributes that make them more likely to be killed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7196", "term": "Snow leopard", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Do Snow Leopards have valuable parts that make them likely to be killed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7199", "term": "Kayak", "description": "small boat propelled with a double-bladed paddle", "question": "Is Kayaking possible for double arm amputees?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7200", "term": "Dungeons & Dragons", "description": "Fantasy role-playing game", "question": "Can Dungeons and Dragons be played with the participants in different homes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7202", "term": "Fashion design", "description": "Art of applying design and aesthetics to clothing and accessories", "question": "Are fashion design jobs only available to women?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7203", "term": "Haiku", "description": "very short form of Japanese poetry", "question": "Is a Haiku a type of painting?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7204", "term": "Bengal fox", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Could you keep a bengal fox as a pet in New York?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7206", "term": "Aloe", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Are all parts of the aloe plant tasty?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7208", "term": "United States Secretary of State", "description": "U.S. cabinet member and head of the U.S. State Department", "question": "Will people vote United States Secretary of State this November?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7209", "term": "United States Secretary of State", "description": "U.S. cabinet member and head of the U.S. State Department", "question": "Is the United States Secretary of State a woman?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7211", "term": "Frost", "description": "coating or deposit of ice that may form in humid air in cold conditions, usually overnight", "question": "Can all plants withstand frost?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7214", "term": "Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry", "description": "diagnostic test for bone mineral density testing", "question": "Would a veterinarian use dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry on a lobster?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7215", "term": "Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry", "description": "diagnostic test for bone mineral density testing", "question": "Would a vet use dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry on a lobster?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7216", "term": "Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry", "description": "diagnostic test for bone mineral density testing", "question": "Would a vet use dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry on a jellyfish?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7217", "term": "Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry", "description": "diagnostic test for bone mineral density testing", "question": "Would a vet use dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry on a crab?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7220", "term": "Rainbow", "description": "meteorological phenomenon", "question": "Can rainbows occur without rain?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7221", "term": "Rainbow", "description": "meteorological phenomenon", "question": "Can a rainbow be manmade?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7222", "term": "Cellulose", "description": "cell wall polymer of plants and green algae", "question": "Can cellulose help with constipation?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7223", "term": "Cellulose", "description": "cell wall polymer of plants and green algae", "question": "Is cellulose important for bowel maintenance? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7224", "term": "G", "description": "letter in the Latin alphabet", "question": "For movies with a 'G' rating, are teens an appropriate audience?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7297", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Are goldfish bottom feeders?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7228", "term": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "description": "Country in the Caribbean", "question": "Can you kayak to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines from Montreal?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7234", "term": "Happy Days", "description": "1974-1984 television comedy set in the 1950s", "question": "Was a member of the Happy Days cast also in movies with Adam Sandler?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7235", "term": "Happy Days", "description": "1974-1984 television comedy set in the 1950s", "question": "Was a Happy Days actor also in Little Nicky?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7236", "term": "Happy Days", "description": "1974-1984 television comedy set in the 1950s", "question": "Was there a famous director who came from Happy Days?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7237", "term": "Sahara", "description": "desert in Africa", "question": "Does the Sahara desert have a big variety of plant life?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7238", "term": "Shame", "description": "An affect, emotion, cognition, state, or condition", "question": "Do people who attend AlAnon meetings often feel shame?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7239", "term": "Shame", "description": "An affect, emotion, cognition, state, or condition", "question": "Do people who attend drug abuse counseling meetings often feel shame?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7240", "term": "Shame", "description": "An affect, emotion, cognition, state, or condition", "question": "Do people who attend AA meetings often feel shame?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7241", "term": "Happy Days", "description": "1974-1984 television comedy set in the 1950s", "question": "Did the Moon landing occur before the first episode of Happy Days?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7242", "term": "Fear", "description": "Basic emotion induced by a perceived threat", "question": "Is fear a common emotion experienced at Universal Studios Orlando?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7243", "term": "Fear", "description": "Basic emotion induced by a perceived threat", "question": "Is October a month during which people seek out fear?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7245", "term": "Tailor", "description": "person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, typically men's clothing", "question": "Can a tailor adjust a kimono?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7247", "term": "Barn", "description": "Agricultural building used for storage and as a covered workplace", "question": "Are there various types of barn floors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7248", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Do ships travel up Niagara Falls?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7249", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Do salmon travel up Niagara Falls?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7250", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Can salmon swim up Niagara Falls?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7252", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Do salmon migrate up Niagara Falls to spawn?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7253", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Is Niagara falls in mexico?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7254", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Was Niagara Falls formed by a meteorite? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7255", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Is Niagara falls the tallest waterfall in North America?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7256", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Is Niagara falls the tallest waterfall in Canada?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7257", "term": "Niagara Falls", "description": "Waterfalls between Ontario, Canada and New York, United States", "question": "Is Niagara Falls a national park?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7259", "term": "Cholera", "description": "Bacterial infection of the small intestine", "question": "Can you survive Cholera?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7263", "term": "Sit-in", "description": "form of direct action that involves one or more people occupying an area for a protest", "question": "Do authorities always respond calmly to sit-ins?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7265", "term": "Cholera", "description": "Bacterial infection of the small intestine", "question": "Can cows get Cholera?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7266", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Can water be bad for a cactus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7268", "term": "Ariana Grande", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and actress", "question": "Is Ariana Grande old enough to drive a car?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7270", "term": "Human overpopulation", "description": "The condition where human numbers exceed the short or long-term carrying capacity of the environment", "question": "Can human overpopulation be stopped?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7271", "term": "British Airways", "description": "flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom", "question": "Has British Airways flown in space?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7272", "term": "British Airways", "description": "flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom", "question": "Does British Airways operate a fleet of trains?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7273", "term": "British Airways", "description": "flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom", "question": "Can you book a ticket on a fighter jet through British Airways?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7274", "term": "British Airways", "description": "flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom", "question": "Can you book a ticket on a fighter jet on British Airways?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7276", "term": "Futurama", "description": "American animated sitcom for the Fox Broadcasting Company and Comedy Central", "question": "Is Futurama a movie?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7277", "term": "Mixed martial arts", "description": "full contact combat sport", "question": "Should someone doing mixed martial arts have health insurance?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7279", "term": "Flag of the United States", "description": "National flag", "question": "Would it be inappropriate to put a Flag of the United States on the ground?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7286", "term": "Onion", "description": "vegetable", "question": "Can onion peel be repurposed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7287", "term": "Onion", "description": "vegetable", "question": "Can onion peel be used for things?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7288", "term": "Spaghetti", "description": "Type of pasta", "question": "Can Spaghetti be sweet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7289", "term": "Spaghetti", "description": "Type of pasta", "question": "Would spaghetti in the Philippines be sweet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7290", "term": "Higher education", "description": "Academic tertiary education, such as from colleges and universities", "question": "Is Higher Education required to teach high school in New York?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7294", "term": "Paratrooper", "description": "Military parachutists functioning as part of an airborne force", "question": "Are paratroopers good at search and rescue?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7296", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Are goldfish friendly?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7299", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Can goldfish breed in saltwater?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7315", "term": "Copper", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 29", "question": "Can a derivative of copper end a fungal infection?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7316", "term": "Copper", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 29", "question": "Would a fungal life-form be wary of green pigment from copper?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7310", "term": "Elizabeth I of England", "description": "Queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until 24 March 1603", "question": "Did Elizabeth I of England wear gowns of viscose?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7312", "term": "Copper", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 29", "question": "Can a painter use copper so images of trees remain vibrant in sunlight?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7313", "term": "Copper", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 29", "question": "Can copper inhibit parasitic spores?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7314", "term": "Copper", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 29", "question": "Is copper a good choice for an artwork that changes color over time?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7318", "term": "Coca", "description": "group of plant varieties cultivated for coca production", "question": "Would botanists document coca in the Mata Atlântica?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7319", "term": "Coca", "description": "group of plant varieties cultivated for coca production", "question": "Would cultural anthropologists document historic cultivation of coca in the Mata Atlântica?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7320", "term": "Coca", "description": "group of plant varieties cultivated for coca production", "question": "Is coca leaf a good diet supplement for weight gain?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7321", "term": "Coca", "description": "group of plant varieties cultivated for coca production", "question": "Is coca leaf good for gaining weight?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7323", "term": "Lolcat", "description": "image combining a photograph of a cat with text intended to contribute humour", "question": "Would lolcats and roflcopters be known to World of Warcraft players?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7325", "term": "Eggplant", "description": "plant species Solanum melongena", "question": "Can an Alaskan gardener sow eggplant directly outdoors?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7328", "term": "Biologist", "description": "Scientist studying living organisms", "question": "Did biologist Rachel Carson write critiques of the FDA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7334", "term": "Lifeboat (rescue)", "description": "boat rescue craft which is used to attend a vessel in distress", "question": "Would being in a lifeboat after a wreck be unsafe during a tropical storm?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7339", "term": "Daytona 500", "description": "Auto race held in Daytona, Florida, United States", "question": "Wouldna hoverboard take beyond two days to finish the Daytona 500?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7380", "term": "Byzantine calendar", "description": "The calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Church from c. 691 to 1728", "question": "Did the Byzantine calendar have a different new year than the Julian calendar?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7383", "term": "Sainsbury's", "description": "chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom", "question": "Does President Obama shop at Sainsbury's?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7384", "term": "Sainsbury's", "description": "chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom", "question": "Does Malia Obama shop at Sainsbury's?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7385", "term": "Sainsbury's", "description": "chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom", "question": "Does Kim Kardashian shop at Sainsbury's?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7397", "term": "Shogi", "description": "Game native to Japan", "question": "Are there enough shogi game pieces to replace missing chess pieces?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7424", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Can I play League of Legends on a Nintendo Entertainment System?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7425", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Can I buy League of Legends in the Android App Store?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7426", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Did Ronald Reagan ever play League of Legends?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7427", "term": "League of Legends", "description": "Multiplayer online battle arena video game", "question": "Did President Ronald Reagan ever play League of Legends?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7428", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Could a farmer make both soy milk and tempeh from the same crop?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7430", "term": "Bryan Adams", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter", "question": "Is Bryan Adams frequently played at weddings?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7432", "term": "Bryan Adams", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter", "question": "Do DJ's for weddings typically have Bryan Adams in their playlist?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7433", "term": "French Open", "description": "French Open Tennis Championships", "question": "Did Lionel Messi win at the French Open?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7434", "term": "French Open", "description": "French Open Tennis Championships", "question": "Did Lionel Messi ever play in the French Open?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7435", "term": "French Open", "description": "French Open Tennis Championships", "question": "Is the city that hosts the French Open also known as the Windy City?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7437", "term": "Constitution of the United Kingdom", "description": "The principles, institutions and law of political governance in the United Kingdom.", "question": "If you've passed your A Levels, are you aware of the Constitution of the United Kingdom?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7439", "term": "John Lennon", "description": "English singer and songwriter, founding member of the Beatles", "question": "Was Sasha Obama friends with John Lennon? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7443", "term": "Cherokee", "description": "Native American people indigenous to the Southeastern United States", "question": "Is Redbird Smith a religious leader for the Cherokee?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7446", "term": "Doctor of Medicine", "description": "Postgraduate medical degree", "question": "Would a Doctor of Medicine in orthopedics be appropriate for a compound fracture?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7447", "term": "Penguin Books", "description": "British publishing house", "question": "Does Bojack Horseman have an ongoing parody of penguin books?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7448", "term": "United States Department of Defense", "description": "United States federal executive department", "question": "Does the United States Department of Defense have a balanced budget?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7449", "term": "Groundhog Day", "description": "Traditional method of weather prediction", "question": "At Christmastime, are there reminders of groundhog day coming?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7453", "term": "MediaWiki", "description": "Wiki software", "question": "Can the MediaWiki API be connected directly to Wikipedia articles?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7454", "term": "Hamlet", "description": "tragedy by William Shakespeare", "question": "Was Hamlet first shown in an IMAX 3D theater?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7455", "term": "MediaWiki", "description": "Wiki software", "question": "Can Bulbapedia be accessed with the MediaWiki API?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7456", "term": "MediaWiki", "description": "Wiki software", "question": "Can Python scripts call the MediaWiki API?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7457", "term": "Brazilian Navy", "description": "Naval warfare branch of Brazil's military forces", "question": "Did the Brazilian navy fight Portugal?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7459", "term": "Leadership", "description": "ability of an individual or organization to guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations", "question": "Is Michael Scott from The Office known for his strong leadership skills?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7460", "term": "Leadership", "description": "ability of an individual or organization to guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations", "question": "Is Michael Scott from The Office known for his leadership skills?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7462", "term": "Parent", "description": "father or mother", "question": "Can people taking their BTEC's be parents?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7465", "term": "Napoleonic Wars", "description": "Series of early 19th century European wars", "question": "Have multiple musicals been written from source material mentioning the Napoleonic Wars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7466", "term": "Napoleonic Wars", "description": "Series of early 19th century European wars", "question": "Have several musicals been written from source material mentioning the Napoleonic Wars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7467", "term": "Napoleonic Wars", "description": "Series of early 19th century European wars", "question": "Have several broadway musicals been written from source material mentioning the Napoleonic Wars?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7468", "term": "Napoleonic Wars", "description": "Series of early 19th century European wars", "question": "Has Broadway featured performances set with the Napoleonic Wars as part of the background?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7472", "term": "Placebo", "description": "substance or treatment of no therapeutic value", "question": "Can you get negative effects from a placebo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7473", "term": "Placebo", "description": "substance or treatment of no therapeutic value", "question": "Is the use of a placebo considered somewhat unethical?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7474", "term": "Placebo", "description": "substance or treatment of no therapeutic value", "question": "Does a double-blind trial weaken the placebo effect?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7475", "term": "Joker (character)", "description": "Fictional character in the DC Universe", "question": "Has the character of the Joker lasted longer than the character of Ninja-K?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7476", "term": "Joker (character)", "description": "Fictional character in the DC Universe", "question": "Could Bart Simpson have owned comics with The Joker in them?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7478", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Did Marco Polo travel to the Amazon Rainforest?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7479", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Was the Amazon Rainforest one of the places discovered by Marco Polo?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7480", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Was the Amazon Rainforest one of the places discovered by Christopher Columbus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7481", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Was the Amazon Rainforest one of the places discovered by Norse sailors?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7482", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Is the Amazon rainforest a completely wild forest?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7483", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Do Cercopithecidae live in the Amazon rainforest?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7484", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Do talapoin live in the Amazon rainforest?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7485", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Do Cercopithecoidea live in the Amazon rainforest?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7486", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Do Pygathrix live in the Amazon rainforest?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7487", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Does the Amazon rainforest have Pygathrix?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7488", "term": "Amazon rainforest", "description": "rainforest in South America", "question": "Does the Amazon rainforest have Colobinae?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7609", "term": "Snoopy", "description": "cartoon dog", "question": "Is Snoopy considered \"man's best friend\"?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7490", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Can someone who is blind compete in the Paralympic Games?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7491", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Can a legally blind person compete in swimming at the Paralympic Games?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7492", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Can someone with Down Syndrome compete in the Paralympic Games?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7493", "term": "Paralympic Games", "description": "Major international sport event for people with disabilities", "question": "Would Peter Dinklage be eligible to compete in the Paralympic Games?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7495", "term": "Alaska Purchase", "description": "1867 sale of Alaska to the USA by Russia", "question": "Did Alaskan soldiers fight in the Civil War?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7500", "term": "Chiropractic", "description": "form of alternative medicine", "question": "Are multiple claims by chiropractic practitioners unfounded?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7501", "term": "Illuminati", "description": "A name given to several groups, both real and fictitious", "question": "Does Kesha include details in her video that people associate with the Illuminati?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7502", "term": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill", "description": "public research university in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States", "question": "Would students at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill want air conditioning?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7504", "term": "Chihuahua (dog)", "description": "Dog breed", "question": "Would you be more likely to have higher vet bills with an apple head chihuahua? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7505", "term": "Chihuahua (dog)", "description": "Dog breed", "question": "Would an Apple Head Chihuahua be likely cost more in vet bills?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7506", "term": "Chihuahua (dog)", "description": "Dog breed", "question": "Would a Chihuahua with a longer nose be easier to provide care for?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7507", "term": "Chihuahua (dog)", "description": "Dog breed", "question": "Would a Chihuahua with a deer head be easier to provide care for?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7509", "term": "Pear", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Would pears, cheese, and lettuce be served on a platter in some locations?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7511", "term": "March", "description": "third month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Is it normal to be waiting for tax forms from your employer in March?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7512", "term": "Doctor Who", "description": "British science fiction TV series", "question": "In Doctor Who, is River Song the Doctor's daughter?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7516", "term": "Hair", "description": "protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin", "question": "Can conditioner fix damaged hair?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7517", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "Is snowboarding a popular winter sport in Raleigh, NC?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7518", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "Is snowboarding a popular winter sport in Wake County NC?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7519", "term": "Husband", "description": "male spouse", "question": "Are relationships with two husbands considered immoral by some?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7520", "term": "Autumn", "description": "one of the Earth's four temperate seasons, occurring between summer and winter", "question": "Would someone using a lightbox in the Autumn be likely to have SAD?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7521", "term": "Autumn", "description": "one of the Earth's four temperate seasons, occurring between summer and winter", "question": "Would someone using a lightbox in the Autumn be likely to have a mental health condition?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7522", "term": "Autumn", "description": "one of the Earth's four temperate seasons, occurring between summer and winter", "question": "Are there cities where the leaves stay green all autumn? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7523", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "If you're born in the fall portion of September, are you a Libra?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7524", "term": "September", "description": "ninth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "If you're born in the autumn portion of September, are you a Libra?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7525", "term": "Acne", "description": "Skin disease characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin, and possibly scarring", "question": "Are teenagers a big demographic for acne products?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7526", "term": "Jalapeño", "description": "Hot pepper", "question": "Would it be hard to confuse a poblano pepper for a jalapeno?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7527", "term": "Charles Manson", "description": "American criminal, cult leader", "question": "Was Charles Manson familiar with self mutilation? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7528", "term": "Excalibur", "description": "legendary sword of King Arthur", "question": "Is Excalibur featured in the Zelda games?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7529", "term": "Clove", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Could a craft be made with cloves and apples?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7530", "term": "Hunger", "description": "Sustained inability to eat sufficient food", "question": "Did prisoners at Auschwitz struggle with hunger?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7532", "term": "Fever", "description": "common medical sign characterized by elevated body temperature", "question": "Are proteins negatively impacted by fevers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7533", "term": "Alcatraz Island", "description": "United States historic place", "question": "Would Tony Hawk game fans be familiar with the layout of Alcatraz Island?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7534", "term": "Alcatraz Island", "description": "United States historic place", "question": "Has Alcatraz been replicated in any video games?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7535", "term": "Alcatraz Island", "description": "United States historic place", "question": "Has a sports game ever featured Alcatraz?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7537", "term": "Suicide", "description": "Intentional act of causing one's own death", "question": "Are all suicide attempts done with intent to die?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7540", "term": "Charles Darwin", "description": "\"British naturalist, author of \"\"On the Origin of Species, by Means of Natural Selection\"\"\"", "question": "Would Charles Darwin be considered a \"spoonie\"?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7542", "term": "Aldi", "description": "Germany-based supermarket chain", "question": "Could you work as a bagger at Aldi?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7544", "term": "Vitamin C", "description": "nutrient found in citrus fruits and other foods", "question": "Does the human body produce vitamin C?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7546", "term": "Human overpopulation", "description": "The condition where human numbers exceed the short or long-term carrying capacity of the environment", "question": "Could mandatory birth control prevent human overpopulation?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7548", "term": "Spinach", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Is spinach popular in breakfast drinks?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7551", "term": "Stroke", "description": "Medical condition where poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death", "question": "Is rest at home the best treatment for suspected strokes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7552", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Are freshwater fish in an aquarium living in the ocean?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7553", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Are fish living in a man-made environment in the ocean?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7554", "term": "Sloth", "description": "tree dwelling animal noted for slowness", "question": "Can a sloth stand on a skateboard?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7557", "term": "Sea otter", "description": "A species of marine mammal from the northern and eastern coasts of the North Pacific Ocean", "question": "Do sea otters lay eggs?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7559", "term": "Sea otter", "description": "A species of marine mammal from the northern and eastern coasts of the North Pacific Ocean", "question": "Can you buy sea otter meat at the store?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7560", "term": "Sea otter", "description": "A species of marine mammal from the northern and eastern coasts of the North Pacific Ocean", "question": "Do sea otters eat penguin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7561", "term": "Sea otter", "description": "A species of marine mammal from the northern and eastern coasts of the North Pacific Ocean", "question": "Can you order sea otter at seafood restaurants? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7562", "term": "Sea otter", "description": "A species of marine mammal from the northern and eastern coasts of the North Pacific Ocean", "question": "Can you order sea otter from the menu at Long John Silvers?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7564", "term": "Asian black bear", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Do Asian black bear eat penguin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7565", "term": "Asian black bear", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Do Asian black bear eat avacado? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7567", "term": "Pompey", "description": "1st/2nd-century BC Roman general", "question": "Was General Pompey a contemporary of Cleopatra?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7568", "term": "Pompey", "description": "1st/2nd-century BC Roman general", "question": "Was General Pompey a contemporary of a queen who died of poison?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7569", "term": "Pompey", "description": "1st/2nd-century BC Roman general", "question": "Was General Pompey a governor of a region where the capital was Corduba?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7570", "term": "Pompey", "description": "1st/2nd-century BC Roman general", "question": "Was General Pompey a governor of a region that contains what is now Basque Country?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7573", "term": "Dynamite", "description": "Explosive made using nitroglycerin", "question": "Was dynamite invented during the American Civil War?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7574", "term": "Dynamite", "description": "Explosive made using nitroglycerin", "question": "Was dynamite patented after the American Civil War?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7578", "term": "Irish mythology", "description": "Pre-Christian Mythology of Ireland", "question": "Is someone who owns a cloak fastened by eight stones an important figure in Irish mythology?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7579", "term": "Irish mythology", "description": "Pre-Christian Mythology of Ireland", "question": "Does Irish mythology have the concept of an underworld?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7580", "term": "Irish mythology", "description": "Pre-Christian Mythology of Ireland", "question": "Is \"The Land of the Young\" a place name in Irish mythology?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7581", "term": "Irish mythology", "description": "Pre-Christian Mythology of Ireland", "question": "Is one of the important places in Irish mythology located on an island?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7585", "term": "Hippie", "description": "diminutive pejorative of hipster: 1960s counterculture participant", "question": "Was Aristotle considered to be a hippie?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7587", "term": "Junk (ship)", "description": "Type of boat", "question": "Do the people in Uzbekistan build Junks?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7588", "term": "Junk (ship)", "description": "Type of boat", "question": "Do the people in Liechtenstein build Junks?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7589", "term": "Junk (ship)", "description": "Type of boat", "question": "Do the people in Nepal build Junks?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7593", "term": "Amoeba", "description": "polyphyletic group including different eucariot taxons", "question": "Is there a serious disease caused by amoebas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7594", "term": "Amoeba", "description": "polyphyletic group including different eucariot taxons", "question": "Do amoebas descend from a variety of ancestors?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7595", "term": "Flour", "description": "powder which is made by grinding cereal grains", "question": "Can flour float on water?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7597", "term": "Small Solar System body", "description": "object in the Solar System that is neither a planet, nor a dwarf planet, nor a satellite", "question": "Can microscopic objects be Small Solar System bodies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7600", "term": "Buzz Aldrin", "description": "American astronaut; second person to walk on the Moon", "question": "Could Buzz Aldrin have owned a laptop?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7602", "term": "Roman numerals", "description": "Numbers in the Roman numeral system", "question": "Can roman numerals spell out words?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7604", "term": "Roman numerals", "description": "Numbers in the Roman numeral system", "question": "Are there fewer roman numeral symbols than letters in the alphabet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7606", "term": "Roman numerals", "description": "Numbers in the Roman numeral system", "question": "Are there more hours in a day than roman numeral symbols?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7611", "term": "Jean-Paul Sartre", "description": "French existentialist philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic", "question": "Did Isaac Newton read the works of Jean-Paul Sartre?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7615", "term": "Sea of Japan", "description": "Marginal sea between Japan, Russia and Korea", "question": "Does the Sea of Japan have multiple names?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7616", "term": "Sea of Japan", "description": "Marginal sea between Japan, Russia and Korea", "question": "Would Mount Rushmore be completely submerged in the Sea of Japan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7619", "term": "Ivan the Terrible", "description": "Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia", "question": "Did Ivan the Terrible fight in World War II?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7620", "term": "Ivan the Terrible", "description": "Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia", "question": "Did Ivan the Terrible fight in World War I?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7621", "term": "Ivan the Terrible", "description": "Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia", "question": "Did Ivan the Terrible fight against Hitler?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7622", "term": "Ivan the Terrible", "description": "Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia", "question": "Did Ivan the Terrible fight the Nazis?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7623", "term": "Ivan the Terrible", "description": "Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia", "question": "Has Donald Trump met with Ivan the Terrible?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7624", "term": "Ivan the Terrible", "description": "Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia", "question": "Has Ivan the Terrible flown on an airplane?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7627", "term": "Morphine", "description": "Pain medication of the opiate family", "question": "Does morphine cause similar side effects as Benadryl?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7628", "term": "Morphine", "description": "Pain medication of the opiate family", "question": "Does Benadryl cause similar side effects to those of morphine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7629", "term": "Agriculture", "description": "Cultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products", "question": "Can agriculture be illegal?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7630", "term": "Agriculture", "description": "Cultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products", "question": "Do other animals use agriculture?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7632", "term": "Eleventh grade", "description": "educational year", "question": "Is eleventh grade required to graduate elementary school?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7633", "term": "Chinese Americans", "description": "Ethnic group", "question": "Would Tom Sawyer have seen Chinese-Americans during his adventures?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7634", "term": "Eleventh grade", "description": "educational year", "question": "Is eleventh grade required to buy alcohol?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7635", "term": "Chinese Americans", "description": "Ethnic group", "question": "Would Huckleberry Finn have seen Chinese-Americans during his adventures?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7637", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Was the atom bomb created by DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7638", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did DARPA build the Atom Bomb?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7639", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did DARPA invent the Atom Bomb?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7640", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Was the Atom Bomb invented by DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7641", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did Albert Einstein work for DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7642", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Was Albert Einstein the head of DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7643", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Was Thomas Edison the head of DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7644", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did Thomas Edison create DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7645", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did Thomas Edison apply to work at DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7646", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did Albert Einstein apply to work at DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7647", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did DARPA recruit Albert Einstein?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7648", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did DARPA build the first television?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7649", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did DARPA build the Atom Bomb?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7650", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did DARPA help build the Atom Bomb?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7651", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Was the Atom Bomb funded by DARPA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7652", "term": "DARPA", "description": "Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies", "question": "Did DARPA pave the way for the atom bomb?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7658", "term": "Crane (bird)", "description": "family of birds", "question": "Do Crane hunt in packs?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7663", "term": "Astrophotography", "description": "specialized type of photography for recording images of astronomical objects and large areas of the night sky", "question": "Is a mountaintop a good place for astrophotography?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7664", "term": "Astrophotography", "description": "specialized type of photography for recording images of astronomical objects and large areas of the night sky", "question": "Was Isaac Newton good at astrophotography?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7665", "term": "Astrophotography", "description": "specialized type of photography for recording images of astronomical objects and large areas of the night sky", "question": "Was the first example of astrophotography a daguerreotype? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7667", "term": "Retail", "description": "Sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to the end-user", "question": "Are elephant tusks sold in retail stores?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7668", "term": "Retail", "description": "Sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to the end-user", "question": "Are elephant tusks sold in retail stores in the US?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7669", "term": "Retail", "description": "Sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to the end-user", "question": "Are hearts sold in retail stores in the US?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7672", "term": "Hospital", "description": "health care institution", "question": "Is there a hospital on the Moon?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7673", "term": "Hospital", "description": "health care institution", "question": "Do astronauts go to hospitals on the moon?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7674", "term": "Hospital", "description": "health care institution", "question": "Do Russian Cosmonauts go to hospitals on the moon? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7676", "term": "Central processing unit", "description": "Central component of any computer system which executes input/output, arithmetical, and logical operations", "question": "Does an abacus have a central processing unit?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7678", "term": "Central processing unit", "description": "Central component of any computer system which executes input/output, arithmetical, and logical operations", "question": "Would a modern central processing unit fit on a housekey?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7683", "term": "Moss", "description": "Division of plants", "question": "Is moss a fungus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7696", "term": "Nickel", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 28", "question": "Is green skin a complaint caused by nickel?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7699", "term": "Arnold Schwarzenegger", "description": "Austrian-American actor, businessman, bodybuilder and politician", "question": "Would Arnold Schwarzenegger be ineligible to run for President of the US?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7701", "term": "British cuisine", "description": "culinary traditions of the United Kingdom", "question": "Are some breakfast items in British cuisine considered BBQ food in America?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7702", "term": "Infant", "description": "very young offspring of a human", "question": "Do infants perceive their parents differently than toddlers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7703", "term": "Infant", "description": "very young offspring of a human", "question": "Do infants rely on different senses than toddlers to identify their parents?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7704", "term": "Frostbite", "description": "medical condition where localized damage is caused to skin and other tissues due to freezing", "question": "Is it possible to get frostbite in New York?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7705", "term": "Finding Dory", "description": "2016 animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios", "question": "Does the cast of Finding Dory feature people from marginalized groups?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7706", "term": "Great Depression", "description": "20th-century worldwide economic depression", "question": "Did the Great Depression affect the entirety of some people's childhoods?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7707", "term": "Chief executive officer", "description": "Highest-ranking corporate officer or administrator", "question": "Do American's think chief executive officers have skills to make good US Presidents?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7708", "term": "New York Harbor", "description": "harbor in the New York City, U.S.A. metropolitan area", "question": "Did Donald Trump invent the New York Harbor?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7711", "term": "Cuisine of Hawaii", "description": "Cuisine of Hawaii", "question": "Does the cuisine of Hawaii have any commonalities with that of South Korea?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7712", "term": "Cuisine of Hawaii", "description": "Cuisine of Hawaii", "question": "Does the Cuisine of Hawaii have similarities with the cuisine of korea?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7713", "term": "Cuisine of Hawaii", "description": "Cuisine of Hawaii", "question": "Does the cuisine of Hawaii embrace foods considered distasteful in the continental US?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7716", "term": "Medicine", "description": "The science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of physical and mental illnesses", "question": "Is homeopathy medicine?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7717", "term": "Medicine", "description": "The science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of physical and mental illnesses", "question": "Is homeopathy real medicine?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7718", "term": "Pearl hunting", "description": "Collecting pearls from wild mollusks", "question": "Would you have luck pearl finding in Lake Champlain? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7722", "term": "Ariana Grande", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and actress", "question": "Does Ariana Grande's signature look combine comfort items and high fashion?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7724", "term": "Rice pudding", "description": "Dish made from rice mixed with water or milk", "question": "Are all rice puddings white traditionally?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7727", "term": "Goat", "description": "domesticated mammal raised primarily for its milk", "question": "Are some images of goats concerning to people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7728", "term": "Goat", "description": "domesticated mammal raised primarily for its milk", "question": "Can representations of goats cause some religious people anxiety?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7730", "term": "Hospital", "description": "health care institution", "question": "Are hospitals exempt from displays of institutional racism?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7734", "term": "Silurian", "description": "Third period of the Paleozoic Era", "question": "Did dinosaurs live during the Silurian period?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7735", "term": "Silurian", "description": "Third period of the Paleozoic Era", "question": "Did land vertebrates live during the Silurian period?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7736", "term": "Hippopotamus", "description": "A large, mostly herbivorous, semiaquatic mammal native to sub-Saharan Africa", "question": "Do hippos prefer fresh water to salt water?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7737", "term": "Great Lakes", "description": "System of interconnected, large lakes in North America", "question": "Are the Great Lakes connected to the Atlantic Ocean?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7740", "term": "Tank", "description": "Tracked heavy armored fighting vehicle", "question": "Were tanks used in the American Civil War?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7741", "term": "Tank", "description": "Tracked heavy armored fighting vehicle", "question": "Were tanks invented in the United States?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7743", "term": "Morphine", "description": "Pain medication of the opiate family", "question": "Can a citizen of United States buy morphine in a pharmacy?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7744", "term": "San Francisco Bay", "description": "bay on the California coast of the United States", "question": "Is the Golden Gate Bridge on San Francisco Bay?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7745", "term": "Nerd", "description": "Descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired", "question": "Did the word nerd first appear in literature?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7746", "term": "Nerd", "description": "Descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired", "question": "Did the word nerd first appear in a children's book?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7747", "term": "Nerd", "description": "Descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired", "question": "Is there a popular song about nerds?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7748", "term": "Nerd", "description": "Descriptive term, often used pejoratively, indicating that a person is overly intellectual, obsessive, or socially impaired", "question": "Is there a music video about nerds?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7749", "term": "Gulf of Mexico", "description": "An Atlantic Ocean basin extending into southern North America", "question": "Does the Gulf of Mexico border three countries?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7750", "term": "Gulf of Mexico", "description": "An Atlantic Ocean basin extending into southern North America", "question": "Are there three countries touching the Gulf of Mexico?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7752", "term": "Western honey bee", "description": "Species of insect", "question": "Could a Western honeybee sting an Adelie penguin?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7753", "term": "Western honey bee", "description": "Species of insect", "question": "Could a Western honeybee sting an Adelie penguin's egg?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7754", "term": "Western honey bee", "description": "Species of insect", "question": "Would a biologist concurrently study Adelie penguins and the Western honey bee in the field?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7756", "term": "Goofy", "description": "Disney cartoon character", "question": "Is Goofy's age in dog years a semiprime number?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7757", "term": "Goofy", "description": "Disney cartoon character", "question": "Is Goofy's age in dog years a deficient number?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7758", "term": "Goofy", "description": "Disney cartoon character", "question": "Is Goofy's age calculated in dog years a deficient number?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7759", "term": "Goofy", "description": "Disney cartoon character", "question": "Is Goofy's age in human years an abundant number?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7760", "term": "Goofy", "description": "Disney cartoon character", "question": "Could Goofy have eaten white chocolate in his first year?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7763", "term": "Indian Ocean", "description": "The ocean between Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica (or the Southern Ocean)", "question": "Has the Indian Ocean garbage patch completed a full rotation of debris since its discovery?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7785", "term": "Sunset", "description": "daily disappearance of the Sun below the western half of the horizon", "question": "Does Mercury have sunsets?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7815", "term": "Lifeboat (rescue)", "description": "boat rescue craft which is used to attend a vessel in distress", "question": "Are lifeboats used in airplanes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7817", "term": "Kobe", "description": "Designated city in Kansai, Japan", "question": "Is Kobe in eastern Europe?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7819", "term": "Tourism", "description": "travel for recreational or leisure purposes", "question": "Is tourism beneficial for the host?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7820", "term": "Phobos (moon)", "description": "natural satellite of Mars", "question": "Is Phobos beyond the Asteroid belt?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7856", "term": "Felicity Huffman", "description": "American actress", "question": "Does Felicity Huffman have an Oscar?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7857", "term": "Alpine skiing", "description": "Sport of skiing downhill", "question": "Is Austria the best alpine skiing team at the Olympics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7858", "term": "Order of the British Empire", "description": "British order of chivalry", "question": "Is there a title associated with members of the Order of the British Empire?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7859", "term": "Order of the British Empire", "description": "British order of chivalry", "question": "Is the Order of the British Empire associated with knighthood?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7881", "term": "Mona Lisa", "description": "Painting by Leonardo da Vinci", "question": "Is the Mona Lisa a subject of historical debate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7954", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did Sojourner Truth attend the dedication of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7866", "term": "Flag of the United States", "description": "National flag", "question": "Does part of the flag represent the American colonies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7867", "term": "Flag of the United States", "description": "National flag", "question": "Does the flag change often?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7868", "term": "Flag of the United States", "description": "National flag", "question": "Was the flag flying prominently during the Battle of Baltimore in 1814?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7869", "term": "Call of Duty", "description": "First-person shooter video game franchise", "question": "Is Call of Duty available on the N64?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7870", "term": "Allosaurus", "description": "Genus of large theropod dinosaur", "question": "Did Allosaurus live at the same time as Neanderthals?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7871", "term": "Slot machine", "description": "Casino gambling machine", "question": "Are there slot machines in Maryland?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7873", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Are goldfish good as a child's pet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7874", "term": "Snowshoe", "description": "Footwear for walking easily across snow", "question": "Are snowshoes commonly worn in Texas?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7875", "term": "Snowshoe", "description": "Footwear for walking easily across snow", "question": "Are snowshoes commonly worn in Australia?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7877", "term": "Surfing", "description": "sport that consists of riding a wave", "question": "Is surfing featured in a Disney cartoon?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7878", "term": "Arab–Israeli conflict", "description": "geopolitical conflict in the Middle East and North Africa", "question": "Are the English currently directly involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7880", "term": "Mona Lisa", "description": "Painting by Leonardo da Vinci", "question": "Is the Mona Lisa currently on display in Europe?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7886", "term": "Grey seal", "description": "species of seal", "question": "Do gray seals live on the North American coast?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7887", "term": "Watchmaker", "description": "artisan who makes and repairs watches", "question": "Do watchmakers need an understanding of basic mechanics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7888", "term": "The Hague", "description": "City and municipality in South Holland, Netherlands", "question": "Is The Hague in the Middle East?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7889", "term": "Paparazzi", "description": "profession", "question": "Can paparazzi be dangerous?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7890", "term": "World War III", "description": "Hypothetical future global conflict", "question": "Is World War III likely to involve nuclear weapons?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7891", "term": "Elk", "description": "Large antlered species of deer from North America and east Asia", "question": "Are elk popular targets of hunters?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7893", "term": "Silk Road", "description": "Trade routes through Asia connecting China to the Mediterranean Sea", "question": "Does the Silk Road pass through the Middle East?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7896", "term": "Hello", "description": "salutation or greeting", "question": "Is it considered rude not to say Hello?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7898", "term": "United States Military Academy", "description": "U.S. Army's federal service academy in West Point, New York", "question": "Are there guns at the United States Military Academy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7906", "term": "1980 United States presidential election", "description": "49th quadrennial presidential election in the United States", "question": "Was the 1980 presidential election won by a Republican?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7909", "term": "Oceanography", "description": "The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean", "question": "Does oceanography involve multiple scientific disciplines?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7910", "term": "Force", "description": "Any action that tends to maintain or alter the motion of an object", "question": "Is the Force prominently featured in a popular movie series?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7911", "term": "Force", "description": "Any action that tends to maintain or alter the motion of an object", "question": "Is the Force an important part of a movie series?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7914", "term": "Game (hunting)", "description": "animal hunted for sport or for food", "question": "Do people expect supermarket meat to taste like game?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7915", "term": "Game (hunting)", "description": "animal hunted for sport or for food", "question": "Do people expect supermarket meat to taste like game?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7953", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did Howard Taft place the first stone of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7920", "term": "Humidity", "description": "amount of water vapor in the humid air", "question": "Would someone with curly hair dislike weather with high humidity?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7921", "term": "Ringo Starr", "description": "British musician, drummer of the Beatles", "question": "Did Ringo Starr perform at Shea Stadium?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7922", "term": "Ringo Starr", "description": "British musician, drummer of the Beatles", "question": "Did Ringo Starr perform at the Budokan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7923", "term": "Ringo Starr", "description": "British musician, drummer of the Beatles", "question": "Did Ringo Starr perform a concert in Japan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7927", "term": "Clementine", "description": "nothospecies of plant, Clementine", "question": "Would it be easier to carry a dozen clementines than a dozen grapefruits?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7929", "term": "Hamster", "description": "subfamily of mammals", "question": "Can hamsters get fleas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7930", "term": "Hamster", "description": "subfamily of mammals", "question": "Can fleas survive on hamsters?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7936", "term": "New Delhi", "description": "Capital City / District in Delhi, India", "question": "Does New Delhi experience snow?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7937", "term": "New Delhi", "description": "Capital City / District in Delhi, India", "question": "Can someone walk from New York to New Delhi?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7939", "term": "Geisha", "description": "Traditional Japanese female entertainer and hostess", "question": "Would a geisha be good at a soirée?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7940", "term": "United States Department of Education", "description": "United States government department", "question": "Would Ronald Reagan have appointed a secretary for the US Department of Education?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7942", "term": "Thesis", "description": "document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree", "question": "Did Kit Carson create a college thesis?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7943", "term": "Thesis", "description": "document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree", "question": "Could Jean Jacques Dessalines write a college thesis?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7944", "term": "Thesis", "description": "document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree", "question": "Could Zhang Zuolin write a college thesis?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7946", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Could Stephen Hawking climb the stairs of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7947", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did President Washington dedicate the Washington Monument to himself?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7948", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did President Washington lay the first stone of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7949", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did President Washington place the capstone of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7950", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did President William Henry Harrison place the capstone of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7951", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did President William Henry Harrison place the first stone of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7952", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did William Henry Harrison climb the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7955", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did Sojourner Truth attend the opening of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7956", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Was Sojourner Truth present at the dedication of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7957", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Was Sojourner Truth present the first time the Washington Monument opened?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7958", "term": "Washington Monument", "description": "Obelisk in Washington, D.C.", "question": "Did Sojourner Truth climb to the top of the Washington Monument?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7961", "term": "French toast", "description": "bread soaked in beaten eggs and then fried", "question": "Is French toast made using potatoes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7962", "term": "Monty Python's Flying Circus", "description": "British sketch comedy television series", "question": "Is a complete Monty Python reunion show possible?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7964", "term": "Colitis", "description": "inflammation of the colon or the large intestine", "question": "Is colitis a gastrointestinal disease?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7965", "term": "Scrabble", "description": "board game with words", "question": "Is it possible to score over a hundred points in a single turn in Scrabble?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7966", "term": "Sweet potato", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Are sweet potatoes a variety of fruit?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7968", "term": "Qantas", "description": "the flag carrier airline of Australia", "question": "Is Qantas headquarted in the Southern Hemisphere?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7969", "term": "Qantas", "description": "the flag carrier airline of Australia", "question": "Is Qantas headquarted on the eastern side of Australia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7970", "term": "Russian Revolution", "description": "20th-century revolution leading to the downfall of the Russian monarchy", "question": "Did the Russian Revolution result in the establishment of the USSR?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7971", "term": "Knowledge", "description": "Familiarity, awareness, or understanding of information or skills acquired through experience or education", "question": "Does Wikipedia contain more knowledge than an encyclopedia set?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7972", "term": "Stephen King", "description": "American author", "question": "If you enjoy Stephen King, are you likely to enjoy American Horror Story?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7974", "term": "Cuban Missile Crisis", "description": "Conflict between the US and Soviet Union over Cuban nuclear missile threats", "question": "Was Fred Rogers involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7981", "term": "Enigma machine", "description": "German cipher machine", "question": "Was the Enigma machine used by the Nazis?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7984", "term": "Butler", "description": "male domestic worker in charge of all the male household staff", "question": "Is there a DC superhero who has a butler?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7985", "term": "Achilles", "description": "Greek mythological hero", "question": "Would a podiatrist be familiar with Achilles?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7986", "term": "Butler", "description": "male domestic worker in charge of all the male household staff", "question": "Does a butler appear in an American household in a popular sitcom?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7987", "term": "Achilles", "description": "Greek mythological hero", "question": "Was Achilles considered royalty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7989", "term": "Scottish independence", "description": "political aim for Scotland to be independent from the UK", "question": "Is Boris Johnson in favor of Scottish independence?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "7993", "term": "Robert De Niro", "description": "American actor, director and producer", "question": "Did Robert De Niro win an Oscar during the 1970s?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7994", "term": "Robert De Niro", "description": "American actor, director and producer", "question": "Does Robert De Niro have at least double the number of Oscar nominations as actual Oscar wins?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7996", "term": "Parent", "description": "father or mother", "question": "Does childbirth cause the mother to become a parent?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "7998", "term": "Philadelphia Museum of Art", "description": "Art museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania", "question": "Did the Philadelphia Museum of Art as an institution predate the opening of its main building?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8001", "term": "Surveying", "description": "The technique, profession, and science of determining the positions of points and the distances and angles between them", "question": "Would you hire Michael Faraday to do surveying work?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8002", "term": "Kane (wrestler)", "description": "American professional wrestler, actor, businessman, and politician", "question": "Does Kane hold political office in a state on the West Coast?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8003", "term": "Kane (wrestler)", "description": "American professional wrestler, actor, businessman, and politician", "question": "Does Kane hold political office in a state on the East Coast?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8004", "term": "Kane (wrestler)", "description": "American professional wrestler, actor, businessman, and politician", "question": "Did Kane lose an election to be a mayor?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8051", "term": "Judge", "description": "official who presides over court proceedings", "question": "Do judges wear distinctive outfits while serving?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8007", "term": "United Airlines", "description": "Airline in the United States", "question": "Does United Airlines operate a hub in Europe?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8014", "term": "Pear", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Would a cat enjoy eating a pear?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8015", "term": "Pear", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Would a peregrine falcon enjoy eating a pear?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8050", "term": "Judge", "description": "official who presides over court proceedings", "question": "Are there judges working at the top level of the United States federal government?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8020", "term": "Mood disorder", "description": "(psychology) Any of various disorders characterised by disturbance in an individual's mood", "question": "Would someone with a mood disorder in the 1940's be at risk for dangerous treatment?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8021", "term": "Mood disorder", "description": "(psychology) Any of various disorders characterised by disturbance in an individual's mood", "question": "In the 1940's, were mood disorders treated in dangerous ways?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8026", "term": "The Powerpuff Girls", "description": "American animated television series", "question": "Could the ingredients in the Powerpuff Girls make a pumpkin pie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8028", "term": "Lil Wayne", "description": "American rapper, record executive and actor from Louisiana", "question": "Could Lil Wayne's children ride on a motorcycle together?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8037", "term": "New England", "description": "Region in the northeastern United States", "question": "Was New England involved in the American Revolutionary War?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8040", "term": "Cholera", "description": "Bacterial infection of the small intestine", "question": "Is cholera a viral infection of the respiratory system?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8041", "term": "Star Wars", "description": "Epic science fantasy space opera franchise", "question": "Have multiple actors portrayed the character of Anakin Skywalker?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8042", "term": "Star Wars", "description": "Epic science fantasy space opera franchise", "question": "Is there a Star Wars movie that was only ever shown once?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8045", "term": "Menthol", "description": "chemical compound", "question": "Is menthol associated with oral hygiene?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8048", "term": "Excalibur", "description": "legendary sword of King Arthur", "question": "Was Excalibur wielded by King Henry VIII?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8136", "term": "Chocolate brownie", "description": "A square, baked, chocolate dessert", "question": "Can dogs eat brownies?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8053", "term": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "description": "Country in the Caribbean", "question": "Was Saint Vincent and the Grenadines once a European colony?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8055", "term": "Chuck Hagel", "description": "United States Secretary of Defense", "question": "Was Chuck Hagel born and raised in the American Midwest?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8056", "term": "African leopard", "description": "Leopard subspecies", "question": "Are African leopards the biggest wild cats in Africa?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8059", "term": "Anthrax", "description": "Infection caused by Bacillus anthracis bacteria", "question": "Have there been deaths from Anthrax specifically after its use as a weapon?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8060", "term": "Anthrax", "description": "Infection caused by Bacillus anthracis bacteria", "question": "Has weaponized Anthrax caused deaths?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8061", "term": "Anthrax", "description": "Infection caused by Bacillus anthracis bacteria", "question": "Has Anthrax been used in terrorism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8062", "term": "Guitarist", "description": "person who plays the guitar", "question": "Does the Beatles song While My Guitar Gently Weeps feature a guest guitarist?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8064", "term": "Pancreatic cancer", "description": "endocrine gland cancer located in the pancreas", "question": "Is pancreatic cancer one of the deadliest forms of cancer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8065", "term": "Pancreatic cancer", "description": "endocrine gland cancer located in the pancreas", "question": "Is pancreatic cancer a particularly dangerous cancer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8066", "term": "King Kong (2005 film)", "description": "2005 film directed by Peter Jackson", "question": "Was Peter Jackson's King Kong the original movie featuring the famous gorilla?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8067", "term": "Family of Barack Obama", "description": "List of members of the family of Barack Obama", "question": "Did Barack Obama's mother visit her son in the White House during his presidency?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8138", "term": "Cancer", "description": "group of diseases", "question": "Is it possible for an amoeba to get cancer?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8068", "term": "Family of Barack Obama", "description": "List of members of the family of Barack Obama", "question": "Did Barack Obama's mother live in the White House during his presidency?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8069", "term": "Family of Barack Obama", "description": "List of members of the family of Barack Obama", "question": "Did Barack Obama's visit the White House during his presidency?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8070", "term": "Family of Barack Obama", "description": "List of members of the family of Barack Obama", "question": "Did Barack Obama's mother live in the White House?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8071", "term": "Family of Barack Obama", "description": "List of members of the family of Barack Obama", "question": "Did Barack Obama's mother vote for him during his presidential election?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8072", "term": "Family of Barack Obama", "description": "List of members of the family of Barack Obama", "question": "Did Barack Obama's mother vote for him during his election?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8073", "term": "Family of Barack Obama", "description": "List of members of the family of Barack Obama", "question": "Did Barack Obama's father vote for him during his election?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8075", "term": "Rush Limbaugh", "description": "American radio talk show host, commentator, author, and television personality", "question": "Did Rush Limbaugh vote for Hillary Clinton?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8076", "term": "Rush Limbaugh", "description": "American radio talk show host, commentator, author, and television personality", "question": "Did Rush Limbaugh vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican primary?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8078", "term": "Fiat Chrysler Automobiles", "description": "Multinational automotive manufacturing conglomerate", "question": "Does Fiat Chrysler have two headquarters?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8079", "term": "Fiat Chrysler Automobiles", "description": "Multinational automotive manufacturing conglomerate", "question": "Is Fiat Chrysler gaining a new corporate identity post-merger?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8081", "term": "Jennifer Lawrence", "description": "American actress", "question": "Did Jennifer Lawrence portray a character from Marvel comics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8082", "term": "Andrew Johnson", "description": "17th president of the United States", "question": "Was Andrew Johnson loyal to his state during the American Civil War?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8083", "term": "Bern", "description": "Place in Switzerland", "question": "Is Bern a major European city?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8139", "term": "Cancer", "description": "group of diseases", "question": "Is cancer caused by swallowed poison?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8156", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Can Aron Ralston play a Nintendo DS Lite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8085", "term": "Crucifixion", "description": "Method of capital punishment in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang until eventual death", "question": "Do small children in America know what crucifixion is?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8086", "term": "Toys \"R\" Us", "description": "international toy, clothing, video game, and baby product retailer", "question": "Could you buy music players at Toys R Us?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8087", "term": "Atlantic salmon", "description": "species of fish", "question": "Can Atlantic salmon survive in both saltwater and freshwater?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8088", "term": "Taco Bell", "description": "American fast-food chain", "question": "Can you order a cheeseburger at Taco Bell?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8089", "term": "June", "description": "sixth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Is there a seasonal change during June?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8092", "term": "Skull", "description": "bony structure that forms the skeleton of head in most vertebrates", "question": "Is there a significant difference between a baby's skull and that of an adult other than size?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8094", "term": "Julius Caesar", "description": "1st-century BC Roman politician and general", "question": "Was Julius Caesar an Emperor of Rome?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8095", "term": "Julius Caesar", "description": "1st-century BC Roman politician and general", "question": "Was Julius Caesar assassinated during summer?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8097", "term": "The Dark Knight (film)", "description": "2008 film directed by Christopher Nolan", "question": "Is the Dark Knight about a DC comics superhero?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8098", "term": "The Dark Knight (film)", "description": "2008 film directed by Christopher Nolan", "question": "Is the Dark Knight based on DC Comics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8099", "term": "Warner Bros.", "description": "American entertainment company", "question": "Did John Williams score a Warner Bros. movie based on an English fantasy novel?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8100", "term": "Geisha", "description": "Traditional Japanese female entertainer and hostess", "question": "Are geisha ladies part of East Asian culture?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8101", "term": "Serial killer", "description": "Killer of multiple people", "question": "Was Jack the Ripper a serial killer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8102", "term": "Bronze Age", "description": "Prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch", "question": "Were dinosaurs alive during the Bronze Age?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8104", "term": "Indian Ocean", "description": "The ocean between Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica (or the Southern Ocean)", "question": "Does England border on the Indian Ocean?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8108", "term": "Amy Winehouse", "description": "English singer and songwriter", "question": "Did Amy Winehouse hear the news about Brexit?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8111", "term": "Metropolitan Museum of Art", "description": "Art museum in New York City, New York", "question": "Does the Metropolitan Museum of Art contain an ancient building?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8112", "term": "Earth Day", "description": "Annual event on 22 April", "question": "Is Earth Day celebrated during spring?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8116", "term": "Meteorology", "description": "Interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere focusing on weather forecasting", "question": "Is the science of meteorology prominently featured on TV?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8117", "term": "Stroke", "description": "Medical condition where poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death", "question": "Can a person suffer multiple strokes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8118", "term": "Lacrosse", "description": "Team sport", "question": "Are helmets required when playing lacrosse?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8137", "term": "New Deal", "description": "Economic programs of U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt", "question": "Was the New Deal primarily an economy-oriented series of programs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8124", "term": "Friday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would an astrologer focus on a rocky planet to make predictions about Friday?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8125", "term": "Friday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would an astrologer consult the trajectory of a rocky planet for a Friday horoscope?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8126", "term": "Friday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Would an astrologer consult the trajectory of a large, rocky planet for a Friday horoscope?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8128", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would a painter decline pigment from scale insects that live on a cactus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8129", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would a painter refuse pigment from scale insects that live on a cactus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8130", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would a painter avoid red from scale insects that live on a cactus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8133", "term": "San Antonio", "description": "City in Texas, United States", "question": "Does someone born in San Antonio have US voting rights?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8135", "term": "Great Wall of China", "description": "wall along the historical northern borders of China", "question": "Was the Great Wall of China built by the People's Republic of China?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8140", "term": "Super Bowl 50", "description": "2016 Edition of the Super Bowl", "question": "Is the team that lost Super Bowl 50 still without any actual Super Bowl victories?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8142", "term": "Compact disc", "description": "Optical disc for storage and playback of digital audio", "question": "Were compact discs used as the game medium in a major home console?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8146", "term": "Anorexia nervosa", "description": "Eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image", "question": "Did Carol Yager suffer from anorexia nervosa?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8149", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Can Kyle Maynard play an unmodified Nintendo DS Lite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8150", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Can Kyle Maynard play a Nintendo DS Lite right from the store?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8151", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Can Nicholas James Vujicic play a Nintendo DS Lite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8152", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Can Bethany Hamilton play a Nintendo DS Lite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8153", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Can Miles O'Brien play a Nintendo DS Lite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8154", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Can Ray Charles play a Nintendo DS Lite?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8155", "term": "Trigonometry", "description": "In geometry, study of the relationship between angles and lengths", "question": "Is trigonometry related to geometry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8157", "term": "Bhikkhu", "description": "male Buddhist monk", "question": "Can a bhikkhu attend Bernard College?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8158", "term": "Bhikkhu", "description": "male Buddhist monk", "question": "Can a bhikkhu attend Cedar Crest College?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8159", "term": "Bhikkhu", "description": "male Buddhist monk", "question": "Can a bhikkhu attend Saint Mary's College?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8160", "term": "Mark Twain", "description": "American author and humorist", "question": "Is there a musical based on a Mark Twain novel?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8161", "term": "Bhikkhu", "description": "male Buddhist monk", "question": "Can a bhikkhu join Hadassah?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8162", "term": "Bhikkhu", "description": "male Buddhist monk", "question": "Can a bhikkhu play for the Chicago Red Stars?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8164", "term": "Prime Minister of New Zealand", "description": "head of the New Zealand government", "question": "Has a woman ever held the office of Prime Minister of New Zealand?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8165", "term": "Ectopic pregnancy", "description": "female reproductive system disease characterized by the implantation of the embryo outside the uterine cavity", "question": "Does ectopic pregnancy result in miscarriage?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8166", "term": "Ectopic pregnancy", "description": "female reproductive system disease characterized by the implantation of the embryo outside the uterine cavity", "question": "Is ectopic pregnancy dangerous for the mother?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8167", "term": "Ringo Starr", "description": "British musician, drummer of the Beatles", "question": "Was Ringo Starr the original drummer for the Beatles?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8168", "term": "Ringo Starr", "description": "British musician, drummer of the Beatles", "question": "Was Ringo Starr one of the Beatles' major writers?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8169", "term": "Ringo Starr", "description": "British musician, drummer of the Beatles", "question": "Was Ringo Starr's first band active in Norwich?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8170", "term": "Ringo Starr", "description": "British musician, drummer of the Beatles", "question": "Was Ringo Starr's first band active in the United States?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8172", "term": "Cell biology", "description": "Scientific Discipline that Studies Cells", "question": "Are students of cell biology likely to understand kreb's cycle?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8173", "term": "Saturn", "description": "Sixth planet from the Sun in the Solar System", "question": "Is there life on Saturn?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8174", "term": "Honey badger", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Could a bite from a honey badger be easily differentiated from one by a wolverine?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8193", "term": "Fencing", "description": "sport", "question": "Does fencing require special equipment?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8179", "term": "White", "description": "color", "question": "Has white pigment historically been produced with manure?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8180", "term": "White", "description": "color", "question": "Has white pigment historically been produced with a fermented liquid?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8181", "term": "Dessert", "description": "A course that concludes a meal; usually sweet", "question": "Is dessert generally unhealthy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8184", "term": "Angle", "description": "an angle is something that is formed when two rays meet at a single or same point", "question": "Does a triangle need to have at least two acute angles?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8185", "term": "Kinetic energy", "description": "Energy in motion Or Object In Motion", "question": "Does taking ukemi always halt kinetic energy?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8188", "term": "Alitalia", "description": "flag-carrier airline of Italy", "question": "Is Alitalia headquartered in Europe?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8189", "term": "Silurian", "description": "Third period of the Paleozoic Era", "question": "Did dinosaurs live during the Silurian period?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8190", "term": "Gallic Wars", "description": "Wars in which the Roman Republic conquered Gaul", "question": "Did Emperor Nero lead Rome during the Gallic Wars?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8192", "term": "Culture of Italy", "description": "culture of an area", "question": "Is classical music an important part of Italian culture?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8196", "term": "Karaoke", "description": "form of entertainment involving singing to recorded music", "question": "Is karaoke popular in Saudi Arabia?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8197", "term": "Karaoke", "description": "form of entertainment involving singing to recorded music", "question": "Is karaoke popular in China?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8198", "term": "Karaoke", "description": "form of entertainment involving singing to recorded music", "question": "Is karaoke commonly performed in Saudi Arabia?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8199", "term": "Karaoke", "description": "form of entertainment involving singing to recorded music", "question": "Is karaoke commonly performed in China?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8200", "term": "Missionary", "description": "member of a religious group sent into an area to do evangelism", "question": "Is there a popular musical about missionaries?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8203", "term": "JAXA", "description": "Japan's national aero-space agency", "question": "Is JAXA involved with the International Space Station?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8207", "term": "JPEG", "description": "Lossy compression method for reducing the size of digital images", "question": "Was the JPEG format developed on the MS-DOS computer?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8208", "term": "JPEG", "description": "Lossy compression method for reducing the size of digital images", "question": "Was the JPEG format developed on the MS-DOS computer?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8209", "term": "JPEG", "description": "Lossy compression method for reducing the size of digital images", "question": "Was the JPEG format developed on the original MS-DOS computer?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8210", "term": "Ice", "description": "water frozen into the solid state", "question": "Does Disney have a movie about ice?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8211", "term": "Ice", "description": "water frozen into the solid state", "question": "Is ice prominently featured in a Disney animated movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8214", "term": "Snow White", "description": "fairy tale", "question": "Are Snow White's group of dwarves an even number?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8215", "term": "Snow White", "description": "fairy tale", "question": "Are Snow White's dwarves an even number?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8216", "term": "Bronze Age", "description": "Prehistoric period and age studied in archaeology, part of the Holocene Epoch", "question": "Were the Egyptian pyramids built during the bronze age?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8217", "term": "Cartagena, Colombia", "description": "City in Bolívar, Colombia", "question": "Is Cartagena in Europe?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8218", "term": "Cartagena, Colombia", "description": "City in Bolívar, Colombia", "question": "Is Cartagena in North America?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8219", "term": "Cartagena, Colombia", "description": "City in Bolívar, Colombia", "question": "Is Cartagena located to the north of Cancun?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8220", "term": "Cartagena, Colombia", "description": "City in Bolívar, Colombia", "question": "Is Cartagena located to the north of the Panama Canal?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8221", "term": "Cartagena, Colombia", "description": "City in Bolívar, Colombia", "question": "Is Cartagena located south of Buenos Aires?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8222", "term": "Elon Musk", "description": "American industrialist and investor", "question": "Is Elon Musk associated with space flight?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8223", "term": "Photon", "description": "elementary particle or quantum of light", "question": "Are photons weaponized in Star Trek?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8224", "term": "James Bond", "description": "Media franchise about a British spy", "question": "Are there multiple actors who played James Bond in the movies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8226", "term": "Cauliflower", "description": "cauliflower plants (for the vegetable see Q23900272)", "question": "Would a cauliflower farmer prosper in Juneau, Alaska?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8227", "term": "Cauliflower", "description": "cauliflower plants (for the vegetable see Q23900272)", "question": "Would a cauliflower farmer prosper in Alaska?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8230", "term": "Bob Marley", "description": "Jamaican singer-songwriter", "question": "Did UV light have nothing to do with Bob Marley's death?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8231", "term": "Taco Bell", "description": "American fast-food chain", "question": "Can you buy macaroni and cheese at tacobell?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8232", "term": "Taco Bell", "description": "American fast-food chain", "question": "Can you buy macaroni and cheese at taco bell?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8234", "term": "Taco Bell", "description": "American fast-food chain", "question": "Did the Taco Bell dog star in any movies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8236", "term": "Prime Minister of Turkey", "description": "head of government of Turkey until 9 July 2018", "question": "Will the Prime Minister of Turkey attend the UN convention in 2021?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8237", "term": "Prime Minister of Turkey", "description": "head of government of Turkey until 9 July 2018", "question": "Will the Prime Minister of Turkey vote in the US presidential election?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8238", "term": "Prime Minister of Turkey", "description": "head of government of Turkey until 9 July 2018", "question": "Does the Earl of Sandwich have power over the Prime Minister of Turkey?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8239", "term": "Prime Minister of Turkey", "description": "head of government of Turkey until 9 July 2018", "question": "Does the Earl of Sandwich manage the Prime Minister of Turkey?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8240", "term": "Prime Minister of Turkey", "description": "head of government of Turkey until 9 July 2018", "question": "Does the Earl of Sandwich and the Prime Minister of Turkey preside over New Delhi?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8241", "term": "Prime Minister of Turkey", "description": "head of government of Turkey until 9 July 2018", "question": "Is New Delhi controlled by the Prime Minister of Turkey?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8242", "term": "Prime Minister of Turkey", "description": "head of government of Turkey until 9 July 2018", "question": "Does the Prime Minister of Turkey work in New Delhi with the Earl of Sandwich?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8243", "term": "Prime Minister of Turkey", "description": "head of government of Turkey until 9 July 2018", "question": "Does the Prime Minister of Turkey work in New Delhi?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8245", "term": "Software engineering", "description": "application of systematic approaches to developing software", "question": "Is keyboard typing is an important part of software engineering?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8246", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Was the DS Lite made by the same company as the Game Boy Advance?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8248", "term": "Camel", "description": "Genus of mammals", "question": "Do camels live in Canada?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8256", "term": "Dessert", "description": "A course that concludes a meal; usually sweet", "question": "Would an ancient visitor to Persia consume crocus threads?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8258", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Does the Earth's magnetic field inform chickens?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8259", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Does the Earth's magnetic field inform turtles in the American South?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8260", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Do sea turtles use a rock mineral to navigate Earth's magnetic field?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8261", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Can dog owners use Earth's magnetic field without a compass?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8263", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Can dog owners find home with Earth's magnetic field without a compass?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8264", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Can dog owners find home with Earth's magnetic field without a map?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8265", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Can dog owners without a compass find home with Earth's magnetic field?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8266", "term": "Michael", "description": "male given name", "question": "Is Michael an unpopular name?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8267", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Does iron ore help sea turtles use Earth's magnetic field?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8269", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Would a compass attuned to Earth's magnetic field be useless for Mrs. Claus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8270", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Would a compass attuned to Earth's magnetic field be useless for Santa Claus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8271", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Would a compass based on Earth's magnetic field be useless for Mrs. Claus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8272", "term": "Gladiator", "description": "combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire", "question": "Were gladiators associated with the Colosseum?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8273", "term": "Earth's magnetic field", "description": "Magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s inner core to where it meets the solar wind", "question": "Would a compass attuned to Earth's magnetic field be a bad gift for Mrs. Claus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8278", "term": "Zika virus", "description": "Species of virus", "question": "Is Zika virus prominent in Third World countries?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8279", "term": "Michael Crichton", "description": "American author, screenwriter, film director", "question": "Was Michael Crichton involved in the Jurassic World sequel?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8282", "term": "Longitude", "description": "A geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface", "question": "Can I find a chick-fil-a with latitude and longitude?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8291", "term": "2000", "description": "Year", "question": "Was the year 2000 a leap year?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8293", "term": "30th Street Station", "description": "United States historic place", "question": "Could all of the people who pass through 30th Street Station in a year live in Chicago?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8296", "term": "Doctor of Philosophy", "description": "Postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities in many countries", "question": "Would Socrates make a good candidate for a Doctor of Philosophy program?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8328", "term": "Eve", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Was Eve in an incestuous relationship with Adam?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8329", "term": "Eve", "description": "Biblical figure", "question": "Is Eve possibly associated with apples?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8330", "term": "Snowboarding", "description": "winter sport", "question": "Are there snowboarding competitions in Egypt?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8335", "term": "Frigate", "description": "Type of warship", "question": "Do frigates travel in the ocean?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8338", "term": "Detroit River", "description": "river", "question": "Is the Detroit River located in Europe?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8348", "term": "Binary number", "description": "system that represents numeric values using two symbols; 0 and 1", "question": "Is binary a good number system to use in computing?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8349", "term": "Binary number", "description": "system that represents numeric values using two symbols; 0 and 1", "question": "Is binary related to hexadecimal numbering?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8350", "term": "Diamond", "description": "Allotrope of carbon often used as a gemstone and an abrasive", "question": "Are diamonds useful in the manufacturing industry?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8351", "term": "Black coral", "description": "order of cnidarians", "question": "Do black coral live in the Rocky Mountains?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8352", "term": "Carrot", "description": "Root vegetable, usually orange in color", "question": "Do lions eat carrots?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8353", "term": "Carrot", "description": "Root vegetable, usually orange in color", "question": "Do octopi eat carrots?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8354", "term": "Carrot", "description": "Root vegetable, usually orange in color", "question": "Do wild sea turtles eat carrots?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8371", "term": "Intel", "description": "American semiconductor chip manufacturer", "question": "Is there a relationship between Intel and Microsoft?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8372", "term": "North Sea", "description": "marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean", "question": "Does the North Sea border Antarctica?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8375", "term": "Blues", "description": "Musical form and music genre", "question": "Can the blues be played by a new musician in training?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8377", "term": "Blues", "description": "Musical form and music genre", "question": "Are the blues related to jazz?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8379", "term": "Handedness", "description": "Better performance or individual preference for use of a hand", "question": "Is handedness unevenly distributed among humans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8380", "term": "Monday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Do all American government holidays fall on Monday?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8383", "term": "Swing (dance)", "description": "group of dances tied to jazz", "question": "Is swing popular in New Orleans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8384", "term": "Swing (dance)", "description": "group of dances tied to jazz", "question": "Was swing popular in New Orleans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8385", "term": "Swing (dance)", "description": "group of dances tied to jazz", "question": "Was swing popular in Chicago?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8386", "term": "Swing (dance)", "description": "group of dances tied to jazz", "question": "Was swing music popular in Chicago?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8387", "term": "Circumference", "description": "linear distance around the outside of a closed curve or circular object", "question": "Does circumference measure the sides of a square?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8388", "term": "Ape", "description": "superfamily of mammals", "question": "Are there multiple genii of apes?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8389", "term": "Ape", "description": "superfamily of mammals", "question": "Are apes the animals most closely related to humans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8391", "term": "Cognition", "description": "Thinking about thinking", "question": "Does cognition involve the brain?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8392", "term": "Saltwater crocodile", "description": "species of reptile", "question": "Are saltwater crocodiles vertebrates?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8393", "term": "Saltwater crocodile", "description": "species of reptile", "question": "Are saltwater crocodiles dangerous?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8394", "term": "Saltwater crocodile", "description": "species of reptile", "question": "Are saltwater crocodiles related to sharks?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8397", "term": "Nepalese Civil War", "description": "civil war in Nepal between 1996 and 2006", "question": "Did the Nepalese Civil War take place in Asia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8399", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Was Iggy Pop in a video game?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8400", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Was Iggy Pop in a Nintendo game?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8402", "term": "Wonder Woman (2017 film)", "description": "American superhero film directed by Patty Jenkins", "question": "Is the Wonder Woman movie related to Superman comics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8403", "term": "Wonder Woman (2017 film)", "description": "American superhero film directed by Patty Jenkins", "question": "Does the Wonder Woman movie take place in the same universe as Superman comics?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8406", "term": "Homo sapiens", "description": "Humans as a biological species", "question": "Did homo sapiens originate in Africa?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8407", "term": "Homo sapiens", "description": "Humans as a biological species", "question": "Are homo sapiens capable of language?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8408", "term": "Homo sapiens", "description": "Humans as a biological species", "question": "Are homo sapiens capable of using tools?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8411", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Could you see a Manta Ray in Lake Michigan? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8413", "term": "Skype", "description": "telecommunications software service", "question": "Was Skype used on Windows XP?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8419", "term": "Citrus", "description": "genus of fruit-bearing plants (source of fruit such as lemons and oranges)", "question": "Did early humans eat citrus?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8421", "term": "The Boat Race", "description": "annual rowing race on the River Thames", "question": "Is the Boat Race held in Canada?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8423", "term": "Surveying", "description": "The technique, profession, and science of determining the positions of points and the distances and angles between them", "question": "Are there means for deaf people to participate in surveying?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8425", "term": "Yeti", "description": "Folkloric ape-like creature from Asia", "question": "Would a photograph of a yeti be news-worthy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8426", "term": "Yeti", "description": "Folkloric ape-like creature from Asia", "question": "Would a video of a Yeti make the news?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8429", "term": "Olive oil", "description": "liquid fat extracted by pressing olives", "question": "Can you cook hotter with olive oil than with butter?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8433", "term": "Art dealer", "description": "person that buys and sells works of art", "question": "Would an art dealer prize a print of a picasso? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8436", "term": "Pickled cucumber", "description": "Cucumber pickled in brine, vinegar, or other solution", "question": "Are pickled cucumbers in Korea flavored with dill?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8437", "term": "Pickled cucumber", "description": "Cucumber pickled in brine, vinegar, or other solution", "question": "Are pickled cucumbers in South Korea flavored with dill?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8438", "term": "Pickled cucumber", "description": "Cucumber pickled in brine, vinegar, or other solution", "question": "Are pickled cucumbers in Seoul flavored with dill?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8439", "term": "Excretion", "description": "Elimination by an organism of metabolic waste products", "question": "Do most house cats practice outdoor excretion?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8440", "term": "Excretion", "description": "Elimination by an organism of metabolic waste products", "question": "Do most domestic cats take their excretions outdoors?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8443", "term": "Butter", "description": "dairy product", "question": "Does all of the cream end up in the butter?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8449", "term": "Doctorate", "description": "academic or professional degree", "question": "Can you teach at a University without a Doctorate?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8450", "term": "Democracy", "description": "\"system of government in which citizens vote directly in or elect representatives to form a governing body, sometimes called \"\"rule of the majority\"\"\"", "question": "Is Kim Jung Un the leader of a democracy?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8452", "term": "Edgar Allan Poe", "description": "19th-century American author, poet, editor and literary critic", "question": "Would Edgar Allan Poe be considered 'straight edge'?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8453", "term": "Stork", "description": "family of birds", "question": "Would a Stork fit in a Robin's nest?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8454", "term": "Stork", "description": "family of birds", "question": "Would a Stork fit in a Robin's nest?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8455", "term": "Monday", "description": "day of the week", "question": "Do people typically buy new album releases on Mondays?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8459", "term": "Sulfur", "description": "Chemical element with atomic number 16", "question": "Would tea made with black salt smell of sulfur?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8461", "term": "The Powerpuff Girls", "description": "American animated television series", "question": "Could you watch The Powerpuff Girls in 4K Ultra HD?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8464", "term": "Bulk carrier", "description": "merchant ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk cargo", "question": "Is Japanese a useful language for bulk carrier buyers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8498", "term": "Wednesday", "description": "Day of the week", "question": "Would a joke about camels be relevant on a Wednesday?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8535", "term": "Trade", "description": "Exchange of goods and services.", "question": "Have rivers historically enabled trade?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8465", "term": "Bulk carrier", "description": "merchant ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk cargo", "question": "Would capturing the Japanese bulk carrier market be ideal for a steel company?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8466", "term": "Bulk carrier", "description": "merchant ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk cargo", "question": "Would capturing the Japanese bulk carrier market be profitable for a steel company?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8472", "term": "Cinnamon", "description": "spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum", "question": "Should you feed an infant a spoon of cinnamon?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8476", "term": "Comma", "description": "Punctuation mark", "question": "Are commas used differently from country to country?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8477", "term": "East India Company", "description": "16th through 19th-century British trading company", "question": "Have fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean heard of the East India Company?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8478", "term": "East India Company", "description": "16th through 19th-century British trading company", "question": "Would fans of pirate movies know of the East India Company?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8479", "term": "Nicole Kidman", "description": "Australian-American actress and film producer", "question": "Does Nicole Kidman know about the concept of thetans? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8480", "term": "Nicole Kidman", "description": "Australian-American actress and film producer", "question": "Would the Church of Scientology consider Nicole Kidman a suppressive person?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8481", "term": "Nicole Kidman", "description": "Australian-American actress and film producer", "question": "Would David Miscavige Nicole Kidman a suppressive person?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8482", "term": "Nicole Kidman", "description": "Australian-American actress and film producer", "question": "Would David Miscavige consider Nicole Kidman a suppressive person?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8483", "term": "Nicole Kidman", "description": "Australian-American actress and film producer", "question": "Would Nicole Kidman be likely to avoid David Miscavige?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8484", "term": "Nicole Kidman", "description": "Australian-American actress and film producer", "question": "Would David Miscavige be unlikely to befriend Nicole Kidman?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8487", "term": "Adrenaline", "description": "hormone, neurotransmitter and medication. Epinephrine is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain neurons", "question": "Can too much adrenaline be uncomfortable?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8488", "term": "Adrenaline", "description": "hormone, neurotransmitter and medication. Epinephrine is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain neurons", "question": "Can having a lot of adrenaline be uncomfortable?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8489", "term": "Adrenaline", "description": "hormone, neurotransmitter and medication. Epinephrine is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain neurons", "question": "Do you produce adrenaline during good and bad experiences?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8490", "term": "Nintendo DS Lite", "description": "handheld game console", "question": "Can you play some Nintendo DS Lite games on the Nintendo Switch?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8491", "term": "Chiropractic", "description": "form of alternative medicine", "question": "Can some chiropractic maneuvers kill you?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8495", "term": "Armenians", "description": "ethnic group native to the Armenian Highland", "question": "Do Armenians have a tragedy in their past as a collective?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8496", "term": "Wednesday", "description": "Day of the week", "question": "Are camel jokes appropriately made on Wednesday?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8497", "term": "Wednesday", "description": "Day of the week", "question": "Would a joke about camels be good on a Wednesday?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8499", "term": "Wednesday", "description": "Day of the week", "question": "Do camels have a body part that is of comedic value on Wednesdays?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8503", "term": "Smoking (cooking)", "description": "exposing food to the smoke to flavour or preserve it", "question": "Is smoking pork belly indoors possible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8504", "term": "Smoking (cooking)", "description": "exposing food to the smoke to flavour or preserve it", "question": "Is smoking pork belly on a stove top possible?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8505", "term": "Smoking (cooking)", "description": "exposing food to the smoke to flavour or preserve it", "question": "Do vegetarians participate in smoking foods?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8507", "term": "Justin Bieber", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Did someone related to the Backstreet Boys inspire Justin Bieber?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8508", "term": "Justin Bieber", "description": "Canadian singer-songwriter and actor", "question": "Would a Jewish cemetery refuse the body of Justin Bieber? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8510", "term": "Daytona 500", "description": "Auto race held in Daytona, Florida, United States", "question": "Is the Daytona 500 a day of mourning for some?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8511", "term": "Daytona 500", "description": "Auto race held in Daytona, Florida, United States", "question": "Have family members ever raced together in the Daytona 500?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8512", "term": "5", "description": "Natural number", "question": "Is the number 5 known to be a lucky number?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8516", "term": "Thanksgiving (United States)", "description": "holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November", "question": "Do companies usually provide employees a day off to celebrate Thanksgiving?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8517", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Can the typical goldfish survive in the world's largest ocean?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8518", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Can the typical goldfish survive in the largest lake in the Jiangxi Province?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8519", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Can the goldfish live in the largest lake in the Jiangxi Province?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8520", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Can goldfish be kept in the largest lake in the Jiangxi Province?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8521", "term": "Goldfish", "description": "freshwater fish, common in aquariums", "question": "Would a child be strong enough to pick up a goldfish?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8522", "term": "QR code", "description": "trademark for a type of matrix barcode", "question": "Would someone who is blind be able to use a QR Code?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8523", "term": "Easter Bunny", "description": "Folkloric figure and symbol of Easter", "question": "Are you likely to see pastel colors near the Easter Bunny?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8524", "term": "QR code", "description": "trademark for a type of matrix barcode", "question": "Would someone who is deaf be able to use a QR Code?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8526", "term": "Cooking", "description": "Preparing food for consumption with the use of heat", "question": "Is cast iron good for cooking on a flat top stove?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8527", "term": "Pear", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Are pears and pumpkins harvested at the same time?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8528", "term": "Pear", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Are pears and apples harvested at the same time?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8529", "term": "Pear", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Are pears and apples harvested in the same months?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8531", "term": "Pear", "description": "genus of plants", "question": "Are pears and onions harvested in the same months?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8532", "term": "Construction worker", "description": "tradesman, labourer, or professional employed in the physical construction of the built environment", "question": "Would sunscreen be useful for a construction worker?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8533", "term": "Construction worker", "description": "tradesman, labourer, or professional employed in the physical construction of the built environment", "question": "Would sunblock be useful for a construction worker?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8534", "term": "Honey bee", "description": "Eusocial flying insect of genus Apis, producing surplus honey", "question": "Does human behavior harm honey bees?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8536", "term": "Trade", "description": "Exchange of goods and services.", "question": "Is there recourse for those who feel they've had an unfair trade?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8537", "term": "Fairy", "description": "mythical being or legendary creature", "question": "Would it be unwise to give a fairy your name?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8539", "term": "Warsaw Ghetto", "description": "Ghetto in Nazi occupied Poland", "question": "Did people in the Warsaw Ghetto live in fear?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8542", "term": "Hunger", "description": "Sustained inability to eat sufficient food", "question": "Can hunger make you unkind?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8544", "term": "Chipmunk", "description": "Tribe of mammals (rodent (marmot))", "question": "Can a cat outrun a chipmunk?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8545", "term": "Circulatory system", "description": "Organ system for circulating blood in animals", "question": "Is your circulatory system important in fighting infections?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8546", "term": "Eyelash", "description": "facial feature", "question": "Are there societal pressures for how eyelashes should look?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8547", "term": "Eyelash", "description": "facial feature", "question": "Are women's eyelashes subject to societal expectations and judgment?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8552", "term": "Chinatown, Manhattan", "description": "Neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City", "question": "Can you find soup dumplings in Chinatown, Manhattan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8555", "term": "Cheeseburger", "description": "hamburger topped with cheese", "question": "Could a cheeseburger give someone with lactose intolerance a stomach ache?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8556", "term": "Audiobook", "description": "recording of a text being read", "question": "Do Youtubers often recommend audiobooks?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8558", "term": "British cuisine", "description": "culinary traditions of the United Kingdom", "question": "Is the British Cuisine version of breakfast unfamiliar to people in the US?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8559", "term": "British cuisine", "description": "culinary traditions of the United Kingdom", "question": "Would Americans find breakfast in British Cuisine odd?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8560", "term": "British cuisine", "description": "culinary traditions of the United Kingdom", "question": "Would someone from the US think some components of breakfast in British cuisine are odd?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8562", "term": "Chlorophyll", "description": "group of chemical compounds", "question": "Do yellow plants have less chlorophyll?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8563", "term": "Chlorophyll", "description": "group of chemical compounds", "question": "Would a high school student have been taught about Chlorophyll?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8564", "term": "Romani people", "description": "Ethnic group living mostly in Europe and the Americas", "question": "Are Romani people stereotyped as being nomadic?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8565", "term": "Romani people", "description": "Ethnic group living mostly in Europe and the Americas", "question": "Are Romani people stereotyped as being gypsies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8566", "term": "Romani people", "description": "Ethnic group living mostly in Europe and the Americas", "question": "Did Romani people obtain a slur about themselves based on misinformation?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8568", "term": "Sea turtle", "description": "superfamily of reptiles", "question": "Could an ichthyosaur have eaten a sea turtle? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8569", "term": "Sea turtle", "description": "superfamily of reptiles", "question": "Could a Guaibasaurus have eaten a sea turtle? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8570", "term": "Sea turtle", "description": "superfamily of reptiles", "question": "Could a Herrerasaurus have eaten a sea turtle? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8571", "term": "Sea turtle", "description": "superfamily of reptiles", "question": "Could a sea turtle have eaten Herrerasaurus eggs?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8573", "term": "Book of Joshua", "description": "sixth book of the Bible", "question": "Would it be unsafe for a North Korean to have the Book of Joshua?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8574", "term": "Book of Joshua", "description": "sixth book of the Bible", "question": "Would it be unsafe for a North Korean citizen to have the Book of Joshua?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8575", "term": "Book of Joshua", "description": "sixth book of the Bible", "question": "Would it be unsafe to have a copy of the book of Joshua as a North Korean?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8576", "term": "Book of Joshua", "description": "sixth book of the Bible", "question": "Would it be strange for North Koreans to know of the book of Joshua?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8577", "term": "Book of Joshua", "description": "sixth book of the Bible", "question": "Is it dangerous for North Koreans to openly have the Book of Joshua?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8578", "term": "Book of Joshua", "description": "sixth book of the Bible", "question": "Is it dangerous for North Koreans to have the Book of Joshua?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8579", "term": "Book of Joshua", "description": "sixth book of the Bible", "question": "Is it dangerous for North Koreans to speak of or have the Book of Joshua?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8580", "term": "Book of Joshua", "description": "sixth book of the Bible", "question": "Is the Book of Joshua a dangerous item for North Koreans?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8581", "term": "Acne", "description": "Skin disease characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin, and possibly scarring", "question": "Can acne be hidden without makeup?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8582", "term": "Jalapeño", "description": "Hot pepper", "question": "Does the texture of Jalapenos change after roasting?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8583", "term": "Jalapeño", "description": "Hot pepper", "question": "Are Mexican restaurants likely to have jalapenos?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8584", "term": "Jalapeño", "description": "Hot pepper", "question": "Should you keep jalapeno peppers away from infants?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8585", "term": "Jalapeño", "description": "Hot pepper", "question": "Should you keep jalapeno peppers away from small children?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8589", "term": "Othello", "description": "play by Shakespeare", "question": "Are there options for students who struggle to understand the writing of Othello?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8595", "term": "Pain", "description": "type of unpleasant feeling", "question": "Is it unusual to enjoy pain with sex?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8601", "term": "Henry Ford", "description": "American businessperson", "question": "Does Henry Ford's name live on despite him being dead?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8602", "term": "Henry Ford", "description": "American businessperson", "question": "Did Henry Ford's name remain well known after his death?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8605", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Are Egyptians often misrepresented in pop culture?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8606", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Are Egyptians often misrepresented in film culture?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8607", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Do Egyptians face the problem of Hollywood Whitewashing?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8608", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Do Egyptians face the problem of Whitewashing?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8609", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Is the skin tone of Ancient Egyptians often misrepresented in film media?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8610", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Is the skin tone of Ancient Egyptians often misrepresented in movies?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8611", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Are Egyptian Pharaohs often whitewashed in the media?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8612", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Does whitewashing affect Egyptians in films?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8613", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Is Egyptian culture often whitewashed when it is put on film?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8614", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Are historically relevant, non-white Egyptians often depicted in film as being white?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8615", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Are historically relevant, non-white Egyptians often depicted in film with white skin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8616", "term": "Egyptians", "description": "inhabitants and citizens of Egypt", "question": "Do roles meant for Egyptians often go to white actors in Hollywood?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8617", "term": "Joker (character)", "description": "Fictional character in the DC Universe", "question": "Has the Joker tortured anyone?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8618", "term": "Hanging", "description": "execution or suicide method involving suspension of a person by a ligature", "question": "Does hanging have multiple modes of lethality?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8636", "term": "Pancake", "description": "Thin, round cake made of eggs, milk and flour", "question": "Does pancake batter have less liquid than crepe batter?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8629", "term": "Honey badger", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Would you be likely to see a Honey badger in Australia?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8632", "term": "ZIP Code", "description": "numeric postal code used in the United States", "question": "Do most people use only part of their ZIP code?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8633", "term": "ZIP Code", "description": "numeric postal code used in the United States", "question": "Do most people only memorize half of their ZIP code?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8637", "term": "Pancake", "description": "Thin, round cake made of eggs, milk and flour", "question": "If your pancake batter resembles crepe batter, did you make it wrong?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8638", "term": "Pancake", "description": "Thin, round cake made of eggs, milk and flour", "question": "Are some types of pancakes named after currency?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8640", "term": "Artist", "description": "person who creates, practises and/or demonstrates any art", "question": "Can you become an artist without formal education?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8647", "term": "Sea captain", "description": "Commander of a ship or other sea-going vessel", "question": "Would a seasoned Sea Captain take Dramamine? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8648", "term": "Higher education", "description": "Academic tertiary education, such as from colleges and universities", "question": "Is higher education necessary to become an artist?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8650", "term": "DC Comics", "description": "U.S. comic book publisher", "question": "Would Avengers merch be out of place in a DC Comics store?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8652", "term": "Spinal cord", "description": "long, thin, tubular structure made up of nervous tissue", "question": "Could paralysis be caused by a spinal cord injury?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8653", "term": "Oceanography", "description": "The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean", "question": "Is SCUBA certification useful to those working in Oceanography?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8654", "term": "Oceanography", "description": "The study of the physical and biological aspects of the ocean", "question": "Are those who work in Oceanography likely to be SCUBA trained?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8655", "term": "Swastika", "description": "a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia and 20th-century symbol of Nazism", "question": "Would a house with a Swastika on it be likely to be vandalized? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8656", "term": "Gray whale", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Would a gray whale be able to crush a human?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8658", "term": "Pea", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Does the country with largest population also consume the most peas?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8667", "term": "Unicode", "description": "Character encoding standard", "question": "Did Christopher Columbus use Unicode?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8669", "term": "Israelis", "description": "Ethnic group", "question": "Do the Israelis have a powerful country as an ally?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8674", "term": "Jack the Ripper", "description": "Unidentified serial killer", "question": "Would using a firearm be outside of Jack the Ripper's MO?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8675", "term": "Curiosity (rover)", "description": "American robotic rover exploring the crater Gale on Mars", "question": "Did Curiosity outlive its expected lifespan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8676", "term": "Jack the Ripper", "description": "Unidentified serial killer", "question": "Would a victim of Jack the Ripper be likely to be hard to recognize?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8677", "term": "Curiosity (rover)", "description": "American robotic rover exploring the crater Gale on Mars", "question": "Can Curiosity interact with its environment?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8679", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Is there a city in California known for its homelessness problems?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8681", "term": "Burning Man", "description": "annual experimental festival based in Nevada, United States", "question": "Are people likely to get sunburn at Burning Man?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8685", "term": "Douglas fir", "description": "species of tree", "question": "Does a Douglas fir keep its leaves during winter?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8688", "term": "Brooklyn", "description": "Borough in New York City and county in New York state, United States", "question": "Is Brooklyn near Manhattan?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8690", "term": "Andrew Johnson", "description": "17th president of the United States", "question": "Was Andrew Johnson alive during the American Civil War?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8692", "term": "Los Angeles County, California", "description": "County in California, United States", "question": "Is the famous Hollywood sign in Los Angeles County?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8694", "term": "Date palm", "description": "palm tree cultivated for its edible sweet fruit", "question": "Are date palms native to Canada?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8695", "term": "Date palm", "description": "palm tree cultivated for its edible sweet fruit", "question": "Are there wild date palms in Canada?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8696", "term": "Date palm", "description": "palm tree cultivated for its edible sweet fruit", "question": "Are there wild date palms in Antarctica?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8698", "term": "Moose", "description": "A genus of mammals belonging to the deer, muntjac, roe deer, reindeer, and moose family of ruminants", "question": "Do moose live near the kingdom of Arendelle?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8704", "term": "Vulcan (mythology)", "description": "Ancient Roman god of fire, volcanoes, and metalworking", "question": "Is Vulcan related to Hephaestus?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9062", "term": "Infant", "description": "very young offspring of a human", "question": "Are infants the result of labor?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8740", "term": "Norman, Oklahoma", "description": "City in Oklahoma, United States", "question": "Is Norman, Oklahoma home to the university who won the 2019 Women's NCAA champions?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8741", "term": "Norman, Oklahoma", "description": "City in Oklahoma, United States", "question": "Is Norman, Oklahoma home to the champions of the 2019 Women's NCAA? ", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8744", "term": "Norman, Oklahoma", "description": "City in Oklahoma, United States", "question": "Is Norman, Oklahoma known for it's corn production?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8761", "term": "Alternative medicine", "description": "Form of non-scientific healing", "question": "Are some alternative medicine practices capable of causing more harm than good?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8762", "term": "Alternative medicine", "description": "Form of non-scientific healing", "question": "Are some Alternative Medicines actually poisonous? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8765", "term": "Ham", "description": "Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking", "question": "Are some hams supposed to be incredibly salty?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8766", "term": "French people", "description": "People from France", "question": "Are French people part of the European Union?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8768", "term": "Pakistan Air Force", "description": "Air warfare branch of Pakistan's armed forces", "question": "Is the Pakistan Air Force based near India?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8769", "term": "Boat", "description": "vessel for transport by water", "question": "Does actor Johnny Depp play a captain of a boat in a movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8770", "term": "Boat", "description": "vessel for transport by water", "question": "Does actor Chow Yun Fat play a captain of a boat in a movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8771", "term": "Boat", "description": "vessel for transport by water", "question": "Does actor Geoffrey Rush play a captain of a boat in a movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8773", "term": "Wednesday", "description": "Day of the week", "question": "Does Christmas always occur on a Wednesday?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8776", "term": "Kidney", "description": "internal organ in most animals, including vertebrates and some invertebrates", "question": "Can you buy a kidney from a hospital for use in organ transplantation in the USA?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8777", "term": "Estonian language", "description": "Finno-Ugric language spoken in Estonia", "question": "Does \"cheers\" in the Estonian language get confused with \"terrible sex\"?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8779", "term": "Ronda Rousey", "description": "American professional wrestler, actress, author, mixed martial artist and judoka", "question": "Has Ronda Rousey competed on the global stage?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8780", "term": "Ronda Rousey", "description": "American professional wrestler, actress, author, mixed martial artist and judoka", "question": "Has Ronda Rousey traveled to Greece?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8781", "term": "Ronda Rousey", "description": "American professional wrestler, actress, author, mixed martial artist and judoka", "question": "Has Ronda Rousey punched someone in China?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8782", "term": "Ronda Rousey", "description": "American professional wrestler, actress, author, mixed martial artist and judoka", "question": "Has someone in China been hit by Ronda Rousey?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8783", "term": "Ronda Rousey", "description": "American professional wrestler, actress, author, mixed martial artist and judoka", "question": "Has Ronda Rousey held hands with The Rock?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8785", "term": "Fever", "description": "common medical sign characterized by elevated body temperature", "question": "Can you trip from a fever?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8786", "term": "Fever", "description": "common medical sign characterized by elevated body temperature", "question": "Should you shower if you have a fever?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8787", "term": "Fever", "description": "common medical sign characterized by elevated body temperature", "question": "Can \"meat sweats\" cause a fever?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8789", "term": "Toronto Star", "description": "Newspaper in Toronto, Ontario, Canada", "question": "Could Lisa Simpson have held a copy of the Toronto Star?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8790", "term": "Anorexia nervosa", "description": "Eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy body weight, and fear of gaining weight due to a distorted self image", "question": "Would a person with Anorexia nervosa suffer with weak bones?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8794", "term": "Christina Aguilera", "description": "American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality", "question": "Can Christina Aguilera eat bacon?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8795", "term": "Christina Aguilera", "description": "American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality", "question": "Is Christina Aguilera on a tv show with Blake Shelton?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8796", "term": "Christina Aguilera", "description": "American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality", "question": "Is Christina Aguilera on a tv show with a country singer?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8797", "term": "Christina Aguilera", "description": "American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality", "question": "Is Christina Aguilera on a tv show with the singer who sang Honey Bee?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8798", "term": "Christina Aguilera", "description": "American singer, songwriter, actress, and television personality", "question": "Did Christina Aguilera do a duet with another disney star?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8807", "term": "Apollo", "description": "God in Greek mythology", "question": "Do Percy Jackson fans know of Apollo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8808", "term": "Apollo", "description": "God in Greek mythology", "question": "Do Rick Riordan fans know about Apollo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8809", "term": "Apollo", "description": "God in Greek mythology", "question": "Is the Percy Jackson series a good introduction go people like Apollo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8810", "term": "Sibling", "description": "one of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common", "question": "Can siblings develop in different wombs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8811", "term": "Sibling", "description": "one of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common", "question": "Can siblings develop in the wombs of multiple women?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8812", "term": "Tire", "description": "Ring-shaped covering that fits around a wheel's rim", "question": "Can a coin be useful in assessing your tire condition?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8813", "term": "United States presidential election", "description": "type of election in the United States", "question": "Can some high school students vote in the United States Presidential Election?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8814", "term": "United States presidential election", "description": "type of election in the United States", "question": "Can some high schoolers vote in the United States Presidential Election?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8815", "term": "United States presidential election", "description": "type of election in the United States", "question": "Could some seniors in High School vote in the United States Presidential Election?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8816", "term": "United States presidential election", "description": "type of election in the United States", "question": "Are there citizens who cannot vote in the United States Presidential Election?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8818", "term": "Mail carrier", "description": "employee of the post office or postal service, who delivers mail to residences and businesses", "question": "Do all mail carriers wear the same uniforms?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8819", "term": "Mail carrier", "description": "employee of the post office or postal service, who delivers mail to residences and businesses", "question": "Do all USPS mail carriers wear the same uniforms?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8820", "term": "Visual cortex", "description": "region of the brain", "question": "Could a blow to your occipital bone harm your visual cortex?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8821", "term": "Visual cortex", "description": "region of the brain", "question": "Could a blow below your parietal bone harm your visual cortex?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8822", "term": "Portuguese Empire", "description": "Global empire centered in Portugal", "question": "Was Confucius a citizen of the Portugese Empire?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8824", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Can manta rays and the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus live in the same water?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8825", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Can manta rays and Vibrio vulnificus live in the same water?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8826", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Can manta rays and Vibrio vulnificus live in the same habitat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8827", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Can manta rays and Vibrio vulnificus live in the same habitat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8828", "term": "Manta ray", "description": "genus of fishes", "question": "Can manta rays and oysters live in the same habitat?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8853", "term": "Salt", "description": "mineral used as ingredient, composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl)", "question": "Can salt ruin farmland?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8840", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Would an environmentalist support soy milk production over dairy milk?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8841", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Would an environmentalist support soy milk production over regular milk?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8842", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Did soy milk originate from the same country in which noodles came from?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8843", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Did soy milk originate from the same country in which gunpowder came from?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8844", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Is homelessness more prevalent in warmer places?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8845", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Do more people experiencing homelessness go to warm places?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8846", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Did soy milk originate from the same country in which the compass came from?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8847", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Can coming out lead to homelessness?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8848", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Can coming out of the closet lead to homelessness?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8849", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Can coming out of the closet as gay lead to homelessness?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8850", "term": "Soy milk", "description": "Beverage made from soybeans", "question": "Did soy milk originate from the same country in which ice cream came from?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8851", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Does racism contribute to homelessness?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8852", "term": "Homelessness", "description": "circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one", "question": "Is homelessness more difficult in cold places?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8854", "term": "Tonsillitis", "description": "Inflammation of the tonsils", "question": "Would someone with Tonsillitis be uncomfortable during Thanksgiving dinner?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8855", "term": "Tonsillitis", "description": "Inflammation of the tonsils", "question": "Would someone with Tonsillitis be uncomfortable during Thanksgiving?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8856", "term": "Salt", "description": "mineral used as ingredient, composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl)", "question": "Do popcorn and pretzels use different salt?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8857", "term": "Tonsillitis", "description": "Inflammation of the tonsils", "question": "Would someone with Tonsillitis be uncomfortable at a party?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8858", "term": "Salt", "description": "mineral used as ingredient, composed primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl)", "question": "Do popcorn and pretzels use different kinds of salt?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8865", "term": "World of Warcraft", "description": "video game by Blizzard Entertainment", "question": "Is World of Warcraft typically played on the Nintendo Switch?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8866", "term": "Aretha Franklin", "description": "American singer, songwriter, and pianist", "question": "Were all of the performers at Aretha Franklin's funeral black?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8940", "term": "Elijah", "description": "Biblical prophet", "question": "Does a Jewish holiday include a tradition regarding Elijah?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8871", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Is DDR the most hyped game for Playstation 4?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8872", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Is DDR the most anticipated game for Playstation 4?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8873", "term": "PlayStation 4", "description": "Sony's eighth-generation home video game console", "question": "Could the Playstation 4 play Super Smash Brothers?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8875", "term": "New Testament", "description": "Second division of the Christian biblical canon", "question": "Is the New Testament taught in most kindergarten classes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8876", "term": "New Testament", "description": "Second division of the Christian biblical canon", "question": "Is the New Testament taught in kindergarten classes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8879", "term": "Intelligent design", "description": "A pseudoscientific argument for God", "question": "Would intelligent design be inappropriate to teach in public school?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8881", "term": "Bucharest", "description": "Capital of Romania", "question": "Is Bucharest located south of the Equator?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8886", "term": "Mercedes-Benz", "description": "automobile brand of Daimler AG", "question": "Is Mercedes-Benz a car company from the Eastern Hemisphere?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8889", "term": "Gandalf", "description": "Fictional character created by J. R. R. Tolkien", "question": "Was Gandalf involved in the defeat of the Witch King?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8890", "term": "Gandalf", "description": "Fictional character created by J. R. R. Tolkien", "question": "Was Gandalf present at the death of Sauron?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8894", "term": "Common carp", "description": "Species of fish", "question": "Do common carp eat sharks?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8895", "term": "Common carp", "description": "Species of fish", "question": "Are common carp protected species?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8897", "term": "Lieutenant", "description": "junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces", "question": "Has Michael Dorn ever been a Lieutenant?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8898", "term": "Lieutenant", "description": "junior commissioned officer in many nations' armed forces", "question": "Is the rank of lieutenant different across groups?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8901", "term": "Zorro", "description": "Fictional character", "question": "Are there multiple Zorro featured by Disney?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8903", "term": "Golden Gate Bridge", "description": "suspension bridge on the San Francisco Bay", "question": "Can you fit the Eifel Tower under the Golden Gate Bridge?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8906", "term": "D'oh!", "description": "Catchphrase used by Homer Simpson", "question": "Was \"D'oh\" first said during the 1980's?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8907", "term": "Bern", "description": "Place in Switzerland", "question": "Is Bern located between Germany and Italy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8908", "term": "Bern", "description": "Place in Switzerland", "question": "Is Bern located between the Swiss borders to Germany and Italy?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8909", "term": "Bern", "description": "Place in Switzerland", "question": "Is Bern located to the east of the Swiss-French border?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8910", "term": "Bern", "description": "Place in Switzerland", "question": "Is Bern located south of Berlin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8911", "term": "Bern", "description": "Place in Switzerland", "question": "Is Bern located south of Munich?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8912", "term": "Bern", "description": "Place in Switzerland", "question": "Is Bern located north of Turin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8915", "term": "Olive", "description": "Species of plant", "question": "Can olives be grown in the desert?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8916", "term": "2018 Winter Olympics", "description": "23rd Winter Olympics, Pyeongchang (S. Korea) 2018", "question": "Were the 2018 Winter Olympics held in the Western Hemisphere?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8919", "term": "Emu", "description": "Large flightless bird endemic to Australia", "question": "Do emu live in the Mojave desert?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8920", "term": "Emu", "description": "Large flightless bird endemic to Australia", "question": "Do wild emu live in the Mojave desert?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8921", "term": "Emu", "description": "Large flightless bird endemic to Australia", "question": "Do wild emu live in the Everglades?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8922", "term": "Athena", "description": "ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war", "question": "Is Athena's statue from the Parthenon currently on display in the United Kingdom?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8923", "term": "Athena", "description": "ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war", "question": "Is Athena's statue from the Parthenon currently on display in the Louvre?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8924", "term": "Athena", "description": "ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war", "question": "Is Athena's statue from the Parthenon currently on display?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8925", "term": "Athena", "description": "ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war", "question": "Is Athena's statue from the Parthenon currently in Asia?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8926", "term": "Athena", "description": "ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war", "question": "Was Athena's statue from the Parthenon sculpted by Michelangelo?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8927", "term": "Athena", "description": "ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and war", "question": "Was Athena's statue from the Parthenon originally sculpted by Michelangelo?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8930", "term": "Arab–Israeli conflict", "description": "geopolitical conflict in the Middle East and North Africa", "question": "Were the British directly involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict during the 1940s?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8931", "term": "Parc des Princes", "description": "football stadium in Paris, France", "question": "Was the current Parc de Princes built on the site of a previous stadium?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8932", "term": "Christopher Columbus", "description": "Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer", "question": "Did Columbus sail his voyages representing a different country than his original home country?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8933", "term": "Christopher Columbus", "description": "Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer", "question": "Did Columbus sail his voyages representing a different country than his original home?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8935", "term": "Elijah", "description": "Biblical prophet", "question": "Is Elijah part of a Jewish holiday tradition?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8936", "term": "Elijah", "description": "Biblical prophet", "question": "Is Elijah part of an important Jewish holiday tradition?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8937", "term": "Elijah", "description": "Biblical prophet", "question": "Is Elijah part of an important Jewish tradition?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8938", "term": "Elijah", "description": "Biblical prophet", "question": "Is Elijah part of an important Jewish holiday?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8939", "term": "Elijah", "description": "Biblical prophet", "question": "Is Elijah part of an important Jewish ceremony?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8944", "term": "Amber", "description": "Fossilized tree resin", "question": "Does amber play an important role in the Jurassic Park series?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8945", "term": "Amber", "description": "Fossilized tree resin", "question": "Does amber play an important role in a 1993 science fiction movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8946", "term": "Amber", "description": "Fossilized tree resin", "question": "Is amber important in a 1993 science fiction movie?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8947", "term": "Dr. Seuss", "description": "American children's writer and illustrator", "question": "Did Dr. Seuss create an elephant character in one of his books?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8948", "term": "Dr. Seuss", "description": "American children's writer and illustrator", "question": "Is there a named elephant character in a book by Dr. Seuss?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8949", "term": "Dr. Seuss", "description": "American children's writer and illustrator", "question": "Did Dr. Seuss poetry become adapted for stage?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8950", "term": "Dr. Seuss", "description": "American children's writer and illustrator", "question": "Were Dr. Seuss books adapted into a stage play?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8951", "term": "Dr. Seuss", "description": "American children's writer and illustrator", "question": "Were Dr. Seuss poems performed on Broadway?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8952", "term": "Gulf of Finland", "description": "arm of the Baltic Sea", "question": "Does the Gulf of Finland border Scandinavia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8953", "term": "Illuminati", "description": "A name given to several groups, both real and fictitious", "question": "Are the Illuminati involved in the plot of a movie based on a video game?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8954", "term": "Freedom of speech", "description": "Right to communicate one's opinions and ideas", "question": "Can the freedom of speech be legally limited in the United States?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8955", "term": "Easter Bunny", "description": "Folkloric figure and symbol of Easter", "question": "Is the Easter Bunny associated with eggs?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8956", "term": "Easter Bunny", "description": "Folkloric figure and symbol of Easter", "question": "Does the Easter Bunny appear during spring?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8957", "term": "Central processing unit", "description": "Central component of any computer system which executes input/output, arithmetical, and logical operations", "question": "Is the central processing unit attached to a computer's motherboard?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8958", "term": "Central processing unit", "description": "Central component of any computer system which executes input/output, arithmetical, and logical operations", "question": "Is the central processing unit part of a computer's motherboard?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8992", "term": "Porsche", "description": "automotive brand manufacturing subsidiary of Volkswagen", "question": "Can a Porsche lift off the ground?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8961", "term": "Natural rubber", "description": "Polymer harvested from certain trees", "question": "Was natural rubber originally produced in South America?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8963", "term": "Antarctic Peninsula", "description": "peninsula", "question": "Is the Antarctic Peninsula south of the Equator?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8965", "term": "Speaker of the United States House of Representatives", "description": "Presiding Officer of the US House of Representatives", "question": "Is the current Speaker of the House a Republican?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8968", "term": "Tabloid journalism", "description": "style of journalism", "question": "Is there a parody song about tabloid journalism?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8970", "term": "Amy Winehouse", "description": "English singer and songwriter", "question": "Did Amy Winehouse vote for President Donald Trump?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8971", "term": "Amy Winehouse", "description": "English singer and songwriter", "question": "Did Amy Winehouse vote for Donald Trump?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8973", "term": "Surfing", "description": "sport that consists of riding a wave", "question": "Is surfing popular in Iowa?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8974", "term": "Surfing", "description": "sport that consists of riding a wave", "question": "Is surfing popular in Quebec?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8975", "term": "Surfing", "description": "sport that consists of riding a wave", "question": "Is surfing popular in Switzerland?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9025", "term": "Amnesia", "description": "Cognitive disorder where the memory is disturbed or lost", "question": "Is amnesia likely why someone born in 1999 forgets 9/11?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8980", "term": "Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena", "description": "Former arena in California, United States", "question": "Was Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena home to an NBA team?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8981", "term": "Jennifer Lawrence", "description": "American actress", "question": "Does Jennifer Lawrence have significantly more Academy Award nominations than actual wins?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "8984", "term": "Silurian", "description": "Third period of the Paleozoic Era", "question": "Did dinosaurs live during the Silurian period?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8985", "term": "Silurian", "description": "Third period of the Paleozoic Era", "question": "Did birds live during the Silurian period?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8986", "term": "Silurian", "description": "Third period of the Paleozoic Era", "question": "Did reptiles live during the Silurian period?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8987", "term": "Richard III of England", "description": "15th-century King of England", "question": "Did Richard III die in old age?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8995", "term": "Snow White", "description": "fairy tale", "question": "Does Snow White live with an even number of dwarves?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "8999", "term": "Eastern grey kangaroo", "description": "the largest living kangaroo, marsupial, and terrestrial mammal native to Tasmania", "question": "Do eastern grey kangaroos live in Africa?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9000", "term": "Eastern grey kangaroo", "description": "the largest living kangaroo, marsupial, and terrestrial mammal native to Tasmania", "question": "Do eastern grey kangaroos live in the Amazon?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9001", "term": "Kidney", "description": "internal organ in most animals, including vertebrates and some invertebrates", "question": "Does a human need to die to donate a kidney?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9002", "term": "Kidney", "description": "internal organ in most animals, including vertebrates and some invertebrates", "question": "Does an organ donor need to die to donate a kidney?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9003", "term": "Kidney", "description": "internal organ in most animals, including vertebrates and some invertebrates", "question": "Can a person donate a kidney while still alive?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9008", "term": "Europa (moon)", "description": "The smallest of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter", "question": "Is Europa the smallest moon of Jupiter?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9009", "term": "Europa (moon)", "description": "The smallest of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter", "question": "Is Europa one of the first few moons of Jupiter discovered by humans?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9013", "term": "Simon Cowell", "description": "English reality television judge, television producer and music executive", "question": "Does Simon Cowell still host American Idol?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9014", "term": "Camel", "description": "Genus of mammals", "question": "Are camels native to the Mojave Desert?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9015", "term": "Camel", "description": "Genus of mammals", "question": "Do wild camels live near Las Vegas?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9016", "term": "Hamburger", "description": "Sandwich consisting of buns, a patty, and some other fillings", "question": "Are hamburgers usually made with ham?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9018", "term": "Gulf of Finland", "description": "arm of the Baltic Sea", "question": "Does the Gulf of Finland border Scandinavia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9019", "term": "Giant panda", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Is the giant panda vegetarian?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9020", "term": "Giant panda", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Does the Giant panda live near Shanghai?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9026", "term": "Amnesia", "description": "Cognitive disorder where the memory is disturbed or lost", "question": "Is amnesia likely why someone born in 1999 has no memory of 9/11?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9027", "term": "Amnesia", "description": "Cognitive disorder where the memory is disturbed or lost", "question": "Is amnesia why a student of the class of 2017 has no memory of 9/11?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9028", "term": "Amnesia", "description": "Cognitive disorder where the memory is disturbed or lost", "question": "Is amnesia probably why a student of the class of 2016 forgot 9/11?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9030", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Should a Tenochtitlan cuisine-style restaurant serve cactus fruit?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9031", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": " Is cactus fruit a good menu item for a restaurant based on Cuauhtémoc?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9032", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": " Is cactus fruit an important menu item for a restaurant themed around Cuauhtémoc?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9033", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": " Is cactus fruit an important menu item for a restaurant inspired by Cuauhtémoc?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9038", "term": "Douglas fir", "description": "species of tree", "question": "Are Douglas firs native to the Mojave?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9039", "term": "Orange County, California", "description": "County in California, United States", "question": "Is Orange County near the border with Canada?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9044", "term": "June", "description": "sixth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Is June associated with a patriotic American symbol?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9045", "term": "June", "description": "sixth month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars", "question": "Is June associated with a seasonal change?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9046", "term": "Latitude", "description": "The angle between zenith at a point and the plane of the equator", "question": "Is latitude related to the Equator?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9048", "term": "Communist Party of China", "description": "Political party of the People's Republic of China", "question": "Is the original Communist leader of China dead?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9052", "term": "Eastern grey kangaroo", "description": "the largest living kangaroo, marsupial, and terrestrial mammal native to Tasmania", "question": "Do eastern grey kangaroos live in the Mojave?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9053", "term": "Eastern grey kangaroo", "description": "the largest living kangaroo, marsupial, and terrestrial mammal native to Tasmania", "question": "Do eastern grey kangaroos live in Arizona?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9054", "term": "Mount Emei", "description": "mountain", "question": "Is Mount Emei part of the Alps?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9055", "term": "Mount Emei", "description": "mountain", "question": "Is Mount Emei one of the Alps?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9056", "term": "Mount Emei", "description": "mountain", "question": "Is Mount Emei one of the Rocky Mountains?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9057", "term": "Mount Emei", "description": "mountain", "question": "Is Mount Emei one of the Andes?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9058", "term": "Mount Emei", "description": "mountain", "question": "Is Mount Emei located to the west of the Alps??", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9060", "term": "Infant", "description": "very young offspring of a human", "question": "Do infants need diapers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9061", "term": "Infant", "description": "very young offspring of a human", "question": "Are infants a possible result of sex?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9063", "term": "Constitution of the United States", "description": "Supreme law of the United States of America", "question": "Can the Constitution be changed?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9064", "term": "Constitution of the United States", "description": "Supreme law of the United States of America", "question": "Can the Constitution be updated?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9065", "term": "Constitution of the United States", "description": "Supreme law of the United States of America", "question": "Are the Constitution and Bill of Rights related?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9066", "term": "Milky Way", "description": "Spiral galaxy containing our Solar System", "question": "Is the Milky Way galaxy on a collision course?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9069", "term": "Charles Manson", "description": "American criminal, cult leader", "question": "Did Charles Manson die at home?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9070", "term": "Chinchilla", "description": "Rodent genus", "question": "Are chinchillas a kind of bird?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9072", "term": "Honey", "description": "Sweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers", "question": "Is honey associated with a kind of queen?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9075", "term": "Buzz Aldrin", "description": "American astronaut; second person to walk on the Moon", "question": "Did Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon in 1967?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9076", "term": "Giant panda", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Are there wild giant pandas in France?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9077", "term": "Giant panda", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Are there wild giant pandas in the southern hemisphere?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9078", "term": "Giant panda", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Are there giant pandas in the southern hemisphere?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9079", "term": "Giant panda", "description": "species of mammal", "question": "Are there wild giant pandas south of the Equator?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9081", "term": "Saint", "description": "one who has been recognized for having an exceptional degree of holiness, sanctity, and virtue", "question": "Is the color green associated with a saint?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9082", "term": "Meatball", "description": "dish made from ground meat rolled into a small ball-like form", "question": "Can meatballs be used in Italian cooking?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9083", "term": "Meatball", "description": "dish made from ground meat rolled into a small ball-like form", "question": "Are meatballs popular in Italian cooking?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9086", "term": "Bitcoin", "description": "decentralized cryptocurrency", "question": "Can bitcoin buy vaporizers?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9087", "term": "Bitcoin", "description": "decentralized cryptocurrency", "question": "Can bitcoin fit in wallets?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9088", "term": "Bitcoin", "description": "decentralized cryptocurrency", "question": "Can bitcoin fit in your hand?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9089", "term": "Bitcoin", "description": "decentralized cryptocurrency", "question": "Can you hold bitcoin?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9091", "term": "Naruto", "description": "Japanese manga and anime series", "question": "Has Naruto inspired dangerous activities?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9092", "term": "Naruto", "description": "Japanese manga and anime series", "question": "Have people risked their lives because of Naruto?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9093", "term": "Naruto", "description": "Japanese manga and anime series", "question": "Has Naruto been a bad influence on people?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9094", "term": "Naruto", "description": "Japanese manga and anime series", "question": "Do nerds like Naruto?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9095", "term": "Lactobacillus", "description": "genus of bacteria", "question": "Is overfeeding Lactobacillus unwise for people afraid of dentists?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9101", "term": "Snowy owl", "description": "species of bird", "question": "Hypothetically, could a snowy owl survive the climate of Antarctica?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9102", "term": "Snowy owl", "description": "species of bird", "question": "Could a snowy owl survive on a diet of mice?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9104", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Iggy Pop tour with Justin Bieber?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9105", "term": "Domestic yak", "description": "Long-haired domesticated bovid", "question": "Can you make cheese from domestic yak milk?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9106", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Iggy Pop tour with Justin Bieber?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9107", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Justin Bieber tour with Iggy Pop?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9108", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Justin Bieber jam with Iggy Pop?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9109", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Iggy Pop play Justin Bieber songs?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9110", "term": "Mona Lisa", "description": "Painting by Leonardo da Vinci", "question": "Is the Mona Lisa within one kilometre of the Venus de Milo?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9112", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Justin Bieber play songs by Iggy Pop?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9113", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Will Justin Bieber play on stage with Iggy Pop?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9114", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Will Iggy Pop invite Justin Bieber to play together?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9115", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Will Iggy Pop invite Justin Bieber to rock?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9116", "term": "Alan Turing", "description": "British mathematician and computer scientist", "question": "Could Alan Turing have used a slide rule?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9117", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Will Iggy Pop invite Justin Bieber to rock out?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9118", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Iggy Pop and Justin Bieber rock out?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9119", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Iggy Popi invite Justin Bieber to jam?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9120", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Iggy Popi invite Justin Bieber on tour?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9121", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Justin Bieber join Iggy Pop on tour?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9122", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Justin Bieber join Iggy Pop at the Warp Tour?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9123", "term": "Alan Turing", "description": "British mathematician and computer scientist", "question": "Do Alan Turing and Jeff Bezos have the same alma mater?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9124", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Sean Mendez join Iggy Pop on stage?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9125", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Iggy Pop cover a Sean Mendez song?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9126", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Iggy Pop cover a Justin Bieber song?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9127", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would selina gomez sing with Iggy Pop?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9128", "term": "Iggy Pop", "description": "American rock singer-songwriter, musician, and actor", "question": "Would Miley Cyrus sing with Iggy Pop?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9130", "term": "Emulator", "description": "system that emulates a real system such that the behavior closely resembles the behavior of the real system", "question": "Would a classic xbox emulator sell well in 2040?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9131", "term": "Emulator", "description": "system that emulates a real system such that the behavior closely resembles the behavior of the real system", "question": "Would a classic xbox emulator be popular in the future?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9133", "term": "Small intestine", "description": "part of the digestive tract, following the stomach and followed by the large intestine", "question": "Does a cotton ball provide nutrition for humans?", "answer": false }, { "qid": "9135", "term": "Suspension bridge", "description": "type of bridge", "question": "Would suspension bridges be better able to withstand an earthquake than a beam bridge?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9141", "term": "Cucumber", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Can someone deathly allergic to bees safely grow cucumber? ", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9142", "term": "Cucumber", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Is growing cucumber good for a gardener with a bee phobia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9143", "term": "Cucumber", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Is growing cucumber good for a gardener with entomophobia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9144", "term": "Cucumber", "description": "species of plant", "question": "Is growing cucumber with seeds bad for a gardener with entomophobia?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9146", "term": "Foot (unit)", "description": "customary unit of length", "question": "Would a pilot leaving Moscow during the 2018 Fifa World Cup report altitude in feet?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9147", "term": "Foot (unit)", "description": "customary unit of length", "question": "Does a pilot from Moscow need to use the imperial foot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9148", "term": "Foot (unit)", "description": "customary unit of length", "question": "Does a new pilot from Moscow need to use the imperial foot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9149", "term": "Foot (unit)", "description": "customary unit of length", "question": "When en route from London to Beijing, will pilots convert the foot to metric?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9150", "term": "Foot (unit)", "description": "customary unit of length", "question": "When en route from London to Beijing, must pilots know their altitude in the imperial foot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9151", "term": "Foot (unit)", "description": "customary unit of length", "question": "When en route from Beijing to London, must pilots know their altitude in the imperial foot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9152", "term": "Foot (unit)", "description": "customary unit of length", "question": "When en route from Beijing to Paris, must pilots know their altitude in the imperial foot?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9172", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would an aerodynamic cactus get thirsty more often?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9156", "term": "Cinnamon", "description": "spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum", "question": "Can cheap cinnamon sticks break a coffee grinder?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9158", "term": "Tokyo Tower", "description": "observation tower", "question": "Can the same worker repaint Tokyo Tower seven or more times?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9159", "term": "Tokyo Tower", "description": "observation tower", "question": "Can the same worker repaint Tokyo Tower seven times before retirement?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9160", "term": "Tokyo Tower", "description": "observation tower", "question": "Can a worker repaint Tokyo Tower seven times before retirement?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9161", "term": "Tokyo Tower", "description": "observation tower", "question": "Can a worker repaint Tokyo Tower seven times?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9162", "term": "Tokyo Tower", "description": "observation tower", "question": "Is Tokyo Tower repainted often enough that someone can do the work seven times during their career?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9165", "term": "Bee", "description": "Clade of insects", "question": "Do apples benefit from bees that lack a queen?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9166", "term": "Bee", "description": "Clade of insects", "question": "Do apple farmers benefit from bees that lack a queen?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9168", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would a more aerodynamic cactus need more water?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9169", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would a more aerodynamic cactus need water more frequently?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9170", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would a more aerodynamic cactus dehydrate quickly?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9171", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would an aerodynamic cactus dehydrate quickly?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9173", "term": "Cactus", "description": "Family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments", "question": "Would an aerodynamic cactus dessicate more quickly?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9180", "term": "Persian Gulf", "description": "An arm of the Indian Ocean in western Asia", "question": "Would an oil miner be interested in the Persian Gulf?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9182", "term": "Drain fly", "description": "family of insects", "question": "Are drain flies able to survive bleach?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9183", "term": "Lentil", "description": "Species of plant", "question": "Are Lentil able to withstand frost?", "answer": true }, { "qid": "9184", "term": "Lentil", "description": "Species of plant", "question": "Are Lentil able to withstand a wind storm?", "answer": true } ]