image,question,answer ,what have lost their nuclei?,neutrophils ,whose nuclei have been lost?,neutrophils ,are two small pulmonary arterioles packed with laminated swirls of fetal squamous cells?,yes ,what is acute viral hepatitis characterized by?,predominantly lymphocytic infiltrate ,what do the cells have?,wavy nuclei ,do the cells have wavy nuclei?,yes ,do individual myocardial fibres have wavy nuclei?,no ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what does this image show?,peritoneal carcinomatosis ,"does this image show peritoneal carcinomatosis, metastatic tumor covering all of the abdominal viscera?",yes ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what does this image show?,hemorrhage secondary to ruptured aneurysm ,does this image show hemorrhage secondary to ruptured aneurysm?,yes ,does abdomen show hemorrhage secondary to ruptured aneurysm?,no ,how is acute viral hepatitis characterized?,by predominantly lymphocytic infiltrate ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what is present?,abdomen ,why does this image show bowel in situ with diffuse thickening of peritoneal surfaces?,due to metastatic carcinoma breast primary i think ,what does this image show?,bowel in situ with diffuse thickening of peritoneal surfaces due to metastatic carcinoma breast primary i think ,how does this image show bowel in situ?,with diffuse thickening of peritoneal surfaces due to metastatic carcinoma breast primary i think ,does this image show bowel in situ with diffuse thickening of peritoneal surfaces due to metastatic carcinoma breast primary i think?,yes ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,is acute viral hepatitis characterize by a predominantly lymphocytic infiltrate?,yes ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what is present?,abdomen ,when does this image show a photo taken?,during life large lesion ,what does this image show?,a photo taken during life large lesion ,does this image show a photo taken during life large lesion?,yes ,does omphalocele show a photo taken during life large lesion?,no ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,what is present?,omphalocele ,is omphalocele present?,yes ,is the entire thickness of the epithelium characterize by a predominantly lymphocytic infiltrate?,no ,is omentum present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what taken during life large lesion?,a photo ,what is a photo taken?,during life large lesion ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,omphalocele ,how is a photo taken during life lesion?,large ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue typical appearance of tuberculous peritonitis except for color being off a bit ,does this image show fixed tissue typical appearance of tuberculous peritonitis except for color being off a bit?,yes ,does acute peritonitis show fixed tissue typical appearance of tuberculous peritonitis except for color being off a bit?,no ,is schematic diagram of intimal thickening emphasize intimal smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation associated with extracellular matrix synthesis?,yes ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what is present?,abdomen ,what does this image show?,close-up view of metastatic lesions color not the best papillary serous adenocarcinoma of ovary ,does this image show close-up view of metastatic lesions color not the best papillary serous adenocarcinoma of ovary?,yes ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,what is present?,peritoneum ,is peritoneum present?,yes ,did nuclear pleomorphism emphasize intimal smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation associated with extracellular matrix synthesis?,no ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,peritoneum ,does this image show opened abdomen with ischemic appearing intestines bound by neoplastic adhesions good but not the best ovarian papillary adenocarcinoma?,yes ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,is tuberculous peritonitis present?,no ,what is present?,peritoneum ,is peritoneum present?,yes ,is an opened peritoneal cavity cause by fibrous band strangulation present?,no ,what is moderately narrowed by this eccentric lesion?,the lumen ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what bound by neoplastic adhesions good but not the best ovarian papillary adenocarcinoma?,opened abdomen with ischemic appearing intestines ,what is opened abdomen with ischemic appearing intestines bound?,by neoplastic adhesions good but not the best ovarian papillary adenocarcinoma ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,peritoneum ,what does this image show?,a very close-up view of typical gross lesions ,does this image show a very close-up view of typical gross lesions?,yes ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,is opened abdominal cavity with massive tumor in omentum none apparent in liver nor over peritoneal surfaces gut present?,no ,what is the lumen narrowed by?,eccentric lesion ,what is present?,peritoneum ,is peritoneum present?,yes ,is tuberculosis present?,no ,what is present?,tuberculous peritonitis ,is tuberculous peritonitis present?,yes ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,peritoneum ,what is present?,tuberculous peritonitis ,what does this image show?,massive node enlargement like a lymphoma ,"is the lumen moderately narrowed by this eccentric lesion, which leaves part of the vessel wall unaffected?",yes ,does this image show massive node enlargement like a lymphoma?,yes ,does abdomen show massive node enlargement like a lymphoma?,no ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,is tuberculous peritonitis present?,no ,what is present?,mesentery ,is mesentery present?,yes ,is carcinomatosis present?,no ,what is present?,acute lymphocytic leukemia ,is acute lymphocytic leukemia present?,yes ,"are skin stem cells moderately narrowed by this eccentric lesion, which leaves part of the vessel wall unaffected?",no ,is fat necrosis present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,mesentery ,what is present?,acute lymphocytic leukemia ,does this image show opened abdomen showing tumor everywhere this also could be peritoneal carcinomatosis it looks the same?,yes ,does leiomyosarcoma show opened abdomen showing tumor everywhere this also could be peritoneal carcinomatosis it looks the same?,no ,what is present?,mesothelioma ,is mesothelioma present?,yes ,is carcinomatosis present?,no ,are the photomicrographs packed with laminated swirls of fetal squamous cells?,no ,what are attenuated?,the internal and external elastic membranes ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what is present?,mesothelioma ,what does this image show?,cut surface of lesion natural color typical appearance of a sarcoma fish flesh and yellow areas suggesting of liposarcoma which it was ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,what is present?,peritoneum ,is peritoneum present?,yes ,what is present?,retroperitoneal liposarcoma ,is retroperitoneal liposarcoma present?,yes ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,are the internal and external elastic membranes attenuated?,yes ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,peritoneum ,what is present?,retroperitoneal liposarcoma ,what does this image show?,opened body cavity with necrotic bowel and heavy fibrin exudate ,does this image show opened body cavity with necrotic bowel and heavy fibrin exudate?,yes ,does leiomyosarcoma show opened body cavity with necrotic bowel and heavy fibrin exudate?,no ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,is opened abdominal cavity with massive tumor in omentum none apparent in liver nor over peritoneal surfaces gut present?,no ,what is present?,peritoneum ,are the available anabolic circuits attenuated?,no ,is peritoneum present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma prostate present?,no ,what is present?,fibrinous peritonitis ,is fibrinous peritonitis present?,yes ,is slices of liver and spleen typical tuberculous exudate is present on capsule of liver and spleen present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,abdomen ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,peritoneum ,what is present?,fibrinous peritonitis ,what does this image show?,outstanding example of granuloma with langhans giant cell ,"what is shown in the figure, stained for elastin (black)?",moderate-power view of the plaque ,how does this image show outstanding example of granuloma?,with langhans giant cell ,does this image show outstanding example of granuloma with langhans giant cell?,yes ,does this show outstanding example of granuloma with langhans giant cell?,no ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,is opened abdominal cavity with massive tumor in omentum none apparent in liver nor over peritoneal surfaces gut present?,no ,what is present?,peritoneum ,is peritoneum present?,yes ,is carcinomatosis endometrium primary present?,no ,what is present?,tuberculosis ,what is moderate-power view of the plaque shown the figure stained for?,elastin (black) ,is tuberculosis present?,yes ,is opened muscle present?,no ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,peritoneum ,what is present?,tuberculosis ,what does this image show?,outstanding example of a tubercular granuloma same as in slide seen at low classical granuloma with langhans giant cell ,does this image show outstanding example of a tubercular granuloma same as in slide seen at low classical granuloma with langhans giant cell?,yes ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,is tuberculous peritonitis present?,no ,is the plaque stained for elastin (black)?,yes ,what is present?,peritoneum ,is peritoneum present?,yes ,is peritoneal fluid present?,no ,what is present?,tuberculosis ,is tuberculosis present?,yes ,is this present?,no ,what seen at low classical granuloma with langhans giant cell?,outstanding example of a tubercular same as in slide ,what is outstanding example of a tubercular granuloma same as in slide seen?,at low classical with langhans giant cell ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,peritoneum ,"is the intact basement membrane shown in the figure, stained for elastin black?",no ,what is present?,tuberculosis ,what fast stain numerous acid fast bacilli very good slide?,acid ,what do acid stain?,stain numerous fast bacilli very good slide ,do acid stain stain numerous acid fast bacilli very good slide?,yes ,do retroperitoneum stain stain numerous acid fast bacilli very good slide?,no ,what does this image show?,acid fast stain numerous acid fast bacilli very good slide ,does this image show acid fast stain numerous acid fast bacilli very good slide?,yes ,does surface show acid fast stain numerous acid fast bacilli very good slide?,no ,what is present?,abdomen ,is abdomen present?,yes ,is the media of the artery thinned under the most advanced plaque?,yes ,is liver with tuberculoid granuloma in glissons present?,no ,what is present?,peritoneum ,is peritoneum present?,yes ,is acute peritonitis present?,no ,what is present?,tuberculosis ,is tuberculosis present?,yes ,is nodular tumor present?,no ,what stain numerous acid fast bacilli very good slide?,acid ,what is present?,abdomen ,what is present?,peritoneum ,is energy stores thinned under the most advanced plaque?,no ,what is present?,tuberculosis ,what does this image show?,excised tumor mass ,does this image show excised tumor mass?,yes ,does carcinomatosis endometrium primary show excised tumor mass?,no ,what is present?,sacrococcygeal teratoma ,is sacrococcygeal teratoma present?,yes ,is omentum present?,no ,what is present?,sacrococcygeal teratoma ,what does this image show?,posterior view to show open cord ,does this image show posterior view to show open cord?,yes ,what is in a patient who died suddenly?,plaque rupture without superimposed thrombus ,does leiomyosarcoma show posterior view to show open cord?,no ,what is present?,anencephaly ,is anencephaly present?,yes ,is digits present?,no ,what is present?,anencephaly ,what does this image show?,mostly head in photo gory edema ,does this image show mostly head in photo gory edema?,yes ,does surface show mostly head in photo gory edema?,no ,what is present?,lymphangiomatosis ,is lymphangiomatosis present?,yes ,what is edematous and congested?,the surrounding lung ,what is plaque rupture without?,superimposed thrombus ,is carcinomatosis present?,no ,what is present?,lymphangiomatosis ,what does this image show?,anterior view of whole body ,does this image show anterior view of whole body?,yes ,does granulomata slide show anterior view of whole body?,no ,what is present?,lymphangiomatosis ,is lymphangiomatosis present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma prostate present?,no ,what is present?,lymphangiomatosis ,does this image show typical not advanced macerated stillborn?,yes ,"what is superimposed on an atherosclerotic plaque with focal disruption of the fibrous cap, triggering fatal myocardial infarction?",acute coronary throm-bosis ,does acute peritonitis show typical not advanced macerated stillborn?,no ,what does this image show?,posterior view of whole body to buttocks ,does this image show posterior view of whole body to buttocks?,yes ,does typical tuberculous exudate show posterior view of whole body to buttocks?,no ,what is present with open spine?,anencephaly ,is anencephaly with open spine present?,yes ,is liver with tuberculoid granuloma in glissons with open spine present?,no ,what are slide?,this whole body photo showing widened abdomen due to diastasis recti and crease in ear lobe face is and kidneys with bilateral pelvic-ureteral strictures ,what are this whole body photo showing widened abdomen due to diastasis recti and crease in ear lobe face is slide and kidneys with bilateral pelvic-ureteral strictures?,strictures ,what is present?,beckwith-wiedemann syndrome ,what is acute coronary throm-bosis superimposed on?,an atherosclerotic plaque with focal disruption of the fibrous cap ,what are slide?,this whole body photo showing widened abdomen due to diastasis recti and crease in ear lobe face is and kidneys with bilateral pelvic-ureteral strictures ,what are this whole body photo showing widened abdomen due to diastasis recti and crease in ear lobe face is slide and kidneys with bilateral pelvic-ureteral strictures?,strictures ,what is present?,beckwith-wiedemann syndrome ,what joined at chest and abdomen?,lateral view ,what is lateral view joined?,at chest and abdomen ,is lateral view joined at chest and abdomen?,yes ,what does this image show?,lateral view joined at chest and abdomen ,does this image show lateral view joined at chest and abdomen?,yes ,what is present?,siamese twins ,is siamese twins present?,yes ,"is acute coronary throm-bosis superimposed on an atherosclerotic plaque with focal disruption of the fibrous cap, triggering fatal myocardial infarction?",yes ,what joined at chest and abdomen?,lateral view ,what is present?,siamese twins ,what shows opened chest with two hearts?,chest and abdomen slide ,how many hearts does chest and abdomen slide show opened chest with?,two ,does chest and abdomen slide show opened chest with two hearts?,yes ,what joined chest and abdomen slide shows opened chest with two hearts?,this ,how many hearts is this joined chest and abdomen slide shows opened chest with?,two ,what is this joined?,chest and abdomen slide shows opened chest with two hearts ,is this joined chest and abdomen slide shows opened chest with two hearts?,yes ,what is present?,siamese twins ,"is moderate-power view of the plaque superimposed on an atherosclerotic plaque with focal disruption of the fibrous cap, triggering fatal myocardial infarction?",no ,is siamese twins present?,yes ,what shows opened chest with two hearts?,chest and abdomen slide ,what joined chest and abdomen slide shows opened chest with two hearts?,this ,what is present?,siamese twins ,what does this image show?,good example of large umbilical hernia ,does this image show good example of large umbilical hernia?,yes ,what does this image show?,epithelial component like intestine ,does this image show epithelial component like intestine?,yes ,what is present?,sacrococcygeal teratoma ,is sacrococcygeal teratoma present?,yes ,what did the cross-section of aortic media from a patient with marfan syndrome show?,marked elastin fragmentation and areas devoid of elastin that resemble cystic spaces ,what is present?,sacrococcygeal teratoma ,what does this image show?,hyaline membrane disease ,does this image show hyaline membrane disease?,yes ,does carcinoma show hyaline membrane disease?,no ,what does this image show?,hyaline membrane disease ,does this image show hyaline membrane disease?,yes ,does spina bifida show hyaline membrane disease?,no ,what does this image show?,hyaline membrane disease ,does this image show hyaline membrane disease?,yes ,does peritoneal fluid show hyaline membrane disease?,no ,did the cross-section of aortic media from a patient with marfan syndrome show marked elastin fragmentation and areas devoid of elastin that resemble cystic spaces?,yes ,what does this image show?,excised breast good example ,does this image show excised breast good example?,yes ,does macerated stillborn show excised breast good example?,no ,what is present?,pagets disease ,is pagets disease present?,yes ,is hours present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,breast ,what is present?,pagets disease ,what does this image show?,breast ,"does this image show breast, fibroadenoma?",yes ,did wilms tumor with tightly packed blue cells consistent with the blastemal component and show marked elastin fragmentation and areas devoid of elastin that resemble cystic spaces asterisks?,no ,"does all the fat necrosis show breast, fibroadenoma?",no ,where is this area in the body?,breast ,what does this image show?,breast ,"does this image show breast, fibroadenoma?",yes ,"does carcinomatosis endometrium primary show breast, fibroadenoma?",no ,where is this area in the body?,breast ,what does this image show?,atrophic lobules and normal connective tissue ,does this image show atrophic lobules and normal connective tissue?,yes ,does macerated stillborn show atrophic lobules and normal connective tissue?,no ,what is present?,breast ,what shows marked elastin fragmentation and areas devoid of elastin that resemble cystic spaces (asterisks)?,cross-section of aortic media from a patient with marfan syndrome ,is breast present?,yes ,is acute lymphocytic leukemia present?,no ,what is present?,atrophy ,is atrophy present?,yes ,is anencephaly present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,breast ,what is present?,breast ,what is present?,atrophy ,what does this image show?,good example of poorly differentiated infiltrating ductal carcinoma ,does this image show good example of poorly differentiated infiltrating ductal carcinoma?,yes ,what is associated with mononuclear infiltrates and giant cells?,destruction and fibrosis of the arterial media ,does cachexia show good example of poorly differentiated infiltrating ductal carcinoma?,no ,what is present?,breast ,is breast present?,yes ,is typical tuberculous exudate present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,breast ,what differentiated infiltrating ductal carcinoma?,good example of poorly ,what is good example of poorly differentiated?,infiltrating ductal carcinoma ,what is present?,breast ,how is good example of poorly differentiated infiltrating carcinoma?,ductal ,what does this image show?,coronary artery atherosclerosis diagram ,is the surrounding lung edematous and congested?,yes ,what is histologic appearance in active takayasu aortitis illustrating destruction and fibrosis of the arterial media associated with?,mononuclear infiltrates and giant cells ,does this image show coronary artery atherosclerosis diagram?,yes ,does pus in test tube show coronary artery atherosclerosis diagram?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is carcinomatosis present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is peritoneum present?,no ,how is histologic appearance in active takayasu aortitis illustrating destruction and fibrosis of the arterial media associated?,with mononuclear infiltrates ,what is present?,amyloidosis ,is amyloidosis present?,yes ,is cachexia present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,amyloidosis ,what does this image show?,continuous type ,does this image show continuous type?,yes ,does papillary intraductal adenocarcinoma show continuous type?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is the histologic appearance in active takayasu aortitis illustrating destruction and fibrosis of the arterial media associated with mononuclear infiltrates and giant cells?,yes ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is lymphangiomatosis present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is case of peritonitis slide present?,no ,what is present?,capillary ,is capillary present?,yes ,is intraductal papillomatosis with apocrine metaplasia present?,no ,where is this mage from?,capillary ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is the bacteria associated with mononuclear infiltrates and giant cells?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,what is present?,capillary ,what does this image show?,good for banding pattern mitochondria ,does this image show good for banding pattern mitochondria?,yes ,does cardiovascular show good for banding pattern mitochondria?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is lower chest and abdomen anterior present?,no ,what is present?,myocardium ,is myocardium present?,yes ,what is infiltrated with leukocytes?,the vessel wall ,is vasculature present?,no ,where is this area in the body?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,myocardium ,what does this image show?,rabbit lesion with foam cell immediately beneath endothelium ,does this image show rabbit lesion with foam cell immediately beneath endothelium?,yes ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,what is present?,aorta ,is aorta present?,yes ,what is the vessel wall infiltrated with?,leukocytes ,what is present?,atherosclerosis ,is atherosclerosis present?,yes ,where is this?,aorta ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,aorta ,what is present?,atherosclerosis ,what does this image show?,endothelium with myelin bodies precipitated lipid in interstitial space ,how does this image show endothelium?,with myelin bodies precipitated lipid in interstitial space ,does this image show endothelium with myelin bodies precipitated lipid in interstitial space?,yes ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is the vessel wall infiltrated with leukocytes?,yes ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,what is present?,coronary artery ,is coronary artery present?,yes ,where is this?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what is present?,coronary artery ,what does this image show?,smooth muscle cell with lipid monocyte and precipitated lipid in interstitial space ,is low-power view infiltrated with leukocytes?,no ,does this image show smooth muscle cell with lipid monocyte and precipitated lipid in interstitial space?,yes ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is macerated stillborn present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is amyloidosis present?,no ,what is present?,coronary artery ,is coronary artery present?,yes ,is aorta present?,no ,what is occluded by thrombus containing a sterile abscess?,the lumen ,where is this?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what is present?,coronary artery ,what does this image show?,chagas disease ,"does this image show chagas disease, acute, trypanasoma cruzi?",yes ,"does very good example show chagas disease, acute, trypanasoma cruzi?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is papillary intraductal adenocarcinoma present?,no ,"what is the lumen occluded by, containing a sterile abscess?",thrombus ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,normal aortic valve ,does this image show normal aortic valve?,yes ,does macerated stillborn show normal aortic valve?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is peritoneum present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is numerous friable mural thrombi edematous and congested?,no ,is the lumen occluded by thrombus containing a sterile abscess?,yes ,what does this image show?,normal tricuspid valve ,does this image show normal tricuspid valve?,yes ,does myocardium show normal tricuspid valve?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is capillary present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,does this image show normal cardiovascular?,yes ,does fat necrosis show normal cardiovascular?,no ,"are large, flat cells with small nuclei occluded by thrombus containing a sterile abscess?",no ,where is this?,heart ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, myocardial infarction, surgery to repair interventricular septum rupture?",yes ,"does notochord show heart, myocardial infarction, surgery to repair interventricular septum rupture?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is polycystic disease present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,heart ,what is on the lower right in this apical four-chamber view of the heart?,left ventricle ,"does this image show heart, myocardial infarction, surgery to repair interventricular septum rupture?",yes ,"does beckwith-wiedemann syndrome show heart, myocardial infarction, surgery to repair interventricular septum rupture?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is carcinomatosis present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, myocardial infarction, surgery to repair interventricular septum rupture?",yes ,"does side show heart, myocardial infarction, surgery to repair interventricular septum rupture?",no ,where is the left ventricle in this apical four-chamber view of the heart?,on the lower right ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is myocardium present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,pericarditis ,"does this image show pericarditis, secondary to mediastanitis from pseudomonas and enterobacter 14 days post op?",yes ,"does atrophy show pericarditis, secondary to mediastanitis from pseudomonas and enterobacter 14 days post op?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is the left ventricle on the lower right in this apical four-chamber view of the heart?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,prosthetic mitral valve ,"does this image show prosthetic mitral valve, carpentier-edwards valve bovine pericardial bioprosthesis?",yes ,"does fibrinous peritonitis show prosthetic mitral valve, carpentier-edwards valve bovine pericardial bioprosthesis?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is this image shows of smooth muscle cell with lipid in sarcoplasm and lipid present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,is plaque rupture without on the lower right in this apical four-chamber view of the heart?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,heart ,does this image show heart?,yes ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is aorta present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,atherosclerosis ,does this image show atherosclerosis?,yes ,what is due to enzyme leakage after cell death?,the absence of staining ,does marfans syndrome show atherosclerosis?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is natural color present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is beckwith-wiedemann syndrome present?,no ,where is this?,vasculature ,what left anterior descending coronary artery?,atherosclerosis ,what is atherosclerosis left?,anterior descending coronary artery ,what is the absence of staining due to?,enzyme leakage after cell death ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,how is atherosclerosis left anterior descending artery?,coronary ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, recent coronary artery bypass graft?",yes ,"does myocardium show heart, recent coronary artery bypass graft?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is surface present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,is the absence of staining due to enzyme leakage after cell death?,yes ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery ,does this image show ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery?,yes ,does fibrinous peritonitis show ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is subdiaphragmatic abscess present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is aorta present?,no ,what is demonstrated by a lack of triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining in areas of necrosis?,acute myocardial infarct of the posterolateral left ventricle ,where is this?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery ,does this image show ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery?,yes ,does infant body show ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is this section showing liver with tumor mass in hilar area tumor present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,what reveals a predominantly perivascular cellular infiltrate that marks positively with anti-cd4 antibodies?,immunoperoxidase staining ,what is acute myocardial infarct of the posterolateral left ventricle demonstrate by?,a lack of triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining in areas of necrosis ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma prostate present?,no ,where is this?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,abdominal aorta ,"does this image show abdominal aorta, atherosclerosis and fusiform aneurysm?",yes ,"does lateral view show abdominal aorta, atherosclerosis and fusiform aneurysm?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,how did acute myocardial infarct of the posterolateral left ventricle demonstrate?,by a lack of triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining in areas of necrosis ,is atherosclerosis present?,no ,where is this?,aorta ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,saphenous vein graft anastamosis in aorta ,does this image show saphenous vein graft anastamosis in aorta?,yes ,does artery show saphenous vein graft anastamosis in aorta?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,where is this?,aorta ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is acute myocardial infarct of the posterolateral left ventricle demonstrated by a lack of triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining in areas of necrosis?,yes ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, myocardial infarction free wall, 6 days old, in a patient with diabetes mellitus and hypertension?",yes ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, myocardial infarction free wall, 6 days old, in a patient with diabetes mellitus and hypertension?",yes ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is the moderate-power view of the plaque demonstrated by a lack of triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining in areas of necrosis?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,thromboembolus from leg veins in right ventricle and atrium ,does this image show thromboembolus from leg veins in right ventricle and atrium?,yes ,does amyloidosis show thromboembolus from leg veins in right ventricle and atrium?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is cranial artery present?,no ,what is present?,heart ,is heart present?,yes ,when is the absence of staining due to enzyme leakage?,after cell death ,is this image shows of smooth muscle cell with lipid in sarcoplasm and lipid present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,heart ,what does this image show?,heart transplant ,"does this image show heart transplant, 2 years post surgery?",yes ,"does beckwith-wiedemann syndrome show heart transplant, 2 years post surgery?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is spina bifida present?,no ,what are separated by edema fluid?,necrotic cells ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, coronary artery, atherosclerosis?",yes ,"does lesion of myocytolysis show heart, coronary artery, atherosclerosis?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is adenocarcinoma present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what are necrotic cells separated by?,edema fluid ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, hemochromatosis?",yes ,"does vessel show heart, hemochromatosis?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is artery present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, acute myocardial infarction, anterior wall?",yes ,are necrotic cells separated by edema fluid?,yes ,"does omentum show heart, acute myocardial infarction, anterior wall?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is very good example present?,no ,where is this?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, myocardial infarction, wavey fiber change, necrtosis, hemorrhage, and dissection?",yes ,"does pus in test tube show heart, myocardial infarction, wavey fiber change, necrtosis, hemorrhage, and dissection?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,are normal media for comparison separated by edema fluid?,no ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is subdiaphragmatic abscess present?,no ,where is this from?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery ,does this image show ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery?,yes ,does granulomata slide show ruptured saccular aneurysm right middle cerebral artery?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is capillary present?,no ,what are seen microscopically?,hemorrhage and contraction bands ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is infant body present?,no ,where is this in?,in vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,saphenous vein graft sclerosis ,does this image show saphenous vein graft sclerosis?,yes ,does chronic ischemia show saphenous vein graft sclerosis?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does immunoperoxidase staining reveal that marks positively with anti-cd4 antibodies?,a predominantly perivascular cellular infiltrate ,"are hemorrhage and contraction bands, visible as prominent hypereosinophilic cross-striations spanning myofibers, seen microscopically?",yes ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is this typical lesion present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is spina bifida present?,no ,where is this in?,in vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,saphenous vein graft sclerosis ,does this image show saphenous vein graft sclerosis?,yes ,are laceration of the scalp seen microscopically?,no ,does granulomata slide show saphenous vein graft sclerosis?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is case of peritonitis slide present?,no ,where is this in?,in vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,coronary artery atherosclerosis ,what is there marked as seen from above the valve?,left atrial dilation ,does this image show coronary artery atherosclerosis?,yes ,does sacrococcygeal teratoma show coronary artery atherosclerosis?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is peritoneum present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is this present?,no ,where is this in?,in vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is there marked left atrial dilation as seen from above the valve?,yes ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,thromboembolus from leg veins in pulmonary artery ,does this image show thromboembolus from leg veins in pulmonary artery?,yes ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is papillary intraductal adenocarcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma present?,no ,where is this in?,vasculature ,is high-power view of another region marked left atrial dilation as seen from above the valve?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,thrombus in leg vein with early organization ,how does this image show thrombus in leg vein?,with early organization ,does this image show thrombus in leg vein with early organization?,yes ,does mesothelioma show thrombus in leg vein with early organization?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is leiomyosarcoma present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,what are also present in the red cells of this asplenic patient?,howell-jolly bodies (small nuclear remnants) ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is quite good liver present?,no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,thromboembolus from leg veins in pulmonary artery ,does this image show thromboembolus from leg veins in pulmonary artery?,yes ,does nipple duplication show thromboembolus from leg veins in pulmonary artery?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,where are howell-jolly bodies present?,in the red cells of this asplenic patient ,is acid present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is papillary intraductal adenocarcinoma present?,no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,heart ,"does this image show heart, acute myocardial infarction?",yes ,"does chest and abdomen slide show heart, acute myocardial infarction?",no ,are howell-jolly bodies present in the red cells of this asplenic patient?,yes ,what stain?,aldehyde fuscin ,do aldehyde fuscin stain?,yes ,do pagets disease stain?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is marked present?,no ,where is this from?,heart ,what stain?,"heart, acute myocardial infarction, aldehyde fuscin" ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what does this image show?,right coronary artery ,are cystic hygromas present in the red cells of this asplenic patient?,no ,"does this image show right coronary artery, atherosclerosis and acute thrombus?",yes ,"does stillborn macerated show right coronary artery, atherosclerosis and acute thrombus?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is mesothelioma present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is tuberculosis present?,no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,does show flow cytometry result for the all shown in the figure?,yes ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,polyarteritis nodosa ,does this image show polyarteritis nodosa?,yes ,does nodular tumor show polyarteritis nodosa?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is muscle atrophy present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is retroperitoneum present?,no ,does immunoperoxidase staining reveal a predominantly perivascular cellular infiltrate that marks positively with anti-cd4 antibodies?,yes ,does acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis result for the all shown in the figure?,no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,polyarteritis nodosa ,does this image show polyarteritis nodosa?,yes ,does stillborn macerated show polyarteritis nodosa?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is all the fat necrosis present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,what are present throughout?,nodular aggregates of lymphoma cells ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is stillborn macerated present?,no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,polyarteritis nodosa ,does this image show polyarteritis nodosa?,yes ,does macerated stillborn show polyarteritis nodosa?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,are nodular aggregates of lymphoma cells present throughout?,yes ,is this present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is beckwith-wiedemann syndrome present?,no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,vasculitis ,"does this image show vasculitis, polyarteritis nodosa?",yes ,"does retroperitoneum show vasculitis, polyarteritis nodosa?",no ,are the segregation of b cells and t cells in different regions of the lymph node present throughout?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is beckwith-wiedemann syndrome present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is coronary artery present?,no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,vasculitis ,"what is surrounded by lymphocytes, macrophages, and an eosinophil?",a binucleate reed-sternberg cell ,"does this image show vasculitis, polyarteritis nodosa?",yes ,"does breast show vasculitis, polyarteritis nodosa?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is opened muscle present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is lateral view present?,no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,"is a binucleate reed-sternberg cell with large, inclusion-like nucleoli and abundant cytoplasm surrounded by lymphocytes, macrophages, and an eosinophil?",yes ,what is present?,vasculature ,what does this image show?,vasculitis ,"does this image show vasculitis, polyarteritis nodosa?",yes ,"does subdiaphragmatic abscess show vasculitis, polyarteritis nodosa?",no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is lower chest and abdomen anterior present?,no ,what is present?,vasculature ,is vasculature present?,yes ,is macerated stillborn present?,no ,"is the intact basement membrane surrounded by lymphocytes, macrophages, and an eosinophil?",no ,where is this from?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,vasculature ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is chronic ischemia present?,no ,what is present?,angiogram saphenous vein bypass graft ,is angiogram saphenous vein bypass graft present?,yes ,is myocardium present?,no ,where is this from?,heart ,"what surround scattered, large, pale-staining lymphocytic and histiocytic variants popcorn cells?",numerous mature-looking lymphocytes ,what left ventricles?,x-ray postmortinjection showing vein anastomosis very well and the vasculature of the right and ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,angiogram saphenous vein bypass graft ,what does this image show?,x-ray postmortinjection horizontal slice of left ventricle showing very well penetrating arteries ,does this image show x-ray postmortinjection horizontal slice of left ventricle showing very well penetrating arteries?,yes ,does nipple duplication show x-ray postmortinjection horizontal slice of left ventricle showing very well penetrating arteries?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is siamese twins present?,no ,what is present?,angiogram ,what do numerous mature-looking lymphocytes surround?,scattered ,is angiogram present?,yes ,is acid present?,no ,where is this from?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,angiogram ,what does this image show?,postmortangiogram with apparent lesions in proximal right coronary ,how does this image show postmortangiogram?,with apparent lesions in proximal right coronary ,does this image show postmortangiogram with apparent lesions in proximal right coronary?,yes ,does angiogram show postmortangiogram with apparent lesions in proximal right coronary?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,"do numerous mature-looking lymphocytes surround scattered, large, pale-staining lymphocytic and histiocytic variants (popcorn cells)?",yes ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is natural color present?,no ,what is present?,angiogram ,is angiogram present?,yes ,is mesothelioma present?,no ,where is this from?,heart ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,angiogram ,what does this image show?,carotid sclerosing panarteritis ,does this image show carotid sclerosing panarteritis?,yes ,does failure to stain reveal a predominantly perivascular cellular infiltrate that marks positively with anti-cd4 antibodies?,no ,"do small vegetations surround scattered, large, pale-staining lymphocytic and histiocytic variants popcorn cells?",no ,does acute lymphocytic leukemia show carotid sclerosing panarteritis?,no ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,is cardiovascular present?,yes ,is leiomyosarcoma present?,no ,what is present?,aorta ,is aorta present?,yes ,is mitotic figures present?,no ,where is this from?,aorta ,what is present?,cardiovascular ,what is present?,aorta ,does infective endocarditis result for the aml shown in the figure?,no ,what does this image show?,prolactin secreting dr garcia tumors 34 ,does this image show prolactin secreting dr garcia tumors 34?,yes ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,what is present?,pituitary ,is pituitary present?,yes ,what is present?,adenoma ,is adenoma present?,yes ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,pituitary ,are the normal areas dna content and the zygosity plot positive for the stem cell marker cd34 and the myeloid lineage specific markers cd33 and cd15 subset?,no ,what is present?,adenoma ,what does this image show?,adrenal gland ,"does this image show adrenal gland, severe hemorrhage waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome?",yes ,"does pituitary show adrenal gland, severe hemorrhage waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is newborn cord around neck present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,thyroid ,how is marked enlargement of the air spaces?,with destruction alveolar septa but without fibrosis ,"does this image show thyroid, goiter?",yes ,"does lymphangiomatosis show thyroid, goiter?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is case of peritonitis slide present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,thyroid ,"does this image show thyroid, goiter?",yes ,"does atrophy show thyroid, goiter?",no ,"is there marked enlargement of the air spaces, with destruction of alveolar septa but without fibrosis?",yes ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is adenocarcinoma present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,thyroid ,"does this image show thyroid, nodular colloid goiter?",yes ,"does peritoneum show thyroid, nodular colloid goiter?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,"is the healing stage marked enlargement of the air spaces, with destruction of alveolar septa but without fibrosis?",no ,is anomalous origin present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,adrenal ,"does this image show adrenal, hemorrhage?",yes ,"does another fiber other frame show adrenal, hemorrhage?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is angiogram present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what demonstrates large numbers of intraalveolar hemosiderin-laden macrophages on a background of thickened fibrous septa?,lung biopsy specimen ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,adrenal ,"does this image show adrenal, cortical hyperplasia?",yes ,"does tuberculosis show adrenal, cortical hyperplasia?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is anomalous origin present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,thyroid ,what does the lung biopsy specimen demonstrate?,large numbers of intraalveolar hemosiderin-laden macrophages ,"does this image show thyroid, follicular adenoma?",yes ,"does embryo-fetus show thyroid, follicular adenoma?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,thyroid ,"does this image show thyroid, hurthle cell adenoma?",yes ,"does acute peritonitis show thyroid, hurthle cell adenoma?",no ,does lung biopsy specimen demonstrate large numbers of intraalveolar hemosiderin-laden macrophages on a background of thickened fibrous septa?,yes ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is stillborn cord around neck present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,thyroid ,"does this image show thyroid, hashimotos?",yes ,"does coronary artery show thyroid, hashimotos?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,does cross-section of aortic media from a patient with marfan syndrome demonstrate large numbers of intraalveolar hemosiderin-laden macrophages on a background of thickened fibrous septa?,no ,is anomalous origin present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,parathyroid hyperplasia ,does this image show parathyroid hyperplasia?,yes ,does fibrinous peritonitis show parathyroid hyperplasia?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is subdiaphragmatic abscess present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,"what is typical of antibodies reactive with dsdna, nucleosomes, and histones, and is common in sle?",homogeneous or diffuse staining of nuclei ,what shows central granular caseation surrounded by epithelioid and multinucleate giant cells?,a characteristic tubercle ,what is present?,endocrine ,"does this image show adrenal, pheochromocytoma?",yes ,"does cachexia show adrenal, pheochromocytoma?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is granulomata slide present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image adrenal?,both adrenals external views focal hemorrhages do not know history looks like placental abruption ,does this image adrenal both adrenals external views focal hemorrhages do not know history looks like placental abruption?,yes ,what does a characteristic tubercle at low magnification show?,central granular caseation ,what does this image show?,both adrenals external views focal hemorrhages do not know history looks like placental abruption ,does this image show both adrenals external views focal hemorrhages do not know history looks like placental abruption?,yes ,what looks like placental abruption?,history ,what does history look?,like placental abruption ,does history look like placental abruption?,yes ,what do not know history looks like placental abruption?,focal hemorrhages ,what do focal hemorrhages looks like placental abruption?,not know history ,do focal hemorrhages not know history looks like placental abruption?,yes ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,does a characteristic tubercle at low magnification show central granular caseation surrounded by epithelioid and multinucleate giant cells?,yes ,what is present?,hemorrhage newborn ,is hemorrhage newborn present?,yes ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what do not know history?,focal hemorrhages ,what do focal hemorrhages?,not know history ,what looks like placental abruption?,both adrenals external views focal hemorrhages do not know history ,what does both adrenals external views focal hemorrhages do not know history look?,like placental abruption ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,hemorrhage newborn ,how does both adrenals external views focal hemorrhages do not know history look like abruption?,placental ,does mycobacterium avium infection in a duodenal biopsy from a patient with aids show central granular caseation surrounded by epithelioid and multinucleate giant cells?,no ,what looks like placental abruption?,cut surfaces of both adrenals focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown do not know history ,what does cut surfaces of both adrenals focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown do not know history look?,like placental abruption ,does cut surfaces of both adrenals focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown do not know history look like placental abruption?,yes ,what does this image show?,cut surfaces of both adrenals focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown do not know history looks like placental abruption ,does this image show cut surfaces of both adrenals focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown do not know history looks like placental abruption?,yes ,what do not know history?,focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown ,what do focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown?,not know history ,do focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown not know history?,yes ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,what is the usual response in individuals who develop cell-mediated immunity to the organism?,central granular caseation ,what is present?,hemorrhage newborn ,is hemorrhage newborn present?,yes ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what do not know history?,focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown ,what do focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown?,not know history ,what looks like placental abruption?,cut surfaces of both adrenals focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown do not know history ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,hemorrhage newborn ,what does this image show?,massive replacement can not see any adrenal tissue ,does this image show massive replacement can not see any adrenal tissue?,yes ,is this the usual response in individuals who develop cell-mediated immunity to the organism?,yes ,does lateral view show massive replacement can not see any adrenal tissue?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is cranial artery present?,no ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma lung ,is metastatic carcinoma lung present?,yes ,is nipple duplication present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma lung ,is acute promyelocytic leukemia-bone marrow the usual response in individuals who develop cell-mediated immunity to the organism?,no ,does this image show close-up very good photo?,yes ,does lower chest and abdomen anterior show close-up very good photo?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is coronary artery anomalous origin left from pulmonary artery present?,no ,what is present?,adrenal ,is adrenal present?,yes ,is intraductal papillomatosis with apocrine metaplasia present?,no ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma ,is metastatic carcinoma present?,yes ,what has pseudohyphae and budding yeasts?,candida organism ,is lateral view present?,no ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,adrenal ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma ,what does this image show?,excellent example lul scar adenocarcinoma ,does this image show excellent example lul scar adenocarcinoma?,yes ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,what is present?,adrenal ,what does candida organism have?,pseudohyphae and budding yeasts ,is adrenal present?,yes ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma lung ,is metastatic carcinoma lung present?,yes ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,adrenal ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma lung ,what does this image show?,intact gland with obvious nodule ,how does this image show intact gland?,with obvious nodule ,does this image show intact gland with obvious nodule?,yes ,does candida organism have pseudohyphae and budding yeasts silver stain?,yes ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,what is present?,adrenal ,is adrenal present?,yes ,what is present?,cortical nodule ,is cortical nodule present?,yes ,where does this belong to?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,adrenal ,what is present?,cortical nodule ,two have lost whose nuclei?,their ,where is homogeneous or diffuse staining of nuclei common?,in sle ,does acute cellular rejection of a kidney graft have pseudohyphae and budding yeasts silver stain?,no ,what does this image show?,thyroid ,"does this image show thyroid, normal?",yes ,"does opened muscle show thyroid, normal?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is lesion present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,pituitary ,"does this image show pituitary, chromaphobe adenoma?",yes ,"what shows septate hyphae with acute-angle branching, consistent with aspergillus?",gomori methenamine-silver (gms) stain ,"does coronary artery show pituitary, chromaphobe adenoma?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is hemorrhage in newborn present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,adrenal gland ,"does this image show adrenal gland, severe hemorrhage waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome?",yes ,"does hemorrhage associated with placental abruption show adrenal gland, severe hemorrhage waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does gomori methenamine-silver (gms) stain show?,septate hyphae with acute-angle branching ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is side present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,adrenal gland ,"does this image show adrenal gland, normal histology?",yes ,"does adenocarcinoma show adrenal gland, normal histology?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is omentum present?,no ,how does gomori methenamine-silver (gms) stain show septate hyphae?,with acute-angle branching ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,thyroid ,"does this image show thyroid, hashimoto 's?",yes ,"does conjoined twins show thyroid, hashimoto 's?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is anencephaly present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,"does gomori methenamine-silver (gms) stain show septate hyphae with acute-angle branching, consistent with aspergillus?",yes ,what does this image show?,pancrease ,"does this image show pancrease, islet amyloid, diabetes mellitus?",yes ,"does nodular tumor show pancrease, islet amyloid, diabetes mellitus?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is fibrinous peritonitis present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,pancrease ,"does this image show pancrease, islet amyloid, diabetes mellitus?",yes ,"do small nests of epithelial cells and myxoid stroma forming cartilage and bone show septate hyphae with acute-angle branching, consistent with aspergillus?",no ,"does abdomen show pancrease, islet amyloid, diabetes mellitus?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is lower chest and abdomen anterior present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,parathyroid ,"does this image show parathyroid, hyperplasia?",yes ,"does acute peritonitis show parathyroid, hyperplasia?",no ,what is present?,endocrine ,what are somewhat variable in size?,the organisms ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is coronary artery anomalous origin left from pulmonary artery present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what does this image show?,well circumscribed papillary lesion see for high mag ,does this image show well circumscribed papillary lesion see for high mag?,yes ,does cytomegalovirus show well circumscribed papillary lesion see for high mag?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is tuberculosis present?,no ,how are the organisms?,somewhat variable in size ,what is present?,pituitary ,is pituitary present?,yes ,is abdomen present?,no ,what is present?,adenoma ,is adenoma present?,yes ,is this photo of infant from head to toe present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what see for high mag?,well circumscribed papillary lesion ,what does well circumscribed papillary lesion see?,for high mag ,what is present?,endocrine ,are the organisms somewhat variable in size?,yes ,what is present?,pituitary ,what is present?,adenoma ,how does well circumscribed papillary lesion see for mag?,high ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma prostate present?,no ,what is present?,pituitary ,is pituitary present?,yes ,is marked present?,no ,what is present?,eosinophilic adenoma ,are the areas of white chalky deposits somewhat variable in size?,no ,is eosinophilic adenoma present?,yes ,is abdomen present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,pituitary ,what is present?,eosinophilic adenoma ,what does this image show?,wide fetal zone 2 days old ,does this image show wide fetal zone 2 days old?,yes ,does quite good liver show wide fetal zone 2 days old?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,how is homogeneous or diffuse staining of nuclei?,common ,what is caused by intracapillary leukocytes and proliferation of intrinsic glomerular cells?,glomerular hypercellularity ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is capillary present?,no ,what is present?,adrenal ,is adrenal present?,yes ,is slide present?,no ,what is present?,normal newborn ,is normal newborn present?,yes ,is artery present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is glomerular hypercellularity caused by?,intracapillary leukocytes and proliferation of intrinsic glomerular cells ,what is present?,adrenal ,what is present?,normal newborn ,what does this image show?,carotid artery in region of pituitary with tumor cells in soft tissue ,does this image show carotid artery in region of pituitary with tumor cells in soft tissue?,yes ,does lateral view show carotid artery in region of pituitary with tumor cells in soft tissue?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is aorta present?,no ,what is present?,malignant adenoma ,is malignant adenoma present?,yes ,is glomerular hypercellularity caused by intracapillary leukocytes and proliferation of intrinsic glomerular cells?,yes ,is cachexia present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,malignant adenoma ,what does this image show?,typical cells ,does this image show typical cells?,yes ,does atherosclerosis show typical cells?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is carcinomatosis endometrium primary present?,no ,is microscopic view of breast carcinoma caused by intracapillary leukocytes and proliferation of intrinsic glomerular cells?,no ,what is present?,adrenal ,is adrenal present?,yes ,is outside adrenal capsule section present?,no ,what is present?,cytomegaly ,is cytomegaly present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma oat cell present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,adrenal ,what is present?,cytomegaly ,what are in the tubules?,the red blood cell casts ,what does this image show?,typical severe hashimotos no thyroid tissue recognizable ,does this image show typical severe hashimotos no thyroid tissue recognizable?,yes ,does carcinoma show typical severe hashimotos no thyroid tissue recognizable?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is beckwith-wiedemann syndrome present?,no ,what is present?,autoimmune thyroiditis ,is autoimmune thyroiditis present?,yes ,is aorta present?,no ,where is this part in the figure?,endocrine system ,where are the red blood cell casts?,in the tubules ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,autoimmune thyroiditis ,what does this image show?,x-ray sella ,does this image show x-ray sella?,yes ,does papillary adenoma show x-ray sella?,no ,what is present?,endocrine ,is endocrine present?,yes ,is pus in test tube present?,no ,what is present?,pituitary ,is pituitary present?,yes ,are the red blood cell casts in the tubules?,yes ,is glomerulosa present?,no ,what is present?,chromophobe adenoma ,is chromophobe adenoma present?,yes ,is hemochromatosis present?,no ,where does this x-ray been taken?,endocrine system ,what is present?,endocrine ,what is present?,pituitary ,what is present?,chromophobe adenoma ,what has polycystic disease?,no ,what does child have?,child ,are reversibly injured myocardium in the tubules?,no ,does child have polycystic disease?,yes ,does opened muscle have polycystic disease?,no ,what does this image show?,child has polycystic disease ,does this image show child has polycystic disease?,yes ,does pituitary show child has polycystic disease?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are view looking down on heads present?,no ,what is present?,hand ,is hand present?,yes ,what is highly variable?,gross appearance of leukoplakia ,is focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown present?,no ,how many digits and syndactyly is present?,six ,what is present?,six digits and syndactyly ,is six digits and syndactyly present?,six ,is electron micrographs demonstrating fiber present?,yes ,what has polycystic disease?,child ,what does child have?,polycystic disease ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,hand ,what is present?,six digits and syndactyly ,is the gross appearance of leukoplakia highly variable?,yes ,how does child have disease?,polycystic ,what shows well shown simian crease?,no ,does this image show well shown simian crease?,this ,does atrophy show well shown simian crease?,yes ,what are present?,no ,are extremities present?,extremities ,are liver with tuberculoid granuloma in glissons present?,yes ,what is present?,no ,is hand present?,hand ,is hemochromatosis present?,yes ,"is homogeneous or diffuse staining of nuclei typical of antibodies reactive with dsdna, nucleosomes, and histones?",yes ,is the wall of the artery highly variable?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,hand ,what shows close-up supernumerary digit?,no ,does this image show close-up supernumerary digit?,this ,does endocrine show close-up supernumerary digit?,yes ,what are present?,no ,are extremities present?,extremities ,are skin over back a buttocks present?,yes ,what is present?,no ,is hand present?,hand ,what is smooth with well-demarcated borders and minimal elevation in this example?,the lesion ,is very good example present?,yes ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,hand ,what indicated?,source ,is source indicated?,yes ,is acute lymphocytic leukemia indicated?,no ,what does this image show?,source indicated ,does this image show source indicated?,yes ,does vasculature show source indicated?,no ,what is a simian crease suspect?,previous slide from this case ,how is the lesion in this example?,smooth with well-demarcated borders and minimal elevation ,what is previous slide from this case suspect?,a simian crease ,is previous slide from this case a simian crease suspect?,yes ,is lateral view a simian crease suspect?,no ,what was taken from another case to illustrate the difference?,this ,what was this taken from to illustrate the difference?,taken another case ,was this taken from another case to illustrate the difference?,yes ,was atrophy taken from another case to illustrate the difference?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are six digits and syndactyly present?,no ,is the lesion smooth with well-demarcated borders and minimal elevation in this example?,yes ,what is present?,hand ,is hand present?,yes ,is malignant lymphoma present?,no ,what is present?,palmar crease normal ,is palmar crease normal present?,yes ,is embryo-fetus present?,no ,what is a simian crease suspect?,previous slide from this case ,what is previous slide from this case suspect?,a simian crease ,what indicated?,source ,what was taken from another case to illustrate the difference?,this ,is the green probe smooth with well-demarcated borders and minimal elevation in this example?,no ,what was this taken from to illustrate the difference?,taken another case ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,hand ,what is present?,palmar crease normal ,how is previous slide from this case a crease suspect?,simian ,what does this image show?,foot of infant with gangrenous tips of all toes case of sepsis with dic ,how does this image show foot of infant?,with gangrenous tips all toes case sepsis with dic ,does this image show foot of infant with gangrenous tips of all toes case of sepsis with dic?,yes ,does chronic ischemia show foot of infant with gangrenous tips of all toes case of sepsis with dic?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what is characterized by nuclear and cellular pleomorphism and loss of normal maturation?,dysplasia ,are extremities present?,yes ,are x-ray intramyocardial arteries present?,no ,what is present?,gangrene ,is gangrene present?,yes ,is this image present?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,gangrene ,how many toes does this image show view from dorsum of foot which has at least?,9 ,what does this image show?,view from dorsum of foot which has at least 9 toes ,does this image show view from dorsum of foot which has at least 9 toes?,yes ,what is dysplasia characterized by?,nuclear and cellular pleomorphism and loss of normal maturation ,does endocrine show view from dorsum of foot which has at least 9 toes?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are view looking down on heads present?,no ,what is present?,supernumerary digits ,is supernumerary digits present?,yes ,is six digits present?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,supernumerary digits ,why does this image show obvious gangrenous necrosis?,due to shock or embolism postoperative cardiac surgery ,how is histologic appearance of leukoplakia showing dysplasia characterized?,by nuclear and cellular pleomorphism and loss of normal maturation ,what does this image show?,obvious gangrenous necrosis due to shock or embolism postoperative cardiac surgery ,does this image show obvious gangrenous necrosis due to shock or embolism postoperative cardiac surgery?,yes ,does normal immature infant show obvious gangrenous necrosis due to shock or embolism postoperative cardiac surgery?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are x-ray intramyocardial arteries present?,no ,what is present?,hand ,is hand present?,yes ,is cachexia present?,no ,what is present?,gangrene fingers ,is histologic appearance of leukoplakia showing dysplasia characterized by nuclear and cellular pleomorphism and loss of normal maturation?,yes ,is gangrene fingers present?,yes ,is skin over back a buttocks present?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,hand ,what is present?,gangrene fingers ,what does this image show?,ok but not close enough petechiae ,does this image show ok but not close enough petechiae?,yes ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,what is present?,leg ,is the placenta characterized by nuclear and cellular pleomorphism and loss of normal maturation?,no ,is leg present?,yes ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,leg ,what does this image show?,excellent example gangrene first ,does this image show excellent example gangrene first?,yes ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,what are present?,extremities ,what does this image show?,well demarcated gangrene third and fourth toes ,does this image show well demarcated gangrene third and fourth toes?,yes ,"are the photomicrographs typical of antibodies reactive with dsdna, nucleosomes, and histones?",no ,what are seen on the left?,the normal gland acini ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,what are present?,extremities ,what does this image show?,excellent great toe lesion ,does this image show excellent great toe lesion?,yes ,does marfans syndrome show excellent great toe lesion?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are hours present?,no ,what is present?,gangrene ,where are the normal gland acini seen?,on the left ,is gangrene present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma prostate present?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,gangrene ,what said to be due to embolism?,excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers ,why is excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers said to be?,due embolism ,what is excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers said?,to be due to embolism ,is excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers said to be due to embolism?,yes ,is digits said to be due to embolism?,no ,why does this image show excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers said to be?,due embolism ,are the normal gland acini seen on the left?,yes ,what does this image show?,excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers said to be due to embolism ,does this image show excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers said to be due to embolism?,yes ,does this section show excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers said to be due to embolism?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are cells present?,no ,what said to be due to embolism?,excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers ,what are present?,extremities ,how is excellent gangrenous necrosis of fingers said to be to embolism?,due ,what does this image show?,close-up view of gangrene ,are the lower lobe seen on the left?,no ,does this image show close-up view of gangrene?,yes ,does atherosclerosis show close-up view of gangrene?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are renal polycystic disease legs present?,no ,what is present?,feet ,is feet present?,yes ,is six digits present?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,feet ,does endoscopic view of a longitudinally-oriented mallory-weiss tear?,yes ,how many toes does this image show excellent example of gangrene of the first?,four ,what does this image show?,excellent example of gangrene of the first four toes ,does this image show excellent example of gangrene of the first four toes?,yes ,does omentum show excellent example of gangrene of the first four toes?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are feet present?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what requires dark room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis?,case of dic not bad photo ,what does case of dic not bad photo require?,dark room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis ,does the palisade of cartilage tear?,no ,does case of dic not bad photo require dark room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis?,yes ,does pus in test tube require dark room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis?,no ,what does this image show?,case of dic not bad photo requires dark room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis ,does this image show case of dic not bad photo requires dark room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis?,yes ,does metastatic carcinoma lung show case of dic not bad photo requires dark room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are hyalin mass in pituitary which is amyloid there are several slides from this case in this file 23 yowf amyloid limited to brain present?,no ,what is present?,hand ,is hand present?,yes ,"what is found in the mid-esophagus, where it commonly causes strictures?",squamous cell carcinoma ,is parathyroid present?,no ,what is present?,acrocyanosis ,is acrocyanosis present?,yes ,is lymphoma present?,no ,what requires dark room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis?,case of dic not bad photo ,what are present?,extremities ,what is present?,hand ,what is present?,acrocyanosis ,how does case of dic not bad photo require room to see subtle distal phalangeal cyanosis?,dark ,how does case of dic not bad photo require dark room to see distal phalangeal cyanosis?,subtle ,where is squamous cell carcinoma found?,in the mid-esophagus ,how does case of dic not bad photo require dark room to see subtle phalangeal cyanosis?,distal ,what does this image show?,toes ,"does this image show toes, dry gangrene?",yes ,"does previous slide from this case show toes, dry gangrene?",no ,what are present?,extremities ,are extremities present?,yes ,are section of both kidneys and adrenals present?,no ,what are present?,extremities ,what does this image show?,disseminated intravascular coagulation dic ,does this image show disseminated intravascular coagulation dic?,yes ,"is squamous cell carcinoma found in the mid-esophagus, where it commonly causes strictures?",yes ,does child show disseminated intravascular coagulation dic?,no ,what is present?,eye ,is eye present?,yes ,is mucoepidermoid carcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,eye ,what does this image show?,disseminated intravascular coagulation dic ,does this image show disseminated intravascular coagulation dic?,yes ,does lymphangiomatosis generalized show disseminated intravascular coagulation dic?,no ,what is present?,eye ,is eye present?,yes ,"is cd15 found in the mid-esophagus, where it commonly causes strictures?",no ,is this photo of infant from head to toe present?,no ,what is present?,eye ,what does this image show?,uterus ,"does this image show uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries ; normal?",yes ,"does chronic ischemia show uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries ; normal?",no ,where does this part belong to?,female reproductive system ,what does this image show?,uterus ,"does this image show uterus, leiomyoma?",yes ,"does muscle atrophy show uterus, leiomyoma?",no ,where does this part belong to?,female reproductive system ,"are skin stem cells typical of antibodies reactive with dsdna, nucleosomes, and histones, and common in sle?",no ,what is limited to the mucosa?,disease ,what does this image show?,uterus ,"does this image show uterus, leiomyoma?",yes ,"does cardiovascular show uterus, leiomyoma?",no ,where does this part belong to?,female reproductive system ,what does this image show?,nicely shown large neoplasm with fish flesh cerebriform appearance ,does this image show nicely shown large neoplasm with fish flesh cerebriform appearance?,yes ,does 70yof show nicely shown large neoplasm with fish flesh cerebriform appearance?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is leiomyomas present?,no ,what is disease limited to?,the mucosa ,what is present?,uterus ,is uterus present?,yes ,is surface present?,no ,what is present?,leiomyosarcoma ,is leiomyosarcoma present?,yes ,is heart present?,no ,where does this part belong to?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,uterus ,what is present?,leiomyosarcoma ,is disease limited to the mucosa?,yes ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue close-up well shown tan-orange luteum tissue cysts in sliced ovaries three day old ,does this image show fixed tissue close-up well shown tan-orange luteum tissue cysts in sliced ovaries three day old?,yes ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,what is present?,ovary ,is ovary present?,yes ,what is present?,theca luteum cysts in newborn ,is theca luteum cysts in newborn present?,yes ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is masson trichrome limited to the mucosa?,no ,what is present?,ovary ,what is present?,theca luteum cysts in newborn ,what does this image show?,saggital section which is a very good illustration of lesion ,does this image show saggital section which is a very good illustration of this lesion?,yes ,does spina bifida show saggital section which is a very good illustration of this lesion?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is gout present?,no ,what is present?,placenta ,is placenta present?,yes ,what shows that disease is limited to the mucosa?,the full-thickness histologic section ,is glomerulosa present?,no ,what is present?,abruption ,is abruption present?,yes ,is palmar crease normal present?,no ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,placenta ,what is present?,abruption ,how many arteries does this image show cross sections showing apparently and two veins?,four ,how many veins does this image show cross sections showing apparently four arteries and?,two ,what does this full-thickness histologic section show?,disease is limited to the mucosa ,what does this image show?,cross sections showing apparently four arteries and two veins ,does this image show cross sections showing apparently four arteries and two veins?,yes ,does adenocarcinoma show cross sections showing apparently four arteries and two veins?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is acute lymphocytic leukemia present?,no ,what is present?,umbilical cord ,is umbilical cord present?,yes ,is hemochromatosis present?,no ,what is present?,siamese twins ,does this full-thickness histologic section show that disease is limited to the mucosa?,yes ,is siamese twins present?,yes ,is intraductal lesions present?,no ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,umbilical cord ,what is present?,siamese twins ,what did not mention?,fixed tissue large hemorrhagic cyst in ovary with several corpora lutea for size comparison sure of this diagnosis but sure looks like on autopsy diagnoses ,did ml not mention?,no ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue large hemorrhagic cyst in ovary with several corpora lutea for size comparison not sure of diagnosis but sure looks like on autopsy diagnoses did not mention ,what is present?,female reproductive ,does this section show that disease is limited to the mucosa?,no ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,what is present?,ovary ,is ovary present?,yes ,what is present?,cyst ,is cyst present?,yes ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what did not mention?,fixed tissue large hemorrhagic cyst in ovary with several corpora lutea for size comparison sure of this diagnosis but sure looks like on autopsy diagnoses ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,ovary ,what is present?,cyst ,how many tubular adenomas are present in this single microscopic field?,three ,when does this image show 18 hours?,after cesarean section ,what does this image show?,18 hours after cesarean section ,does this image show 18 hours after cesarean section?,yes ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,what is present?,uterus ,is uterus present?,yes ,what is present?,postpartum ,is postpartum present?,yes ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what are present in this single microscopic field?,three tubular adenomas ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,uterus ,what is present?,postpartum ,when does this image show close-up view of endometrial surface 18 hours?,after a cesarean section ,what does this image show?,close-up view of endometrial surface 18 hours after a cesarean section ,does this image show close-up view of endometrial surface 18 hours after a cesarean section?,yes ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,what is present?,uterus ,is uterus present?,yes ,"are small intestine stem cells typical of antibodies reactive with dsdna, nucleosomes, and histones, and is common in sle?",no ,where are three tubular adenomas present?,in a single microscopic field ,what is present?,postpartum ,is postpartum present?,yes ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,uterus ,what is present?,postpartum ,what does this image show?,thick capsule with some cysts ,how does this image show thick capsule?,with some cysts ,does this image show thick capsule with some cysts?,yes ,does leiomyoma show thick capsule with some cysts?,no ,are three tubular adenomas present in this single microscopic field?,yes ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is amputation stump infected present?,no ,what is present?,ovary ,is ovary present?,yes ,is breast present?,no ,what is present?,stein leventhal ,is stein leventhal present?,yes ,is focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown present?,no ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,are loosely formed interstitial granulomas and chronic inflammation present in this single microscopic field?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,ovary ,what is present?,stein leventhal ,what does this image show?,infant bicornate uterus ,does this image show infant bicornate uterus?,yes ,does this show infant bicornate uterus?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is fibrinous peritonitis present?,no ,what is present?,bicornate uterus ,what stain is seen after diastase digestion?,pas-d ,is bicornate uterus present?,yes ,is yo present?,no ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,bicornate uterus ,what does this image show?,excellent example of submucosal ,does this image show excellent example of submucosal?,yes ,does sacrococcygeal teratoma show excellent example of submucosal?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,what indicate foci of hepatocytes undergoing necrosis in this pas-d-stained biopsy from a patient with acute hepatitis b?,clusters of pigmented hepatocytes with eosinophilic cytoplasm ,is amyloidosis present?,no ,what is present?,uterus ,is uterus present?,yes ,is left ventricle hypertrophy present?,no ,what is present?,leiomyoma ,is leiomyoma present?,yes ,is abdomen present?,no ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,uterus ,what do clusters of pigmented hepatocytes with eosinophilic cytoplasm indicate?,foci of hepatocytes undergoing necrosis ,what is present?,leiomyoma ,what is quite obvious?,this typical thecoma with yellow foci ,is this typical thecoma with yellow foci quite obvious?,yes ,is autopsy quite obvious?,no ,what is no ovary present to indicate the location of the tumor mass?,there ,what is there to indicate the location of the tumor mass?,no ovary present ,is there no ovary present to indicate the location of the tumor mass?,yes ,is breast no ovary present to indicate the location of the tumor mass?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,do clusters of pigmented hepatocytes with eosinophilic cytoplasm indicate foci of hepatocytes undergoing necrosis in this pas-d-stained biopsy from a patient with acute hepatitis b?,yes ,is cystadenocarcinoma malignancy present?,no ,what is present?,thecoma ,is thecoma present?,yes ,is simian crease present?,no ,where does this belong to?,female reproductive system ,what is quite obvious?,this typical thecoma with yellow foci ,what is no ovary present to indicate the location of the tumor mass?,there ,what is there to indicate the location of the tumor mass?,no ovary present ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,thecoma ,do immature myeloid cells indicate foci of hepatocytes undergoing necrosis in this pas-d-stained biopsy from a patient with acute hepatitis b?,no ,how is this typical thecoma with yellow foci quite?,obvious ,how is there no present to indicate the location of the tumor mass?,ovary ,what does this image show?,normal breast ,does this image show normal breast?,yes ,does hematoma show normal breast?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is pituitectomy present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,"what does pas-d, periodic acid-schiff stain after?",diastase digestion ,what does this image show?,normal breast ,does this image show normal breast?,yes ,does female reproductive show normal breast?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is abdomen present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what does this image show?,normal breast ,does this image show normal breast?,yes ,"does pas-d, periodic acid-schiff stain after diastase digestion?",yes ,does yellow color show normal breast?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is endocrine present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what does this image show?,uterus ,"does this image show uterus, leiomyoma?",yes ,"does hematoma show uterus, leiomyoma?",no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is typical of antibodies against nucleolar proteins?,a nucleolar pattern ,does a crypt abscess stain after diastase digestion?,no ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is inflamed exocervix present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what does this image show?,uterus ,"does this image show uterus, leiomyoma?",yes ,"does leiomyoma show uterus, leiomyoma?",no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is chromophobe adenoma present?,no ,"when does pas-d , periodic acid-schiff stain?",after diastase digestion ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what does this image show?,normal uterus ,does this image show normal uterus?,yes ,does this show normal uterus?,no ,what stain?,alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical ,do alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical stain?,yes ,do fibroma stain?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,what shows scattered apoptotic hepatocytes and a patchy inflammatory infiltrate?,the biopsy from a patient with lobular hepatitis due chronic hepatitis c ,is chronic ischemia present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what stain?,"normal uterus, alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical" ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what does this image show?,leiomyoma ,does this image show leiomyoma?,yes ,does heel ulcer show leiomyoma?,no ,what stain?,alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical ,do alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical stain?,yes ,do no tissue recognizable as ovary stain?,no ,what does this biopsy from a patient with lobular hepatitis due to chronic hepatitis c show?,scattered apoptotic hepatocytes and a patchy inflammatory infiltrate ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is serous cyst present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what stain?,"leiomyoma, alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical" ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what does this image show?,uterus ,"does this image show uterus, leiomyomas?",yes ,"does band constriction in skin above ankle of infant show uterus, leiomyomas?",no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,does this biopsy from a patient with lobular hepatitis due to chronic hepatitis c show scattered apoptotic hepatocytes and a patchy inflammatory infiltrate?,yes ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is source present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what does this image show?,uterus ,"does this image show uterus, leiomyomas?",yes ,"does atheromatous embolus show uterus, leiomyomas?",no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is spina bifida present?,no ,does acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis show scattered apoptotic hepatocytes and a patchy inflammatory infiltrate double?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what does this image show?,leiomyoma ,"does this image show leiomyoma, trichrome?",yes ,"does eosinophilic adenoma show leiomyoma, trichrome?",no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is cranial artery present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is caused by acetaminophen overdose?,hepatocellular necrosis ,what does this image show?,nice view of tumor primarily stromal element ,does this image show nice view of tumor primarily stromal element?,yes ,does peritoneal fluid show nice view of tumor primarily stromal element?,no ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is simian crease present?,no ,what is present?,uterus ,is uterus present?,yes ,is opened muscle present?,no ,what is present?,mixed mesodermal tumor ,what is hepatocellular necrosis caused by?,acetaminophen overdose ,is mixed mesodermal tumor present?,yes ,is nodular tumor present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,uterus ,what is present?,mixed mesodermal tumor ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is this typical lesion present?,no ,what is present?,uterus ,how is hepatocellular necrosis caused?,by acetaminophen overdose ,is uterus present?,yes ,is inflamed exocervix present?,no ,what is present?,mixed mesodermal tumor ,is mixed mesodermal tumor present?,yes ,is notochord present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,uterus ,what is present?,mixed mesodermal tumor ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is hepatocellular necrosis caused by acetaminophen overdose?,yes ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is opened uterus and cervix with large cervical myoma protruding into vagina slide present?,no ,what is present?,uterus ,is uterus present?,yes ,is endometrial polyp present?,no ,what is present?,fetus developing very early ,is fetus developing very early present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma oat cell present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,how is a nucleolar pattern against nucleolar proteins?,typical of antibodies ,is the shape and volume of the left ventricle caused by acetaminophen overdose?,no ,what is present?,uterus ,what is present?,fetus developing very early ,what is present?,female reproductive ,is female reproductive present?,yes ,is amyloidosis present?,no ,what is present?,uterus ,is uterus present?,yes ,is vessel present?,no ,what is present?,leiomyosarcoma ,is leiomyosarcoma present?,yes ,what is seen in the perivenular region?,confluent necrosis ,is metastatic carcinoma prostate present?,no ,where is this from?,female reproductive system ,what is present?,female reproductive ,what is present?,uterus ,what is present?,leiomyosarcoma ,what does this image show?,colon biopsy ,"does this image show colon biopsy, cryptosporidia?",yes ,"does good example of muscle atrophy show colon biopsy, cryptosporidia?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,where is confluent necrosis seen?,in he perivenular region ,is sickle cell disease present?,no ,where is this electron microscopy figure taken?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,esophagus ,"does this image show esophagus, esophogeal varices?",yes ,"does side show esophagus, esophogeal varices?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is newborn cord around neck present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,is confluent necrosis seen in the perivenular region zone 3?,yes ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,normal stomach ,does this image show normal stomach?,yes ,does mucoepidermoid carcinoma show normal stomach?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is this present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,normal appendix ,is the thrombus seen in the perivenular region zone 3?,no ,does this image show normal appendix?,yes ,does angiogram show normal appendix?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is nodular tumor present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,normal appendix ,does this image show normal appendix?,yes ,does yo show normal appendix?,no ,is there little inflammation?,yes ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is placenta present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,small intestine ,"does this image show small intestine, multifocal ulcers and hemorrhages, mucosal congestion?",yes ,"does sacrococcygeal teratoma show small intestine, multifocal ulcers and hemorrhages, mucosal congestion?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,what is indicated by the asterisk?,residual normal tissue ,is metastatic carcinoma prostate present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stomach ,"does this image show stomach, leiomyoma with ulcerated mucosal surface?",yes ,"does slide show stomach, leiomyoma with ulcerated mucosal surface?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is lymphangiomatosis present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is residual normal tissue indicated by?,the asterisk ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stomach ,"does this image show stomach, bacterial gastritis?",yes ,"does child show stomach, bacterial gastritis?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is vasculature present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,"does this image show esohagus, candida?",yes ,is residual normal tissue indicated by the asterisk?,yes ,"does atrophy secondary to pituitectomy show esohagus, candida?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is hematoma present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,"why does this image show esophogus, varices?",due to portal hypertension from cirrhosis hcv ,what does this image show?,esophogus ,"does this image show esophogus, varices due to portal hypertension from cirrhosis, hcv?",yes ,"does atherosclerosis show esophogus, varices due to portal hypertension from cirrhosis, hcv?",no ,is the cut surface indicated by the asterisk?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is autoimmune thyroiditis present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what healed?,squamous cell carcinoma ,"is squamous cell carcinoma, lip remote, healed?",yes ,is the excellent uterus healed?,no ,what does this image show?,squamous cell carcinoma ,"does this image show squamous cell carcinoma, lip remote, healed?",yes ,is a nucleolar pattern typical of antibodies against nucleolar proteins?,yes ,what is caused by accumulation of hepatitis b surface antigen?,ground-glass hepatocytes in chronic hepatitis b ,"does antitrypsin show squamous cell carcinoma, lip remote, healed?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is thecoma present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what healed?,"squamous cell carcinoma, lip remote," ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,squamous cell carcinoma ,"does this image show squamous cell carcinoma, lip?",yes ,"does lateral view show squamous cell carcinoma, lip?",no ,how are ground-glass hepatocytes in chronic hepatitis b caused?,accumulation of hepatitis b surface antigen ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is embryo-fetus present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stress ulcers ,"does this image show stress ulcers, stomach?",yes ,"does situs inversus show stress ulcers, stomach?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is ground-glass hepatocytes in chronic hepatitis b caused by accumulation of hepatitis b surface antigen?,yes ,is vessel present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,esophageal varices ,does this image show esophageal varices?,yes ,does sickle cell disease show esophageal varices?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is siamese twins present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,is characteristic peribronchial noncaseating granulomas with many giant cells caused by accumulation of hepatitis b surface antigen?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,colon sigmoid ,"does this image show colon sigmoid, adenocarcinoma, annular?",yes ,"does stillborn macerated show colon sigmoid, adenocarcinoma, annular?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is optic nerve present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stomach ,what confirms the presence of surface antigen (brown)?,immunostaining with a specific antibody ,"does this image show stomach, healed peptic ulcer and bleeding duodenal ulcer?",yes ,"does beckwith-wiedemann syndrome show stomach, healed peptic ulcer and bleeding duodenal ulcer?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is supernumerary digits present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,colon ,"does this image show colon, ulcerative colitis?",yes ,"does hemorrhage in newborn show colon, ulcerative colitis?",no ,what does immunostaining with a specific antibody confirm?,the presence of surface antigen ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma present?,no ,where does this belong to?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stomach ,"does this image show stomach, leiomyoma with ulcerated mucosal surface?",yes ,"does hemorrhage associated with placental abruption show stomach, leiomyoma with ulcerated mucosal surface?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,does immunostaining with a specific antibody confirm the presence of surface antigen brown?,yes ,is fibroma present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,colon ,"does this image show colon, cryptosporidia?",yes ,"does adrenal of premature 30 week gestation gram infant lesion show colon, cryptosporidia?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is notochord present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,does the congested portion of the ileum confirm the presence of surface antigen brown?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,colon biopsy ,"does this image show colon biopsy, mycobacterium avium-intracellularae?",yes ,"does another fiber other frame show colon biopsy, mycobacterium avium-intracellularae?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is cytomegalovirus present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,colon biopsy ,"what shows the presence of abundant, finely granular pink cytoplasmic inclusions?",hematoxylin-eosin staining ,"does this image show colon biopsy, mycobacterium avium-intracellularae?",yes ,"does thecoma show colon biopsy, mycobacterium avium-intracellularae?",no ,what stain?,acid ,do acid stain?,yes ,do iron stain?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is this image shows of smooth muscle cell with lipid in sarcoplasm and lipid present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what stain?,"colon biopsy, mycobacterium avium-intracellularae, acid" ,"does hematoxylin-eosin staining show the presence of abundant, finely granular pink cytoplasmic inclusions?",yes ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,"how do colon biopsy , mycobacterium avium-intracellularae , stain?",acid ,"why does this image show esophogus, varices portal hypertension?",due to cirrhosis hcv ,what does this image show?,esophogus ,"does this image show esophogus, varices portal hypertension due to cirrhosis, hcv?",yes ,"does hemochromatosis show esophogus, varices portal hypertension due to cirrhosis, hcv?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is intramural one lesion present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,is atrophy of the brain typical of antibodies against nucleolar proteins?,no ,"does the schematic diagram of intimal thickening show the presence of abundant, finely granular pink cytoplasmic inclusions?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stomach ,"does this image show stomach, chronic peptic ulcer?",yes ,"does syndactyly show stomach, chronic peptic ulcer?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is breast present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stomach ,what is associated with chronic alcohol use?,hepatoctye injury in fatty liver disease ,"does this image show stomach, chronic peptic ulcer?",yes ,"does outside adrenal capsule section show stomach, chronic peptic ulcer?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is female reproductive present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,normal appendix ,does this image show normal appendix?,yes ,does polyarteritis nodosa show normal appendix?,no ,what is hepatocyte injury in fatty liver disease associated with?,chronic alcohol use ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is this photo of infant from head to toe present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,oral dysplasia ,"does this image show oral dysplasia, tgf-gamma?",yes ,"does supernumerary digits show oral dysplasia, tgf-gamma?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,how is hepatocyte injury in fatty liver disease associated?,with chronic alcohol use ,is muscle atrophy present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,thrombosed esophageal varices ,does this image show thrombosed esophageal varices?,yes ,does aldehyde fuscin show thrombosed esophageal varices?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is rheumatoid arthritis present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,is hepatocyte injury in fatty liver disease associated with chronic alcohol use?,yes ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stomach ,"does this image show stomach, giant rugose hyperplasia?",yes ,"does stillborn macerated show stomach, giant rugose hyperplasia?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is very good example present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,stomach ,is the fibrous capsule associated with chronic alcohol use?,no ,"does this image show stomach, subacute peptic ulcer?",yes ,"does marked show stomach, subacute peptic ulcer?",no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is uterus present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,colon ,"does this image show colon, villous polyp and adenocarcinoma?",yes ,"does abdomen show colon, villous polyp and adenocarcinoma?",no ,what is present in another hepatocyte?,a mallory-denk body ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is aldehyde fuscin present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what does this image show?,quite good photo of ectopic pancreas ,does this image show quite good photo of ectopic pancreas?,yes ,does hemorrhage newborn show quite good photo of ectopic pancreas?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,what is a mallory-denk body present in?,the hepatocyte ,is serous cystadenoma present?,no ,what is present?,jejunum ,is jejunum present?,yes ,is digital infarcts bacterial endocarditis present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what is present?,jejunum ,does this image show about as good as your can get?,yes ,does this partially fixed gross show about as good as your can get?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is a mallory-denk body present in another hepatocyte?,yes ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is syndactyly present?,no ,what is present?,esophagus ,is esophagus present?,yes ,is cystadenocarcinoma malignancy present?,no ,what is present?,varices ,is varices present?,yes ,is slices of liver and spleen typical tuberculous exudate is present on capsule of liver and spleen present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is cell present in another hepatocyte?,no ,what is present?,esophagus ,what is present?,varices ,what does this image show?,good example of veins filled with blood ,does this image show good example of veins filled with blood?,yes ,does leiomyoma show good example of veins filled with blood?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is sickle cell disease present?,no ,what is present?,esophagus ,is esophagus present?,yes ,what is composed of hematopoietic marrow and marrow fat cells attached to a thrombus?,the embolus ,is collagen typical of antibodies against nucleolar proteins?,no ,what is associated with chronic alcohol use?,hepatoctye injury in fatty liver disease ,is polycystic disease present?,no ,what is present?,varices ,is varices present?,yes ,is ml present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,is good example of veins filled with blood?,yes ,what filled with blood?,good example of veins ,what is good example of veins filled?,with blood ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what is present?,esophagus ,what is hepatocyte injury in fatty liver disease associated with?,chronic alcohol use ,what is present?,varices ,what does this image show?,nice photo with obvious tumor in mucosa ,how does this image show nice photo?,with obvious tumor in mucosa ,does this image show nice photo with obvious tumor in mucosa?,yes ,does situs inversus show nice photo with obvious tumor in mucosa?,no ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,is gastrointestinal present?,yes ,is this typical thecoma with yellow foci present?,no ,what is present?,colon ,is colon present?,yes ,how is hepatocyte injury in fatty liver disease associated?,with chronic alcohol use ,is papillary intraductal adenocarcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,carcinoma superficial spreading ,is carcinoma superficial spreading present?,yes ,is endocrine present?,no ,where is this from?,gastrointestinal system ,what is present?,gastrointestinal ,what is present?,colon ,what is present?,carcinoma superficial spreading ,what does this image show?,photo of whole body showing head laterally with no chin ,does this image show photo of whole body showing head laterally with no chin?,yes ,is hepatocyte injury in fatty liver disease associated with chronic alcohol use?,yes ,does surface show photo of whole body showing head laterally with no chin?,no ,what is present?,micrognathia triploid fetus ,is micrognathia triploid fetus present?,yes ,is edema present?,no ,what is present?,micrognathia triploid fetus ,why does this image show view into foramen magnum marked narrowing?,due to subluxation odontoid process second cervical vertebra ,what does this image show?,view into foramen magnum marked narrowing due to subluxation odontoid process second cervical vertebra ,does this image show view into foramen magnum marked narrowing due to subluxation odontoid process second cervical vertebra?,yes ,what is present?,odontoid process subluxation with narrowing of foramen magnum ,is odontoid process subluxation with narrowing of foramen magnum present?,yes ,is the fibrous capsule associated with chronic alcohol use?,no ,what is present?,odontoid process subluxation with narrowing of foramen magnum ,what is present?,face ,is face present?,yes ,what is present?,cyclops ,is cyclops present?,yes ,what is present?,face ,what is present?,cyclops ,what does this image show?,close-up of head typical ,does this image show close-up of head typical?,yes ,what is present?,bilateral cleft palate ,what does the inset stained for keratins 8 and 18 (brown) show?,a ballooned cell in which keratins have been ubiquitinylated and have collapsed into an immunoreactive mallory-denk body ,is bilateral cleft palate present?,yes ,what is present?,bilateral cleft palate ,what does this image show?,opened cranial vault with many frontal and right temporal fossa fractures ,does this image show opened cranial vault with many frontal and right temporal fossa fractures?,yes ,does yellow color show opened cranial vault with many frontal and right temporal fossa fractures?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is intrauterine contraceptive device present?,no ,what is present?,basilar skull fracture ,is basilar skull fracture present?,yes ,"does the inset stained for keratins 8 and 18 show a ballooned cell (dotted line) in which keratins have been ubiquitinylated and have collapsed into an immunoreactive mallory-denk body, leaving the cytoplasm empty?",yes ,is acute peritonitis present?,no ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,basilar skull fracture ,what does this image show?,close-up view of bone with hemorrhagic excavations ,how does this image show close-up view of bone?,with hemorrhagic excavations ,does this image show close-up view of bone with hemorrhagic excavations?,yes ,does granulosa cell tumor show close-up view of bone with hemorrhagic excavations?,no ,what is present?,multiple myeloma ,is multiple myeloma present?,yes ,is previous slide from this case present?,no ,"does acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis stained for keratins 8 and 18 show a ballooned cell (dotted line) in which keratins have been ubiquitinylated and have collapsed into an immunoreactive mallory-denk body, leaving the cytoplasm empty?",no ,what is present?,multiple myeloma ,what does this image show?,view of base of skull with several well shown fractures ,how does this image show view of base of skull?,with several well shown fractures ,does this image show view of base of skull with several well shown fractures?,yes ,does exostosis show view of base of skull with several well shown fractures?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is gangrene toe in infant present?,no ,what is present?,basilar skull fracture ,is basilar skull fracture present?,yes ,what is markedly expanded by an infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells?,a portal tract ,is this good yellow color slide present?,no ,what well shown fractures?,view of base of skull with several ,what is view of base of skull with several shown?,shown fractures ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,basilar skull fracture ,how many hand is opened to show simian crease quite good example?,one ,what is opened to show simian crease quite good example?,very representation of mongoloid facies and one hand ,what is very good representation of mongoloid facies and one hand opened quite good example?,very ,is very good representation of mongoloid facies and one hand opened to show simian crease quite good example?,yes ,when does this image show whole body?,after autopsy with covered incision very good representation of mongoloid facies and one hand is opened to simian crease quite good example ,what is a portal tract markedly expanded by?,an infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells ,how many hand does this image show whole body after autopsy with covered incision very good representation of mongoloid facies and is opened to show simian crease quite good example?,one ,what does this image show?,whole body after autopsy with covered incision very good representation of mongoloid facies and one hand is opened to show simian crease quite good example ,what is present?,downs syndrome ,is downs syndrome present?,yes ,what is opened to show simian crease quite good example?,whole body after autopsy with covered incision very representation of mongoloid facies and one hand ,what is whole body after autopsy with covered incision very good representation of mongoloid facies and one hand opened quite good example?,opened to show simian crease ,what is present?,downs syndrome ,what does this image show?,close-up view well shown fracture line ,does this image show close-up view well shown fracture line?,yes ,what is present?,bone ,is the late-phase reaction typical of antibodies against nucleolar proteins?,no ,is a portal tract markedly expanded by an infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells?,yes ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,what is present?,basilar skull fracture ,is basilar skull fracture present?,yes ,what shown fracture line?,close-up view ,what is close-up view shown?,view shown fracture line ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,basilar skull fracture ,how is close-up view shown line?,fracture ,what does this image show?,anterior fossa lesion dr garcia tumors b42 ,does this image show anterior fossa lesion dr garcia tumors b42?,yes ,is deposition of antibody on endothelium and activation of complement markedly expanded by an infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,what is present?,meningioma ,is meningioma present?,yes ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,meningioma ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is hemisection of nose present?,no ,what is present?,metastatic neuroblastoma ,what has been sectioned longitudinally to reveal dark areas of hemorrhage in the pancreatic substance and a focal area of pale fat necrosis in the peripancreatic fat upper left?,the pancreas ,is metastatic neuroblastoma present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma lung present?,no ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,metastatic neuroblastoma ,what does this image show?,easily seen lesion extending up midline to vertex ,does this image show easily seen lesion extending up midline to vertex?,yes ,does endocrine show easily seen lesion extending up midline to vertex?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is exact cause present?,no ,how has the pancreas been sectioned?,longitudinally ,what is present?,linear fracture in occiput ,is linear fracture in occiput present?,yes ,is thecoma present?,no ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,linear fracture in occiput ,why does this image show close-up of foramen magnum stenosis?,due to subluxation atlas vertebra case 31 ,what does this image show?,close-up of foramen magnum stenosis due to subluxation of atlas vertebra case 31 ,does this image show close-up of foramen magnum stenosis due to subluxation of atlas vertebra case 31?,yes ,does cervix duplication show close-up of foramen magnum stenosis due to subluxation of atlas vertebra case 31?,no ,what is present?,bone ,has the pancreas been sectioned longitudinally to reveal dark areas of hemorrhage in the pancreatic substance and a focal area of pale fat necrosis in the peripancreatic fat upper left?,yes ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is this good yellow color slide present?,no ,what is present?,rheumatoid arthritis ,is rheumatoid arthritis present?,yes ,is situs inversus present?,no ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,rheumatoid arthritis ,what does this image show?,sagittal section of atlas vertebra and occipital bone foramen magnum stenosis case 31 ,does this image show sagittal section of atlas vertebra and occipital bone foramen magnum stenosis case 31?,yes ,does case of dic not bad photo show sagittal section of atlas vertebra and occipital bone foramen magnum stenosis case 31?,no ,have t_h17 cells been sectioned longitudinally to reveal dark areas of hemorrhage in the pancreatic substance and a focal area of pale fat necrosis in the peripancreatic fat upper left?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is leiomyomas present?,no ,what is present?,rheumatoid arthritis ,is rheumatoid arthritis present?,yes ,is fetus developing very early present?,no ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,rheumatoid arthritis ,where does this image show?,inner table view multiple venous lakes ,what does this image show?,inner table view multiple venous lakes ,does only a thin rim of normal pancreatic parenchyma remain?,yes ,does this image show inner table view multiple venous lakes?,yes ,does aorta show inner table view multiple venous lakes?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is history present?,no ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,face ,is face present?,yes ,is mesothelioma present?,no ,what is present?,disease ,what are lined by cuboidal epithelium without atypia?,the cysts ,is disease present?,yes ,is opened muscle present?,no ,what recklinghausens disease is present?,von ,what does von recklinghausen?,disease is present ,does von recklinghausen disease is present?,yes ,does this good yellow color slide recklinghausen disease is present?,no ,what is present?,face ,what is present?,disease ,what recklinghausens disease is present?,von ,what does this image show?,multiple fractures very good ,what are the cysts lined by?,cuboidal epithelium without atypia ,does this image show multiple fractures very good?,yes ,does metastatic carcinoma show multiple fractures very good?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is fibroma present?,no ,what is present?,basilar skull fracture ,is basilar skull fracture present?,yes ,is a bulge present?,no ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,basilar skull fracture ,are the cysts lined by cuboidal epithelium without atypia?,yes ,what does this image show?,fracture line well shown very thin skull eggshell type ,does this image show fracture line well shown very thin skull eggshell type?,yes ,does cervical leiomyoma show fracture line well shown very thin skull eggshell type?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, calvarium present?",yes ,is normal immature infant present?,no ,what is present?,fracture ,is fracture present?,yes ,is glomerulosa present?,no ,what shown very thin skull eggshell type?,fracture line ,is an infarct in the brain typical of antibodies against nucleolar proteins?,no ,is this specimen from a patient with hemolytic uremic syndrome lined by cuboidal epithelium without atypia?,no ,what is fracture line shown?,very thin skull eggshell type ,what is present?,"bone, calvarium" ,what is present?,fracture ,how is fracture line shown very skull eggshell type?,thin ,what is present?,eye ,is eye present?,yes ,is adenoma present?,no ,what is present?,arcus senilis ,is arcus senilis present?,yes ,is this x-ray of sella turcica after removal postmort present?,no ,"what are lined by columnar mucinous epithelium, with a densely cellular ovarian stroma?",the cysts ,what is present?,eye ,what is present?,arcus senilis ,what is a guess?,the unknown origin in mandible ,what is the unknown origin in mandible?,a guess ,is the unknown origin in mandible a guess?,yes ,is cervical leiomyoma a guess?,no ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, mandible present?",yes ,is anencephaly and bilateral cleft palate present?,no ,what is present?,ameloblastoma ,what are the cysts lined by?,columnar mucinous epithelium ,is ameloblastoma present?,yes ,is vessel present?,no ,what is a guess?,the unknown origin in mandible ,what is the unknown origin in mandible?,a guess ,what is present?,"bone, mandible" ,what is present?,ameloblastoma ,what is present?,bone ,"is bone, mandible present?",yes ,is carcinoma metastatic lung present?,no ,what is present?,ameloblastoma ,"are the cysts lined by columnar mucinous epithelium, with a densely cellular ovarian stroma?",yes ,is ameloblastoma present?,yes ,is adenosis and ischemia present?,no ,what is present?,"bone, mandible" ,what is present?,ameloblastoma ,what does this image show?,spleen ,"does this image show spleen, infarcts, disseminated intravascular coagulation?",yes ,"does typical tuberculous exudate show spleen, infarcts, disseminated intravascular coagulation?",no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is hemisection of nose present?,no ,"are a few residual cardiac muscle cells lined by columnar mucinous epithelium, with a densely cellular ovarian stroma?",no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what disseminated intravascular coagulation?,"spleen, infarcts," ,"what is spleen , infarcts , disseminated?",intravascular coagulation ,what is present?,hematologic ,"how is spleen , infarcts , disseminated coagulation?",intravascular ,"how many antitrypsin does this image show spleen, congestion in a patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation and alpha-deficiency?",1 ,what does this image show?,spleen ,"does this image show spleen, congestion in a patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency?",yes ,"does autopsy show spleen, congestion in a patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency?",no ,what is present?,hematologic ,"what reveals large cells with distinct cell borders, pale nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and a sparse lymphocytic infiltrate?",microscopic examination ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is this present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what does this image show?,spleen ,"does this image show spleen, chronic congestion and hemorrhage?",yes ,"does benign cystic teratoma show spleen, chronic congestion and hemorrhage?",no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is spina bifida present?,no ,what does microscopic examination reveal?,large cells with distinct cell borders ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what does this image show?,spleen ,"does this image show spleen, tuberculosis, granulomas?",yes ,"does cervical leiomyoma show spleen, tuberculosis, granulomas?",no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is lymphangiomatosis generalized present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,how does microscopic examination reveal large cells?,with distinct borders ,what does this image show?,cut surface ,does this image show cut surface?,yes ,does surface show cut surface?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is endometritis present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is glomerulosa present?,no ,what is present?,sarcoidosis ,"does microscopic examination reveal large cells with distinct cell borders, pale nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and a sparse lymphocytic infiltrate?",yes ,is sarcoidosis present?,yes ,is gangrene toe in infant present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,sarcoidosis ,what does this image show?,cut surface granulomas faint but there ,does this image show cut surface granulomas faint but there?,yes ,does ameloblastoma show cut surface granulomas faint but there?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,"does the fibrosis, which varies in intensity, reveal large cells with distinct cell borders, pale nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and a sparse lymphocytic infiltrate?",no ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is carcinoma superficial spreading present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is natural color present?,no ,what is present?,sarcoidosis ,is sarcoidosis present?,yes ,is beckwith-wiedemann syndrome present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what reveals deposits of ig along the dermo-epidermal junction?,an immunofluorescence micrograph stained for igg ,what is hemorrhagic?,the tumor ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,sarcoidosis ,what does this image show?,close-up of ruptured area very good ,does this image show close-up of ruptured area very good?,yes ,does pulmonary osteoarthropathy show close-up of ruptured area very good?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is lymphangiomatosis generalized present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is the tumor hemorrhagic?,yes ,is hemorrhagic corpus luteum present?,no ,what is present?,traumatic rupture ,is traumatic rupture present?,yes ,is adenoma sebaceum present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,traumatic rupture ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue but color not too bad single typical lesion ,does this image show fixed tissue but color not too bad single typical lesion?,yes ,is a mallory-denk body hemorrhagic?,no ,does yellow color show fixed tissue but color not too bad single typical lesion?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is opened muscle present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is palmar crease normal present?,no ,what is present?,granuloma ,is granuloma present?,yes ,is opened base of skull with brain present?,no ,what are present?,cytotrophoblastic cells and syncytiotrophoblastic cells ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,granuloma ,what does this image show?,external view case of situs ambiguous partial left isomerism ,does this image show external view case of situs ambiguous partial left isomerism?,yes ,does fallopian tube show external view case of situs ambiguous partial left isomerism?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is fetus developing very early present?,no ,are both cytotrophoblastic cells with single central nuclei and syncytiotrophoblastic cells with multiple dark nuclei embedded in eosinophilic cytoplasm present?,yes ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is mucinous cystadenocarcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,bilobed ,is bilobed present?,yes ,is this good yellow color slide present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,bilobed ,are healthy neutrophils with nuclei present?,no ,what does this image show?,sectioned spleen showing lesion very well ,does this image show sectioned spleen showing lesion very well?,yes ,does anomalous origin show sectioned spleen showing lesion very well?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is foot present?,no ,what is present?,subcapsular hematoma ,is subcapsular hematoma present?,yes ,is another fiber other frame present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what are prominent?,hemorrhage and necrosis ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,subcapsular hematoma ,how many accessories does this image show spleen with 32yobf left isomerism and complex congenital heart disease?,three ,what does this image show?,spleen with three accessories 32yobf left isomerism and complex congenital heart disease ,how does this image show spleen?,with three accessories 32yobf left isomerism and complex congenital heart disease ,does this image show spleen with three accessories 32yobf left isomerism and complex congenital heart disease?,yes ,does normal show spleen with three accessories 32yobf left isomerism and complex congenital heart disease?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is traumatic rupture present?,no ,are hemorrhage and necrosis prominent?,yes ,what is present?,polysplenia ,is polysplenia present?,yes ,is history present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what left isomerism and complex congenital heart disease?,spleen with three accessories 32yobf ,what is spleen with three accessories 32yobf left?,isomerism and complex congenital heart disease ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,polysplenia ,how is spleen with three accessories 32yobf left isomerism and congenital heart disease?,complex ,how is spleen with three accessories 32yobf left isomerism and complex heart disease?,congenital ,are the pattern of staining of anti-centromere antibodies prominent?,no ,what does this image show?,typical lesion about a week or more of age ,does this image show typical lesion about a week or more of age?,yes ,does nodular tumor show typical lesion about a week or more of age?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is chronic myelogenous leukemia in blast crisis present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is acute peritonitis present?,no ,what is present?,infarct ,"what contain mature cells from endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal lines?",testicular teratomas ,is infarct present?,yes ,is face present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,infarct ,why does this image show close-up view of infarcts?,due to nonbacterial endocarditis 88yom with body burns ,what does this image show?,close-up view of infarcts due to nonbacterial endocarditis 88yom with body burns ,does this image show close-up view of infarcts due to nonbacterial endocarditis 88yom with body burns?,yes ,"does bone, calvarium show close-up view of infarcts due to nonbacterial endocarditis 88yom with body burns?",no ,what does an immunofluorescence micrograph stained for igg reveal?,deposits of ig along the dermo-epidermal junction ,what do testicular teratomas contain?,mature cells from endodermal ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is foot present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is this present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,does this image show opened right atrium and superior vena cava showing thrombus and tumor occlusion of cava extending into atrium?,yes ,"do testicular teratomas contain mature cells from endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal lines?",yes ,does edema show opened right atrium and superior vena cava showing thrombus and tumor occlusion of cava extending into atrium?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is mucinous cystadenocarcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,thymus ,is thymus present?,yes ,is myocardium present?,no ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,is malignant thymoma present?,yes ,is granulomata slide present?,no ,"do granulocytic forms at various stages of differentiation contain mature cells from endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal lines?",no ,where is this part in?,thymus ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,thymus ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,what does this image show?,section through mediastinum to show tumor surrounding vessels ,how does this image show section through mediastinum to show tumor?,surrounding vessels ,does this image show section through mediastinum to show tumor surrounding vessels?,yes ,does krukenberg tumor show section through mediastinum to show tumor surrounding vessels?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,"what demonstrates a well-demarcated nodule at the right of the field, with a portion of urethra seen to the left?",low-power photomicrograph ,is micrognathia triploid fetus present?,no ,what is present?,thymus ,is thymus present?,yes ,is heart present?,no ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,is malignant thymoma present?,yes ,is hypertension present?,no ,where is this part in?,thymus ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,thymus ,what does the low-power photomicrograph demonstrate?,a well-demarcated nodule at the right of the field ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,what does this image show?,section through mediastinal structure showing tumor about aorta and pulmonary arteries ,how does this image show section?,through mediastinal structure showing tumor about aorta and pulmonary arteries ,does this image show section through mediastinal structure showing tumor about aorta and pulmonary arteries?,yes ,does fracture show section through mediastinal structure showing tumor about aorta and pulmonary arteries?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is cm present?,no ,what is present?,thymus ,is thymus present?,yes ,"does low-power photomicrograph demonstrate a well-demarcated nodule at the right of the field, with a portion of urethra seen to the left?",yes ,is granulosa cell tumor present?,no ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,is malignant thymoma present?,yes ,is mixed mesodermal tumor present?,no ,where is this part in?,thymus ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,thymus ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,what does this image show?,external view of spleen with obvious metastatic nodule beneath capsule ,how does this image show external view of spleen?,with obvious metastatic nodule beneath capsule ,"does the blue area demonstrate a well-demarcated nodule at the right of the field, with a portion of urethra seen to the left?",no ,does this image show external view of spleen with obvious metastatic nodule beneath capsule?,yes ,does benign cystic teratoma show external view of spleen with obvious metastatic nodule beneath capsule?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is marked present?,no ,what is present?,metastatic colon carcinoma ,is metastatic colon carcinoma present?,yes ,is esophagus present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,"what is caused predominantly by stromal, rather than glandular, proliferation in other cases of nodular hyperplasia?",the nodularity ,what is present?,metastatic colon carcinoma ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is 70yof present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is fibrous meningioma present?,no ,what is present?,hemangioma ,is hemangioma present?,yes ,is serous cystadenoma present?,no ,what is the nodularity caused by?,stromal ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,hemangioma ,what does this image show?,very nice close-up shot of typical metastatic lesion primary tumor in colon ,does this image show very nice close-up shot of typical metastatic lesion primary tumor in colon?,yes ,does anencephaly show very nice close-up shot of typical metastatic lesion primary tumor in colon?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is infarcts present?,no ,"is the nodularity caused predominantly by stromal, rather than glandular, proliferation in other cases of nodular hyperplasia?",yes ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is hemisection of nose present?,no ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma ,is metastatic carcinoma present?,yes ,is leiomyosarcoma present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma ,does an immunofluorescence micrograph stained for igg reveal deposits of ig along the dermo-epidermal junction?,yes ,"is low magnification caused predominantly by stromal, rather than glandular, proliferation in other cases of nodular hyperplasia?",no ,what is quite large diagnosis was reticulum cell sarcoma?,single metastatic appearing lesion ,what is single metastatic appearing lesion was reticulum cell sarcoma?,quite large diagnosis ,is single metastatic appearing lesion quite large diagnosis was reticulum cell sarcoma?,yes ,is glioma quite large diagnosis was reticulum cell sarcoma?,no ,what does this image show?,single metastatic appearing lesion is quite large diagnosis was reticulum cell sarcoma ,does this image show single metastatic appearing lesion is quite large diagnosis was reticulum cell sarcoma?,yes ,does ameloblastoma show single metastatic appearing lesion is quite large diagnosis was reticulum cell sarcoma?,no ,what was reticulum cell sarcoma?,diagnosis ,what was diagnosis cell sarcoma?,reticulum ,was diagnosis reticulum cell sarcoma?,yes ,what shows slightly irregular nuclei with scattered mitotic figures?,higher magnification ,was serous cyst reticulum cell sarcoma?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is metastatic lung carcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is chronic myelogenous leukemia present?,no ,what is present?,large cell lymphoma ,is large cell lymphoma present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma lung present?,no ,what does higher magnification show with scattered mitotic figures?,slightly irregular nuclei ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what was reticulum cell sarcoma?,diagnosis ,what was diagnosis cell sarcoma?,reticulum ,what is quite large diagnosis was reticulum cell sarcoma?,single metastatic appearing lesion ,what is single metastatic appearing lesion was reticulum cell sarcoma?,quite large diagnosis ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,large cell lymphoma ,how is single metastatic appearing lesion quite diagnosis was reticulum cell sarcoma?,large ,what does this image show?,cut surface showing very thickened capsule with focal calcification very good close-up photo ,how does higher magnification show slightly irregular nuclei?,with scattered mitotic figures ,does this image show cut surface showing very thickened capsule with focal calcification very good close-up photo?,yes ,does 70yof show cut surface showing very thickened capsule with focal calcification very good close-up photo?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is vasculature present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is endometritis postpartum present?,no ,what is present?,sugar coated ,is sugar coated present?,yes ,does higher magnification show slightly irregular nuclei with scattered mitotic figures?,yes ,is atherosclerosis present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,sugar coated ,what does this image show?,external view of massively enlarged spleen ,does this image show external view of massively enlarged spleen?,yes ,does subcapsular hematoma show external view of massively enlarged spleen?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,does wound around one another with regularly spaced binding of the congo red show slightly irregular nuclei with scattered mitotic figures?,no ,is normal immature infant present?,no ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,is acute myelogenous leukemia present?,yes ,is basal skull fracture present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,what diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma?,granulomata ,what is granulomata diagnosed?,as reticulum cell sarcoma ,is granulomata diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma?,yes ,what are painless despite the presence of ulceration?,syphilitic chancre ,is focal hemorrhages diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma?,no ,what does this image show?,cut surface with multiple small infiltrates that simulate granulomata diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma ,how does this image show cut surface?,with multiple small infiltrates that simulate granulomata diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma ,does this image show cut surface with multiple small infiltrates that simulate granulomata diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma?,yes ,does close-up excellent example of interosseous muscle atrophy show cut surface with multiple small infiltrates that simulate granulomata diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is side showing patency right side present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,how are such lesions?,painless despite the presence of ulceration ,is pituitectomy present?,no ,what is present?,malignant lymphoma ,is malignant lymphoma present?,yes ,is optic nerve present?,no ,where is this part in?,spleen ,what diagnosed as reticulum cell sarcoma?,cut surface with multiple small infiltrates that simulate granulomata ,what is cut surface with multiple small infiltrates that simulate granulomata diagnosed?,as reticulum cell sarcoma ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,malignant lymphoma ,are such lesions painless despite the presence of ulceration?,yes ,what does this image show?,gaucher disease ,does this image show gaucher disease?,yes ,does autoimmune thyroiditis show gaucher disease?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is jejunum present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,what does this image show?,cellular detail well shown ,does this image show cellular detail well shown?,yes ,does sickle cell disease show cellular detail well shown?,no ,are numerous islands of extramedullary hematopoiesis painless despite the presence of ulceration?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is anencephaly and bilateral cleft palate present?,no ,what is present?,thymus ,is thymus present?,yes ,is krukenberg tumor present?,no ,what is present?,thymoma ,is thymoma present?,yes ,is vessel present?,no ,what well shown?,cellular detail ,"do the relative locations, sizes, and distances between genes reveal deposits of ig along the dermo-epidermal junction?",no ,"is there marked thinning of the epidermis, fibrosis of the superficial dermis, and chronic inflammatory cells in the deeper dermis?",yes ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,thymus ,what is present?,thymoma ,what had not knocked out leukemia cells?,this therapy ,what is this therapy had?,not knocked out leukemia cells ,is this therapy had not knocked out leukemia cells?,yes ,is close-up excellent example of interosseous muscle atrophy had not knocked out leukemia cells?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is single metastatic appearing lesion present?,no ,"what include acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, and cytoplasmic vacuolization (koilocytosis, center)?",histopathologic features of condyloma acuminatum ,what is present?,bone marrow ,is bone marrow present?,yes ,is cystadenocarcinoma malignancy present?,no ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,is acute myelogenous leukemia present?,yes ,is this section present?,no ,what had not knocked out leukemia cells?,this therapy ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,bone marrow ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,what do histopathologic features of condyloma acuminatum include?,acanthosis ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is this photo of infant from head to toe present?,no ,what is present?,thymus ,is thymus present?,yes ,is fat necrosis present?,no ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,is malignant thymoma present?,yes ,is mucinous cystadenocarcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,"do histopathologic features of condyloma acuminatum include acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, and cytoplasmic vacuolization?",yes ,what is present?,thymus ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,what does this image show?,wrights ,does this image show wrights?,yes ,does fat necrosis show wrights?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is no tissue recognizable as ovary present?,no ,what is present?,bone marrow ,is bone marrow present?,yes ,"do the chromatin texture, with fine and coarse clumps, include acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, and cytoplasmic vacuolization?",no ,is mixed mesodermal tumor present?,no ,what is present?,gaucher cell ,is gaucher cell present?,yes ,is aorta present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,bone marrow ,what is present?,gaucher cell ,what does this image show?,wrights in macrophage ,does this image show wrights in macrophage?,yes ,does metastatic neuroblastoma show wrights in macrophage?,no ,what has a predominantly solid growth pattern?,endometrioid type ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is absence of palpebral fissure cleft palate present?,no ,what is present?,blood ,is blood present?,yes ,is fibroma present?,no ,what is present?,candida in peripheral blood ,is candida in peripheral blood present?,yes ,is infarcts present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,"what does endometrioid type, grade 3, have?",a predominantly solid growth pattern ,what is present?,blood ,what is present?,candida in peripheral blood ,what does this image show?,necrotizing granuloma ,does this image show necrotizing granuloma?,yes ,does bilateral cleft palate show necrotizing granuloma?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is an opened peritoneal cavity cause by fibrous band strangulation present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,"does endometrioid type, grade 3, have a predominantly solid growth pattern?",yes ,is esophagus present?,no ,what is present?,miliary tuberculosis ,is miliary tuberculosis present?,yes ,is malignant histiocytosis present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,miliary tuberculosis ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is blood present?,no ,does the prominent cell in the center field have a predominantly solid growth pattern?,no ,what is present?,bone marrow ,is bone marrow present?,yes ,is rocky mountain present?,no ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,is acute myelogenous leukemia present?,yes ,is supernumerary digit present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,bone marrow ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,what does this image show?,wrights easily seen blastic cells ,what is opened to display a cyst cavity lined by delicate papillary tumor growths?,borderline serous cystadenoma ,does this image show wrights easily seen blastic cells?,yes ,does atrophy show wrights easily seen blastic cells?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is mucoepidermoid carcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,bone marrow ,is bone marrow present?,yes ,is cervical leiomyoma present?,no ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,is acute myelogenous leukemia present?,yes ,"what has virtually immobilized the fingers, creating a clawlike flexion deformity?",extensive subcutaneous fibrosis ,is borderline serous cystadenoma opened to display a cyst cavity lined by delicate papillary tumor growths?,yes ,is siamese twins present?,no ,what seen blastic cells?,wrights ,what is wrights seen?,blastic cells ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,bone marrow ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,how is wrights seen cells?,blastic ,why does this image show gms granuloma?,due to pneumocystis aids case ,what does this image show?,gms granuloma due to pneumocystis aids case ,does this image show gms granuloma due to pneumocystis aids case?,yes ,is the moderate-power view of the plaque opened to display a cyst cavity lined by delicate papillary tumor growths?,no ,does metastatic carcinoma show gms granuloma due to pneumocystis aids case?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is close-up tumor present?,no ,what is present?,spleen ,is spleen present?,yes ,is arcus senilis present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what does this image show?,wrights ,what contains both neoplastic cytotro-phoblast and multinucleate syncytiotrophoblast?,the field ,does this image show wrights?,yes ,does chronic myelogenous leukemia show wrights?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is plasma cell present?,no ,what is present?,bone marrow ,is bone marrow present?,yes ,is nodular tumor present?,no ,what is present?,megaloblasts pernicious anemia ,is megaloblasts pernicious anemia present?,yes ,what does this field contain?,neoplastic cytotro-phoblast and multinucleate syncytiotrophoblast ,is six digits present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,bone marrow ,what is present?,megaloblasts pernicious anemia ,what does this image show?,wrights ,does this image show wrights?,yes ,does choanal atresia show wrights?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,is palmar crease normal present?,no ,does this field contain both neoplastic cytotro-phoblast and multinucleate syncytiotrophoblast?,yes ,what is present?,bone marrow ,is bone marrow present?,yes ,is another fiber other frame present?,no ,what is present?,megaloblasts pernicious anemia ,is megaloblasts pernicious anemia present?,yes ,is peritoneal surface of uterus and douglas pouch outstanding photo primary present?,no ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,bone marrow ,what is present?,megaloblasts pernicious anemia ,what died of what was thought to be viral pneumonia probably influenza?,immunoblastic type cells near splenic arteriole man ,does the high-power detail of an asbestos body contain both neoplastic cytotro-phoblast and multinucleate syncytiotrophoblast?,no ,what is immunoblastic type cells near splenic arteriole man died?,of what was thought to be viral pneumonia probably influenza ,what does this image show?,immunoblastic type cells near splenic arteriole man died of what was thought to be viral pneumonia probably influenza ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,immunoblastic reaction characteristic of viral infection ,what died of what was thought to be viral pneumonia probably influenza?,immunoblastic type cells near splenic arteriole man ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,spleen ,what is present?,immunoblastic reaction characteristic of viral infection ,what does this image show?,x-ray chest showing mediastinal widening and fuzzy border ,what contains a dense lymphocytic infiltrate with germinal centers?,the thyroid parenchyma ,does this image show x-ray chest showing mediastinal widening and fuzzy border?,yes ,what is present?,hematologic ,is hematologic present?,yes ,what is present?,thymus ,is thymus present?,yes ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,is malignant thymoma present?,yes ,what is present?,hematologic ,what is present?,thymus ,what is present?,malignant thymoma ,what does the thyroid parenchyma contain?,a dense lymphocytic infiltrate with germinal centers ,what does this image show?,structures labeled ,does this image show structures labeled?,yes ,does granulosa cell tumor show structures labeled?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is traumatic rupture present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is uterus present?,no ,what labeled?,structures ,how does the thyroid parenchyma contain a dense lymphocytic infiltrate?,with germinal centers ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,normal liver ,does this image show normal liver?,yes ,does yellow color show normal liver?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is syndactyly present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,does the thyroid parenchyma contain a dense lymphocytic infiltrate with germinal centers?,yes ,"does this image show kidney, hemochromatosis?",yes ,"does stomach show kidney, hemochromatosis?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is digital infarcts bacterial endocarditis present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,liver ,"does this image show liver, hemochromatosis?",yes ,"does an opened peritoneal cavity cause by fibrous band strangulation show liver, hemochromatosis?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does the extensive subcutaneous fibrosis create?,a clawlike flexion deformity ,does the transmural light area in the posterolateral left ventricle contain a dense lymphocytic infiltrate with germinal centers?,no ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is sacrococcygeal teratoma present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,liver ,"does this image show liver, hemochromatosis?",yes ,"does surface show liver, hemochromatosis?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is jejunum present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what are seen?,residual thyroid follicles lined by deeply eosinophilic hurthle cells ,what does this image show?,liver ,"does this image show liver, macronodular cirrhosis, hcv - transjugular intrahepatic portocaval shunt tips?",yes ,"does endometritis show liver, macronodular cirrhosis, hcv - transjugular intrahepatic portocaval shunt tips?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is hemorrhage associated with placental abruption present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,hepatitis b virus ,"does this image show hepatitis b virus, hepatocellular carcinoma?",yes ,"does lesion in dome of uterus show hepatitis b virus, hepatocellular carcinoma?",no ,are residual thyroid follicles lined by deeply eosinophilic hurthle cells seen?,yes ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is myelomonocytic leukemia present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is endometritis postpartum present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,why does this image show hepatic congestion?,due to congestive heart failure ,what does this image show?,hepatic congestion due to congestive heart failure ,are typical pattern of neutrophils emanating from a crypt seen?,no ,does this image show hepatic congestion due to congestive heart failure?,yes ,does hematoma show hepatic congestion due to congestive heart failure?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is krukenberg tumor present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is adenocarcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,"what are lined by cells with characteristic empty-appearing nuclei, sometimes termed orphan annie eye nuclei c in this particular example?",well-formed papillae ,what does this image show?,amyloidosis ,does this image show amyloidosis?,yes ,does hemorrhagic corpus luteum show amyloidosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is malignant adenoma present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is fibrotic lesion present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what are well-formed papillae lined by?,cells with characteristic empty-appearing nuclei ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,liver ,"does this image show liver, metastatic breast cancer?",yes ,"does fallopian tube show liver, metastatic breast cancer?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is parathyroid present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,liver ,"does this image show liver, metastatic breast cancer?",yes ,"are well-formed papillae lined by cells with characteristic empty-appearing nuclei, sometimes termed orphan annie eye nuclei c in this particular example?",yes ,"does bone, calvarium show liver, metastatic breast cancer?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is right side atresia present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,cirrhosis ,does this image show cirrhosis?,yes ,does carcinoma superficial spreading show cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,"is reversible injury lined by cells with characteristic empty-appearing nuclei, sometimes termed orphan annie eye nuclei c in this particular example?",no ,is choanal patency present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is odontoid process subluxation with narrowing of foramen magnum present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,alcoholic cirrhosis ,does this image show alcoholic cirrhosis?,yes ,does interesting case show alcoholic cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what contain recognizable colloid?,a few of the glandular lumina ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is glioma present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,liver ,"does this image show liver, fungal abscesses, candida?",yes ,"does atherosclerosis show liver, fungal abscesses, candida?",no ,what do a few of the glandular lumina contain?,recognizable colloid ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is amputation stump infected present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,cirrhosis ,does this image show cirrhosis?,yes ,does mucoepidermoid carcinoma show cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is chloramphenicol toxicity present?,no ,does the extensive subcutaneous fibrosis create a clawlike flexion deformity?,yes ,do a few of the glandular lumina contain recognizable colloid?,yes ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,hepatocellular carcinoma ,"does this image show hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatitis c positive?",yes ,"does serous cystadenoma show hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatitis c positive?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,does the lesion contain recognizable colloid?,no ,is cervical leiomyoma present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is female reproductive present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what showing cut surfaces?,close-up of faceted mixed stones with two ,what is close-up of faceted mixed stones with two showing?,two showing cut surfaces ,is close-up of faceted mixed stones with two showing cut surfaces?,yes ,is pagets disease showing cut surfaces?,no ,what demonstrates an area of increased uptake corresponding to the left inferior parathyroid gland (arrow)?,technetium-99 radionuclide scan ,what does this image show?,close-up of faceted mixed stones with two showing cut surfaces ,does this image show close-up of faceted mixed stones with two showing cut surfaces?,yes ,does marfans syndrome show close-up of faceted mixed stones with two showing cut surfaces?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is lesion of myocytolysis present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is exostosis present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,does the technetium-99 radionuclide scan demonstrate an area of increased uptake corresponding to the left inferior parathyroid gland arrow?,yes ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,frontal section with large patch of central infarction well seen ,how does this image show frontal section?,with large patch of central infarction well seen ,does this image show frontal section with large patch of central infarction well seen?,yes ,does angiogram saphenous vein bypass graft show frontal section with large patch of central infarction well seen?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is thymus present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,does rugal demonstrate an area of increased uptake corresponding to the left inferior parathyroid gland arrow?,no ,is mixed mesodermal tumor present?,no ,what well seen?,frontal section with large patch of central infarction ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is glioma present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is fracture present?,no ,is this benign tumor proved to be a parathyroid adenoma?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is atherosclerosis present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is hemangioma present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,"what is useful in localizing and distinguishing adenomas from parathyroid hyperplasia, in which more than one gland will demonstrate increased uptake?",preoperative scintigraphy ,what does this image show?,anterior view of removed and non-sectioned liver as surgeon would see thcase of polycystic disease ,does this image show anterior view of removed and non-sectioned liver as surgeon would see thcase of polycystic disease?,yes ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what looks like an ascending cholangitis?,this ,what does this look?,like an ascending cholangitis ,what is preoperative scintigraphy useful for?,localizing and distinguishing adenomas from parathyroid hyperplasia ,does this look like an ascending cholangitis?,yes ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,what looks like an ascending cholangitis?,this ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,post-orthotopic liver transplant ,does this image show post-orthotopic liver transplant?,yes ,does nodular tumor show post-orthotopic liver transplant?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,"is preoperative scintigraphy useful in localizing and distinguishing adenomas from parathyroid hyperplasia, in which more than one gland will demonstrate increased uptake?",yes ,is this myoma present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what does this image show?,recurrent hepatitis c virus ,does this image show recurrent hepatitis c virus?,yes ,does hilar cell tumor show recurrent hepatitis c virus?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is infarct present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,"is the necrotic ulcer base useful in localizing and distinguishing adenomas from parathyroid hyperplasia, in which more than one gland will demonstrate increased uptake?",no ,is carcinoma superficial spreading present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,recurrent hepatitis c virus ,does this image show recurrent hepatitis c virus?,yes ,does adenocarcinoma show recurrent hepatitis c virus?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is carcinoma superficial spreading present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,what is the embolus composed of?,hematopoietic marrow and marrow fat cells ,"does the immediate reaction have virtually immobilized the fingers, creating a clawlike flexion deformity?",no ,what cells represent osteoprogenitor cells?,the surrounding spindle cells ,is liver present?,yes ,is exostosis present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,recurrent hepatitis c virus ,does this image show recurrent hepatitis c virus?,yes ,does fixed tissue show recurrent hepatitis c virus?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is blood present?,no ,what do the surrounding spindle cells represent?,the osteoprogenitor cells ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is cardiovascular present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,does this image show sarcoid?,yes ,does mesothelioma show sarcoid?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,"is bone, clivus present?",no ,do the surrounding spindle cells represent osteoprogenitor cells?,yes ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is mucinous cystadenocarcinoma present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does exposure show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,"do large, flat cells with small nuclei represent osteoprogenitor cells?",no ,is temporal muscle hemorrhage present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is choanal patency present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does quite good liver show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is shortened by compression fractures?,the osteoporotic vertebral body ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is cysticercosis present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is lymphoid atrophy in newborn present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does the excellent uterus show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is the osteoporotic vertebral body shorten by?,compression fractures ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is rocky mountain present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is omphalocele present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,ductopenia ,does this image show ductopenia?,yes ,is steoporotic vertebral body shorten by compression fractures?,yes ,does candida in peripheral blood show ductopenia?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is the superior vena cava present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is chromophobe adenoma present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,is high-power detail of an asbestos body shorten by compression fractures?,no ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does cachexia show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is pierre robin sndrome present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is stress present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what is composed of haphazardly interconnecting trabeculae of woven bone that are rimmed by prominent osteoblasts?,osteoid osteoma ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does atheromatous embolus show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is malformed base present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is diagnosis present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is osteoid osteoma composed of?,haphazardly interconnecting trabeculae of woven bone that are rimmed by prominent osteoblasts ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does hypersegmented neutrophil show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is metastatic neuroblastoma present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is intraductal papillomatosis with apocrine metaplasia present?,no ,what has led to cutaneous ulcerations?,loss of blood supply ,is osteoid osteoma composed of haphazardly interconnecting trabeculae of woven bone that are rimmed by prominent osteoblasts?,yes ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does situs inversus show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is inflamed exocervix present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is renal glomerulus composed of haphazardly interconnecting trabeculae of woven bone that are rimmed by prominent osteoblasts?,no ,is view of head with scalp present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does right leaf of diaphragm show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is marfans syndrome present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,what are filled by vascularized loose connective tissue?,the intertrabecular spaces ,is liver present?,yes ,is the superior vena cava present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does polysplenia show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is chronic lymphocytic leukemia present?,no ,what are the intertrabecular spaces filled by?,vascularized loose connective tissue ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is heart present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,autoimmune hepatitis ,does this image show autoimmune hepatitis?,yes ,does corpus luteum show autoimmune hepatitis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,are the intertrabecular spaces filled by vascularized loose connective tissue?,yes ,is all the fat necrosis present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma prostate present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,primary biliary cirrhosis ,does this image show primary biliary cirrhosis?,yes ,does pinworm show primary biliary cirrhosis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,are the alveoli filled by vascularized loose connective tissue?,no ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is hand present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,autoimmune hepatitis ,does this image show autoimmune hepatitis?,yes ,does serous cystadenoma show autoimmune hepatitis?,no ,what is encased by a thin layer of reactive bone?,a nodule of hyaline cartilage ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is adrenal of premature 30 week gestation gram infant lesion present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is artery present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,autoimmune hepatitis ,does this image show autoimmune hepatitis?,yes ,what is enchondroma composed of?,a nodule of hyaline cartilage ,does foot show autoimmune hepatitis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is cysticercosis present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is papillary adenoma present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,autoimmune hepatitis ,how is enchondroma composed?,of a nodule of hyaline cartilage ,does this image show autoimmune hepatitis?,yes ,does exact cause show autoimmune hepatitis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is choanal atresia present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is size present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,is enchondroma composed of a nodule of hyaline cartilage encased by a thin layer of reactive bone?,yes ,what does this image show?,autoimmune hepatitis ,does this image show autoimmune hepatitis?,yes ,does amyloidosis show autoimmune hepatitis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is cysticercosis present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is endocervical polyp present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what has loss of blood supply led to?,cutaneous ulcerations ,is the adrenal cortex encased by a thin layer of reactive bone?,no ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,autoimmune hepatitis ,does this image show autoimmune hepatitis?,yes ,does leg show autoimmune hepatitis?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is this image shows of smooth muscle cell with lipid in sarcoplasm and lipid present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is cut present?,no ,what serves to couple the cell membrane to extracellular matrix proteins such as laminin-2 and the intracellular cytoskeleton?,the complex of glycoproteins ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,granulomas ,does this image show granulomas?,yes ,does granuloma show granulomas?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is basilar skull fracture present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,what does this complex of glycoproteins serve to couple?,the cell membrane and the extracellular matrix proteins ,is umbilical cord present?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what is present?,liver ,what does this image show?,high molecular weight keratin ,does this image show high molecular weight keratin?,yes ,does rheumatoid arthritis show high molecular weight keratin?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is leiomyoma present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,does this complex of glycoproteins serve to couple the cell membrane to extracellular matrix proteins such as laminin-2 and the intracellular cytoskeleton?,yes ,is liver present?,yes ,is subcapsular hematoma present?,no ,what does this image show?,low molecular weight keratin ,does this image show low molecular weight keratin?,yes ,does polyarteritis nodosa show low molecular weight keratin?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is histiocyte present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,does the light green polypeptides serve to couple the cell membrane to extracellular matrix proteins such as laminin-2 and the intracellular cytoskeleton?,no ,is metastatic lung carcinoma present?,no ,what does this image show?,ductopenia ,does this image show ductopenia?,yes ,does mesothelioma show ductopenia?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is hypersegmented neutrophil present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is plasma cell present?,no ,what is made by dystrophin?,a key set of connections ,what does this image show?,ductopenia ,does this image show ductopenia?,yes ,does a bulge show ductopenia?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is endometritis postpartum present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is leiomyosarcoma present?,no ,what does this image show?,moderate acute rejection ,what is a key set of connections made by?,dystrophin ,does this image show moderate acute rejection?,yes ,"does bone, skull show moderate acute rejection?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is hemochromatosis present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is fracture present?,no ,what does this image show?,moderate acute rejection ,does this image show moderate acute rejection?,yes ,is a key set of connections made by dystrophin?,yes ,does hemisection of nose show moderate acute rejection?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is blood present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is stein leventhal present?,no ,what does this image show?,moderate acute rejection ,does this image show moderate acute rejection?,yes ,does pituitary show moderate acute rejection?,no ,are characteristic intranuclear inclusions made by dystrophin?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is chordoma present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is cytomegaly present?,no ,what does this image show?,mild acute rejection ,does this image show mild acute rejection?,yes ,does liver show mild acute rejection?,no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,what has relatively uniform polygonal myofibers with peripherally placed nuclei that are tightly packed together into fascicles separated by scant connective tissue?,normal skeletal muscle tissue ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is capillary present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is anencephaly present?,no ,what does this image show?,hepatitis b virus ,"does this image show hepatitis b virus, hbve antigen immunohistochemistry?",yes ,"does myelomonocytic leukemia show hepatitis b virus, hbve antigen immunohistochemistry?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,has loss of blood supply led to cutaneous ulcerations?,yes ,what does normal skeletal muscle tissue have?,relatively uniform polygonal myofibers with peripherally placed nuclei that are tightly packed together into fascicles separated by scant connective tissue ,is lesion in dome of uterus present?,no ,what is present?,liver ,is liver present?,yes ,is small intestine present?,no ,what does this image show?,polyarteritis nodosa ,"does this image show polyarteritis nodosa, liver arteriogram?",yes ,"does fibrotic lesion show polyarteritis nodosa, liver arteriogram?",no ,what is present?,hepatobiliary ,is hepatobiliary present?,yes ,is heel ulcer present?,no ,does normal skeletal muscle have relatively uniform polygonal myofibers with peripherally placed nuclei that are tightly packed together into fascicles separated by scant connective tissue?,yes ,what does this image show?,lymph nodes ,"does this image show lymph nodes, lymphoma?",yes ,"does lesion show lymph nodes, lymphoma?",no ,what does this image show?,spleen ,"does this image show spleen, hypersplenism?",yes ,"does mixed mesodermal tumor show spleen, hypersplenism?",no ,what does this image show?,mesentery with involved nodes ,how does this image show mesentery?,with involved nodes ,does this image show mesentery with involved nodes?,yes ,does retroperitoneum show mesentery with involved nodes?,no ,does enal glomerulus showing markedly have relatively uniform polygonal myofibers with peripherally placed nuclei that are tightly packed together into fascicles separated by scant connective tissue?,no ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,is supernumerary digits present?,no ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma breast ,is metastatic carcinoma breast present?,yes ,is situs inversus present?,no ,what does this image show?,rather good view of mesentery with typical large nodes case which may have been a t-cell lymphoma ,how does this image show rather good view of mesentery?,with typical large nodes case which may have been a t-cell lymphoma ,what is present?,lymph node ,what is present?,hodgkins disease ,what is present (top center)?,a perimysial interfascicular septum containing a blood vessel ,what does this image show?,nodes around superior mesenteric artery ,what is present?,lymph node ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoid ,what does this image show?,close-up hilar node with anthracotic pigment and metastatic small cell carcinoma from lung good example ,what is present?,lymph node ,what does this image show?,nodes at tail of pancreas massively replaced by metastatic lung carcinoma ,what is present?,lymph node ,how is nodes at tail of pancreas replaced replaced by lung carcinoma?,metastatic ,what does this image show?,masses of periaortic nodes natural color good ,what is present?,lymph node ,what does a perimysial interfascicular septum contain?,a blood vessel ,what is present?,large cell lymphoma ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue excellent example of massively enlarged subcarinal and peritracheal nodes with metastatic lung cancer ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma ,is metastatic carcinoma present?,yes ,is endocervical polyp present?,no ,what shows good atherosclerotic plaques?,periaortic nodes with metastatic carcinoma aorta ,what does periaortic nodes with metastatic carcinoma aorta show?,good atherosclerotic plaques ,does periaortic nodes with metastatic carcinoma aorta show good atherosclerotic plaques?,yes ,is a perimysial interfascicular septum containing a blood vessel present?,yes ,does external view of gland with knife cuts into parenchyma hemorrhage show good atherosclerotic plaques?,no ,what does this image show?,periaortic nodes with metastatic carcinoma aorta shows good atherosclerotic plaques ,does this image show periaortic nodes with metastatic carcinoma aorta shows good atherosclerotic plaques?,yes ,does artery show periaortic nodes with metastatic carcinoma aorta shows good atherosclerotic plaques?,no ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,is another fiber other frame present?,no ,what does this image show?,spleen ,"does this image show spleen, lymphoma?",yes ,"does vessel show spleen, lymphoma?",no ,is remission of demyelinating disease present?,no ,what does this image show?,lymph nodes ,"does this image show lymph nodes, nodular sclerosing hodgkins disease?",yes ,"does retroperitoneum show lymph nodes, nodular sclerosing hodgkins disease?",no ,what does this image show?,lymph nodes ,"does this image show lymph nodes, nodular sclerosing hodgkins disease?",yes ,"does hypertension show lymph nodes, nodular sclerosing hodgkins disease?",no ,what does this image show?,spleen ,"does this image show spleen, congestion, congestive heart failure?",yes ,"does cat show spleen, congestion, congestive heart failure?",no ,what does this image show?,fair cell detail at best medium size cells ,what is corresponding to findings in the fig.711?,normal muscle has a checkerboard distribution of type i and type ii fibers ,does this image show fair cell detail at best medium size cells?,yes ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,what is present?,malignant lymphoma ,is malignant lymphoma present?,yes ,what is typical for dx?,morphology ,is morphology typical for dx?,yes ,what does this image show?,not the best histology ,does this image show not the best histology?,yes ,what is present?,lymph node ,what did fibers on this atpase reaction ph9 .4 correspond to?,findings in fig711 ,is lymph node present?,yes ,what is present?,burkitts lymphoma ,is burkitts lymphoma present?,yes ,how is not the best histology but morphology for dx?,typical ,how is not the best histology but morphology typical for?,dx ,what does this image show?,typical with reed sternberg cell source ,does this image show typical with reed sternberg cell source?,yes ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,what is present?,hodgkins disease ,did fibers on this atpase reaction ph9 .4 correspond to findings in the figure?,yes ,is hodgkins disease present?,yes ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,is thymoma present?,no ,what is present?,chronic lymphocytic leukemia ,is chronic lymphocytic leukemia present?,yes ,is intramural one lesion present?,no ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,"is bone, calvarium present?",no ,has low-power view of a cross section of a skin blister showing the epidermis led to cutaneous ulcerations?,no ,did urate crystals correspond to findings in the figure?,no ,what is present?,chronic lymphocytic leukemia ,is chronic lymphocytic leukemia present?,yes ,is child present?,no ,what does this image show?,lymphocytic infiltration in perinodal fat ,does this image show lymphocytic infiltration in perinodal fat?,yes ,does eosinophilic adenoma show lymphocytic infiltration in perinodal fat?,no ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,is omentum present?,no ,what is present?,malignant lymphoma ,what are expanded by infiltrating tumor cells?,multiple nerve fascicles ,is malignant lymphoma present?,yes ,what does this image show?,edge of node with infiltration of capsule obliteration of subcapsular sinus mixture of small dark lymphocytes and larger cells with vesicular nuclei not specified ,how does this image show edge of node?,with infiltration capsule obliteration subcapsular sinus mixture small dark lymphocytes and larger cells with vesicular nuclei not specified ,does this image show edge of node with infiltration of capsule obliteration of subcapsular sinus mixture of small dark lymphocytes and larger cells with vesicular nuclei not specified?,yes ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,what is present?,malignant lymphoma ,is malignant lymphoma present?,yes ,what does this image show?,lymphoma cells ,does this image show lymphoma cells?,yes ,what are multiple nerve fascicles expanded by?,infiltrating tumor cells ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,what is present?,lymphoblastic lymphoma ,is lymphoblastic lymphoma present?,yes ,what died with promyelocytic leukemia stomach lesion #?,incidental finding ,what is incidental finding died?,with promyelocytic leukemia stomach lesion # ,how is incidental finding died?,promyelocytic leukemia stomach lesion # ,is incidental finding died with promyelocytic leukemia stomach lesion #?,yes ,how many cm does this image show hepatic node anaplastic adenocarcinoma from a sessile prepyloric polyp incidental finding died with promyelocytic leukemia stomach lesion #?,one ,what does this image show?,hepatic node anaplastic adenocarcinoma from a one cm sessile prepyloric polyp incidental finding died with promyelocytic leukemia stomach lesion # ,are multiple nerve fascicles expanded by infiltrating tumor cells?,yes ,does this image show hepatic node anaplastic adenocarcinoma from a one cm sessile prepyloric polyp incidental finding died with promyelocytic leukemia stomach lesion #?,yes ,what is present?,lymph node ,is lymph node present?,yes ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma ,is metastatic carcinoma present?,yes ,what does this image show?,lymph node ,"does this image show lymph node, cryptococcosis gms?",yes ,what does this image show?,normal testes ,does this image show normal testes?,yes ,what is present?,male reproductive ,are characteristic intranuclear inclusions expanded by infiltrating tumor cells?,no ,is male reproductive present?,yes ,what does this image show?,orchitis and epididymitis ,"does this image show orchitis and epididymitis, subacute?",yes ,what is present?,prostate ,is prostate present?,yes ,what is present?,venous thrombosis ,is venous thrombosis present?,yes ,what sliced open testicle with intact epididymis?,excellent close-up view ,what is excellent close-up view sliced?,view sliced open testicle with intact epididymis ,how is excellent close-up view sliced open testicle?,intact epididymis ,is the vascular supply intact?,yes ,is excellent close-up view sliced open testicle with intact epididymis?,yes ,what does this image show?,excellent close-up view sliced open testicle with intact epididymis ,does this image show excellent close-up view sliced open testicle with intact epididymis?,yes ,what is present?,testicle ,is testicle present?,yes ,what is present?,normal ,is normal present?,yes ,how is excellent close-up view sliced testicle with intact epididymis?,open ,how is excellent close-up view sliced open testicle with epididymis?,intact ,what photographed close-up showing nodular parenchyma and dense intervening tumor tissue very good?,bread-loaf slices into prostate gland ,is subacute endocarditis intact?,no ,is bread-loaf slices into prostate gland photographed close-up showing nodular parenchyma and dense intervening tumor tissue very good?,yes ,what does this image show?,bread-loaf slices into prostate gland photographed close-up showing nodular parenchyma and dense intervening tumor tissue very good ,does this image show bread-loaf slices into prostate gland photographed close-up showing nodular parenchyma and dense intervening tumor tissue very good?,yes ,what intervening tumor tissue very good?,nodular parenchyma and dense ,what is nodular parenchyma and dense intervening?,tumor tissue very good ,is nodular parenchyma and dense intervening tumor tissue very good?,yes ,what is present?,adenocarcinoma ,is adenocarcinoma present?,yes ,how is nodular parenchyma and dense intervening tumor tissue very?,good ,what does this image show?,view of prostate bladder ureters and kidneys quite good shows prostate tumor invading floor of bladder causing hydroureter and hydronephrosis ,"what begins at the edges of the lesion, where the vascular supply is intact?",infiltration of a cerebral infarction by neutrophils ,does this image show view of prostate bladder ureters and kidneys quite good shows prostate tumor invading floor of bladder causing hydroureter and hydronephrosis?,yes ,what is present?,prostate ,is prostate present?,yes ,what is present?,adenocarcinoma ,is adenocarcinoma present?,yes ,what is not enlarged?,neoplasm gland ,is neoplasm gland not enlarged?,yes ,what does this image show?,excellent example to see neoplasm gland is not enlarged ,does this image show excellent example to see neoplasm gland is not enlarged?,yes ,what is present?,adenocarcinoma ,"does a ball of hair and a mixture of tissues begin at the edges of the lesion, where the vascular supply is intact?",no ,is adenocarcinoma present?,yes ,how many testicle does this image show discrete yellow mass lesion in hydrocele in other?,one ,what does this image show?,discrete yellow mass lesion in one testicle hydrocele in other ,does this image show discrete yellow mass lesion in one testicle hydrocele in other?,yes ,what is present?,testicle ,is testicle present?,yes ,what is present?,interstitial cell tumor ,is interstitial cell tumor present?,yes ,what does this image show?,fibrocaseous mass of tissue ,does this image show fibrocaseous mass of tissue?,yes ,when does an area of infarction show the presence of macrophages and surrounding reactive gliosis?,by day 10 ,what is present?,epididymis ,is epididymis present?,yes ,what is present?,tuberculosis ,is tuberculosis present?,yes ,what does this image show?,numerous large thrombi ,does this image show numerous large thrombi?,yes ,what is present?,prostate ,is prostate present?,yes ,what is present?,periprostatic vein thrombi ,is periprostatic vein thrombi present?,yes ,what delimits the tumor from the surrounding tissue?,the fibrous capsule ,what shows the presence of macrophages and surrounding reactive gliosis by day 10?,an area of infarction ,what does this image show?,no hyperplasia ,does this image show no hyperplasia?,yes ,what is present?,prostate ,is prostate present?,yes ,what is present?,calculi ,is calculi present?,yes ,what does this image show?,discrete tumor mass ,does this image show discrete tumor mass?,yes ,does digital infarcts bacterial endocarditis show discrete tumor mass?,no ,what is present?,testicle ,by when does an area of infarction show the presence of macrophages and surrounding reactive gliosis?,day 10 ,is testicle present?,yes ,is cut edge of mesentery present?,no ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma ,is metastatic carcinoma present?,yes ,is testicle present?,no ,what does this image show?,testes ,"does this image show testes, testicular atrophy?",yes ,when does this image show apoptosis in prostate?,after orchiectomy ,what does this image show?,apoptosis in prostate after orchiectomy ,does this image show apoptosis in prostate after orchiectomy?,yes ,what does an area of infarction show by day 10?,the presence of macrophages and surrounding reactive gliosis ,what does this image show?,prostate ,"does this image show prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia?",yes ,what does this image show?,prostate ,"does this image show prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia?",yes ,what does this image show?,normal prostate ,does this image show normal prostate?,yes ,what illustrates organisms granulomatous prostatitis case of aids?,gms ,what does gms illustrate?,organisms granulomatous prostatitis case of aids ,does gms illustrate organisms granulomatous prostatitis case of aids?,yes ,what does this image show?,gms illustrates organisms granulomatous prostatitis case of aids ,does an area of infarction show the presence of macrophages and surrounding reactive gliosis by day 10?,yes ,does this image show gms illustrates organisms granulomatous prostatitis case of aids?,yes ,what is present?,pneumocystis ,is pneumocystis present?,yes ,what does this image show?,7yo with craniopharyngioma and underdeveloped penis ,does this image show 7yo with craniopharyngioma and underdeveloped penis?,yes ,what is present?,testicle ,is testicle present?,yes ,what does this image show?,classical polyarteritis nodosa type lesion ,does this image show classical polyarteritis nodosa type lesion?,yes ,what is present?,testicle ,does the distal edge of the intramural hematoma show the presence of macrophages and surrounding reactive gliosis by day 10?,no ,is testicle present?,yes ,what is present?,rheumatoid arthritis with vasculitis ,is rheumatoid arthritis with vasculitis present?,yes ,what does this image show?,med excellent example of perineural invasion ,does this image show med excellent example of perineural invasion?,yes ,what is present?,prostate ,is prostate present?,yes ,what is present?,adenocarcinoma ,is adenocarcinoma present?,yes ,what does this image show?,inguinal hernia ,what are seen as areas of tissue loss and residual gliosis?,old intracortical infarcts ,does this image show inguinal hernia?,yes ,what does this image show?,diaphragm ,"does this image show diaphragm, asbestosis and mesothelioma?",yes ,what looks like ivory vertebra of breast carcinoma?,close-up ,what does close-up look?,up looks like ivory vertebra of breast carcinoma ,does close-up look like ivory vertebra of breast carcinoma?,yes ,what does this image show?,close-up looks like ivory vertebra of breast carcinoma ,does this image show close-up looks like ivory vertebra of breast carcinoma?,yes ,what is a case of prostatic carcinoma?,this ,what is this of prostatic carcinoma?,a case ,what are old intracortical infarcts seen as?,areas of tissue loss and residual gliosis ,is this a case of prostatic carcinoma?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,good representation ,does this image show good representation?,yes ,does nodule show good representation?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is surface of nodes seen externally in slide present?,no ,what does this image show?,several and large lesions ,are old intracortical infarcts seen as areas of tissue loss and residual gliosis?,yes ,does this image show several and large lesions?,yes ,does granulomata slide show several and large lesions?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is nipples present?,no ,what does this image show?,white muscle ,does this image show white muscle?,yes ,does glioma show white muscle?,no ,what is present?,soft tissue ,is soft tissue present?,yes ,when does an area of infarction show the presence of macrophages and surrounding reactive gliosis?,by day 10 ,is acute lymphocytic leukemia present?,no ,what are easily seen?,multiple and typical lesions ,are multiple and typical lesions easily seen?,yes ,are tuberculous peritonitis easily seen?,no ,what does this image show?,not the best color in photo ,does this image show not the best color in photo?,yes ,does oil acid show not the best color in photo?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is wrights single cell present?,no ,what is attached to the dura?,large organizing subdural hematoma ,when does this image show patient?,before surgery lesion in clavicle ,what does this image show?,patient before surgery lesion in clavicle ,does this image show patient before surgery lesion in clavicle?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,opened body ,does this image show opened body?,yes ,what is present?,muscle ,is muscle present?,yes ,what is present?,soft tissue ,what does the fibrous capsule delimit?,the tumor ,what is large organizing subdural hematoma attached to?,the dura ,is soft tissue present?,yes ,what collapsed vertebra and one filled with neoplasm looks like breast carcinoma but is an unclassified lymphoma?,one ,what is one collapsed?,vertebra and filled with neoplasm looks like breast carcinoma but an unclassified lymphoma ,is one collapsed vertebra and one filled with neoplasm looks like breast carcinoma but is an unclassified lymphoma?,yes ,what does this image show?,vertebra column one collapsed vertebra and one filled with neoplasm looks like breast carcinoma but is an unclassified lymphoma ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,sternum saggital section obvious neoplasm from lung scar carcinoma ,does this image show sternum saggital section obvious neoplasm from lung scar carcinoma?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is large organizing subdural hematoma attached to the dura?,yes ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,sectioned femoral heads showing very nicely necrosis excellent ,does this image show sectioned femoral heads showing very nicely necrosis excellent?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what sigmoid colon papillary adenocarcinoma 6mo post colon resection with multiple complications?,excellent lesions ,what is excellent multiple lesions sigmoid?,colon papillary adenocarcinoma 6mo post colon resection with complications ,how is excellent multiple lesions sigmoid colon papillary adenocarcinoma 6mo post colon resection?,complications ,what does this image show?,excellent multiple lesions sigmoid colon papillary adenocarcinoma 6mo post colon resection with multiple complications ,what is present?,joints ,is gross appearance of leukoplakia attached to the dura?,no ,how is excellent multiple lesions sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma 6mo post colon resection with multiple complications?,papillary ,how is excellent multiple lesions sigmoid colon papillary 6mo post colon resection with multiple complications?,adenocarcinoma ,how is excellent lesions sigmoid colon papillary adenocarcinoma 6mo post colon resection with complications?,multiple ,what is prostate adenocarcinoma?,excellent vertebral body primary ,what is excellent vertebral body primary adenocarcinoma?,prostate ,what does this image show?,very close-up view excellent vertebral body primary is prostate adenocarcinoma ,what is present?,joints ,how is very close-up view excellent vertebral body primary prostate?,adenocarcinoma ,how much of lung giant cell type occurring 25 years after she was treat-ed for hodgkins disease?,44yobfadenocarcinoma ,what occurring 25 years after she was treat-ed for hodgkins disease?,obvious metastatic lesion 44yobfadenocarcinoma of lung giant cell type ,what contains a central focus of white matter necrosis with a peripheral rim of mineralized axonal processes?,this specimen from a patient with periventricular leukomalacia ,when is obvious metastatic lesion 44yobfadenocarcinoma of lung giant cell type occurring 25 years?,obvious ,what is obvious metastatic lesion 44yobfadenocarcinoma of lung giant cell type occurring?,after she was treat-ed for hodgkins disease ,when does this image show close-up of vertebra with obvious metastatic lesion 44yobfadenocarcinoma of lung giant cell type occurring 25 years?,after she was treat-ed for hodgkins disease ,what does this image show?,close-up of vertebra with obvious metastatic lesion 44yobfadenocarcinoma of lung giant cell type occurring 25 years after she was treat-ed for hodgkins disease ,how does this image show close-up of vertebra?,with obvious metastatic lesion 44yobfadenocarcinoma lung giant cell type occurring 25 years after she was treat-ed for hodgkins disease ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,marrow filled with obvious tumor ,does this image show marrow filled with obvious tumor?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,what does this specimen from a patient with periventricular leukomalacia contain?,a central focus of white matter necrosis ,is joints present?,yes ,how is marrow filled with tumor?,obvious ,does this image show opened infant body with abdominal viscera in right chest quite good?,yes ,what is present?,muscle ,is muscle present?,yes ,what is present?,soft tissue ,is soft tissue present?,yes ,what are somewhat collapsed?,close-up view well shown normal discs case of chronic myelogenous leukemia in a 14yo male vertebra ,what are close-up view well shown normal discs case of chronic myelogenous leukemia in a 14yo male vertebra collapsed?,vertebra somewhat ,what does this image show?,close-up view well shown normal discs case of chronic myelogenous leukemia in a 14yo male vertebra are somewhat collapsed ,does this specimen from a patient with periventricular leukomalacia contain a central focus of white matter necrosis with a peripheral rim of mineralized axonal processes?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue obvious marrow metastatic type lesions but not typical for myeloma ,what is present?,joints ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue frontal section of joint with obvious cartilage loss and subsynovial fibrosis ,does this image show fixed tissue frontal section of joint with obvious cartilage loss and subsynovial fibrosis?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,not a good exposure ,does this image show not a good exposure?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,does nonfunctioning adenomas contain a central focus of white matter necrosis with a peripheral rim of mineralized axonal processes?,no ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,multiple metastatic appearing lesions diagnosed reticulum cell sarcoma ,does this image show multiple metastatic appearing lesions diagnosed reticulum cell sarcoma?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,"why does this image show skeletal muscle, atrophy?",due to immobilization cast ,what does this image show?,skeletal muscle ,"does this image show skeletal muscle, atrophy due to immobilization cast?",yes ,"does hypospadias show skeletal muscle, atrophy due to immobilization cast?",no ,what is present?,musculoskeletal ,"what shows irregular, poorly defined areas of demyelination, which become confluent in places?",section stained for myeln ,is musculoskeletal present?,yes ,is gms present?,no ,"why does this image show skeletal muscle, atrophy?",due to immobilization cast ,what does this image show?,skeletal muscle ,"does this image show skeletal muscle, atrophy due to immobilization cast?",yes ,"does esophagus show skeletal muscle, atrophy due to immobilization cast?",no ,what is present?,musculoskeletal ,is musculoskeletal present?,yes ,is endocrine present?,no ,what does this image show?,rheumatoid arthritis ,what become confluent in places?,areas of demyelination ,"does this image show rheumatoid arthritis, synovial hypertrophy with formation of villi pannus?",yes ,"does close-up tumor show rheumatoid arthritis, synovial hypertrophy with formation of villi pannus?",no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is oil wrights cells present?,no ,what does this image show?,tracheotomy site ,"does this image show tracheotomy site, granulation tissue?",yes ,"does this protocol show tracheotomy site, granulation tissue?",no ,what is present?,muscle ,is muscle present?,yes ,is the section stained for myelin?,yes ,is malignant histiocytosis present?,no ,what is present?,soft tissue ,is soft tissue present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma oat cell present?,no ,what does this image show?,gout ,does this image show gout?,yes ,does pinworm show gout?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is opened abdominal cavity with massive tumor in omentum none apparent in liver nor over peritoneal surfaces gut present?,no ,does the fibrous capsule delimit the tumor from the surrounding tissue?,yes ,"is low-power view of a cross section of a skin blister showing the epidermis stain for myelin showing irregular, poorly defined areas of demyelination, which become confluent in places?",no ,what does this image show?,gout ,does this image show gout?,yes ,does adrenal show gout?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is fixed lesions present?,no ,what does this image show?,gout ,does this image show gout?,yes ,does quite good liver show gout?,no ,what is present?,joints ,what are demonstrated by immunohistochemical staining?,free tachyzoites ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,gout ,does this image show gout?,yes ,does sugar coated show gout?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,small lymphorrhages ,does this image show small lymphorrhages?,yes ,what is present?,muscle ,is muscle present?,yes ,what are free tachyzoites demonstrated by?,immunohistochemical staining ,what is present?,soft tissue ,is soft tissue present?,yes ,what does this image show?,small lymphorrhages ,does this image show small lymphorrhages?,yes ,what is present?,muscle ,is muscle present?,yes ,what is present?,soft tissue ,is soft tissue present?,yes ,what does this image show?,islands of tumor with nice new bone formation ,how does this image show islands of tumor?,with nice new bone formation ,are free tachyzoites demonstrated by immunohistochemical staining?,yes ,does this image show islands of tumor with nice new bone formation?,yes ,does spleen show islands of tumor with nice new bone formation?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is digits present?,no ,what does this image show?,nice new bone formation tumor difficult to see ,does this image show nice new bone formation tumor difficult to see?,yes ,does postpartum uterus show nice new bone formation tumor difficult to see?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,are hours demonstrated by immunohistochemical staining?,no ,is this image shows wrights typical present?,no ,what does this image show?,stomach primary ,does this image show stomach primary?,yes ,does intrauterine contraceptive device show stomach primary?,no ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is surface of nodes seen externally in slide present?,no ,what is islands of tumor?,gross ,what is gross of tumor?,islands ,is gross islands of tumor?,yes ,"what are present as a pseudocyst, again highlighted by immunohistochemical staining?",bradyzoites ,what does this image show?,vertebral body gross is islands of tumor with stimulated new bone formation a desmoplastic reaction to the tumor additional micros are and ,how does this image show vertebral body gross is islands of tumor?,with stimulated new bone formation a desmoplastic reaction to the additional micros are and ,what are and?,additional micros ,what is present?,joints ,what does this image show?,villous lesion with chronic inflammatory cells ,how does this image show villous lesion?,with chronic inflammatory cells ,does this image show villous lesion with chronic inflammatory cells?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what induced atrophy?,high excellent steroid ,what are bradyzoites present as?,pseudocyst ,what is high excellent steroid induced?,atrophy ,is high excellent steroid induced atrophy?,yes ,what does this image show?,high excellent steroid induced atrophy ,does this image show high excellent steroid induced atrophy?,yes ,what is present?,muscle ,is muscle present?,yes ,what is present?,soft tissue ,is soft tissue present?,yes ,what does this image show?,high excessive fibrous callus in a non-union with area of osteoid deposition excellent example ,does this image show high excessive fibrous callus in a non-union with area of osteoid deposition excellent example?,yes ,"are inset, bradyzoites present as a pseudocyst, again highlighted by immunohistochemical staining?",yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,high fibrous callus with osteoid and osteoblasts ,how does this image show high fibrous callus?,with osteoid and osteoblasts ,does this image show high fibrous callus with osteoid and osteoblasts?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,high new bone formation with osteoblasts and osteoclasts and some remaining cartilage an excellent example from a non-union ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,"are this condition present as a pseudocyst, again highlighted by immunohistochemical staining?",no ,what does this image show?,high excellent enchondral bone formation with osteoid osteoblasts osteoclasts ,what is present?,joints ,what does this image show?,high excellent bone remodeling with osteoclasts and osteoblasts 81 ,what is present?,joints ,what does this image show?,x-ray hand ,does this image show x-ray hand?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what does this image show?,x-ray sternum healing fracture 15 days ,does this image show x-ray sternum healing fracture 15 days?,yes ,does immunohistochemical stain for abeta?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,what removed at autopsy good illustration?,x-ray of femoral heads ,what is x-ray of femoral heads removed?,heads removed at autopsy good illustration ,is x-ray of femoral heads removed at autopsy good illustration?,yes ,what does this image show?,x-ray of femoral heads removed at autopsy good illustration ,does this image show x-ray of femoral heads removed at autopsy good illustration?,yes ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,how is x-ray of femoral heads removed at good illustration?,autopsy ,does the surrounding lung delimit the tumor from the surrounding tissue?,no ,does fascicular muscle architecture stain for abeta?,no ,how is x-ray of femoral heads removed at autopsy illustration?,good ,what is slide?,ap view ,what is ap view?,slide ,what does this image show?,x-ray distal femur lateral view lytic and blastic lesion ,what is present?,joints ,what is?,lateral view ,what does this image show?,x-ray distal femur ap view lytic and blastic lesion 12 yo female three month history painful knee outside study case lateral view is ,what is present?,joints ,is joints present?,yes ,is electron micrographs demonstrating fiber present?,no ,what is present in the core of the plaques as well as in the surrounding region?,peptide ,what does this image show?,touch impression from cerebrospinal fluid - toxoplasma ,does this image show touch impression from cerebrospinal fluid - toxoplasma?,yes ,does peritoneum show touch impression from cerebrospinal fluid - toxoplasma?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma breast present?,no ,what does this image show?,dr garcia tumors 58 ,does photo show dr garcia tumors 58?,no ,what is present?,brain ,is alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical present?,no ,where is peptide present in?,the core of the plaques as well as the surrounding region ,what is present?,subependymal giant cell astrocytoma ,is this typical lesion present?,no ,what does this image show?,dr garcia tumors 47 ,does odontoid process subluxation with narrowing of foramen magnum show dr garcia tumors 47?,no ,what is present?,brain ,is typical tuberculous exudate present?,no ,what is present?,meningioma ,is mucinous cystadenocarcinoma present?,no ,what does this image show?,dr garcia tumors 25 ,does metastatic carcinoma prostate show dr garcia tumors 25?,no ,is peptide present in the core of the plaques as well as in the surrounding region?,yes ,what is present?,brain ,is sectioned femur lesion present?,no ,what is present?,papillary astrocytoma ,is view of head with scalp present?,no ,what does this image show?,dr garcia tumors 5 ,does atrophy secondary to pituitectomy show dr garcia tumors 5?,no ,what is present?,brain ,is side present?,no ,what is present?,astrocytoma ,is venous thrombosis present?,no ,is the colon present in the core of the plaques as well as in the surrounding region?,no ,what does this image show?,wernicke 's encephalopathy ,does this image show wernicke 's encephalopathy?,yes ,does chronic myelogenous leukemia show wernicke 's encephalopathy?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is splenomegaly with cirrhosis present?,no ,what does this image show?,normal brain ,does this image show normal brain?,yes ,does carcinomatosis show normal brain?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,what are neurons containing tangles stained with?,an antibody specific for tau ,is nervous present?,yes ,is heel ulcer present?,no ,what does this image show?,normal brain ,does this image show normal brain?,yes ,does chromophobe adenoma show normal brain?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is penis present?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",yes ,are neurons containing tangles stained with an antibody specific for tau?,yes ,"does chloramphenicol toxicity show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is metastatic neuroblastoma present?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",yes ,"does pituitectomy show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is wonder present?,no ,are lobular carcinomas stained with an antibody specific for tau?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",yes ,"does malignant lymphoma large cell type show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is metastatic adenocarcinoma present?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, encephalomalacia?",yes ,"does peritoneum show brain, encephalomalacia?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,what is referred to as wickham striae?,flat-topped pink-purple polygonal papule with white lacelike markings ,is nervous present?,yes ,is this image shows of smooth muscle cell with lipid in sarcoplasm and lipid present?,no ,"why does this image show brain, subarachanoid hemorrhage?",due to ruptured aneurysm ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, subarachanoid hemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm?",yes ,"does side show brain, subarachanoid hemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is cardiovascular present?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,are flat-topped pink-purple polygonal papule with white lacelike markings referred to as wickham striae?,yes ,is nervous present?,yes ,is yo present?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, frontal lobe atrophy, pick 's disease?",yes ,"does gaucher cell show brain, frontal lobe atrophy, pick 's disease?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is metastatic carcinoma breast present?,no ,what does this image show?,neural tube defect ,does this image show neural tube defect?,yes ,what are atrophic and replaced by fibrous tissue?,the parenchymal glands ,are these hormones referred to as wickham striae?,no ,does atheromatous embolus show neural tube defect?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is this lesion present?,no ,what does this image show?,neural tube defect ,"does this image show neural tube defect, vertebral bodies?",yes ,"does this photo show neural tube defect, vertebral bodies?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is subcapsular hematoma present?,no ,what are confined to superficial layers of the epidermis?,immunoglobulin deposits ,what does this image show?,brain abscess ,does this image show brain abscess?,yes ,does stillborn macerated show brain abscess?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is cleft palate present?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, breast cancer metastasis to meninges?",yes ,"does abdomen show brain, breast cancer metastasis to meninges?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,what are immunoglobulin deposits confined to?,superficial layers of the epidermis ,is nervous present?,yes ,is soft tissue present?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, intracerebral hemorrhage?",yes ,"does fibrous meningioma show brain, intracerebral hemorrhage?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is cytomegalovirus present?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, cryptococcal meningitis?",yes ,are immunoglobulin deposits confined to superficial layers of the epidermis?,yes ,"does malignant lymphoma show brain, cryptococcal meningitis?",no ,what stain?,mucicarmine ,do mucicarmine stain?,yes ,do spleen stain?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is ameloblastoma present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, cryptococcal meningitis?",yes ,are only a few areas of pale squamous mucosa confined to superficial layers of the epidermis?,no ,"does lymphangiomatosis generalized show brain, cryptococcal meningitis?",no ,what stain?,mucicarmine ,do mucicarmine stain?,yes ,do this stain?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is supernumerary digit present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, cryptococcal meningitis?",yes ,what is seen in pemphigus vulgaris?,a typical blister ,"does immunostain for growth hormone show brain, cryptococcal meningitis?",no ,what stain?,mucicarmine ,do mucicarmine stain?,yes ,do seminoma stain?,no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is malaria plasmodium vivax present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",yes ,"is a typical blister, which is more superficial than those seen in pemphigus vulgaris shown?",yes ,"does histoplasmosis show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is thymus present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",yes ,"does tumor show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is four-chamber dilation and hypertrophy seen in pemphigus vulgaris?,no ,is miliary tuberculosis present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",yes ,"does cachexia show brain, old infarcts, embolic?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is cm present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,"why does this image show brain, infarct?",due to ruptured saccular aneurysm and thrombosis of right middle cerebral artery ,what is composed of melanocytes that lose pigmentation and become smaller and more dispersed as they extend into the dermis-all signs that speak to the benign nature of the proliferation?,the nevus ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, infarct due to ruptured saccular aneurysm and thrombosis of right middle cerebral artery?",yes ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, microthrombi, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura?",yes ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is cranial artery present?,no ,what is a nevus composed of?,melanocytes ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,neural tube defect ,"does this image show neural tube defect, meningomyelocele?",yes ,"does cut show neural tube defect, meningomyelocele?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is yellow color present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,neural tube defect ,"does this image show neural tube defect, meningomyelocele?",yes ,is the embolus composed of hematopoietic marrow and marrow fat cells attached to a thrombus?,yes ,how are the parenchymal glands?,atrophic and replaced by fibrous tissue ,is a nevus composed of melanocytes that lose pigmentation and become smaller and more dispersed as they extend into the dermis-all signs that speak to the benign nature of the proliferation?,yes ,"does retroperitoneal liposarcoma show neural tube defect, meningomyelocele?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is choanal patency present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, cryptococcal meningitis?",yes ,"does medial aspect show brain, cryptococcal meningitis?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is the photomicrograph of pheochromocytoma composed of melanocytes that lose pigmentation and become smaller and more dispersed as they extend into the dermis-all signs that speak to the benign nature of the proliferation?,no ,is candida in peripheral blood present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, toxoplasma encephalitis?",yes ,"does cyst show brain, toxoplasma encephalitis?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is this fixed tissue present?,no ,where is this?,nervous ,what does this image show?,brain ,what is there in the septal walls and around the bronchiole?,presence of abundant coarse black carbon pigment bronchiole ,"does this image show brain, herpes encephalitis, perivascular cuffing?",yes ,"does heart show brain, herpes encephalitis, perivascular cuffing?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is embryo-fetus present?,no ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, herpes inclusion bodies?",yes ,"does hematologic show brain, herpes inclusion bodies?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,where is presence of abundant coarse black carbon pigment?,in the septal walls and around the bronchiole ,is pus in test tube present?,no ,why does this image show spinal cord injury?,due to vertebral column trauma ,what does this image show?,spinal cord injury due to vertebral column trauma ,"does this image show spinal cord injury due to vertebral column trauma, demyelination?",yes ,"does small intestine show spinal cord injury due to vertebral column trauma, demyelination?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is atrophy secondary to pituitectomy present?,no ,why does this image show spinal cord injury?,due to vertebral column trauma ,what does this image show?,spinal cord injury due to vertebral column trauma ,is there presence of abundant coarse black carbon pigment in the septal walls and around the bronchiole?,yes ,"does this image show spinal cord injury due to vertebral column trauma, demyelination?",yes ,"does soft tissue show spinal cord injury due to vertebral column trauma, demyelination?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is stillborn cord around neck present?,no ,what does this image show?,rabies ,"does this image show rabies, negri bodies?",yes ,"does section of spleen through hilum show rabies, negri bodies?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is the cytoplasm presence of abundant coarse black carbon pigment in the septal walls and around the bronchiole?,no ,is hilar cell tumor present?,no ,what does this image show?,rabies ,"does this image show rabies, negri bodies?",yes ,"does supernumerary digits show rabies, negri bodies?",no ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,is newborn cord around neck present?,no ,what is present?,brain ,is brain present?,yes ,"is bone, skull present?",no ,what shows granulation tissue and gliosis?,the surrounding zone gliosis ,what is present?,neuronophagia ,is neuronophagia present?,yes ,is photo present?,no ,what is present?,brain ,is brain present?,yes ,is mesothelioma present?,no ,what is present?,senile plaque ,is senile plaque present?,yes ,is typical ivory vertebra present?,no ,what does this image show?,neural tube defect ,what does the surrounding zone show?,granulation tissue and gliosis ,does this image show neural tube defect?,yes ,what does this image show?,brain ,"does this image show brain, intraventricular hemorrhage?",yes ,what is present?,nervous ,is nervous present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,papilloma ,does this image show papilloma?,yes ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,does the surrounding zone show granulation tissue and gliosis?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,radicular cyst ,does this image show radicular cyst?,yes ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what induced discoloration?,tetracycline ,what is tetracycline induced?,discoloration ,is tetracycline induced discoloration?,yes ,what does this image show?,tetracycline induced discoloration ,does the cytoplasm show granulation tissue and gliosis?,no ,does this image show tetracycline induced discoloration?,yes ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,does this image show turners tooth?,yes ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,adenomatoid odontogenic tumor ,does this image show adenomatoid odontogenic tumor?,yes ,are the parenchymal glands atrophic and replaced by fibrous tissue?,yes ,"what shows a cystic space containing cell debris, while the surrounding zone shows granulation tissue and gliosis?",necrosed area right side of field esurrounding gliosis ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what shows quite well?,opened larynx ,does opened larynx show quite well?,yes ,what does this image show?,opened larynx shows quite well ,does this image show opened larynx shows quite well?,yes ,what does the necrosed area on right side of the field show?,cystic space containing cell debris ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,what is present?,edema hypopharynx ,is edema hypopharynx present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,shows lesion quite well in opened larynx ,does this image show shows lesion quite well in opened larynx?,yes ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,what is present?,leukoplakia vocal cord ,"does the necrosed area on right side of the field show a cystic space containing cell debris, while the surrounding zone shows granulation tissue and gliosis?",yes ,is leukoplakia vocal cord present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what standing case of myeloproliferative disorder with terminal acute transformation and bleeding disorder?,blood clot ,what is blood clot standing?,case of myeloproliferative disorder with terminal acute transformation and bleeding disorder ,how is blood clot standing case of myeloproliferative disorder?,terminal acute transformation and bleeding ,what is present?,larynx ,is larynx present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,view of hypopharyngeal tissue and unopened larynx nice example of severe edema ,does this image show view of hypopharyngeal tissue and unopened larynx nice example of severe edema?,yes ,"does there show a cystic space containing cell debris, while the surrounding zone shows granulation tissue and gliosis?",no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,good but grotesque ,does this image show good but grotesque?,yes ,what is present?,lip ,is lip present?,yes ,what is present?,herpes labialis ,is herpes labialis present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what shows a few mixed inflammatory cells?,the periphery ,what does this image show?,excellent granular lesion on true cord extending inferior ,does this image show excellent granular lesion on true cord extending inferior?,yes ,what is present?,larynx ,is larynx present?,yes ,what is present?,carcinoma ,is carcinoma present?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,severe necrotizing lesion in mucosa good example also a in file 33 year old female with adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea a19-88 ,how does this image show severe necrotizing lesion in mucosa good example also a in file 33 year old female?,with adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea a19-88 ,what is present?,larynx ,what does the periphery show?,a few mixed inflammatory cells ,is larynx present?,yes ,is the superior vena cava present?,no ,what is present?,herpes simplex ,is herpes simplex present?,yes ,is extremities present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,aspirated mucus excellent ,does this image show aspirated mucus excellent?,yes ,does oil acid show aspirated mucus excellent?,no ,what is present?,larynx ,does the periphery show a few mixed inflammatory cells?,yes ,is larynx present?,yes ,is lateral view present?,no ,what is present?,aspiration ,is aspiration present?,yes ,is anthracotic pigment present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,mucocele ,does this image show mucocele?,yes ,does face show mucocele?,no ,what is present?,oral ,does the necrosed area on right side of the field show a few mixed inflammatory cells?,no ,is oral present?,yes ,is med immunostain for prostate specific antigen present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,sarcoidosis ,does this image show sarcoidosis?,yes ,does thymoma show sarcoidosis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is disease present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what is there?,cloudy appearance of adipocytes ,what does this image show?,papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum warthins ,does this image show papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum warthins?,yes ,does ulcer show papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum warthins?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is quite good liver present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,pyogenic granuloma ,does this image show pyogenic granuloma?,yes ,"does squamous cell carcinoma, lip remote, show pyogenic granuloma?",no ,"what is there of adipocytes, coarse basophilic granular debris while the periphery shows a few mixed inflammatory cells?",cloudy appearance ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,"is squamous cell carcinoma, lip remote, present?",no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,periodontal fibroma ,does this image show periodontal fibroma?,yes ,does % show periodontal fibroma?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is fibrous meningioma present?,no ,are the necrotic cells atrophic and replaced by fibrous tissue?,no ,"is there cloudy appearance of adipocytes, coarse basophilic granular debris while the periphery shows a few mixed inflammatory cells?",yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,severe epithelial dysplasia ,does this image show severe epithelial dysplasia?,yes ,does dysplastic show severe epithelial dysplasia?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is focal hemorrhagic infarction well shown present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,keratoacanthoma ,does this image show keratoacanthoma?,yes ,"is there periphery, coarse basophilic granular debris while the periphery shows a few mixed inflammatory cells?",no ,does malignant adenoma show keratoacanthoma?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is hemorrhage in newborn present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,cherubism ,does this image show cherubism?,yes ,does dysplastic show cherubism?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,"what is soft, swollen and dark?",the affected part dark ,is cystadenocarcinoma malignancy present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,fibrous dysplasia ,does this image show fibrous dysplasia?,yes ,does the lesion show fibrous dysplasia?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is lesion of myocytolysis present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,benign fibro-osseous lesion ,"is the affected part soft, swollen and dark?",yes ,does this image show benign fibro-osseous lesion?,yes ,does history show benign fibro-osseous lesion?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is beckwith-wiedemann syndrome present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,radicular cyst ,does this image show radicular cyst?,yes ,does aldehyde fuscin show radicular cyst?,no ,what is present?,oral ,"is line of demarcation between gangrenous segment and the viable bowel soft, swollen and dark?",no ,is oral present?,yes ,is obvious metastatic lesion 44yobfadenocarcinoma of lung giant cell type present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,chronic hyperplastic pulpitis ,does this image show chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?,yes ,does lip show chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is neuronophagia present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what is not clear-cut?,line of demarcation between gangrenous segment and the viable bowel ,what does this image show?,internal resorption ,does this image show internal resorption?,yes ,does leiomyoma show internal resorption?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is the excellent uterus present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,dens invaginatus ,does this image show dens invaginatus?,yes ,does opened muscle show dens invaginatus?,no ,is line of demarcation between gangrenous segment and the viable bowel not clear-cut?,yes ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is meningitis acute present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,adenomatoid odontogenic tumor ,does this image show adenomatoid odontogenic tumor?,yes ,does temporal muscle hemorrhage show adenomatoid odontogenic tumor?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is uterus present?,no ,what shows an increase in the number of layers of the squamous epithelium?,epidermis ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,odontogenic keratocyst ,does this image show odontogenic keratocyst?,yes ,does photo show odontogenic keratocyst?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is candida in peripheral blood present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,mucoepidermoid carcinoma ,does this image show mucoepidermoid carcinoma?,yes ,what does the epidermis show in the number of layers of the squamous epithelium?,an increase ,does intraductal papillomatosis with apocrine metaplasia show mucoepidermoid carcinoma?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is breast present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,cicatricial pemphigoid ,does this image show cicatricial pemphigoid?,yes ,does granulomata slide show cicatricial pemphigoid?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,does the epidermis show an increase in the number of layers of the squamous epithelium?,yes ,is acute monocytic leukemia present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,median rhomboid glossitis ,does this image show median rhomboid glossitis?,yes ,does right leaf of diaphragm show median rhomboid glossitis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is section of spleen through hilum present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,blastomycosis ,what are dilated and plugged with eosinophilic mucin?,the ducts ,does the intervening dermal soft tissue show moderate chronic inflammation?,yes ,does this image show blastomycosis?,yes ,does this typical lesion show blastomycosis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is hemorrhage associated with placental abruption present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,candidiasis-pseudomembraneous ,does this image show candidiasis-pseudomembraneous?,yes ,does other x-rays show candidiasis-pseudomembraneous?,no ,what is present?,oral ,does the vesselwall show moderate chronic inflammation?,no ,is oral present?,yes ,is yo present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,granular cell tumor ,does this image show granular cell tumor?,yes ,does this image shows of smooth muscle cell with lipid in sarcoplasm and lipid show granular cell tumor?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is lymphoblastic lymphoma present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what shows general schematic representation common to both major forms of amyloidogenesis?,the sequence on left ,what does this image show?,neurofibroma ,does this image show neurofibroma?,yes ,does muscle show neurofibroma?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is opened uterus and cervix with large cervical myoma protruding into vagina slide present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,lipoma ,does this image show lipoma?,yes ,does typical tuberculous exudate show lipoma?,no ,does the sequence on left show general schematic representation common to both major forms of amyloidogenesis?,yes ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is cervical carcinoma present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,peripheral giant cell lesion ,does this image show peripheral giant cell lesion?,yes ,does carcinoma superficial spreading show peripheral giant cell lesion?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is testicle present?,no ,does the interstitial vasculature show general schematic representation common to both major forms of amyloidogenesis?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,irritation fibroma ,does this image show irritation fibroma?,yes ,does tetracycline show irritation fibroma?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is lesion in dome of uterus present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,epulis fissuratum ,does this image show epulis fissuratum?,yes ,what is seen in the red pulp causing atrophy of while pulp?,pink acellular amyloid material ,does notochord show epulis fissuratum?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is lymphoid atrophy in newborn present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,melanoma ,does this image show melanoma?,yes ,does fibrinous peritonitis show melanoma?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,where is the pink acellular amyloid material seen?,in the red pulp causing atrophy of while pulp ,is 7182 and 7183 present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,focal melanosis ,does this image show focal melanosis?,yes ,does penis show focal melanosis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is cut edge of mesentery present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,nevus ,is the pink acellular amyloid material seen in the red pulp causing atrophy of while pulp?,yes ,does this image show nevus?,yes ,does schwannoma show nevus?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is cut surface typical ivory vertebra do not have history at this time diagnosis present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,actinic keratosis ,does this image show actinic keratosis?,yes ,does high excellent steroid show actinic keratosis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is sectioned slice of the liver seen in the red pulp causing atrophy of while pulp?,no ,is oral present?,yes ,is maxillary sinus present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,nicotine stomatitis ,does this image show nicotine stomatitis?,yes ,does close-up tumor show nicotine stomatitis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is gaucher cell present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what shows congophilia as seen by red-pink colour?,congo staining colour ,what does this image show?,leukoplakia ,does this image show leukoplakia?,yes ,does metastatic adenocarcinoma show leukoplakia?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is previous slide from this case present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,papilloma ,does this image show papilloma?,yes ,does basal skull fracture show papilloma?,no ,what are the ducts dilated and plugged with?,eosinophilic mucin ,"what does b, congo red staining show as seen by red-pink colour?",congophilia ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is splenomegaly with cirrhosis present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,chronic osteomyelitis ,does this image show chronic osteomyelitis?,yes ,does polycystic disease show chronic osteomyelitis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is hematologic present?,no ,does congo red staining show congophilia as seen by red-pink colour?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,garres osteomyelitis proliferative periosteitis ,does this image show garres osteomyelitis proliferative periosteitis?,yes ,does candida in peripheral blood show garres osteomyelitis proliferative periosteitis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is feet present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,parulis acute alveolar abscess ,does this image show parulis acute alveolar abscess?,yes ,does equence of events in the pathogenesis of reversible and irreversible cell injury show congophilia as seen by red-pink colour?,no ,does odontoid process subluxation with narrowing of foramen magnum show parulis acute alveolar abscess?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is aorta present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,facial abscess ,does this image show facial abscess?,yes ,does choanal patency show facial abscess?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,what shows apple-green birefringence?,c ,is anomalous origin present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,chronic hyperplastic pulpitis ,does this image show chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?,yes ,does myelomonocytic leukemia show chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is cut surface typical ivory vertebra do not have history at this time diagnosis present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,dentinogenesis imperfecta ,does the corresponding area show apple-green birefringence?,yes ,does this image show dentinogenesis imperfecta?,yes ,does median lobe hyperplasia with marked cystitis and bladder hypertrophy ureter show dentinogenesis imperfecta?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is hemorrhagic corpus luteum present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,fluorosis ,does this image show fluorosis?,yes ,does the superior vena cava show fluorosis?,no ,what is present?,oral ,does each fibril show apple-green birefringence?,no ,is oral present?,yes ,is adenocarcinoma present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,incisive canal cyst nasopalatien duct cyst ,does this image show incisive canal cyst nasopalatien duct cyst?,yes ,does alpha smooth muscle actin immunohistochemical show incisive canal cyst nasopalatien duct cyst?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is endocervical polyp present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,do the deposits show apple-green birefringence?,no ,what does this image show?,osteoblastoma ,does this image show osteoblastoma?,yes ,does excellent example show osteoblastoma?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is excellent example case present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,chronic osteomyelitis ,does this image show chronic osteomyelitis?,yes ,does appendix show chronic osteomyelitis?,no ,what is congested?,the margin ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is heart present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,mesiodens ,does this image show mesiodens?,yes ,does infiltrative process show mesiodens?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is sarcoidosis present?,no ,is the margin congested?,yes ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,gemination ,does this image show gemination?,yes ,does chronic lymphocytic leukemia show gemination?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is meningitis acute present?,no ,where is this?,oral ,what does this image show?,primodial cyst ,does this image show primodial cyst?,yes ,is congo red congested?,no ,does yo show primodial cyst?,no ,what is present?,oral ,is oral present?,yes ,is ulcer with candida infection present?,no ,what does this image show?,normal pancreas ,does this image show normal pancreas?,yes ,does polycystic disease show normal pancreas?,no ,what does this image show?,pancreas ,"does this image show pancreas, hemochromatosis?",yes ,"does embryo-fetus show pancreas, hemochromatosis?",no ,are the ducts dilated and plugged with eosinophilic mucin?,yes ,"what is seen with base resting under the capsule, while the margin is congested?",wedge-shaped shrunken area of pale colour ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,does granuloma show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,does fixed tissue show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,what does this image show?,pancreas ,"does this image show pancreas, hemochromatosis?",yes ,"does coronary artery show pancreas, hemochromatosis?",no ,what does this image show?,islet cell carcinoma ,what is a wedge-shaped shrunken area of pale colour seen with?,base resting under the capsule ,does this image show islet cell carcinoma?,yes ,does size show islet cell carcinoma?,no ,what is present?,pancreas ,is pancreas present?,yes ,is x-ray of femoral heads present?,no ,what does this image show?,adenocarcinoma ,"does this image show adenocarcinoma, body of pancreas?",yes ,"does median lobe hyperplasia with marked cystitis and bladder hypertrophy ureter show adenocarcinoma, body of pancreas?",no ,what does this image show?,chronic pancreatitis with cyst formation ,how does this image show chronic pancreatitis?,with cyst formation ,where is base resting?,under the capsule ,does this image show chronic pancreatitis with cyst formation?,yes ,does meningioma show chronic pancreatitis with cyst formation?,no ,"why does this image show pancreas, uremic pancreatitis?",due to polycystic kidney ,what does this image show?,pancreas ,"does this image show pancreas, uremic pancreatitis due to polycystic kidney?",yes ,"does yo show pancreas, uremic pancreatitis due to polycystic kidney?",no ,where is this?,pancreas ,"why does this image show pancreas, uremic pancreatitis?",due to polycystic kidney ,what does this image show?,pancreas ,"does this image show pancreas, uremic pancreatitis due to polycystic kidney?",yes ,"is a wedge-shaped shrunken area of pale colour seen with base resting under the capsule, while the margin is congested?",yes ,"does chromophobe adenoma show pancreas, uremic pancreatitis due to polycystic kidney?",no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,does breast show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,cystic fibrosis ,does this image show cystic fibrosis?,yes ,does metastatic colon cancer show cystic fibrosis?,no ,what is present?,pancreas ,what shows haemorrhage?,the margin of infracted area ,is pancreas present?,yes ,is cut surface both testicles on normal and one quite small typical probably due to mumps present?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,cystic fibrosis ,does this image show cystic fibrosis?,yes ,does testicle show cystic fibrosis?,no ,what is present?,pancreas ,is pancreas present?,yes ,is surface of nodes seen externally in slide present?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does the margin of infracted area show?,haemorrhage ,what does this image show?,normal pancreas ,does this image show normal pancreas?,yes ,does traumatic rupture show normal pancreas?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,does lesion show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,does the margin of infracted area show haemorrhage?,yes ,does omphalocele show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,does jejunum show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,does nuclear change show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,does the sectioned surface show haemorrhage?,no ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,does subdiaphragmatic abscess show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,"does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis, pancreatitis/necrosis?",yes ,"does glioma show pancreatic fat necrosis, pancreatitis/necrosis?",no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,pancreatic fat necrosis ,does this image show pancreatic fat necrosis?,yes ,what shows outlines of cells only due to coagulative necrosis while the margin of infracted area shows haemorrhage?,the affected area ,does myocardial infarct show pancreatic fat necrosis?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,islet cell tumor ,"does this image show islet cell tumor, zollinger ellison syndrome?",yes ,"does temporal muscle hemorrhage show islet cell tumor, zollinger ellison syndrome?",no ,what is present?,pancreas ,is pancreas present?,yes ,is periaortic nodes with metastatic carcinoma aorta present?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,islet cell carcinoma ,does the affected area show outlines of cells only due to coagulative necrosis while the margin of infracted area shows haemorrhage?,yes ,does this image show islet cell carcinoma?,yes ,does large cell lymphoma show islet cell carcinoma?,no ,what is present?,pancreas ,is pancreas present?,yes ,is hyalin mass in pituitary which is amyloid there are several slides from this case in this file 23 yowf amyloid limited to brain present?,no ,where is this?,pancreas ,what does this image show?,alveolus capillary and interstitial space ,does this image show alveolus capillary and interstitial space?,yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,are iron deposits shown by a special staining process dilated and plugged with eosinophilic mucin?,no ,what correspond to five numbers in the text?,the serial numbers in the figure ,what does this image show?,normal lung ,does this image show normal lung?,yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,normal lung ,does this image show normal lung?,yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,how many numbers do the serial numbers in the figure correspond to?,five ,what does this image show?,normal lung ,does this image show normal lung?,yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,normal lung ,does this image show normal lung?,yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what do the serial numbers in the figure correspond to in the text?,five numbers ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, squamous cell carcinoma?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, diffuse alveolar damage?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,do the serial numbers in the figure correspond to five numbers in the text?,yes ,what does this image show?,hilar lymph nodes ,"does this image show hilar lymph nodes, nodular sclerosing hodgkins disease?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,thromboembolus from leg veins in pulmonary artery ,does this image show thromboembolus from leg veins in pulmonary artery?,yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,do premitotic phases correspond to five numbers in the text?,no ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia, wilson 's disease?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia, wilson 's disease?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is pituitary present?,no ,what shows merging capsules and large areas of caseation necrosis?,section of matted mass ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia, wilson 's disease?",yes ,"does amyloid angiopathy r. endocrine show lung, hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia, wilson 's disease?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is granuloma present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,"how many antitrypsin does this image show lung, emphysema and pneumonia, alpha-deficiency?",1 ,what does this image show?,lung ,does section of matted mass of lymph nodes show merging capsules and large areas of caseation necrosis?,yes ,"does this image show lung, emphysema and pneumonia, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency?",yes ,"does heel ulcer show lung, emphysema and pneumonia, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is wonder present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, sarcoidosis?",yes ,"does malignant adenoma show lung, sarcoidosis?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,does strands show merging capsules and large areas of caseation necrosis?,no ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is the excellent uterus present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lungs ,"does this image show lungs, hyaline membrane disease?",yes ,"does infarction secondary to shock show lungs, hyaline membrane disease?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is lateral view present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does cut section of matted mass of lymph nodes show?,merging capsules and large areas of caseation necrosis ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, cyomegalovirus pneumonia?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is a bulge present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, pneumocystis pneumonia?",yes ,"does spleen show lung, pneumocystis pneumonia?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,does a cut section of matted mass of lymph nodes show merging capsules and large areas of caseation necrosis?,yes ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is mesothelioma present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,does this image show lung?,yes ,does leukoplakia vocal cord show lung?,no ,what burn smoke inhalation?,thermal ,do thermal burn smoke inhalation?,yes ,do meningitis purulent burn smoke inhalation?,no ,what is present?,respiratory ,what is infected with parvovirus b19?,bone marrow from an infant ,does sectioned slice of the liver cut section of matted mass of lymph nodes show merging capsules and large areas of caseation necrosis?,no ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is clostridial postmortem growth present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, organizing pneumonia?",yes ,"does neoplasm gland show lung, organizing pneumonia?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is meningitis acute present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,"what spread to lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys and brain?",miliary ,what does this image show?,lung carcinoma ,does this image show lung carcinoma?,yes ,does hypersegmented neutrophil show lung carcinoma?,no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is infarct present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung carcinoma ,does this image show lung carcinoma?,yes ,does maxillary sinus show lung carcinoma?,no ,what did miliary spread to?,lungs ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is fetus developing very early present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung fibrosis ,"does this image show lung fibrosis, scleroderma?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what stain?,this image shows lung ,"did miliary spread to lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys and brain?",yes ,"do this image shows lung, bronchopneumonia, bacterial, tissue gram stain?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, bronchopneumonia, bacterial?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"did these cells spread to lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys and brain?",no ,"does this image show lung, emphysema in a chronic smoker?",yes ,"does histoplasmosis show lung, emphysema in a chronic smoker?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, diffuse alveolar damage?",yes ,"does male reproductive show lung, diffuse alveolar damage?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,what have numerous acid-fast bacilli not shown here in afb staining?,these cases ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is side present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia, wilson 's disease?",yes ,"does anencephaly show lung, hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia, wilson 's disease?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is malignant lymphoma large cell type present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,do these cases have numerous acid-fast bacilli not shown here in afb staining?,yes ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, mycobacterium tuberculosis, granulomas and giant cells?",yes ,"does amyloid angiopathy r. endocrine show lung, mycobacterium tuberculosis, granulomas and giant cells?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is so-called median bar present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, mycobacterium tuberculosis, granulomas and giant cells?",yes ,"does quite good liver show lung, mycobacterium tuberculosis, granulomas and giant cells?",no ,do apoptosis have numerous acid-fast bacilli not shown here in afb staining?,no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is fracture present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, mycobacterium tuberculosis, acid fast?",yes ,"does ulcer with candida infection show lung, mycobacterium tuberculosis, acid fast?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is cut surface typical ivory vertebra do not have history at this time diagnosis present?,no ,what is collection of proliferating foam macrophages in the dermis with?,a clear subepidermal zone ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, mycobacterium tuberculosis, acid fast?",yes ,"does good example of muscle atrophy show lung, mycobacterium tuberculosis, acid fast?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is hyperplasia median bar present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"how does this image show lung, pneumonia and hemosiderin laden macrophages in patient?",with sickle cell disease iatrogenic hemosiderosis ,what is there of proliferating foam macrophages in the dermis with a clear subepidermal zone?,collection of proliferating foam macrophages ,what is present?,respiratory ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, sarcoidosis, multinucleated giant cells?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"how does this image show lung, sarcoidosis, multinucleated giant cells?",with asteroid bodies ,"does this image show lung, sarcoidosis, multinucleated giant cells with asteroid bodies?",yes ,what is bone marrow from an infant infected with?,parvovirus b19 ,is there collection of proliferating foam macrophages in the dermis with a clear subepidermal zone?,yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, bronchopneumonia?",yes ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,where is this?,lung ,"why does this image show lung, hyaline membrane disease, yellow discoloration?",due to hyperbilirubinemia ,what does this image show?,lung ,what is composed of epithelioid cells with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes?,granuloma ,"does this image show lung, hyaline membrane disease, yellow discoloration due to hyperbilirubinemia?",yes ,"does erythrophagocytosis new born show lung, hyaline membrane disease, yellow discoloration due to hyperbilirubinemia?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is lymphangiomatosis generalized present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, histoplasma pneumonia?",yes ,"does meningioma show lung, histoplasma pneumonia?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,what is the granuloma composed of?,epithelioid cells with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is intraductal papillomatosis present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, histoplasma pneumonia?",yes ,"does cranial artery show lung, histoplasma pneumonia?",no ,what stain?,silver ,do silver stain?,yes ,do hemorrhage associated with placental abruption stain?,no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is the granuloma composed of epithelioid cells with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes?,yes ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is wonder present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, cryptococcal pneumonia, touch impression under phase contract?",yes ,"does source show lung, cryptococcal pneumonia, touch impression under phase contract?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is gram present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,is necrosis composed of epithelioid cells with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes?,no ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, pneumocystis pneumonia?",yes ,"does meningitis acute show lung, pneumocystis pneumonia?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is chronic lymphocytic leukemia present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, cystic fibrosis?",yes ,"does opened larynx show lung, cystic fibrosis?",no ,what is composed of epithelioid cells with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes?,granuloma ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is this photo of infant from head to toe present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,tuberculosis ,"does this image show tuberculosis, empyema?",yes ,"does basilar skull fracture show tuberculosis, empyema?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is traumatic rupture present?,no ,what is the granuloma composed of with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes?,epithelioid cells with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,lung ,"does this image show lung, hematoma?",yes ,"does senile plaque show lung, hematoma?",no ,what is present?,respiratory ,is respiratory present?,yes ,is acute inflammation present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,chest x ray 34 year old alcoholic with lobar pneumonia and fulminant sepsis blood culture pneumococcus and klebsiella ,what is present?,lung ,is the granuloma composed of epithelioid cells with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes?,yes ,is lung present?,yes ,is spinal column present?,no ,where is this?,lung ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does this image show skin, neurofibromatosis?",yes ,"does % show skin, neurofibromatosis?",no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does this image show skin, neurofibromatosis?",yes ,"does splenomegaly with cirrhosis show skin, neurofibromatosis?",no ,is congo red composed of epithelioid cells with sparse langhans ' giant cells and lymphocytes?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does this image show skin, neurofibromatosis?",yes ,"does small intestine show skin, neurofibromatosis?",no ,where is this?,skin ,"why does this image show skin ulceration and necrosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation?",due to acetaminophen toxicity ,what does this image show?,skin ulceration and necrosis ,"does this image show skin ulceration and necrosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation due to acetaminophen toxicity?",yes ,"does child show skin ulceration and necrosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation due to acetaminophen toxicity?",no ,where is this?,skin ,what is 'chancre ' on glans penis?,primary lesion ,does this image show close-up well shown?,yes ,does the superior vena cava show close-up well shown?,no ,what is present?,petechial hemorrhages ,is petechial hemorrhages present?,yes ,is siamese twins present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,body with extensive ecchymoses and desquamation ,how does this image show body?,with extensive ecchymoses and desquamation ,does this image show body with extensive ecchymoses and desquamation?,yes ,does underdevelopment show body with extensive ecchymoses and desquamation?,no ,how is bone marrow from an infant infected?,with parvovirus b19 ,is primary syphilis: primary lesion 'chancre ' on glans penis?,yes ,what is present?,palpable purpura with desquamation ,is palpable purpura with desquamation present?,yes ,is this photo present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,but not good color petechiae and purpura case of stcell leukemia ,does this image show but not good color petechiae and purpura case of stcell leukemia?,yes ,where is this?,skin ,what said to be aml infiltrates?,not best color rendition showing elevated macular lesions on arm ,what is not best color rendition showing elevated macular lesions on arm said?,to be aml infiltrates ,is not best color rendition showing elevated macular lesions on arm said to be aml infiltrates?,yes ,is the periphery 'chancre ' on glans penis?,no ,is teeth said to be aml infiltrates?,no ,does this image show?,yes ,does opened muscle show?,no ,what is present?,acute myelogenous leukemia ,is acute myelogenous leukemia present?,yes ,is cachexia present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,photo of face with multiple typical lesions ,how does this image show photo of face?,with multiple typical lesions ,does this image show photo of face with multiple typical lesions?,yes ,what is surrounded by palisades of macrophages and plasma cells marginated peripherally by fibroblasts?,central coagulative necrosis ,does lymphoid atrophy in newborn show photo of face with multiple typical lesions?,no ,what is present?,seborrheic keratosis ,is seborrheic keratosis present?,yes ,is 7182 and 7183 present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,white skin with multiple lesions ,how does this image show white skin?,with multiple lesions ,does this image show white skin with multiple lesions?,yes ,does pancreas show white skin with multiple lesions?,no ,what is present?,petechial and purpuric hemorrhages ,what is central coagulative necrosis surrounded by?,palisades of macrophages and plasma cells marginated peripherally by fibroblasts ,is petechial and purpuric hemorrhages present?,yes ,is trophic changes present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,close-up of dorsum of hand with marked pitting edema good example ,how does this image show close-up of dorsum of hand?,with marked pitting edema good example ,does this image show close-up of dorsum of hand with marked pitting edema good example?,yes ,does myelomonocytic leukemia show close-up of dorsum of hand with marked pitting edema good example?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what is present?,uremic frost ,is uremic frost present?,yes ,is central coagulative necrosis surrounded by palisades of macrophages and plasma cells marginated peripherally by fibroblasts?,yes ,is face present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,buttock and thigh with severe cellulitis and desquamation caused by a clostridium ,how does this image show buttock and thigh?,with severe cellulitis desquamation caused by a clostridium ,does this image show buttock and thigh with severe cellulitis and desquamation caused by a clostridium?,yes ,does immunostain for growth hormone show buttock and thigh with severe cellulitis and desquamation caused by a clostridium?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,large necrotic ulcers over sacrum buttocks and hips ,does this image show large necrotic ulcers over sacrum buttocks and hips?,yes ,does lymphangiomatosis generalized show large necrotic ulcers over sacrum buttocks and hips?,no ,is adp surrounded by palisades of macrophages and plasma cells marginated peripherally by fibroblasts?,no ,what is present?,decubitus ulcer ,is decubitus ulcer present?,yes ,is subependymal giant cell astrocytoma present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,portion of nose typical exophytic lesion with heaped-up margins and central ulceration ,how does this image show portion of nose typical exophytic lesion?,with heaped-up margins and central ulceration ,does this image show portion of nose typical exophytic lesion with heaped-up margins and central ulceration?,yes ,does stein leventhal show portion of nose typical exophytic lesion with heaped-up margins and central ulceration?,no ,what is present?,squamous cell carcinoma ,is squamous cell carcinoma present?,yes ,what is used for demonstration of microbes?,common stains ,is this close-up of cut surface infiltrates present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what is present?,petechiae ,is petechiae present?,yes ,is close-up tumor well shown primary not stated present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,good abdominal stria ,does this image show good abdominal stria?,yes ,does liver show good abdominal stria?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what is ommon stains used for?,demonstration of microbes ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does this image show skin, epidermolysis bullosa?",yes ,"does view of knee at autopsy show skin, epidermolysis bullosa?",no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does this image show skin, neurofibromatosis?",yes ,"does marfans syndrome show skin, neurofibromatosis?",no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does this image show skin, neurofibromatosis?",yes ,is ommon stains used for demonstration of microbes?,yes ,"does monoclonal gammopathy show skin, neurofibromatosis?",no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does this image show skin, kaposis 's sarcoma?",yes ,"does exostosis show skin, kaposis 's sarcoma?",no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,thermal burned skin ,does this image show thermal burned skin?,yes ,does larynx show thermal burned skin?,no ,where is this?,skin ,is endothelial injury used for demonstration of microbes?,no ,what does this image show?,thermal burned skin ,does this image show thermal burned skin?,yes ,does parathyroid show thermal burned skin?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,thermal burned skin ,does this image show thermal burned skin?,yes ,does amyloidosis show thermal burned skin?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,demodex folliculorum ,does this image show demodex folliculorum?,yes ,is the wall of the artery composed of hematopoietic marrow and marrow fat cells attached to a thrombus?,no ,is this bone marrow from an infant infected with parvovirus b19?,yes ,what shows palisade layer of histiocytes?,cyst wall ,does testicle show demodex folliculorum?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what is present?,molluscum contagiosum ,is molluscum contagiosum present?,yes ,is close-up of lesion present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,typical lesion with giant cells and foreign material ,how does this image show typical lesion?,with giant cells and foreign material ,does this image show typical lesion with giant cells and foreign material?,yes ,does mucinous cystadenocarcinoma show typical lesion with giant cells and foreign material?,no ,what does the cyst wall show?,palisade layer of histiocytes ,what is present?,suture granuloma ,is suture granuloma present?,yes ,is this photo present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,cells deep in skin lesion with no pigment ,does this image show cells deep in skin lesion with no pigment?,yes ,does lesion of myocytolysis show cells deep in skin lesion with no pigment?,no ,what is present?,malignant melanoma ,is normal ovary present?,no ,where is this?,skin ,does the cyst wall show palisade layer of histiocytes?,yes ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does atrophy secondary to pituitectomy show skin, herpes inclusions?",no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,skin ,"does close-up tumor well shown primary not stated show skin, herpes inclusions?",no ,where is this?,skin ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue trachea and arteries surrounded by dense tumor tissue horizontal section ,does infant body show fixed tissue trachea and arteries surrounded by dense tumor tissue horizontal section?,no ,what is present?,thorax ,is aorta present?,no ,does sectioned slice of the liver show palisade layer of histiocytes?,no ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma ,is close-up tumor present?,no ,where is this?,thorax ,how is fixed tissue trachea and arteries surrounded by tumor tissue horizontal section?,dense ,how is fixed tissue trachea and arteries surrounded by dense tumor tissue section?,horizontal ,what does this image show?,near if not natural color saggital sections very good example of many myeloma lesions ,what is present?,thorax ,where is this?,thorax ,what does this image show?,normal kidney ,where is this?,urinary ,what is seen in the cyst while the cyst wall shows palisade layer of histiocytes?,worm ,what does this image show?,horseshoe kidney in an adult ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, adult polycystic kidney?",yes ,"does exact cause show kidney, adult polycystic kidney?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, hemochromatosis, chronic scarring?",yes ,"does mesothelioma show kidney, hemochromatosis, chronic scarring?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what is the worm seen in while the cyst wall shows palisade layer of histiocytes?,in the cyst ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, amyloidosis?",yes ,"does malignant histiocytosis show kidney, amyloidosis?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,renal cell carcinoma with extension into vena cava ,does this image show renal cell carcinoma with extension into vena cava?,yes ,does granulomata slide show renal cell carcinoma with extension into vena cava?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,"does this image show kidney, hypoplasia and compensatory hypertrophy 300 grams left?",yes ,"does conjoined twins show kidney, hypoplasia and compensatory hypertrophy 300 grams left?",no ,is the worm seen in the cyst while the cyst wall shows palisade layer of histiocytes?,yes ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, staghorn calculi?",yes ,"does photo show kidney, staghorn calculi?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,renal papillary necrosis ,"does this image show renal papillary necrosis, diabetes mellitus dm?",yes ,"does yo show renal papillary necrosis, diabetes mellitus dm?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,is bilayer lipid membrane seen in the cyst while the cyst wall shows palisade layer of histiocytes?,no ,"does this image show kidney, infarct?",yes ,"does hepatobiliary show kidney, infarct?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,ureteral stricture ,does this image show ureteral stricture?,yes ,does this fixed tissue show ureteral stricture?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney aspergillosis ,does this image show kidney aspergillosis?,yes ,does metastatic carcinoma breast show kidney aspergillosis?,no ,what is surrounded by increased fat?,matted mass of lymph nodes ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,renal pelvis ,"does this image show renal pelvis, staghorn calculi?",yes ,"does bone, skull show renal pelvis, staghorn calculi?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,prostatic hyperplasia ,does this image show prostatic hyperplasia?,yes ,does hemorrhage in newborn show prostatic hyperplasia?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what necrotizing?,kidney ,what is matted mass of lymph nodes surrounded by?,increased fat ,"is kidney, papillitis, necrotizing?",yes ,is chronic lymphocytic leukemia necrotizing?,no ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, papillitis, necrotizing?",yes ,"does lupus erythematosus periarterial fibrosis show kidney, papillitis, necrotizing?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, polycystic disease?",yes ,"does stomach show kidney, polycystic disease?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,is h&e infected with parvovirus b19?,no ,is matted mass of lymph nodes surrounded by increased fat?,yes ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, pyelonephritis, acute and supperative?",yes ,"does pancreatic islet, amyloidosis diabetes mellitus, congo red show kidney, pyelonephritis, acute and supperative?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, pyelonephritis?",yes ,"does retroperitoneal liposarcoma show kidney, pyelonephritis?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, pyelonephritis?",yes ,is gram 's surrounded by increased fat?,no ,"does cranial artery show kidney, pyelonephritis?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,close-up of cut surface ,does this image show close-up of cut surface?,yes ,does linear fracture in occiput show close-up of cut surface?,no ,what is present?,kidney ,is kidney present?,yes ,is ulcerative lesion present?,no ,what is present?,polycystic disease infant ,is polycystic disease infant present?,yes ,"what shows replacement of slaty-grey spongy parenchyma with multiple, firm, grey-white nodular masses, some having areas of haemorhages and necrosis?",sectioned surface of the lung ,is no tissue recognizable as ovary present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what removed small lesions easily seen?,external view with capsule ,what is external view with capsule removed?,small lesions easily seen ,is external view with capsule removed small lesions easily seen?,yes ,is prostate removed small lesions easily seen?,no ,what does this image show?,external view with capsule removed small lesions easily seen ,does this image show external view with capsule removed small lesions easily seen?,yes ,does larynx show external view with capsule removed small lesions easily seen?,no ,what is present?,kidney ,what does sectioned surface of the lung show?,replacement of slaty-grey spongy parenchyma ,is kidney present?,yes ,is side present?,no ,what is present?,metastatic carcinoma breast ,is metastatic carcinoma breast present?,yes ,is opened bladder with median lobe protruding into trigone area also present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,how is external view with capsule removed lesions easily seen?,small ,what does this image show?,typical cut surface appearance for severe ischemia ,does this image show typical cut surface appearance for severe ischemia?,yes ,does respiratory show typical cut surface appearance for severe ischemia?,no ,how does sectioned surface of the lung show replacement of slaty-grey spongy parenchyma?,with multiple ,what is present?,kidney ,is kidney present?,yes ,is horseshoe kidney present?,no ,what is present?,ischemia infant ,is ischemia infant present?,yes ,is med excellent example of epidermal separation gross of this lesion present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,fixed tissue good example small kidney ,does this image show fixed tissue good example small kidney?,yes ,does med excellent example of epidermal separation gross of this lesion show fixed tissue good example small kidney?,no ,"does sectioned surface of the lung show replacement of slaty-grey spongy parenchyma with multiple, firm, grey-white nodular masses, some having areas of haemorhages and necrosis?",yes ,what is present?,fetal lobulation ,is fetal lobulation present?,yes ,is marked present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,mucosal surface quite good ,does this image show mucosal surface quite good?,yes ,does le cell show mucosal surface quite good?,no ,what is present?,urinary ,is urinary present?,yes ,is polycystic disease infant present?,no ,"does the cytoplasm show replacement of slaty-grey spongy parenchyma with multiple, firm, grey-white nodular masses, some having areas of haemorhages and necrosis?",no ,what is present?,bladder ,is bladder present?,yes ,is premature coronary disease present?,no ,what is present?,cystitis ulcerative purulent ,is cystitis ulcerative purulent present?,yes ,is stomach present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, acute tubular necrosis?",yes ,"does glioma show kidney, acute tubular necrosis?",no ,the serial numbers in the figure correspond to whose description in the text?,their ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, chronic sickle cell disease?",yes ,"does one show kidney, chronic sickle cell disease?",no ,what caused by numerous blood transfusions?,hemosiderosis ,what is hemosiderosis caused?,by numerous blood transfusions ,how is hemosiderosis caused?,numerous blood transfusions ,is hemosiderosis caused by numerous blood transfusions?,yes ,is erythrophagocytosis new born caused by numerous blood transfusions?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what correspond to their description in the text?,serial numbers in the figure ,how is hemosiderosis caused by blood transfusions?,numerous ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, adult polycystic kidney?",yes ,"does sle v. urinary show kidney, adult polycystic kidney?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, polyarteritis nodosa?",yes ,"does close-up of lesion show kidney, polyarteritis nodosa?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney transplant rejection ,what do the serial numbers in the figure correspond to in the text?,their description ,does this image show kidney transplant rejection?,yes ,does example show kidney transplant rejection?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney transplant rejection ,does this image show kidney transplant rejection?,yes ,does jejunum show kidney transplant rejection?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, hemochromatosis, prussian blue?",yes ,"does normal show kidney, hemochromatosis, prussian blue?",no ,how many copies does the green probe hybridize to the x chromosome centromere?,one ,do the serial numbers in the figure correspond to their description in the text?,yes ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,glomerulonephritis ,"does this image show glomerulonephritis, sle ii?",yes ,"does pus in test tube show glomerulonephritis, sle ii?",no ,what is present?,urinary ,is urinary present?,yes ,is stein leventhal present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,coronary artery atherosclerosis ,"does this image show coronary artery atherosclerosis, thrombosis longitudinal section?",yes ,do numbers correspond to their description in the text?,no ,"does palmar crease normal show coronary artery atherosclerosis, thrombosis longitudinal section?",no ,what is present?,urinary ,is urinary present?,yes ,is 7182 and 7183 present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney glomerulus ,"does this image show kidney glomerulus, kimmelstiel-wilson nodules in a patient with diabetes mellitus?",yes ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,kidney ,"does this image show kidney, arteriolonephrosclerosis, malignant hypertension?",yes ,is these layers rest intact?,yes ,where is this?,urinary ,what is present?,kidney ,is kidney present?,yes ,what is present?,cytomegalovirus ,is cytomegalovirus present?,yes ,where is this?,urinary ,what is present?,kidney ,is kidney present?,yes ,what is present?,cytomegalovirus ,is cytomegalovirus present?,yes ,is these end components of chromosome intact?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what is present?,kidney ,is kidney present?,yes ,what is present?,polycystic disease infant ,is polycystic disease infant present?,yes ,where is this?,urinary ,"does atrophy secondary to pituitectomy show sle iv kappa, 40x?",no ,what is present?,urinary ,is urinary present?,yes ,is this person present?,no ,what are confined to all the layers of the mucosa but the basement membrane on which these layers rest is intact?,atypical dysplastic squamous cells ,where is this?,urinary ,what is present?,urinary ,is urinary present?,yes ,is uremic frost present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what is present?,urinary ,is urinary present?,yes ,is silver present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,"does this image show sle iv, ana staining, kappa, 10x?",yes ,what are the atypical dysplastic squamous cells confined to?,all the layers of the mucosa ,"does cysticercosis show sle iv, ana staining, kappa, 10x?",no ,what is present?,urinary ,is urinary present?,yes ,is chloramphenicol toxicity present?,no ,where is this?,urinary ,what does this image show?,polyarteritis nodosa ,"does this image show polyarteritis nodosa, kidney arteriogram?",yes ,"does metastatic carcinoma lung show polyarteritis nodosa, kidney arteriogram?",no ,where is this?,urinary ,are the atypical dysplastic squamous cells confined to all the layers of the mucosa but the basement membrane on which these layers rest is intact?,yes ,are removal of suture confined to all the layers of the mucosa but the basement membrane on which these layers rest is intact?,no ,what is seen in normal pap smear?,various types of epithelial cells ,what is various types of epithelial cells seen in?,normal pap smear ,how many copies does the red probe hybridize to the y chromosome centromere?,one ,are various types of epithelial cells seen in normal pap smear?,yes ,is periodic acid schiff seen in normal pap smear?,no ,"what in blood is seen in blood stained by supravital dye, new methylene blue?",reticulocytes in blood ,"is eticulocytes in blood as seen in blood stained by supravital dye, new methylene blue?",yes ,what are broken?,salt bridges ,are salt bridges broken?,yes ,are characteristics of cancer in a gland broken?,no ,what are expelled?,2 ,are electron microscopy expelled?,no ,are foci of metaplastic squamous epithelium bound?,no ,how many copies does the aqua probe hybridize to the chromosome 18 centromere?,three ,what are formed again?,salt bridge ,are salt bridges formed again?,yes ,are the centres of whorls of smooth muscle and connective tissue formed again?,no ,"is oxygen delivery less with high ph, low 2,3-bpg and hbf?",yes ,"is the apex less with high ph, low 2,3-bpg and hbf?",no ,what is affected by acidic ph?,the shift of the curve to higher oxygen delivery ,what is the shift of the curve to higher oxygen delivery affected by?,acidic ph ,is the shift of the curve to higher oxygen delivery affected by acidic ph?,yes ,is the background affected by acidic ph?,no ,what correspond to the order in which they are described in the text?,the serial numbers in the illustrations ,"does the green probe hybridize to the x chromosome centromere (one copy), the red probe to the y chromosome centromere (one copy), and the aqua probe to the chromosome 18 centromere (three copies)?",yes ,what do the serial numbers in the illustrations correspond?,the order in which they are described in the text ,do the serial numbers in the illustrations correspond to the order in which they are described in the text?,yes ,do nuclei correspond to the order in which they are described in the text?,no ,"the mature red cells are released into circulation , which on completion of whose lifespan of 120 days , die?",their ,what circulates in plasma bound to transferrin and is transported to the bone marrow for utilisation in haemoglobin synthesis?,iron on absorption from upper small intestine ,does iron on absorption from upper small intestine circulate in plasma bound to transferrin and is transported to the bone marrow for utilisation in haemoglobin synthesis?,yes ,does the cut surface circulate in plasma bound to transferrin and is transported to the bone marrow for utilisation in haemoglobin synthesis?,no ,"what are released into circulation, which on completion of their lifespan of 120 days, die?",the mature red cells ,whose lifespan are the mature red cells released into?,circulation ,when are the mature red cells released?,on completion of their lifespan of 120 days ,does the glomerulus hybridize to the x chromosome centromere?,no ,"what are the mature red cells released into, which on completion of their lifespan of 120 days, die?",circulation ,"are the mature red cells released into circulation, which on completion of their lifespan of 120 days, die?",yes ,"are the alveolar capillaries released into circulation, which on completion of their lifespan of 120 days, die?",no ,what is stored as ferritin and haemosiderin?,iron ,what is iron stored as?,ferritin and haemosiderin ,is iron stored as ferritin and haemosiderin?,yes ,is the affected area on right stored as ferritin and haemosiderin?,no ,"what is mobilised in response to increased demand and used for haemoglobin synthesis, thus completing the cycle m = males ; f = females?",iron ,what is stored iron mobilised in response to?,increased demand and used for haemoglobin synthesis ,"is stored iron mobilised in response to increased demand and used for haemoglobin synthesis, thus completing the cycle m = males ; f = females?",yes ,how many different fluorescent probes have been used in a fish cocktail?,three ,"is amyloid mobilised in response to increased demand and used for haemoglobin synthesis, thus completing the cycle m = males ; f = females?",no ,what is there?,moderate microcytosis and hypochromia ,is there moderate microcytosis and hypochromia?,yes ,is the centre moderate microcytosis and hypochromia?,no ,what aspirate shows micronormoblastic erythropoiesis?,examination of bone marrow ,does examination of bone marrow aspirate show micronormoblastic erythropoiesis?,yes ,how are the haemoglobin and hbd disorders in india?,common ,where are thalassaemia and hbd disorders common?,india ,what are common in india?,thalassaemia and hbd disorders ,are thalassaemia and hbd the haemoglobin disorders common in india?,yes ,what have been used in a fish cocktail?,three different fluorescent probes ,are replication of viral dna the haemoglobin disorders common in india?,no ,what is degenerated forms appearing as bare smudged nuclei?,some excess of mature and small differentiated lymphocytes ,what is some degenerated forms appearing as?,bare smudged nuclei ,is some excess of mature and small differentiated lymphocytes degenerate forms appearing as bare smudged nuclei?,yes ,is epithelial degenerate forms appearing as bare smudged nuclei?,no ,what is there?,large excess of mature and small differentiated lymphocytes and some degenerated forms appearing as bare smudged nuclei ,what is there of mature and small differentiated lymphocytes?,large excess ,is there large excess of mature and small differentiated lymphocytes?,yes ,is iron large excess of mature and small differentiated lymphocytes?,no ,what is contrasted with structure of normal lymph node a?,follicular lymphoma ,have three different fluorescent probes been used in a fish cocktail?,yes ,what is follicular lymphoma contrasted with?,structure of normal lymph node a ,is follicular lymphoma contrasted with structure of normal lymph node a?,yes ,are other components of virion contrasted with structure of normal lymph node a?,no ,what shows presence of a leukaemic cells with hairy cytoplasmic projections?,peripheral blood ,what shows replacement of marrow spaces with abnormal mononuclear cells?,trephine biopsy ,does peripheral blood show presence of a leukaemic cells with hairy cytoplasmic projections?,yes ,does the rephine biopsy show replacement of marrow spaces with abnormal mononuclear cells?,yes ,"does the two red cell enzyme defects, glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase, show replacement of marrow spaces with abnormal mononuclear cells?",no ,"what show numerous plasma cells, many with abnormal features?",bone marrow aspirate ,what do bone marrow aspirate in myeloma show?,numerous plasma cells ,how many small pulmonary arterioles are packed with laminated swirls of fetal squamous cells?,two ,have the segregation of b cells and t cells in different regions of the lymph node been used in a fish cocktail?,no ,"does one marrow aspirate in myeloma show numerous plasma cells, many with abnormal features?",yes ,"does peripheral blood film show marked neutrophilic leucocytosis aspirate in myeloma showing numerous plasma cells, many with abnormal features?",no ,where did etastatic carcinomatous deposit?,in the mat mass of lymph nodes ,did etastatic carcinomatous deposit in the mat mass of lymph nodes?,yes ,what are there in the circumscribed nodular areas?,areas of necrosis ,where are areas of necrosis?,there in the circumscribed nodular areas ,are there areas of necrosis in the circumscribed nodular areas?,yes ,are stored iron areas of necrosis in the circumscribed nodular areas?,no ,what is there exclusively in the tunica media unassociated with any significant inflammation?,calcification ,what is there calcification exclusively in the tunica media unassociated with?,any significant inflammation ,what has produced extensive discoloration?,hemorrhage of subcutaneous vessels ,is there calcification exclusively in the tunica media unassociated with any significant inflammation?,yes ,is the cut surface calcification exclusively in the tunica media unassociated with any significant inflammation?,no ,what is explained by 'reaction-to-injury 'hypothesis?,diagrammatic representation of pathogenesis of atherosclerosis ,what is diagrammatic representation of pathogenesis of atherosclerosis explained by?,'reaction-to-injury 'hypothesis ,how is diagrammatic representation of pathogenesis of atherosclerosis explained?,by 'reaction-to-injury 'hypothesis ,is diagrammatic representation of pathogenesis of atherosclerosis as explained by 'reaction-to-injury 'hypothesis?,yes ,what is seen in the arch?,an intimal tear ,where is an intimal tear seen?,in the arch ,is an intimal tear seen in the arch?,yes ,is the corresponding area seen in the arch?,no ,what has hemorrhage of subcutaneous vessels produced?,extensive discoloration ,what is seen with the heart?,the ascending aorta ,what is the ascending aorta seen with?,the heart ,is the ascending aorta seen with the heart?,yes ,what tear in the aortic wall extend proximally upto aortic valve dissecting the media which contains clotted blood?,an intimal ,does an intimal tear in the aortic wall extend proximally upto aortic valve dissecting the media which contains clotted blood?,yes ,does oxygen delivery tear in the aortic wall extend proximally upto aortic valve dissecting the media which contains clotted blood?,no ,is there an intimal tear in the aortic wall extending proximally upto aortic valve dissecting the media which contains clotted blood?,yes ,is the particle an intimal tear in the aortic wall extending proximally upto aortic valve dissecting the media which contains clotted blood?,no ,what are there lined by plump endothelial cells and containing blood?,capillaries ,are there capillaries lined by plump endothelial cells and containing blood?,yes ,has hemorrhage of subcutaneous vessels produced extensive discoloration?,yes ,are the sequence on left capillaries lined by plump endothelial cells and containing blood?,no ,what consists of scant connective tissue?,the intervening stroma ,does the intervening stroma consist of scant connective tissue?,yes ,does the interstitial vasculature consist of scant connective tissue?,no ,"what are large, dilated, many containing blood, and are lined by flattened endothelial cells?",vascular spaces ,how are the vascular spaces?,large ,"are the vascular spaces large, dilated, many containing blood, and are lined by flattened endothelial cells?",yes ,"are some macrophages large, dilated, many containing blood, and are lined by flattened endothelial cells?",no ,what is seen between the cavernous spaces?,scanty connective tissue stroma ,what is scanty connective tissue stroma seen between?,the cavernous spaces ,has the alveolar spaces and blood vessels produced extensive discoloration?,no ,is scanty connective tissue stroma seen between the cavernous spaces?,yes ,is central coagulative necrosis seen between the cavernous spaces?,no ,what are there?,blood-filled vascular channels ,what are there lined by endothelial cells and surrounded by nests and masses of glomus cells?,blood-filled vascular channels ,are there blood-filled vascular channels lined by endothelial cells and surrounded by nests and masses of glomus cells?,yes ,are disse blood-filled vascular channels lined by endothelial cells and surrounded by nests and masses of glomus cells?,no ,what is heavier?,heart ,is the heart heavier?,yes ,is one marrow trephine biopsy in aplastic anaemia heavier?,no ,what is thickened hypertrophy with dilatation?,free left ventricular wall ,what is intact?,the skin ,is the free left ventricular wall thickened hypertrophy with dilatation?,yes ,is periphery thickened hypertrophy with dilatation?,no ,"does the figure show region of myocardium affected by stenosis of three respective coronary trunks in descending order shown as: 1 left anterior descending coronary, 2 right coronary and 3 left circumflex coronary artery in myocardial infarction?",yes ,are strands in myocardial infarction?,no ,what is there?,patchy myocardial fibrosis ,"what is there, especially around small blood vessels in the interstitium?",patchy myocardial fibrosis ,"is there patchy myocardial fibrosis, especially around small blood vessels in the interstitium?",yes ,"is one marrow patchy myocardial fibrosis, especially around small blood vessels in the interstitium?",no ,what are denoted for the frequency of valvular involvement?,serial numbers 1 ,"what are serial numbers 1, 2 and 3 are denoted for?",the frequency of valvular involvement ,is the skin intact?,yes ,are 2 and 3 denoted for the frequency of valvular involvement?,yes ,is the particle denoted for the frequency of valvular involvement?,no ,"what shows grey-brown, firm area of consolidation affecting a lobe?",sectioned surface ,what does the sectioned surface of the lung show?,grey-brown ,"does the sectioned surface of the lung show grey-brown, firm area of consolidation affecting a lobe?",yes ,"does one marrow show grey-brown, firm area of consolidation affecting a lobe?",no ,what is lying separated from the septal walls by a clear space?,cellular exudates in the alveolar lumina ,what is the cellular exudates in the alveolar lumina lying separated from by a clear space?,septal walls ,is the cellular exudates in the alveolar lumina lying separated from the septal walls by a clear space?,yes ,is salt bridges lying separated from the septal walls by a clear space?,no ,is the zygosity plot intact?,no ,what is composed of neutrophils and macrophages?,nfiltrate in the lumina ,what is the infiltrate in the lumina composed of?,ineutrophils and macrophages ,is the infiltrate in the lumina composed of neutrophils and macrophages?,yes ,is a wedge-shaped shrunken area of pale colour composed of neutrophils and macrophages?,no ,"what are best identified with a special stain for fungi, gomory 's methenamine silver gms?",apergillus flavus ,"are the opened up inner surface of the abdominal aorta best identified with a special stain for fungi, gomory 's methenamine silver gms?",no ,what is thickened and infiltrated by acute and chronic inflammatory cells?,bronchial wall ,what is the bronchial wall thickened by?,acute and chronic inflammatory cells ,is the bronchial wall thickened and infiltrated by acute and chronic inflammatory cells?,yes ,is a scar smaller than the original wound thickened and infiltrated by acute and chronic inflammatory cells?,no ,what is absent?,the palisade of cartilage ,what is sloughed off at places with exudate of muco-pus in the lumen?,mucosa ,what is the mucosa sloughed off at places with?,exudate of muco-pus in lumen ,is the mucosa sloughed off at places with exudate of muco-pus in the lumen?,yes ,is viral dna sloughed off at places with exudate of muco-pus in the lumen?,no ,what consists of hyaline centre surrounded by concentric layers of collagen which are further enclosed by fibroblasts and dust-laden macrophages?,silicotic nodule ,what does the silicotic nodule consist of?,hyaline centre surrounded by concentric layers of collagen ,does the silicotic nodule consist of hyaline centre surrounded by concentric layers of collagen which are further enclosed by fibroblasts and dust-laden macrophages?,yes ,does a wedge-shaped shrunken area of pale colour consist of hyaline centre surrounded by concentric layers of collagen which are further enclosed by fibroblasts and dust-laden macrophages?,no ,what shows bright fibres of silica?,polarising microscopy in photomicrograph on right ,does polarising microscopy in photomicrograph on right show bright fibres of silica?,yes ,is the palisade of cartilage absent?,yes ,does the margin of the colony show bright fibres of silica?,no ,what are lined by cuboidal to tall columnar and mucin-secreting tumour cells with papillary growth pattern?,alveolar walls ,what are the alveolar walls lined by?,cuboidal to tall columnar and mucin-secreting tumour cells with papillary growth pattern ,are the alveolar walls lined by cuboidal to tall columnar and mucin-secreting tumour cells with papillary growth pattern?,yes ,"are a, matted mass of lymph nodes lined by cuboidal to tall columnar and mucin-secreting tumour cells with papillary growth pattern?",no ,what are arranged as lobules with peripheral basaloid cells and pale cells in the centre?,tumour cells ,what are the tumour cells arranged as with?,lobules with peripheral basaloid cells and pale cells in the centre ,are the tumour cells arranged as lobules with peripheral basaloid cells and pale cells in the centre?,yes ,are renal tubules and glomeruli arranged as lobules with peripheral basaloid cells and pale cells in the centre?,no ,"what have sebaceous differentiation appreciated by foamy, vacuolated cytoplasm?",cells ,what are packed with laminated swirls of fetal squamous cells?,two small pulmonary arterioles ,what consists of uncalcified osteoid?,paler trabeculae ,what do the cells have?,sebaceous differentiation appreciated by foamy ,"do the cells have sebaceous differentiation appreciated by foamy, vacuolated cytoplasm?",yes ,"do islands of invading malignant squamous cells have sebaceous differentiation appreciated by foamy, vacuolated cytoplasm?",no ,are the tumour cells epithelioid in appearance having prominent nucleoli and contain black finely granular melanin pigment in the cytoplasm?,yes ,is section of the myocardium epithelioid in appearance having prominent nucleoli and contain black finely granular melanin pigment in the cytoplasm?,no ,what is there?,inflammatory reaction around extravasated mucus ,what is there around extravasated mucus?,inflammatory reaction ,is there inflammatory reaction around extravasated mucus?,yes ,is ziehl-neelsen inflammatory reaction around extravasated mucus?,no ,what is there of secondary dentine?,deposition ,do paler trabeculae consist of uncalcified osteoid?,yes ,"what is there of enamel, deposition of secondary dentine and evidence of pulpitis?",complete destruction ,"is there complete destruction of enamel, deposition of secondary dentine and evidence of pulpitis?",yes ,"is normal non-activated platelet, having open canalicular system and the cytoplasmic organelles complete destruction of enamel, deposition of secondary dentine and evidence of pulpitis?",no ,what are composed of central area of stellate cells and peripheral layer of cuboidal or columnar cells?,epithelial follicles ,what are epithelial follicles composed of?,central area of stellate cells and peripheral layer cuboidal or columnar cells ,are epithelial follicles composed of central area of stellate cells and peripheral layer of cuboidal or columnar cells?,yes ,are eticulocytes in blood composed of central area of stellate cells and peripheral layer of cuboidal or columnar cells?,no ,what show irregular plexiform masses and network of strands of epithelial cells?,plexiform areas ,what do plexiform areas show?,irregular masses and network of strands of epithelial cells ,do plexiform areas show irregular plexiform masses and network of strands of epithelial cells?,yes ,do interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy consist of uncalcified osteoid?,no ,do the alveolar walls show irregular plexiform masses and network of strands of epithelial cells?,no ,what show central cystic change?,a few areas ,what do a few areas show?,central cystic change ,do a few areas show central cystic change?,yes ,do the squamous cells show central cystic change?,no ,what undergoes metaplastic change to columnar epithelium of intestinal type?,part of the oesophagus which is normally lined by squamous epithelium ,does part of the oesophagus which is normally lined by squamous epithelium undergo metaplastic change to columnar epithelium of intestinal type?,yes ,does adp undergo metaplastic change to columnar epithelium of intestinal type?,no ,what are correlated with histological appearance of gastric mucosa in different regions?,natomical subdivisions of the stomach ,what are natomical subdivisions of the stomach correlated with of gastric mucosa in different regions?,anatomical histological appearance regions ,what are well-formed bone?,darker trabeculae ,are natomical subdivisions of the stomach correlated with histological appearance of gastric mucosa in different regions?,yes ,are a few well-developed cell nests with keratinisation correlated with histological appearance of gastric mucosa in different regions?,no ,are scanty connective tissue stroma the first to fourth parts of the duodenum?,no ,"a , typhoid ulcers in the small intestine appear characteristically oval with whose long axis parallel to the long axis of the bowel?",their ,what appear characteristically oval with their long axis parallel to the long axis of the bowel?,typhoid ulcers in the small intestine ,what do typhoid ulcers in the small intestine appear characteristically oval with?,their long axis parallel to the long axis of the bowel ,do typhoid ulcers in the small intestine appear characteristically oval with their long axis parallel to the long axis of the bowel?,yes ,what show ballooning degeneration and necrosis with some containing mallory 's hyalin inbox?,liver cells ,what do liver cells show?,ballooning degeneration and necrosis ,do liver cells show ballooning degeneration and necrosis with some containing mallory 's hyalin inbox?,yes ,are darker trabeculae well-formed bone?,yes ,do the bronchioles as well as the adjacent alveoli show ballooning degeneration and necrosis with some containing mallory 's hyalin inbox?,no ,what are also present?,fatty change and clusters of neutrophils ,are fatty change and clusters of neutrophils also present?,yes ,are defects in any of the six also present?,no ,what shows foamy macrophages?,lamina propria of the mucosa ,what does the lamina propria of the mucosa show?,foamy macrophages ,does the lamina propria of the mucosa show foamy macrophages?,yes ,does 'triple response ' show foamy macrophages?,no ,"what is there increased due to proliferation of mesangial cels, endothelial cells and some epithelial cells and infiltration of the tuft by neutrophils and monocytes?",increased cellularity ,"is there increased cellularity due to proliferation of mesangial cels, endothelial cells and some epithelial cells and infiltration of the tuft by neutrophils and monocytes?",yes ,are the basement membrane well-formed bone?,no ,"is the epithelial element increased cellularity due to proliferation of mesangial cels, endothelial cells and some epithelial cells and infiltration of the tuft by neutrophils and monocytes?",no ,"what shows thick wall coated internally by brownish, tan and necrotic material which is organised blood clot?",sectioned surface of the sac ,what does sectioned surface of the sac show?,thick wall coated internally by brownish ,"does sectioned surface of the sac show thick wall coated internally by brownish, tan and necrotic material which is organised blood clot arrow?",yes ,"does the wall of the stomach in the region of pyloric canal show thick wall coated internally by brownish, tan and necrotic material which is organised blood clot arrow?",no ,are several characteristic schiller-duval bodies present?,yes ,"are serpiginous ulcers, some deep fissures and swollen intervening surviving mucosa giving 'cobblestone appearance ', present?",no ,what shows intra - and extracellular hyaline globules?,inset ,what does inset show?,intra- and extracellular hyaline globules ,does inset show intra - and extracellular hyaline globules?,yes ,what stain preparation of sputum from a patient with pneumonia?,gram ,does oxygen delivery show intra - and extracellular hyaline globules?,no ,is common histologic type epidermoid carcinoma showing the pattern of a moderatelydifferentiated non-keratinising large cell carcinoma?,yes ,is the photomicrograph on right epidermoid carcinoma showing the pattern of a moderatelydifferentiated non-keratinising large cell carcinoma?,no ,what are present deep inside the myometrium?,endometrial glands ,what are the endometrial glands present deep inside?,myometrium ,are the endometrial glands present deep inside the myometrium?,yes ,are inflammatory changes present deep inside the myometrium?,no ,"what shows whorls of smooth muscle cells which are spindle-shaped, having abundant cytoplasm and oval nuclei?",microscopy ,"does microscopy show whorls of smooth muscle cells which are spindle-shaped, having abundant cytoplasm and oval nuclei?",yes ,"does mucicarmine show whorls of smooth muscle cells which are spindle-shaped, having abundant cytoplasm and oval nuclei?",no ,is the gram stain preparation of sputum from a patient with pneumonia?,yes ,what is identical to that of seminoma of the testis?,histologic appearance ,what is the histologic appearance identical to?,that of seminoma of the testis ,is the histologic appearance identical to that of seminoma of the testis?,yes ,is the sectioned surface identical to that of seminoma of the testis?,no ,what are separated by scanty fibrous stroma that is infiltrated by lymphocytes?,masses of large uniform tumour cells ,what are masses of large uniform tumour cells separated by?,scanty fibrous stroma that is infiltrated by lymphocytes ,are masses of large uniform tumour cells separated by scanty fibrous stroma that is infiltrated by lymphocytes?,yes ,are the lumen separated by scanty fibrous stroma that is infiltrated by lymphocytes?,no ,what include mucin-filled signet-ring cells and richly cellular proliferation of the ovarian stroma?,histologic features ,what do histologic features include?,mucin-filled signet-ring cells and richly cellular proliferation of the ovarian stroma ,is the polyp stain preparation of sputum from a patient with pneumonia?,no ,do histologic features include mucin-filled signet-ring cells and richly cellular proliferation of the ovarian stroma?,yes ,do typhoid ulcers in the small intestine include mucin-filled signet-ring cells and richly cellular proliferation of the ovarian stroma?,no ,"what shows replacement of almost whole breast with a large circumscribed, greywhite, firm, nodular mass having slit-like, compressed cystic areas and areas of haemorrhage?",simple mastectomy specimen ,what does simple mastectomy specimen show?,replacement of almost whole breast with a large circumscribed ,"does simple mastectomy specimen show replacement of almost whole breast with a large circumscribed, greywhite, firm, nodular mass having slit-like, compressed cystic areas and areas of haemorrhage?",yes ,"does large cystic spaces lined by the flattened endothelial cells and containing lymph show replacement of almost whole breast with a large circumscribed, greywhite, firm, nodular mass having slit-like, compressed cystic areas and areas of haemorrhage?",no ,what are found in the upper stratum malpighii?,foci of vacuolated cells ,where are foci of vacuolated cells found?,in the upper stratum malpighii ,are foci of vacuolated cells found in the upper stratum malpighii?,yes ,are microscopic features found in the upper stratum malpighii?,no ,what are evident?,elongated cocci in pairs and short chains (streptococcus pneumoniae) and a neutrophil ,what contain prominent keratohyaline granules?,koilocytes and virus-infected keratinocytes ,what did koilocytes and virus-infected keratinocytes contain?,prominent keratohyaline granules ,did koilocytes and virus-infected keratinocytes contain prominent keratohyaline granules?,yes ,did characteristic histologic features contain prominent keratohyaline granules?,no ,what shows koilocytes and virus-infected keratinocytes containing prominent keratohyaline granules?,inset ,what does inset show?,koilocytes and virus-infected keratinocytes containing prominent keratohyaline granules ,does inset show koilocytes and virus-infected keratinocytes containing prominent keratohyaline granules?,yes ,does its wall show koilocytes and virus-infected keratinocytes containing prominent keratohyaline granules?,no ,what contains caseating epithelioid cell granulomas having giant cells and lymphocytes?,dermis ,what does the dermis contain?,caseating epithelioid cell granulomas having giant cells and lymphocytes ,what are two small pulmonary arterioles packed with of fetal squamous cells?,laminated swirls ,are elongated cocci in pairs and short chains and a neutrophil evident?,yes ,does the dermis contain caseating epithelioid cell granulomas having giant cells and lymphocytes?,yes ,does one marrow trephine biopsy in aplastic anaemia contain caseating epithelioid cell granulomas having giant cells and lymphocytes?,no ,is an intraepidermal bulla in suprabasal location containing acantholytic cells seen?,yes ,what is there with elongated saw-toothed rete ridges?,hyperkeratosis ,"is there hyperkeratosis, focal hypergranulosis and irregular acanthosis with elongated saw-toothed rete ridges?",yes ,"is onsumption of tobacco in india hyperkeratosis, focal hypergranulosis and irregular acanthosis with elongated saw-toothed rete ridges?",no ,what shows liquefactive degeneration?,basal layer ,what does the basal layer show?,liquefactive degeneration ,does the basal layer show liquefactive degeneration?,yes ,does sectioned surface show liquefactive degeneration?,no ,are impaired remodeling of calcified cartilage in the epiphyses of the wrist evident?,no ,what shows a band-like mononuclear infiltrate with a sharply-demarcated lower border?,upper dermis ,what does the upper dermis show?,a band-like mononuclear infiltrate with a sharply-demarcated lower border ,how does the upper dermis show a band-like mononuclear infiltrate?,with a sharply-demarcated lower border ,does the upper dermis show a band-like mononuclear infiltrate with a sharply-demarcated lower border?,yes ,does bone biopsy show a band-like mononuclear infiltrate with a sharply-demarcated lower border?,no ,what is effaced?,normal base to surface maturation of epidermal layers ,is the normal base to surface maturation of epidermal layers effaced?,yes ,is glomerular tufts effaced?,no ,what is thick with loss of rete ridges?,epidermis ,what is the epidermis thick with?,loss of rete ridges ,what takes the form of a three-dimensional sphere with the offending organism in the central area?,the granulomatous response ,is the epidermis thick with loss of rete ridges?,yes ,are there bizarre atypical squamous cells but the border between the epidermis and dermis is intact ie?,yes ,"are normal non-activated platelet, having open canalicular system and the cytoplasmic organelles bizarre atypical squamous cells but the border between the epidermis and dermis is intact ie?",no ,what is not breached?,basement membrane ,is the basement membrane not breached?,yes ,is the cut surface not breached?,no ,what shows a fungating and ulcerated growth?,skin surface on the sole of the foot ,what does the skin surface on the sole of the foot show?,a fungating and ulcerated growth ,does the skin surface on the sole of the foot show a fungating and ulcerated growth?,yes ,does equipments show a fungating and ulcerated growth?,no ,what does the granulomatous response take the form of?,a three-dimensional sphere ,what is enlarged diffusely?,thyroid gland ,is the thyroid gland enlarged diffusely?,yes ,is inset enlarged diffusely?,no ,what shows lobules of translucent gelatinous light brown parenchyma and areas of haemorrhage?,cut section ,what does cut section show?,lobules of translucent gelatinous light brown parenchyma and areas of haemorrhage ,does cut section show lobules of translucent gelatinous light brown parenchyma and areas of haemorrhage?,yes ,does also show lobules of translucent gelatinous light brown parenchyma and areas of haemorrhage?,no ,what are the predominant histologic features?,nodularity ,"are the predominant histologic features: nodularity, extensive scarring with foci of calcification, areas of haemorrhages and variable-sized follicles lined by flat to high epithelium and containing abundant colloid?",yes ,"are characteristic features: nodularity, extensive scarring with foci of calcification, areas of haemorrhages and variable-sized follicles lined by flat to high epithelium and containing abundant colloid?",no ,does the granulomatous response take the form of a three-dimensional sphere with the offending organism in the central area?,yes ,what is well-encapsulated with compression of surrounding thyroid parenchyma?,tumour ,what is the tumour well-encapsulated with?,compression of surrounding thyroid parenchyma ,is the tumour well-encapsulated with compression of surrounding thyroid parenchyma?,yes ,is the wedge-shaped infarct well-encapsulated with compression of surrounding thyroid parenchyma?,no ,what consists of small follicles lined by cuboidal epithelium and contain little or no colloid and separated by abundant loose stroma?,tumour ,what does the tumour consist of?,small follicles lined by cuboidal epithelium and contain little or no colloid and separated by abundant loose stroma ,does the tumour consist of small follicles lined by cuboidal epithelium and contain little or no colloid and separated by abundant loose stroma?,yes ,does taghorn renal stone with chronic pyelonephritisthe kidney consist of small follicles lined by cuboidal epithelium and contain little or no colloid and separated by abundant loose stroma?,no ,what shows organoid pattern of oval tumour cells and abundant amyloid stroma?,microscopy ,what does microscopy show?,organoid pattern of oval tumour cells and abundant amyloid stroma ,does the pattern of staining of anti-centromere antibodies take the form of a three-dimensional sphere with the offending organism in the central area?,no ,does microscopy show organoid pattern of oval tumour cells and abundant amyloid stroma?,yes ,does mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate show organoid pattern of oval tumour cells and abundant amyloid stroma?,no ,what shows congophilia which depicts apple-green birefringence under polarising microscopy?,amyloid ,what does amyloid show?,congophilia which depicts apple-green birefringence under polarising microscopy ,does amyloid show congophilia which depicts apple-green birefringence under polarising microscopy?,yes ,does the nucleus show congophilia which depicts apple-green birefringence under polarising microscopy?,no ,what have fish-hook appearance surrounded by fibrous tissue?,bony trabeculae ,what do the bony trabeculae have?,fish-hook appearance surrounded by fibrous tissue ,do the bony trabeculae have fish-hook appearance surrounded by fibrous tissue?,yes ,do the wall of the stomach in the region of pyloric canal have fish-hook appearance surrounded by fibrous tissue?,no ,what highlights the histologic features?,the high-magnification view ,what are characteristically absent?,osteoblastic rimming of the bony trabeculae ,are the osteoblastic rimming of the bony trabeculae characteristically absent?,yes ,are circle shown with yellow-orange line characteristically absent?,no ,what shows a bulky expanded tumour in the region of metaphysis sparing the epiphyseal cartilage?,lower end of the femur ,what does the lower end of the femur show?,a bulky expanded tumour in the region of metaphysis sparing the epiphyseal cartilage ,does the lower end of the femur show a bulky expanded tumour in the region of metaphysis sparing the epiphyseal cartilage?,yes ,does 'triple response ' show a bulky expanded tumour in the region of metaphysis sparing the epiphyseal cartilage?,no ,what is grey-white with areas of haemorrhage and necrosis?,a bulky expanded tumour in the region of metaphysis sparing the epiphyseal cartilage ,what is the tumour?,grey-white with areas of haemorrhage and necrosis ,is the tumour grey-white with areas of haemorrhage and necrosis?,yes ,does this high-magnification view highlight the histologic features?,yes ,is periphery grey-white with areas of haemorrhage and necrosis?,no ,what is largely extending into soft tissues including the skeletal muscle?,tumour ,is the tumour largely extending into soft tissues including the skeletal muscle?,yes ,is section from margin of amoebic ulcer largely extending into soft tissues including the skeletal muscle?,no ,"what is grey-white, cystic, soft and friable?",cut surface of the tumour ,"is cut surface of the tumour grey-white, cystic, soft and friable?",yes ,"is the corresponding area grey-white, cystic, soft and friable?",no ,what are villous hypertrophy of the synovium and marked mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate in synovial membrane with formation of lymphoid follicles at places?,characteristic histologic features ,what are the characteristic histologic features?,villous hypertrophy of the synovium and marked mononuclear inflammatory cell ,are the characteristic histologic features villous hypertrophy of the synovium and marked mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate in synovial membrane with formation of lymphoid follicles at places?,yes ,does low-power view highlight the histologic features?,no ,are chematic mechanisms villous hypertrophy of the synovium and marked mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate in synovial membrane with formation of lymphoid follicles at places?,no ,what shows a thin capsule and underlying lobules of mature adipose cells separated by delicate fibrous septa?,tumour ,what does the tumour show?,a thin capsule and underlying lobules of mature adipose cells separated by delicate fibrous septa ,does the tumour show a thin capsule and underlying lobules of mature adipose cells separated by delicate fibrous septa?,yes ,does a wedge-shaped shrunken area of pale colour show a thin capsule and underlying lobules of mature adipose cells separated by delicate fibrous septa?,no ,what indicate the frequency of involvement?,serial numbers ,what do the serial numbers indicate?,frequency of involvement ,do the serial numbers indicate the frequency of involvement?,yes ,what results from rupture of artery following skull fracture resulting in accumulation of arterial blood between the skull and the dura?,epidural haematoma ,does epidural haematoma result from rupture of artery following skull fracture resulting in accumulation of arterial blood between the skull and the dura?,yes ,what is characterized by a predominantly lymphocytic infiltrate?,acute viral hepatitis ,does oxygen result from rupture of artery following skull fracture resulting in accumulation of arterial blood between the skull and the dura?,no ,what is separated by mucoid matrix?,interlacing bundles of spindle-shaped cells ,what does neurofibrom show?,interlacing bundles of spindle-shaped cells separated by mucoid matrix ,how does neurofibroma show interlacing bundles of spindle-shaped cells?,by mucoid matrix ,does neurofibroma show interlacing bundles of spindle-shaped cells separate by mucoid matrix?,yes ,are many of the tumour cells separated by mucoid matrix?,no ,what is also identified?,cells have wavy nuclei and a residual nerve fibre ,is a residual nerve fibre also identified?,no ,is broad base also identified?,no ,what have wavy nuclei?,cells