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hate_speech18 | As of March 13th , 2014 , the booklet had been downloaded over 18,300 times and counting . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | In order to help increase the booklets downloads , it would be great if all Stormfronters who had YouTube accounts , could display the following text in the description boxes of their uploaded YouTube videos . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | ( Simply copy and paste the following text into your YouTube videos description boxes. ) | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Click below for a FREE download of a colorfully illustrated 132 page e-book on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of Western civilization . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Click on the `` DOWNLOAD ( 7.42 MB ) '' green banner link . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Booklet updated on Feb. 14th , 2014 . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | ( Now with over 18,300 Downloads. ) | 0 |
hate_speech18 | PDF file : _ 2-14-14.docx Watch the 10 hour video version of `` The Zionist Attack on Western Civilization '' @ _ White _ YT _ Comment _ ( Hyperlinked ) .txt ( Hyperlinked-Back-Up % 5D.txt ? v = _ 8hg254ALpM Are you interested in helping spread the booklet download link across the world ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Then why not simply copy this text ( & links ) and paste it into the description box of your YouTube videos ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Thank you in advance. : ) Download the youtube `` description box '' info text file below @ _ Info.txt | 0 |
hate_speech18 | She may or may not be a Jew but she 's certainly stupid , she seems to think the Blacks wo n't kill her alongside every other White they can get their dirty hands on , what a muppet ! | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Thank you for the info. i will deffinetly look into them . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I hope there is room for one more as i am very excited about this . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I just came across this piece of garbage . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Comments say she is from SA . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Warning : Graphic . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Die Antwoord - `` Cookie Thumper '' ( Official Video ) - YouTube | 0 |
hate_speech18 | The whites are more in the range of 4.8 million . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I believe this can be higher since I 've read reports that especially whites in the Free State were not counted in the latest census . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Thank you for posting your story . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I think you should write a book as well . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I 've always considered teaching as one of the professions I would like to get into , but not in a neighbourhood like that ... never. kids like that disgust me . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | And the sad thing is the white students at those schools will act like that too . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | I guess I 'll just stick to homeschooling my kids , when and if I have them ... | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Randy Blazak is an `` expert '' all right--he teaches `` Sociology of Star Trek '' --a credited class students actually pay for . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | No wonder young people ca n't get jobs . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | They take underwater basket weaving courses and they have no worthwhile skills on account of angry still my favorite comment . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Old Tarzan movies , `` Zulu '' , and `` King Kong '' have many such images . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | National Geographic magazines in the 1950s and early 1960s are replete with color photos of African villagers . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Dr. Albert Schweitzer 's two-hour documentary from 1958 was shown in movie theaters everywhere . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I think VHS tapes are available at Amazon . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Their gods often had pale skin and blue eyes but I suppose literacy is n't valued highly by their cultural intelligencia . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | When the girl starts talking the guy in the middles lips start moving . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | He was checking her lines , bad actors ca n't help themselves from doing this . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | This whole situation starts to become really bizarre . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I was a Right Sector supporter but it starts to sound as if they are in fact just Israeli agents ...... | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I do n't know who to support anymore ................ | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I've read many post on here saying Israel gives training to US law enforcement . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I remember after the Boston Marathon bombings watching Fox News and they said law enforcement was consulting Israel for advice . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I believe his dog would like to get as far away from him as possible ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Free North Carolina : Peterson 's particulars VikingInMe | 0 |
hate_speech18 | So according to section C , what few jobs there are in our areas will be given to these people as well Thanks for posting this . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Greece need a man like Adolf Hitler and now is the perfect time to start a national political movement to free Your country from the zionist bankers | 1 |
hate_speech18 | The image below is for the First Week of March 2011. freeman in court - judge bows to Sovereign - Canada YouTube - freeman in court - judge bows to Sovereign - Canada | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I do n't watch T.V. or Hollywood movies . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I know of Chris Rock and subsequently have hated him for a long time . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | He is a pathetic little chimp . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Declaring war on the innocent White Population of any nation could easily be justified by anyone who was not a White Nationalist . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Seekers of Truth , Start out by watching the `` Benjamin Freedman Speaks '' video @ youtube . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | com/watch ? v = hXBcyX97jGM then move on to watching , `` The Loss of Liberty '' film @ youtube . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | com/watch ? v = kBD6Gm6VoDM Then watch 8 min. Obama at AIPAC @ youtube . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | com/watch ? v = KrdyCxpB4fs And then the entire Myron Fagan video @ youtube . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | com/watch ? v = 6OK6ks7BSOY For a FREE informative BOOKLET & video on the Zionist-engineered INTENTIONAL destruction of White people go to : youtube . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | com/watch ? v = n663eVTSyS8 | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Note! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Wntube is now .net , not .com. | 0 |
hate_speech18 | They have improved the site . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Please contribute and/or donate . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | ? vid = 1428 & code = 108 | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Try El Paso Texas Soo much mudd invasion that the river is the same color as those playing/crossing in it .. year round ! | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Welcome to the front lines ... | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Folk , Faith , Family Hail Victory !! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Here is a video of the event that is worth watching just to see a beautiful White lady screaming `` scum , scum , scum , f * * * ing scum !!! '' at the muslim filth . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | Protesters Clash during Military Parade in Barking | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Does this not show how stupid these folks can be ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Let 's order a pizza to be delivered where we are and then try to assault the driver , no one will know how to catch us . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Nice to know that are still a few men out there who `` have a pair '' . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Your courage and honestly are apprecated . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Jesus Christ is Lord indeed . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Y' all have a nice day . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I suppose the concept of a male cow and a female cow producing MORE cows , and the repeating process is too much for them to understand . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | May they all get mad cow disease . | 1 |
hate_speech18 | The sooner the better . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Yeah, but no one will ever hear of this . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Instead we are left to shed a tear for the black kids killed in a church bombing 40 years ago . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | That's all I needed to hear . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | * Unsubscribed * Off to the SA threads . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | There are White folks that require a little of our time . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I guess Mr. Pena forgot about the black speed skater who won the gold and is being glorified on NBC every 5 minutes . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I'm sad to find this out right now but I 'm also sorry to inform you that Kevin was killed several years ago . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I'm having a hard time believing this . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I have 2 friends in CS and neither has EVER worked with a black . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | All their coworkers are white , NE asian or indian/paki , except one guy worked with a mestizo for a few weeks on a project . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Hundreds of people , but no blacks ! | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I also attended a Masters/PhD graduation ceremony at a major state university a few years ago - none of the CS degrees were awarded to blacks. [ a couple computer degrees went to blacks , but they were in IT with a focus on internet marketing/web-commerce ] So where are all these black computer geniuses hiding ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Over and over , you hear about home-schooled kids beating out public school kids for spelling bees . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Unfortunately , there are some poor White families where both parents work . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Perhaps if a school district has only a few White families left , they could get together and each parent could teach the kids one day per week . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | The parents who could n't teach on weekdays could teach on Saturday . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | That was me . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | I have no intention of ever setting foot in Mexico so I 'll have to take your word for it . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Excellent Article !! * * * * * Why Were n't They In Jail ? | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Three of the four suspects in the death of a 12-year-old Moore County girl were repeat offenders , free on probation . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Steve Reed Reporter Three of the suspects charged with the murder of a 12-year old Moore County girl were given suspended sentences for other crimes and were free on probation at the time of her slaying . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Perry Ross Schiro , 19 , of Harnett County was charged yesterday with murder in the Sept. 21 shooting death of Emily Elizabeth Haddock . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | He is the fourth suspect to be charged with her murder . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Also charged are Sherrod Nicholas Harrison , 19 , Michael Graham Currie , 18 , and Van Roger Smith , 16 , all of Cameron in Harnett County . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Two of the suspects , Mr. Harrison and Mr. Currie , were repeat probation violators . | 0 |
hate_speech18 | Only Mr. Smith had no prior criminal record . | 0 |
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