[{ "source": "Facebook", "sentences": [ { "en": "en", "liv": "li" }, { "en": "Best wishes to our dear colleague, researcher of Estonian, Latvian and also Livonian language contacts Lembit Vaba on the occasion of receiving the Latvian and Estonian Ministries of foreign affairs Language prize!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ mäd kolēgõn, ēsti, leț ja ka līvõ kīel kontaktõd tuņšlijizõn Lembit Vaban, kis tämpõ sai Lețmō ja Ēstimō Uļļiztažād ministrijd Kīel ovpālka!" }, { "en": "Greetings to the president elect of the Republic of Estonia Alar Karis – former rector of the University of Tartu, who being the director of the Estonian National museum is also a keeper of the Livonian heritage!", "liv": "Tēriņtõm ūdtõ Ēstimō prezidentõ Alar Karis – kunāgizt Tartu Iļīzskūol rektōrt, kis paldīņ, Ēstimō Rov muzej direktōr vȯlds vȱidab līvõd pierādõkst!" }, { "en": "Laimonis Rudzitis – descendant of Riga Livonians – 115!", "liv": "Laimonis Rudzītisõn – Rīgõ līvõd tagāntuļļizõn – 115!" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Livonian Summer University and the Lāži Oak", "liv": "Kū ažā – Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol ja Lōz täm" }, { "en": "The tradition of the Livonian Summer University since the beginning in 2013 has been a photograph of its participants at the famous Lāžu Oak on the Livonian Coast.", "liv": "Līvõ sõviļīzskūolst, mis sugīz 2013. āigasts, sīe irdõksõks um jaggõvõtājizt īti foto Līvõd rāndas tundtõb Lōz tam jūs." }, { "en": "From July 30 to August 8, 2021, the third Livonian Summer University took place in Košrags, organized by the UL Livonian Institute in cooperation with the University of Tartu.", "liv": "2021. āigast 30. jūlijst 8. ougust sōņõ Kuoštrõgõl vȯļ jõvā kuolmõz Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol, mis tei LI Līvõd institūt īdskubs Tartu Iļīzskūolõks." }, { "en": "During the Livonian Summer University, the participants learned Livonian, met with Livonian speakers, got acquainted with the Livonian history, culture and learnt about the situation nowadays; one of the topics also including the last historical settlement of the Livonians – the Livonian Coast, which is why it was chosen as the venue of the Livonian Summer University.", "liv": "Līvõ sõv iļīzskūol āigal sīe jaggõvõtājizt sait kubbõ līvõ kīel prațțijiztõks, opīztõ līvõ kīel, iļ līvõd istōrij, kultūr ja tämpizpǟva, ka iļ līvõd perīz mōarā – Līvõd rāndaks, mis kūoḑõn sīepierāst sai sõv iļīzskūol suggimiz pāikaks." }, { "en": "The tradition of the Livonian Summer University since the beginning in 2013 has been a photograph of its participants at the famous Lāži Oak on the Livonian Coast.", "liv": "Jõvā ežmizõst Līvõ sõviļīzskūolst, mis sugīz 2013. āigasts, sīe irdõksõks um jaggõvõtājizt īti foto Līvõd rāndas tundtõb Lōz tam jūs." }, { "en": "Lāži Oak has been the decor and treasure of the Lāžu homestead in the village of Vaide for at least two hundred years. Nika Polmanis (1823), the first professionally educated Livonian teacher, was born in Lāži homestead; since the 60s of the 19th century, the Launičs’ family, whose representative Andrejs Launičs wrote descriptions of Livonian weddings and household customs in the 19th century.", "liv": "Lōz täm um Vaid kilā Lōz kōrand eldõm ja rikūz jemīņ äbku kakš āigastsaddõ." }, { "en": "The Lāži house has also been a Livonian elementary school children (1923–1937).", "liv": "Lōz kōrands um sindõn ežmi opātõks sōnd līvõd opātiji Nikā Polmaņ (1823), 19. āigastsadā 60. āigastist täs um jellõn Launitz aim – sīe jednikā Aņdrõks Launitz 19. āigastsadās um ilzõ kēratõn līvõd kōzgõnd ja mūd irdõkst, Lōz kōrands um vȯnd alliskūol līvõd lapst pierāst (1923. – 1937. āigast sōņõ)." }, { "en": "At the end of the 1930s, Alfons Bertholds (1910–1993) – a fisherman, a Livonian poet, and a connoisseur of Livonian folklore – became the owner of Lāži homestead, and even now the Bertholds’ family still watch over the territory from underneath the Lāži Oak.", "liv": "20. āigastsadā 30. āigastõd lopāndõkspūol Lōz perīmīekõks sai Alfon Berthold (1910–1993) – kalāmīez, līvõd lūoltiji, rovvīļa tīedaji –, ja ka paldīņ Lōz tam ležgõl jelāb Berthold aim." }, { "en": "Livonian Summer University has ended, but some of it's moments may be re-experienced through the Latvian TV.", "liv": "Līvõd sõv iļīzskūol um lebbõ, bet mūnda irg sīestõ um nǟdõb Lețmō TV-s." }, { "en": "Once more – many, many thanks to all of participants for your keen and enthusiastic participation and to our supporters – University of Tartu ASTRA project PER ASPERA, Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija, Latvijas Universitāte and other friends for the successful cooperation.", "liv": "Velkõrd sūr tienū amād jaggõvõtājiztõn ja tigtijiztõn – Tartu Iļīzskūol ASTRA projektõn PER ASPERA, Lețmō Opātõks ja tieud ministrijõn, Lețmō Iļīzskūolõn ja munt sõbrādõn." }, { "en": "Special thanks to TV9 Pakalni for the hearth warming meeting and Marc Daniel Skibsted Volhardt, Tuuli Tuisk and Miina Norvik for sharing your experiences.", "liv": "Īžki tienū Tālsa TVn iļ sidāmliz kubbõsōmiz ja Marc Daniel Skibsted Volhardt, Tuuli Tuisk ja Miina Norvik iļ mǟdõltõkst." }, { "en": "Tomorrow already the third Livonian Summer University begins in Kuoštrõg!", "liv": "Mūpõ Kuoštrõgõl īrgõb jõvā kuolmõz Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol!" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Cape of Kolka Lighthouse's residential building", "liv": "Kū ažā – Kūolka bōik jeltõbkuodā" }, { "en": "In the magazine \"Ilustrētā Junioriem\" (Illustrated for Juniors) Daniels Skulte asks \"Is the Livonian language still alive?\" The magazine, with the help of the UL Livonian Institute, provides answers about the Livonian language today and in the past, as well as about the connection between the Livonian and Latvian languages.", "liv": "Āigakēras “Ilustrētā Junioriem” Daniels Skulte kizūb “Või līvõ kēļ vel pīlõb?” Āigakēra LI Līvõd institūt abkõks nīžõb iļ līvõ kīel jedmõl ja paldīņ ja iļ nänt ažād, mis līvõ kīels ja lețkīels ātõ ītizt." }, { "en": "Many thanks to Daniels for the question asked!", "liv": "Sūr tienū iļ kizzimiz, Daniel!" }, { "en": "Wishing you all a Happy Midsummer!", "liv": "Knaššõ Jōņȭdõgt ja Jōņpäuvõ!" }, { "en": "A conversation with Helmī Stalte", "liv": "Kubsrõk Helmī Stalteks" }, { "en": "The lavish seaside – see you in Irē (Mazirbe)!", "liv": "ikāz rānda – nǟmõ Irēl!" }, { "en": "Congratulations to Latvia on the anniversary of its restoration of independence!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ Lețmō īžpīlimiz ūdstimiz āigastpǟvan!" }, { "en": "Thank you to everyone who voted for the restoration of independence 30 years ago, but especially to one of the Livonians Ilmārs Geige!", "liv": "Tienū amādõn, kis 30. āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn āndizt iļ sīe eņtš īel, bet īžkist īdõn nēšti – līvlizõn Ilmār Geigen!" }, { "en": "A friendly greeting to all Estonians from the professor of UL Janīna Kursīte and her family.", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskuōl profesōr Janīna Kursīte ja täm aim tēriņtõks amād ēstliztõn." }, { "en": "A book by Renāte Bumberga about Livonian National House has been published in the University of Latvia.", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskūols um sōnd vaļmõks Renate Blumberga rōntõz iļ līvõd rovkuodā." }, { "en": "Congratulations to Tõnis Lukas – the new director of the Estonian Literature Museum, where the main collection on the Livonian Intangible heritage is stored!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ amā sūŗimiz līvõd vaimliz pierāndõks kolektsij prațțijiz –Ēstimō kērandõks muzej – ūd direktorõn – Tõnis Lukas!" }, { "en": "Monthly Item – large-format portrait (122×207 cm) of Nick Polmanis from the director’s Uģis Olte upcoming feature film “Upurga”.", "liv": "Kū ažā – Nikā Polmaņ (122 x 207 cm) portrej režisor Uģis Olte tulbizõst mängfilmst “Upurga”." }, { "en": "DHN2020 conference proceedings have been published.", "liv": "Um ulzõ tund konferents DHN2020 kērad kub. Sīes um lugdõb ka LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijizt Valts Ernštreits ja Gunta Kļava kēra “Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space”, mis nīžõd iļ digitālizt resursõd ja sīe, ku ne võibõd äbțõ ädāstõd kīeldõn ja kultūrdõn." }, { "en": "In them you can get acquainted with the article “Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space” by Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits, researchers of the UL Livonian Institute. The article focuses on digital humanities and how they can help endangered languages and cultures, especially the Livonian language.", "liv": "In them you can get acquainted with the article “Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space” by Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits, researchers of the UL Livonian Institute. The article focuses on digital humanities and how they can help endangered languages and cultures, especially the Livonian language." }, { "en": "Karl Pajusalu on the radio tells about Ludza Estonian language.", "liv": "Karl Pajusalu radios nīžõb iļ Ludza ēstlizt kīel." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Tämpõ ja mūpõ virtuāliz vīțõ Rīgõs sugūb 36. rovvõdvaili sūomõ-ugrõd studentõd konferents XXXVI Ifusco, Riga 2021, mis Rīgõ ātõ tūonõd institūt rovzt!" }, { "en": "UL Livonian institute's scientific assistants Elvīra Kalniņa and Annija Lazdiņa participated in the Zinātnieku nakts 2021 and told about their experience, responsibilities and research.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijizt Elvīra Kalniņa ja Annija Lazdiņa võtīzt jaggõ Tieudmīed īestõ ja nīžiztõ iļ eņtš tīe ja tuņšlimizt." }, { "en": "Happy Independence restoration day, dear Latvia!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ īžpīlimiz ūdstimiz pǟvan, ārmaz Lețmō!" }, { "en": "Today Livonians are waking birds.", "liv": "Tämpõ līvõd virgtõbõd līndidi." }, { "en": "Listen to the Livonian traditional bird-waking song performed by the Livonian poet and culture keeper Pētõr Damberg!", "liv": "Täs um kūldõb līndõd virgtimiz loul, nei ku sīe um loulõn līvõ kīel ja mīel prațțiji Pētõr Damberg (1909–1987)!" }, { "en": "101 years ago the Mother Tongue Society (Estonia) was founded. It's first published book was also the first secular book in Livonian – First Livonian Reader!", "liv": "101 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um pūojtõd Jemākīel seļtš, mis ežmi ulzõ antõd rōntõz vȯļ ka ežmi īlmali līvõkēļi rōntõz – Ežmi līvõd lugdõbrōntõz!" }, { "en": "Happy birthday!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ!" }, { "en": "On March 24, at the demonstration seminar on the possibilities of using digital resources of Humanities, the UL Livonian Institute will talk about their designed resources for the Livonian language and culture.", "liv": "24. märtsõs seminars iļ digitālizt humanitārizt resursõd kȭlbatimiz võimizt LI Līvõd institūt nīžõb iļ eņtš tīedõd resursõd līvõ kīel ja kultūr pierāst." }, { "en": "If we can't go to Kūolka, Kūolka is coming to us!", "liv": "Až mēg äb võim päzzõ Kuolkõ, Kūolka tulāb mäd jūr!" }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute participates in the discussion on indigenous issues – 2nd day.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ diskusijst iļ alliztrovd kizzimizt – 2. pǟva." }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute participates in the discussion on indigenous issues.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ diskusijst iļ alliztrovd kizzimizt." }, { "en": "Speech on Livonians is expected tomorrow.", "liv": "Mūpõ līb rõk ka iļ līvlizt." }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis's book \"Lutsi kiele lementar. Ludzas igauņu valodas ābece\" is recognized as the best social sciences book of 2020 at the University of Latvia!\"", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšļijiz Uldis Balodis rōntõz “Lutsi kiele lementar. Ludza ēstlizt kīel ābēd” – 2020. āigast paŗīmi rōntõz humanitārliz tieud arāl Lețmō Iļīzskūols!" }, { "en": "103! Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā, dārgā Igaunija!\"", "liv": "103! Palju õnne sünnipäevaks, kallis Eesti!" }, { "en": "The collection of Livonian photographs created by the Finnish linguist Vilho Setälä in 1912 can now be seen in colour.", "liv": "Sūomõ kīeltieudmīe Vilho Setälä 1912. āigasts tīedõd līvõd fotod ni ātõ nǟdõb vērmis." }, { "en": "Thanks to Twan Goosen for the colouring work.", "liv": "Tienū Twan Goosenõn iļ vermtimiz." }, { "en": "Valts Ernštreits, Head of the UL Livonian Institute, on the preservation and use of the language and intangible heritage of Kurzeme, the accessibility of culture in the regions and the use of digital resources in the discussion group on the development of the Kurzeme Planning Region Development Programme 2021–2027.", "liv": "Kurāmō plōnimizarā kazāndõksprogram 2021–2027 lūomiz diskusijs LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji Valts Ernštreits rõkāndõb iļ Kurāmō kīel ja vaimliz pierāndõks pīlimiz ja kȭlbatimiz, kultūr jūrõpäzzimiz võimizt mōarīs ja digiresursõd kȭlbatimiz võimizt." }, { "en": "LSM: \"Livonian language needs reanimation\". A call for the rescue of Europe's most endangered language.", "liv": "LSM: \"Līvõ kīelõn um vajāg pakāndabbõ.\" Eirop amā ädāstõd kīeldõ um pästāmõst!" }, { "en": "Seeking vanished words: UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis on languages, life in Arizona, and himself.", "liv": "Kaddõnd sõņḑi vȯtšõs: LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Uldis Balodis iļ kīeld, jelāmiz Arizonas ja īžeņtš." }, { "en": "The sound of Livonian also during the International Mother Language Day!", "liv": "Rovvõdvailiz jemākīel pǟvan kilūb ka līvõ kēļ!" }, { "en": "Abja-Paluoja in Estonia this year will be the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture.", "liv": "Abja-Paluoja Ēstimōl tämnāigast līb sūomõ-ugrõ kultūr pǟjālgab." }, { "en": "What do animals say", "liv": "Mis kītõbõd lūomõd" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!" }, { "en": "About cardinal and intercardinal directions in Livonian.", "liv": "Iļ touvõarūd nimūd līvõ kīels." }, { "en": "It is morning", "liv": "Ūomõg um" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "Today is 30th anniversary of the State Especially Protected Livonian Culture Historical Area “the Livonian Coast” – first institution in Latvia for protection of Livonians (closed 2003)", "liv": "Tämpõ 30 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um pūojtõd Vald īžkiz kaitstõb līvõd kultūristōrili arā “Līvõd Rānda” – ežmi līvlizt prațțimizõn pivāstõd vald institutsij Lețmō istōrijs (vizzõ pandõd 2003. āigasts)." }, { "en": "Monthly Item – Declarations of Īra (Lielirbe) village residents to Lielirbe school’s administrator. Why were they made?", "liv": "Kū ažā – Īra kilā rovzt kērad Īra skūol jūodijizõn. Mikšpierāst ne sugīztõ?" }, { "en": "In response to a request from the UL Livonian Institute, a Braille script has also been created for Lutsi! Many thanks again to Harris Mowbray!\"", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt jeddõpanmiz pierrõ um Brail alfabēt um tīedõd ka Ludza ēstlizt kīel pierāst! Velkõrd tienū Harris Mowbray’n!" }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis has been nominated for the Latgale culture award \"Boņuks 2020\" for his Lutsi language primer.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Uldis Balodis um nominīertõd Ladgaldmō kultūr ovīnda \"Boņuks 2020\" pierāst iļ Ludza ēsti kīel ābēd." }, { "en": "Numbers", "liv": "Lugūd" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "The President of Latvia has supported a number of the UL Livonian Institute’s proposals for his proposed bill “The Latvian Historical Lands Act”.", "liv": "Vald prezident un tigtõn radā LI Līvõd institūt jeddõpanmiži tulbiz “Lețlizt istōrilizt mōd pandõks” pierāst." }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\", where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians.", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!" }, { "en": "The fourth story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know why the Livonian festival is celebrated on the first Saturday of August?”", "liv": "Neļļõz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, mikš Līvõd pivād sōbõd alz pidtõd ougust ežmiz pūolpǟvan?”" }, { "en": "When I go to the seaside", "liv": "Ku ma randõ lǟb" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\", where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians.", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!" }, { "en": "The third story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know that every one of us knows a little Livonian?”", "liv": "Kuolmõz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, ku mēg jegāikš mūoštam rōz rõkāndõ līvõ kīeldõ?”" }, { "en": "Livonian may be seen in more and more places in Latvia.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um nǟdõb jemīņ ja jemīņ Lețmō kūožis." }, { "en": "Here is the sign pointing towards Kūolka Livonian Society house in Kūolka village centre.", "liv": "Täsā – Kūolka līvõd kubkuodā merk Kūolka kilā sidāms." }, { "en": "Doers", "liv": "Tējizt" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\", where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians.", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!" }, { "en": "The second story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know why Finns, Estonians and Livonians stand up at the sound of the same melody?\"", "liv": "Tuoi nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, mikšpierāst sūomlizt, ēstlizt ja līvlizt nūzõbõd ilzõ sīe īž meldij jūs?”" }, { "en": "Livonian may be seen in more and more places in Latvia. Here is the Market beeing built in Mērsrags Municipality.\"", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um nǟdõb jemīņ ja jemīņ Lețmō kūožis. Täsā – Mērsrags tulbi tõrg. Tienū, Mērsraga Informācijas Centrs!" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Viktors Bertholds – a Livonian, a fisherman, a healer – 100", "liv": "Kū ažā – Viktor Berthold — līvli, kalāmīez ja aŗštiji." }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\"", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!" }, { "en": "The first story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know that the most endangered language in the European Union can be found in Latvia?\"", "liv": "Ežmiz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, ku Eirop Īt amā ädāstõd kēļ um lieudtõb Lețmōld?”" }, { "en": "About the project “Sing along and learn Livonian!”, the Livonian journey to UNESCO and the Decade of Indigenous Languages.", "liv": "Iļ projekt “Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!”, līvõd riek UNESCO vōŗțõ ja alliztrovd kīeld āigastkim." }, { "en": "Today in 900 seconds – University of Latvia Livonian Insitute.", "liv": "Tämpõ 900 sekunds – Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt." }, { "en": "Colours", "liv": "Vērmõd" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "About the project “Sing along and learn Livonian!”", "liv": "Iļ projekt “Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!”" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian! New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ! Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "University of Latvia Livonian Institute wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!\"", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt tārmõb rīemliži Taļžpivḑi ja vȯndzizt Ūdtõ āigastõ!" }, { "en": "UPDATED: Livonian materials in collections of Finland.", "liv": "ŪDSTÕD: Līvõd ažād Sūomõmō ovātõd kubši." }, { "en": "Museovirasto Finnish Heritage Agency opens it's collections (including Livonian heritage) for public use!", "liv": "Sūomõmō muzejd vōļikštõks tarmõb eņtš bīldidi (ka līvõd pierānõks) vabā kȭlbatimiz pierāst!" }, { "en": "There are new songs in the making for learning the Livonian language!", "liv": "Suggõbõd ūd lōlõd līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst!" }, { "en": "Happy birthday, dear Finland!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ, ārmaz Sūomõmō!" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Kārlis Stalte’s Confirmation regarding the received fee for 42 copies of the “Ūž Testament” (New Testament) translated into Livonian, which the Livonian Union purchased as presents for Christmas.", "liv": "Kū ažā – Kōrli Stalte kēra iļ rō, mis ta um sōnd „Ūd Testament” 42 eksemplār jedst, mis Līvõd Īt vȯstīz Taļžpivad škīnkõd pierāst." }, { "en": "On November 26, Valts Ernštreits, Head of the UL Livonian Institute, was elected a corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.", "liv": "26. novembõrs Lețmō Tieud Akadēmij korespondent nõtkõmõks un vēļdõd LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji Valts Ernštreits." }, { "en": "Congratulations on the 102nd birthday of the Republic of Latvia and the 97th birthday of the Livonian flag!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ Lețmō Republik 102. ja Līvõd plagā 97. sindizpǟvan!" }, { "en": "Drawing: Alvīne Veinberga.", "liv": "Tǟtõks: Alvīne Veinberga." }, { "en": "The poetry collection \"Trilium\" has received the literary prize of the Association of Finno-Ugric Literature and the Kindred Peoples' Program in the poetry category.", "liv": "Lūolkub “Trilium” um sōnd Sūomõ-ugrõd kērandõkst asotsiātsij ja Ēstimō Sugrovd program tarmdõb Sūomõ-ugrõd kērandõkst ovpālka lūol kategōrijs." }, { "en": "The prize has been established and awarded since 2007.", "liv": "Ovpālka sōb andtõd jegā āigast 2007. āigastõst" }, { "en": "Monthly item – a photograph from the opening ceremony of the Livonian National House on August 6, 1939, in which two plays were performed.", "liv": "Kū ažā – foto 1939. āigast 6. august Līvõd rovkuodā vāldiž tīemiz pivšti, kus sai spēļdõd kakš nägțimizt." }, { "en": "In the photograph you can see the actors of both performances, but you can read more about both performances in the monthly item's description.", "liv": "Foto pǟl ǟt nǟdõb mȯlmõd nägțimizt aktīerd, bet jemīņ iļ mȯlmõd nägțimizt võib luggõ institūt kuodlīeds." }, { "en": "On November 9, the Estonian Literary Museum celebrates the 120th anniversary of Oskar Loorits, the founder of the Estonian Folklore Archives.", "liv": "9. novembõrs (11.00–18.00) Ēstimō Literatūr muzējs līb Ēstimō rovvīļa arhīv pūojtijiz Oskar Loorits 120. sindizpǟva tǟtimi." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Rīemlizt Jōņpäuvõ ja knaššõ sõvaigõ!" }, { "en": "An interesting web exhibition of three professors of the University of Tartu has been completed. Julius Mark, Julius Mägiste and Paul Ariste – to a greater or lesser extent, they all have a connection with the Livonian language and Livonians.", "liv": "Um vaļmõks tīedõd virtuāli nägţimi iļ kuolm Tartu Iļīzskūol profesord – Julius Mark, Julius Mägiste ja Paul Ariste, kis ātõ pūtõnd kubbõ ka līvõ kīelkõks ja līvliztõks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Pāgiņ vȯnnõ, Ēstimō!" }, { "en": "Researcher of Livonian Mati Hint (1937–2019) has passed away.", "liv": "Um kūolõn tundtõb līvõkīel tuņšliji Mati Hint (1937–2019)." }, { "en": "The Latvian Storytellers Conference to take place at the UL Livonian Institute.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūts līb Leţmō nīžijizt konferents." }, { "en": "Lutsi Estonian and the researcher of Lutsi Estonians in Ludza.", "liv": "Lutsi ēsti kēļ ja Lutsi ēsti tuņšliji Ludza skūols." }, { "en": "Congratulations to our good friends and supporters at the University of Tartu on their 100th anniversary!", "liv": "Pāgiņ vȯnnõ 100. sindizpǟvan, mäd jõvād sõbrād ja tigtijizt!" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ēstimō Republik kaimkuodā kilās LI Līvõd institūtõn." }, { "en": "Happy anniversary, Latvia!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ, Lețmō!" }, { "en": "12.11.2019. Commission of the Latvian parliament together with UL LIvonian Institute discussed keeping Livonian linguistic and cultural heritage.", "liv": "12.11.2019. Saeima komisijs īdskubs LI Līvõd institūtõks rõkāndiztõ iļ līvõ kīel ja kultūr pierāndõks prațțimiz." }, { "en": "UL Livonian institute is telling about Baltic and Finnic contacts at the Ventspils Augstskola.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt Vǟnta iļīzskūols nīžõb iļ baltõd ja Vāldamiersūomõd kīeld kontaktõd." }, { "en": "05.11.2019 a tombstone for Tõnu Karma and Marta Rudzīte was opened. Money for the tombstone was donated by their friends from Estonia and Latvia, including UL Livonian Institute, Livonian Culture Centre and Livonian Union.", "liv": "05.11.2019. Rīgõ Mõtsā kālmadtarās sai vāldiž tīedõd Tõnu Karma ja Marta Rudzīte mǟdõltõkskiv, mis pierāst āndatiztõ rōdõ nänt sõbrād Lețmōld ja Ēstimōld, nänt siegās ka LI Līvõd institūt, Līvõ kultūr sidām ja Līvõd Īt." }, { "en": "02/11/2019 participants of the Livonian summer school Mierlinkizt for children and youth met at the UL Livonian Institute.", "liv": "02.11.2019. LI Līvõd institūts saitõ kubbõ Līvõd lapst ja nūord sõvskūol “Mierlinkizt” jaggõvõtājizt." }, { "en": "The UL Livonian Institute on Livonian situation in Latvia today.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt iļ līvõd kūož Lețmōl tämpõ." }, { "en": "Opening of the Tõnu Karma and Marta Rudzīte gravestone, 05.11.2019. 13.00 in the Riga I Forest cemetary.", "liv": "Tõnu Karma ja Marta Rudzīte mǟdõltõkskiv vāldiž tīemi 05.11.2019. kīela 13.00 Rīgõ I Mõtsā kālmadtarās." }, { "en": "Work on the research of the Vidzeme Livonians continues! Thanks to Rasma Noriņa!", "liv": "Tīe Vidūmō līvõd tuņšlimiz jūs lǟb jeddõpēḑõn! Tienū, Rasma Noriņa!" }, { "en": "On 12th October 2019 in Riga, in the 7th Baltic Student Conference \"Bridges in the Baltics\" the particularities of the Baltic and South Finnic imperatives were introduced by the researcher of the UL Livonian Institute Milda Dailidėnaitė.", "liv": "12.10.2019. Seismõndõs Baltij student konferentsõs \"Bridges in the Baltics\" Rīgõs iļ baltõd ja jedālsūomõd kīeld imperatīv nīžiz LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Milda Dailidėnaitė." }, { "en": "UL LI researcher Uldis Balodis speaks about the work and future plans of the Livonian Institute at the University of Latvia's centenary conference.", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskūol āigastsadā konferentsõs LI LI tuņšliji Uldis Balodis nīžõb iļ Līvõd institūt tīe ja tulbiz." }, { "en": "During the Kindred nations day's conference will also include the UL Livonian institute's presentation on Livonians.", "liv": "Sugrovd pǟvad konverentsõs Tallinnõs LI Līvõd institūt nīžõb ka iļ līvlizt." }, { "en": "On 07.10.2019 the Head of the UL Livonian Institute met the President of the Republic of Latvia to discuss the future and plans for the Republic of Latvia to meet its obligations to the Livonians as specified in the law. LI Līvõd institūt Valsts prezidents Latvijas Universitāte", "liv": "07.10.2019. LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji ja Lețmō Vald prezident rõkāndiztõ iļ līvliztõks sidtõd pandõkst täutimiz." }, { "en": "On 03.10.2019 during the smart lexicography conference Elex Conference in Sintra, Portugal, the UL Livonian Institute spoke about Livonian dictionaries.", "liv": "03.10.2019. tämpizt sõnārōntõd tējizt konferentsõs Elex Conference Sintras, Portugāls, LI Līvõd institūt nīžiz iļ līvõkīel sõnārōntõd." }, { "en": "Find out your Livonian Alter Ego!", "liv": "Sō tieudõ eņtš līvõd Alter Ego!" }, { "en": "My Livonian Alter ego!", "liv": "Min līvõd Alter ego!" }, { "en": "The UL Livonian Institute participates in EU Science Night! Come down and find out your Livonian Alter ego! #LatvijasUniversitāte #ZinatniekuNakts", "liv": "Ka LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ Tieudmīed īestõ! Tul ja sō tieudõ eņtš līvliz Alter Ego!" }, { "en": "The UL Livonian Institute speaks about the Livonians at the Rīga Purvciems Secondary School.", "liv": "LU Līvõd institūt Rīgõ Purvciems sidāmizskūols nīžõb iļ līvõd." }, { "en": "The director of the UL Livonian Institute speaking about Livonian place names at the place names experts meeting.", "liv": "Kuožnimūd ekspertõd kubbõtulmiz āigal LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji nīžõb iļ līvõd kūožnimūd." }, { "en": "During the place names experts meeting the UL Livonian Institute will be speaking about Livonian place names in Latvia.", "liv": "Kuožnimūd ekspertõd kubbõtulmiz āigal LI Līvõd institūt nīžõb ka iļ līvõd kūožnimūd Lețmōl." }, { "en": "Already on monday LI Līvõd institūt will take place conference Livonica 2019.", "liv": "Jõvā ežžõmpǟvan LI Līvõd institūt līb konferents Livonica 2019!" }, { "en": "Today Latvian National guard turns 28!", "liv": "Tämpõ Mōkaitsõn – 28!" }, { "en": "The director of the UL Livonian Institute meets the President of the Republic of Latvia.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji sōb kubbõ Vald prezidentõks." }, { "en": "In the newspaper \"Sestdiena\" – our researcher Uldis Balodis.", "liv": "Āigakēras \"Sestdiena\" – mäd tuņšliji Uldis Balodis." }, { "en": "Appreciation letters from the Estonian Ministry of Culture to the UL Livonian Institute researchers – Renāte Blumberga, Valts Ernštreits and Gunta Kļava .", "liv": "Ēstimō Republik Kultūr ministrij tienāndõkskērad LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijztõn – Renāte Blumberga, Valts Ernštreits ja Gunta Kļavan." }, { "en": "Yet another nice day for the UL Livonian Institute spent together with children from Livonian children and young people summer school \"MIerlinkizt\" – in Mazirbe, Slītere, Kolka, Vaide and Pitrags.", "liv": "Vel ikš knaš LI Līvõd institūt pǟva īdskubs līvõd lapst ja nūord azūmõks \"Mierlinkizt\" – Irēl, Šlītõrs, Kūolkas, Vaidõl ja Pitrõgõl." }, { "en": "", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt Pūojmōd kolēgõd jūs." }, { "en": "The UL Livonian Institute visits its Nordic colleagues.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt Pūojmōd kolēgõd jūs." }, { "en": "On 26.07.2019 at the Livonian Community House, the UL Livonian Institute participated in the Livonian children’s and youth camp \"Mierlinkizt\", offering a four-hour programme on Livonian heritage – culture, history, language and their role in Latvia. Participants also took a quiz on various topics connected with the Livonians and created their own Livonian CVs.", "liv": "26.07.2019 Līvõd rovkuodās LI Līvõd institūt võtīz jaggõ Līvõd lapst ja nūord sõv azūmst \"Mierlinkizt\". Program nēļa stuņḑ āigal lapst ja nūord saitõ tundtõbõks līvõd pierāndõks – kultūr, istōrij, kīel – ja nänt tǟdzitõks, võtīzt jaggõ viktorīnst iļ setmiņ līvliztõks sidtõd arād ja teitõ īžeņtš Līvliz CV." } ] }, { "source": "satversme", "sentences": [ { "en": "en", "liv": "li" }, { "en": "Preface of the State President", "liv": "Vald prezident eḑḑisõnā" }, { "en": "This year the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia celebrates the 90th anniversary of its adoption and entry into force.", "liv": "Tämnāigast täutõb 90 āigastõ Lețmō Republik Pūojpandõks – mäd vald konstitūtsij – vastõvõtāmizõst ja joudõ tulmizõst." }, { "en": "The Constitution was adopted on 15 February 1922, but came into force on 7 November 1922, when the parliament elected by the people – the Saeima – gathered for work.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks sai vastõ võttõd 1922. āigast 15. februārs, bet joudõ se tuļ 1922. āigast 7. novembõrs, ku tīe pǟl tuļ kubbõ rov vēļtõd parlament – Saeima." }, { "en": "This year marked the official legal beginning of the statehood of Latvia.", "liv": "Se āigast tǟtõb Lețmō vald formāliz jurīdliz īrgandõks." }, { "en": "The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia is the sample of the constitu­ tional idea of its time.", "liv": "Lețmō Republik Pūojpandõks um eņtš āiga konstitutsionāliz mõtk nägțõb." }, { "en": "Laconism of the Constitution requires sufficient lev­ el of competence of the reader and allows to reach reasonable political agreements in the interpretation of its provisions.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks lakonism kizūb luggijiz kädst killõld kompetentsõ ja tarmõb võimizt sōdõ mȯistlizt polītlizt kubbõlieppimizt jūrõ pūojpandõks õigizt normõd sēļtamizõs." }, { "en": "By this quality the Con­ stitution nicely differs from the majority of heavy, voluminous and non­ flexible provisions of the modern laws.", "liv": "Se ummit tuoistantõb pūojpandõks mīeldõb vīțõ amā sūrst jagst tämpizt pandõkst lǟlamd, mōdijizt ja äbelastlizt õigizt normišt." }, { "en": "The Constitution is not a mere formal text of the law.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks äb ūo set formāli pandõks tekst īd." }, { "en": "It is a depiction of concrete historical, political and legal conditions interpreted by the law.", "liv": "Se um tieudtõb istōrilizt, polītlizt ja jurīdlizt vȯlmizt spīegiļtimi pandõks sõņši." }, { "en": "The Constitution has provided the implementation of the principle of de­ mocracy and lawfulness, the equality of all nations in Latvia.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks um višīņtõn demokrātij ja õigizt pūojmõtkõd jellõ vīmiz, amād rovd īdlimiz õigõm Lețmōl." }, { "en": "The Consti­tution is the result of tough political compromises, and Jānis Čakste, Fēlikss Cielēns, Arveds Bergs, Marģers Skujenieks, Fricis Menders and many others should be considered as the fathers of it.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks um sindõn lǟlamd polītlizt kompromisõd āigal, ja sīe izād ātõ Jānis Čakste, Fēlikss Cielēns, Arveds Bergs, Marģers Skujenieks, Fricis Menders ja pǟgiņd mūd." }, { "en": "Up to now the Constitution has passed the test of time.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks um piddõn vastõ āiga kōļimizõn." }, { "en": "Nowadays only two fundamental supplementations and amendments have been made to it.", "liv": "Tämpizpǟvan sīes um tīedõd set kakš fundamentālizt täutõntõkst ja parāntimizt." }, { "en": "In 1996 the idea about the Constitutional Court was implemented that was suggested already in the 30ies of the 20th century, which assesses the con­ formity of the laws to the Constitution.", "liv": "1996. āigasts sai jellõ vīdõd jõvā 20. āigastsadā kuolmkimdiš āigastiš tarmdõd mõtkõz iļ pūojpandõkskūoḑ, mis āigõb pandõkst vastātimiz pūojpandõksõn." }, { "en": "In 1998 the political mistake that was made in 1921 was corrected, and chapter about human rights was add­ ed to the Constitution.", "liv": "1998. āigasts sai parāntõd 1921. āigasts tīedõd polītli vigā ja pūojpandõks sizzõl sai rištīngõigizt jag." }, { "en": "These improvements mainly provided the conformity of the Constitu­ tion to the modern requirements.", "liv": "Ne parāntimizt amā jemīņ vizāstiztõ pūojpandõks vastātimiz tämpizt sǟdõmõdõn." }, { "en": "Although any constitution has to be cur­ rent and correspond to the cognitions of the century, amendments must not be coincidental, fragmentary and such that could not be carried by the foundations laid by the fathers of the Constitution.", "liv": "Kuigīd jegā pūojpandõksõn um vȯlmõst tämpizõn ja um vastātõmõst āiga mõtkõdõn, mȭitõkst äb tūoḑõt vȱlda īd suggimiz pierāst tīedõd, fragmentārizt ja seļļizt, mis pūojpandõks izād pandõd alīzt äb sȭitakst kāndatõ." }, { "en": "State President", "liv": "Vald prezident" }, { "en": "Andris Bērziņš", "liv": "Andris Bērziņš" }, { "en": "Preface of the Speaker of the Saeima", "liv": "Saeima eḑīznaiz eḑḑisõnā" }, { "en": "The outstanding scientist and professor of civil law Vasily Sinaisky once wrote that constitution is an agreement between all citizens, even a monument in a way, next to which all passions calm down.", "liv": "Silmõpāistaji õigizt tieudmīez ja profesōr Vasilijs Sinaiskis um eņtš āigal kēratõn, ku konstitūtsij um amād kuodānikād lieppimi, eņtšvīți mǟdõltõkskiv, mis ležgõl īebõd armsõ amād kirgõd." }, { "en": "He emphasized that constitution is the mandatory minimum of peace for everyone, without which neither the existence of law­governed state, nor the development of culture is possible.", "liv": "Ta um pāinatõn, ku konstitūtsij um se amādõn obligāti arm minimum, ilmõ midā äb vȯi vȱlda äb õigliz vald, äb ka kultūr kazzimiz." }, { "en": "It appears to me that these words sound topical also today – already more than twenty years after the actual restoration of independence and ninety years after adopting the Constitution of our country.", "liv": "Minnõn nägțõb, ku ne sõnād āt tǟdzizt ka tämpõ – pierrõ jõvā jemīņ äbku kōdtõkimdõ āigastõ faktiliz īžpīlimiz ūdpǟl sōmizõst ja īdõkskimdõ āigastõ mäd vald pūojpandõks vastõvõtāmizõst." }, { "en": "During this time Constitution of the Republic of Latvia has really become a monument to the efforts of our nation towards independence and desire to live in a free, democratic and lawful country.", "liv": "Lețmō Republik Pūojpandõks sīel āigal um tuodstiz sōnd mädõltõk­ skivvõks mäd rov īžpīlimiz vegtimiztõn ja tōmizõn jellõ vabās, demokrātlizõs ja õiglizõs valds." }, { "en": "In close cooperation with other nations of Europe and based on simple values – the subordination of state authority to the Law, human rights and justice.", "liv": "Vizāstiz sidtõd munt Eirōp rovdkõks ja īdkȭrdalizt vǟrtõkst – pandõkst piddijiz vald, rištīngõigizt ja õigit – pierrõ." }, { "en": "When opening the Constitution, its authors have to be recalled every time – those, who ruled the future of the state awarded with a trust mandate by the nation of Latvia, as well as those, who worked and fought investing unselfish work, self­sacrifice and unbreakable belief in the future of Latvia for us to have our own country and rights to rule our destiny.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks vāldiž tīedsõ um jegā kõrd mǟdlõmõst sīe autōridi – nei nēḑi, kis Lețmō rov andtõd uskimiz mandātõks loptāntiztõ vald tulbizaigõ Lețmō Pūojpandõkskubs, kui ka nēḑi, kis eņtš tīekõks, ēņtšta oppõrtõs ja Lețmō tulbizāigan višīstiz uskõs, strōdiztõ ja võikstliztõ, laz mäddõn vȯlkõ eņtš vald ja õigizt eņtšõn loptāntõ iļ eņtš sōtõks." }, { "en": "In the Constitution echoes can be observed from the time period, when the Neo­ Latvian Movement was formed and when Kri jānis Valdemārs with sharp pride declared in the German Baltics that he was a Latvian.", "liv": "Pūojpandõksõs um kūltõb eļk āigast, ku sugīz nūordlețlizt likkimi ja Krišjānis Valdemārs vizā ukūzõks saksādpierriz Baltijs tieutiz, ku ta um lețli." }, { "en": "The Constitution gives evidence of the romantic dreams of the New Stream about a fairer and better social order and of the unstoppable force of the 1905 Revolution.", "liv": "Pūojpandõksõs ātõ nei Ūd õvā romantilizt uņnägūd iļ õigimiz ja paŗīmiz sällõm, ku ka 1905. āigast revolūtsij vizās äbpidtõb väg." }, { "en": "The Constitution has been brought into existence by the battalions of Latvian Riflemen and the army of the new state formed during the Fight for Freedom that proved the possibility of the future of Latvia and fought our own country.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks suggimiz āt tīend võidõbõks lețlizt jēgõrd bataljōnd ja ūd vald Vabāmvõikslimizõs sindõn suodāväg, kis um tuodstõn Lețmō tulbizāiga võimiz ja taplimizõks sōnd eņtš vald." }, { "en": "I think that it is important to emphasize that in the Fight for Freedom for the country of Latvia not only Latvians took part.", "liv": "Minnõn nägțõb tǟdzi pāinatõ, ku Vabāmvõikslimizõs Lețmō vald pūold tapliztõ äb set lețlizt īd." }, { "en": "The country of Latvia would not exist without the support from the minorities who lived there and who took part in defending the new country.", "liv": "Lețmō vald sindimi äb ūo mõttõltõb ilmõ sīes jellõnd minoritētõd tiggimizt mäd valdõn ja nänt īņõ tulmizt ūd vald kaitsimizõ." }, { "en": "While writing the Constitution, along the voices of Latvians also the opinions of deputies of Latvian Constitutional Assembly representing the minorities were expressed.", "liv": "Ka pūojpandõks kēratimizõs kilīz ļetlizt īeldkõks īdskubs ka mäd minoritētõd – Lețmō Pūojpandõkskub deputātõd arrimi." }, { "en": "Also, we can proudly mention that the outstanding German­ Baltic lawyer and politician Paul Schiemann has taken part in the polishing of the Constitution.", "liv": "Ukūzõks võimõ kītõ, ku pūojpandõks tekst jõvvimizõs um eņtš kädtā ja sidāmtõ jūrõ pand ka silmõpāistaji Baltij saksā jurist ja politīkõz Paul Schiemann." }, { "en": "When opening the Constitution we cannot forget our destinies.", "liv": "Až mēg tīemõ vāldiž pūojpandõks, mēs äb tūoḑõm jarā unnõ eņtš sōtõkši." }, { "en": "The bright and intellectual Latvia that was broken by the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.", "liv": "Õldzizt ja intelektuālizt Lețmōdõ, kīenta mūrdizt kōdkimdõ āigastsadā totalitārizt režīmõd." }, { "en": "During this period of darkness the Constitution became a reminder and a sign of hope for the lost Latvia that we could not give up and that we had to continue to believe and fight.", "liv": "Sīes pimdõm āigas pūojpandõks sai mǟdõltõksõks iļ kaddõn Lețmō ja lūotõks merkõks, ku alā andõ äb tūoḑ ja um uskõmõst ja võikslõmõst jeddõpēḑõn." }, { "en": "That part of the Latvian society, which agreed neither with the Hitler’s Third Reich nor the Stalin’s Empire, was the one that fought for the ideas of the Constitution.", "liv": "Kūoḑõn pūojpandõks mõtkõd jedst võikslizt ne Lețmō rovst, kīen riek iz ūo īti äb Hitler Kuolmõz reihõks, äb ka Staļin impērijõks." }, { "en": "But for the national partisans and later on for dissidents the word “Constitution” merely served as an inspiring reminder that an independent country of Latvia was possible.", "liv": "Tegīž rovpartizānõdõn ja jo obbõ disidentõdõn sõnā “pūojpandõks” īd vȯļ nemē indõ āndaji mǟdõltõks sīestõ, ku īžpīliji Lețmō vald um võidõb." }, { "en": "This year our Constitution celebrates only its ninetieth anniversary.", "liv": "Mäd pūojpandõks tämnāigast līb set īdõkskimdõ āigastõ vanā." }, { "en": "Looking at our neighbours right across the borders that have accepted new and modern constitutions, it might seem that we have fallen behind and that we should hastily consider new state basic law.", "liv": "Až mēg vaņtlõm eņtš nōbõrgõd pǟl täs īž rubīžd tagān, kīen āt ūd ja tämpizt konstitūtsijd, võiks nägțõ, ku mēg ūomõ tagān īenõd ja mäddõn um pakānd mõtlõmõst iļ ūd vald pūojpandõks." }, { "en": "But I would like to remind – the Constitution is not only the past.", "liv": "Sīegid ma tōb mǟdlõ – pūojpandõks äb ūo set lǟndzāiga." }, { "en": "The Constitution is the country of Latvia itself – it is always as valuable and necessary, as necessary we believe it is.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks um neku Lețmō vald īž – se īdõkabāl um nei vertli ja vajāgli, kui vajāgli se mäddõn nägțõb." }, { "en": "It is always as modern and open to innovations, as much as we ourselves are ready to change along the time.", "liv": "Se um īdõkabāl nei tämpi ja vāldiž inovātsijd pierāst, kui vaļmõd mēg īž ūomõ sōdõ mõitizõks īdskubs āigaks." }, { "en": "Already today Constitution is the sign of our identity and culture.", "liv": "Jõvā tämpõ pūojpandõks um mäd identitāt ja kultūr tēḑ." }, { "en": "The same way as folk songs and patterns of Lielvārde belt never get old, I believe that also our Constitution will never become out­of­date.", "liv": "Nei īž nemē äb īetõ vanāks rovlōlõd ja kērad Lielvārde kōļs, ma uskūb, ku äb īe vanāks ka mäd pūojpandõks." }, { "en": "Each new generation will find its words and ideas in it, and each new generation will write the Constitution anew by their daily lives, by their attitude towards the country and towards the values of a democratic, lawful country.", "liv": "Iga ūž kazām līedab sīestõ eņtš sõņḑi ja mõtkīdi, ja igā ūž kazām kēratõb pūojpandõks ūd pǟl eņtš jegāpǟvas, eņtš kubbõpūtimizõs valdkõks ja demokrātliz, õigliz vald vǟrtõkstõks." }, { "en": "Speaker of the Saeima", "liv": "Saeima eḑḑinai" }, { "en": "Solvita Āboltiņa,", "liv": "Solvita Āboltiņa" }, { "en": "At some point in history every nation comes to the conclusion that it shares joint interests and values that should also be jointly protected.", "liv": "Jegā rovz mingiz istōrij irgs tulāb mūoštamiz jūr, ku sīen āt ītizt interesõd ja vǟrtõkst, mis um ka īdskubs kaitstõmõst." }, { "en": "For this purpose the nation itself forms its country and defines the basic foundations for its existence, writing all of it in the basic law of the country – the constitution.", "liv": "Sīe merk pierāst rovz īž lūob eņtš valdõ ja sǟdõb sīe pīlimiz pǟmiži alīži, kēratõs siedā ammõ eņtš vald pūojpandõks – konstitūtsij sizzõl." }, { "en": "“The people of Latvia, in freely elected Constitutional Assembly, have adopted the following State Constitution” – these are the opening words of the basic law of Latvia.", "liv": "“Lețmō rovz eņtš vāldistõz vēļtõd Pūojpandõkskubs um loptāntõn eņtšõn seļļiz vald Pūojpandõks” – seļļizt sõnādõks īrgõb Lețmō pūojpandõks tekst." }, { "en": "Therefore constitution should be honoured as a document that we have adopted for ourselves, in order for us – our country and nation – to be able to lead happy lives and to develop.", "liv": "Nei siz pūojpandõkst um ovstõmõst neku dokument, mis mēg īž eņtšõn ūomõ võttõnd, laz mēg īž – mäd vald ja rovz – võiksmõ vȯndzist jellõ ja kazzõ." }, { "en": "The constitutional standards do not claim to be textually complete, because they cannot regulate everything.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks normõd äb tō vȱlda tekst pūolst täudlizt, sest ne äb võitõ sǟdõ ammõ." }, { "en": "Therefore there are rules, although not always they are precise.", "liv": "Sīe pierāst ātõ pandõkst, laz kil ne äb ūotõ alz akurātõd." }, { "en": "But this relative “gap” is not left unnoticed.", "liv": "Sīegid se mõttõltõb “ouk” äb īe sǟdõmõt." }, { "en": "The Constitution holds standards that provide limits to these as if unregulated matters.", "liv": "Pūojpandõksõs āt normõd, mis sǟdõbõd rōmidi seļļizt äbsǟdõd ažād pierāst." }, { "en": "The spirit of the state basic law – the highest values recognized by the nation – is revealed by the constitutional principles.", "liv": "Vald pūojpandõks jeng – rov vastõ võt­ tõd kuordimizt vǟrtõkst – nägțõbõd konstitutsionālizt pūojmõtkõd." }, { "en": "Some principles are included in standards expressis verbis, others are derived or follow a definite standard or principle, but others – from all constitutional regulations as a whole.", "liv": "Mūnda pūojmõtk um pandõd expressis verbis normõd sizzõl, munt sōbõd lūodõd agā ātõ lieudtõbõd mingiz norm agā pūojmõtk sizāld, vel munt – amāst konstitutsionālizt sällõmd kubst." }, { "en": "The Constitution should be understood as an inseparable entirety, and the standards included in it should be translated systemically.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkst um mūoštamõst neku ītizt tīeritõ, ja sīest lieudtõb normidi um tulktõmõst sistemātliz vīțõ." }, { "en": "The Constitution is not something that exists outside the real life and outside the society.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks äb ūo midāgõst seļļizt, mis vȯlks ullõpūol jegāpäuvizt jelāmizt ja rovšti." }, { "en": "Also, if the state basic law remains unchanged, the ideas included in it may change along the time.", "liv": "Ka siz, až vald pūojpandõks äb sō mõitizõks, võibõd sīesõ klõkštõd mõtkõd āiga lǟdsõ sōdõ mõitizõks." }, { "en": "Such document may be recognized as contentually complete and current, only if it can be interpreted as a live document in regard to the particular time period.", "liv": "Seļļiz dokument võib kītõ sižāliz pūolst täudlizõks ja tämpizõks set siz, až siedā um võimi vizā āiga periōd pierrõ tulktõ neku jelābiz dokument." }, { "en": "Interpretation of the Constitution is open to the time spirit, it is directly related to reality, but we must be careful for it not to become subject to short­term political ideas.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks tulktimi um vāldiž āiga jeng pierāst, se um kūoḑõn sidtõd vȯlmizõks, bet um panmõst tǟdõl, algõ se sōgõ kȭlbatõd lītiāigalizt polītlizt mõtkõd pierāst." }, { "en": "The basic law of our country is praised by those, who have read it, as well as by those, who have never read it, and by those, who have read it, but have not understood it.", "liv": "Mäd vald pūojpandõkst kītõbõd jõvāks nei ne, kis āt siedā luggõnd, kui ka ne, kis siedā äb ūot kunāgid luggõnd, kui ka ne, kis, laz kil āt lebbõ luggõnd, äb ūot mȯistõnd." }, { "en": "But it is important not only to panegyrize it, but also to be able to live in accordance with it.", "liv": "Sīegid um tǟdzi äb set kītõ siedā jõvāks īd, bet ka sõitõ jellõ sīen vāstātijiz vīțõ." }, { "en": "The meaning of Constitution in the society is characterized by respecting it, by following it and by adapting it.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks tǟntõkst kubgõns nägțõb sīe respektīerimi, tǟdõl panmi ja kȭlbantimi." }, { "en": "Latvia has a beautiful State Constitution.", "liv": "Lețmōn um knaš vald Pūojpandõks." }, { "en": "It includes the efforts of the nation of Latvia and its recognized values.", "liv": "Sīesõ ātõ sizāl Lețmō rov tōmizt ja vǟrtõkst." }, { "en": "All of it has been expressed in a beautiful language, without excess words.", "liv": "Se amā um ulzõ kītõd väggõ knaš kīelkõks, ilmõ iļarū sõņḑi." }, { "en": "We can certainly place it in the seat of honour.", "liv": "Siedā mēg võimõ julgstiz pānda ov kūožõ pǟl." }, { "en": "We can be proud of it.", "liv": "Mēg võimõ vȱlda uk­ kõd iļ sīe." }, { "en": "Gunārs Kūtris, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia", "liv": "Lețmō Republik Pūojpandõkskūoḑ eḑḑimīez Gunārs Kūtris" }, { "en": "Adopted by the Constitutional Assembly of Latvia on 15 February 1922", "liv": "Lețmō pūojpandõkskubs 1922. āigast 15. februār ītiz kubbõtulmiz āigal vastõ võttõd" }, { "en": "The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia", "liv": "Lețmō Republik Pūojpandõks" }, { "en": "The people of Latvia, in freely elected Constitutional Assembly, have adopted the following State Constitution:", "liv": "Lețmō rovz eņtš vāldistõz vēļtõd pūojpandõkskubs um loptāntõn eņtšõn seļļiz vald pūojpandõks:" }, { "en": "Chapter I", "liv": "I jag." }, { "en": "General Provisions", "liv": "Iļamnizt sǟdõkst" }, { "en": "Latvia is an independent democratic republic.", "liv": "Lețmō um īžpīliji demokrātli republik." }, { "en": "The sovereign power of the State of Latvia is vested in the people of Latvia.", "liv": "Lețmō vald suverēni võimi um Lețmō rovvõn." }, { "en": "The territory of the State of Latvia, within the borders established by international agreements, consists of Vidzeme, Latgale, Kurzeme and Zemgale.", "liv": "Lețmō vald teritōrijõ rovdvaidližis lieppimižis sǟdõd rubīžd sizāl vīțõbõd Vidūmō, Latgalmō, Kurmō ja Zemgale." }, { "en": "The Latvian language is the official language in the Republic of Latvia.", "liv": "Vald kēļ Lețmō Republiks um lețkēļ." }, { "en": "The national flag of Latvia shall be red with a band of white.", "liv": "Lețmō plagā um punni valdā vīrkizõks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(15.10.1998. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 06.11.1998.)" }, { "en": "Chapter II", "liv": "II jag." }, { "en": "The Saeima", "liv": "Saeima" }, { "en": "The Saeima shall be composed of one hundred representatives of the people.", "liv": "Saeimõ vīțõb sadā rov jednikkõ." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall be elected in general, equal and direct elections, and by secret ballot based on proportional representation.", "liv": "Saeima sōb vēļtõd iļamnižis, īdližis, kūoḑižis, salližis ja proportsionāližis vēļtimižis." }, { "en": "In the division of Latvia into separate electoral districts, provision for the number of members of the Saeima to be elected from each district shall be proportional to the number of electors in each district.", "liv": "Lețmōdõ īžkizt vēļtimizimmõrgouțiž jaggõs, Saeima deputātõd luggõ, kīenta um vēļtõmõst jegāīds vēļtimizimmõrgouțs, um loptāntõmõst jegā immõrgouț vēļtijizt lug pierrõ." }, { "en": "All citizens of Latvia who enjoy full rights of citizenship and, who on election day have attained eighteen years of age shall be entitled to vote.", "liv": "Õigiz vēļtõ um täužõigizt Lețmō kuodānikādõn, kis vēļtimizt pǟvas ātõ sōnõd kōdõkstuoistõn āigastõ vanāks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(27.01.1994. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 26.02.1994.)" }, { "en": "Any citizen of Latvia, who enjoys full rights of citizenship and, who is more than twenty­one years of age on the first day of elections may be elected to the Saeima.", "liv": "Saeimõ võib vēļtõ jegāīd täužõigizt Lețmō kuodānikkõ, kis vēļtimizt ežmizõs pǟvas um vaņīm äbku kakškimdõ ikš āigast." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall be elected for a term of four years.", "liv": "Saeimõ vēļtõb nēļa āigast pǟl." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "Elections for the Saeima shall be held on the first Saturday in October.", "liv": "Saeima vēļtimiztõn um vȯlmõst oktōbõr ežmiz pūolpǟvan." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "The newly elected Saeima shall hold its first sitting on the first Tuesday in November, when the mandate of the previous Saeima shall expire.", "liv": "Ūžvēļtõd Saeima tulāb ežmiz kubbõtulmiz pǟl novembõr ežmiz tūoiznapǟvan, siz lopūb ka jedmiliz Saeima täužvālda." }, { "en": "Should elections for the Saeima, by reason of the dissolution of the previous Saeima, be held at another time of the year, the Saeima so elected shall convene not later than one month after its election, and its mandate shall expire upon the convening of the new Saeima on the first Tuesday in November following the elapse of three years after such election.", "liv": "Až Saeima vēļtimizt Saeima vāldiž laskimiz pierāst suggõbõd mū āigast āigal, sis seļļi Saeima tulāb kubbõ amā obbõ ikš kū pierrõ sīe vēļtimizt ja sīe täužvālda lopūb pierrõ kuolm āigastõ tulbiz novembõr ežmiz tūoiznapǟvan īdskubs ūd vēļtõd Saeima kubbõ tulmizõks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "Not less than one tenth of electors has the right to initiate a national referendum regarding recalling of the Saeima.", "liv": "Äb veitim äb ku īd kimmõzjaggõn vēļtijižist um õigiz irgtõ rovīeltimiz iļ Saeima tāgižkutsimiz." }, { "en": "If the majority of voters and at least two thirds of the number of the voters who participated in the last elections of the Saeima vote in the national referendum regarding recalling of the Saeima, then the Saeima shall be deemed recalled.", "liv": "Až rovīeltimizõs iļ Saeima tāgižkutsimiz sīe pūolst īeltõb jemmit īeltijižist ja amā veitõ kakš kuolmõzjaggõ perrižist Saeima vēltimižist jaggõ võttõnd vēļtijizt lugst, siz Saeima um pidtõb tāgiž kutstõks." }, { "en": "The right to initiate a national referendum regarding recalling of the Saeima may not be exercised one year after the convening of the Saeima and one year before the end of the term of office of the Saeima, during the last six months of the term of office of the President, as well as earlier than six months after the previous national referendum regarding recalling of the Saeima.", "liv": "Õigizt irgtõ rovīeltimiz iļ Saeima tāgižkutsimiz äb või kȭlbatõ īd āigast pierrõ Saeima kubbõtulmizt, īd āigast jedmõl Saeima täužvālda lopāndõkst, Vald Prezident täužvālda perriz kūd kū āigal, nei īž ka jedmõl kūž kūdõ pierrõ perīzt rovīeltimizt iļ Saeima tāgižkutsimiz." }, { "en": "The electors may not recall any individual member of the Saeima.", "liv": "Vēļtijizt äb võitõ tāgiž kutsõ īžkiži Saeima nõtkõmidi." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(08.04.2009. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 02.11.2010.)" }, { "en": "The Saeima shall hold its sittings in Rīga, and only in extraordinary circumstances may it convene elsewhere.", "liv": "Saeima pidāb eņtš istāmiži Rīgõs ja set īžkizt vȯlmizt kõrdõl se võib kubbõ tūlda mūs kūožõs." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall elect a Presidium that shall be composed of a Chairperson, two Deputies and Secretaries.", "liv": "Saeima vēļtõb eņtš prezidij, missõs um eḑḑimīez, täm kakš ītlizt ja siktārt." }, { "en": "The Presidium shall function continuously during the mandate of the Saeima.", "liv": "Saeima prezidij jelāb tīedõ amā Saeima täužvālda āiga." }, { "en": "The first sitting of the newly elected Saeima shall be opened by the Chairperson of the preceding Saeima or by another member of the Presidium at the direction of the Presidium.", "liv": "Ūžvēļtõd Saeima ežmiz istāmiz tīeb vāldiž jedmiliz Saeima eḑḑimīez agā prezidij ilzandõksõl mū prezidij nõtkõm." }, { "en": "The Saeima itself shall review the qualifications of its members.", "liv": "Saeima īž vaņtlõb lebbõ eņtš nõtkõmõd täužvaldidi." }, { "en": "A person elected to the Saeima shall acquire the mandate of a Member of the Saeima if such person gives the following solemn promise:", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõm täužvaldõ sōb Saeimõ vēļtõd pärsõn, až ta Saeima istāmizõn āndab seļļiz pivāliz tapārtõks:" }, { "en": "“I, upon assuming the duties of a Member of the Saeima, before the people of Latvia, do swear (solemnly promise) to be loyal to Latvia, to strengthen its sovereignty and the Latvian language as the only official language, to defend Latvia as an independent and democratic State, and to fulfil my duties honestly and conscientiously.", "liv": "“Minā, võttõs eņtšõn Saeima deputāt amāt tīetõbidi, Lețmō rov jeds vōnõb (pivālistiz tapārtõb) vȱlda ustõb Lețmōn, višīņtõ sīe suverenitātõ ja lețkīeldõ kui āinagizt vald kīeldõ, kaitsõ Lețmōdõ kui īžpilijizt ja demokrātlizt valdõ, täutõ eņtš tīetõbidi ovlistiz ja paŗīmiz mūoštamiz pierrõ." }, { "en": "I undertake to observe the Constitution and laws of Latvia.”", "liv": "Ma panāb eņtšõn piddõ Lețmō Pūojpandõkst ja pandõkši.”" }, { "en": "", "liv": "(30.04.2002. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 05.11.2002.)" }, { "en": "The Presidium shall convene sessions of the Saeima and schedule regular and extraordinary sittings.", "liv": "Saeima prezidij kutsūb kubbõ Saeima sesijidi ja sǟdõb kȭrdaliži agā īžkizkȭrdaliži istāmiži." }, { "en": "The Presidium shall convene sittings of the Saeima if requested by the President, the Prime Minister, or not less than one third of the members of the Saeima.", "liv": "Saeima prezidijõn um kutsõmõst kubbõ Saeima istāmiz, až siedā kizūb Vald Prezident, ministõrd prezident agā äb veitim äbku ikš kuolmõzjag Saeima nõtkõmišt." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall establish rules of order to provide for its internal operations and order.", "liv": "Sižāliz tīe ja kȭrda vizāstimiz pierāst Saeima tīeb eņtšõn kȭrdaruļ." }, { "en": "The working language of the Saeima is the Latvian language.", "liv": "Saeima tīekēļ um lețkēļ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(30.04.2002. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 24.05.2002.)" }, { "en": "Sittings of the Saeima shall be public.", "liv": "Saeima istāmizt āt vāldiž." }, { "en": "The Saeima may decide by a majority vote of not less than two­thirds of the members present to sit in closed session, if so requested by ten members of the Saeima, or by the President, the Prime Minister, or a Minister.", "liv": "Až siedā kizūb kim Saeima nõtkõmt, Vald Prezident, ministõrd prezident agā ministõr, Saeima võib äb veitim äbku kōd kolmõzjag paikõl vȯļļijid jednikād īeld jemmitõks loptāntõ iļ salliz istāmiz pidāmiz." }, { "en": "Sittings of the Saeima may take place if at least half of the members of the Saeima participate therein.", "liv": "Saeima istāmiži võib piddõ, až nēšti võtāb jaggõ amā veitõ pūol Saeima nõtkõmišt." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall make decisions by an absolute majority of votes of the members present at the sitting, except in cases specifically set out in the Constitution.", "liv": "Saeima, Pūojpandõksõs īžkizt sǟdõd suggimiži ulzarrõs, tīeb eņtš loptāntimiži paikõl vȯļļijid deputātõd absolūtiz īel jemmitõks." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall establish committees and determine the number of members and their duties.", "liv": "Saeima vēļtõb komisijidi, sǟdõs nänt nõtkõmõd luggõ ja ilzandõkši." }, { "en": "Committees have the right to require of individual Ministers or local government authorities information and explanations necessary for the work of the committees, and the right to invite to their sittings responsible representatives from the relevant ministries or local government authorities to furnish explanations.", "liv": "Komisijdõn āt õigizt kizzõ eņtš tīe pierāst tārpaliži tieutidi ja seļtõkši īžkizt ministõrd ja eņtšvōļikštõkst eitõkst kädst, nei īž ka kutsõ eņtš istāmizt pǟl seļtõkši āndam vastātijizt ministrijd ja eņtšvōļikštõkst eitõkst vastātijiži jūodijidi." }, { "en": "Committees may also carry on their work between sessions of the Saeima.", "liv": "Komisijd võibõd tīedõ jellõ ka sesijd vail." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall appoint parliamentary investigatory committees for specified matters if not less than one­third of its members request it.", "liv": "Saeiman vizād suggimizt pierāst um sǟdõmõst parlamentārliži tuņšlimizkomisijḑi, až siedā kizūb äb veitim äbku ikš kuolmõzjag Saeima nõtkõmišt." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall have the right to submit to the Prime Minister or to an individual Minister requests and questions which either they, or a responsible government official duly authorised by them, must answer.", "liv": "Saeiman āt õigizt andõ ministõrd prezidentõn agā īžkiz ministrõn nõvtimiži ja kizzimiži, mis pǟl um vastātõmõst näntõn agā nänt kaimdõd vastātijizõn vald amātpärsõnõn." }, { "en": "The Prime Minister or any Minister shall furnish the relevant documents and enactments requested by the Saeima or by any of its committees.", "liv": "Ministõrd prezidentõn agā ministrõn Saeima agā sīe komisij nõvtimiz pierrõ um nustāmõst näntõn jeddõ vastātijiži dokumentidi ja aktidi." }, { "en": "Members of the Saeima may not be called to account by any judicial, administrative or disciplinary process in connection with their voting or their views as expressed during the execution of their duties.", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõmtõ äb või äb iļ īeltimiz, äb ka iļ amāt täutimizõl ulzõ kītõd mõtkõd võttõ vastūks jūrõ äb kūoḑ, äb administratīviz, äb disciplināriz kõrdõl." }, { "en": "Court proceedings may be brought against members of the Saeima if they, albeit in the course of performing parliamentary duties, disseminate:", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõmt võib võttõ kūoḑ vastūks jūrõ, až ta, laz kil amātõ täutõs, lagtõb:" }, { "en": "1) defamatory statements which they know to be false, or", "liv": "1) ovvõ pūtijiži tieutidi, tieudsõ, ku ne äb ūot õigizt, agā" }, { "en": "2) defamatory statements about private or family life.", "liv": "2) ovvõ pūtijiži tieutidi iļ privātiz agā aim jelāmiz." }, { "en": "Members of the Saeima shall not be arrested, nor shall their premises be searched, nor shall their personal liberty be restricted in any way without the consent of the Saeima.", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõmtõ äb või vizzõ piddõ, tīedõ täm jūs lebvȯtšimiz, äb ka mū vīțõ suorāntõ täm pärsõn vabāmtõ, až sīekõks äb ūo īds nõvs Saeima." }, { "en": "Members of the Saeima may be arrested if apprehended in the act of committing a crime.", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõmt võib vizzõ võttõ, až ta sōb vizzõ aktõd kūoḑõn kuŗŗõtīe tīemiz jūs." }, { "en": "The Presidium shall be notified within twenty­four hours of the arrest of any member of the Saeima; the Presidium shall raise the matter at the next sitting of the Saeima for decision as to whether the member shall continue to be held in detention or be released.", "liv": "Iļ jegā Saeima nõtkõm vizzõ võtāmiz um kōdkimdõ nēļa stuņd āigal sōtõmõst tieutõ Saeima prezidijõn, kis kāndab sīe jeddõ tulbiz Saeima istāmizõn, laz loptāntõ iļ Saeima nõtkõm pidāmiz vizās agā iļ täm vabāks laskimiz." }, { "en": "When the Saeima is not in session, pending the opening of a session, the Presidium shall decide whether the member of the Saeima shall remain in detention.", "liv": "Sesijd vail ja sesij vāldiž tīemiz sōņõ iļ Saeima nõtkõm pidāmiz vizās loptāntõb Saeima prezidij." }, { "en": "Without the consent of the Saeima, criminal prosecution may not be commenced and administrative fines may not be levied against its members.", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõm vastõ äb või irgtõ kriminālvaitimiz agā pānda tämmõn administratīvstrōipõ ilmõ Saeima nõvsvȯlmizt." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "Members of the Saeima have the right to refuse to give evidence:", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõmõn um õigiz kīeldõ tapārtõks andmizõst:" }, { "en": "1) concerning persons who have entrusted to them, as representatives of the people, certain facts or information;", "liv": "1) iļ pärsõnd, kis tämmõn nemē rov jednikān ātõ uskõnd mingiži faktidi agā tieutidi;" }, { "en": "2) concerning persons to whom they, as representatives of the people, have entrusted certain facts or information; or", "liv": "2) iļ pärsõnd, kīen ta, eņtš rov jednikā tīedõbidi täutõs, um uskõn mingiži faktidi agā tieutidi;" }, { "en": "3) concerning such facts or information itself.", "liv": "3) iļ ne faktõd ja tieutõd īž." }, { "en": "Members of the Saeima may not, either personally or in the name of another person, receive government contracts or concessions.", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõm äb või īž, äb ka mū pärsõn nim pǟl sōdõ vald kädst tēļimiži ja kontsesijidi." }, { "en": "The provisions of this Article shall apply to Ministers even if they are not members of the Saeima.", "liv": "Sīe paragraf vȯlmizt āt pandõb ka ministõrdõn, laz kil ne äb vȯlkst Saeima nõtkõmõd." }, { "en": "The remuneration of members of the Saeima shall be from state funds.", "liv": "Saeima nõtkõmõd sōbõd palkõ vald vaitmišt." }, { "en": "No person may be called to account for reporting the sittings of the Saeima or its committees if such reports correspond to fact.", "liv": "Iļ Saeima ja komisijd istāmizt referīerimizt, až ne āt tuodlizt, äb või mitīdtõ vastūks jūr võttõ." }, { "en": "Information about closed sessions of either the Saeima or its committees may only be disclosed with the permission of the Presidium of the Saeima or the committee.", "liv": "Iļ Saeima ja komisijd sallizt istāmizt võib tieutidi andõ set Saeima agā komisij prezidij lubā pierrrõ." }, { "en": "Chapter III", "liv": "III jag." }, { "en": "The President", "liv": "Vald prezident" }, { "en": "The Saeima shall elect the President for a term of four years.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõ vēļtõb Saeima nēļa āigast pǟl." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "The President shall be elected by secret ballot with a majority of the votes of not less than fifty­one members of the Saeima.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõ vēļtõb salliztiz īeltõs äb veitim äbku 51 Saeima nõtkõm īel jemmitõks." }, { "en": "Any person who enjoys full rights of citizenship and who has attained the age of forty years may be elected President.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõks võib vēļtõ täužõigiz Lețmō kuodānikkõ, kis um sōnd nēļakimdõ āigastõ vanāks." }, { "en": "A person with dual citizenship may not be elected President.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõks äb või vēļtõ kuodānikkõ, kis um setmiņ valdõd kuodānikā." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "The office of the President shall not be held concurrently with any other office.", "liv": "Vald Prezident amātõ äb või piddõ īdskubs mū amātõks." }, { "en": "If the person elected as President is a member of the Saeima, he or she shall resign his or her mandate as a member of the Saeima.", "liv": "Až Vald Prezidentõks vēļtõd pärsõn um Saeima nõtkõm, tämmõn um panmõst alā Saeima nõtkõm täužvaldõ." }, { "en": "The same person shall not hold office as President for more than eight consecutive years.", "liv": "Ikš ja se īž pärsõn äb või vȱlda Vald Prezident jemīņ äbku kōdõks āigastõ kȭrda pierāst." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "The President, upon taking up the duties of office, at a sitting of the Saeima, shall take the following solemn oath: “I swear that all of my work will be dedicated to the welfare of the people of Latvia.", "liv": "Vald Prezident, võttõs eņtšõn amāt tīedõbidi, Saeima istāmizõn āndab seļļiz pivāliz tapārtõks : “Ma vōnõb, ku amā min tīe sōb pivāstõd Lețmō rov jõvāmõks." }, { "en": "I will do everything in my power to promote the prosperity of the Republic of Latvia and all who live here.", "liv": "Ma tīeb ammõ, mis līb min joudsõ, laz prațțõ Lețmō vald ja sīe jelānikād jõvāmtõ." }, { "en": "I will hold sacred and will observe the Constitution of Latvia and the laws of the State.", "liv": "Ma pidāb pivāks ja vȱidab Lețmō Pūojpandõks ja vald pandõkst jūr." }, { "en": "I will act justly towards all and will fulfil my duties conscientiously.”", "liv": "Amād vastõ ma līb õigi ja eņtš tīedõbidi ma tǟtab amā paŗīmiz mūoštamiz pierrõ.”" }, { "en": "", "liv": "(03.05.2007. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.05.2007.)" }, { "en": "The President shall represent the State in international relations, appoint the diplomatic representatives of Latvia, and also receive diplomatic representatives of other states.", "liv": "Vald Prezident reprezentīerõb valdõ rovdvaidlistiz, nimtõb Lețmō ja võtāb vastõ munt valdõd diplomātliži jednikīdi." }, { "en": "The President shall implement the decisions of the Saeima concerning the ratification of international agreements.", "liv": "Ta tǟtab Saeima loptāntimiži iļ rovdvaidlizt lieppimizt ratifitsīerimiz." }, { "en": "The President shall be the Commander­in­Chief of the armed forces of Latvia.", "liv": "Vald Prezident um vald suodāväg kuordimi jūodiji." }, { "en": "During wartime, the President shall appoint a Supreme Commander.", "liv": "Suodā āigaks ta nimtõb kuordimizt pēļinikkõ." }, { "en": "The President shall declare war on the basis of a decision of the Saeima.", "liv": "Vald Prezident Saeima loptāntimiz pierrõ tieutõb suoddõ." }, { "en": "The President has the right to take whatever steps are necessary for the military defence of the State should another state declare war on Latvia or an enemy invade its borders.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõn āt õigizt astõ vajāgliži militārliz kaitsimiz samīdi, až mūnda mū vald um tieutõn Lețmōn suoddõ agā grumānikā akūb pǟlõ Lețmō rubīžõdõn." }, { "en": "Concurrently and without delay, the President shall convene the Saeima, which shall decide as to the declaration and commencement of war.", "liv": "Sīekõks Vald Prezident ildīņ kutsūb kubbõ Saeimõ, kis loptāntõb iļ suodā tieutimiz ja irgimiz." }, { "en": "The President has the right to grant clemency to criminals against whom judgment of the court has come into legal effect.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõn āt õigizt alāstõ kuŗŗõtējiži, iļ kīen kūoḑ loptāntimi um tund pandõksiz joudõ." }, { "en": "The extent of, and procedures for, the utilisation of this right shall be set out in a specific law.", "liv": "Nänt õigizt kȭlbatimiz sūŗitõ ja kõrdõ sǟdõb īžki pandõks." }, { "en": "The Saeima grants amnesty.", "liv": "Amnestijõ āndab Saeima." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "The President has the right to convene and to preside over extraordinary meetings of the Cabinet and to determine the agenda of such meetings.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõn āt õigizt kutsõ kubbõ ja jūodõ īžkizkȭrdaliži Ministõrd kabinet istāmiži, pands paikõl nänt tīekõrdõ." }, { "en": "The President has the right to initiate legislation.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõn um pandõkst irgtimiz õigiz." }, { "en": "The President shall be entitled to propose the dissolution of the Saeima.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõn um õigiz irgtõ Saeima vāldiž laskimiz." }, { "en": "Following this proposal, a national referendum shall be held.", "liv": "Sīe pierrõ um tīemõst rovīeltimiz." }, { "en": "If in the referendum more than half of the votes are cast in favour of dissolution, the Saeima shall be considered dissolved, new elections called, and such elections held no later than two months after the date of the dissolution of the Saeima.", "liv": "Až rovīeltimizõs jemīņ äbku pūol īeltijižist ātõ Saeima vāldiž laskimiz pūolst, um arrõmõst, ku Saeima um vāldiž lasktõd ja um tieutõmõst ūḑi vēļtimiži, mingiztõn um suggõmõst äb obbõm äbku kakš kūdõ pierrõ Saeima vāldiž laskimizt." }, { "en": "If the Saeima has been dissolved or recalled, the mandate of the members of the Saeima shall continue to be in effect until the convening of the newly elected Saeima, but the former Saeima may only hold sittings upon the request of the President.", "liv": "Až Saeima um vāldiž lasktõd agā tāgiž kutstõd, Saeima nõtkõmõd täužvāldad īebõd sīegid joudsõ ūd vēļtõb Saeima kubbõtulmiz sōņõ, bet seņtš vȯnd Saeima võib tūlda kubbõ istāmizt pǟl set siz, až Vald Prezident tǟnda kutsūb." }, { "en": "The President shall determine the agenda of such sittings of the Saeima.", "liv": "Seļļizt Saeima istāmizt tīekõrdõ sǟdõb Vald Prezident." }, { "en": "New elections shall take place not earlier than one month and not later than two months after recalling of the Saeima.", "liv": "Äb jedmõl äbku ikš kū ja äb obbõm äbku kakš kūdõ pierrõ Saeima tāgižkutsimizt um suggõmõst ūd vēļtimiztõn." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(08.04.2009. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 02.11.2010.)" }, { "en": "If in the referendum more than half of the votes are cast against the dissolution of the Saeima, then the President shall be deemed to be removed from office, and the Saeima shall elect a new President to serve for the remaining term of office of the President so removed.", "liv": "Až rovīeltimizõs jemīņ äbku pūol īelšti um Saeima vāldiž laskimiz vastõ, siz um arrõmõst, ku Vald Prezident um vāldiž lasktõd, ja Saeima vēļtõb ūd Vald Prezident vāldiž lasktõd Prezident pǟlõ īend täužvālda āiga pǟl." }, { "en": "Upon the proposal of not less than half of all of the members of the Saeima, the Saeima may decide, in closed session and with a majority vote of not less than two­thirds of all of its members, to remove the President from office.", "liv": "Äb veitim äbku pūol amād Saeima nõtkõmišt jeddõpanmiz pierrõ Saeima salliz istāmiz āigal amā veitõ kōd kuolmõzjag amād Saeima nõtkõmõd īeld jemmitõks võib loptāntõ Vald Prezident vāldiž laskõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Seļļiz loptāntimiz pierrõ Saeima ildīņ vēļtõb ūd Vald Prezident." }, { "en": "If the President resigns from office, dies or is removed from office before their term has ended, the Chairperson of the Saeima shall assume the duties of the President until the Saeima has elected a new President.", "liv": "Až Vald Prezident kīeldõb amātõst, kūolõb agā tǟnda kutsõbõd tāgiž jedmõl täm amāt āiga loppimiz, Vald Prezident kūožõ tǟtab Saeima eḑḑimīez, kuņtš Saeima vēļtõb ūd Vald Prezident." }, { "en": "Similarly, the Chairperson of the Saeima shall assume the duties of the President if the latter is away from Latvia or for any other reason unable to fulfil the duties of office.", "liv": "Nei īž Saeima eḑḑimīez tǟtab Vald Prezident kūožõ azūmt, až perri um ullõpūol vald rubīžidi agā mū vīțõ äb või eņtš amātõ täutõ." }, { "en": "Political responsibility for the fulfilment of presidential duties shall not be borne by the President.", "liv": "Vald Prezident äb kānda polītliz vastūks iļ eņtš tīemizt." }, { "en": "All orders of the President shall be jointly signed by the Prime Minister or by the appropriate Minister, who shall thereby assume full responsibility for such orders except in the cases specified in Articles forty­eight and fifty­six.", "liv": "Amād Vald Prezident käskūdõn um vȯlmõst īņõ alākēratõd ministõrd prezident agā vastātijiz ministõr pūolst, kis sīekõks võtābõd eņtšõn amā vastūks iļ nänt käskūd, nēļakimdõ kōdõksmõs ja vīdkimdõ kūdõs paragrafs nägțõd suggimiži ulzõ klõkšõs." }, { "en": "The President may be subject to criminal liability if the Saeima consents thereto by a majority vote of not less than two­ thirds.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõ võib kutsõ krimināliz vastūks jūr, až sīekõks um īds nõvs Saeima äb veitim äbku kōd kuolmõzjag īeld jemmitõks." }, { "en": "Chapter IV", "liv": "IV jag." }, { "en": "The Cabinet", "liv": "Ministõrd kabinet" }, { "en": "The Cabinet shall be composed of the Prime Minister and the Ministers chosen by the Prime Minister.", "liv": "Ministõrd kabinet um ministõrd prezident ja täm kutstõd ministõrd." }, { "en": "The Cabinet shall be formed by the person who has been invited by the President to do so.", "liv": "Ministõrd kabinetõ panāb kubbõ pärsõn, kīenta sīeks kutsūb Vald Prezident." }, { "en": "The number of ministries and the scope of their responsibilities, as well as the relations between State institutions, shall be as provided for by law.", "liv": "Ministrijd luggõ ja nänt tīe sūŗitõ, nei īž ka vald eitõkst eņtšvailiži lebbõkēmiži sǟdõb pandõks." }, { "en": "The administrative institutions of the State shall be under the authority of the Cabinet.", "liv": "Ministõrd kabinet prațțimiz alā ātõ vald vōļikšimizeitõkst." }, { "en": "In order to fulfil their duties, the Prime Minister and other Ministers must have the confidence of the Saeima and they shall be accountable to the Saeima for their actions.", "liv": "Ministõrd prezidentõn ja ministõrdõn um nänt amāt tǟtimizõks vajāg Saeima ustātimizt ja ne vastātõbõd eņtš tīestõ Saeima jeds." }, { "en": "If the Saeima expresses no confidence in the Prime Minister, the entire Cabinet shall resign.", "liv": "Až Saeima kītõb äbustātimiz ministõrd prezidentõn, sis tāgiž um astāmõst amā kabinetõn." }, { "en": "If there is an expression of no confidence in an individual Minister, then the Minister shall resign and another person shall be invited to replace them by the Prime Minister.", "liv": "Až äbustātimi um kītõd īžkiz ministrõn, siz sīen um astāmõst tāgiž ja täm azmõl ministõrd prezidentõn um kutsõmõst mū pärsõn." }, { "en": "Meetings of the Cabinet shall be chaired by the Prime Minister, and in the absence of the Prime Minister, by a Minister authorised to do so by the Prime Minister.", "liv": "Ministõrd kabinet istāmiži jūodõb ministõrd prezident ja täm jarāvȯlmiz āigal se ministõr, kīen ta um sīeks andõn täužvaldõ." }, { "en": "The Cabinet shall deliberate draft laws prepared by individual ministries as well as matters which pertain to the activities of more than one ministry, and issues of State policy raised by individual members of Cabinet.", "liv": "Ministõrd kabinet arrõb ämḑi īžkizt ministrijd tīedõd pandõkst projektidi ja kizzimiži, mis āt sidtõd setmiņ ministrijd tīekõks, nei īž ka īžkizt kabinet nõtkõmõd nustõd vald politīk kizzimiži." }, { "en": "If the State is threatened by an external enemy, or if an internal insurrection which endangers the existing political system arises or threatens to arise in the State or in any part of the State, the Cabinet has the right to proclaim a state of emergency and shall inform the Presidium within twenty­four hours and the Presidium shall, without delay, present such decision of the Cabinet to the Saeima.", "liv": "Až valdõ ädāgtõb uļļi grumānikā agā valds agā sīe jags um nūzõn agā ädātõb nūzõ sižāli äbarm, mis ädāgtõb paldīņiz vald sällõmtõ, Ministõrd kabinetõn āt õigizt tieutõ īžkiz kõrdõ, andõs tieudõ iļ sīe kōdkimdõ nēļa stuņd āigal Saeima prezidijõn, kīen seļļizt ministõrd kabinet loptāntimizt um kūoḑõn nustāmõst jeddõ Saeiman." }, { "en": "Ministers, even if they are not members of the Saeima, and responsible government officials authorised by a Minister, have the right to attend sittings of the Saeima and its committees and to submit additions and amendments to draft laws.", "liv": "Ministõrdõn, až ne ka äb ūotõ Saeima nõtkõmõd, ja ministõrd täužvaldõ sōnd vastātijizt vald amātpärsõndõn um õigiz jaggõ võttõ Saeima ja sīe komisijd istāmižist ja andõ sizzõl täutõntõkši ja parāntamiži pandõkstprojektõd jūr." }, { "en": "Chapter V", "liv": "V jag." }, { "en": "Legislation", "liv": "Pandõkstāndami" }, { "en": "The Saeima, and also the people, have the right to legislate, in accordance with the procedures, and to the extent, provided for by this Constitution.", "liv": "Pandõkstāndamiz õigizt āt Saeiman, nei īž ka rovvõn sīes Pūojpandõksõs sǟdõd kȭrda ja sūŗit pierāst." }, { "en": "Draft laws may be submitted to the Saeima by the President, the Cabinet or committees of the Saeima, by not less than five members of the Saeima, or, in accordance with the procedures and in the cases provided for in this Constitution, by one­tenth of the electorate.", "liv": "Pandõkstprojektidi Saeiman võib andõ sizzõl Vald Prezident, ministõrd kabinet, Saeima komisijd, mittõ almõl vīž deputātõ, nei īž ka sīes Pūojpandõksõs sǟdõd suggimižis ja kȭrda pierāst ikš kimmõzjag vēļtijižist." }, { "en": "Annually, before the commencement of each financial year, the Saeima shall determine the State Revenues and Expenditures Budget, the draft of which shall be submitted to the Saeima by the Cabinet.", "liv": "Saeima jegā āigast jedmõl kuodāndimizāigast īrgandõkst loptāntõb iļ vald sizzõltulmizt ja kulūd budžet, mingiz projekt sīen āndab ministõrd kabinet." }, { "en": "If the Saeima makes a decision that involves expenditures not included in the Budget, then this decision must also allocate funds to cover such expenditures.", "liv": "Až Saeima võtāb vastõ loptāntimiz, mis um sidtõd budžets jeddõnǟmõt kulūdõks, um loptāntimizõs nǟmõst jeddõ ka vaitmidi, missõks nēḑi kulīdi kattõ." }, { "en": "After the end of the budgetary year, the Cabinet shall submit an accounting of budgetary expenditures for the approval of the Saeima.", "liv": "Budžet āigast loppimiz pierrõ ministõrd kabinetõn um āndamõst Saeiman vizāstimiz pierāst aŗŗimiz iļ budžet tǟtimiz." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall determine the size of the armed forces of the State during peacetime.", "liv": "Saeima loptāntõb iļ vald suodāväg sūŗit arm āigal." }, { "en": "All international agreements, which settle matters that may be decided by the legislative process, shall require ratification by the Saeima.", "liv": "Amād rovdvaidlizt lieppimizt pierāst, mis sǟdõbõd pandõkstāndamiz vīțsõ loptāntõb kizzimiži, um vajāg Saeima vizāstimizt." }, { "en": "Upon entering into international agreements, Latvia, with the purpose of strengthening democracy, may delegate a part of its State institution competencies to international institutions.", "liv": "Iļ rovdvaidlizt lieppimizt kubbõ lieppõs, Lețmō demokrātij vizāntimiz pierāst võib andõ rovdvaidlizt institūtsijdõn īd jag vald institūtsijd kompetentsõst." }, { "en": "The Saeima may ratify international agreements in which a part of State institution competencies are delegated to international institutions in sittings in which at least two­thirds of the members of the Saeima participate, and a two­thirds majority vote of the members present is necessary for ratification.", "liv": "Rovdvaidliži lieppimiži, missõks rovdvaidlizt institūtsijdõn sōb andtõd jag vald institūtsijd kompetentsõst, Saeima võib vizāstõ kubbõtulmižis, missõst võtāb jaggõ amā veitim kakš kuolmõzjaggõ Saeima nõtkõmišt, ja vizāstimiz pierāst um vajāg kōd kuolmõzjag pāikal vȯļļijid deputātõd īeld jemmitõ." }, { "en": "Membership of Latvia in the European Union shall be decided by a national referendum, which is proposed by the Saeima.", "liv": "Iļ Lețmō jaggõvõtāmiz Eirōp Ītst um loptāntõmõst rōvīeltimizõks, mis panāb jeddõ Saeima." }, { "en": "Substantial changes in the terms regarding the membership of Latvia in the European Union shall be decided by a national referendum if such referendum is requested by at least one­ half of the members of the Saeima.", "liv": "Až siedā kizūb amā veitõ pūol Saeima nõtkõmišt, iļ tǟdzist mõitiztimizt vȯlmižis, mis āt sidtõd Lețmō jaggõvõtāmizõks Eirōp Ītst, um loptāntõmõst rovīeltimizõks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(08.05.2003. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 05.06.2003.)" }, { "en": "The President shall proclaim laws passed by the Saeima not earlier than the tenth day and not later than the twenty­first day after the law has been adopted.", "liv": "Vald Prezident tieutõb Saeimas vastõ võttõd pandõkši äb jedmõl äbku kimdõs pǟvas ja äb obbõm äbku kōdkimdõ ežmizõs pǟvas pierrõ nänt vastõvõtāmizt." }, { "en": "A law shall come into force fourteen days after its proclamation unless a different term has been specified in the law.", "liv": "Pandõks tulāb joudõ nēļatuoistõn pǟva āigal pierrõ tieutimizt, až pandõksõs äb ūo pandõd mū termin." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(23.09.2004. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 21.10.2004.)" }, { "en": "The President shall proclaim adopted laws in the following manner: “The Saeima (that is, the People) has adopted and the President has proclaimed the following law: (text of the law).”", "liv": "Vald Prezident tieutõb vastõ võttõd pandõkši seļļiz kȭrda pierrõ: «Saeima (s.u. rovz) um vastõ võttõn ja Vald Prezident tieutõb seļļiz pandõks: (pandõks tekst)»." }, { "en": "Within ten days of the adoption of a law by the Saeima, the President, by means of a written and reasoned request to the Chairperson of the Saeima, may require that a law be reconsidered.", "liv": "Kim pǟva āigal pierrõ pandõks vastõ võtāmizt Saeimas Vald Prezident pūojtõd kēras Saeima eḑīzmīen võib nõvtõ pandõks tuoizkȭrdaliz lebvaņtlimiz." }, { "en": "If the Saeima does not amend the law, the President then may not raise objections a second time.", "liv": "Až Saeima äb tīe pandõks mõitizõks, Vald Prezident äb või tūoiztakõrd vastõ rõkāndõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(23.09.2004. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 21.10.2004.)" }, { "en": "The President has the right to suspend the proclamation of a law for a period of two months.", "liv": "Vald Prezidentõn āt õigizt pandõks publitsīerimiz piddõ vizās kakš kūdõ." }, { "en": "The President shall suspend the proclamation of a law if so requested by not less than one­third of the members of the Saeima.", "liv": "Tämmõn um pidāmõst pandõks publitsīerimiz vizās, až siedā kizūb äb veitim äbku ikš kuolmõzjag Saeima nõtkõmišt." }, { "en": "This right may be exercised by the President, or by one­third of the members of the Saeima, within ten days of the adoption of the law by the Saeima.", "liv": "Nēḑi õigiži Vald Prezident agā ikš kuolmõzjag Saeima nõtkõmišt võibõd kȭlbatõ kim pǟva āigal pandõks vastõvõtāmiz irgst Saeimas." }, { "en": "The law thus suspended shall be put to a national referendum if so requested by not less than one­tenth of the electorate.", "liv": "Seļļiz kȭrda pierrõ vizzõ pidtõd pandõks um āndamõst rovīeltimizõn, až siedā kizūb äb veitim äbku ikš kuolmõzjag vēļtijižist." }, { "en": "If no such request is received during the aforementioned two­month period, the law shall then be proclaimed after the expiration of such period.", "liv": "Až jedmõl nimtõd kōd kū āigal seļļi kizzimi äb tul, um sīe āiga pierrõ pandõkst publitsīerõmõst." }, { "en": "A national referendum shall not take place, however, if the Saeima again votes on the law and not less than three­quarters of all members of the Saeima vote for the adoption of the law.", "liv": "Rovīeltimi sīegid äb sug, až Saeima īeltõb iļ sīe pandõks tūoiztakõrd ja až sīe vastõvõtāmiz pūolst āt äb veitim äbku kuolm neļļõzjaggõ ämšti deputātišt." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(23.09.2004. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 21.10.2004.)" }, { "en": "The Budget and laws concerning loans, taxes, customs duties, railroad tariffs, military conscription, declaration and commencement of war, peace treaties, declaration of a state of emergency and its termination, mobilisation and demobilisation, as well as agreements with other nations may not be submitted to national referendum.", "liv": "Rovīeltimizõn äb või andõ budžetõ ja pandõkši iļ täpīņtõkst, maksūd, toļīd, rōdarīek tarīfõd, suodādīenast, suodā tieutimiz ja irgimiz, arm lieppimiz, īžkiz vȯlmiz tieutimiz ja sīe loptāmiz, mobilizīerimiz ja demobilizīerimiz, nei īž ka lieppimiži uļļiztmōdkõks." }, { "en": "A law adopted by the Saeima and suspended pursuant to the procedures specified in Article seventy­two shall be repealed by national referendum if the number of voters is at least half of the number of electors as participated in the previous Saeima election and if the majority has voted for repeal of the law.", "liv": "Saeimas vastõ võttõd ja seiskimdõ tuoiz paragraf kȭrda pierrõ vizzõ pidtõd pandõks um kōtõn joudõ rovīeltimizõs, až īeltijizt lug un amā veitõ pūol perrižist Saeima vēļtimižist jaggõ võttõnd vēļtijizt lugst ja až sūŗimi jag um īeltõn pandõks tāgižvõtāmiz pūolst." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(21.03.1933. pandõks redaktsijs)" }, { "en": "Should the Saeima, by not less than a two thirds majority vote, determine a law to be urgent, the President may not request reconsideration of such law, it may not be submitted to national referendum, and the adopted law shall be proclaimed no later than the third day after the President has received it.", "liv": "Až Saeima amā veitõ kōd kuolmõzjag īeld jemmitõks loptāntõb iļ pandõks pakāndiz vastõvõtāmiz, siz Vald Prezident äb või nõvtõ seļļiz pandõks tuoizkȭrdalizt lebbõvaņtlimizt, siedā äb või andõ rovīeltimizõn ja siedā um tieutõmõst amā obbõ kuolmõndõs pǟvas pierrõ siedā, ku Prezident um vastõ võttõd pandõks sōnd käddõ." }, { "en": "The Saeima may amend the Constitution in sittings at which at least two­thirds of the members of the Saeima participate.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkst Saeima võib mõitiztõ kubbõtulmižis, missõst võtāb jaggõ amā veitõ kakš kuolmõzjaggõ Saeima nõtkõmišt." }, { "en": "The amendments shall be passed in three readings by a majority of not less than two­thirds of the members present.", "liv": "Mõitiztimiži võtābõd vastõ kuolms luggimižis äb veitim äbku kōd kuolmõzjag pāikal vȯļļijizt deputātõd īeld jemmitõks." }, { "en": "If the Saeima has amended the first, second, third, fourth, sixth or seventy­seventh Article of the Constitution, such amendments, in order to come into force as law, shall be submitted to a national referendum.", "liv": "Až Saeima um mõitiztõn Pūojpandõks ežmizt, tūoizta, kuolmõndt, neļļõndt, kūdõzt agā seiskimdõ seismõzt paragrafõ, siz seļļiži mõitiztimiži, las ne sōkstõ pandõks joudõ, um vizāstõmõst rovīeltimizõs." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(15.10.1998. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 06.11.1998.)" }, { "en": "Electors, in number comprising not less than one tenth of the electorate, have the right to submit a fully elaborated draft of an amendment to the Constitution or of a law to the President, who shall present it to the Saeima.", "liv": "Äb veitim äb ku īd kimmõzjaggõn vēļtijižist um õigiz andõ Vald Prezidentõn täudlistiz vaļmõz Pūojpandõks mõitiztimizt projektõ agā pandõks projektõ, mis Prezident āndab Saeiman." }, { "en": "If the Saeima does not adopt it without change as to its content, it shall then be submitted to national referendum.", "liv": "Až Saeima äb võtā sīe vastõ ilmõ mõitiztimiži sižālizõs, siz siedā um āndamõst rovīelitimizõn." }, { "en": "An amendment to the Constitution submitted for national referendum shall be deemed adopted if at least half of the electorate has voted in favour.", "liv": "Rovīeltimizõn andtõd Pūojpandõks mõitiztimi um vastõ võttõd, až sīeks um īds nõvs amā veitõ pūol ämšti īelõigližist." }, { "en": "A draft law, decision regarding membership of Latvia in the European Union or substantial changes in the terms regarding such membership submitted for national referendum shall be deemed adopted if the number of voters is at least half of the number of electors as participated in the previous Saeima election and if the majority has voted in favour of the draft law, membership of Latvia in the European Union or substantial changes in the terms regarding such membership.", "liv": "Rovīeltimizõn andtõd pandõksprojekt, loptāntimi iļ Lețmō jaggõ võtāmiz Eirōp Ītst agā iļ tǟdzizt mõitõkst sīe jaggõvõtāmiz vȯlmižis um vastõ võttõd, až īeltijizt lug um amā veitõ pūol perrižist Saeima vēļtimižist jaggõ võttõnd vēļtijizt lugst, ja až sūŗimi jag um īeltõn pandõksprojekt vastõvõtāmiz, Lețmō jaggõvõtāmiz Eirōp Ītst agā tǟdzizt mõitõkst sīe jaggõvõtāmiz vȯlmižis pūolst." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(08.05.2003. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 05.06.2003.)" }, { "en": "All citizens of Latvia who have the right to vote in elections of the Saeima may participate in national referendums.", "liv": "Rovīeltimizõst võibõd jaggõ võttõ amād Lețmō kuodānikād, kīen āt īeltimizõigizt Saeima vēļtimižis." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(Ulzõ klõkštõd 03.05.2007. pandõksõks, mis tuļ joudõ 31.05.2007.)" }, { "en": "Chapter VI", "liv": "VI jag." }, { "en": "Courts", "liv": "Kūoḑ" }, { "en": "In Latvia, court cases shall be heard by district (city) courts, regional courts and the Supreme Court, but in the event of war or a state of emergency, also by military courts.", "liv": "Kūoḑõ Lețmōļ kāndabõd rajōn (jālgab) kūoḑõd, immõrgouțkūoḑõd ja Kuordimi kūoḑ, bet suodā agā īžkiz vȯlmiz kõrdõl – ka suodākūoḑõd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(15.10.1998. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 06.11.1998.)" }, { "en": "Judges shall be independent and subject only to the law.", "liv": "Kūoḑkāndajizt ātõ īžpīlijizt ja āt set pandõks alā." }, { "en": "Judicial appointments shall be confirmed by the Saeima and they shall be irrevocable.", "liv": "Kūoḑkāndajiži vizāstõb Saeima, ja nēḑi äb või tāgiž kutsõ." }, { "en": "The Saeima may remove judges from office against their will only in the cases provided for by law, based upon a decision of the Judicial Disciplinary Board or a judgment of the Court in a criminal case.", "liv": "Kūoḑkāndajiz sōb täm tōmiz vastõ kutsõ amātõst tāgiž Saeima set pandõksõs sǟdõd suggimižis kūoḑkāndajizt distsiplināriz kolēgij loptāntimiz pierrõ agā kūoḑ loptāntimiz pierrõ kriminālažās." }, { "en": "The age of retirement from office for judges may be determined by law.", "liv": "Pandõks võib sǟdõ vannitõ, missõst kūoḑkāndajiztõn um jetāmõst eņtš amātõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(04.12.1997. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 31.12.1997.)" }, { "en": "In Latvia, there shall be a Constitutional Court, which, within its jurisdiction as provided for by law, shall review cases concerning the compliance of laws with the Constitution, as well as other matters regarding which jurisdiction is conferred upon it by law.", "liv": "Lețmōl um Pūojpandõkskūoḑ, mis pandõksõs sǟdõd kompetents rōmiš vaņtlõb lebbõ kūoḑažḑi iļ pandõks vastātimiz Pūojpandõksõn ja nei īž ka mūḑi pandõksõks sīe kompetentsõ andtõd kūoḑažḑi." }, { "en": "The Constitutional Court shall have the right to declare laws or other enactments or parts thereof invalid.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskūoḑõn um õigiz tieutõ pandõkši ja mūḑi aktidi agā nänt jagīdi, mis āt kōtõnd joudõ." }, { "en": "The Saeima shall confirm the appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court for the term provided for by law, by secret ballot with a majority of the votes of not less than fifty­one members of the Saeima.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskūoḑõ kūoḑkāndajiži pandõksõs sǟdõd āiga pǟl vizāstõb Saeima, sallistiz īeltõs äb veitim äbku 51 Saeima nõtkõm īel jemmitõks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(05.06.1996. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 26.06.1996.)" }, { "en": "Decisions in court proceedings may be made only by bodies upon which jurisdiction regarding such has been conferred by law, and only in accordance with procedures provided for by law.", "liv": "Kūoḑõ võibõd kandõ set ne orgānd, missõn seļļiži õigiži āndab pandõks, ja set pandõksõs vizāstõd kȭrda pierrõ." }, { "en": "Military courts shall act on the basis of a specific law.", "liv": "Suodākūoḑõd jelābõd tīedõ īžkiz pandõks pierrõ." }, { "en": "Chapter VII", "liv": "VII jag." }, { "en": "The State Audit Office", "liv": "Vald kontrōl" }, { "en": "The State Audit Office shall be an independent collegial institution.", "liv": "Vald kontrōl um īžpīliji kolegiāli eitõks." }, { "en": "Auditors General shall be appointed to their office and confirmed pursuant to the same procedures as judges, but only for a fixed period of time, during which they may be removed from office only by a judgment of the Court.", "liv": "Vald kontrolīeridi nimtõb ja vizāstõb amātõ seļļiz īž kȭrda pierāst neku kūoḑkāndajiži, bet set tieutõb termin pǟl; sīe āigal nēḑi võib amātõst tāgiž kutsõ set kūoḑ loptāntimiz pierrõ." }, { "en": "A specific law shall provide for the organisation and responsibilities of the State Audit Office.", "liv": "Vald kontrōl sällõmt ja kompetentsõ sǟdõb īžki pandõks." }, { "en": "Chapter VIII", "liv": "VIII jag." }, { "en": "Fundamental Human Rights", "liv": "Rištīng pūojõigizt" }, { "en": "", "liv": "(Jag 15.10.1998. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 06.11.1998.)" }, { "en": "The State shall recognise and protect fundamental human rights in accordance with this Constitution, laws and international agreements binding upon Latvia.", "liv": "Vald tapārtõb ja kāitsõb rištīng pūojõigiži sīe Pūojpandõks, pandõkst ja Lețmōn sidtõb rovdvaidlizt lieppimizt pierrõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to know about his or her rights.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt tieudõ eņtš õigiži." }, { "en": "All human beings in Latvia shall be equal before the law and the courts.", "liv": "Amād rovst Lețmōl ātõ īdlimizt pandõks ja kūoḑ jeds." }, { "en": "Human rights shall be realised without discrimination of any kind.", "liv": "Rištīng õigizt sōbõd jellõ vīdõd ilmõ mingizt diskriminātsijõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to defend his or her rights and lawful interests in a fair court.", "liv": "Jegāikš võib kaitsõ eņtš õigiži ja pandõkspierriži interesessidi õiglizõs kūoḑs." }, { "en": "Everyone shall be presumed innocent until his or her guilt has been established in accordance with law.", "liv": "Jegāīdtõ um pidāmõst ilmõ sīdõ, kuņšt täm sī um pandõks pierrõ vizāks tīedõd." }, { "en": "Everyone, where his or her rights are violated without basis, has a right to commensurate compensation.", "liv": "Pūojtõmõt õigizt rikkimiz kõrdõl jegāīdõn āt vastātijiz vastõtīemiz sōmiz õigizt." }, { "en": "Everyone has a right to the assistance of counsel.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt sōdõ advokāt abbõ." }, { "en": "The right to life of everyone shall be protected by law.", "liv": "Jegāīd jelāmiz õigiži kāitsõb pandõks." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt vabām ja pärsõn äbpūtimiz õigizt." }, { "en": "No one may be deprived of or have their liberty restricted, otherwise than in accordance with law.", "liv": "Mitīd kädst äb või jarā võttõ agā suorantõ vabāmtõ mõitiz äbku set pandõks pierrõ." }, { "en": "The State shall protect human honour and dignity.", "liv": "Vald kāitsõb rištīng ovvõ." }, { "en": "Torture or other cruel or degrading treatment of human beings is prohibited.", "liv": "Pīņimi, mõiti vizāsidāmli agā ovvõ alāntiji tīemi mū rištīng vastõ um kīeltõd." }, { "en": "No one shall be subjected to inhuman or degrading punishment.", "liv": "Mitīdõn äb tūoḑ pānda alāstõmõt agā rištīng ovvõ alāntijiz suņḑõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to inviolability of his or her private life, home and correspondence.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt privātiz jelāmiz, kuod ja korespondents äbpūtimiz õigizt." }, { "en": "Everyone residing lawfully in the territory of Latvia has the right to freely move and to choose his or her place of residence.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn, kis pandõkst pierrõ jelāb Lețmō teritōrijs, āt õigizt vabāld immõr kǟdõ ja vȯtšõ eņtšõn jelāmizkūož." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to freely depart from Latvia.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt Lețmōld vabāld ulzõ broutšõ." }, { "en": "Everyone having a Latvian passport shall be protected by the State when abroad and has the right to freely return to Latvia.", "liv": "Jegāikš, kīen um Lețmō paš, ullõpūol Lețmōdõ um vald kāitsimiz alā, ja tämmõn āt õigizt vabāld tūlda tāgiž Lețmōlõ." }, { "en": "A citizen of Latvia may not be extradited to a foreign country, except in the cases provided for in international agreements ratified by the Saeima if by the extradition the basic human rights specified in the Constitution are not violated.", "liv": "Lețmō kuodānikkõ äb või ulzõ andõ uļļiztmōdõn, set ku Saeima vizāstõd rovdvaidlizt lieppimižis sǟdõd suggimižis, až ulzõāndamizõks äb sōtõ riktõd Pūojpandõksõs sǟdõd rištīng pūojõigizt." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(23.09.2004. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 21.10.2004.)" }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt mõtkõd, mīel ja usk vabām õigizt." }, { "en": "The church shall be separate from the State.", "liv": "Pivākuodā um valdõst jarā lagtõd." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes the right to freely receive, keep and distribute information and to express his or her views.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt sõnā vabām õigizt, mis sizāl āt ka õigizt vabāld sōdõ, piddõ ja lagtõ tieutidi, tieutõ ențš arrimiži." }, { "en": "Censorship is prohibited.", "liv": "Tsenzūr um kīeldõd." }, { "en": "Every citizen of Latvia has the right, as provided for by law, to participate in the work of the State and of local government, and to hold a position in the civil service.", "liv": "Jegāīd Lețmō kuodānikān āt õigizt pandõksõs sǟdõd vīțsõ jaggõ võttõ vald ja eņtšvōļikštõkst tīestõ, nei īž ka täutõ vald dīenastõ." }, { "en": "Local governments shall be elected by Latvian citizens and citizens of the European Union who permanently reside in Latvia.", "liv": "Eņtšvōļikštõkši vēļtõbõd täudõigizt Lețmō kuodānikād ja Eirōp Īt kuodānikād, kis pīldzist jelābõd Lețmōl." }, { "en": "Every citizen of the European Union who permanently resides in Latvia has the right, as provided by law, to participate in the work of local governments.", "liv": "Jegāīd Eirōp Īt kuodānikān, kis pīldzist jelāb Lețmōl, āt õigizt pandõksõs sǟdõd vīțsõ jaggõ võttõ eņtšvōļikštõkst tīestõ." }, { "en": "The working language of local governments is the Latvian language.", "liv": "Eņtšvōļikštõkst tīekēļ um lețkēļ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(23.09.2004. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 21.10.2004.)" }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to form and join associations, political parties and other public organisations.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt tūlda kubbõ ja lūodõ seļtšidi, polītliži partijidi ja mūḑi kubgõndliži organizātsijidi." }, { "en": "The State shall protect the freedom of previously announced peaceful meetings, street processions, and pickets.", "liv": "Vald kāitsõb jedmõl tieutõd armmēļizt kubbõtulmizt ja kēmizt, nei īž ka piketõd vabāmtõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to address submissions to State or local government institutions and to receive a materially responsive reply.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt pandõksõs sǟdõd vīțsõ kīerõ vald ja eņtšvōļikštõks eitõkst pūolõ nõvtimiztõks ja sōdõ vastūkst sižāliz pierrõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to receive a reply in the Latvian language.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt sōdõ vastūkst lețkīelkõks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(30.04.2002. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 24.05.2002.)" }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to own property.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt eņtšõm pǟl." }, { "en": "Property shall not be used contrary to the interests of the public.", "liv": "Eņtšõmtõ äb tūoḑ kȭlbatõ kubgõn interessõd vastõ." }, { "en": "Property rights may be restricted only in accordance with law.", "liv": "Eņtšõm õigiži võib suorantõ set pandõks pierrõ." }, { "en": "Expropriation of property for public purposes shall be allowed only in exceptional cases on the basis of a specific law and in return for fair compensation.", "liv": "Eņtšõm suņdvīți jarāvõtāmi kubgõn vajāgõm pierāst um lasktõd set īžkižis suggimižis īžkiz pandõks alīzt pǟl õigliz maks vastõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to freely choose their employment and workplace according to their abilities and qualifications.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt sōdõ vabālt ulzõ vȯtštõd tīedõ ja tīekūožõ, mis vastātõb täm võimizt ja kvalifikātsijõn." }, { "en": "Forced labour is prohibited.", "liv": "Suņdtīe um kīeldõd." }, { "en": "Participation in the relief of disasters and their effects, and work pursuant to a court order shall not be deemed forced labour.", "liv": "Suņdtīeks äb ūo pidāmõst jaggõ võtāmizt katastrōfõd ja nänt tulmizt likvidīerimizõst ja tīe tīemizt kūoḑ loptāntõks pierrõ." }, { "en": "Every employed person has the right to receive, for work done, commensurate remuneration which shall not be less than the minimum wage established by the State, and has the right to weekly holidays and a paid annual vacation.", "liv": "Jegāīd tīelizõn āt õigizt sōdõ tīedõd tīen vāstātijiz maksõ, mis äb ūo veitim äbku vald sǟdõd minimum, nei īž ka õigizt jegānädīļizt novdõbpǟvad ja jegāāigastliz makstõd novdõbāiga pǟl." }, { "en": "Employed persons have the right to a collective labour agreement, and the right to strike.", "liv": "Tīetējiztõn āt ītiz lieppimiz õigizt, nei īž ka õigizt streikõ." }, { "en": "The State shall protect the freedom of trade unions.", "liv": "Vald kāitsõb amātītõd vabāmtõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to social security in old age, for work disability, for unemployment and in other cases as provided by law.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn āt õigizt sotsiāliz višīņtimiz pǟl vaņšipäuvši, tīe äbsȭitamiz, ilmõ tīedõ īemiz kõrdõl ja mūši pandõksõs sǟdõd suggimižis." }, { "en": "The State shall protect and support marriage – a union between a man and a woman, the family, the rights of parents and rights of the child.", "liv": "Vald kāitsõb ja tigūb abjelāmiz – īt mīe ja naiz vailõ, aimõ, vaņīmiz ja laps õigiži." }, { "en": "The State shall provide special support to disabled children, children left without parental care or who have suffered from violence.", "liv": "Vald īžkist äbțõb saņtlapstõn, lapstõn, kis ātõ īenõd ilmõ vaņbizt ūoltõ agā āt kāndatõn vägvāldast." }, { "en": "", "liv": "(15.12.2005. pandõks redaktsijs, mis tuļ joudõ 17.01.2006.)" }, { "en": "The State shall protect human health and guarantee a basic level of medical assistance for everyone.", "liv": "Vald kāitsõb rovst tīeritõ ja višīņtõb jegāīdõn aŗštab minimumõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has the right to education.", "liv": "Jegāīdõn um opātõks sōmiz õigiz." }, { "en": "The State shall ensure that everyone may acquire primary and secondary education without charge.", "liv": "Vald višīņtõb võimizt ilmõ maksõ sōdõ pūojopātõkst ja sidāmizopātõkst." }, { "en": "Primary education shall be compulsory.", "liv": "Pūojopātõks um obligāti." }, { "en": "The State shall recognise the freedom of scientific research, artistic and other creative activity, and shall protect copyright and patent rights.", "liv": "Vald tapārtõb tieud, kuņšt ja mūvīțiz lūomiz vabāmtõ, nei īž kāitsõb autōrõigiži ja patentõigiži." }, { "en": "Persons belonging to ethnic minorities have the right to preserve and develop their language and their ethnic and cultural identity.", "liv": "Pärsõnõdõn, kis āt minoritātrovšti, um õigiz vȯidõ ja kazāntõ eņtš kīeldõ, rov ja kultūr īžkitõ." }, { "en": "The State shall protect the right of everyone to live in a benevolent environment by providing information about environmental conditions and by promoting the preservation and improvement of the environment.", "liv": "Vald kāitsõb jegāīd õigiži jellõ jõvāmēļizõs immõrgouțs, tarmõs tieutõ iļ immõrgouț azūm ja ūoļikšõs iļ sīe vȱidamiz ja parāntimiz." }, { "en": "The rights of persons set out in Articles ninety­six, ninety­ seven, ninety­eight, one hundred, one hundred and two, one hundred and three, one hundred and six, and one hundred and eight of the Constitution may be subject to restrictions in circumstances provided for by law in order to protect the rights of other people, the democratic structure of the State, and public safety, welfare and morals.", "liv": "Pärsõn õigiži, mis āt sǟdõd Pūojpandõks īdõksimdõ kūdõs, īdõkskimdõ seismõs, īdõkskimdõ kōdõksmõs, saddõs, sadā tuoizõs, sadā kuolmõndõs, sadā kūdõs ja sadā kōdõksmõs paragrafs, võib suorantõ pandõksõs sǟdõd suggimižis munt rovst õigizt, demokrātliz vald sällõm, kubgõn julglit, jõvāvȯlmiz ja eļd kaitsimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "On the basis of the conditions set forth in this Article, restrictions may also be imposed on the expression of religious beliefs.", "liv": "Sīes paragrafs nimtõd sǟdõkst alīzt pǟl võib suorantõ ka usklizt arrimizt tieutimizt." }, { "en": "J. Čakste", "liv": "J. Čakste," }, { "en": "President of the Constitutional Assembly", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskub prezident" }, { "en": "R. Ivanovs", "liv": "R. Ivanovs," }, { "en": "Secretary of the Constitutional Assembly", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskub siktār" }, { "en": "About the The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia: History and Modern Days", "liv": "Iļ Lețmō Republik Pūojpandõks: istōrij ja tämpi pǟva" }, { "en": "I", "liv": "I" }, { "en": "In democratic, lawful countries Constitution is one of the most significant symbols of statehood.", "liv": "Demokrātiližis valdiš konstitūtsij um ikš amā tǟdzižist vald vȯlmiz simbōlišt." }, { "en": "Along with its legal functions the Constitution also holds a symbolic meaning – it serves as evidence to the dreams of the founders of statehood and quest for the future generations.", "liv": "Jurīdlizt funktsijd kūoral pūojpandõksõn um ka simbōli mõtk – se nägțõb vald pūojtijizt uņnägīdi ja siedā, midā vȯtšõbõd tulbizt kazāmd." }, { "en": "It was no coinci­ dence that one of the most significant experts of the Constitutional Law of Latvia of the past century Kārlis Dišlers wrote that “democratic lawful country cannot be imagined without the constitutional law that determines the legal foundations of its political system.”", "liv": "Äb ilmõ pūojtõ ikš amā tǟdõlpandõb lǟndz āigastsadā Lețmō konstitut­ sionālizt õigizt tīedajišt profesōr Kārlis Dišlers um kēratõn, ku “demokrātli õigli vald äb ūo mõttõltõb ilmõ pūojpandõkst, mis sǟdõks täm sällõm õigliz alīži”." }, { "en": "Taking into consideration the historically complicated destiny of the statehood of Latvia, the date of adopting our state constitution – the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter – the Constitution) might seem surprising to many.", "liv": "Tieudsõ Lețmō vald istōrijt ja lǟlamt sōtõkst, pǟgiņd pierāst vȯiks nägțõ imli mäd vald konstitūtsij – Lețmō Republik Pūojpandõks (jeddõpēõn – Pūojpandõks) – vastõvõtāmiz kūpǟva." }, { "en": "The Constitution was really adopted on 15 February 1922, announced on 30 June 1922 and came into force on 7 November 1922.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks um tuodstiz vastõ võttõd 1922. āigast 15. februārs, tieutõd 1922. āigast 30. jūnijs ja tund joudõ 1922. āigast 7. novembõrs." }, { "en": "After the restoration of independence Latvia deliberately decided to renew also the act of its only constitution.", "liv": "Pierrõ īžpīlimiz tāgiž sōmizt Lețmō um tieudzliz vīțõ tōnd ūd pǟl irgõ kȭlbatõ ka eņtš āinagizt pūojpandõkst." }, { "en": "The foundation of the constitutional system of this country still remains the same – the Constitution.", "liv": "Konstitutsionāliz sällõm alīz um tämpizōņõ Pūojpandõks agā Satversme." }, { "en": "II", "liv": "II" }, { "en": "The Constitution will always be related to the statehood of Latvia, telling about the efforts of the patriots and officials of Latvia representing various centuries, and giving evidence to their success, as well as mistakes.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks alz um Lețmō vald kūoral, se tieutõb ja nīžõb iļ īžkizt āigad Lețmō patriōtõd ja valdmīed akkimizt, iļ jõvād ažād ja ka vigād." }, { "en": "Thereby it can even be emphasized that a separate word has been introduced to the Latvian language to denote the constitution or the basic law, which is characteristic of the Latvian language only.", "liv": "Sīes ažās võib nägțõ, ku lețkīels konstitūtsij agā pūojpandõks tǟtimi­ zõks um lūodõd īžki sõnā, mis on perīņ set lețkīelst." }, { "en": "In 1869, social worker of the Neo­Latvian movement Kronvaldu Atis suggested to use neologism satversme for denoting constitution.", "liv": "Ūdlețlizt likkimiz kubgõn tīeli Kronvalds Atis 1869. āigasts irgtiz kȭlbatõ konstitūtsij tǟtimiz pierāst ūd sõnā “satversme” (‘pūojpandõks’)." }, { "en": "He formed this word from the verb tvert (to hold), because “people have therefore adopted the laws, so that they had something to hold on to when necessary.”", "liv": "Sīe sõnā ta um lūond tīebiz­ sõnāst “tvert” (‘võttõ, akkõ’), sīest “rovst āt sīepierāst pandõkši vastõ võttõnd, “laz näntõn vȯlks vajāgliz āigal, kus ēņtšta gläbbõ, laz näntõn vȯlks vaŗŗõ””." }, { "en": "The plans of the Neo­Latvian movement included neither the awareness for the necessity of an independent state of Latvia, nor concrete action plans for achieving such goal.", "liv": "Ūdlețlizt likkimi vel iz ūo mõtlõn iļ īžpilijiz Lețmō vald vajāglit, näntõn pūtiz mūoštami ja mõtkīdi iļ sie merk käddõ sōmiz." }, { "en": "But the meaning and the necessity of the name of the constitution was already clear.", "liv": "Sīegid pūojpandõks nimmõn jõvā um täudlistiz sieldi sižāli ja vajāglit." }, { "en": "Later the ideas about the statehood of Latvia and its constitution intertwined into a common destiny.", "liv": "Jeddõpēõn Lețmō valdit ja pūojpandõks mõtkõd pȯimõbõd ītiz sōtõks sizzõl." }, { "en": "At the beginning of the last century a member of the New Stream movement Miķelis Valters saw the opportunities of saving the nation of Latvia in its independence from Russia.", "liv": "Lǟndz āigastsadā īrgandõksõs ūdõvāli Miķelis Valters Lețmō īžpīli­ mizõs Krīevõmōst neiz leț rov pīlõm īemiz võimizt." }, { "en": "And another member of the New Stream – the poet Jānis Pliekšāns (Rainis) admitted that “the meaning of Constitution – it is the main source, from which all the art and cleverness of the constitution erupts as if on its own.”", "liv": "Tegīž mū ūdõvāli – lūoltiji Jānis Pliekšāns (Rainis) nägțiz, ku “pūojpandõks mȯistõks – se um pǟ ovāt, missõst tulāb ulzõ amā pūojpandõks kuņšt ja kovālõm neku īžeņtšõst”." }, { "en": "After the Fight for Freedom on 17 and 18 April 1920, the nation of Latvia elected its representatives – the Constitutional Assembly of Latvia – for the first time.", "liv": "Vabām võikslimiz pierrõ 1920. āigast 17. ja 18. aprīls Lețmō rovz ežmizkõrd vēļtiz eņtš jednikīdi – Lețmō Pūojpandõkskub." }, { "en": "The task of the Constitutional Assembly was to develop and adopt the constitution of the new state.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskub ilzandõks vȯļ ūd vald konstitūtsij vaļmõks tīemi ja vastõ võtāmi." }, { "en": "As the President of the Constitutional Assembly Jānis Čakste has emphasized, “The Constitutional Assembly was elected without any limitations, its powers include the entire life of the country of Latvia, it is responsible for the task of establishing and founding our country forever and ever.", "liv": "Nemē um vīpsõn alā Pūojpandõkskub prezident Jānis Čakste, “Pūojpandõkskub vēļtiztõ suorāntõmõt, täm täužvald sizāl um amā Lețmō vald jelāmi, tämmõn laskūb tīedõb sǟdõ ja pūojtõ mäd valdõ aigīst aigõ." }, { "en": "We cannot confuse the Constitutional Assembly with the parliament, because the Constitution sets limits for it.", "liv": "Mēg äb võim jarā sieggõ Pūojpandõkskub parlamentõks, missõn konstitūtsij panāb tieudtõb rubīžidi." }, { "en": "The Constitutional Assembly has no limits at all.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskubbõn rubīžidi sugīd äb ūo." }, { "en": "It can execute all the tasks that it finds necessary or important to the country.”", "liv": "Ta võib tīedõ ämḑi nēḑi kizzimiži, mis ta līedab valds vajāglizt ja tǟdzizt vȯlmõ”." }, { "en": "The adoption and coming into force of the Constitution meant new challenges for the statehood of Latvia.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks vastõ võtāmi ja joudõ tulmi tǟntiz ūži ulzkutsimiži Lețmō vald pierāst." }, { "en": "During the interwar period in Europe the initial constitutional romanticism was quickly replaced by parliamentarism crisis and the search for new ways of governing the country.", "liv": "Suodādvailizõs Eirōps īrgandõksõs vȯnd konstitutsionāliz romantism azmõl pakānd tuļ parlamentārism krīz ja ūd vald vōļikši­ mizriekūd vȯtšimi." }, { "en": "Also in Latvia the cause for all troubles was found in the Constitution.", "liv": "Ka Lețmōl sait amād äbvȯnnõd jūrd vȯtštõd pūojpan­ dõksõst." }, { "en": "This period in the constitutional law of Latvia is most vividly characterized in the title of the introductory article by Arveds Bergs – “Bet viņa neiet!” (But she Remains!) Not even two months had passed since the Constitution came into force, when one of its authors already suggested significant changes to the constitutional system.", "liv": "Siedā aigõ Lețmō konstitutsionāližis õigižis amā paŗīmstiz nägțõb politik Arveds Bergs pēļikēra, mis ta paņ eņtš sizõljūodõb kēran – “Bet ta äb lǟ!”." }, { "en": "During the Revolution of 15 May 1934, the act of the Constitution was terminated; Kārlis Ulmanis founded the authoritarian regime and also promised a reform of the Constitution.", "liv": "Iz ūo piddõz lǟnd vel kakš kūdõ pūojpandõks joudõ tulmizõst, ku ikš sīe autōrist jõvā paņ jeddõ tǟdziži mõitõkši pūojpandõkspierrizõs sällõms." }, { "en": "Instead of the Constitution reform the democratic republic was replaced by an authoritarian country.", "liv": "1934. āigast 15. maij valdkīerimizõs pūojpandõks joudsõ vȯlmi sai loptõd ja Kārlis Ulmanis pūojtiz autoritāriz režīm, tarmõs ka ūdtõ pūoj­ pandõks reformõ." }, { "en": "But in the summer of 1940 the U.S.S.R. occupied Latvia, unlawfully terminating the de facto statehood of Latvia.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks reform azmõl demokrātliz republik azmõl sindiz autoritāri vald." }, { "en": "Often enough after revolutions and constitution suspension they lose their political meaning and legal character and take the honourable place in the shelves of the historical and cultural heritage.", "liv": "Tegīž 1940. āigast sõvvõ NSRĪ okupīeriz Lețmōdõ, ja Lețmō valdit sai õigizt vastõ loptõd de facto." }, { "en": "But the case with the Constitution was quite the opposite.", "liv": "Killõld saggõld pierrõ valdkīerimizt ja konstitūtsij joudsõ vȯlmiz loptāmizt pūojpandõkst kōtõbõd eņtš polītlizt tǟdzitõ ja juridlizt illõ, īedõs ovvǟrtlizõ kūožõ õigizt istōrij ja kultūrpierāndõks loutšõd pǟl." }, { "en": "During the authoritarian regime and what is even more significant – in conditions of the Soviet occupation, the Constitution became a symbol of an independent and democratic state.", "liv": "Pūojpandõksõks sugīz kūoõn dagāržpēõn." }, { "en": "Protesting against the unlawful character of the U.S.S.R.’s actions, the envoy of Latvia in London Kārlis Zariņš on 23 July 1940 in the memorandum submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain provided inter alia that joining of Latvia to the U.S.S.R. has taken place in breach of Article 1 of the Constitution, “The nation of Latvia has heavily and bravely fought for its independence, also against the army of the Soviet Russia.", "liv": "Autoritāriz režīm aigši ja vel jo jemīņ – nõvkub okupātsij āigal pūojpandõks sai īžpīlijiz ja demokrātliz vald simbolõks." }, { "en": "The spirit of the Fight for Freedom is still alive, and any unbiased observer would admit impossible the fact that Latvians by their free will would like to sacrifice their independence, which they fought for so hard and which they cherished so high.”", "liv": "Nägțõs protest NSRĪ õigizt vastātijiz tīemizõn, Lețmō kāima Londōns Kārlis Zariņš 1940. āigast 23. jūlijs Sūrbritānij Uļļiztažād ministrijõn andtõd memorands mū vailõ kītiz, ku Lețmō ītimi NSRĪ­kõks sugīz Pūojpandõks 1. paragrafõ rikkõs: “Lețmō rovz um lǟlamstiz ja julgstiz võikslõn eņtš īžpīlimiz jedst ja Nõvkub Krīevõmō suodāväg vastõ." }, { "en": "Also the national resistance movement to the soviet and fascist regime was organised on the basis of the Constitution.", "liv": "Vabām võikslimiz jeng um vel jelsõ, ja jegā objektīvi vaņtliji luggõks äbvõitõbõks sīe, ku lețlizt īž eņtš vabā tōmiz pierrõ oppõrtõks nänt lǟlamstiz vindtõd ja tõuristiz vȯidtõd īžpīlimiz.”" }, { "en": "The Latvian Central Council and the political forces it represented based their actions on the regulations of the Constitution.", "liv": "Ka natsionāli vastõpanmiz likkimi, mis suoīkšiz nõvkub ja natsistõd režīmõd vastõ, sai kõrdõl pandõd Pūojpandõks alīzt pǟl." }, { "en": "Already later the exiled senators of the Latvian highest court institution – the Latvian Senate – by a special resolution acknowledged the Constitution as being in force and as an applicable constitution, hence, “the necessary basic element of any modern state, but especially – democratic republic – is its legal structure, which is determined by its constitutional, respectively, basic laws and which characterize it in the international field as a corresponding law subject.", "liv": "Lețmō Sidāmi nõvkub ja sīest jaggõ võttõnd polītlizt joud eņtš tīemiži seļtiztõ Pūojpandõks normõdõks." }, { "en": "These constitutional laws adopted by the freely elected Constitutional Assembly, on the basis of which Latvia throughout all its years of independence has existed as a sovereign and equal in rights state in the international life, are the Declaration of 27 May 1920 about the country of Latvia and the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia of 15 February 1922.”", "liv": "Jõvā obbõm uļļiztmōši Lețmō kuordimiz kūoinstants – Lețmō Senāt – senatōrd īžkizõs loptāntimizõs seļtõbõd, ku Pūojpandõks um joudsõ ja kȭlbatõb konstitūtsij – “jegā moderniz vald, bet īžkist demokrātliz republik vajāgli pūojelement um täm õigli struktūr, mis panbõd paikõl sīe konstitutsionālizt agā pūojpandõkst ja mis nägțõb tǟnda rovdvaidliz arāl kui vastātijizt õigizt subjektõ." }, { "en": "These ideas were even more simplified in a newspaper published in exile: “During the existence of the Constitution it has neither been annulled, nor reformed.", "liv": "Ne vabālt vēļtõd Pūojpandõkskub pūolst vastõ võttõd konstitutsionālizt pandõkst, mis alīzt pǟl Lețmō um amād sīe vabām āigastõd jellõn nemē suverēni ja ītizõigi vald rovdvaidliz jelāmizõs, ātõ 1920. āigast 27. maij deklarātsij iļ Lețmō vald ja 1922. āigast 15. februār Lețmō Republik pūojpandõks”." }, { "en": "Our most significant statesmen and politicians have always emphasized that the only thing we have left and around which everyone should unite, is our flag and our Constitution of 1922.", "liv": "Vel jo īdkõrdistiz ne mõtkõd sait formulīertõd īds trimdas ulzõ tund āigakēras: “Pūojpandõks joudsõ vȯlmiz āigal se äb ūo äb tāgiž võttõd, äb ka reformīertõd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Mäd amā silmõ pāistajizt valdmīed ja politikõd alz vīpsõbõd alā, ku āinagi, mis mäddõn um iļļõ īend ja mis immõr amādõn um tulmõst īdõkubbõ, um mäd plagā ja mäd 1922. āigast pūojpandõks." }, { "en": "[..] The Constitution of the democratic Republic of Latvia is still in force, it should be cherished as the most sacred treasure and only the nation itself shall have the right to amend the Constitution in a liberate, free Latvia.”", "liv": "[..] Lețmō demokrātliz republik pūojpandõks um tämpizsōņõ joudsõ, siedā um vȱidamõst nemē amā pivā tõurõmt ja loptāntimi iļ pūojpandõks mõitimiz um ja līb set rovvõn eņtšõn īd jagūks vabastõd, vabāl Lețmōl.”" }, { "en": "Thus it is understandable, why after the restoration of the independence also the act of Constitution was restored.", "liv": "Sīepierāst um mȯistõb, ku īžpīlimiz tāgīž sōmiz pierrõ ūd pǟl tuļ joudõ pūojpandõks." }, { "en": "If the declaration of 4 May 1990 “On the Restoration of the Independence of the Republic of Latvia” still provided development of a new constitution, then the Constitutional Law of 21 August 1991 “On the National Content of the Republic of Latvia” clearly defines that the national content of the Republic of Latvia is stipulated by the Constitution.", "liv": "Až vel 1990. āigast 4. maij deklarātsij “Iļ Lețmō Republik īžpīlimiz ūdpǟl tīemiz” paņ ūd konstitūtsij vaļmõks kēratimiz, siz 1991. āigast 21. august konstitutsionāli pandõks “Iļ Lețmō Republik vald status” sieldistiz kītõb, ku Lețmō Republik vald status panāb Pūojpandõks." }, { "en": "III", "liv": "III" }, { "en": "The Constitutional Assembly of Latvia established a separate commission – Constitutional Committee – for the development of the Constitution project.", "liv": "Pūojpandõks projekt vaļmõks tīemiz pierāst Lețmō Pūojpandõkskub lūoi īžkiz komisij – Pūojpandõkskomisij." }, { "en": "Fēlikss Cielēns, one of the leading deputies of the Constitutional Committee describes in his memories the conditions of forming it, “To provide the opportunity for all parties and directions to involve in the development of the Constitution, quite many members were elected to the Constitutional Committee – 26 in total.", "liv": "Sīe sindimiz vȯlmiži eņtš mǟdõltõkšis um ilzõ kēratõn ikš Pūojpandõkskomisij deputātišt Fēlikss Cielēns: “Laz andõ võimizt amād partijdõn ja pūoldõn nägțõ eņtš mõtkīdi Pūojpandõks tīemiz āigal, Pūojpandõkskomisijõ sai vēļtõd dižānist 26 nõtkõmtõ." }, { "en": "By acclamation the Chairman of the Committee was elected Marģers Skujenieks, who had obtained general recognition for his articles about the national issue of Latvia.", "liv": "Sīe eīzmīekõks īdmēļistiz sai vēļtõd Marģers Skujenieks, kis eņtš kēradõks iļ Lețmō natsionāliz kizzimiz vȯļ sōnd iļamniz vīțõ tundtõbõks." }, { "en": "Already at the beginning of work it was apparent that such large number of members would not provide rational work, and therefore it was divided into two Sub­Committees with separate duties.", "liv": "Ildīņ tīe īrgandõksõs vȯļ nǟdõb, ku nei sūr komisij äb lī ratsionāli tīe tēji, ja sīepierāst siedā jagīz kōd allizkomisijõks, missõst jegāikš sai īžkiži tīetõbidi." }, { "en": "The first Sub­ Committee had to develop the project of the state political system, but the other – Declaration of Civil Liberties and Rights that would compose a separate part of the Constitution.", "liv": "Ežmiz allizkomisijõn vȯļ tīemõst vaļmõks vald sällõm projekt, bet tuoizõn kuodānikād vabāmd ja õigizt deklarātsij, mis vȯlks īžki pūojpandõks jag." }, { "en": "Both Sub­Committees and the Joint Constitutional Committee worked a lot and thoroughly.", "liv": "Mȯlmõd alliztkomisijd ja kubbi Pūojpandõkskomisij jelīz väggõ pǟgiņ ja väggõ sūr ūolkõks." }, { "en": "All projects were discussed in three readings in Sub­Committees and afterwards in three readings in the Joint Committee.", "liv": "Amād projektõd sait artõd kuolms luggimizõs allizkomisijs ja pierrõ vel kuolms luggimizõs kubbiz komisijs." }, { "en": "During the first reading general debates took place and during the other two – discussions by paragraphs.”", "liv": "Ežmizõs luggimizõs sugīzt iļamnizt debatõd ja mūši – lebrõkāndimi paragrafõd pierrõ.”" }, { "en": "According to the intention of the Constitutional Committee the Constitution should have consisted of two parts, hence, the Constitutional Committee prepared a project about organisation of the state authority and Declaration of Civil Rights and Duties.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskomisij mõtk pierrõ pūojpandõksõn vȯļ vȯlmõst kōds jags – Pūojpandõkskomisij tei vaļmõks projekt iļ vald vōļikšimiz organizātsij ja kuodānikād õigizt ja tīetõbõd deklarātsij." }, { "en": "Project of the state political system was prepared by the 1st Sub­ Committee of the Constitutional Committee under the guidance of Fēlikss Cielēns.", "liv": "Vald sällõm projektõ tei vaļmõks Pūojpandõkskomisij I allikomisij, mis jūodiji vȯļ Fēlikss Cielēns." }, { "en": "The principal theses of the project were prepared by Marģers Skujenieks and Fēlikss Cielēns, who represented the Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party.", "liv": "Projekt pūojtēzidi kēratiz vaļmõks Marģers Skujenieks ja Fēlikss Cielēns, kis vȯļtõ Lețmō Sotsiāldemokrātlizõst tīemīed partijst." }, { "en": "Fēlikss Cielēns remembered, “The Constitution of Latvia is a collective product, the main work in which has been executed by M. Skujenieks and me, but F. Menders, A. Bergs and to some extent also A. Petrevics, J. Purgals and A. Purgals and A. Sīmanis have taken active part in defining the chapters of the Constitution.", "liv": "Nemē eņtš mǟdõltõkšis kēratõb Fēlikss Cielēns: “Lețmō Pūojpandõks um kolektīvi tīemi, kus amā sūrdõ tīedõ āt tīenõd M.Skujenieks ja minā, bet sīegid āt paragrafõd kēratimizõs aktīviz vīțõ īņõ jellõnd F.Menders, A.Bergs ja tieutõb jags ka A.Petrevics, J.Purgals ja A.Sīmanis." }, { "en": "Social democrats are the main authors of the Constitution of Latvia.", "liv": "Sotsiāldemokrātõd āt Lețmō Pūojpandõks pǟmizt autōrd." }, { "en": "But it holds nothing really socialistic. Instead it holds the principles of the Western civil democracy.”", "liv": "Sīegid sīes äb ūo midāgõst īžkist sotsiālist vīțõ, bet āt sizzõl pandõd vežgõr kuodānikād demokrātij pūojmõtkõd.”" }, { "en": "The 2nd Sub­Committee of the Constitution lead by its Chairman Andrejs Kur inskis prepared the Declaration of Civil Rights and Duties.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskomisij II allikomisij, mis jūodijizõks sai vēļtõd Andrejs Kuršinskis, tei vaļmõks kuodānikād õigizt ja tīetõbõd deklarātsij." }, { "en": "This Sub­Committee used the Constitution of Germany of 11 August 1919 (hereinafter the Weimar Constitution) as the basis for the second part of the Constitution.", "liv": "Se allikomisij võtīz nägțõbõks Pūojpandõks tuoiz jag projekt pierāst Saksāmō 1919. āigast 11. august konstitūtsijõ (jeddõpēõn – Weimar konstitūtsij)." }, { "en": "Professor Kārlis Dišlers clearly denoted the Weimar Constitution as the source of inspiration for the second part of the Constitution.", "liv": "Profesōr Kārlis Dišlers sieldistiz nägțõb Weimar konstitūtsijõ kui ind ovātõ Pūojpandõks tuoiz jag pierāst." }, { "en": "Also Fēlikss Cielēns in respect to the second part of the Constitution clearly denoted that this project “is based on the corresponding parts of the new Weimar Constitution.”", "liv": "Ka Fēlikss Cielēns iļ Pūojpandõks tuoiz jag rõkāndõs sieldistiz nägțõb, ku sīen projektõn um “alīzõks pandõd ūd Weimar pūojpandõks vastātijizt jagūd”." }, { "en": "In the juridical literature opinion is held that in general the Constitution is based on the regulations of the Weimar Constitution.", "liv": "Õigizt literatūrs laigāld um nǟdõb arrimi, ku Pūojpandõks alīzõks um iļamniz vīțõ Weimar konstitūtsij." }, { "en": "Of course, at the time of developing the Constitution, Weimar Constitution was considered the most modern in Europe and “the last word of the constitutional legislation”.", "liv": "Tieutõb ažā um se, ku Weimar konstitūtsij Pūojpandõks kēratimiz āigal sai pidtõd amā tämpizõks Eirōps ja “konsti­ tutsionāliz pandõkstāndamiz perriz sõnāks”." }, { "en": "Its regulations were carefully studied and analysed, but it was only one of the samples, which the Constitutional Committee got acquainted with.", "liv": "Sīezõ pandõd sällõmtõ ūolkõks tuņšliztõ ja seļtiztõ, sīegid se vȯļ set ikš nägțõbist, missõks Pūojpandõkskomisij sai tundtõbõks." }, { "en": "Analysing the transcripts of the Constitutional Assembly, Professor Valdis Blūzma concluded that the deputies of the Constitutional Assembly of Latvia had referred to a wide range of countries to substantiate their opinions.", "liv": "Profesōr Valdis Blūzma, Pūojpandõkskub stenogrammidi tuņšlõs, um nägțõn, ku eņtš arrimiz tigtimiz pierāst Lețmō Pūojpandõkskub deputātõd nimtizt väggõ sūrdõ valdõd spektrõ." }, { "en": "Most attention was devoted to the U.S. (30 times), England (29 times), Switzerland (25 times), Germany (25 times) and France (22 times).", "liv": "Laigā tǟdõlpanmiz jagūks sait AĪV (30 kõrdõ), Englišmō (29 kõrdõ), Šveits (25 kõrdõ), Saksāmō (25 kõrdõ) ja Prantšmō (22 kõrdõ)." }, { "en": "Deputies also often referred to Estonia (12 times), the tsarist Russia (9 times), Czechoslovakia (6 times), Poland (3 times), Finland (3 times), Austria (2 times), Hungary (2 times), Sweden (2 times) and Japan (2 times).", "liv": "Nei īž deputātõd saggõld nimtizt Ēstimōdõ (12 kõrdõ), tsar Krīevõmōdõ (9 kõrdõ), Tšekoslovākijõ (6 kõrdõ), Pūoļmōdõ (3 kõrdõ), Sūomõmōdõ (3 kõrdõ), Austrijõ (2 kõrdõ), Ungārmōdõ (2 kõrdõ), Rūotš­ mōdõ (2 kõrdõ), Japānõ (2 kõrdõ)." }, { "en": "Some references have been documented in the transcripts about Argentina, Belgium, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Holland, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Norway, Persia, Peru, Spain and Turkey.", "liv": "Stenogrammiš āt mūndakõrd killõn ka Argentīn, Belgij, Dēņmō, Lȭinagslāvij, Holand, Itāļmō, Leišmō, Meksik, Norvēgij, Pärsij, Peru, Spāņmō ja Tirkmō nim." }, { "en": "The deputies also referred to the constitutional regulations of the states of Germany and Switzerland of that time.", "liv": "Nei īž rõkīš deputātõd setmiņkõrd nimtõbõd ka sīeāiga Saksamō ja Šveits alliztvaldõd konsti­ tutsionāliži sǟdõmidi." }, { "en": "Of course, these countries mentioned at the debates of the Constitutional Assembly of Latvia do not automatically prove that the constitutional regulations have been taken into consideration and have been reflected in the text of the Constitution.", "liv": "Um tieutõb, ku ne valdõd nimtimi Lețmō Pūojpandõkskub debatiš äb nägț automātiz vīțõ siedā, ku ne konstitutsionālizt sǟdõmd āt tǟdõl pandõd ja āt nǟdõbõd Pūojpandõks tekstõs." }, { "en": "But it proves that the aspect on the Constitution as the localization of the Weimar Constitution would be too simplified.", "liv": "Sīegid se nägțõb siedā, ku rõkāndimi iļ Pūojpandõks kui kievāmstiz Weimar konstitūtsij lokāliz variant vȯlks iļ āiga īdkȭrdali." }, { "en": "The Constitutional Committee processed voluminous information about the constitutional regulations of the countries of that time and was able to create a unique document.", "liv": "Pūojpandõkskomisij vaņtliz lebbõ pǟgiņ tieutidi iļ setmiņ valdõd sīeāiga konstitutsionāliz sällõm ja sõitiz lūodõ unikāliz dokument." }, { "en": "In his memories Fēlikss Cielēns indicates that “the principles of Western parliamentary democracies of England and France were laid on the basis of the political system of our country.”", "liv": "Eņtš mǟdõltõkšis Fēlikss Cielēns um nägțõn, ku “mäd vald sällõm alīzõks um vežgõr parlamentārizt demokrātijd Englišmō ja Prantšmō pūojmõtkõd”." }, { "en": "But the modern studies emphasize that the Constitution is based on synthesis between the Weimar Constitution and Westminster model (the Constitutionalism of the United Kingdom).", "liv": "Tegīž tämpizpäuvizt tuņšlimizt vīpsõbõd alā, ku Pūojpan­ dõks alīzõks um Weimar konstitūtsij ja Westminster model (Ītiz Kēņigvald konstitutsionālism) sintēz." }, { "en": "The Constitution holds all those concepts of the constitutionalism that were topical in Europe of that time and that were reflected in other constitutions adopted after World War I (in the constitutions of Germany, England, Finland, Greece, Estonia and Lithuania).", "liv": "Pūojpandõksõs āt sizāl amād ne konstitutsio­ nālism kontseptsijd, mis vȯļt aktuālizt sīeāiga Eirōps ja āt nǟdõb mūši pierrõ I mōīlmasuoddõ vastõ võttõd konstitūtsijši (Saksāmō, Austrij, Sūomõmō, Grīekõmō, Ēstimō ja Leišmō pūojpandõkšis)." }, { "en": "Assessing the work of the Constitutional Assembly of Latvia, it should be pointed out that due to various reasons the Constitutional Assembly of Latvia rejected the project of the second part of the Constitution “Basic Regulations on Civil Rights and Duties”.", "liv": "Lețmō Pūojpandõkskub tīedõ aigõs, um kītõmõst, ku setmīņ sīdõ ārdiņ Lețmō Pūojpandõkskub likkiz tāgiž Pūojpandõks tuoiz jag “Pūojsǟdõkst iļ kuodānikād õigizt ja tīetõbõd” projekt." }, { "en": "Although initially it was planned that the Constitution will include a catalogue of the basic rights, the Constitutional Assembly of Latvia considered that the constitutional regulations of organising state authority are sufficient and that the consolidation of the basic rights within the Constitution is not an obligatory duty of the constitutional legislator.", "liv": "Kuigīd īrgandõksõs vȯļ mõttõltõd, ku pūojpandõksõs līb ka pūojõigizt katalōg, Lețmō Pūojpandõkskub arriz, ku vald vōļikšimiz kõrdõlpanmiz konstitutsionāli sǟdimi um killõld jõvā ja pūojõigizt vizāntimiz pierāst Pūojpandõks sizzõl äb ūo vajāg pānda konsti­ tutsionāliz pandõkstāndajiz tīetõbt." } ] }, { "source": "jeful", "sentences": [ { "en": "en", "liv": "li" }, { "en": "Thus, concrete place names have been used as generalisations for distant lands.", "liv": "" }, { "en": "Among town names, both Riga and Võnnu (Latv. Cēsis) are obviously centres of the Teutonic Order like the Estonian towns mentioned in parallel verses.", "liv": "" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Jālgabõd nimīst ātõ Riia ‘Rīgõ’ ja Võnnu (lețkīel Cēsis) ī’žkiz sagdizt." }, { "en": "As hydronyms are generally ancient, the names of rivers (Salatsi, Latv. Salaca; Koiva, Latv. Gauja; Väina, Latv. Daugava) proved to be the most interesting.", "liv": "Ku viedkubūd nimūd iļamīņ attõ väggi vanād, siz ka jougūd nimūd (Salatsi ‘Salāts’, lețkīel Salaca; Koiva lețkīel Gauja; Väina ‘Vēna’, lețkīel Daugava) īžkiz interesant." }, { "en": "First, their distribution area is concrete and expressive: The Salatsi is known in South-West Estonia, the Väina in South-East Estonia. The Koiva is like a connecting link, as it appears as the parallel word of both the Salatsi and the Väina.", "liv": "Salatsi um tundtõd Lǟnd Ēstimǭl, Väina Lȭinag Ēstimǭl, Koiva um neiku ītõbpǭsmõz, ku se um parālelsõnāks nei Salatsi kui Väina jūs." }, { "en": "The names of these three rivers have been used in clearly mythical songs where they denote dangerous places connected with the otherworld.", "liv": "Nänt kuolm joug nimīdi um kȭlbatõd sieldõ mītiližis lōlis kus ne ātõ tuoiz īlmaks sidtõd kārtabizt kūožõd." }, { "en": "Abstract.", "liv": "Kubbõvõttõks." }, { "en": "Aldur Vunk: The relationship between the Enlightenment and the survival of the Livonian language in Salaca Parish.", "liv": "Aldur Vunk: Sidtõkst sieldõmāiga ja līvõ kīel pīlimiz vail Salāts mōgõrs." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sieldõmāiga likkimiz mȯj 18. āigastsadā Baltijs iz ūo set pozitīvi." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sieldõmāiga īdskubs vǟrgõdāigaks vȯļ Salāts mōaŗīntijizt pierāst lǟlam. Nänt kultūr ja kīel pīlimi tǟnkiz mȯiznikīst ja päpīst." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Bet se võimi sugīd iz ūo amā paŗīmi, sīestõ põŗg kovāld rovzt eņtš vail kazīz jo sūrõks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Līvlizt identitēt 18. āigastsadā lopāndõks pūol ja 19. āigastsadā īrgandõksõs ei jo vōjlizõks, sīestõ jo piškizõks ei mō, kus ne jelīzt, ja Salāts immõrkouț vȯļ kougõn sidāmist." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Salāts immõrkouț umīțigid iz ūo täužiņ pimdõ kūož, kus sieldõmāiga mõtkõd äb vȯlkst vȯnnõd tundtõbõd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sīel īž āigal, ku saksā tieudlizt āigakērad sizzõl päzīzt tieutõd iļ līvõd kultūr, īrgiz ka līvõd kultūr mōzõ pīkstimi." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Päp Johann Conrad Burchard sōtiz Pētõrburg Tieud Akadēmij nõtkõmõn August Ludwig von Schlözerõn eņtš tuņšlimiztīe iļ līvõ kīel ja jatkīz līvõ kīel tuņšlimiztīedõ Salāts immõrkouțš ka pierrõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Bet täm tagāntuļļi, päp Ignatius Franz Hackel, īrgiz artõ līvõ kultūrõ nei ku set sȭitiz." }, { "en": "", "liv": "1738. āigasts Salāts mȯizõ sai jagdõt kōd jagūks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sīe Pivākilā jags līvõ kēļ sai kȭlbatod amā kōgim." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Mȯiznikā Friedrich Gustav von Dunten tigtiz līvõd kultūrõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Bet nägțõbõks Vanāsalāts mȯizõ barōn Friedrich Hermann äbțiz artõ līvõd kultūrõ." }, { "en": "Abstract.", "liv": "Kubbõvõttõks." }, { "en": "Patrick O’Rourke: Livonian social networks and language shift.", "liv": "Patrick O’Rourke: Līvõ kīel sotsiālizt võrgõd ja kīel vaidimi." }, { "en": "This article presents a study of Livonian social networks in the beginning of the 20th century during a time of language shift.", "liv": "Kēra tuņšlõb Kurāmō līvõd sotsiāliži võrgidi 20. āigastsadā ežmizõs pūolsõ, ku vȯļ irgõn līvõ kīel vaidimi lețkīelkõks." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kēratiji vaņțlõb, kui ulzõ ajjimi kōd mōilmasuodā āigal mȯjīz kīel vaidimiz līvõd kubgõņis." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sīe pierāst um kõlbātõd rovst võrgõd viššit analīz. Analīz abkõks um seļțõd, või se, ku rištīngõn um vȯnd sidāmi kūož sotsiālizt võrgõd sizāl, um vȯnd ka tǟdzi kīel vaidimiz āigal." }, { "en": "The study focuses on the Livonian villages of Vaid and Sīkrõg and social factors relevant to the mapping of the social network are taken from Edgar Vaalgamaa’s survey in 1935–1937.", "liv": "Tuņšlimizõs amā jemīņ ātõ vaņțõltõd līvõd kilād Vaid ja Sīkrõg." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sotsiālizt võrgõd tǟtimiz pierāst um kȭlbatõd Edgar Vālgamō 1935.–1937. āigast tīedõd rovkizzimi." }, { "en": "The results indicate that generational differences played a more important role than centrality in the social network in determining Latvian influence.", "liv": "Tuņšlimi nägțõb, ku lețkīel mȯjjimi jemīņ um sidtõd sugkazāmõks, äbku rištīng kūožõks sotsiālizt võrgõd sizāl." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kēra alīzõks um kēratijiz magistõrtīe, mis um kaitstõd 2016. āigasts York Iļīzskūols." }, { "en": "Abstract.", "liv": "Kubbõvõttõks." }, { "en": "Uldis Balodis: Non-modal phonation associated with stød vowels in Livonian.", "liv": "Uldis Balodis: Līvõ kīel īžkillijizt äbmodāli fonātsij katkāndõksõks sõņši." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um īžki vāldamiersūomõ kīeld siegās, sīest ku sīe ežmis zilbsõ võib vȱlda kakš tūoņõ (katkāndõks agā murdtõd tūoņ ja tazzi/ nūziji tūoņ)." }, { "en": "Livonian is unique among the Finnic languages in possessing a two-way tonal contrast in primary stressed syllables.", "liv": "" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Siedā kūlizt jõvā ežmizt līvõ kīel tuņšlijizt." }, { "en": "Observed already in the earliest linguistic descriptions of Livonian, this two-way contrast between stressed syllables with stød (also called broken tone) and plain tone closely resembles the tonal system of Latvian with which Livonian has been in close long-term contact.", "liv": "" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Līvõ kīel ja lețkīel tūoņõd sistēmõd ātõ väggi ītizt, sīest ku nänt rõkāndijizt ātõ kōgiņ jellõnd īdtuoiz kūoral." }, { "en": "This paper describes a pilot study, which used six measurements of spectral tilt (h1-h2, h1-F1, h1-F2, h1+h2/2-F1, h1-F3, F2-F3) to determine whether Livonian stød was associated with any non-modal phonation, specifically creaky voice.", "liv": "" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sīes tuņšlimizõs um kȭlbatõd kūd spektõr vändit (engliš kīels spectral tilt) aigõ (h1-h2, h1-F1, h1-F2, h1+h2/2-F1, h1-F3, F2-F3)." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sīen um sēļțamõst, või līvõ kīel katkāndõks um mingi eņtšvīți fonātsij tīp." }, { "en": "Spectral tilt is the degree to which intensity decreases as frequency increases (Gordon and Ladefoged 2001).", "liv": "Spektõr vändit um āiga, mis nägțõb, kui pǟgiņ kildzit sadāb, až sagdit nūzõb (Gordon ja Ladefoged 2001)." }, { "en": "Earlier researchers (e.g., Vihman 1971) have noted that stød vowels tend to be laryngealised, therefore, creaky voice is a likely candidate for non-modal phonation associated with stød.", "liv": "Jedmilizt tuņšlimizt (ngț. Vihman 1971) ātõ nägțõnd, ku katkāndõksõks īžkillijizt jūs um lieudtõb laringalizātsij, ja keržiji ēļ sugūb äbmodālizõst fonātsijst." }, { "en": "The method in this study is based on that used by Esposito (2004) in her similar study of Santa Ana del Valle Zapotec.", "liv": "Sīe tuņšlimiz pierāst kȭlbatõd metod um seļļi īž nemē Esposito (2004) kȭlbatiz Santa Ana del Valle zapotek kīel tunšlimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "The study used data from archival recordings of Pētõr Damberg, a speaker of the East Dialect of Courland Livonian from the village of Sīkrõg, and focused on measurement of CVV syllables containing either [ǭ] or [ō] (IPA: [o̞ː] and [oː]).", "liv": "Tuņšlimiz materjalõks ātõ Kurāmō idālīvõ murd rõkāndijiz Pētõr Damberg tekstõd (Damberg vȯļ Sīkrõg kilāst). Analīz pierāst sait võttõd sõnād CVV ežmiz zilbõks, missõs āt pitkād īžkillijizt [ǭ] agā [ō] (IPA: [o̞ː] ja [oː])." }, { "en": "Abstract.", "liv": "Kubbõvõttõks." }, { "en": "Tuuli Tuisk: Observations on affricates in Livonian.", "liv": "Tuuli Tuisk: Tǟdõlpanmizt iļ līvõ kīel afrikātõd." }, { "en": "The aim of the current article is to observe affricates in Livonian.", "liv": "Kēra tuņšlõb līvõ kīel afrikātidi." }, { "en": "Studies on the Finnic languages have described affricates in South Estonian, Veps, Votic, and Karelian, while Livonian affricates are poorly studied.", "liv": "Vāldamiersūomõ kēļšti afrikātõd ātõ lieudtõb jedālēsti, vepsā, vaḑā ja karjala kīels." }, { "en": "The phonetic data used in this article show that the voiceless alveolar affricate /ts/ [͡ts], voiceless palatal alveolar affricate / tš/ [͡tʃ], and their voiced counterparts /dz/ [d͡ z] and /dž/ [d͡ ʒ] are found in the Livonian phonological system.", "liv": "Sīegid līvõ afrikātõd äb ūotõ nei jõvīst tuņšõltõd." }, { "en": "Also, the occurrence of a palatalised /ḑš/ [d͡ jʃ] was detected.", "liv": "Fonētili material sīes kēras nägțõb, ku līvõ kīel fonolōgij sistēms attõ seļļizt afrikātõd: /tš/ [͡tʃ], /dz/ [d͡ z], /dž/ [d͡ ʒ] ja /ḑš/ [d͡ jʃ]." }, { "en": "The words containing affricates are primarily Latvian loanwords as well as descriptive and onomatopoeic words.", "liv": "Sõnād, kus attõ afrikātõd, attõ amā jemīņ lețkīelstõ täpīņtõd sõnād, deskriptīvizt ja onomatopoetik sõnād." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Līvõ kīel afrikātidi äb või piddõ īņõzkillijid kubūdõks." }, { "en": "There are some acoustic characteristics that differentiate Livonian affricates from consonant clusters.", "liv": "" }, { "en": "For instance, the duration of affricates is quite short, being sometimes even shorter than that of single fricatives.", "liv": "Nägțõbõks afrikātõd attõ killõld lītizt, jo lītimizt äbku īžki frikatīv." }, { "en": "The transition from the stop to the following fricative in Livonian affricates is not as sharp as in the case of similar consonant clusters.", "liv": "Iļlǟmi t-st agā d-st frikatīv pǟlõ äb ūo nei vaimi ku īņõzkillijizt kubsõ." }, { "en": "Also, the existence of the broken tone or stød must not be ignored in Livonian, as it can cause changes in the location of the syllable boundary.", "liv": "Tǟdzi um ka līvõ kīel katkāndõks agā murdtõd tūoņ. Až siedā īeldõb, zilb rubīž võib vaidõ eņtš kūož." }, { "en": "Abstract.", "liv": "Kubbõvõttõks." }, { "en": "Miina Norvik, Helle Metslang, Karl Pajusalu: The supine inessive construction in Salaca Livonian.", "liv": "Miina Norvik, Helle Metslang, Karl Pajusalu: Supīn inesīv formõd Salāts līvõ kīelsõ." }, { "en": "The supine inessive form in Salaca Livonian appears in a copular construction or as a sole predicate, and is usually associated with progressive and futurate readings.", "liv": "Salāts līvõ kīelsõ supīn inesīv sōb kȭlbatõd īdskubs kopulaks agā īžkiz; ne formõd jemmitõt võibõd nägțõ progresīvizt ja tulbizāiga tǟntõkst." }, { "en": "The linguistic data analysed in this study consist of example sentences in Salaca Livonian that are provided with Latvian, German, and/or Swedish translations.", "liv": "Kēra alīzõks ātõ kītõmõd Salāts līvõ kīels īdskubs lețkīel, saksā kīel ja/agā rūotškīel tulkõmõdõks." }, { "en": "The data originate from the 19th century when Livonian was still spoken by Livonian-Latvian bilingual speakers in the northern part of Latvia.", "liv": "Materiāl um perīņ 19. āigastsadāst, ku Salāts līvõ kīeldõ rõkāndizt līvõ- ja lețkēļizt rovst Pūojlețmōl." }, { "en": "The present paper aims to study the functions and possible development of the supine inessive construction in detail, including the possibility of contact-induced change.", "liv": "" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kēras um tuņšõltõd, mingizt ātõ supīn inesīv konstruktsijd funktsijd, ja kui ne ātõ suggõnd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Vel um vaņtõltõd, või mõitõks võib vȱlda perīņ kīeld kontaktist." }, { "en": "The study takes a functional-typological and usage-based approach.", "liv": "Analīz alīzõks um funktsionāli-tipologli tuņšlimizmetōd ja kȭlbatimiz tuņšlimi." }, { "en": "We suggest that the usages of the supine inessive form reveal both language-internal development as well as instances of contact-induced development, more precisely reanalysis of Latvian forms with a similar function and/or form.", "liv": "Tuņšlimi nägțõb, ku supīn inesīv formõd kȭlbatimi vaišti um seļļi, ku sīesõ āt nǟdõbõd suggimizt kīel eņtš sizāl, bet ātõ ka seļļizt, mis āt perīņ kīeld kontaktist, īžkist form ja/agā funktsijd pūolst ītizt lețkēļizt formõd reanalīzõd." }, { "en": "Abstract.", "liv": "Kubbõvõttõks." }, { "en": "Marili Tomingas: Demonstrative proadjectives in Livonian – morphosyntactic use and semantic functions.", "liv": "Marili Tomingas: Nägțijid azūmummitsõnād līvõ kīelsõ – morfosintaktili kȭlbatimi ja tǟntõkst funktsijd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kēra tarmõb iļļõvaņtļimiz iļ līvõ kīel nägțijizt azūmsõnād ja nänt suggimiz nēļast nägțijiz sõnātõvstõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Autor sēļțab, kui līvõ nägțijizt azūmsõņḑi um jaggõmõst, ja tuņšlõb jõ pīenõst nägțijiži azūmummitsõņdi, sīest nänt kȭlbatimizt ja tǟntõkši um siedaigsōņõ vel veitõ tuņšõltõd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kēras um nǟdõb nägțijizt azūmummitsõnād morfosintakstili analīz ja tǟntõkst nägțõbõd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Autor um kubbõn analīzmaterjal pierāst nēļakimdõ kītõmt nägțijizt azūmummitsõnādõks “Līvõkīel-ēstikīellețkīel sõnārōntõst“ (Viitso, Ernštreits 2012)." } ] }, { "source": "songs", "sentences": [ { "en": "en", "liv": "li" }, { "en": "Have the strength to flow, sun,", "liv": "Joda, joda, pǟva, jūokšõ," }, { "en": "Here, where even the water flows!", "liv": "Sīn, kus õvā vežki jūokšõb!" }, { "en": "Clear up, clear up1, dear sun,", "liv": "Sēļța, sēļța, ārmaz pǟva," }, { "en": "Like a white goose egg!", "liv": "Nemē vālda gūogõ munā!" }, { "en": "But this is not a goose egg,", "liv": "Se ju äb ūo gūogõ munā," }, { "en": "This is the dear sun.", "liv": "Se um ārmaz pǟvaļikki." }, { "en": "My bast2 shoes are worn out,", "liv": "Kulīz minnõn vīzõz jarā," }, { "en": "The end of my loaf of bread3 is finished.", "liv": "Lopīz minnon nukā jarā." }, { "en": "Clear up, clear up, dear sun,", "liv": "Sēļța, sēļța, ārmaz pǟva," }, { "en": "Like a white goose egg!", "liv": "Nemē vālda gūogõ munā!" }, { "en": "But this is not a goose egg,", "liv": "Se ju äb ūo gūogõ munā," }, { "en": "This is the dear sun.", "liv": "Se um ārmaz pǟvaļikki." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Jōda, jōda, päva juokšob," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sīn kus ovō vežgi juokšob." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ku līz minnõn vīzõs jarā," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Lopīz minnõn nuka jarā." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sēļta, sēļta, ārmaz päva," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Nemē vālda gūogo muna," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Se ju äb uo gūogo muna," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Se um ārmaz pävaļiki." }, { "en": "Our fathers and mothers cited songs and sang them.", "liv": "Izād ǟmad kītiztõ lōlidi ja lōliztõ." }, { "en": "When they left for the past,", "liv": "Siz, ku lekštā tuoņõl sīņõ," }, { "en": "they took the songs with them.", "liv": "võtīzt lōlõd eņtšõn īņõ." }, { "en": "The few ones survived,", "liv": "Ne, mis rōz vel pǟlõ eitõ," }, { "en": "sounded quietly and rarely.", "liv": "kilīzt vāgiž, ōrald, veitõ." }, { "en": "You brought them into the world,", "liv": "Sa nänt jūodizt laigõ ilmõ," }, { "en": "waking them up from asleep.", "liv": "nemē unstõ virgtizt ilmõ." }, { "en": "Sound, you songs, from Riga to Koenigsberg!", "liv": "Lōlõd, killõgid Rīgõst Kensbergõ," }, { "en": "Sound, you songs, from Riga to Koenigsberg!", "liv": "lōlõd, killõgid Rīgõst Kensbergõ," }, { "en": "Sound on the Livonian coast, sound across the sea in Saaremaa!", "liv": "Killõgid Rāndas ja iļ mier ka Sōrmōlõ," }, { "en": "across the sea in Saaremaa!", "liv": "iļ mier ka Sōrmōlõ!" }, { "en": "Never go out like a bonfire", "liv": "Algid kistõgid nemē põrāndõks," }, { "en": "Never go out like a bonfire", "liv": "algid kistõgid nemē põrāndõks," }, { "en": "Or lost is the warm thin the fight with the frost.", "liv": "Mõits äb lī lemḑi, set kīlmad võrāndõkst!" }, { "en": "Our fathers and mothers cited songs and sang them.", "liv": "Izād ǟmad kītiztõ lōlidi ja lōliztõ." }, { "en": "Songs, never fade away!", "liv": "Lōlõd, algid kistõgid!" }, { "en": "Now it's frozen, now it's frozen,", "liv": "Ni kīlmiz, ni kīlmiz," }, { "en": "Now it's quite frozen.", "liv": "Ni jõvīst kīlmiz." }, { "en": "Now the sea is frozen over all the way to the bottom,", "liv": "Ni kīlmiz mer vizzõ puojstõ sǭņi," }, { "en": "Now the sea is frozen over all the way to the bottom.", "liv": "Ni kīlmiz mer vizzõ puojstõ sǭņi." }, { "en": "One father", "liv": "Īdõnõ izānõ" }, { "en": "Has nine sons", "liv": "īdõksõ pūoigõ," }, { "en": "All of the them", "liv": "Amādõ īdoksõ" }, { "en": "Are craftsmen.", "liv": "amāto veļļõ." }, { "en": "Three were drummers,", "liv": "Kuolm bunganikkõ," }, { "en": "Three were playing flutes,", "liv": "Kuolm lītajistõ," }, { "en": "Three were pulling the net", "liv": "Kuolm võrta viedābõd" }, { "en": "Along the edge of the sea.", "liv": "Pids rāndanaigõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ak Sa Jōņõ ēdrumjōņõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Mis sin ummō vjedāmōsō" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Neitsõdõn um kūldist vāņkad" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Pousōdōn um tšounō kibār." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Amajuva Joņōajna" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Mis katkūb Jōņidõn" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Papastōmd, irtabard," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Punni, vālda āboliņ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Tšītšōrlinkist, tšītšōrlinkist," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ni um āiga ilzõ nūzõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Tšītšōr, tšītšōr..." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ni tēg maggõn pitkā ūondõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Īestõ īezõ, pävvõst pävvõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Līebist liestād mäddõn mierrõ," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Vōjlist liestād mūzõ mierrõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Jõvād lūomõd mäddõn mõtsõ," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sudūd, okšīd mūzõ mõtsõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kīerdõd neitsõd mäddõn killõ," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Lāiskõd neitsõd mūzõ killõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Jõvād pūoišõd mäddõn killõ," }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kȭzist pūoišod mūzõ killõ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Min izāmō, min sindimō," }, { "en": "", "liv": "ūod ārmaz rānda sa," }, { "en": "", "liv": "kus rāndanaigās kazābõd" }, { "en": "", "liv": "vel vanād, vizād piedāgõd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa," }, { "en": "", "liv": "min tõurõz izāmō!" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Min izāmō, min sindimō," }, { "en": "", "liv": "ūod ārmaz rānda sa," }, { "en": "", "liv": "kus lāinõd mierstõ vīerõbõd" }, { "en": "", "liv": "un rāndan sūdõ āndabõd." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa," }, { "en": "", "liv": "min tõurõz izāmō!" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Min izāmō, min sindimō," }, { "en": "", "liv": "ūod ārmaz rānda sa," }, { "en": "", "liv": "kus jelābõd īd kalāmīed," }, { "en": "", "liv": "kis mīer pääl ātõ päävad īed." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa," }, { "en": "", "liv": "min tõurõz izāmō!" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Min izāmō, min sindimō," }, { "en": "", "liv": "ūod ārmaz rānda sa," }, { "en": "", "liv": "kus kūltõb um vel pivā ēļ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "- min amā ārmaz rāndakēļ." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Min ārmaz īlmas ūod set sa," }, { "en": "", "liv": "min tõurõz izāmō!" }, { "en": "Morning", "liv": "Ūomõg" }, { "en": "Snow", "liv": "Lu’m" }, { "en": "Wind", "liv": "Tūļ" }, { "en": "Earth", "liv": "Mǭ" }, { "en": "Mountain", "liv": "Mä’g" }, { "en": "Sun", "liv": "Pǟva" }, { "en": "Ocean", "liv": "Okeān" }, { "en": "Star", "liv": "Tē’ḑ" }, { "en": "Moon", "liv": "Kū" }, { "en": "Eye", "liv": "Sīlma" }, { "en": "Water", "liv": "Ve’ž" }, { "en": "Stone", "liv": "Ki’v" }, { "en": "Mother", "liv": "Jemā" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Laggõgõd rūimigõd" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Puţkõ vīb tubbõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Puţkõ vīb tubbõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Amād oksādõks" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kandlimi, mätāļi" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kilā pȯis tubā" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Sīe mēg eņtš jālgadõks" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Tazīzõks tīemõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Lōla izā, lōla pūoga," }, { "en": "", "liv": "lōliz kakši pālkamīezt" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Jemīņ lōlabõd izā pūogaks," }, { "en": "", "liv": "äb ku kakši pālkamīezt." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kui se ummõ, kustõ tulāb," }, { "en": "", "liv": "kui ne knaššõ näntõn lǟb?" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ne āt pǟgiņ vȯltõ jūonõd," }, { "en": "", "liv": "ne āt pǟgiņ mietā sīend." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ikši pitti kēl darikkis," }, { "en": "", "liv": "kakši kannõ lōda pǟl." }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kippi sīnõ, kippi tǟnõ," }, { "en": "", "liv": "kippi lōda tutkam pǟl." }, { "en": "", "liv": "daniz izān īdõkso pȯigõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Ne amād īdõksõ amatnikād" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kuolm līltõbõd līlidi" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kuolm rabbõbõd būngidi" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kuolm viedābõd võrgidi pids rāndanaigõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Katriņi izān īdõkso pȯigõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Amādõ īdõksõ amatnikād" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kuolm pieksābõd būngidi" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kuolm pūgõbõd fleitõ" }, { "en": "", "liv": "Kuolm viedābõd võrgidi pids mierrõnaigõ" } ] }]