[ { "source": "Facebook", "sentences": [ { "en": "Best wishes to our dear colleague, researcher of Estonian, Latvian and also Livonian language contacts Lembit Vaba on the occasion of receiving the Latvian and Estonian Ministries of foreign affairs Language prize!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ mäd kolēgõn, ēsti, leț ja ka līvõ kīel kontaktõd tuņšlijizõn Lembit Vaban, kis tämpõ sai Lețmō ja Ēstimō Uļļiztažād ministrijd Kīel ovpālka!" }, { "en": "Greetings to the president elect of the Republic of Estonia Alar Karis – former rector of the University of Tartu, who being the director of the Estonian National museum is also a keeper of the Livonian heritage!", "liv": "Tēriņtõm ūdtõ Ēstimō prezidentõ Alar Karis – kunāgizt Tartu Iļīzskūol rektōrt, kis paldīņ, Ēstimō Rov muzej direktōr vȯlds vȱidab līvõd pierādõkst!" }, { "en": "Laimonis Rudzitis – descendant of Riga Livonians – 115!", "liv": "Laimonis Rudzītisõn – Rīgõ līvõd tagāntuļļizõn – 115!" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Livonian Summer University and the Lāži Oak", "liv": "Kū ažā – Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol ja Lōz täm" }, { "en": "The tradition of the Livonian Summer University since the beginning in 2013 has been a photograph of its participants at the famous Lāžu Oak on the Livonian Coast.", "liv": "Līvõ sõviļīzskūolst, mis sugīz 2013. āigasts, sīe irdõksõks um jaggõvõtājizt īti foto Līvõd rāndas tundtõb Lōz tam jūs." }, { "en": "From July 30 to August 8, 2021, the third Livonian Summer University took place in Košrags, organized by the UL Livonian Institute in cooperation with the University of Tartu.", "liv": "2021. āigast 30. jūlijst 8. ougust sōņõ Kuoštrõgõl vȯļ jõvā kuolmõz Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol, mis tei LI Līvõd institūt īdskubs Tartu Iļīzskūolõks." }, { "en": "During the Livonian Summer University, the participants learned Livonian, met with Livonian speakers, got acquainted with the Livonian history, culture and learnt about the situation nowadays; one of the topics also including the last historical settlement of the Livonians – the Livonian Coast, which is why it was chosen as the venue of the Livonian Summer University.", "liv": "Līvõ sõv iļīzskūol āigal sīe jaggõvõtājizt sait kubbõ līvõ kīel prațțijiztõks, opīztõ līvõ kīel, iļ līvõd istōrij, kultūr ja tämpizpǟva, ka iļ līvõd perīz mōarā – Līvõd rāndaks, mis kūoḑõn sīepierāst sai sõv iļīzskūol suggimiz pāikaks." }, { "en": "The tradition of the Livonian Summer University since the beginning in 2013 has been a photograph of its participants at the famous Lāži Oak on the Livonian Coast.", "liv": "Jõvā ežmizõst Līvõ sõviļīzskūolst, mis sugīz 2013. āigasts, sīe irdõksõks um jaggõvõtājizt īti foto Līvõd rāndas tundtõb Lōz tam jūs." }, { "en": "Lāži Oak has been the decor and treasure of the Lāži homestead in the village of Vaide for at least two hundred years.", "liv": "Lōz täm um Vaid kilā Lōz kōrand eldõm ja rikūz jemīņ äbku kakš āigastsaddõ." }, { "en": "Nika Polmanis (1823), the first professionally educated Livonian teacher, was born in Lāži homestead; since the 60s of the 19th century, the Launičs’ family, whose representative Andrejs Launičs wrote descriptions of Livonian weddings and household customs in the 19th century. The Lāži house has also been a Livonian elementary school children (1923–1937).", "liv": "Lōz kōrands um sindõn ežmi opātõks sōnd līvõd opātiji Nikā Polmaņ (1823), 19. āigastsadā 60. āigastist täs um jellõn Launitz aim – sīe jednikā Aņdrõks Launitz 19. āigastsadās um ilzõ kēratõn līvõd kōzgõnd ja mūd irdõkst, Lōz kōrands um vȯnd alliskūol līvõd lapst pierāst (1923. – 1937. āigast sōņõ)." }, { "en": "At the end of the 1930s, Alfons Bertholds (1910–1993) – a fisherman, a Livonian poet, and a connoisseur of Livonian folklore – became the owner of Lāži homestead, and even now the Bertholds’ family still lives near the Lāži oak.", "liv": "20. āigastsadā 30. āigastõd lopāndõkspūol Lōz perīmīekõks sai Alfon Berthold (1910–1993) – kalāmīez, līvõd lūoltiji, rovvīļa tīedaji –, ja ka paldīņ Lōz tam ležgõl jelāb Berthold aim." }, { "en": "Livonian Summer University has ended, but some of it's moments may be re-experienced through the Latvian TV.", "liv": "Līvõd sõv iļīzskūol um lebbõ, bet mūnda irg sīestõ um nǟdõb Lețmō TV-s." }, { "en": "Once more – many, many thanks to all of participants and supporters – University of Tartu ASTRA project PER ASPERA, The Ministry of Education and Science, University of Latvia and other friends.", "liv": "Velkõrd sūr tienū amād jaggõvõtājiztõn ja tigtijiztõn – Tartu Iļīzskūol ASTRA projektõn PER ASPERA, Lețmō Opātõks ja tieud ministrijõn, Lețmō Iļīzskūolõn ja munt sõbrādõn." }, { "en": "Special thanks to Talsu TV for the hearth warming meeting and Marc Daniel Skibsted Volhardt, Tuuli Tuisk and Miina Norvik for sharing your experiences.", "liv": "Īžki tienū Tālsa TVn iļ sidāmliz kubbõsōmiz ja Marc Daniel Skibsted Volhardt, Tuuli Tuisk ja Miina Norvik iļ mǟdõltõkst." }, { "en": "Tomorrow already the third Livonian Summer University begins in Kuoštrõg!", "liv": "Mūpõ Kuoštrõgõl īrgõb jõvā kuolmõz Līvõ sõv iļļiskūol!" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Cape of Kolka Lighthouse's residential building", "liv": "Kū ažā – Kūolka bōik jeltõbkuodā" }, { "en": "In the magazine \"Ilustrētā Junioriem\" (Illustrated for Juniors) Daniels Skulte asks \"Is the Livonian language still alive?\" The magazine, with the help of the UL Livonian Institute, provides answers about the Livonian language today and in the past, as well as about the connection between the Livonian and Latvian languages.", "liv": "Āigakēras “Ilustrētā Junioriem” Daniels Skulte kizūb “Või līvõ kēļ vel pīlõb?” Āigakēra LI Līvõd institūt abkõks nīžõb iļ līvõ kīel jedmõl ja paldīņ ja iļ nänt ažād, mis līvõ kīels ja lețkīels ātõ ītizt." }, { "en": "Many thanks to Daniels for the question asked!", "liv": "Sūr tienū iļ kizzimiz, Daniel!" }, { "en": "Wishing you all a Happy Midsummer!", "liv": "Knaššõ Jōņȭdõgt ja Jōņpäuvõ!" }, { "en": "A conversation with Helmī Stalte", "liv": "Kubsrõk Helmī Stalteks" }, { "en": "The lavish seaside – see you in Irē (Mazirbe)!", "liv": "Rikāz rānda – nǟmõ Irēl!" }, { "en": "Congratulations to Latvia on the anniversary of its restoration of independence!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ Lețmō īžpīlimiz ūdstimiz āigastpǟvan!" }, { "en": "Thank you to everyone who voted for the restoration of independence 30 years ago, but especially to one of the Livonians Ilmārs Geige!", "liv": "Tienū amādõn, kis 30. āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn āndizt iļ sīe eņtš īel, bet īžkist īdõn nēšti – līvlizõn Ilmār Geigen!" }, { "en": "A friendly greeting to all Estonians from the professor of UL Janīna Kursīte and her family.", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskuōl profesōr Janīna Kursīte ja täm aim tēriņtõks amād ēstliztõn." }, { "en": "A book by Renāte Blumberga about Livonian National House has been published in the University of Latvia.", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskūols um sōnd vaļmõks Renate Blumberga rōntõz iļ līvõd rovkuodā." }, { "en": "Congratulations to Tõnis Lukas – the new director of the Estonian Literature Museum, where the main collection on the Livonian Intangible heritage is stored!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ amā sūŗimiz līvõd vaimliz pierāndõks kolektsij prațțijiz –Ēstimō kērandõks muzej – ūd direktorõn – Tõnis Lukas!" }, { "en": "Monthly Item – large-format portrait (122×207 cm) of Nick Polmanis from the director’s Uģis Olte upcoming feature film “Upurga”.", "liv": "Kū ažā – Nikā Polmaņ (122 x 207 cm) portrej režisor Uģis Olte tulbizõst mängfilmst “Upurga”." }, { "en": "DHN2020 conference proceedings have been published.", "liv": "Um ulzõ tund konferents DHN2020 kērad kub." }, { "en": "In them you can get acquainted with the article “Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space” by Gunta Kļava and Valts Ernštreits, researchers of the UL Livonian Institute. The article focuses on digital humanities and how they can help endangered languages and cultures, especially the Livonian language.", "liv": "Sīes um lugdõb ka LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijizt Valts Ernštreits ja Gunta Kļava kēra “Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space”, mis nīžõb iļ digitālizt resursõd ja sīe, ku ne võibõd äbțõ ädāstõd kīeldõn ja kultūrdõn." }, { "en": "Karl Pajusalu on the radio tells about Ludza Estonian language.", "liv": "Karl Pajusalu radios nīžõb iļ Ludza ēstlizt kīel." }, { "en": "UL Livonian institute's scientific assistants Elvīra Kalniņa and Annija Lazdiņa participated in the Zinātnieku nakts 2021 and told about their experience, responsibilities and research.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšlijizt Elvīra Kalniņa ja Annija Lazdiņa võtīzt jaggõ Tieudmīed īestõ ja nīžiztõ iļ eņtš tīe ja tuņšlimizt." }, { "en": "Happy Independence restoration day, dear Latvia!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ īžpīlimiz ūdstimiz pǟvan, ārmaz Lețmō!" }, { "en": "Today Livonians are waking birds.", "liv": "Tämpõ līvõd virgtõbõd līndidi." }, { "en": "Listen to the Livonian traditional bird-waking song performed by the Livonian poet and culture keeper Pētõr Damberg!", "liv": "Täs um kūldõb līndõd virgtimiz loul, nei ku sīe um loulõn līvõ kīel ja mīel prațțiji Pētõr Damberg (1909–1987)!" }, { "en": "101 years ago the Mother Tongue Society (Estonia) was founded. It's first published book was also the first secular book in Livonian – First Livonian Reader!", "liv": "101 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um pūojtõd Jemākīel seļtš, mis ežmi ulzõ antõd rōntõz vȯļ ka ežmi īlmali līvõkēļi rōntõz – Ežmi līvõd lugdõbrōntõz!" }, { "en": "Happy birthday!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ!" }, { "en": "On March 24, at the demonstration seminar on the possibilities of using digital resources of Humanities, the UL Livonian Institute will talk about their designed resources for the Livonian language and culture.", "liv": "24. märtsõs seminars iļ digitālizt humanitārizt resursõd kȭlbatimiz võimizt LI Līvõd institūt nīžõb iļ eņtš tīedõd resursõd līvõ kīel ja kultūr pierāst." }, { "en": "If we can't go to Kūolka, Kūolka is coming to us!", "liv": "Až mēg äb võim päzzõ Kuolkõ, Kūolka tulāb mäd jūr!" }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute participates in the discussion on indigenous issues – 2nd day.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ diskusijst iļ alliztrovd kizzimizt – 2. pǟva." }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute participates in the discussion on indigenous issues.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt võtāb jaggõ diskusijst iļ alliztrovd kizzimizt." }, { "en": "Speech on Livonians is expected tomorrow.", "liv": "Mūpõ līb rõk ka iļ līvlizt." }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis's book \"Lutsi kiele lementar. Ludzas igauņu valodas ābece\" is recognized as the best social sciences book of 2020 at the University of Latvia!\"", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšļijiz Uldis Balodis rōntõz “Lutsi kiele lementar. Ludza ēstlizt kīel ābēd” – 2020. āigast paŗīmi rōntõz humanitārliz tieud arāl Lețmō Iļīzskūols!" }, { "en": "103! Happy birthday, dear Estonia!", "liv": "103! Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ sindizpǟvan, ārmaz Ēstimō!" }, { "en": "The collection of Livonian photographs created by the Finnish linguist Vilho Setälä in 1912 can now be seen in colour.", "liv": "Sūomõ kīeltieudmīe Vilho Setälä 1912. āigasts tīedõd līvõd fotod ni ātõ nǟdõb vērmis." }, { "en": "Thanks to Twan Goosen for the colouring work.", "liv": "Tienū Twan Goosenõn iļ vermtimiz." }, { "en": "Valts Ernštreits, Head of the UL Livonian Institute, on the preservation and use of the language and intangible heritage of Kurzeme, the accessibility of culture in the regions and the use of digital resources in the discussion group on the development of the Kurzeme Planning Region Development Programme 2021–2027.", "liv": "Kurāmō plōnimizarā kazāndõksprogram 2021–2027 lūomiz diskusijs LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji Valts Ernštreits rõkāndõb iļ Kurāmō kīel ja vaimliz pierāndõks pīlimiz ja kȭlbatimiz, kultūr jūrõpäzzimiz võimizt mōarīs ja digiresursõd kȭlbatimiz võimizt." }, { "en": "LSM: \"Livonian language needs reanimation\". A call for the rescue of Europe's most endangered language.", "liv": "LSM: \"Līvõ kīelõn um vajāg pakāndabbõ.\" Eirop amā ädāstõd kīeldõ um pästāmõst!" }, { "en": "Seeking vanished words: UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis on languages, life in Arizona, and himself.", "liv": "Kaddõnd sõņḑi vȯtšõs: LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Uldis Balodis iļ kīeld, jelāmiz Arizonas ja īžeņtš." }, { "en": "The sound of Livonian also during the International Mother Language Day!", "liv": "Rovvõdvailiz jemākīel pǟvan kilūb ka līvõ kēļ!" }, { "en": "Abja-Paluoja in Estonia this year will be the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture.", "liv": "Abja-Paluoja Ēstimōl tämnāigast līb sūomõ-ugrõ kultūr pǟjālgab." }, { "en": "What do animals say", "liv": "Mis kītõbõd lūomõd" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian!", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!" }, { "en": "About cardinal and intercardinal directions in Livonian.", "liv": "Iļ touvõarūd nimūd līvõ kīels." }, { "en": "It is morning", "liv": "Ūomõg um" }, { "en": "New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "Today is 30th anniversary of the State Especially Protected Livonian Culture Historical Area “the Livonian Coast” – first institution in Latvia for protection of Livonians (closed 2003)", "liv": "Tämpõ 30 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um pūojtõd Vald īžkiz kaitstõb līvõd kultūristōrili arā “Līvõd Rānda” – ežmi līvlizt prațțimizõn pivāstõd vald institutsij Lețmō istōrijs (vizzõ pandõd 2003. āigasts)." }, { "en": "Monthly Item – Declarations of Īra (Lielirbe) village residents to Lielirbe school’s administrator. Why were they made?", "liv": "Kū ažā – Īra kilā rovzt kērad Īra skūol jūodijizõn. Mikšpierāst ne sugīztõ?" }, { "en": "In response to a request from the UL Livonian Institute, a Braille script has also been created for Lutsi! Many thanks again to Harris Mowbray!\"", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt jeddõpanmiz pierrõ um Brail alfabēt um tīedõd ka Ludza ēstlizt kīel pierāst! Velkõrd tienū Harris Mowbray’n!" }, { "en": "UL Livonian Institute researcher Uldis Balodis has been nominated for the Latgale culture award \"Boņuks 2020\" for his Lutsi language primer.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt tuņšliji Uldis Balodis um nominīertõd Ladgaldmō kultūr ovīnda \"Boņuks 2020\" pierāst iļ Ludza ēsti kīel ābēd." }, { "en": "Numbers", "liv": "Lugūd" }, { "en": "The President of Latvia has supported a number of the UL Livonian Institute’s proposals for his proposed bill “The Latvian Historical Lands Act”.", "liv": "Vald prezident un tigtõn radā LI Līvõd institūt jeddõpanmiži tulbiz “Lețlizt istōrilizt mōd pandõks” pierāst." }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme \"Rīta regtaims\" will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\", where every Wednesday you can hear stories about Livonians.", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!" }, { "en": "The fourth story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know why the Livonian festival is celebrated on the first Saturday of August?”", "liv": "Neļļõz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, mikš Līvõd pivād sōbõd alz pidtõd ougust ežmiz pūolpǟvan?”" }, { "en": "When I go to the seaside", "liv": "Ku ma randõ lǟb" }, { "en": "The third story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know that every one of us knows a little Livonian?”", "liv": "Kuolmõz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, ku mēg jegāikš mūoštam rōz rõkāndõ līvõ kīeldõ?”" }, { "en": "Livonian may be seen in more and more places in Latvia.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um nǟdõb jemīņ ja jemīņ Lețmō kūožis." }, { "en": "Here is the sign pointing towards Kūolka Livonian Society house in Kūolka village centre.", "liv": "Täsā – Kūolka līvõd kubkuodā merk Kūolka kilā sidāms." }, { "en": "Doers", "liv": "Tējizt" }, { "en": "The second story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know why Finns, Estonians and Livonians stand up at the sound of the same melody?\"", "liv": "Tuoi nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, mikšpierāst sūomlizt, ēstlizt ja līvlizt nūzõbõd ilzõ sīe īž meldij jūs?”" }, { "en": "Livonian may be seen in more and more places in Latvia.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um nǟdõb jemīņ ja jemīņ Lețmō kūožis." }, { "en": "Here is the Market beeing built in Mērsrags Municipality.", "liv": "Täsā – Mērsrags tulbi tõrg." }, { "en": "Thank you, Mērsrags information center!", "liv": "Tienū, Mērsraga Informācijas Centrs!" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Viktors Bertholds – a Livonian, a fisherman, a healer – 100", "liv": "Kū ažā – Viktor Berthold — līvli, kalāmīez ja aŗštiji." }, { "en": "From January 4, the Latvian Radio 3 programme will feature a new informative rubric \"Do you know?\", where on Wednesdays you can also hear stories about livonians!", "liv": "4. janvārst Lețmō radio 3 programms kilūb ūž rubrik „Või tīedad?”, missõs kuolmõndpäuviš ātõ kūldtõb ka nīžõd iļ līvõd!" }, { "en": "The first story provides an answer to the question \"Do you know that the most endangered language in the European Union can be found in Latvia?\"", "liv": "Ežmiz nīž āndab vastūks kizzimizõn “Või tīedad, ku Eirop Īt amā ädāstõd kēļ um lieudtõb Lețmōld?”" }, { "en": "About the project “Sing along and learn Livonian!”, the Livonian journey to UNESCO and the Decade of Indigenous Languages.", "liv": "Iļ projekt “Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!”, līvõd riek UNESCO vōŗțõ ja alliztrovd kīeld āigastkim." }, { "en": "Today in 900 seconds – University of Latvia Livonian Insitute.", "liv": "Tämpõ 900 sekunds – Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt." }, { "en": "Colours", "liv": "Vērmõd" }, { "en": "About the project “Sing along and learn Livonian!”", "liv": "Iļ projekt “Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ!”" }, { "en": "Sing along and learn Livonian! New project by UL Livonian Institute for the acqusition of the Livonian language.", "liv": "Lōla īņõ ja op līvõ kīeldõ! Ūž LI Līvõd institūt projekt līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "University of Latvia Livonian Institute wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!\"", "liv": "Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt tārmõb rīemliži Taļžpivḑi ja vȯndzizt Ūdtõ āigastõ!" }, { "en": "UPDATED: Livonian materials in collections of Finland.", "liv": "ŪDSTÕD: Līvõd ažād Sūomõmō ovātõd kubši." }, { "en": "Museovirasto Finnish Heritage Agency opens it's collections (including Livonian heritage) for public use!", "liv": "Sūomõmō muzejd vōļikštõks tarmõb eņtš bīldidi (ka līvõd pierānõks) vabā kȭlbatimiz pierāst!" }, { "en": "There are new songs in the making for learning the Livonian language!", "liv": "Suggõbõd ūd lōlõd līvõ kīel oppimiz pierāst!" }, { "en": "Happy birthday, dear Finland!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ, ārmaz Sūomõmō!" }, { "en": "Monthly item – Kārlis Stalte’s Confirmation regarding the received fee for 42 copies of the “Ūž Testament” (New Testament) translated into Livonian, which the Livonian Union purchased as presents for Christmas.", "liv": "Kū ažā – Kōrli Stalte kēra iļ rō, mis ta um sōnd „Ūd Testament” 42 eksemplār jedst, mis Līvõd Īt vȯstīz Taļžpivad škīnkõd pierāst." }, { "en": "On November 26, Valts Ernštreits, Head of the UL Livonian Institute, was elected a corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.", "liv": "26. novembõrs Lețmō Tieud Akadēmij korespondent nõtkõmõks un vēļdõd LI Līvõd institūt jūodiji Valts Ernštreits." }, { "en": "Congratulations on the 102nd birthday of the Republic of Latvia and the 97th birthday of the Livonian flag!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ Lețmō Republik 102. ja Līvõd plagā 97. sindizpǟvan!" }, { "en": "Drawing: Alvīne Veinberga.", "liv": "Tǟtõks: Alvīne Veinberga." }, { "en": "The poetry collection \"Trilium\" has received the literary prize of the Association of Finno-Ugric Literature and the Kindred Peoples' Program in the poetry category.", "liv": "Lūolkub “Trilium” um sōnd Sūomõ-ugrõd kērandõkst asotsiātsij ja Ēstimō Sugrovd program tarmdõb Sūomõ-ugrõd kērandõkst ovpālka lūol kategōrijs." }, { "en": "The prize has been established and awarded since 2007.", "liv": "Ovpālka sōb andtõd jegā āigast 2007. āigastõst" }, { "en": "Monthly item – a photograph from the opening ceremony of the Livonian National House on August 6, 1939, in which two plays were performed.", "liv": "Kū ažā – foto 1939. āigast 6. august Līvõd rovkuodā vāldiž tīemiz pivšti, kus sai spēļdõd kakš nägțimizt." }, { "en": "In the photograph you can see the actors of both performances, but you can read more about both performances in the monthly item's description.", "liv": "Foto pǟl ǟt nǟdõb mȯlmõd nägțimizt aktīerd, bet jemīņ iļ mȯlmõd nägțimizt võib luggõ institūt kuodlīeds." }, { "en": "On November 9, the Estonian Literary Museum celebrates the 120th anniversary of Oskar Loorits, the founder of the Estonian Folklore Archives.", "liv": "9. novembõrs (11.00–18.00) Ēstimō Literatūr muzējs līb Ēstimō rovvīļa arhīv pūojtijiz Oskar Loorits 120. sindizpǟva tǟtimi." }, { "en": "One of Oskar Loorits' areas of research was Livonian folklore.", "liv": "O. Loorits vȯļ ka līvõd rovvīļa kuoŗŗiji ja tuņšliji." }, { "en": "Seto Institute today celebrates its 5 year anniversary!", "liv": "Seto Institūtõn tämpõ 5 āigastõ!" }, { "en": "Best wishes!", "liv": "Pǟgiņ vȯnnõ!" }, { "en": "The director of the UL Livonian Institute Valts Ernštreits talks about Livonians on the Mother Language Day in Helsinki.", "liv": "LI Līvõd institūt jūodijiz Valt Ernštreit nīž iļ līvlizt Jemākīel pǟvan Helsinkis." }, { "en": "Video about Ventspils Livonian Culture days 2020.", "liv": "Video Vǟnta Līvõ kultūr päuvšti 2020." } ] }, { "source": "livones.net", "sentences": [ { "en": "Welcome to livones.net – the livonian culture, language, and history portal!", "liv": "VȮLGID TĒRIŅTÕD LĪVÕ KULTŪR KĪEL JA ISTŌRIJ PORTĀLS LIVONES.NET!" }, { "en": "The Library section contains a collection of articles, links, and videos on Livonian topics grouped by category.", "liv": "Tuoi tǟdzi jag um Vīļakub, kus ātõ īdskubs kērad, siḑīmõd ja video iļ līvõd." }, { "en": "We wish you success learning about Livonian culture!", "liv": "Jõvvõ ūdstõd portāl kȭlbātimizt!" }, { "en": "The Livonians are a Finnic people indigenous to Latvia and have had great significance in the development of the modern Latvian language and culture.", "liv": "Līvlizt um Lețmō irgrovž, mis um perīņ Vāldamiersūomõ rovšti, sīen um vȯnd sūr tǟdzit tämpiz lețķīel ja Lețmō kultūr suggimizõs." }, { "en": "Latvian formed as a result of contact between Livonian and several ancient Baltic nations – the Latgalians, Semigallians, and Curonians – and its unique characteristics arose specifically as a result of this mutual influence.", "liv": "Tämpi lețkēļ um suggõn līvõd ja muinizt baltõd rovd – latgald, zemgald ja kuršõd – kubbõpūtimizõs, ja kūoḑõn se um alīzõks lețkīel āinagizvīțliz killõn." }, { "en": "Likewise, the influence of Livonian can be felt throughout Latvian traditional and contemporary culture from folklore to culinary traditions.", "liv": "Nei īž līvõd mȯjjimi um nǟdõb ka setmiņ Lețmō irdiz ja tämpiz kultūr arās folklorst sīemnāigad sōņõ." }, { "en": "For this reason, Livonian traditional culture has been incorporated into the Latvian cultural canon and the role of Livonian traditions in the formation of Latvian identity is emphasized in the preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia.", "liv": "Sīepierāst līvõd irdi kultūr um pandõd ka Lețmō kultūr kanon sizzõl ja Lețmō pūojpandõks agā Satversme preambuls um īžkiz pāinatõd līvõd irdõkst jag lețlizt rov sindimizõst." }, { "en": "The Livonians have managed to maintain their language and culture up to the present day, and have continued to develop it as they have become part of the modern cultural space of Latvia.", "liv": "Līvlizt āt tämpiz sōņõ sõitõnd äb set prațțõ eņtš irdiz kīel ja kultūr, bet sīe ka kazāntõ, ja ni līvõd tämpi kultūr um ikš jag Lețmō tämpizõst kultūrrūimst." }, { "en": "Unlike Latvian, which is a part of the Baltic branch of the Indo-European language family, Livonian belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um Urāld kīelaim Vāldamiersūomõ kīeldgrup kēļ, mõitiz äbku lețkēļ, mis um indoeirop kīelaim baltõd kīeldgrup kēļ." }, { "en": "The closest linguistic relatives of Livonian are Estonian, Finnish, and Karelian, more distant ones include Sámi, Hungarian, Mordvin, and other Uralic languages.", "liv": "Līvõ kīel amā ležglimizt sugūd ātõ ēsti kēļ, sūomõ kēļ ja karēld kēļ, kougimizt sugūd ātõ sāmõ, ungār, mordva ja munt Urāld kīelaim kīeld." }, { "en": "Livonian is listed in the UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger as a critically endangered language.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um lieudtõb UNESCO mōīlma ädāstõd kīeld atlasõs (UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger)." }, { "en": "The status of Livonian in Latvia is defined in Article 4 of the State Language Law: “The state ensures the preservation, safeguarding, and development of Livonian as an indigenous (autochthonous) language.”", "liv": "Lețmōl līvõ kīel status um sǟdõd Vald kīel pandõks 4. paragrafs, kus um kītõd: „Vald ūoļikšõb iļ līvõ kīel neku irgjelānikād (autohtond) kīel prațțimiz, kaitsimiz ja kazāntimiz jedst.”" }, { "en": "Since 2009, the Livonian language, as a component of Livonian traditional culture, has been included in the Latvian cultural canon.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ neku līvõd irdiz kultūr ikš jag um 2009. āigastõst lieudtõb ka Lețmō kultūr kanonst." }, { "en": "In the 19th century, Livonian still had approximately 3000 speakers, by the mid-20th century around 1500 speakers, but presently there may be at best 30 people in the world who can communicate in Livonian.", "liv": "Vel 19. āigastsadās līvõ kīelkõks rõkāndiz immõr 3000 rištīngt, 20. āigastsadā sidāmõl vȯļ 1500 kīel prațțijizt, bet tämpõ līvõkīelkõks võibõd eņtš vaisõ rõkāndõ immõr 30 rištīngt amās mōilmas." }, { "en": "The number of individuals who have learned the basics of Livonian, however, continues to increase.", "liv": "Amā āiga kazāb ka nänt lug, kis ātõ oppõnd līvõ kīel alīži." }, { "en": "Knowledge about Livonian and also proficiency in it is important for understanding the nature of Latvian, as both languages have influenced each other through longstanding contact.", "liv": "Līvõ kīel tundimi um tǟdzi lețkīel mȯistimiz pierāst, sīestõ mȯlmõd kīeld ātõ mȯjõnõd ikštūoizta pitkāld ikštuoizõks īdskubs jellõs." }, { "en": "Though it has few speakers, Livonian is important for those researching Uralic languages, as it is unique and contains many ancient features.", "liv": "Kuigid kīel rõkāndijiži um veitõ, līvõ kēļ um tǟdzi Urāld kīeld tuņšlijizt pierāst, sīestõ se um eņtšvīți ja sīes ātõ lieudtõbõd pǟgiņd vanād ummitõd." }, { "en": "Likewise, language knowledge is fundamental for the Livonians themselves, as it has been precisely language which has always been at the foundation of their sense of identity.", "liv": "Nei īž līvõ kīel mūoštami um tǟdzi ka līvõd eņtš pierāst, sīestõ kūoḑõn kēļ um alz vȯnd līvlizt eņtštundimiz alīzõks." }, { "en": "Presently, it is possible to learn Livonian through self-study, in courses, or at camps as well as at some universities.", "liv": "Tämpõ jegā rištīng võib oppõ līvõ kīeldõ īž, kursiš ja azūmiš, ka setmiņ ilīzskūols." }, { "en": "Hopefully, in the future it will also be possible to learn Livonian online.", "liv": "Lūotõmõst, ku tulbizāigas līvõ kīeldõ võib oppõ ka võrgõs." }, { "en": "The Livonians are unique not only because of their language and history, but also due to their rich cultural heritage. Learn more about it in the Traditional Culture section.", "liv": "Līvlizt ātõ rikkõd äb set ențš kīel ja istōrijõks, bet ka rikkõks ja eņtšvīțliz kultūr pierāndõksõks, missõks võib tundtõbõks sōdõ portāl jags Irdi kultūr." }, { "en": "The Livonians have continued to develop their culture in modern times. Their contemporary art, music, and literature traditions stretch back for nearly 200 years.", "liv": "Līvlizt ātõ tīend ja kazāntõbõd jeddõpēḑõn ka eņtš tämpiz kultūr – kuņšt, muzīk ka kērandõks, mis jūrd lǟbõd pigātagā 200 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn." }, { "en": "Learn more about Livonian culture in the present in the Contemporary Culture section.", "liv": "Līvõd tämpiz kultūrõks ja sīe kȭlbatimizõks võib tundtõbõks sōdõ portāl jagsõ Tämpi kultūr." }, { "en": "The Library brings together all types of publicly available information on the Livonians.", "liv": "Vīļakub jagsõ īdskubs um amāsuglimi tieut iļ līvlizt." }, { "en": "Here you can find different studies on Livonian history and culture (studies on Livonian language can be found in lingua.livones.net), books, internet resources, videos etc.", "liv": "Täs ātõ lieudtõbõd tuņšlimizt iļ līvõd istōrij ja kultūr (kīel tuņšlimizt ātõ lieudtõbõd portāl jags lingua.livones.net), rōntõd, võrgõ resursõd, video ja munt." }, { "en": "This section is updated on an ongoing basis with current publications and news.", "liv": "Jagdõ amā āiga täutõbõd ūd kēradõks ja materjalõdõks." }, { "en": "Liivlaste lood (Livonian Stories), by Enn Säde, was filmed between 1988 and 1990.", "liv": "Enn Säde dokumentāli film Liivlaste lood (Līvõd nīžõd), 1991 um tīedõd 1988.–1990. āigasts." }, { "en": "It features Oskars Stalte, Elfrīda Žagare, Alfons Bertholds, Paulīne Kļaviņa, Andris Zēbergs, and Irma Fridrihsone.", "liv": "Sīesõ ātõ nǟdõb Oskar Stalte, Elfrīda Žagare, Alfon Berthold, Poulīn Kļaviņa, Aņdrõks Zēberg, Irma Fridrihson." }, { "en": "This movie utilizes footage from the Estonian Film Archive (Eesti Filmiarhiiv) and the Estonian Television Archive (Eesti Telefilmi arhiiv).", "liv": "Films ātõ kȭlbatõd Ēstimō Film arhīv ja Eesti Telefilm arhīv materiald." }, { "en": "The script author and director was Enn Säde and the cameraman was Ago Ruus.", "liv": "Stsenārij autor ja režisor – Enn Säde, operator Ago Ruus." }, { "en": "Līvõ lōlõd (Livonian Songs) is the first documentary film made in Latvia about the Livonians.", "liv": "Līvõ lōlõd um ežmi lețmōl tīedõd dokumentāli film iļ līvlizt." }, { "en": "This film was its author, director, and cameraman Andris Slapiņš’ diploma work at the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (Всесоюзный государственный институт кинематографии).", "liv": "Film um sīe autor, režisor ja operator Andris Slapiņš diplomtīe Nõvkub Vald kinematografij instituts." }, { "en": "The Estonian Television film Liivi rannal (On the Livonian Coast) gives a glimpse into the daily life of the Kurzeme Livonians in the 1960s.", "liv": "Ēsti Televīzij film Liivi rannal, 1966. (Līvõd rāndas) nägțõb Kurāmō līvõd jelāmiz 1960. āigastiš." }, { "en": "Many well-known Livonians appear in this film (Hilda Grīva, Katrīna Krāsona, and others).", "liv": "Films ātõ nǟdõbõd pǟgiņd tundtõb līvlizt (Hilda Grīva, Katriņ Krason j.m.)." }, { "en": "This film is primarily in Livonian and Estonian. A number of Livonian folk songs and other more contemporary Livonian compositions are also featured in this film.", "liv": "Film um līvõkīelkõks ja ēstikīelkõks, sīes ātõ kūltõbõd rovlōlõd ja tämpizt kompozitsijd." }, { "en": "The director of the film is Endel Nõmberg, screenplay writers – Eduard Vääri and Ants Vist.", "liv": "Film režisor um Endel Nõmberg, stsenarij autord –Eduard Vääri ja Ants Vist." }, { "en": "Viktors Bertholds – a Livonian, fisherman, healer – 100", "liv": "Viktor Berthold — līvli, kalāmīez ja aŗštiji — 100" }, { "en": "Viktors Bertholds’ (1921–2009) own familiy was the last one to still speak Livonian on a daily basis, at least while his wife Marta (b. Liedāne, 1925–1994) was still alive, V. Bertholds was also one of whom Estonian and Finnish scholars visited and the last, with whom one could freely speak the native Livonian language on the coast.", "liv": "Viktor Berthold (1921–2009) vȯļ perri nēšti, kīen aims, kuņtš vel vȯļ jelsõ täm nai Marta (s. Liedāne, 1925–1994) igapǟva kēļ vȯļ līvõ kēļ, ja ka perri, kīenkõks täs īž rāndas võiž rõkāndõ täm sindiz rāndakīelsõ." }, { "en": "On January 16, 2021, we commemorate Viktors Bertholds’ 100th anniversary.", "liv": "2021. āigast 16. janvārs mǟdlõm Viktor Berthold täm 100 āigast jubilejs." }, { "en": "Larger part of his life Viktors Bertholds lived in Kolka.", "liv": "Viktor Berthold sūr strēk ențš igāst jelīz Kūolkas." }, { "en": "He joined the Livonian affairs in the more recent times, when there were few Livonian speakers, when each speaker’s value had grown greatly.", "liv": "Līvõ ažāks ta amā jemīņ īrgiz jellõ obbõ, ku līvõ kīel mūoštajiži vȯļ pǟlõ īend veitõ ja jegā kīel prațțiji vȯļ īžkiz vertli." }, { "en": "In the early 1990s, Viktors and Marta taught the Livonian language to his colleagues.", "liv": "90. āigastõd īrgandõksõs Viktor īdskubs Martaks opātiz līvõ kīeldõ kūolkanikād pierāst." }, { "en": "As long as he was able, on the first Saturday of each August Viktors was always present at the Livonian festival in Mazirbe.", "liv": "Kuņtš vel Viktorõn vȯļ joudõ, ougust ežmiz pūolpǟvan ta alz vȯļ nǟdõb Līvõd pivši Irēl." }, { "en": "Viktors Bertholds was born on January 16, 1921 in the family of Kārlis and Marija Bertholds in Vaide in Žonaki.", "liv": "Viktor Berthold sīndiz 1921. āigast 16. janvārs Kōrli ja Maŗī Bertholdõd aims Vaid kilā Zūonkõl." }, { "en": "For at least six generations, Žonaki was home to the vast and strong Livonian Berthold family, from where a number of important figures in the Livonian cultural history have come.", "liv": "Zūonkõ kōrands kūž sugkazāmt jelīz laigā ja viš līvõd aim – Bertholdõd, kus kazīzt ilzõ setmiņ līvõd kultūr istōrij pierāst tǟdzist rovztõ." }, { "en": "Both with their brother Alfons Bertholds (Livonian poet, folklore narrator), growing up in a strictly Livonian family, they kept the Livonian language alive throughout their lives.", "liv": "Mȯlmõd īdskubs täm veļ Alfon Bertholdõks (līvõd lūoltiji, folklor nīžiji) ne, ilzõ kazzõs, prațīzt līvõ kīel amā eņtš igā." }, { "en": "It was the descendants of the Bertholds’ family who were the best native speakers of the Livonian language today.", "liv": "Kūoḑõn Bertholdõd aimstõ tuļtõ amā paŗīmõd līvõ kīel rõkāndijid 21. āigastsadās." }, { "en": "Kārlis and Marija Bertholds with their eldest son Alfons in Vaide, Jonaki around the year 1920", "liv": "Kōrli ja Maŗī Bertholdõd vaņīmiz pūogaks Alfonõks Vaid kilā Zūonkõl 1920. āigast immõr" }, { "en": "Although on paper, the family of Viktors and Marta Bertholds’ was actually the last one on the coast which spoke Livonian to each other on a daily basis, both children did not learn the Livonian language.", "liv": "Laz kil Viktor ja Marta Bertholdõd aim vȯļ perri aim rāndas, kis eņtš vail rõkāndõs kȭlbatiz līvõ kīeldõ, mȯlmõd lapst līvõ kīeldõ sīegid izt oppõt." }, { "en": "Daughter Āria Bertholde, who has moved to the United States with her daughter Baiba since 1995, recalled:", "liv": "Tidār Ārija Berthold, kis 1995. āigastõst īdskubs tidārõks jelāb AĪVs, mǟdliz nei:" }, { "en": "We always spoke Livonian in our house on a daily basis.", "liv": "Mäd kuonnõ sai rõkāndtõd līvõ kēļ." }, { "en": "Even when parents did not want their children to understand what they were talking about.", "liv": "Ka siz, ku vanbizt izt tōtõ, laz lapst sōgõd arū, mis ne rõkāndõbõd." }, { "en": "I wanted to learn the language.", "liv": "Ma tōž līvõ kīel jarā oppõ." }, { "en": "Now I know only a few words, and I remember a few songs.", "liv": "Ni ma tīedab set mūnda sõnā ja mīelõ um īend mūnda loul." }, { "en": "I thought I could read because I remember my mother teaching me how to read umlauts.", "liv": "Ma mõtlõb, ku ma sōks luggõ, sīest ma mǟdlõb, ku jemā opātiz, kui um luggõmõst umlautidi." }, { "en": "When I asked my mother why she was not taught the language, mother said that it was an unrecognized and unauthorized language.", "liv": "Siz ku ma kizīz täm kädst, mikšpierāst minnõn izt opātõt līvõ kīeldõ, ta kītiz vastõ, ku se vȯļ seļļi kēl, mis vȯļ mōzõ pīkstõd, mis iz tūoḑ rõkāndõ." }, { "en": "Viktors and Marta Bertholds during a Livonian language class at Kolka Primary School in the early 1990s.", "liv": "Viktor ja Marta Bertholdõd līvõkīel stuņḑs Kūolka alīzskūols 1990. āigastõd īrgandõksõs" }, { "en": "The summer of 2008 was the first when Viktors’ place on the bench at the Livonian Festival was left empty.", "liv": "2008. āigast sõv vȯļ ežmi, ku Viktor kūož benk pǟl Līvõd pivši ei tijāks." }, { "en": "Viktors Bertholds passed away at the age of eighty-eight on February 23, 2009.", "liv": "Viktor Berthold lekš igāniz novvõm, ku ta vȯļ kōdõkskimdõ kōdõks āigastõ vannit 2009. āigast 23. februārs." }, { "en": "He is at rest in the Kolka cemetery.", "liv": "Ta novūb Kūolka kālmadtarās." }, { "en": "Former inhabitants of Old Žonaki Viktors Bertholds and Paulīne Kļavina at the 50th anniversary of the Livonian National House in Mazirbe on August 5, 1989.", "liv": "Zūonkõ kōrandst perīņ Viktor Berthold ja Poulīn Kļaviņa Līvõd rovkuodā 50 āigastõ jubilejs 1989. āigast 5. ougusts" }, { "en": "Resources used:", "liv": "Kõlbatõd ovātõd:" }, { "en": "Šuvcāne B. „Sauc par Vaidi manu ciemu.” R., Latvijas avīze, 2015. 306.–311. pp.", "liv": "Šuvcāne B. „Sauc par Vaidi manu ciemu.” R., Latvijas avīze, 2015. 306.–311.l.p." }, { "en": "Conversation with Viktor Berthold in Kolka in August 2003.", "liv": "Kubsrõk Viktor Bertholdõks Kūolkas 2003. āigast ougusts." }, { "en": "Video recording.", "liv": "Video." }, { "en": "Reorded by LFK assistant Aldis Pūtelis.", "liv": "Kōmaŗtõn LFK asistent Aldis Pūtelis." }, { "en": "Ārija Bertholdes’ letters to Baiba Šuvcāne in 2014.", "liv": "Ārija Bertholde kēra Baibai Šuvcānen 2014. āigasts." }, { "en": "CHAT IN LIVONIAN EVERY WEDNESDAY", "liv": "KUOLMÕNDPÄUVŠI RÕKĀNDÕM LĪVÕ KĪELKÕKS" }, { "en": "On 5th of November joint meeting of the Livonian Foundation and Līvõ Kultūr sidām boards was held, during which were discussed possibilities offered by website livones.lv for the Livonian language usage and promotion.", "liv": "5. novembõrs Rīgõs tuļtõ īdõkubbõ Līvõ fond ja Līvõ kultūr sidām jūodõd ja rõkāndiztõ ka iļ portāla livones.lv võimiži līvõ kīel kȭlbatimiz ja paŗīmiz oppimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "Both organizations recognized that the site’s rebuilding and expansion now allows not only to exchange views, news or add greetings and messages in the Livonian language, but also to have online conversations in Livones.lv chat.", "liv": "Mȯlmõd organizātsijd loptātiztõ, ku portāl immõrētimi ni tarmõb võimiz līvõ kīelkõks äb set kēratõ ja luggõ tieutõkši, bet ka rõkāndõ võrgõs, portāl rõktubās kūoḑõn eņtš vaisõ." }, { "en": "Therefore according to the LKS initiative was decided that starting from 25th of November every Wednesday evening from 20.30 an hour of chat will be held in Livonian.", "liv": "Sīepierāst LKS jeddõlpanmiz pierrõ sai loptātõd, ku jeddõpēḑõn (25. novembõrst) jegā kuolmõndpǟva ȭdõn kīela 20.30-st tīera stuņḑ rõktubās võib rõkāndõ līvõ kīelkõks." }, { "en": "The role of moderator was given to Valts Ernštreits.", "liv": "Rõkāndimiz stūņḑõd jūodijizõks līb Valt Ernštreit." }, { "en": "Portāla Livones.lv kopienas sadaļa.", "liv": "Portāla Livones.lv kopienas sadaļa." }, { "en": "Chat function can be found ir portal Community section. Creation of Community section is supported by Nordplus program.", "liv": "Rõktubā um lieudtõb portāl Rovst jags. Rovst jag tīemiz um tigtõn Nordplus programm." }, { "en": "2011 - YEAR OF THE LIVONIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE", "liv": "2011. - ROVDVAIDLI LĪVÕ KĪEL JA KULTŪR ĀIGAST" }, { "en": "The International Livonian Friends’ Society and the association Līvõ Kultūr sidām (Livonian Culture Centre) have come up with a decision to announce year 2011 the International Year of the Livonian Language and Culture.", "liv": "Rovdvaidli Līvõd sõbrād seļtš ja seļtš Līvõ Kultūr sidām um loptātõn tieudtõ 2011. āigast rovdvaidlizõks līvõ kīel ja kultūr āigastõks." }, { "en": "The idea is based on a number of reasons both with significant culture and historic value and the reasons of current importance. Consequently, the year 2011 seems to be marked with quite unique events.", "liv": "Sīen um setmiņ alīztõ, mis ātõ perīņ nei kultūr istōrijst ja ātõ sidtõd tǟdpǟvadõks, ku ka aktuālizt, sīestõ 2011. āigastõs ātõ vȯddõltõb setmiņ unikāld suggimizt." }, { "en": "In 2011 it is 150 years since the first Livonian grammar book and a dictionary was published in German by A.J.Sjogren and F.J.Wiedemann, in the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petersburg. The book also contained the first samples of Livonian folklore, poetry and religious texts.", "liv": "2011. āigasts līb 150 āigastõ, kuņtš Pētõrburgs Krīevõmō Tieudakadēmij ulzandõksõs tuļ ulzõ A. J. Sjögren ja F. J. Wiedemann īti tīe saksā kīelkõks – ežmi līvõ kīel grammatīk ja sõnārōntõz, missõs ātõ pīktsõd ka ežmizt līvõkēļist rovlūol nägțõkst, lūold ja vaimlizt tekstõd." }, { "en": "90 years ago the first non-religious book in Livonian was published – Līvõd ežmi lugdõbrōntõz (The First Livonian Reader), the start of a series of article collections by the Estonian Academic Native Language Society (Akadeemiline Emakeele Selts).", "liv": "Tulbiz āigasts līb 90 āigastõ, kuņtš tuļ ulzõ ežmi īlmali rōntõz līvõ kīelkõks – Līvõd ežmi lugdõbrōntõz, missõks Ēstimō Akadēmli jemākīel seļtš (Akadeemiline Emakeele Selts) īrgiz eņtš kēratõkši." }, { "en": "80 years have passed since supported by the Finnish Academic Club of Related Nations (Akateeminen Heimoklubi) the first Livonian periodical, a newspaper Līvli saw the daylight.", "liv": "80 āigastõ tāgiž Sūomõmō Akadēmliz sugrovd klub (Akateeminen Heimoklubi) abkõks īrgiz ulzõ tulmõ ežmi līvõkēļi āigakēra – Līvli." }, { "en": "75 years ago Kārlis Stalte, a Livonian, wrote the first Livonian language ABC commissioned by the Estonian Academic Native Language Society. Five years ago its manuscript was found in the State Archives of Estonia.", "liv": "75 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn līvli Kōrli Stalte Ēstimō Akadēmliz jemākīel seļtš ilzandõksõl paņ kubbõ ežmiz līvõd Abēd kežkerrõ, mis vīž āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn um lieudtõd Ēstimō arhīvs." }, { "en": "20 years ago the State Protected Culture Historic Territory Līvõd rānda (The Livonian Coast) was founded and the Livonians were declared indigenous nation in Latvia following the Law of the Republic of Latvia On Free Development Of National And Ethnic Groups And Their Rights To Culture Autonomy.", "liv": "20 āigastõ tāgiž um pūojtõd valst īžkist kaitstõb kultūristōrili teritōrij Līvõd rānda, bet Lețmō pandõksõs „Lețmō rovd ja etnilizt grupõd vabāst kazzimizõst ja õigõmõst kultūr autonōmij pǟl” līvlizt ātõ kēratõd Lețmō alliztrovd sieggõ." }, { "en": "Also, it is five years of livones.lv next year, the Livonian culture and language portal, the only mass medium to provide information in Livonian, Latvian, English and partly in Finnish and Estonian.", "liv": "Nei īž tulbiz āigasts līb vīž āigastõ līvõ kīel ja kultūr portāl livones.lv pūojtimizõst. Portāl um āinagi medij, mis āndab tieutõkst iļ līvlizt līvõ, leț, engliš ja ka ēsti ja sūomõ kīelkõks." }, { "en": "The Livonian language and culture is not only a historic value covered by the dust of long centuries.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ ja kultūr äb ūotõ set istōrilizt vǟrtõkst, mida katāb āigastkimdõd ja sadād pȯrm." }, { "en": "It is still a source of significant research to make our modern culture richer and to lead to discoveries of both scientific and practical value.", "liv": "Se um tämpizsōņõ tǟdzizt tuņšlimizt ja tieudlizt lieudõkst ovāt, mis tīeb jo rikkõks tämpiz kultūr jelāmiz ja tarmõb vǟrtõkši nei tieudmīedõn, ku ka amādõn muntõn." }, { "en": "In 2011, the so far most voluminous Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary will be published in Estonia.", "liv": "2011. āigasts Ēstimōl tulāb ulzõ amā sūŗ līvõ-ēsti-lețkīel sõnārōntõz." }, { "en": "It is compiled by prof. em. Tiit-Rein Viitso, the most outsatnding contemporary Livonian researcher, based on a variety of Livonian text samples including the collected material by Pēteris Dambergs, a Livonian.", "liv": "Sīe tēji um tämpizpǟva amā paŗīm līvõ kīel tūndiji ja tuņšliji prof. em. Tiit-Rein Viitso. Sõnārōntõ pierāst ta um kȭlbatõn setmiņ līvõ kīel tekstõd kubīdi, ka līvliz Pētõr Damberg kuoŗdõd kubbõ." }, { "en": "The new dictionary which contains also the grammar of the Livonian language is going to be a perfect study aid with authentic language samples.", "liv": "Ūž sõnārōntõz, missõs līb ka līvõ kīel grammatīk, līb ka täudli jõvād kīel nǟgțõbõdõks täutõd optõbrōntõz." }, { "en": "On 10 December, 2010, at the University of Tartu, Valts Ernštreits was conferred a doctor’s degree for his first original research The Formation of the Written Livonian Language. In 2011, a book will be published based on the same research.", "liv": "Tämnāigast 10. detsembõrs Tartu Iļīzskūols Valt Ernštreit ežmizkõrdiz tuņšlimizõks „Līvõ kērakīel suggimi” sai kīeltieud doktārõks, ja 2011. āigasts sīe tīe alīz pǟl tulāb ulzõ ka rōntõz." }, { "en": "International scientific conferences, exhibitions and other events in Latvia and Estonia will be held.", "liv": "Lețmōl ja Ēstimōl lībõd rovdvaidlizt tieudlizt konferentsõd, nägțõkst ja munt suggimizt." }, { "en": "During the International Year of the Livonian Language and Culture, University of Tartu, Estonian Language Institute, Native Language Society (Estonia) will be the main cooperation partners of the International Livonian Friends’ Society and Livonian Culture Centre while the Latvian partnership is represented by Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvian Language Agency, Latvian National History Museum, etc", "liv": "Rovvaidlizõs līvõ kīel ja kultūr āigasts Rovdvaidliz līvõd sõbrād seļtš ja Līvõ Kultūr sidām amā tǟdzizt kubsõtīe partnerd Ēstimōld ātõ Tartu Iļīzskūol, Ēsti kīel institūt, Jemākīel seļtš, Lețmōl – Lețmō Tieud akadēmij, Lețkīel agentūr, Lețmō Natsionāli istōrij muzej j. m." }, { "en": "Coordination in Latvia – Valts Ernštreits, Estonia – Tuuli Tuisk and Finland – Tapio Mäkeläinen.", "liv": "Suggimizt koordinātor Lețmōl um Valt Ernštreit, Ēstimōl Tuuli Tuisk ja Sūomõmōl Tapio Mäkeläinen." }, { "en": "Greetings from Mati Hint to the International Conference of the Year of the Livonian Language and Culture, 25 November 2011, Tartu.", "liv": "Profesōr Mati Hint tēriņtimi Rovvaidliz līvõ kīel ja kultūr āigast konferentsõn 25.11.2011. Tartus" }, { "en": "Today, my thoughts are with the Coast and with everyone who holds the Livonian language dear.", "liv": "Min mõtkõd āt tämpõ Rāndas ja näntkõks, kis rāndakīeldõ tõurõks pidābõd." }, { "en": "Let everything go well in their lives.", "liv": "Las näntõn vȯlkõ tikkiž amā sīe jelāmi jõvīst." }, { "en": "Things are difficult and let them be, but we don’t want to forget the Livonian language.", "liv": "Ažād attõ kērabist, las ne vȯlgõd, bet mēg äb tōm rāndakīeldõ unnõ." }, { "en": "Mati Hint is wishing you all well.", "liv": "Ammõ jõvvõ vēļõb täddõn amādõn – Mati Hint." }, { "en": "Published with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.", "liv": "Kēra um pandõd portālõ Lețmō Republik Kultūr ministrij tigtimizõl." }, { "en": "GREETINGS FROM PROF. MATI HINT", "liv": "PROFESŌR MATI HINT TĒRIŅTIMI" } ] }, { "source": "dictionary", "sentences": [ { "en": "Our children will have to look after them too when they’re old.", "liv": "Mäd lapstõn um võtāmõst nänt vanstpēḑõn ka eņtš vȱidamiz alā." }, { "en": "He’s tried to avoid ordinary language.", "liv": "Ta um kōļõn vȱidatõ irdist kīelstõ." }, { "en": "to hold on", "liv": "vizās vȯidõ" }, { "en": "Stay out of my way.", "liv": "Sa vȱida ēņtšta min riekstõ." }, { "en": "He’s got his teeth sunk into it.", "liv": "Ta vȱidab ēņtšta neiku ambõdõks vizās." }, { "en": "to babysit", "liv": "lapstā vȯidõ" }, { "en": "I looked after everything: the stables, the dog.", "liv": "Ma vȱidiz īdt amḑi: kil ūonpȯigi, kil piņņõ." }, { "en": "Look after your eyes!", "liv": "Vȱida eņtš siļmi!" }, { "en": "like waiting for the morning sun", "liv": "vȯdlõb neiku ūomõg päuvõ" }, { "en": "Why wait any longer.", "liv": "Mis siz jemīņ vȯdlõ." }, { "en": "He doesn’t wait at all.", "liv": "Ta äb vȯdlõ sugīd." }, { "en": "She’s expecting, hoping to have a child.", "liv": "Ta vȯdlõb lapstā, ku tämmõn līb." }, { "en": "She’s expecting a stork.", "liv": "Ta vȯdlõb pivālindõ." }, { "en": "Everyone has someone waiting for them.", "liv": "Amādõn āt vȯdlijizt" }, { "en": "breakfast time", "liv": "vȯdāgizt aiga" }, { "en": "to eat breakfast", "liv": "vȯdāgiži sīedõ" }, { "en": "vodka barrel", "liv": "brāndiļ vōț" }, { "en": "wait-wait", "liv": "vȯd-vȯd" }, { "en": "Beer also has foam, it starts foaming.", "liv": "Vȯllõn ka um vō, īrgõb vōtõ." }, { "en": "It’s whisked, to make foam, to make it foamy.", "liv": "Vōtõb, laz šūmõd vȯlkõd, laz ta vȯlk šūmsõ." }, { "en": "I follow this course.", "liv": "Ma lǟb siedā vōŗțõ." }, { "en": "Go in that direction!", "liv": "Li siedā vōŗțõ!" }, { "en": "The doors are opened and closed all the time.", "liv": "Ukši īdstīd vōŗštõb vāldiņ – vizzõ." }, { "en": "The storm also keeps moving the doors, until it breaks them.", "liv": "Tōvaz nei īž vōŗštõb ukši, kamēr artõb jarā." }, { "en": "downside", "liv": "vōŗ pūoļ" }, { "en": "in the shade of a tree", "liv": "pū vōŗ alā" }, { "en": "The sun casts shadows.", "liv": "Pǟvast um vōŗ." }, { "en": "I will fade away alone.", "liv": "Ikšigīņ ma vel täsā vōrgõb." }, { "en": "That’s wearing out the animal.", "liv": "Se um lūomõ vōrdziņtimi." }, { "en": "because of the oath", "liv": "vōnastõks pierāst" }, { "en": "A baby animal is hopping, a baby rabbit, can’t it walk, it goes hopping, hop-hop.", "liv": "Vōmpatõb lūomõläpš, kõps läpš, kis äbvõi kǟdõ, lǟb īekõs vōmpa-vōmpa." }, { "en": "Seals hobble.", "liv": "Ilgõd vōmpatõbõd." }, { "en": "Nobody could calm him down.", "liv": "Mitikš iz sȭita tǟnda vōļikšõ." }, { "en": "They go to spread the hay, as it will not dry otherwise.", "liv": "Lǟb vōlidi laigāld tīemõ, mõitiz ta äb kuij." }, { "en": "When there was a war, then people were getting killed like the hay mowed into a windrow.", "liv": "Siz ku vȯļ suodā, siz rovd sadīzt neiku āina vōlõ." }, { "en": "to dig the drift", "liv": "vōdõkst kouvõ" }, { "en": "There is a big drift outside.", "liv": "Kōrandõl um sūr vōdõks." }, { "en": "The village road is full of drifts.", "liv": "Tarādvait um vōdõkši täuž." }, { "en": "The storm created drifts outside.", "liv": "Tōvaz ajīz kōrandõl vōdõks." }, { "en": "There’s a snowstorm.", "liv": "Lum vōdstõb touvõ kädsõ." }, { "en": "The storm has blown the snow drifts around.", "liv": "Tōvaz um vōdstõn lumvōdidi." }, { "en": "The corners of the mouth turned foamy.", "liv": "Lopūd eitõ vōizõks." }, { "en": "to gather wealth", "liv": "viļļõ vōikõ" }, { "en": "to work hard", "liv": "vaijõ nǟdõ" }, { "en": "to bother or trouble someone", "liv": "vaijõ tīedõ" }, { "en": "He takes it to heart.", "liv": "Ta vōjastõb eņtš sidāmtõ." }, { "en": "Torture, if you kill someone, make things hard for another – an animal, a person.", "liv": "Vōjastõd. kui sa tūoizta nōvõd, tīed tuoizõn – lūomõn, rištīngõn – lǟlamtõ." }, { "en": "You tortured him with words, he took it to heart.", "liv": "Sa vōjastizt tǟnda sõnādõks kui tämmõn lǟb sidām jūrõ." }, { "en": "poor health", "liv": "vōjli tīerat" }, { "en": "So thin, nothing but skin and bone.", "liv": "Nei vōjli, mūd äb ūo, ku lū ja nōgõ." }, { "en": "He’s getting thin.", "liv": "Ta īeb vōjlizõks." }, { "en": "This woman is as thin as a salted flounder.", "liv": "Se nai um vōjli nemē va pīkliestā." }, { "en": "foam at the corners of the mouth", "liv": "vō lopūd pǟl" }, { "en": "Beer also has foam.", "liv": "Vȯllõn ka um vō." }, { "en": "five hundred and first", "liv": "vīdsadā ežmi" }, { "en": "five cats", "liv": "vīž kaššõ" }, { "en": "fifty first", "liv": "vīdkimdõ ežmi" }, { "en": "to grab", "liv": "vizzõ akkõ" }, { "en": "to catch", "liv": "vizzõ akkõ" }, { "en": "to get dressed", "liv": "vizzõ ēḑõ" }, { "en": "to get stuck", "liv": "vizzõ īedõ" }, { "en": "to close up", "liv": "vizzõ kazzõ" }, { "en": "to cover up", "liv": "vizzõ kattõ" }, { "en": "to turn off", "liv": "vizzõ kīerõ" }, { "en": "to freeze over", "liv": "vizzõ kilmõ" }, { "en": "to leave (a cow) tied up", "liv": "vizzõ laskõ" }, { "en": "to go to prison", "liv": "vizzõ lǟdõ" }, { "en": "to close", "liv": "vizzõ pānda" }, { "en": "to press down", "liv": "vizzõ pressõ" }, { "en": "to tie up", "liv": "vizzõ siddõ" }, { "en": "to get blocked by snow", "liv": "vizzõ pūontõ" }, { "en": "to stomp down", "liv": "vizzõ strempõ" }, { "en": "to fasten, close", "liv": "vizzõ tīedõ" }, { "en": "to grab", "liv": "vizzõ võttõ" }, { "en": "He covers up the food.", "liv": "Ta panāb sīemnāiga vizzõ." }, { "en": "What could one use to close the gaps in the bridge?", "liv": "Missõks võiks tīedõ sīldan vaitõd vizzõ?" }, { "en": "The sun slipped behind the cloud.", "liv": "Pǟva lekš vizzõ." }, { "en": "a long bast shoe", "liv": "pitkā vīzõ" }, { "en": "You rock him in your arms.", "liv": "Kädūd vaisõ vizīņțõd tǟnda." }, { "en": "wood anemone", "liv": "vālda vizbuļ" }, { "en": "yellow anemone", "liv": "vīri vizbuļ" }, { "en": "as hard as they could", "liv": "kui vizāstiz set īd võižtõ" }, { "en": "to hold on", "liv": "vizās piddõ" }, { "en": "to be stuck", "liv": "vizās vȱlda" }, { "en": "The ship is stuck like that.", "liv": "Nei um kuoig vizās." }, { "en": "The sun is behind the clouds.", "liv": "Pǟva um vizās." }, { "en": "Our cows had no milk, they had dried up.", "liv": "Mäddõn nīemõd izt āndat semḑi, vȯļtõ vizās." }, { "en": "behind closed doors", "liv": "vizās ukst tagān" }, { "en": "a reserved character", "liv": "vizās karaktõr" }, { "en": "with eyes closed", "liv": "vizās sīlmadõks" }, { "en": "to confirm in position", "liv": "amātõ vizāntõ" }, { "en": "to fasten a rope", "liv": "kīeta vizāntõ" }, { "en": "will be confirmed with an oath", "liv": "sōb vandõksõks vizāntõd" }, { "en": "Everyone confirms she’s right.", "liv": "Amād vizāntõbõd, ku tämmõn um tuož." }, { "en": "The horse is tied up.", "liv": "Ibbi un kieudsõ vizāl." }, { "en": "a hard nut to crack", "liv": "vizā pēgõz" }, { "en": "hard as a rock", "liv": "vizā kui kiv" }, { "en": "to harden", "liv": "vizāks lǟdõ" }, { "en": "The ram knocked him on the head with its hard horns.", "liv": "Jōsõ paņ eņtš vizād sōradõks tämmõn iļ pǟ." }, { "en": "The bread is as hard as a brick.", "liv": "Vālda lēba um vizā neiku tēgal." }, { "en": "hard water", "liv": "vizā vež" }, { "en": "deep sleep", "liv": "vizā uņ" }, { "en": "to ascertain", "liv": "vizāks tīedõ" }, { "en": "steamers of different size and shape", "liv": "äds mingiz sūŗit ja vīț ouŗkuoigīd" }, { "en": "like a brochure", "liv": "brošūr vīțli" }, { "en": "to form a whole", "liv": "tierritõ vīțõ" }, { "en": "stupidly", "liv": "jämp vīțõ" }, { "en": "nicely", "liv": "knaššõ vīțõ" }, { "en": "to do something wrong or stupid", "liv": "midēgõst äbõigiz või jämp vīțõ tīedõ" }, { "en": "It has a wider end, like a spade.", "liv": "Tämmõn um läbḑi vīțõ ikš tutkām jo laigā." }, { "en": "He whitens the room with chalk, makes the ceiling or walls white, beautiful.", "liv": "Ta vitūb krīțõks tubbõ, tīeb laggõd või sāina vāldaks, knaššõks." }, { "en": "He hoops the vessel.", "liv": "Ta vitštõb rīstõ." }, { "en": "waves the twig", "liv": "vitsīņtõb jōtazt" }, { "en": "The animal whipped its tail.", "liv": "Lūomõz eņtš tabārtõ vitsīņtõb." }, { "en": "The flag flaps in the wind.", "liv": "Flagā tūlkõks vitsīņtõb." }, { "en": "barrel hoop", "liv": "bōļa vitsā" }, { "en": "bucket hoop", "liv": "paņ vitsā" }, { "en": "trouser belt", "liv": "bikšõ vitsā" }, { "en": "skirt belt", "liv": "gūngaserk vitsā" }, { "en": "You are like wrapped up in a single belt.", "liv": "Tēg ūotõ neiku īd vitsāks vizzõ kīerdõd." }, { "en": "The hay dries in the sun, it only wilts without sun.", "liv": "Āina kūjõb pǟva kädsõ, ilmõ päuvõ set vītõb." }, { "en": "The flower wilts.", "liv": "Puțkõz vītõb jarā." }, { "en": "They have no fortresses/reassurances.", "liv": "Näntõn äb ūo äb mingiži viššõntõkši." }, { "en": "hard cloth", "liv": "viš ōrõn" }, { "en": "hard rope", "liv": "viš kieuž" }, { "en": "strong vessel", "liv": "viš rīst" }, { "en": "Hard as a nail.", "liv": "Viš neiku rōda naggõl." }, { "en": "These were still strong.", "liv": "Ne vȯļtõ vel viššõd kil." }, { "en": "It’s always foggy.", "liv": "Vīsõltõb īdstīd." }, { "en": "There’s only fog, a fine drizzle.", "liv": "Vīslõb set, pīenti vīsõl, ud vīmõ." }, { "en": "The viper hurls itself.", "liv": "Ūška viskūb." }, { "en": "to throw away", "liv": "jedspēḑõn viskõ" }, { "en": "to throw down", "liv": "mōzõ viskõ" }, { "en": "to throw out", "liv": "ulzõ viskõ" }, { "en": "throws overboard", "liv": "viskūb kuoigstõ iļ bort" }, { "en": "doesn’t give it, throws it like you throw to a dog", "liv": "äb ānda sugīd käddõ, viskūb neiku piņņõn" }, { "en": "The bees kill them in autumn and throw them out.", "liv": "Nēḑi miedlinkizt tapābõd sigžõ mōz ja viskõbõd ulz." }, { "en": "We laid him down.", "liv": "Viskīzmõ täm pitkāliz mōzõ." }, { "en": "What I don’t want, I throw out.", "liv": "Mis ma äb tō, ma viskūb jedspēḑõn." }, { "en": "You threw a rock at someone.", "liv": "Sa viskīzt tūoizta kivkõks." }, { "en": "You threw a rock at someone.", "liv": "Sa viskīzt tuoiz pǟl kiv." }, { "en": "You throw some clothes on.", "liv": "Viskūd ōrõnd pǟlõ." }, { "en": "recovery time", "liv": "virtimiz āiga" }, { "en": "to get refreshed", "liv": "virtõd sōdõ" }, { "en": "A person awakens.", "liv": "Rištīng vīrgõb." }, { "en": "You wake up from sleep.", "liv": "Sa unstõ vīrgõd." }, { "en": "to wake up, awaken", "liv": "virgõ sōdõ" }, { "en": "A person wakes up.", "liv": "Rišting sōb virgõ." }, { "en": "to be awake", "liv": "virgsõ vȱlda" }, { "en": "Mother goes to wake her daughter up.", "liv": "Jemā lǟb virgtõm tidārt." }, { "en": "She goes quietly, so she would not wake her mother up.", "liv": "Ta lǟb vāgiž, algõ virgtõg jemmõ." }, { "en": "You drive his dreams away.", "liv": "Sa virgtõd tuoizõn jarā un." }, { "en": "double pointed needle", "liv": "sukā kudtõb vīrba" }, { "en": "Knits a stocking with five needles.", "liv": "Sukkõ kudāb vīd vīrbaks." }, { "en": "I bought a striped shirt.", "liv": "Ma vȯstīz eņtšõn vīpšlimiz serk." }, { "en": "I draw lines on paper.", "liv": "Ma viedāb papīer pǟlõ vīpsidi." }, { "en": "The piglet whines; the children also whine like the piglet.", "liv": "Pūoraz viņīkšõb; lapst ka viņīkšõbõd neiku pūoraz." }, { "en": "Firm, so he can control himself.", "liv": "Vingõr, ku võib ēņtšta valdõ." }, { "en": "He felt himself become strong.", "liv": "Ta tūndiz, ku ei vingõrõks." }, { "en": "ears are ringing", "liv": "kūorad vingõbõd" }, { "en": "big fume", "liv": "sūr ving" }, { "en": "Fume is getting inside.", "liv": "Ving tulāb tubbõ" }, { "en": "The stove let fume in the room.", "liv": "ōj laskīz vingõ tubbõ." }, { "en": "I could tell by the fume that I was feeling ill.", "liv": "Vingstõ ma tūndiz, ku minnõn ei slikțõ." }, { "en": "The Russian beat the German.", "liv": "Krīevõz vīndiz saksõ." }, { "en": "I won it for myself.", "liv": "Ma vīndiz sīe eņtšõn." }, { "en": "handle of a well", "liv": "kouv vīnda" }, { "en": "It’s raining.", "liv": "Vīmõ sadāb." }, { "en": "Big, heavy rain, it’s pounding the earth.", "liv": "Sūŗ, jamdõ vīmõ, mō rūtšõb." }, { "en": "It’s raining cats and dogs.", "liv": "Vīmõ neiku pōņõdõks gōžõb mōzõ." }, { "en": "The flies are very angry, rain is on its way.", "liv": "Kärmizt attõ dikți kõzzizt, līb vīmõ." }, { "en": "The crops perished, because it rained too much.", "liv": "Vīļa lekš ukkõ väggi sūrd vīmõd käds." }, { "en": "A vimba has many bones.", "liv": "Vīmban um pǟgiņ ūogidi." }, { "en": "A file is used for filing.", "liv": "Vīļõks vīļõb." }, { "en": "His fields produced a lot of crops and their crops perished.", "liv": "Täm nūrmõd āndizt rikāzt viļļõ ja nänt vīļa lekš ukkõ." }, { "en": "The crops are planted.", "liv": "Viļļõ kīlab mōzõ." }, { "en": "iron file", "liv": "rouḑi vīļ" }, { "en": "The work is dragged out.", "liv": "Tīedõ viltsiņtõb jo kōgaz." }, { "en": "You’re shortchanging someone.", "liv": "Sa viltõd tūoizta rištīngtõ rōkõks." }, { "en": "Afterwards, he got used to it and did it well.", "liv": "Pierrõ vilīz jarā ja mūoštiz siedā jõvīst." }, { "en": "My senses deceived me.", "liv": "Min mēļ vilīz." }, { "en": "A person is being defrauded, duped.", "liv": "Rištīngtõ vilūb, tratsīņtõb." }, { "en": "A lazy person is called lazybones.", "liv": "Laiskõ rištīngt nutab villizõks." }, { "en": "to run so your heals are flashing", "liv": "jūokšõ, nemē kūondad vilkõbõd" }, { "en": "He dashes past me.", "liv": "Ta vīlkõb minstõ piddõz." }, { "en": "Why are you picking on the kids! – when something is promised, taunted, fabricated.", "liv": "Mis sa läpši vilbiņtõd! – ku midāgõst tȭitab, tratsīņtõb, pietāb." }, { "en": "Wool is sheared.", "liv": "Villõ kerīkšõb." }, { "en": "Wool had to be carded and spun in winter.", "liv": "Tallõ vȯļ karšõmõst ja vērbikšõmõst vīlidi." }, { "en": "full of all kinds of scams", "liv": "ammõ viltõ täuž" }, { "en": "cool weather", "liv": "vil āiga" }, { "en": "cool wind", "liv": "vil tūļ" }, { "en": "A cool wind blows every day.", "liv": "Vil tūļ pūgõb jegā pǟva." }, { "en": "You cannot pick potatoes when there’s a cool wind blowing.", "liv": "Vil tūlkõks äb või kuoŗŗõ naggiŗi." }, { "en": "I can’t stand it when it’s cool.", "liv": "Ma äb kāndat villõ." }, { "en": "to give shelter", "liv": "villõ andõ" }, { "en": "He’s afraid of his own shadow.", "liv": "Ta kārtab eņtš vilstõ." }, { "en": "The tree casts a shadow.", "liv": "Pū ētab villõ." }, { "en": "One can’t jump over his own shadow.", "liv": "Eņtš villõn iļļõ äb päz." }, { "en": "The moon only has a shadow when the moon is covered, a cloud covers it.", "liv": "Kūn set um vil, ku kū um vizāsõ, mingi pīla tulāb pǟlõ." }, { "en": "polish to shine", "liv": "spīḑijizõks viksõ" }, { "en": "Shoes, boots are polished with a brush.", "liv": "Kengi, sōpkidi viksūb birštõks." } ] }, { "source": "trilium", "sentences": [ { "en": "Epilogue", "liv": "Lopāndõkssõnā" }, { "en": "Livonian is the ancient language of the indigenous people of Latvia that belongs among Finno-Ugric languages.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um muini sūomõ-ugrõ kēļ, mis um perīņ Lețmōld." }, { "en": "In the 12th century, it was spoken in the territory of modern Latvia around the Gulf of Riga, in the northern part of the Courland Peninsula, at the lower course of the Gauja and Daugava rivers and also around the present capital of Latvia, Riga.", "liv": "12. āigastsadās līvõ kēļ sai rõkāndtõd Lețmōl ämši Piškīz mier agā Rīgõ lop immõrgouțs, ka Lețmō paldīņiz pǟljālgab Rīgõ immõr." }, { "en": "The Livonians gradually blended into neighbouring peoples, becoming part of the contemporary Latvian people and making a strong mark on the Latvian language.", "liv": "Sam samīņ sǟl jellõnd rovzt sulīzt īdõkubbõ kāimadõks ja vaidizt eņtš kīel lețkīelkõks." }, { "en": "In the 19th century, Livonian was spoken in two regions of Latvia.", "liv": "19. āigastsadā sidāms līvõ kēļ sai rõkāndtõd set kōds kūožõs." }, { "en": "One of them was around the Svētupe river on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Riga, where at least 22 people spoke Vidzeme or Salaca Livonian.", "liv": "Ikš nēšti vȯļ Piškīz mier mōgõr aigās Pivājoug immõr, kus Vidūmō agā Salāts līvõ kīeldõ kȭlbatiz 22 līvõ kīel prațțijizt." }, { "en": "Here, it didn’t take long for Livonian to disappear.", "liv": "Täsā līvõ kēļ kadīz jarā jõvā lītiz āiga pierrõ." }, { "en": "The second place was the Livonian Coast, which covers 14 fishing villages from Oviši to Ģipka and where about 2,500 people spoke Courland Livonian.", "liv": "Tuoi kūož vȯļ Līvõd rānda – 14 Kurmō kalāmīed killõ Pațīkmōst Gipkõ sōņõ, kus Kurmō līvõ kīeldõ rõkāndiz 2500 rištīngtõ." }, { "en": "The number of Livonian speakers decreased in Courland as well in the 20th century.", "liv": "20. āigastsadās līvõ kīel rõkāndijizt lug ka Kurmōl ei veitimõks." }, { "en": "This was accelerated by the two world wars as well as the Soviet occupation, but the Livonians, their supporters among other Finno-Ugric peoples and in Latvia still actively participated in the preservation and development of the Livonian language and culture.", "liv": "Sīen äbțiztõ mȯlmõd mōīlma suodād ja nõvkub okupātsij, mis teitõ kīel kaddimiz vel jo kierdizõks, laz kil līvlizt īž ja nänt tigtijizt munt sūomõ-ugrõ rovd siegāst ja Lețmōl teitõ pǟgiņ tīedõ sīe prațțimiz ja kazāntimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "The entire Livonian Coast was turned into a border zone in the 1950s, as it was now the western border of the Soviet Union.", "liv": "1950. āigastis amās Līvõd rāndas sai sǟdõd īžki režīm, sīestõ ku se ni vȯļ Nõvkub Īt vežgõr rubīž." }, { "en": "Fishing, which had been the main livelihood of the Livonians for a long time, and access to the sea were restricted.", "liv": "Kalād vejmi, mis pitkõ aigõ vȯļ vȯnd līvliztõn amā irdi amāt, ja rāndanaigõ päzzimi sai vel jo lǟlamõks." }, { "en": "Many Livonians moved to bigger cities in search for work, most to Riga and Ventspils.", "liv": "Sīepierāst pǟgiņd rāndalizt lekštõ vȯtšõm tīedõ sūriž jālgabiž – amā emīņ Rīgõ ja Väntõ." }, { "en": "Farms were abandoned and the last region where Livonian was spoken in all villages ceased to exist.", "liv": "Kōrandõd eitõ tijāks, ja perri mōkabāl, kus ämši kilīs sai rõkāndtõd līvõ kēļ, kadīz jarā." }, { "en": "The Livonians who’d left were soon replaced by Latvians and their language is now the main one heard on the Livonian Coast.", "liv": "Jarā lǟnd rāndalizt azmõl saggõld tuļtõ lețlizt ja ni Līvõd rāndas pǟažālistõz um kūldõb lețkēļ." }, { "en": "Today, many Livonians live in Riga, Ventspils, Kūolka and elsewhere in Latvia.", "liv": "Pāldiž līvõd jelābõd Rīgõs, Vǟntas, Kūolkas ja ka mūši Lețmō kūožis." }, { "en": "According to the census of 2011, 250 people in Latvia identify themselves as Livonians.", "liv": "2011. āigast rovzt luggimi nägțiz, ku Lețmōl um īdskubs 250 līvlizt." }, { "en": "The Livonian language has been entered into the UNESCO list of endangered languages.", "liv": "Tämpõ līvõ kēļ um kēratõd UNESCO Mōīlma ädāstõd kīeld atlant sizzõl." }, { "en": "There are only a little over 20 people in the world who can speak Livonian.", "liv": "Mōīlmas um set rōz iļ 20 rištīngtõ, kis mūoštabõd rõkāndõ līvõ kīelkõks." }, { "en": "Among them are the three authors of this book.", "liv": "Sīegid nänt siegāst ātõ lieudtõb ka kuolm lūoltijizt, kis ātõ ka sīe rōntõ autord." }, { "en": "Therefore, it can be said that whilst Livonian literature is undoubtedly the smallest literature in Europe in terms of the number of readers, it’s also the biggest when the number of writers among Livonian speakers is taken into account.", "liv": "Sīepierāst võib kītõ, ku laz kil līvõd kērandõks um Eirop amā piški kērandõks luggijizt lug pūolst, se võib vȱlda ka amā sūr, až vaņtlõ kēranikād lug pierrõ līvlizt ja līvõ kīel rõkāndijizt siegās." }, { "en": "The impact and meaning of the Livonian language and culture actually reach much further than the current number of Livonians and Livonian speakers might suggest.", "liv": "Līvõ kīel ja kultūr mȯjjimi ja tǟdzit ātõ pǟgiņ jo sūrd äbku set paldīņi līvõd agā līvõ kīel rõkāndijizt lug." }, { "en": "Livonians have played an important role in the history of the Baltic region and in the development of modern Latvian language and culture.", "liv": "Līvliztõn um vȯnd tǟdzi kūož Baltijmōd istōrij pierāst ja tǟdõlpandõb jag tämpiz lețkīel ja Lețmō kultūr suggimizõs." }, { "en": "There are many well-known contemporary Latvian writers, composers, artists, statesmen and other intellectuals whose ancestors are Livonians.", "liv": "Lețmō jõvīst tundtõb kēranikād, komponistõd, kuņštnikād, valdmīed ja munt opātõd rovzt siegās um pǟgiņ rovžti, kis ātõ perīņ līvližist." }, { "en": "After losing their land and their language, Livonians have worked hard to keep their perception and heritage – this has helped the Livonian language and culture to survive to this day.", "liv": "Ka pierrõ kīel kōtimiz līvlizt ātõ vȯnnõd vizād eņtštundimiz ja pierāndõks prațțijizt, mis um äbțõn līvõd kīelõn ja kultūrõn pīlõ jeddõpēḑõn jelsõ ka tämpõ." }, { "en": "It’s important that over a period of almost 200 years, Livonians have managed to develop their contemporary culture in addition to preserving their heritage.", "liv": "Tǟdzi um ka se, ku pigātagā kakšsaddõ āigastõ irdiz kultūr kūoral līvõd ātõ kazāntõnd ka eņtš tämpiz kultūr." }, { "en": "It has developed consistently alongside the culture of the neighbouring peoples of the Livonians – the Latvians and the Estonians.", "liv": "Eņtš istōrij pitkit pūolst se um īti līvlizt kāimad rovzt – lețlizt ja ēstlizt – tämpizt kultūrdõks." }, { "en": "This means that not only have the Livonians kept their language and traditions alive, they’ve also developed their written language and new cultural traditions, which are expressed in the works of Livonian poets, artists, composers and other creative people.", "liv": "Se tǟntõb, ku līvõd äb ūotõ set prațțõn tämpiz sōņõ eņtš kīel kȭlbatimiz, bet ka ūotõ kazāntõnd kērakīeldõ ja tämpiz kultūr irdõkši, mis ātõ nǟdõb tämpizt līvõd lūoltijizt, kuņštnikād, muzīk kēratijizt ja lōlajizt tīeši." }, { "en": "Origins of Livonian literature", "liv": "Līvõd kērandõks īrgandõks" }, { "en": "The first Livonian words can be found in the Livonian Chronicle of Henry, which was written in the 13th century and is an important document in the study of the history of the Livonians and the entire Baltic region.", "liv": "Ežmizt līvõkēļizt sõnād ātõ lieudtõb jõvā 13. āigastsadās kēratõd Līvõmō Henrik krōniks, mis um tǟdzi dokument līvõd ja amād Baltijmōd istōrij pierāst." }, { "en": "The first texts in Livonian were probably printed in the 16th century.", "liv": "Ežmizt līvõkēļizt tekstõd saitõ pīkstõd jõvā 16. āigastsadās." }, { "en": "However, the majority of the Livonian texts published before the mid-19th century were mostly written down as examples of the language that were not meant for the Livonians themselves, such as the first books in Livonian printed in London in 1863 – the Gospel of Matthew in the western and eastern dialects of Courland Livonian.", "liv": "Sīegid amā sūr jag jedmõl 19. āigastsadā sidāmt ulzõ andtõd līvõkēļižist tekstist vȯļtõ pǟmizõld set kīel nägțõbõd, mis izt ūotõ mõttõltõd līvlizt pierāst, ka 1863. āigasts Londons pīkstõd ežmizt līvõkēļizt rōntõd – Matteus evangēlium tulkõmd Kurmō līvõ kīel idā ja lǟnd murdsõ." }, { "en": "The first book that was actually meant for the Livonians was also a translation of the Gospel of Matthew, which was made on the basis of the translations mentioned above and published in 1880 in St Petersburg.", "liv": "Ežmi kūoḑõn līvlizt pierāst mõttõltõd rōntõz – neiīž Matteus evangēlium tulkõm, mis vȯļ tīedõd kōd jedmiliz tulkõm abkõks – sai ulzõ andtõd set 1880. āigasts Pētõrburgs." }, { "en": "The first examples of Livonian fiction were published in the middle of the 19th century when St Petersburg academics Anders Johan Sjögren and Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann visited the Livonians.", "liv": "Ežmizt līvõkēļizt knaškērandõks nägțõbõd sugīztõ jõvā 19. āigastsadā sidāms, ku līvlizt jūrõ tuļt Pētõrburg akadēmikõd Anders Johan Sjögren ja Ferdinand Johann Wiedemann." }, { "en": "The first Livonian grammar book compiled by them, which included examples of the language and a Livonian-German-Livonian dictionary, was published in 1861 in St Petersburg.", "liv": "Nänt kubbõ sǟdõd ežmi līvõ kīel gramatīk īdskubs līvõ kīel nägțõbõdõks ja līvõkīel-saksākīel-līvõkīel sõnārōntõks sai ulzõ andtõd 1861. āigasts Pētõrburgs." }, { "en": "The poems written by Jāņ Prints and his son Pētõr Prints were published among other examples of the language, i.e. proverbs, folk songs, legends and descriptions of traditions, and became the first examples of Livonian fiction.", "liv": "Munt kīel nägțõbõd (kītõbsõnād, rovlōlõd ja muiniztnīžõd) siegās āt lieudtõb ka ežmizt līvõ kērandõks nägțõbõd – Jāņ Prints ja täm pūoga Pētõr Prints kēratõd lūoltõkst." }, { "en": "Jāņ Prints senior was a Livonian fisherman and writer from the village of Pizā, where he also served as a sexton for many years.", "liv": "Jāņ Prints vaņīmi vȯļ līvõd kalāmīez ja eņtšoppõn kēranikā Pizā kilāst, kus ta setmiņ āigastidi pidīz ka kestār amātõ." }, { "en": "Later, he settled in Ventspils, where he founded the Ostgals district of the city. One of the streets in Ventspils – Prinču iela or Prints Street – has been named in honour of the Prints family.", "liv": "Jo obbõ Jāņ Prints vaņīmi lekš jelām Väntõ, kus ta paņ alīz īd Vǟnta jālgab jaggõn (tämpõ – Ostgals, kus ikš īelišt kāndab ka täm nim)." }, { "en": "Jāņ Prints lived in Ventspils until his death.", "liv": "Jāņ Prints jelīz sǟl eņtš igā lopāndõks sōņõ." }, { "en": "He was a talented linguist and writer.", "liv": "Tämmõn vȯļ sūr kīelmīe ja kēranikā and." }, { "en": "This is evidenced by the Livonian neologisms he created and also offered to both of the aforementioned researchers from St Petersburg, as well as his articles in Latvian press.", "liv": "Sīe nägțõbõd nei täm lūodõd līvõkīel sõnād, mis ta tārmiz jeddõ nimtõd tuņšlijiztõn, ku ka täm kērad sīeāiga lețlizt āigakēris." }, { "en": "Jāņ Prints had already written several articles in Latvian and Livonian by the time Sjögren and Wiedemann arrived.", "liv": "Jõvā jedmõl Sjögren ja Wiedemann tulmizt Jāņ Prints vȯļ kēratõn setmiņ kerrõ lețkīelkõks ja līvõkīelkõks." }, { "en": "He had also done some translations.", "liv": "Ta vȯļ jõvā tīend ka tulkõmidi." }, { "en": "Jāņ Prints believed that he had to pass the beautiful, pure and rich Livonian language on to future generations and show that Livonian was a cultural language equal to any bigger European language.", "liv": "Jāņ Prints vaņīmizõn vȯļ mõtk, ku tulbizt sugkazāmd pierāst um prațțõmõst knašsõ, pūdõzt ja rikāzt līvõ kīeldõ ja nägțõmõst, ku līvõ kēļ um seļļi īž kultūrkēļ nemē jegā mū sūŗimi Eirop kēļ." }, { "en": "This is probably the reason why Jāņ Prints wrote his first poems in Livonian and did his first translations.", "liv": "Um mõttõltõb, ku kūoḑõn sīe mõtk pierrõ Jāņ Prints vaņīmi võiž kēratõ ka eņtš ežmiži lūoltõkši līvõ kīelkõks ja tīedõ ežmiži tulkõmidi." }, { "en": "Jāņ Prints senior also played an important role in Latvian literature.", "liv": "Jāņ Prints um tǟdzi ka leț kērandõks pierāst." }, { "en": "His Latvian book of poems Jūrnieku svētās dziesmas un lūgšanas (Holy Songs and Prayers of Seamen), which he wrote with his elder son Jāņ, was published in 1845 in Mitau, i.e. Jelgava.", "liv": "Täm lețkēļi lūolrōntõz Jūrnieku svētās dziesmas un lūgšanas (Miermīed pivād lōlõd ja pōlandõkst), mis ta kēratiz īdskubs eņtš vaņīmiz pūogaks Jāņõks, sai ulzõ andtõd Jālgabs 1845. āigasts." }, { "en": "This was the second collection of original poetry in the literary history of Latvia.", "liv": "Se vȯļ tuoi origināllūolkub lețkēļiz kērandõks istōrijs." }, { "en": "When you read the poems written by Jāņ Prints more than 170 years ago, you have to admire the stylistic methods he used, as they feel very contemporary, how well he thought through the imagery and rhythm of his poems.", "liv": "Jemīņ äbku 170 āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn kēratõd Jāņ Prints tīeḑi luggõs, võib set imlõ, kui tämpi um täm kȭlbatõd kīel kil, kui jõvād ja lebmõttõltõd ātõ täm lūoltõkst bīldad ja ritm." }, { "en": "His texts make you think that history should’ve been different.", "liv": "Täm kēratõd tekstõd panbõd ka mõtlõm iļ sīe, ku istōrij vȯlks võind vȱlda ka mõiti." }, { "en": "If Jāņ Prints had had the chance to learn more about culture not only in the world of fishing villages, but elsewhere as well, he might’ve developed into a noteworthy and bright 19th century cultural icon throughout Europe and not in Latvia and the Baltic States alone.", "liv": "Až Jāņ Printsõn vȯlks vȯnd võimi sōdõ jemīņ tieudõ iļ kultūrjelāmiz mūsõ, äb set kalāmīed kilād mōīlmas, tämstõ agā vȯlks tund tǟdõlpandõb ja õldzi 19. āigastsadā kultūrrištīng äb set Lețmō ja Baltijmōd, bet võib vȱlda ka tīera Eirop konteksts." }, { "en": "Livonian literature in the 20th century", "liv": "Līvõd kērandõks 20. āigastsadās" }, { "en": "Livonian literature started developing rapidly after World War I, when the ideas of the romantic nationalism of the 19th century had started spreading again in Europe and several new nation states were born in the wake of the collapse of empires.", "liv": "Līvõd kērandõks īrgiz pakānd kazzõ pierrõ Ežmizt mōīlmasuoddõ, ku 19. āigastsadās rovromantlizt mõtkõd vȯļtõ sōnõd väggõ populārlimiztõks ja sūrd impērijd kubbõsaddimiz pierrõ amās Eirops vȯļtõ äkīstiz suggõnd pǟgiņd ūd rovvaldõd." }, { "en": "When Latvia, Estonia and Finland emerged from the ruins of the Russian Empire, the Livonians once again found themselves under the spotlight as an important part of the region’s history.", "liv": "Ku ūd īžpīlijizt Lețmō, Ēstimō ja Sūomõmō valdõd sugīzt kunāgiz Krīevõ impērij ruzīst, līvlizt, kis vȯļtõ tǟdzi sīe region istōrij jagū, tegīž saitõ tǟdõlpanmiz sidāmõ." }, { "en": "Estonian and Finnish scientists and cultural figures were the ones who have special attention to the Livonians.", "liv": "Līvõd saitõ īžkiz Estimō ja Sūomõmō tuņšlijizt ja kultūrtīe tējizt tǟdõlpanmiz alā." }, { "en": "They were captivated by the idea of kindred peoples speaking Finno-Ugric languages in Europe where Indo-European languages are mostly spoken.", "liv": "Nēḑi vȯļ mȯjjõn mõtk iļ sugrovd – setmiņd sūomõ-ugrõ kēļi rõkāndijizt rovd aim Eirops, kus pǟažālistõz sōbõd rõkāndtõd Indoeirop kīeld." }, { "en": "The activities of these researchers and creative persons were also influenced by the fact that studying Finno-Ugric peoples other than the Sami and the Hungarians and cooperation with them was difficult at the time, as they remained in the newly established Soviet Union.", "liv": "Nänt tuņšlijizt ja kultūrtīe tējizt tīedõ mȯjīz ka se, ku munt seļļizt sūomõ-ugrõ rovd, luggõmõt sāmidi ja ungāridi, vȯļtõ lǟlamstiz käddõsōdõb tuņšlimiz agā kubsõtīe pierāst, sīestõ ne vȯļtõ īenõd set lūodõd Nõvkub Ītõ." }, { "en": "Thus, many Estonian and Finnish scientists suddenly became interested in the Livonians, they started studying and helping them, and the Finns and the Estonians also strongly supported the attempts to preserve the language and culture of the Livonians.", "liv": "Sīepierāst setmiņd sūomõ ja ēsti tuņšlijizt interes äkīstiz sai pivāstõd līvliztõn, ne īrgiztõ jellõ līvlizt tuņšlimizõks ja äbțimizõks, ja līvõd kēļ ja kultūr sai dižānist tigtõd mȯlmõd ne rovd pūolst." }, { "en": "The first and most noteworthy of the researchers who arrived on the Livonian Coast were Lauri Kettunen (1885–1963) from Finland, who was a professor of Baltic-Finnic languages in the University of Tartu and the compiler of the Livonian-German dictionary published in 1938, and Estonian Oskar Loorits (1900–1961), a student of Lauri Kettunen and later a collector and researcher of Livonian folklore.", "liv": "Ežmizt ja amā tǟdzizt seļļižist tuņšlijižist, kis tuļtõ Līvõd randõ, vȯļtõ Lauri Kettunen (1885–1963) – sūomli, Tartu Iļīzskūol vāldamiersūomõ kīeld profesōr ja 1938. āigasts ulzõ andtõd līvõ-saksā sõnārōntõ kubbõsǟdiji, ja ēstli Oskar Loorits (1900–1961), Kettunen sīeāiga student ja obbimi līvõ folklor kuoŗŗiji ja tunšliji." }, { "en": "During their first expedition to Livonian villages in 1920 to collect material about the Livonian language and culture, the two researchers urged the Livonians to give more attention to their heritage, which had to be preserved and developed.", "liv": "Līvõ kīel ja kultūr materiāld kuoŗŗimiz kūoral jõvā nänt ežmiz ekspedītsij āigal līvõd kilīs 1920. āigasts mȯlmõd tuņšlijizt īrgizt rõkāndõ iļ sīe, ku līvliztõn um jemīņ tǟdõl panmõst eņtš pierāndõkst, siedā um prațțõmõst ja kazāntõmõst." }, { "en": "This is why they helped to create and boost Livonian culture, establish choirs and the first Livonian social organisation the Livonian Union, helped to teach Livonian in schools, etc.", "liv": "Sīepierāst ne äbțiztõ ka lūodõ ja kazāntõ līvõd kultūrjelāmiz – pūojtõ loulkūoridi ja Līvõd Ītõ, opātõ līvõ kīeldõ skūoliš j.n.j." }, { "en": "Creating possibilities for the publication of Livonian texts was one of their most important tasks.", "liv": "Ikš nänt tunšlijizt amā tǟdzižist tīešti vȯļ līvõkēļizt tekstõd ulzāndamiz võimizt lūomi." }, { "en": "Lauri Kettunen and Oskar Loorits published the first Livonian chrestomathy already in 1921 and continued publishing such chrestomathies until 1926.", "liv": "Jõvā 1921. āigasts Kettunen ja Loorits āndizt ulzõ ežmiz līvõd lugdõbrōntõ ja jatkīztõ seļļizt lugdõbrōntõd ulzāndamiz 1926. āigast sōņõ." }, { "en": "The poems and stories written by the Livonians themselves were published in the chrestomathies alongside folklore and articles written by the compilers themselves.", "liv": "Īdskubs folklorõks ja autord eņtš kēradõks lugdõbrōntiš sait ulzõ andtõd ka līvõd lūoltõkst ja nīžõd." }, { "en": "These books and the monthly Līvli (1931-1939) became the development media of Livonian literature, where earlier and new Livonian authors could publish their works between the wars.", "liv": "Ne rōntõd ja jo obbõ ulzõ tund kūkēra Līvli (1931–1939) saitõ vaindõkstõks līvõ kērandõks kazāntimiz pierāst, kus kōd mōīlmasuodā vailizõl āigal eņtš tīeḑi saitõ ulzõ andõ nei jõvā jedmõl kēratõnd, ku ka ūd kēratijid." }, { "en": "It has to be said that poetry has been the most popular genre of fiction in Livonian literature.", "liv": "Um kītõmõst, ku sīel āigal ja ka leb amā līvõd istōrij amā populārlimi kērandõks jag um vȯnd lūoltimi." }, { "en": "It’s understandable, as writing poetry has always been important to the neighbouring peoples of the Livonians as well.", "liv": "Sīen allizt āt jõvīst mȯistõb, sīestõ lūoltimi um alz vȯnd populārlimi līvõd kāimad rovd jūs." }, { "en": "Poems are easy to publish and writing poetry usually takes less time than writing prose.", "liv": "Se vȯļ kievāmstiz ulzõ andtõb ja sīe pierāst un vajāg ka jo veitõ tīedõ äbku nīžõd kēratimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "It was also important to many Livonian authors, who were mostly fisherman and whose day job meant they had to give more attention to oars and nets than pens and paper.", "liv": "Se vȯļ tǟdzi ažā pǟgiņd līvõd kēratijizt pierāst, kis vȯļtõ pǟmizõld kalāmīed ja pǟvad lebbõ jemīņ jelīztõ airõdõks ja võrgõdõks, äbku turgõks ja papīerõks." }, { "en": "The best known Livonian writer of this period was Kōrli Stalte (1870–1947) – poet, translator, keeper and developer of Livonian culture.", "liv": "Amā tǟdõlpandõb autor sīel āigal vȯļ Kōrli Stalte (1870– 1947) – lūoltiji, tulkiji, līvõd kultūr prațțiji ja kazāntiji." }, { "en": "Stalte was also the first chairman of the Livonian Union established in 1923.", "liv": "Stalte vȯļ ka ežmi 1923. āigasts pūojtõd Līvõd Īt jūodiji." }, { "en": "He was also the editor of the monthly Līvli (1933–1939) and a translator, who translated the New Testament into Livonian.", "liv": "Sīejūs Stalte vȯļ kūkēra Līvli tuoimiji (1933–1939) ja ka tulkiji, kis tulkiz līvõkīelkõks Ūd testament." }, { "en": "Stalte is known the most for his secular and spiritual poems in Livonian.", "liv": "Amā tundtõb Stalte um sīe pūolst, ku ta kēratiz ka īlmaliži ja vaimliži līvõkēļiži lūoltõkši." }, { "en": "Stalte started writing before World War I.", "liv": "Stalte īrgiz kēratõ jõvā jedmõl Ežmizt mōīlmasuoddõ." }, { "en": "In the 1920s and 1930s he was one of the most diligent Livonian poets and the author of the first Livonian book of poetry Līvo lōlõd (Livonian Songs), which was published in Tallinn.", "liv": "1920. ja 1930. āigastis ta vȯļ amā kierdi līvõd lūoltiji ja ka ežmiz līvõkēļiz lūolrōntõ autor (Līvõ lōlõd; Tallinn, 1924)." }, { "en": "In his work, Stalte focused mostly on the everyday lives of the Livonians and the patriotic and spiritual topics important to them.", "liv": "Eņtš tīeši ta amā jemīņ rõkāndõb iļ līvõd jegāpäuviz jelāmiz, ta kēratõb iļ līvõd rov ja vaimlizt ažād." }, { "en": "However, his poems are still diverse and include simple children’s poems inspired by folklore as well as refined sonnets.", "liv": "Tikkiž täm lūoltõkst ātõ setmiņvīțlizt – nänt vail līedab nei īdkȭrdaliži folklorvīțliži lapst lūoltõkši, ku ka pīentiži sonetidi." }, { "en": "What makes Stalte especially remarkable is that he wrote many of his poems as lyrics for Livonian choirs (he’s also the author of the lyrics of the Livonian anthem).", "liv": "Kōrli Stalte um īžkiz tǟdõlpandõb sīepierāst, ku pǟgiņd täm lūoltõkst ātõ sīel īž āigal vȯnnõd ka lōlõd tekstõd (ta um ka līvõd himn sõnād autor)." }, { "en": "The same can be said about some other Livonian poets as well.", "liv": "Sīe võib kītõ ka iļ pǟgiņd munt līvõd lūoltijizt." }, { "en": "Singers often believe that they’re singing folk songs, but the lyrics of these songs were actually written by a poet well known to them.", "liv": "Sīepierāst lōlajid saggõld āt pigātagā vizād, ku ne lōlabõd rovlōlidi, kuigid nänt lōlõd sõņḑi um kēratõn mūnda līvõd lūoltiji." }, { "en": "In the end of the 1930s, Stalte compiled the manuscript of a Livonian chrestomathy, which was finally published as a book in 2011, the International Year of Livonian Language and Culture.", "liv": "1930. āigastõd lopāndõkspūol Stalte sǟdiz kubbõ ka līvõd lugdõbrōntõ kežkēra, mis sai ulzõ andtõd set 2011. āigasts, mis vȯļ Rovvõdvaili līvõ kīel ja kultūr āigast." }, { "en": "The poems of Kōrli Stalte in this book can be considered outstanding examples of Livonian Literature.", "liv": "Kōrli Stalte lūoltõkst, mis ātõ lieudtõb sīestõ rōntõst, ātõ īd amā paŗīmist līvõd kērandõks nägțõbist." }, { "en": "The same can be said about the other texts of the chrestomathy written by Stalte, which were initially meant for children, but depict the world so vividly and truthfully in the good and beautiful Livonian language that reading them is a joy to everyone who understands the language.", "liv": "Sīe võib kītõ ka iļ Stalte kēratõd nīžõd, mis ātõ kil īrgandõksõs lapst pierāst kēratõd, bet nägțõbõd mōilmõ nänt kēratimiz āigal nei jeldziz ja tuodliz vīțõ, nei jõvvõ ja knaššõ līvõ kīeldõ kȭlbatõs, ku nänt luggimi um tuodli rīem jegāīd līvõ kīel mūoštajiz pierāst." }, { "en": "The stories focus on daily life in Livonian villages and elsewhere.", "liv": "Nīžis ātõ nǟdõb nei bīldad līvõd kilād jegāpäuvizõst jelāmizõst, ku ka sīeāiga jelāmi mūsõ." }, { "en": "The first pieces of Livonian prose were published a little earlier, in the third Livonian chrestomathy (1923).", "liv": "Ežmizt līvõd proza nägțõbõd vȯļtõ sīegid ulzõ andtõd jõvā rōz jedmõl, kuolmõndõs līvõd lugdõbrōntõs (1923)." }, { "en": "It was compiled by August Skadiņ and the publication of the chrestomathy was supported by the Estonian Temperance Society.", "liv": "Sīe vȯļ kubbõ sǟdõn August Skadiņ ja rōntõ ulzāndamiz vȯļ tigtõn Ēstimō jūomizvastāli seļtš (Eesti Karskusliit)." }, { "en": "In the book, Skadiņ published several stories about temperance he’d written himself.", "liv": "Skadiņ paņ sīezõ rōntõz setmiņ alkoholvastālizt nīžõ, mis ta īž vȯļ ka kēratõn." }, { "en": "The Jemākīel lugdõbrōntõz skūol ja kuod pierāst (Native Language Chrestomathy for Schools and Homes) compiled by Pētõr Damberg was printed in Finland in 1935 and it became one of the most important Livonian publications of its time.", "liv": "1935. āigasts sai pīkstõd Pētõr Damberg kubbõ sǟdõd Jemākīel lugdõbrōntõz skūol ja kuod pierāst, missõst tuļ ikš amā tǟdzižist rōntist sīel āigal." }, { "en": "In addition to translations, the chrestomathy also includes poems and stories written by Livonian authors, some of them written by Damberg himself.", "liv": "Tulkõmd kūoral sīestõ rōntõst āto lieudtõb ka līvõd kēranikād lūoltõkst ja nīžõd, missõst ikš jag ātõ ka Damberg eņtš kēratõd." }, { "en": "Pētõr Damberg was a very important person in Livonian literature and newer culture.", "liv": "Pētõr Damberg vȯļ väggõ tǟdzi līvõd kērandõks ja tämpiz kultūr pierāst." }, { "en": "He was active in many fields, wrote and translated poetry into Livonian, collected and translated Livonian folklore, developed written Livonian, advised researchers of Livonian culture and language, participated in the compilation of several dictionaries, which even include a Livonian-Latvian-Esperanto dictionary.", "liv": "Tämmõn vȯļ setmiņ amātõ: ta kēratiz ja tulkiz līvõ kīelkõks lūolidi, kuoŗŗiz ja tulkiz līvõd folklorõ, kazāntiz līvõ kērakīeldõ, ta vȯļ kīel nõvāndaji tuņšlijizt pierāst, võtīz jaggõ setmiņ sõnārōntõ kubbõsǟdimizõst (nägț., līvõkīel-lețkīelesperanto rõksõnārōntõ tīemizõst)." }, { "en": "He kept the Livonian culture alive during the Soviet occupation.", "liv": "Ta prațīz līvõd kultūrjelāmiz nõvkub okupātsij āigal." }, { "en": "In 1930 Pētõr Damberg participated in the publication of the monthly Līvli when studying in the Jelgava Teacher’s Seminary.", "liv": "1930. āigastis Jālgab opātijizt seminārs oppõs Damberg võtīz jaggõ ka kūkēra “Līvli” ulzāndamizõst." }, { "en": "The bulk of the works written by Pētõr Damberg is poetry.", "liv": "Pētõr Damberg amā jemīņ kēratiz lūolidi." }, { "en": "His poetry is characterised by a broad use of language and a multi-layered structure.", "liv": "Täm lūoltõkstõn um irdi laigā līvõ kīel kȭlbatimi ja setmiņtōžlimi eitõks." }, { "en": "He has also written down his memoirs, which can be considered one of the finest examples of Livonian prose.", "liv": "Ta kēratiz ka setmiņ nīžidi eņtš mǟdõltõksist, mis ātõ īd amā paŗīmist līvõd proza nägțõbist." }, { "en": "In 1967 Damberg compiled the manuscript of the new Livonian chrestomathy.", "liv": "1967. āigasts Damberg sǟdiz kubbõ ka ūd līvõd lugdõbrōntõ kežkēra." }, { "en": "It even includes examples of the social realism of the Soviet era, which cannot be found in other Livonian publications.", "liv": "Sīestõ ātõ lieudtõb nõvkubāiga sotsiāliz realism nägțõbõd, mis äb ūotõ lieudtõb mūstõ līvõd kērandõksõst." }, { "en": "Between the two world wars, almost all Livonian cultural figures participated in the Livonian literary scene – the radical western Livonian poet Uļi Kīnkamäg (1869–1932), who ended up in a Latvian prison because of his patriotic beliefs that emphasised Livonian nationalism and who was therefore nicknamed the Livonian King in Latvian media, as well as the later chairman of the Livonian Union Didrõk Vālgamō (1884–1968), artist Jāņ Belt (1893–1946) and pastor Edgar Vālgamā (1912–2003) and several scientists, such as Lauri Kettunen and Oskar Loorits.", "liv": "Kōd mōīlmasuodā vailizõl āigal pigā amād līvõd kultūrrovzt võtīztõ jaggõ kērandõks jelāmizõst: lǟndlīvõd lūoltiji Uļi Kīnkamäg (1869–1932), kis vȯļ sīelāigal vizāskuodās eņtš līvõmēļizt mõtkõd pierāst ja kīenta Lețmōl sīepierāst tundõbõd ka “Līvõd kēņig” nimkõks, Līvõd Īt obbimi jūodiji Didrõk Vālgamō (1884–1968), kuņštnikā Jāņ Belt (1893–1946), päp Edgar Vaalgamaa (1912–2003) ja pǟgiņd munt, ka seļļizt līvõd tuņšlijizt nemē Lauri Kettunen ja Oskar Loorits." }, { "en": "In terms of the number of readers, the period between wars was the most active time in Livonian literature.", "liv": "Až rõkāndõ kēratijizt lug pūolst, amā aktīvi āiga līvõd kērandõks pierāst vȯļ āiga kōd mōīlmasuodā vail." }, { "en": "However, as the activities of Pētõr Damberg indicate, the creation of Livonian fiction continued after World War II, although the possibilities of getting anything published were considerably more limited.", "liv": "Sīegid, nemē um nǟdõb Pētõr Damberg nägțõbõst, līvõkēļiz kērandõks lūomi sai jatktõd ka pierrõ Tūoizta mōīlmasuoddõ, kuigid võimizt sīe ulzāndamiz pierāst vȯļtõ dižānist sūorantõd." }, { "en": "The poetry of some authors, such as Alfon Berthold (1900–1993) and Poulīn Kļaviņa (1918–2001), was also published in Estonian scientific publications.", "liv": "Mūnda autor, nägțõbõks Alfon Berthold (1900–1993) ja Poulīn Kļaviņa (1918– 2001) tīed saitõ ulzõ andtõd tieudližis ulzandõkšis Ēstimōl." }, { "en": "However, the majority of the fiction written at the time never made it past the stage of a manuscript.", "liv": "Sīegid amā sūr jag sīel āigal kēratõd tīešti ei kežkerriž." }, { "en": "When Latvia restored her independence, the publication of Livonian fiction increased as well.", "liv": "Ku Lețmō sai tāgiž eņtš īžpīlimiz, līvõkēļiz kērandõks ulzāndami tegīž lekš jeddõpēḑõn." } ] }, { "source": "stalte", "sentences": [ { "en": "Latvia is our fatherland", "liv": "Lețmō um mäd izāmō" }, { "en": "Livonians, as many of them as there were, fought for freedom side by side with the Latvians.", "liv": "Iļ täm vabām võikslizt ka līvlizt, mits nēḑi vȯļ, kubs lețliztõks." }, { "en": "This is why we love our fatherland.", "liv": "Sīepierāst um mäd izāmō mäddõn ārmaz." }, { "en": "Riga on the banks of the great Daugava River is the capital of Latvia.", "liv": "Lețmō pǟjālgab um Rīgõ, sūr Vēna jougnaigās." }, { "en": "This is where the government is based.", "liv": "Sǟl jelāb vald Vāļikštõks." }, { "en": "Ships sail up to Riga along the Daugava River.", "liv": "Pids Vēnõ lǟbõd kuoigīd ilzõ Rīgõ sōņõ." }, { "en": "They bring goods from foreign lands and take Latvian goods abroad.", "liv": "Ne tūobõd kōpõ vȭrist mōšti ja vībõd Lețmō kōpõ uļļiztmōži." }, { "en": "Warships also sail there, protecting the coast of Latvia, which is where we, the Livonians, live.", "liv": "Vēnõ lǟbõd sizzõl ka suodākuoigīd, kis kāitsõbõd Lețmō rāndanaigõ, kus mēg, līvlizt, jelām." }, { "en": "Beach", "liv": "Rānda" }, { "en": "We live in Livonian villages by the sea.", "liv": "Mēg jelām līvlizt kilīš rāndanaigās." }, { "en": "We see the green forest, blue sea and white sand dunes here every day.", "liv": "Ōļaz mõtsā, siņņi meŗ ja vāldad jõugõ kȭnkad āt ne, mis mēg täs jegā pǟva nǟmõ." }, { "en": "The white sandy beach is the best children’s playground in the world.", "liv": "Nei jõvā mǟngami, kui vālda rānda jõugõ sizāl äb ūo lapstõn mittõ kuskis." }, { "en": "You can also pick shells there.", "liv": "Sǟl võib kuoŗŗõ ka rāndakōšidi." }, { "en": "Sometimes, there’s a lot of them on the beach.", "liv": "Mūndakõrd um nēḑi väggõ jennõ aigās." }, { "en": "Boys carve little boats from pine bark, put masts on them, fasten paper sails to the masts and place them in water.", "liv": "Pȯiškizt tīebõd piedāg lõudstõ kuoigīdi, panbõd näntõn pīeld pǟlõ, pīeld jūr papīerst puŗŗõd ja panbõd nänt vȯigõm." }, { "en": "The wind pushes the boats further from the beach until they reach the shoal, where the waves make them capsize.", "liv": "Tūļ ajāb kuoigīd āiga jūst jarā, kuņtš ne sōbõd ōŗa pǟl, kus lāinõd nänt immõr ētabõd." }, { "en": "If you want, you can also take a dip in the sea.", "liv": "Až set tōb, võib ka lǟdõ mierrõ gilgõm." }, { "en": "Adults may cross the second, sometimes also the third shoal when swimming.", "liv": "Sūrd rovst võibõd gilgõs lǟdõ iļ tuoiz, mūndakõrd ka iļ kuolmõz ōŗa." }, { "en": "Children cannot even get to the second shoal, the water in the gap is too deep.", "liv": "Lapst äb sōt tūoizta aŗŗõ sōņõ, jūom um jubā jennõks tõvā." }, { "en": "Water in the second gap is cooler than in the lower gap.", "liv": "Tuoiz jūoms um vež emīņ vil, äb ku alīzõs jūoms." }, { "en": "You can see Saaremaa on the other side of the sea on a clear day.", "liv": "Ku um sieldi āiga, siz võib nǟdõ tūolapūol mīerda Sōrmōdõ." }, { "en": "However, you can see the white Saaremaa lighthouse almost every day.", "liv": "Vālda Sōrmō bōik pāistab pigātagā īdtõluggõ." }, { "en": "Ships sail on the sea and you can see the fishermen’s boars coming and going.", "liv": "Pids mīerda lǟbõd kuoigīd, ja kalāmīed laiḑi nǟb kil mierrõ lǟmõ, kil aigõ tulmõ." }, { "en": "Fishermen most catch flounder, Baltic herring and sprat from the sea.", "liv": "Kalāmīed tūobõd mierstõ amā jemīņ lešti, sīļkidi ja brēțliži." }, { "en": "Sometimes, there are bigger fish in their nets, such as cod, whitefish, salmon and others.", "liv": "Mūndakõrd āt āigavõrgīš ka sūŗimõd kalād nemē tūrskad, sīgõd, lašīd ja munt." }, { "en": "Game", "liv": "Mäng" }, { "en": "We go to the beach,", "liv": "Randõ lǟmõ mēg," }, { "en": "you go to the beach,", "liv": "randõ lǟtõ tēg," }, { "en": "all the fishermen in our village go to the beach.", "liv": "randõ lǟbõd amād mäd kilā kalāmīed." }, { "en": "We go to sea,", "liv": "Mierrõ lǟmõ mēg," }, { "en": "you go to sea,", "liv": "mierrõ lǟtõ tēg," }, { "en": "all the fishermen in our village go to sea.", "liv": "mierrõ lǟbõd amād mäd kilā kalāmīed." }, { "en": "We go to the beach,", "liv": "Aigõ lǟmõ mēg," }, { "en": "you go to the beach,", "liv": "aigõ lǟtõ tēg," }, { "en": "all the fishermen in our village go to the beach.", "liv": "aigõ lǟbõd amād mäd kilā kalāmīed." }, { "en": "We go home,", "liv": "Kuodāj lǟmõ mēg," }, { "en": "you go home,", "liv": "kuodāj lǟtõ tēg," }, { "en": "all the fishermen in our village go home.", "liv": "kuodāj lǟbõd amād mäd kilā kalāmīed." }, { "en": "Spring", "liv": "Kievād" }, { "en": "Spring comes late to the beach.", "liv": "Kievād um rāndas obāļi." }, { "en": "The reason is the sea ice, which keeps the air cold.", "liv": "Siedā tīeb jej miersõ, mis āndab kilmõ." }, { "en": "However, when spring arrives at last, it’s beautiful.", "liv": "Agā ku kievād um jūs, siz ta ka um knaš." }, { "en": "Livonians believe that the spring on the beach is the most beautiful in the world.", "liv": "Līvli mõtlõb, ku nei knaššõ kievādt kui rāndas mittõkuskis äb ūo." }, { "en": "Willows have catkins.", "liv": "Pajdõn ja rīemgõdõn āt kanīzt jūs." }, { "en": "Apple trees blossom in gardens, surrounded by buzzing bees looking for honey.", "liv": "Umārztarši ēdrikšõbõd pūd, mis immõr võndzõbõd nigļizt, mietā vȯtšõs." }, { "en": "Here and there, you can see swallows flying and a stork standing on one leg in its nest. You can hear the sound of a cuckoo and the forest is alive with birdsong.", "liv": "Pešlinkizt līndabõd īdõpūol ja tūolapūol, pivālind pīlõb īd jālga pǟl eņtš piezās, keg kegāstõb ja amā mõtsā kilūb lindlōlist." }, { "en": "Rivers and streams are bursting with water and flow joyfully towards the sea.", "liv": "Jougūd ja ūrgad āt viedtā tǟdõd, ne jūokšõbõd kierdiz õvāks mier pūol, märātõs eņtš golātõksõks." }, { "en": "Fishermen can go to sea and animals can go to pasture again.", "liv": "Kalāmīed võibõd tegīž mierrõ lǟdõ ja jelājd sōbõd kaŗŗõl ajdõd." }, { "en": "In the evening of the day when the cows have been out on the pasture for the first time, water is thrown to the herders to make sure the cows give more milk.", "liv": "Ku nīemõd āt ežmizkõrd kōŗal vȯnnõd, siz sōbõd, laz vȯlkõ emīņ semḑi, kōŗapainõd ȭdõn giltõd." }, { "en": "The herders throw water back as well.", "liv": "Kōŗapainõd gīltabõd vastõ." }, { "en": "Children get involved as well and nobody tells them off when they get their clothes wet on this day.", "liv": "Sie jūs võtābõd jaggõ ka lapst ja sīe ȭdõn amād äd rīḑļõt, až lapstõn āt kažžizt ōrõnd." }, { "en": "The sun has left, afraid of the dark winter nights,", "liv": "Pāvaļiki tōla īeḑi kartõs jarā lǟnd," }, { "en": "It has gone abroad to bring their fishermen some light.", "liv": "vȭrõl mōlõ kalāmēḑi pestāmõs um kǟnd." }, { "en": "In spring, it’s returned to our home,", "liv": "Kievād tämā tegīž tāgiž tund mäd jūrõ um," }, { "en": "On its way, it’s chased away the snow.", "liv": "tuldsõ um ta tästā vāgiž jarā ajjõn lum." }, { "en": "The cold of winter and the ice are gone,", "liv": "Jarā ajjõn tōla kīlma jarā ajjõn jej," }, { "en": "As far as you can see, the sea is open now.", "liv": "ja kui kōgaz nǟb set sīlma meŗ ni vāldiņ ei." }, { "en": "Fishermen throw their nets in sea again,", "liv": "Kalāmīed ni tegīž mierrõ võrgõd ētabõd," }, { "en": "Full of fish, they’re pulled out onto sand.", "liv": "kalāks täuži nēḑi pierrõ ulzõ viedābõd." }, { "en": "When they go to the sea, come to the beach, they never forget,", "liv": "Lǟdsõ mierrõ, tuldsõ aigõ ne äb unnõt sīe," }, { "en": "That the sun brought back their work.", "liv": "ku tūoi näntõn vejdõbaigõ pǟvaļikīz tīe." }, { "en": "Summer", "liv": "Sõv" }, { "en": "Summer is here when Midsummer Day arrives.", "liv": "Ku Jōņpǟva um jūs, siz um ka sõv." }, { "en": "People go to the beach on Midsummer Eve.", "liv": "Jōņȭdõn lǟbõd rovst randõ." }, { "en": "Usually, there’s an old boat turned upside down, some dry logs and they’re set on fire.", "liv": "Sǟl um mingi vanā lōja immõr kīerdõd, mingizt rōnõd kubbõ kandtõd ja näntõn sōb tuļ jūrõ pandõd." }, { "en": "People sing Midsummer songs, but in Latvian.", "liv": "Sōbõd louldõd Jōņlōlõd, agā lețkīels." }, { "en": "Sometimes, you also hear a rare song in the coastal language.", "liv": "Perīzõl āigal kūlõb ka mingizkõrd mingiz ōra loul rāndakīels." }, { "en": "Hard work comes soon after Midsummer Day – it’s time to make hay.", "liv": "Pierrõ Jōņpäuvõ tulāb ildīņ sūr, lǟlam tīeāiga, āinaāiga." }, { "en": "Those whose meadows are far don’t come home every evening and spend the night there.", "liv": "Kīentõn āt kougizt nītõd, ne äb sōt mittõsuggõ jegā ȭdõn kuodāj ja īebõd saggõld ka iļ īe nītõ maggõm." }, { "en": "City people come to the coastal villages for the summer so they can swim in the sea.", "liv": "Iļ sõv tulbõd jālgabnikād ulzõ rānda kilīš jelām, laz võigõd miersõ gilgõ." }, { "en": "This is when the flounder season starts for fishermen.", "liv": "Kalāmīedõn sugūb ka ni amā sūr liestād vejdõb āiga." }, { "en": "In the old times, the fishermen pulled the seine ropes out by hand but now, the ropes are much longer and thicker and the flounder seines themselves are much bigger, which is why they’re now pulled out by motorboats.", "liv": "Vanāst viedīzt kalāmīed vadāl kīedõd kädūdõks ulzõ, paldīņ āt kīedõd pǟgiņ pitkīmõd ja jamdimõd, ka liestād vadā īž um pǟgiņ sūŗim, ja kīedõd sōbõd ni motōrlōjad mašīnõdõks ulzõ viedtõd." }, { "en": "Sprats also come to the sea in late summer.", "liv": "Sigžpūol sõvvõ suggõbõd ka jubā mierrõ brēțlizt." }, { "en": "Only not many of them are caught during the warm season.", "liv": "Set ku lem āigal nēḑi jennõ äb vejjõt." }, { "en": "Children are always very excited when they can pick and eat berries in summer.", "liv": "Sūr rīem um lapstõn sõvvõ se, ku võibõd lǟdõ mōŗidi kuoŗŗõm ja sīem." }, { "en": "Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are all ripe.", "liv": "Mōškõd, muškõd ja ounõmōŗõd āt jõvā vaļmõd." }, { "en": "Song of a swallow", "liv": "Pešlinkiz loul" }, { "en": "Listen, children, I will now tell you how the swallow sings:", "liv": "Kūldigid lapst, ma kītõb ni täddõn, kui lōlab pešlinki:" }, { "en": "it sings: “Chirp! Chirp!”", "liv": "ta lōlab: „Vīḑõr!”" }, { "en": "it sings: “Warble!”", "liv": "ta lōlab: „Vōḑõr!”" }, { "en": "it sings: “Tweet, chirp!”", "liv": "ta lōlab: „Vitš vīḑõr!”" }, { "en": "it sings: “Tweet, warble!”", "liv": "ta lōlab: „Vitš vōḑõr!”" }, { "en": "it sings: “Tweet, chirp, tweet, warble,", "liv": "ta lōlab: „Vitš vīḑõr, vitš vōḑõr," }, { "en": "Tweet, chirp, tweet, warble,", "liv": "vitš vīḑõr, vitš vōḑõr," }, { "en": "Tweet, chirp, tweet, warble,", "liv": "vitš vīḑõr, vitš vōḑõr," }, { "en": "Grrrl!”", "liv": "tšorr!”" }, { "en": "Autumn", "liv": "Sigž" }, { "en": "Autumn starts when the crops are ripe and harvested.", "liv": "Ku nurmvīļa um vaļmõz ja nītõd, siz īrgõb sigž." }, { "en": "The days get shorter and the nights get longer.", "liv": "Pǟvad īebõd lītiztõks ja īed pitkādõks." }, { "en": "The stork has left its nest and the songbirds are gone as well.", "liv": "Pivālind um eņtš piezā pǟld jubā amū jarā kaddõn ja ka lōlajid līndõd äb ūot emīņ kūltõbõd." }, { "en": "They’ve all flown away from us to warmer countries that have no snow and cold.", "liv": "Ne amād āt mäd jūst jarā lǟnd lemmiž mōži, kus äb ūo lūnda ja kilmõ." }, { "en": "The forests have gone quiet as well, you can only hear the crows crowing in the evenings, when they fly around in murders, looking for a place where they can spend the night on treetops.", "liv": "Mõtsād āt vagāks īenõd, set vaŗīkšõd räukimi um kūltõb amā emīņ ȭdõgiņ, ku ne barīņ līndabõd, vȯtšõs kūožõ, kus ne pūd ladīs iļ īe võibõd maggõ." }, { "en": "The busiest time for the fishermen has started.", "liv": "Kalāmīedõn um tund amā sūr vejmiz āiga." }, { "en": "They bring sprats and Baltic herrings back from the sea.", "liv": "Ne tūobõd aigõ kil brēțliži, kil sīļkidi." }, { "en": "There is enough work for the whole day on the beach.", "liv": "Rāndas um tīedõ amā pǟva." }, { "en": "Once the nets have been cleaned, they’re laid on drying racks and the fishermen – who’ve barely had time grab a bite to eat – soon take them down again so they can be tied up and thrown in the sea again.", "liv": "Ku võrgõd āt purgtõd, ne sōbõd vabīz lagtõd, ja kalāmīed set joudõnd sīedõ, võtābõd nänt tegīž mōzõ, laz sōgõd jeddõ sidām ja ūdpǟl ētam." }, { "en": "The air and the seawater have gone cold, nobody can swim anymore.", "liv": "Ȭg ja ka vež miersõ āt kīlmaks īenõd, gilgõ äb või jemīņ mitikš." }, { "en": "When the fingers of net cleaners get cold, they make a fire on the beach to warm their hands and bodies.", "liv": "Ku purgijidõn sūormõd kīlmabõd, siz ne tīebõd rāndanaigõ tul, kus võibõd kežži peistõ ja īž peislõ." }, { "en": "People are in a hurry to plough the land, so they’ll be ready for sowing new crops in spring.", "liv": "Rovst rūoikõbõd mōd ilzõ kindõ, laz ne vȯlkõd vaļmõd tulbiz kievād kīla pierāst." }, { "en": "When the potatoes have been picked, the land freezes, the water in the sea turns into an icy soup and ice covers the sea, it means that winter has arrived.", "liv": "Ja ku naggõrd āt võttõd, siz kīlmab ka mō vizzõ, mierrõ sugūb soggõ, pierrõ jejjõ, ja tōla um jūs." }, { "en": "Native language", "liv": "Jemākēļ" }, { "en": "Coastal language, my native language,", "liv": "Rāndakēļ, min jemākēļ," }, { "en": "Your sound sacred to me.", "liv": "pivā minnõn um sin ēļ." }, { "en": "Those who forget the coastal language,", "liv": "Kis võib rāndakīeldõ unnõ," }, { "en": "Forget the words of their mothers.", "liv": "unūb ka eņtš jemā sõnnõ." }, { "en": "Coastal people, old and tough,", "liv": "Rāndakīeldõ rõkāndizt" }, { "en": "Spoke the coastal language,", "liv": "vanād vizād rāndalizt," }, { "en": "Sang their songs and prayed to God,", "liv": "rāndakīelsõ lōlõd lōlizt," }, { "en": "In the coastal language.", "liv": "rāndakīelsõ jumālt pōlizt." }, { "en": "Coastal language is on our tongues,", "liv": "Rāndakīeldõ rõkāndõm" }, { "en": "As it’s the language that we love.", "liv": "sīepierāst, ku ārmastõm; –" }, { "en": "Let’s be like our fathers:", "liv": "vȯlmõ seļļizt kui mäd izād:" }, { "en": "Livonians, as hard as rock.", "liv": "līvlizt nemē kivīd vizād." }, { "en": "Winter", "liv": "Tōla" }, { "en": "Cold and snow rarely come to the Livonian Coast before Christmas.", "liv": "Kilmõ ja lūnda um mäd līvlizt rāndas ōrastiz jedmõl taļžpivḑi." }, { "en": "Winter starts when Christmas with its fir trees, candles and presents for good children is over.", "liv": "Ku ne āt vȯnd piddõz eņtš kūzõdõks, kīņḑõldõks ja andõdõks jõvād lapst pierāst, siz īrgõb tōla." }, { "en": "The weather gets cold and it starts snowing.", "liv": "Āiga īeb kīlmaks ja sadāb lūnda." }, { "en": "Bicycles have been put away for the winter and everyone travels with sleighs and sledges on the snow.", "liv": "Rattõd āt ni vaŗŗõl viedtõd ja amād broutšõbõd rieggõdõks ja sōņõdõks pids valdõ lūnda." }, { "en": "Sometimes, when people go on a visit, they hang a bell on the silver thill and its sound carries far in winter.", "liv": "Mūndakõrd, ku mingi killõ broutšõb, sōb ibīz vīemõr jūr sidtõd ka kīela, mis kolāz āigal kōgaz kilūb." }, { "en": "Children have to go to school and study hard in winter.", "liv": "Iļ tōla um lapstõn skūolõ lēmõst ja sidālistiz oppõmõst." }, { "en": "When the schoolwork is done, it’s time to go outside to play, test the depth of the snow drifts and make a snowman.", "liv": "Āt skūol tīed tīedõd, siz um aigõ ulzõ lǟdõ mǟngam, aigõm lum vōdõd tõvvitõ ja tīedõ lummommidi." }, { "en": "You can also skate along the valleys and dash down the hills on small sledges, the wind ringing in your ears.", "liv": "Pids vigḑi võib ka jejrōdadõks ailõ ja piškīzt rieggõdõks võib mägstõ mōzõ laskõ, nei ku tūļ īd pids kūoridi ūgõb." }, { "en": "Ice covers the sea and often, you can hear the siren of the icebreaker guiding other ships through the ice.", "liv": "Meŗ sugūb jejjõ tǟdõks ja saggõld um kūltõb jejmūrdajiz tūtštimi, ku ta mūḑi kuoigīdi leb jej vīb." }, { "en": "Ships have to stay put if the winter is really severe, as even the strong icebreaker cannot help them anymore.", "liv": "Ku um īžkiz kīlma tōla, siz um kuoigīdõn paikõl īemõst, siz ka veggi jejmūrdaji äb sȭita emīņ äbțõ." }, { "en": "Everyone is waiting for spring and the sun, which would melt all the snow and ice.", "liv": "Amād vȯdlõbõd kievādtõ pǟvaļikīzõks, mis amā lum ja jej jarā sulātõb." }, { "en": "Fight", "liv": "Võikslimi" }, { "en": "Northeast and the sun", "liv": "Idā pǟvaļikīzõks" }, { "en": "Are having a fight, –", "liv": "joudõ kōļõbõd, –" }, { "en": "Northeastern clouds with snow", "liv": "idā pīlad lumsadkõks" }, { "en": "Cover up the sun.", "liv": "päuvõ katābõd." }, { "en": "The day breaks the clouds,", "liv": "Pīlad vaistõ pǟva tež" }, { "en": "Sends us sunlight again,", "liv": "pǟvaļikīztõ" }, { "en": "The sun turns the snow", "liv": "kaimõb, se tīeb kui īeb vež" }, { "en": "Into flowing water.", "liv": "īd set lumsadstõ." }, { "en": "Let the northeastern wind blow,", "liv": "Pūgõg idā, ku ta vīb" }, { "en": "If it takes away the clouds,", "liv": "ulzõ pīlidi," }, { "en": "The sun can shine again", "liv": "pǟvaļikki paistõs līb" }, { "en": "And claim the win.", "liv": "iļ täm vīndaji." }, { "en": "The sun melts the snow,", "liv": "Pǟvaļikki aļļõks tīeb," }, { "en": "And everything is green again.", "liv": "mis vel katāb lum." }, { "en": "The sun becomes the king,", "liv": "Vōļikšijiks pǟva īeb," }, { "en": "And northeast disappears.", "liv": "idān lēmõst um." }, { "en": "Sandman", "liv": "Unvanā" }, { "en": "The Sandman lived deep in the forest.", "liv": "Kougõn mõtsās vȯļ unvanā kuod." }, { "en": "He had a big windmill that ground the fine sand of sleep all day long.", "liv": "Sǟl tämmõn vȯļ sūr tūļik, kus uoņdžõl irgõs ta ȭdõgt sōņõ jovātiz pīentizt unjȭgța." }, { "en": "In the evening, the Sandman took a big sack of sand and went to the children to make them fall sleep.", "liv": "Ȭdõn unvanā võtīz sūr kuoț täud jȭgța ja lekš lapstõn ūnda vīm." }, { "en": "He stopped by Karl’s window and looked inside – it’s so late, but the boy is still playing on the floor!", "liv": "Tuļ Kōrliz läb alā ja vaņtliz – nei obāz jubā ja pȯis mǟngab vel pȭrandõl!" }, { "en": "He quickly took a good handful of sand from his sack and sprinkled it in the boy’s eyes through the window.", "liv": "Võtīz kierdõ kuoțst jõvā kōmaltäud ūnda ja viskīz leb läb pȯisõn siļmiz." }, { "en": "Now, the boy’s eyelids got heavy and sleep started to tickle the corners of his eyes.", "liv": "Ni eit pȯis sīlmakōndõd lǟlamõdõks, uņ īrgiz gõḑīkšõ sīlmad nūrkis." }, { "en": "When his mother saw it, she said: “Oh, Sandman, you’re making our Karl fall asleep on the floor.”", "liv": "Ku jemā siedā neiz, ta kītiz: „Oi, unvanā, sa intõd mäd Kōrliz pȭrandõl maggõm.”" }, { "en": "Mother picked the boy up and took him to bed.", "liv": "Võtīz pȯis sillõ ja vīž lovvõl." }, { "en": "But the Sandman hurried along to make other children fall asleep as well.", "liv": "Agā unvanā astīz jeddõpēḑõn pitkād samūdõks, lekš ūnda vīm ka munt lapstõn." }, { "en": "Lullaby", "liv": "Unloul" }, { "en": "Big mice, small mice,", "liv": "Sūrõd īrõd, piškīzt īrõd," }, { "en": "Bring some sleep to our kids,", "liv": "tūogid lapsõn ūnda jūrõ" }, { "en": "Through the chamber,", "liv": "leb tubā, leb kōmaŗ," }, { "en": "through the headboard.", "liv": "leb äl pǟnalīz." }, { "en": "What I saw tonight", "liv": "Mis ma tämīezõ neiz" }, { "en": "It was midnight when I woke up.", "liv": "Vȯļ pūolīe, ku uņ lekš jarā." }, { "en": "Everyone was sleeping.", "liv": "Amād magīzt." }, { "en": "I head someone talking and laughing in the other room.", "liv": "Ma kūliz tuoiz tubās rõkāndimizt ja lițīkšimizt." }, { "en": "I climbed out of my bed to see what was going on.", "liv": "Ma ropīz lovāld ulzõ ja lekš vaņtlõm." }, { "en": "I quietly stood by the door.", "liv": "Ma pīliz salliz uks vail." }, { "en": "And what did I see!", "liv": "Ja mis ma neiz!" }, { "en": "Leena’s doll and mum’s coffee pot were having a wedding.", "liv": "Lēna pipā ja jemā kafēkōna pidīzt kōzgiņi." }, { "en": "Both of them were wearing paper roses and the doll was holding on to the coffee pot’s handle.", "liv": "Mȯlmõdõn vȯļt papīerst rūožõd rīndad jūs ja pipā pidīz kafēkōna kädakātõks jūs vizās." }, { "en": "The floor was filled with guests.", "liv": "Kōznikīdi vȯļ täuž pȭrand." }, { "en": "The pot and the pan were making music, everyone else was dancing.", "liv": "Padā ja paņ teit kōdskiņ muzīkõ, munt amād dāņtšizt." }, { "en": "The wood tongs were twirling with the masher and dad’s boots were twisting with the poker.", "liv": "Sidtaņgõd kīerizt mändriksõks, izā filtssōpkõd īekizt tsišibīškõks." }, { "en": "Everyone was having the time of their lives.", "liv": "Amād paņt siegāmõl vāldiņ labajālga valsõ." }, { "en": "Coffee cups and tea glasses were rolling from one wall to another like balls of yarn.", "liv": "Kafētassõd ja tēglōzõd vīerizt nemē kīerad īdst sāinast tuoiz jūr." }, { "en": "“Don’t make so much noise!” scolded grandma’s three-legged stool.", "liv": "„Algid tīegid neijen märrõ!” Rīḑliz vanāǟma, kuolmjaļgi raj." }, { "en": "“The family will wake up and that’ll be the end of the party.”", "liv": "„Perīrovst virgõbõd, siz um vītš lebbõ.”" }, { "en": "But nobody listened to her warning.", "liv": "Agā siedā iz pan mitikš tǟdõl." }, { "en": "They laughed and danced until a coffee cup crashed into the sugar bowl.", "liv": "Neikōgiņ nagrizt ja dāņtšizt, kuņtš ikš kafētas ailiz tsukkõrdūožõks kubbõ." }, { "en": "The coffee cup’s handle broke off and the sugar bowl fell over.", "liv": "Kafētasõn lekš ōz kilgst jarā ja tsukkõrdūož sadīz immõr." }, { "en": "There was sugar all over the floor.", "liv": "Amā tsukkõr pȭrandõl laigāld." }, { "en": "“What did I tell you!” mumbled grandma’s stool grumpily.", "liv": "„Kas ma iz kīt!” poțīkšiz vanaǟma raj." }, { "en": "Everyone looked startled and ran back to their places.", "liv": "Amād ädāgizt väggõ jarā ja jūokšizt jegāikš eņtš kūožõ." }, { "en": "I got back in bed.", "liv": "Ma pugīz tāgiž lovvõl." }, { "en": "In the morning, mum thought that rats had made this mess.", "liv": "Jemā arriz ūoņdžõl, ku sūorkõd āt sīe ligā tīend." }, { "en": "Dance, dance, reed", "liv": "Daņtši, daņtši dālbarūogõz" }, { "en": "Dance, dance, reed,", "liv": "Daņtši, daņtši dālbarūogõz," }, { "en": "Keep on dancing;", "liv": "daņtši, daņtši īd;" }, { "en": "Dance with the bristles of flax,", "liv": "daņtšõg īņi põp ja ūogõz," }, { "en": "Keep on dancing!", "liv": "daņtši, daņtši īd!" }, { "en": "Every day is Sunday,", "liv": "Jegā pǟva pivāpǟva," }, { "en": "Every day is a day of dance,", "liv": "jegā pǟva daņtštõb pǟva," }, { "en": "You danced yesterday, you danced today,", "liv": "Egīļ dāņtšizt, tämpõ dāņtšõd," }, { "en": "Keep on dancing:", "liv": "daņtši, daņtši īd;" }, { "en": "You will dance again tomorrow,", "liv": "mūpõ neiīž tegīž dāņtšõd," }, { "en": "Dance, dance, reed.", "liv": "Daņtši, daņtši dālbarūogõz," } ] }, { "source": "esuka", "sentences": [ { "en": "Abstract.", "liv": "Kubbõvõttõks." }, { "en": "Valter Lang: Early Finnic-Baltic contacts as evidenced by archaeological and linguistic data.", "liv": "Valter Lang: Vāldamiersūomlizt–baltõd siḑmõd arheolōgij ja kīel tīetõkst pūoj pǟl." }, { "en": "Long-lasting and intense contacts between Finnic and Baltic tribes resulted in the linguistic and material intertwining of the cultures of these two groups, which belong to two different language families.", "liv": "Vāldamiersūomlizt ja mōgõrpūolizt baltõd sugūd pitkāāigaližist ja sagdižist siḑmist sugīz nänt kōd īžkiz kīelkub jagūd materiāliz ja vaimliz kultūr (neiīž kīeld) lebbõpaļštimi." }, { "en": "This article concentrates on some interesting connections between both cultures, while attempting to explain and illustrate language contacts using the archaeological record.", "liv": "Kēra kontsentrīerõb mȯlmõd kultūrõd mingizt interesantõd siḑmõd pǟlõ, kōļõs seļțõ ja nägțõbõks tīedõ arheologilizt tīetõks abkõks." }, { "en": "First, some semantically connected groups of Baltic loanwords in Proto-Finnic will be analysed in order to establish their time and place of borrowing.", "liv": "Amājedsõ sōbõd vaņtõltõd baltõd kēļšti täpīņțõd sõnād mingizt semantilizt gruppõ nänt täpīņțimiz āiga ja kūož vizāks tīemiz pierāst." }, { "en": "Next, the Late Bronze Age contacts will be shown to have been the most intensive. The borrowing of the Finnic name Kalev/Kaleva from Baltic kalvis/kalējs ‘smith’, which first was argued in my earlier paper written in Estonian (Lang 2012), is among the evidence for the intensity of these contacts.", "liv": "Sīetagān sōb traktõd amā intensīvõd, nūorimiz brōnza aigizt siḑmõd ilā, vaņtlõs võimizt seļțõ vāldamiersūomõ nimmõ Kalev/Kaleva baltõ sõnāst kalvis/kalējs ‘siepā, kaļāj’, neiku autor um siedā ežmõks pūojtõn ēsti kīelsõ (Lang 2012)." }, { "en": "This is followed by a discussion of bronze work and the casting of bronze rings by these smiths or kalevs, and ends with an examination of the use of these rings as offerings and for taxation.", "liv": "Lopāndõksõks vīb se temāt brōnza ja īžkiz brōnza rīnkõd tagāmiz jūr nänt īž kaļājd pūold ja nänt rīnkõd kȭlbatimiz jūr uppõrtõmiz ja maksūd võtāmiz jūs." }, { "en": "Petri Kallio: Historical Phonology from Proto-Finnic to Proto-Livonian.", "liv": "Petri Kallio: Istōrili fonolōgij vāldamiersūomõ ežžõmkīelst līvõ ežžõmkīel sōņõ." }, { "en": "This article serves as an attempt to reconstruct the approximate chronological order of the major sound laws between (Late) Proto-Finnic and Proto-Livonian.", "liv": "Kēras sōb kōļdõt rekonstruīertõ pǟmizt killijidmȭitõkst ležgõliz kronolōgiliz kȭrda (obbiz) ežžõmvāldamiersūomõ ja ežžõmlīvõ kīel vail." }, { "en": "A by-product of this study is a reconstruction of the Proto-Livonian phoneme system, the earlier versions of which have been more fragmentary and tentative.", "liv": "Sīe tuņšlõks aigārezultātõks um ežžõmlīvõ fonēmõd sistēm rekonst ruktsij, kīen jedlõmizt versijd attõ vȯnnõd fragmentārimizt ja īrgalizt." }, { "en": "In the end, it is briefly discussed when and where the Livonian proto-language was spoken before its splitting into Courland and Salaca Livonian.", "liv": "Lopāndõksõks sōb lītõld nõvvõ võttõd iļ sīe, kunā ja kus rõkāndizt e’žžõmlīvõ kīeldõ jedmõl laggimizt Kurāmō ja Salāts līvõ kīelõks." }, { "en": "Patrick O’Rourke, Karl Pajusalu: Livonian features in Estonian dialects.", "liv": "Patrick O’Rourke, Karl Pajusalu: Līvõ tīedõd ēsti kīel mūrdis." }, { "en": "This article presents linguistic innovations which are typical of both Courland and Salaca Livonian and are also known in the neighbouring Estonian dialect areas.", "liv": "Kēra vaņțlõb kīel ūdstõkši, mis at eņtšizt nei Kurmō äbku Salāts līvõ kīelõn ja at tundtõd sūorantõd vīțõ ka ēsti kīel mūrdis." }, { "en": "These innovative features are phonological, morphological, and morphosyntactic.", "liv": "Vaņțõltõd sōbõd fonolōgilizt, morfolōgilizt ja morfosintaktilizt nǟdõkst." }, { "en": "The features are present mainly in western and southwestern Estonia, but also more specifically in areas close to the current western border between Estonia and Latvia.", "liv": "Ne tulbõd jeddõ pǟažālistiz Vežgõr- ja Lǟnd-Ēstimōl, amā jemīņ Ēstimō ja Lețmō paldīņiz lǟndpūoliz rubīž ležgõl." }, { "en": "Broadly spread common features can be mostly explained as inherent innovations of western Finnic when they are not shown to be caused by contacts with Germanic or Baltic languages.", "liv": "Laigāmõld laiglõnd līvõpierrizt nǟdõkst võibõd sūrimiz jag vȱlda vežgõrpūoliz vāldamiersūomõ eņtšvīțizt kazāndõkst siz ku nänt pūojõks äb ūotõ kontaktõd germān agā balt kīeldkõks." }, { "en": "Features which are spread in the immediate vicinity of the former Livonian language area can be classified as a Livonian substrate in sub-dialects of western and insular Estonian.", "liv": "Līvõ kīel jedlõmiz teritorij kūoḑis ležglits tundtõd nǟdõkst at tulktõb līvõ kīel substrātõks ēsti kīel vežgõr ja kōlad mūrdis." }, { "en": "Kristi Salve: Secretly through Salatsi: place names in Estonian runic songs related to Livonian settlement areas.", "liv": "Kristi Salve: Salliz Salāts kouți: Līvõ kūožnimūd ēsti vaņīmis ro’vlōlis." }, { "en": "The article searches for an answer to the question whether Estonian runic songs contain references to Livonians.", "liv": "Kēra vȯtšūb vastõkst kizzimizõn või ēsti vaņīmis ro’vlōlis um tǟtõkši iļ līvlizt." }, { "en": "Using the materials from the database of Estonian runic songs, the article observes some names of countries, rivers and towns.", "liv": "Ēsti vaņīmist rovlōlõd dattõdbōzõ kȭlbatõs kēras sōbõd vaņțõltõd mōd, jougūd ja jālgabõd mingizt nimūd." }, { "en": "The name of Courland proved to be extremely popular; it appears, however, in very different contexts.", "liv": "Kurmō’ nim um väggi populār, kuigid se tulāb jeddõ ädsmingižis kontekstis, mis saggõld attõ lõvdõd alliteratsijst." }, { "en": "Tuuli Tuisk: Main features of the Livonian sound system and pronunciation.", "liv": "Tuuli Tuisk: Līvõ kīel kilūd sistēm ja īeldõm pǟummitõd." }, { "en": "The aim of this article is to give an overview of the Livonian sound system and pronunciation.", "liv": "Sīe kēra võttõksõks um iļļõvaņtļimi līvõ kīel kilūd sistēmst ja īeldõmst." }, { "en": "Regarding Livonian dialectal variation, the main difference is between East and West Livonian, while Central Livonian forms a transition area.", "liv": "Kurmō līvõ mūrdõd sūŗimi vait um um idā- ja lǟndlīvõd vail, sidāmi jag agā Īra um iļlǟdõb murd." }, { "en": "The basis of the Livonian written language is the East Courland dialect.", "liv": "Tämpiz līvõ kērakīel pūojõks um idālivõ murd." }, { "en": "This article focuses on standard pronunciation, with some discussion of variation.", "liv": "Kēras sōb vaņțõltõd līvõ kīel standardīeltõmi, paralel ulzõ tūodsõ ka mingizt murdvaitõd." }, { "en": "Vowels and consonants are treated separately.", "liv": "Īžkillijid ja īņõzkillijid sōbõd vaņtõltõd īžkiz." }, { "en": "In addition, Livonian prosodic features are discussed.", "liv": "Vel sōb vaņțõltõd līvõ kīel prozodij sistēmõ." }, { "en": "Livonian stands out as being a Finnic language that has been influenced by the Baltic language, Latvian.", "liv": "Līvõ kēļ um vāldamiersūomõ kīeld siegās eņtšvīți, ku kīelsõ um mȯjtõkši lețkīelstõ." }, { "en": "Unlike many other Finnic languages, Livonian has voiced stops and fri catives, which can occur as long geminates.", "liv": "Tuoistiz ku sūrs jags vāldamiersūomõ kēļši, līvõ kīelsõ ātõ īelkõks vizād ja ȭrdõd īņõzkillijid, mis võibõd jeddõ tūlda ka kui pitkād kōdkõrdizt kilūd." }, { "en": "There is a large number of short and long monophthongs, diphthongs, and triphthongs in Livonian.", "liv": "Līvõ kīelsõ um ka pǟgiņ lītiži ja pitkīdi īdkõrdiži, kōdkõrdiži ja kuolmkõrdiži īžkiļļijidi." }, { "en": "Tiit-Rein Viitso: The essive in Livonian.", "liv": "Tiit-Rein Viitso: Esīv līvõ kīels." }, { "en": "In Livonian, there is a small set of word forms denoting locality or time and answering the questions where? and when?, and can be considered forms of the essive case on the basis of their case endings just as similar forms in other Finnic languages.", "liv": "Līvõ kīelsõ um piški kub kūožõ agā aigõ nägțõbidi sõnāformidi, mis vastātõbõd kizzimiztõn kus kūožõs? ja kunā? ja eņtš lopāndõkst pierrõ ātõ esīv nõtk formõd nei īž ku seļļizt formõd mūši vāldamiersūomõ kēļši." }, { "en": "The article studies these forms and related forms of the lative, sublative, and excessive case forms, answering the questions to where? to when?, and from where? from when?, and their history.", "liv": "Kēras sōbõd vaņtõltõd ne formõd, näntõn ležgilizt kizzimiztõn kus kūožõ? kunāks? ja kust kūožõst mis āigast? vastātõbõd latīv, ekstsesīv ja sublatīv nõtkūd formõd, ja nänt istorij." }, { "en": "In addition, word forms formally identical with the dative forms but used as adverbials of state are as forms of essive extracted from the dative, and their usage types are identified.", "liv": "Vel sōbõd kui esīv formõd ulzlagtõd datīv formõdõst form pūolstõ näntkõks identizt formõd, mis ātõ kȭlbatõd ku vȯlmiz adverbiālõd, ja sieldõks tīedõd nänt kȭlbatimiz tīpõd." }, { "en": "Valts Ernštreits: Methods for expanding the Livonian lexicon.", "liv": "Valts Ernštreits: Līvõ kīel sõnāvīļa rikāstimiz metōdõd." }, { "en": "This article explores opportunities for expanding the vocabulary of Livonian through compounds, borrowings, derived words, and calques.", "liv": "Kēra tuņšlõb līvõ kīel sõnāvīļa rikāstimiz võimiži – lītsõņḑi, līensõņḑi, täpīņțõkši, võ’ztõkši ja kālkidi." }, { "en": "It is clear that these methods have been effectively used already throughout the entire period of development of the modern Livonian literary language and, therefore, specific traditions have evolved in forming neologisms in Livonian.", "liv": "Nēḑi sõnāvīļa rikāstimiz metōdidi um mȯ’jlistiz kȭlbatõd jõbā amā tämpiz līvõ kērakīel kuojābimizāiga ja līvõ kīelsõ ātõ ka ūd sõnād lūomiz viššõd tradītsijd." }, { "en": "So, in forming compounds, one has to pay special attention to whether the singular or plural form is used for each component, the historical genitive is used in select types of compounds, or one or both components must be declined.", "liv": "Nei um ūd ītsõnād lūomiz jūsõ mõtlõ mõst iļ īdlug ja pǟgiņlug kȭlbatimiz ītsõnā tǟtjags ja neiīž iļ ītsõnād īžkizt kȭrdad, mis sizāldõbõd istōrilizt genītiv lopāndõkst agā kus mȯlmõd jagūd sōbõd nõtkāstõd." }, { "en": "Borrowings in Livonian are largely connected with internationalisms borrowed through Latvian, but adapted to fit with the unique demands of Livonian pronunciation and morphology.", "liv": "Līensõnād līvõ kīelsõ ātõ pǟažālistõz sidtõd rovdvailizt sõnādõks, kus vaindijiks kīelkõks um lețkēļ, ja līendõd sõņḑi um kȭlbantõmõst Līvõ kīel īeldõmiz ja morfologij eņtšsuglitõks." }, { "en": "Derivation using suffixes is quite productive, while derivation using prefixes is distinctly limited, despite views to the contrary which are sometimes encountered.", "liv": "Väggi sagdizt ātõ līvõ kīelsõ võztõkst, mis ātõ vīțõd sufiksõd abkõks, prefiksõd kȭlbatimi um vastõpēḑõn laigāld laggõnõn arrimizõn vegīstiz sūorantõd." }, { "en": "Many new concepts have actively entered Livonian through the use of calques.", "liv": "Pǟgiņd ūd mȯistõgõd tulbõd līvõ kīelõ kui tulkõmlīenõd; sīejūs võib tūoistantõ kōdtõ sūŗimt tulkõmlīenõd jaggõ – ēsti ja lețkīel mudīļ pierrõ lūodõd tulkõmlīenidi." }, { "en": "Word formation in Livonian is still a little studied topic where more in depth studies are needed; however, already existing research into the expansion of the Livonian lexicon ensures the existence of a rich source of material for future study in this area.", "liv": "Līvõ kīel sõnālūomi um veitõ tuņšlõt tēm, kus um vajāg jemīņ tõvātuņšlõkst Sīegid siedaigsōņi tīe kēl rikāstimiz arāl āndab setmiņkilgizt nägțõbainõ līvõ sõnāvīļa tulbiz kazāntimiz pierāst." }, { "en": "Renāte Blumberga: The Livonian language as used in letters in the 1930s: a view into the correspondence of the editors of “Līvli”.", "liv": "Renāte Blumberga: Līvõ kēļ 1930. āigastõd kēris: pilk āigakēra “Līvli” tuoimijid kēravaitõksõ." }, { "en": "Using vocabulary examples from the letters of the only two editors of the 1930s Livonian language newspaper “Līvli”, this article shows that it is possible to find new words in sources which have been little utilized up until now in linguistic studies with which it is possible to supplement the Livonian lexicon.", "liv": "Kēra nägțõb 1930-dis āigastis ulzõ tund āigakēra “Līvli” mȯlmõd tuoimijid Aņdrõks Štāler ja Kōrli Stalte kēris lieudõbõd sõnāvīļa nägțõbõd abkõks, ku īž siedaig sōņõ kīeltieudližis tuņšlõksis veitõ kȭlbatõd ovātis või lieudõ ūži sõņḑi līvõ kīel sõnāvīļa täutõntõmiz pierāst." }, { "en": "The vocabulary examples show the types of new words and borrowing that the “Līvli” editors put to use in their correspondence and whether these reflect forms found in the 2012 “Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary”, which is the largest project devoted to the Livonian language undertaken in recent times.", "liv": "Sõnāvīļa nägțõbõd āndabõd jeddõnägțõks sīestõ, mingiži ūdõks- ja vȭrsõņḑi kȭlbatizt “Līvliz” tuoimijid eņtš kēravatõksõs ja või ne sadābõd kubbõ perīz āiga sūrimõs kērakīel ovātõs – 2012. āigastõn ulzõ tund “Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārōntõs” – nägțõd formõdõks." }, { "en": "A brief analysis is provided on the basis of these examples showing whether the spelling of these words and their grouping by declension type is done in a consistent manner or whether changes are necessary in this respect.", "liv": "Nänt nägțõkst pūoj pǟl sōb andtõd līti anālīz sīestõ, või sõnārōntõs sõnād kēratimi ja nõtkijid formõd ātõ pandõkspierrizt agā nēši um vajāg mȭitõkši." }, { "en": "It is concluded that in the “Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary” there is a considerable diversity in declension types in need of being simplified for the following groups of borrowed words: 1) nouns ending in Latvian with -āris, -ārs and in Livonian with -ār; 2) nouns ending in Latvian with -ors and in Livonian with -or, -ōr; 3) nouns ending in Latvian with -āls, -āle, -ālis and in Livonian with -al, -āl, 4) adjectives ending in Latvian with -āls and in Livonian with -āl.", "liv": "Um pierāldõd, ku “Līvõkīel-ēstikīel-lețkīel sõnārōntõs” um nǟdõb äbīdlit sõnād mȭitantimiz tīpis. Siedā vȯlks īdlistõmõst nēši vȭrsõnād tīpis: 1) ažāsõnād, kus lețkīels tutkāmõl um -āris, -ārs ja līvõ kīels -ār; 2) ažāsõnād, kus lețkīels tutkāmõl um -ors ja līvõ kīels -or, -ōr; 3) ažāsõnād, kus lețkīels tutkāmõl um -āls ja līvõ kīels -al, -āl." }, { "en": "Likewise, it is concluded that in newly formed words, especially borrowed international words, word formation principles are not followed consistently.", "liv": "Vel um pierāldõd, ku ūdõkssõņši – īžkiz rovdvailižis täpīņtõd sõņši – äb ūot piddõt viššõd sõnāvīțimiz pūojmõtkõd." }, { "en": "Additionally, examples of possible new words, which could be added to the dictionary of the Livonian literary language, are provided in this article.", "liv": "Kēras ātõ tūodõd ka nägțõkst vȭrsõņšti, missõks sōb līvõ kērakīel sõnārōntõzt täutõntõ." }, { "en": "Christopher Moseley: Revitalizing a community language: Livonian and other community languages.", "liv": "Christopher Moseley: Kubgõn kīel ūdpǟl jelstõmi: līvõ ja munt kīelkubgõnd." }, { "en": "The present paper compares efforts to revive the spoken use of two European languages which have fallen into disuse: Cornish, spoken in the southwest of England, and Livonian in Latvia.", "liv": "Kēra ītlõb kīel sūliz kȭlbatimiz jelātimiz vingõrtõkši kōd Eirōp kīel pǟl, mis jemīņ äb ūotõ jegā pǟva kȭlbatõd: ne ātõ korn kēļ lǟnd Englišmōl ja līvõ kēļ Lețmōl." }, { "en": "Different approaches have been taken in encouraging heritage learners to use the languages again, but there are points in common, and each has something to learn from the other.", "liv": "Vaitiži ležgõldõkši um kȭlbatõd jūlgastõmõks pierāndkīeld oppijid ūdpǟl kȭlbatõm nēḑi kēļi, agā um ka ītiži nǟdõkši ja īdõkabāl um mis oppõ īdtuoiz kädst." }, { "en": "The work of the Cornish Language Partnership in organizing and encouraging Cornish learners is compared with the courses run by the branch of the Livonian Association in Kolka, Kurzeme.", "liv": "Korn Kīel Īt tīedõ kīeloppimiz sǟdlõmiz ja oppijid motivīerimiz jūs um ītõltõd kursõdõks, mis um lebbõ vīnd Līvõd Īt Kūolka jag Kurmōl." } ] } ]