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So after finishing another playthrough of the main game and PL i got to thinking about what alt says at the end about seperating V and Johnny into 2 seperate engrams, Then putting V back in their body.
\nif you look at the perks menu you'll notice that the relic perk path is still there along with whatever you've unlocked meaning that the relic although not currently trying oust V from their body is still in there holding their engram data, So my theory is could V not go the route suburo does in the devil ending and have the relic popped into a custom made body since the limiting factor in V's lifespan is infact the body

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firstly Im wondering, when do you have the chance to see the relic perk between the ending and the credits.


secondly, thats exactly what Alt did, she made V an engram and put him back into the chip. the problem is: the chip is damaged and its a prototype, it works different, compared to a normal relic and there is only this one, albeit damaged.


for your theory and the relic to work you would need a body that is highly aligned and compatible with you, thats why Saburo wanted to use his own son, because they are DNA-related. Since V doesnt have any relatives as far as we know, it would be impossible and thats exactly why they experiment on you in the devils ending - to find out how that (broken!!) relic is working in your body and what it does.


In the end you are being used in the name of science, for saburo to somehow get a body, that is maybe not accustomed to him and if they succeed - you survive too.


thats why its the devils ending, you sold your soul to the devil (saburo) for a chance to survive.

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V is flat out told that reuploading into her original body is a bandage solution. And that the body will kill die in around 6 months or so.


In the Devil ending, Takemura (or Hellman) will say that Saburo has more luck because


A) The new body is already fairly genetically close to his old body


B) Saburo will have the best doctors and surgeons constantly monitoring his body to ensure that things work well


Beyond that, Saburo is essentially Johnny in this situation. If the new body changes at all, it will be to accommodate Saburo.


_ _ _ _ _ _


If you mean make a new Relic, put V in that Relic, and force the Relic to start transforming the body to be compatible with V instead of Johnny...


This has been discussed on this subreddit often. I believe a general response people have is that the way V's Relic started screwing with the body was beyond the norm because of the gunshot to the head. Instead of how it should have worked. So trying to replicate it might not do it enough. But AFAIK that's a lot of head-canon and I don't recall it being based on dialog.

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Yeah as far as dialogue is concerned the way the relic is functioning in V's head was very much out of the ordinary and not totally expected,


And yeah i know in the devil ending they do discuss the saburo/yurinobu switch and how the bodys are geneticially similar and such, what i was wondering thought is was V's shot back into their actual body or was V's engram put onto the relic itself which still resided inside V's body.


So my theory would have been if V's engram were very much attached to the relic itself (akin to johnnys situation before the endgame) with the right know how could it be switched over to a body designed and built for that specific purpose

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