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ive been searching for do fucking long, ive looked at tutorials and looked in the operating system menu fuck fucking no. im stuck with the same 3 generic ones that you fucking start with.

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Inventory, click your deck, equip hacks.

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lol I did this too after switching to beserk. I always go back to quickhacking though.

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This is the way

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Like can you show me a photo? This is all I see




. Can you point it out please?

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This is the wa\u2026. Wait wrong sub

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You have replaced your cyberdeck. You cannot hack.

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Go to the Cyberware tab and click on your cyberdeck in the top-right category, then add the hacks you bought. If using a controller click the right stick...

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Every goddamn time

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Wdym? My quickhacks work completely fine! How do I fix??

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If you equip berserk or sandevistan, you lose your deck.

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Oh wait your right Im sorry I wasted your time!! Thanks for explaining to my dumbass \ud83d\ude2d

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