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It was kinda easy tbh, maybe because i was lvl60 but idk

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I did this fight with a high level berserker/blood pump/gorilla arms build and bro was out cold in seconds. I never understood why people thought it was difficult.


Then I did it with a hacker build and I understood.

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You can meet a fan of that fight at NCX. He ask for selfie with you

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I beated him in maybe 4 or 5 hits xd

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Get Gorilla Arms for this fight. You cannot use mantis blade or any other weapon so just swap Gorilla Arms in and use whatever implants you have. Slowing down time (Netrunner) helps you to dodge attacks and hit him from the side, melee deck helps you to just smack him.

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This fight was on another level when the game was first released. Unless you built a tank, you were getting pummeled. I had to retry dozens of times on top of downing a bunch of consumables before the fight with my squishy netrunner. CDPR made him easier in later patches. I kind of wish they didn't make the changes to this quest. It was hard, but winning fights was a lot more satisfying.

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Was he aiming for a gayer Freddie Mercury when he was building his V character?

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Yeah my build was not suitable for melee fight at all hahaha.
\nHad to lower the difficulty to have any chance at beating him as I would go down in three hits otherwise lol.

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Neat, didn't know that!

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He'd put me down in three lmao.

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